Join Pastor Rick as he provides a roadmap to harnessing your unique gifts for the benefit of others. Through intriguing discussions on stewardship and selflessness, he outlines how every talent we possess is meant for a greater purpose beyond personal gain. Inspired by the compelling concept of SODSAT moments, this episode challenges listeners to step up and address the cries for change they see in the world, supported by powerful Biblical promises of blessings for every act of kindness and generosity.
Hey there, everybody, and welcome to Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope. And whether today is your first time tuning in or if you’re a regular listener, we’re really excited that you’re here. Well, today, Pastor Rick is continuing his series called Discover Your Destiny. So get ready to explore the practical steps to grow in all areas of your life. spirit, mind, body, relationships, and even your career. So stick with us as we uncover God’s incredible plan for your future. All right, well, I can’t wait to get started today. Here is part two of a message called, How Can I Know My Destiny?
Unpleasant obstacles are often God-ordained opportunities for you to make a difference in the life of other people. Here’s the problem. You never see it. while you’re in the pain. You just can’t see the purpose when you’re in the pain. Let me give you an example. The story of Job, that’s the book next to Esther. And you know this story, Job was the wealthiest man in the world, and one day, actually in 48 hours, he lost all his wealth, he lost all his health, he lost all his family, he contracted a very painful terminal disease, And he starts saying, God, I’ve served you all my life. Why is this happening? And for 39 chapters, God says nothing. And he can’t figure it out. Some of you are right there right now. You’re still in chapter 39 or 35. It’s not until chapter 40 that God starts explaining to Job what’s going on. A lot of times God is giving you a test and God seems a million miles away and you’ve been doing the right thing and everything still sucks in your life. And you can’t feel God. Did you know that in the book of Esther, this is the only book in the Bible that does not mention God one time? God seems to be nowhere in this story. All the theologians, Jewish and Christian, say this is the hiddenness of God. And instead of God doing some fantastic miracle, he just uses normal people in normal situations, making normal decisions to change the destiny of the world. God is hidden. Now Job says it like this in Job 23, here on the screen. He’s in the middle of all his problems. He says, I don’t see God. I don’t see God in the north, for he’s hidden. So I turn to the south, but I can’t find him. But he knows where I’m going. In other words, I don’t know where I’m going, but God does, and I’m going to trust him. He says, and when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent. This is an exhibit, a faith. For I have stayed in God’s path, even though nothing in my life makes sense. I have followed his ways, even though I’m in enormous pain. I have not turned aside even though I have lost everything. I have not departed from his commands. In other words, I’m still doing the right thing. I’m not a fair weather believer that if God doesn’t bless me, I’m just gonna walk away from him. But I have treasured his word in my heart. He says, you know, I still trust God’s word, God’s promises, even though I don’t feel him, I don’t see him, and everything in my life sucks right now. He says, his mind, God’s mind concerning me remains unchanged. And who can turn him from his purposes? For whatever he wants to do, he does. And here’s the sign of hope. He will do for me. He will do for me. God says, Job says, he will do for me all he has planned. He controls my destiny. Now, Nothing in your life is accidental. Zero, nada, zip. Both the pleasures and the pains, the assets and the liabilities, the limitations and the opportunities, they’re all a part of the plan. In fact, even when and where you would be born and the fact that you’re here today is a part of the plan. A thousand years before you were born, God knew that you would be at Saddleback Church. I don’t care if you’re Buddhist, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, atheist, agnostic, or whatever. God knew you would be here because he wanted to say to you, I have a destiny for you. I have a destiny for you. In fact, the Bible says this. Look in Acts 17 here on the screen. God determines the time set for them and the exact places they should live. You live here and you came here or you attend here because God planned it. And God wanted you to hear this message on decade of destiny because he wants to do something in your life different than the next 10 years. In the next 10 years. He wants to do that. You’re here. That’s why he brought you here. Now notice this next verse, 1 Peter 4.10. In fact, let’s read this verse aloud together with great gusto, whoever he is. All right, 1 Peter 4.10. Each of us, as good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gifts we have received from God. Now, very important verse, so let’s leave it on the screen for just a minute. I want you to notice every phrase. Each of us, that means everybody’s included. There