In today’s lesson, Jeff Archie guides us through a rich exploration of what it means to live as God intends, drawing from Philippians 2:1-4. We discuss the significance of unity, love, and humility within the Christian faith, and how reflecting these attributes transforms our interactions. From the foundational teachings of Proverbs and Acts, witness how believers are called to be of ‘one mind’ and heart, fostering an environment where selflessness prevails. Plus, discover resources such as the Gospel Gazette and our ‘Back to the Bible’ study that deepen understanding and promote spiritual growth.
Genesis 1.27 says, So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. Let’s build on that today from right here from the International Gospel Hour. Please stay tuned.
Hi, this is Jay Webb for International Gospel Hour. Welcome to our broadcast today. For over 90 years, churches of Christ have proclaimed God’s Word through our broadcasts. Just ahead is another Bible-based lesson with Jeff Archie of International Gospel Hour. Let’s begin.
Well, thank you to our J-Web, and greetings to all of you. So good to have you with us today for our studies here from the International Gospel Hour. We say often we’ve been on the air or online since 1934, and how blessed we are, and we’re able to be on the air that long due to wonderful, faithful listeners such as you. Please think with me for a moment about what is commonly called the golden rule in Matthew 7 and verse 12. Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the law and the prophets. Now please hear who is the first to make the move. How we want to be treated is the way we treat others. It starts with us as individuals. For example, if I desire to be treated friendly, then let me initiate the friendliness. That reminds us of Proverbs 18, 24. A man that has friends must show himself friendly. You know, if everyone in this world lived by the golden rule, without question, living would be better, would it not? And as we noted in the opening, God created man in His own image. Through His Word, the Holy Scriptures, God instructs us about His image. And if we follow His Word, we will imitate His image and what a beautiful world it would be. In a few moments, we’re going to consider our text of Philippians 2, 1-4 to help us be more in the image of God. Before we do that, I’m going to defer to our J-Web with one of our good online tools from our friends at the Gospel Gazette. Thank you, Jeff.
SPEAKER 02 : is another free online tool from International Gospel Hour. Our friends at have an awesome website, and among the options available is their current monthly issue, 25 years of archived material, free PDF copies to the Voice of Truth International publication, and a digital library with an enormous amount of material. Please check them out at That’s
And now, friends, our lesson text from Philippians 2, 1 through 4. Paul is writing to the church here at Philippi, the Christians. And he says, Therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interest of others. Now, friends, Paul brings forth, if there be any consolation, if any, if any. Well, folks, the thing is, yes, the consolation is in Christ and comfort of love. And Paul is saying because of this, then let us respond this way. So let’s think about it for a moment. As the image of God, well, let’s be like-minded. That was the same plea Paul brought forth in 1 Corinthians 1 and verse 10. Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Now keep that thought of like mind there for a moment, and let’s move to number two. As the image of God, let’s have the same love. In 1 Peter 1, 22 and 23, Peter said, Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit, in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the word of God, which lives and abides forever. Now friends, we’re seeing from Philippians 2 how we can become more in the image of God. Here’s a third one. As the image of God be of one accord. The word accord literally means of one soul, having your souls joined together. Allow Acts 4.32 to reflect of the church. Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul. Neither did anyone say any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. Now, when I take a look at the one, the one another, okay, same mind, loving one another, one heart, one soul. Now, if I want to be treated that way, then I am going to in turn treat others that way as I desire to be in the image of God as we all do. Here’s the fourth one. Now, I asked moments ago to keep like-minded in mind. Now, Paul comes back here in Philippians 2, 1-4. As the image of God be of one mind. It’s like here is a reminder. You know in Romans 12 and verse 5. So we being many are one body in Christ. And individually members of one another. So from like-minded to one mind shows us the growth and our aim, loving one another, the heart, the soul. Within the church, such will continue to grow. What a wonderful thought. Here’s our next one. As the image of God, have the right motive. Later in Philippians 2 and verse 14, Paul says, Do all things without murmurings and disputings. So when they had matters that would arise, Paul said, do all things. Don’t murmur. Don’t complain. Don’t dispute. Let’s address these things properly. And we will if we are walking of one mind, being like-minded, with the same love, one heart, one soul. You see, once again, friends, we’re looking out for not our own interests, but the interests of others. Here’s the next one. As the image of God, be of a lowly mind. Let the like mind, the one mind, we’re working together to have a lowly mind. We’re reading of the teaching to the church here at Philippi. Listen to what Paul said to the church in Ephesians, or in Ephesus rather, the book of Ephesians, chapter 4, verses 1 through 3. I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Now, friends, the unity of the Spirit, God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, that’s going to remain in unity. Nothing will tear them apart, but we must keep that in the bond of peace, and if we keep our focus there, then we humble ourselves with lowly minds, with the right motive. Lowly minds of one mind, like-minded, same love, one accord, all aimed toward the image of God. Back to our lesson text as the image of God. We esteem others better than ourselves. Again, friends, that’s Matthew 7 and verse 12. Whatsoever you would that men do to you, here’s the move. We go first. Do also to them. We can’t be, well, they’re that way. I’ll treat them this way. No, no, friends. Christlike action in the image of God. Here’s how we’re going to do unto them. We make the first move with how we wish to be treated. And as the image of God, we look after each other’s interest. In Romans 12 and verse 10, Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another. My, that would take us back to having the same love as we noted from 1 Peter 1, 22 and 23, loving one another with a pure heart fervently. The one mind, the one heart, the one soul. Friends, in order to reflect the image of God, these are things and how we must live. And friends, first and foremost, we must respond to God and obey the gospel of Christ. Before I can become all of these we mentioned, we must obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a new study that we are about to share with you on this broadcast. And friends, Let’s just say it’s time to go back to the Bible. Here is our J-Web with our new offer for a great Bible study online.
Let’s go back to the Bible, shall we? On International Gospel Hour, we always desire to go back to the Bible for our studies. And now we are delighted to offer a special video series through our friends at World Video Bible School. It’s called Back to the Bible with our friend Rob Whitaker. A simple yet thorough study that deals with authority in religion, the church, and your salvation. It’s free, friends. Call us at 855-444-6988. Tell us your email address, say back to the Bible, and we will send the link to you. It’s that easy. You can go to our website at, click on the contact tab, leave us your email, type back to the Bible in the message box, and we will send the link right away. We look forward to hearing from you.
Friends, we hope that study of Back to the Bible will be of help to you. It is an awesome study. Now, I realize that many may not have access to a computer, but we very well could arrange for someone to study Back to the Bible with you in person. Now, let me say very carefully, if you are interested in a personal visit for this study, call us first at 855-444-6988. And let us talk with you about this study. We’re very careful. We do not share addresses with others unless we have permission. We only share with those who have to fulfill the studies for us. And they do not share. So again, we’re very careful. We respect your privacy and your wishes. But if we can be a further of help, call us first at 855-444-6988 and say, I’d like for somebody to study back to the Bible with me. We’ll give you a call and we’ll go from there. Again, friends, we all want to be in the image of God. Imagine if all the things we studied today were applied. And they can be. And it begins with you and I. Let’s continue our studies together at another time, and thank you for joining me today on the International Gospel Hour. I’m Jeff Archie, and friends, keep listening.
God be with you till we meet again.
Thank you for listening to our broadcast today, and we hope you continue onward with your search and study of God’s Word. Please join us next time and visit our website at
God be with you till we meet again.