Mike Triem talks with Jeff Archey with The International Gospel Hour. IGH is one of the top three longest continuous weekly religious radio broadcast in America; the longest in churches of Christ and is heard on radio stations across the country in 30-, 15- 2 -minute and 1 -minute formats with six programs weekly.
Hey, it’s Mike Triem with KLTT. I’m here with Jeff Archey with International Gospel Hour. And Jeff, thank you so much for taking the time with us.
Well, you’re welcome, Mike. And thank you and thanks to all of our listeners of International Gospel Hour right there on KLTT. We appreciate everyone.
Well, Jeff, part of this and our purpose for having these interviews, some people do not know about IGH. They’re just not familiar. They may not listen during those times or haven’t listened. I want them to know the International Gospel Hour airs weekdays on KLTT, 7.45 p.m. Monday through Friday, and also 1.30 p.m. on Sundays. Plus, we have some additional times that we’re able to put in at certain moments. And if people go to 670KLTT.com, they’ll get all of the airing times, have a chance to see both the regular programs and bonus and encore programs. So, Jeff, tell us real quick. Somebody hasn’t heard the program. What will they hear in the weekdays? And how about the weekend? How is that different?
Well, the weekend, of course, is our full 30-minute broadcast. And, of course, during the weekdays, we have what we would call at 745, your evening devotional, to where we have about a 15-minute broadcast, and we cover a variety of different things. Sometimes we’ll do a topical study of the Bible. Sometimes we’ll do a textual study. Coming up on February the 2nd, For that week each evening folks will hear some special work by a friend of mine David Payne whom we lost a few weeks ago as he suffered with ALS for a couple of years and David passed but We also let folks know how they can have access to an interview with David to see how he has dealt with ALS and how he and his family did so. And so we’re able to use the broadcast not only to study and share material that he has written, good biblical-based material, but also if people are dealing with suffering of any type, they may find something there that can be of help as well. And so when people tune in on Sundays, they will hear our full 30-minute broadcast, and then during the week, our full 15-minute broadcast.
And we intentionally picked those times because we wanted the evening devotional time for people that once dinner’s done, you can make the time either on the radio or on the KLTT mobile app to listen. And same thing with Sunday afternoons. It’s just a good time for people to downshift. You know, you’re back from church, you’ve eaten lunch. And you can listen to International Gospel Hour on Sundays.
Sure. And, you know, we really appreciate it. We get some good responses. Folks call in. And, Mike, a couple of things, as you have asked about International Gospel Hour and what makes us different. We are the longest running weekly program in Churches of Christ. We’ve been on the air for 91 years. Wow. probably from our research, maybe in the top two or three weekly religious programs in the history of radio in this country.
That’s amazing.
And so we continue onward, and we are entering, and of course we’re in year 91, and still going strong and thankful for all the opportunities. And something else, Mike, if folks hear something on our broadcast that we offer, and people say, I’d like to have that, we do not ask your listeners for money, uh, for our broadcast. Everything that we offer is absolutely free. We’re just thankful for people that have an interest in the things that be of God and good truth seekers out there. And we’ll share that material free and we’re honored to do so.
That’s wonderful. That, and that’s pretty rare because most of the time there is some kind of ask or offer that comes with it. Jeff, um, As people listen, our listeners listen to International Gospel Hour, what are some of the fundamental truths, the things that they will hear on the program that is a little different than the other teaching programs on KLTT?
Well, Mike, first of all, they will hear us. We will base all of our studies upon the Scripture. We do advocate there is but one church that we read of in the New Testament, but the church Jesus promised to build in Matthew 16 and verse 18, and indeed he did and purchased it with his own blood, Acts 20 and verse 28. So we’ll speak of one church. when we speak concerning God’s plan of salvation for man. Through His grace, we are instructed, that’s Titus 2.11, and we teach of the necessity of faith and repentance and confession, and yes, even baptism into Christ, as they did on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 and verse 38 and in Romans 6, 4 through 6. We will also advocate and teach strong lessons concerning morality. We will deal with those works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5, 19 through 21, and know that we need to avoid those because right after that, people are able to embrace the fruit of the Spirit upon their obedience to Christ and walking faithful for Him, Galatians 5, 22 and 23.
There is a biblical strength of International Gospel Hour that I think people can hear as you describe what the program’s about, and that has been a hallmark of our many years of working together, in my opinion.
Well, thank you, Mike, and we do appreciate that. We want to make certain that when people tune in, that they can walk away having something that will help them, something that will guide them, and then even the material that we share, of course, which is free, something they can reach out for, receive in a timely fashion, and continue their study and searching of the Word of God.
