SEP 26
The Bible says, who condemns us? Romans 8, it is Christ who died. There is no charge brought against God’s elect.
It is God who justifies us. Romans 8, 1, there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. Folks, this is pure grace, pure love, pure forgiveness.
I’m telling you, because of faith in Jesus Christ and His death on the cross, you will never be condemned by God ever. And you are currently not condemned at all because you believe in Him. Amen.
Nicodemus came in the dark of night, searching for answers. And Jesus, Jesus delivered, revealing the mystery of being born again and the unstoppable truth of God’s love. For God so loved the world.
These words hold the key to eternal life. And today, we’re unlocking them. Open your Bible to John chapter 3 verses 9 to 21, and get ready for day two of, How Can These Things Be?
Where God’s plan of salvation unfolds in powerful detail. We’ll be back in the passage in just a moment. Right before that, Matt, our listener letter today comes from Dutch.
He catches the program in Oklahoma. What does he have to say?
He says, Your program is such a blessing to us here in Oklahoma. I make it a Bible study every morning, and it is great to learn so much every day. Plus, I share my education with others, thanks to you.
Passing it along.
Thanks to the Lord, first and foremost.
That will bring a smile to your dad’s face.
Yes, it will, yes, it will.
Folks, your letters are an encouragement to the entire Hope for Today team. If you have a note for us, maybe a prayer request, get in touch, and we’ll tell you at the end of the program how to do that. All right, go ahead and turn to the Gospel of John, Chapter 3 now, starting at Verse 9.
And here’s David with Day 2 of his message called, How Can These Things Be?
Verse 9, So Moses made a bronze serpent, snake, put it on a pole, and so it was if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived. As Moses lifted up the serpent, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up. Now, stay with me, please, it’s very fascinating.
Why a snake? In Genesis chapter 3, the devil used a snake to tempt Adam and Eve. Then God put a curse on the snake.
God said to the snake, I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed. He, singular, he shall crush your head, and you will bruise his heel. If you’re bitten by a poisonous snake, the best spot to get bitten in order to have time to get some remedy is in your heel.
It’s not immediately fatal. Kind of interesting, isn’t it? There’s some event coming in history, according to Genesis 3, 15, when the seed of the woman, the coming messiah, will crush the head of the serpent at the same time he bit his heel.
Satan thought he got a blow against Jesus when he died on the cross. But the Bible speaks of God crushing the head of Satan. For Satan was destroyed at the cross, the Bible says so.
The works of the devil were destroyed by the death of Jesus Christ. Now the serpent was under curse. Then you crawl on the ground and the snake becomes a symbol of the curse.
In Galatians chapter 3, the curse is the result of the fall of man. Thorns, thistles, weeds, all of it, the result of the fall of man. The wonderful paradise of the Garden of Eden affected by sin.
Man’s depravity and sin in his heart, all the result of the curse. In Galatians 3.13, Christ has become a curse for us. He redeemed us from the curse of the law.
How interesting. Put a snake, make it out of bronze. Bronze is the symbol among the Israelis of the judgment of God.
The fire of God’s judgment purifying the metal. Put a bronze serpent on there to know that the judgment of God on the snake has been handled. And if they’ll only look to it, they will be healed.
What an interesting symbolism. Please notice the following common characteristics between Numbers and John 3. In both cases, death is the punishment for sin.
In both cases, God provides the remedy. In both cases, something or someone must be lifted up in public view. In both cases, you have to believe in that something or someone in order to be healed.
What are the differences? In Numbers 21, it’s physical. In John 3, it’s spiritual and eternal.
In Numbers, it’s a symbol. But in John 3, it is the reality. How interesting.
As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up. What is the just as even so argument? What makes them common?
Why are these two radically, what appears at first, radically different things, made one? What is the common ingredient? It is faith.
The method of God requires faith. And I say to all of you, you may try to work your way to heaven. You may think by your religious background, your performance, or whatever, you’ll get to heaven.
There’s only one way. Look and live. Look to the cross.
