In this inspiring episode, uncover the transformative power of forming a disciplined Bible reading habit. Rabbi Schneider sheds light on Paul’s advice to Timothy about accurately handling the word of truth. With practical tips and heartfelt encouragement, listeners are invited to deepen their relationship with God through consistent engagement with the Scriptures. Discover how daily devotion can lead to spiritual rewards as promised in the teachings of the Bible.
Welcome to Seeds of Revelation, a short devotional presented by Rabbi Schneider, a Jewish believer in Jesus, the Messiah. Paul wrote a letter to his son in the faith, Timothy, and he told Timothy to be careful to present himself as one that is accurately handling the word of God. Let me read the scripture, 2 Timothy 2.15 to us for a second here today. Be diligent, Paul was speaking to Timothy, to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. In other words, we need to study the Scriptures and know the Scriptures so that we can accurately communicate the Scriptures. Now, I know that when some of you are hearing this, you feel a little bit intimidated because some of you don’t feel like you’re… great at memorizing scripture and great at maybe understanding the scriptures. And I just want to encourage you, just be diligent every day to read from God’s word. Whether it’s a lot or a little, every day, read something out of God’s word. And the more that you read God’s word, the more that you’ll be able to recall it and share it with other people, thus fulfilling Paul’s admonition to Timothy, you’ll be able to accurately handle the word of truth. And don’t just spend all your time listening to other people talk about God’s word. Study it for yourself, beloved. study it for yourself. It’s very important for you to study God’s word for yourself. Whether you have a disciplined Bible plan, whether you’re reading a chapter from the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament a day, and a chapter from the New Testament a day, however much it is that you’re reading, read for yourself every single day and make it a discipline and don’t give yourself an excuse for missing a day. Regardless of what’s going on in your life, don’t give yourself an excuse. Form a habit, and you know what? God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him, and he’ll reward you for making a disciplined daily habit of reading from his word.
We hope you were blessed by today’s Seeds of Revelation. If the Lord is leading you to support the ministry of Rabbi Schneider, you can donate at And while you’re there, make sure to check out our many other free resources.