We’re speaking with Jeff Archie with International Gospel Hour. The International Gospel Hour program, the evening devotional, can be heard on KLTT Monday through Friday, 7.45 p.m. each day. And then also the longer half-hour program, Sundays at 1.30 p.m. And as I mentioned before, there are some encore broadcast times. Go to the 670 KLTT website. Look for the programming page, and it’ll give you all of the various times you can hear International Gospel Hour. You know, Jeff, I think it’s notable that IGH also has these current voices like David, his story, how he dealt with ALS and his family. That’s important, too, because you’re bringing the gospel into that. Somebody that’s dealing with an illness might be able to say, wow, a lot of that really hit home for me.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly, Mike. And we’re thinking, too, when we presented that, and I asked this of David’s wife, who gave me permission to do so. When David was battling ALS, he wanted to preserve as much of his writings as possible, that when he passed away, they would still be available. And of course, they are available and we’re able to use those and I convert them into broadcast. As I was sharing with someone, when you do a Sunday broadcast and Monday through Friday, you look for material wherever you can find it. And one thing that I like to do is highlight works that someone else has done and share them in program form on the air. And David’s work will continue onward. And then again, we try to provide within that broadcast things that may help an individual who is suffering from any type of sickness or hurt or whatever that, you know, we can help them along the way as well.
That’s so good. So good. And we’re passionate, as you are, about this medium of radio and audio in particular. Video has its purposes, and we’re friends with video, if you will. But the audio, the theater of the mind, the ability to listen in your car, take it with you when you go work out, do chores, just all of the kind of the portability, if you will, of our media. Yes. We’re partners in that wonderful tradition, but also the new of it because podcasts are so new. People talk about that. Well, this, in effect, is your podcast radio devotional every evening, Sundays at 1.30, and it has that special nature of, okay, we’re hearing it as so many other KLTT listeners are hearing the program. And there’s a strength in that. It’s not just you. It’s the collection of listeners that are praying, that are listening, that are affected by those messages.
Well, indeed. And, you know, we’re blessed to look at any option that we can to put the programming on the air. And, Mike, you mentioned of our longevity. But KLTT, KLDC, the work out there of all the stations, I mean, you reach – you reach a large area out there and people are interested in listening and we’re just blessed to be a part of the family there of KLTT and look forward to being there each day.
Thank you, Jeff. That’s something that we’re honored to, to know that parts of Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska join our Colorado listeners and they’re able to hear, especially out in the rural areas and places where there are not a lot of options. Tell us about, Moving forward in 2025, what are some of the things that people can expect to hear on International Gospel Hour?
Well, a couple of things, and I started this back in late 2024, Mike, but I started doing what I call the psalm cast. And that’s where I will take a psalm and just spend time in study, studying that given psalm. And, of course, coming up, folks can hear about Psalm 5, Psalm 6. And so we just simply call it the psalm cast to where we spend time in the study of that given psalm. Something else that I’m doing, Mike, in my travels as I speak of International Gospel Hour, there are the occasions that I will speak to a Bible class at a local congregation, but I’m not preaching the next hour. So it gives me a chance to hear their local preacher. And I’m a note taker. I like to always seek out good notes and material and try to do the best. And so I’m going to try something also in 2025, and I’m going to call the theme of the broadcast, A Sermon I Heard. And it’s just, you know, here’s a sermon that I heard and I want to share it with you, our listeners. Got a couple of sessions coming up for young people coming up in early March. And so got a lot of good plans ahead. And of course, we’ll continue our weekly studies, whether our daily studies, whether topical or textual, but just a few things ahead of some of the focuses that we do.
It’s so great that you can have that ability to introduce additional programming, plus have the heritage teaching programs and newer voices like David’s. It’s, again, why we love this medium, because there’s so much flexibility to it. And if we produce the TV program, we know tomorrow that thing would be done. No changes. It’s going to stay the same forever, just the way it is.
Yeah, and the flexibility that I love to have, of course, with radio and I sit down and and Mike, something else that I do is as I share things like with David, I’m currently working on some broadcast that actually they’ll be coming up in March to where I will be sharing writings from people, brothers who have passed on. But writings that are still good that to be honest, Mike, they’re either sitting in a church library or maybe in a periodical file somewhere, but they still speak. You know, Hebrews 11 in verse 4 speaks of Abel, that by he being dead, he still speaks. And although there are those who have passed on, their material still speaks. And that’s just a joy that I can do that and use that through International Gospel Hour and open up a new generation to hear of these individuals that they would not get to hear about otherwise.
So good. God’s Word is always fresh. And a lot of times people realize that when they’re listening and they say they didn’t know as a message that might be from, you know, X number of years ago, they would say, that was an amazing message. Well, yeah, that was a brother, whoever, you know, from many years ago. So, well, it’s international gospel hour. Jeff Archey is the voice that you hear on so many of the, I, GH programs. It’s heard on KLTT, 7.45 p.m., Monday through Friday. That’s your evening devotional. And then your Sunday afternoon programming and devotional really is the teaching program at 1.30 p.m. Sundays on KLTT. Jeff, we’re really grateful for you. For somebody that wants to learn more, what’s the website?
Our website is internationalgospelhour.com. That’s internationalgospelhour.com. Please feel free to peruse it and leave us a message that you heard our interview here. We’d love to hear from our listeners, especially at KLTT.
Jeff, thank you so much for taking the time with us. Blessing to have this time with you.
You’re welcome, Mike. Thank you for the opportunity. And thank you for everyone that listens. And as always, as I end the broadcast, keep listening.