Only by the death of Jesus Christ will anybody be saved. Look and live. What a powerful message.
Not only does the message of God require faith, and the method of God require faith, but number three, look at verse 16, one of the most familiar verses in the Bible. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. The motive of God requires faith.
God so loved the world. I want to ask you, why did God save you? God so loved the world.
You know why we don’t understand this? Because all of us have been warped in our opinions of love by the way we’ve grown up. We’ve run into love with all of its conditions.
We’ve run into love that set up expectations. We ran into love that said, if you do this, then I will love you. We have all of our lives been programmed by a different standard of love than God has.
I look at this to pure, simple message of the Gospel, and I can never get over it. Why, Lord, why? I love you.
I love you. What did I ever do to deserve it? Nothing.
You deserve hell. Then why? I love you.
It’s because I’m going to do something for you. No. No, you’re going to blow it many times in your life.
I love you. Well, it must be because you have a plan for me. It’ll be something special.
No, no, no, just because I love you. You tell me, why does God take a drunk or a drug addict out of the pit of our streets and save them when they’ve never done anything meaningful for society and have only destroyed themselves and perhaps many others in the process? Why will God move in and save them?
The answer to the Bible, God so loved the world. Why does God take a person who’s so blinded by his religious beliefs, who’s so enthralled with his own good deeds, and slaps God in the face with a method he had of the cross, and wants to earn his way to heaven? Why will God move in and save him?
God so loved the world. Turn, please, to 1st John, chapter 5. 1st John, chapter 5.
Romans said it in chapter 5, verse 8, God demonstrates his love toward us, and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. How do we understand God’s love? Look at the cross.
He died for you. You never did anything to earn it or deserve it. He died for your sins.
He knew you when he died on that cross. God so loved the world. I read in 1 John, chapter 4, this wonderful passage, verse 9, In this, the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
In this is love, not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Look at chapter 3, verse 1. Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God.
Verse 16. By this we know love, because he laid down his life for us. On and on it goes.
You want to know what God’s love is all about? Then look at the cross of Jesus Christ. God so loved the world.
The proof of his love is that he gave his only begotten Son. The prerequisite is whoever believes in him. Whoever believes in Jesus Christ.
What’s the promise? Shall not perish but have everlasting life. Seventeen times in John, six times in his first epistle, he mentions the word everlasting.
And all 23 times are with the noun life. God wants you to have everlasting life. Jesus said, I’m the bread of life.
You eat of me and you’ll live forever. He said, I’m the living water. You drink from me.
You’ll never thirst again. You’ll live forever. There’ll be a fountain in you springing to everlasting life.
Jesus kept saying it. I am come. They might have life, might have it more abundantly.
He said, I give them eternal life. They shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
He came to give us eternal life. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. You and I will live forever, not because of what we have done or that we deserve it.
We will live forever because Jesus died for our sins. Number four, the mission of God requires faith. The message of God requires faith.
The method of God requires faith. The motive of God requires faith. So does the mission of God.
Why did God send his son? Look at verse 17. John chapter 3, verse 17.
For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. The wonderful purpose of God is not to condemn people, it’s to save people. Folks, we got to get this straight.
We who are Christians have got to get it straight. Now give you an example. This past week, I was asked again about homosexuality.
It’s a serious problem all over. Serious problem in our state. But I believe that people do not hear us correctly.
I believe they hear only just one phase of what we’re saying. Listen, God hates sin. God hates homosexuality.
God hates adultery. God hates covetousness. God hates drunkenness.
God hates it. But God loves people. God loves homosexuals.
We are not into gay bashing. We are in to tell homosexuals they can be saved. God loves you.
You say, you don’t know what I’ve done. A guy the other day told me, he said, I’m not going to come to your church. He said, if I came, the walls would fall down.
You just don’t know what I’ve been like. I said, great, come. We need to expand.
One elderly lady, several years ago, I met right up here where the claim jumper is now, one elderly lady I told in the entrance there about our church, I said, you know, some of the most terrible, wicked people I know go down to that church. And she was determined not to come, she was scared what was here. It’s amazing what people think.