are no no-talent people. There are no gifted-less people. You got gifts. Everybody, everybody has gifts. Everybody has talents. Each of us as good managers. The Bible word for management, if you’ve been in the small group studies these weeks, know is the word stewardship. The word steward means manager. The word manager means steward. Management is stewardship. It means what I have is on loan. What I think I own is only on loan. I don’t really own anything. I don’t own my wealth. God just loaned it to me for 80 years. If somebody’s before me, it’ll be somebody’s after me. I don’t really own my health. I don’t own my body. I don’t own my time. It’s all on loan from God. God is the owner of everything. He owns it all. We are simply stewards. We’re simply managers. We are to use what he loans, but God owns for his glory and for his purpose. Now it says, as good managers, you are to manage the gifts God gave you. It says, we must use, if you don’t use it, you lose it, for the good of who? Would you circle that? For the good of others. One of the most important lessons you have to learn in life is this. Your gifts are not for you. Hate to tell you that, but your gifts are not for you. They are for the benefit of other people. Your ability to make a sale, to close a deal, to crochet a sweater, to make a meal, to teach a child, to whatever gift you’ve got, to, you know, Be as good as sports, be good at math, be good at music, whatever. Your gifts were given for you to bless other people. God did not put you on this earth just to live for yourself as a selfish little clod, as George Bernard Shaw used to call it. No, God put you here to live for others. And your gifts are for the benefit of others, and their gifts are for the benefit of you. Now there’s a lot of things I’m not good at, but one thing I am good at is I’m good at teaching. If I don’t use my gift, you get cheated. If you don’t use your gift, I get cheated. No gift is more important than the others. They’re all equally important. Some are hidden, some are visible, but they’re all important. And God puts you here not to just be a passenger on planet Earth, but to be a part of the crew. You’re a part of the crew and to make a difference with your life. So one of the major decisions you’re going to have to make before we get into Decade of Destiny starting in January is why and how am I going to use my talents in the next 10 years? And am I going to use my talents simply for me or am I going to use them for the benefit of other people? God never blesses selfishness. If you think that the purpose of a decade of destiny is just so you can get a whole lot more things, you’re in the wrong church. Because God never blesses selfishness. On the other hand, if you say, I want to fulfill my destiny, which I guarantee you will include benefiting other people. If you bless other people, you will be blessed so much, you won’t be able to handle it. I am exhibit of A of this story. That the more you give your life away, the more God blesses your life. The more you give it away, the more you think about others, not yourself, the more God blesses your life. So you have to decide, will I be a giver or a taker in life? Takers are never happy. Givers are the happiest people in the world. Am I gonna be miserly, which is miserable? Now, here’s your homework. On this step one, I want you this week to go home and make a list of what has God given me to use for good. And you make a list of all the, what’s my background? Good and bad. What is my parenting and family life like? Good and bad. What are the connections? What are the opportunities? What’s my wealth? What’s my language? What’s my health? What are the things I struggle with in my health? What’s my location? What’s my passion? You look at everything in your life, none of this is insignificant. It’s all a part of the plan for your destiny as much as it was for Esther, this poor Jewish orphan girl who becomes queen of Persia. So you’ve gotta know what you’ve got and only until then can you then ask the question, what will be my greatest contribution? Now the second key is just as important to discovering your destiny. Gifts plus needs plus calling equal destiny. So the second thing you have to do is this. I must identify the needs that stir my heart. I must identify the needs that stir my heart. When you look around you and you say, what is it that ticks me off? When I look at the world, what irritates me? When I look around and I see a need, a hurt, an injustice, a problem, what do I look around and I go, that’s not right. What is it that if you could, you’d change it right now in our society? What would you do? It’s gonna be different for different people because we have different passions. What is it that keeps you awake at night? What disturbs you? What causes you to think, Somebody ought to do something about that. You see, everybody, I’ve learned, at some point in their life has what I call a sod sat moment. S-O-D-S-A-T, sod sat moment. A sod sat moment is when you come and you say, somebody ought to do something about that. Everybody at some point has a sod sat moment. And you look around and you go, that’s just not right. That’s just not right. Somebody ought to do something about that. Moses had a sod sat moment. He