Hey, I don’t know what you think about this, but we are sinners saved by the grace of the Lord. That’s why we’re a family. We’re not a family because we have the same likes and dislikes.
We’re a family because Jesus Christ is our Lord, and he has washed us from our sins. God loves sinners. Jesus said, I didn’t come to call the righteous, I came to call sinners.
He associated with sinners. The Bible says he’s a friend to sinners. My dear friend, listen to me.
God did not send his son to condemn you. He sent his son to save you. When I look at this passage, it’s very interesting.
You not only have that wonderful purpose, but you also have a wonderful promise in verse 18. He who believes in him is not condemned. I am not condemned.
Why? Because I believe in him. All my sin was paid for.
Exactly what are you going to condemn me about? Well, I heard that you did so and so. So what?
Jesus died and paid for it. Well, you never know. Ten years from now, you might send a biggie that will keep you out of heaven.
No! All my sin was laid on Jesus. I believe in him.
I am not condemned. The Bible says, who condemns us? Romans 8.
It is Christ who died. There is no charge brought against God’s elect. It is God who justifies us.
Romans 8.1. There is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. Folks, this is pure grace, pure love, pure forgiveness.
I’m telling you, because of faith in Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, you will never be condemned by God ever. And you are currently not condemned at all because you believe in him. Amen?
What a wonderful. That’s one thing you can go out of here with great peace and joy. I am not condemned.
I will never be condemned. Why? Because I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins.
What a Savior. We have also a problem, however. Look at verse 18 again.
He who does not believe is condemned already. Why should I pour on the reasons as to why you are condemned? You already are condemned.
For what reason? You say, because of all those terrible things I did that my parents didn’t know, all those awful things I done in the dark when I thought nobody knew? No, that isn’t what the Bible says.
You are condemned because you don’t believe in Jesus Christ. How simple could it be? You will never be condemned if you believe in Him, but you already are condemned if you don’t believe in Him.
It’s like saying, you and I deserve the judgment of God if we will not believe in God’s simple, wonderful method of salvation to His Son, Jesus Christ. You and I deserve hell if we reject Jesus Christ. He’s condemned already.
But notice our practice in the last three verses, Jesus really put the pressure on Nicodemus. Why did this great teacher of Israel, member of the highest political body, the Sanhedrin, a member of the most righteous religious group in Israel, the Pharisees, why did Nicodemus not understand? Why did he not come to the truth that you have to be born again?
Why did he not see what Jesus was telling him? And Jesus made it clear. Verse 19, Nicodemus, this is the condemnation.
The light has already come into the world. Jesus is the light of the world and says so several times. The light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
That Sanhedrin was corrupt, politically corrupt, morally corrupt. They had more junk in their lives than history records it and tells about it. And Nicodemus was a part of them.
Nicodemus, I’ll tell you what’s wrong. It’s your heart. It’s sin.
Isn’t it interesting? Sin keeps us from the Savior, but the Savior is the only one who can take away our sin. It’s like this giant paradox, and we struggle with it.
We don’t come to the light. Why? Because He’ll expose us for what we really are.
But He’s the only one who can care for it. He’s the only one who paid for our sin, yet our sin is keeping us from Him. Oh, I pray we’ll understand.
The Bible says, if you will confess your sins. Didn’t say you atone for your sins. He atoned for them.
Didn’t say make up for it by doing good the rest of your life. Listen, you cannot atone for your sins if you confess your sins. The Bible says, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
It is the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, that cleanses us from all sin. What a wonderful message we have. The one who does the truth, who believes in the Lord, he comes to the light, and his deeds are clearly seen, they’ve been done in God.
He’s not afraid anymore. Why? Because he came to the light.
There’s no more darkness. Jesus said, you believe on me, you’ll come from light into darkness. You’ll pass from death into life.
My dear friends, the simple message of the Gospel is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Father, you know how many in the audience really know you and your son Jesus Christ, and have made a commitment.