looked around and he saw this entire nation in slavery. He goes, this is not right. Somebody ought to do something about that. A guy named Nehemiah in the Bible looked at the city of Jerusalem that was decaying and defeated and the walls had all been broken down and Nehemiah goes, somebody ought to do something about that. We need to rebuild that wall. King David, wasn’t king at the time, he sees an arrogant giant named Goliath making fun of God and all of his people and he goes, somebody ought to do something about that. Goliath guy. Yeah. There’s a guy named Haggai, a little book in the end of the Old Testament. And he looks around and says, hey, we’re all living in these nice, beautiful paneled homes and God doesn’t even have a place of worship. Somebody ought to do something about that. There’s a guy in the Bible named Amos. He wrote a little short book and he says, you know what? All these politicians, they’re corrupt and they’re unjust and they’re ripping off the poor and the middle class. Somebody ought to do something about that. It’s called the Book of Amos. Nothing happens to somebody as a sad, sad moment. Now this happens in Esther’s life. She hears that her people, the Jews, are gonna be annihilated by this nutcase, Haman. And that he’s got her husband, the king, to sign off on a decree that all the Jews can be put to death without fear of retribution. And there’s gonna be a genocide of her entire race. And she says, somebody ought to do something about that. Now remember, she has kept her identity a secret from her husband. And she’s thinking, a lot of people are going to die if I don’t act. And here’s what happens. Esther 4, verse 4. She gets very disturbed. It says, when Esther’s servants told her what Mordecai, this is her adopted father, was doing because of this genocide thing coming up, she was deeply, deeply disturbed. Question, does anything disturb you? Or is your life so self-centered and so isolated you’re not living in community? You’re living such an individualistic life that nothing disturbs you as long as it’s not about you. That stuff can happen all around you and you’re impervious to it. You don’t even notice it. You’re not disturbed about anything unless it’s something disturbing you. You know, the thing I’m so proud of of you in this Saddleback Church, is that we have over 300 ministries, well over 300 ministries to the community that deal with hurts and habits and hangups, that deal with problems and injustices and difficulties simply because somebody in the church said somebody ought to do something about that. None of those 300 ministries did I personally start. They were started by you and by others. I gotta tell you a story. This week I had to go up to Pasadena and I went into the Pasadena library and after it was over I walked across the street and I got a lunch, I ordered a sandwich, some coleslaw and some french fries and I said I wanna take it to go, I’ll eat outside. So I have my lunch and I’m walking down Pasadena, downtown Pasadena, just looking for a place to sit down and we come upon this big stone church. and these big stone steps down the front. There are three homeless guys sitting on these steps. There’s a white guy with really bright red hair. There’s a black guy, African American guy, and there’s a Hispanic guy. And the three guys are just sitting there, homeless. So I walk over and I sit down among them. They go, oh, you brought lunch. And I said, that’s exactly what I did. And I, you know, as soon as I saw him, I thought, you gotta help these people. So I walk over and I sit down and I start dividing it all up. I kind of felt like Jesus in the 5,000 feeding, you know. The only problem was mine wasn’t multiplying. And so I only got one fourth of my lunch, okay. But I’m passing the french fries around, the coleslaw around, we’re splitting up the sandwich a little bit. And we had a great time just talking, chewing the fat, having a good time. It’s nice, and when I got ready to leave, I didn’t really have any cash to give them, and I don’t like to give cash to people anyway, because I might use it for drugs or to support an alcohol habit or something. But I opened up my wallet, and I had three Starbucks cards in there. So I thought, oh, that’s a good idea, because that can’t be used for drugs. So I gave Meech a Starbucks card, and I said, you know, this will help you get some food. And as I’m starting to walk away, the white guy with the red hair says, I know who you are. And I go, excuse me? He says, let me tell you a story. He says, five years ago, on the other side of LA, this is 30 miles away from Pasadena, in East LA, five years ago, you pulled up to a taco shack. He said, you were going up to visit the Dream Center. And he said, you stopped there to get some tacos. And he said, you looked over and you saw me and I was homeless. And he said, you looked at me and said, hey, would you like a burrito? And I said, yeah. And you said, would you like two? And I said, yeah. So he said, you bought me two burritos. He goes, you’re Rick Warren. And I’m going, now what is the likelihood of me running into the same homeless guy in a metropolitan area of 15 million people, five years later, 40 miles away, and it’s the same guy? Now we were only two blocks away from