In this world of shaky allegiance and insufficient loyalties, weak commitments help us, Lord, to understand that we must trust in Jesus Christ alone. For what he did for us when he died on the cross and rose again from the dead, for there is no other salvation but through him. I pray for those in our audience right now that are not sure if they’d die now, they’d be in heaven.
They have no peace about this. O God, help them to see the simple message of the Gospel. Jesus said, If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.
Help us to see the Savior again, lifted up on the cross, taking our place, dying for our sins. Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful love. That you love us in spite of what you know about us, and you know everything.
You love us even though you know we’re so weak.
God, I would pray that you would help us to turn to the Savior before it’s too late. Draw people by your Holy Spirit to make their commitment to Jesus Christ. We pray for Jesus’ sake.
Amen. That’s David Hocking, and you’re listening to Hope for Today. We’ll have more from David in just a moment to close out our time in the Word, so don’t go away.
Just ahead of that, if you’d like to know more about what it means to be a Christian, or you’ve recently given your life to Jesus Christ, well, let us send you David’s booklet called What is Christianity? and a Bible study by mail. Get yours by calling 800-75-Bible, and in Canada, call 888-75-Bible, Bible by the numbers 24253.
And now for everyone listening, I want to remind you that David’s Sermon Notes for our current series in the Gospel of John, they’re available for purchase. You know, when you use David’s Sermon Notes as you listen to the daily broadcast, or maybe even study the Gospel of John in your home study, well, you’ll experience a greater depth and understanding as you follow along with David’s teaching. The package of notes, there’s notes for each message in the series.
The package is just $10. So be sure to order yours today. In fact, you can make the purchase and download them right away at
Or if you prefer the notes printed out, call us at 800-75-BIBLE, and in Canada call 888-75-BIBLE. And if you’d like to contact us by letter, well, the address Hope for Today, box 3927, Tustin, California, 92781. In Canada, write to Hope for Today, box 15011, RPO 7 Oaks, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 8 P1.
And when you get in touch, remember you can share a prayer request. And you can do that by phone if you like, 875-Bible, and in Canada, 888-75-Bible. Well, as promised, here’s David with a very special announcement.
Hope for Today is also reaching Central Africa with the gospel of Jesus Christ, training pastors and starting Bible-believing churches. That sound good? Hey, folks, we’d love you to get involved with Grace Bible Mission.
We have a seminary called Cameroon Biblical Seminary. The president is Dr. Simone Vondo. And you know, folks, there are some big challenges to reaching people in Africa today, and the answers to these questions of how we do it.
We believe that we ought to train pastors and plant churches. If you’re going to have anything left in the next generation. There’s a lot of false teaching, bad doctrine, and outright heresy in Africa, just as there is here in North America.
But they’re starving there for the Word of God, the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. So we’re training pastors to be expository teachers of God’s Word. It’s a five-year program, and it is wonderful to see what God is doing through these African men.
And if you’re interested in this, and you’re interested in missions, we have a lot of information even on our website. Right on the front page, in the lower right, click it on, and you’ll see some interesting things. And you will be blessed.
God bless you.
Well, thank you, David. And friends, at Hope for Today, we believe in the power of the gospel to transform lives. And as David said, we have an incredible opportunity to make an impact in Africa through our Grace Bible Mission.
You know, this mission is raising up godly pastors, planting churches, and reaching people for Christ in a very spiritually hungry region of the world. But we can’t do it alone. We need your support to continue this vital work if God lays it on your heart to give.
Your gift today helps train leaders who will shepherd the next generation, build churches that will be beacons of light, and spread the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. So will you partner with us? Perfectly consider that.
Every single dollar makes a difference. Visit and give today, and together we are planning Seas of Eternal Significance through Grace Bible Mission. You can also donate by phone 1-800-75-Bible, 800-75-242-53.
And our friends in Canada donate at 888-75-Bible, 888-75-242-53.
Well next time on the broadcast, it’s our monthly Question and Answer program, where we dig deep into our archive of listener Bible question and answer programs. Join us then, right here, on Hope for Today.