Fuller Seminary. And these guys goes, we can’t wait to tell all these Fuller students we had lunch with Rick Warren. Oh yeah, we’re like this. We ate five years ago too, you know. The second thing to know your destiny, you gotta find a need and you go after it. You say, identify the needs that stir my heart. Now let me show you an amazing promise of God. to those who get disturbed about helping people less fortunate. I want you to notice the actions and the promises. There are actually 10 promises of God to you in this passage. Isaiah chapter 58. First he tells you what to do. He says, remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice and let the oppressed go free. There are a lot of people put down by society. He said, you are to defend the defenseless. You’re to speak up for those who had no voice. Then he says, share your food with the hungry, open your homes to the homeless poor, give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives. I wish he hadn’t said that last sentence. I like all the other parts. I don’t like that part. Then he gives the promises, and he gives 10 promises. Then he says, number one, my favor will shine on you like the morning sun. You will be blessed if you help others. And he says, number two, your wounds will be quickly healed. You got a hurt, you want your hurt to be healed, you help somebody who’s in more pain than you. I’ll say it again. If you want God to help you in your hurt, You go help somebody else. You don’t wait till you’re finished, till you’re healed. You go help somebody else in their pain, he said, and your wounds will be quickly healed. And then he says, I will always be with you to save you. How’d you like to have that as a promise in the next 10 years? And my presence will protect you on every side. That’s another promise of God. And he says, when you pray, I will answer you. How’d you like to have every year prayer answered? When you call to me, I will respond. These are promises of God. If you put an end to oppression and to every gesture of contempt, what’s every gesture of contempt? That’s racism, friends. That’s what it is. It’s racism and it’s wrong. And to every evil word, what’s he talking about there? He’s talking about being civil. that you are to treat with respect and dignity everybody, no matter what they believe, no matter what their religion, no matter what their race, no matter what their worldview is. You don’t have to agree with them. You don’t have to agree with their lifestyle, but you are to treat them with respect. When people give evil words on blogs, you do not retaliate. You put away every gesture of contempt and every evil word, you are positive. And if you give food to the hungry and you satisfy those who are in need, then, here’s the rest of the promises, darkness around you will turn to brightness of noon. All that depression in your life, it’s gonna lift. And God says, I will always guide you and I will satisfy you, satisfy you with good things. I will keep you, read this with me, strong and well. Is that an amazing promise? How’d you like to be strong and well for the next 10 years? Every one of those 10 promises is geared to how generous you are in life. Because you can spell, you spell love G-I-V-E. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. And God wants you to learn to be generous. Now here’s your homework assignment. I want you to make a list of what do I see around me that disturbs me. First you make a list of all your gifts, your background, your talents, assets, and liabilities. Then you say, what is it where I want to feel like saying somebody ought to do something about that.
Wow, some powerful words from Pastor Rick today. And now this is really one of my favorite parts of the broadcast. This is letters from our listeners. And now here’s Rick.
Did you know that there are people listening to Daily Hope broadcasts and following our message all over the world? Here’s an example of an email from a listener that just came in from Brazil. He says, hi Rick, my name is Marcelo and I’m from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Every day I listen to Daily Hope on my way to work and God has used your life to speak his truth into my life. Today, I’ll be speaking to a group of retail leaders from all over Brazil about living a life of integrity. Hope you won’t mind, but I’ve translated a lot from your message, living a life of integrity, to share with this group. That message touched me so much that I felt the need to share it with others. Well, that’s so great, Marcelo. I’m so proud of you. You’re being a light for Jesus Christ in his workplace. You’re sharing a message of hope with business people. That is just fantastic. Now, I want to say everybody can do the same thing. It doesn’t matter where you work. You can share the message of Daily Hope or any of these Daily Hope messages with your coworkers and your friends, and I want to encourage you to do that. And when you do, let me know about it. Be sure to write me and tell me your story, just like Marcelo did. Email me today, rick at Thanks for listening to Daily Hope today.
Be sure to join us next time as we look into God’s word for our daily hope. This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope and your generous financial support.