Discover an inspiring episode as Steve Schwetz and Greg Harris explore the profound impact and growth of home groups in Ethiopia. Listen to Greg’s firsthand accounts from his recent journey, highlighting how these groups have multiplied and touched thousands of lives. From the story of a blind leader forming listening groups to the incredible spread of groups across diverse communities, witness the exponential reach and spiritual awakening happening in this part of the world.
The foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith.
You know, the Bible has a lot to say about our hearts. In fact, Dr. J. Vernon McGee says that there are about 1,000 references to the heart in the Word of God. Welcome to the Sunday Sermon on Through the Bible. I’m your host, Steve Schwetz, and in just a few moments, Dr. McGee’s going to take us through these important verses in his message, Heart Trouble. So while you get settled on the Bible bus, my friend and Through the Bible’s president, Greg Harris, is here with us to tell us about his recent trip to Ethiopia. So Greg, I heard it was really a fruitful trip.
Well, it was. And this is such an exciting story of which you were a major part as well. You and I have both been there. Yeah, different times. So let’s go far back to when home groups started in India. And you and I love sharing with our listening family how we have over 20,000 home groups in South Asia. And for years, you and I would say we’re praying that God will export this ministry model.
To another part of the world. But we let God open the doors. Dr. McGee chose Revelation 3.8 as the theme verse for this ministry. I have set before you an open door.
Open door.
And no one can shut it. So what happened was this gentleman in Ethiopia who happened to be the speaker in the Oromo TTP.
Yes, who happened to get saved at about the age of 16. Yes. When he was listening to actually Dr. McGee in English. In English, yes. As it was bouncing from Guam on shortwave.
Yeah, you can’t make this stuff up. So this gentleman named Waksuma got contacted by another gentleman in Scandinavia who said, you need to go to India and see how these home groups are being used by God. He came back. He contacted us and said, I want to do home groups in Ethiopia, which that’s where you entered the picture.
Yeah, and then we went for training. And so I went with George Phillip, who was really the father of home groups in India, along with Ray Allery and a couple other folks. And we did three days of training there with this group of what was supposed to be, I think, 25 or 30 pastors. It ended up being like over 65 pastors. And Waksuma, God bless him, he translated the teaching from English to Oromo and Amharic. So the guy’s more than trilingual, but he had to do it to two different languages because… there were guys that spoke English in the room, Oromo and Amharic, and he was the glue between all three of them. And in that, they made a commitment to start, I believe the number was- I think it was 2,350.
Yeah. Is that right?
I’m like, okay, this isn’t going to happen. These guys are, oh, ye of little faith. And then six months go by and you show up. Why don’t
Yeah, and I was like you. I thought, boy, 2,350 groups in one year? No way. Well, we heard that they were growing, and so I said, I want to see what the Holy Spirit’s doing. I went back six months later. So you were there in March of 2024. Yeah. I went back in September of 2024, and they had 2,250 official groups. groups. That meant they were sending reports and all of that. They told me there were more than 3,000, but we said, okay, it’s an official group, which means they basically hit the number in six months, not 12 months. So I want to say this in a loving way.
You were wrong, my brother, and so was I. I was very wrong. And one of the things, as I looked across that room in the course of those three days, I thought, which one of these guys is going to be you know, exceptionally successful or the Lord is really going to open the door for them to grow their groups. There was one guy sitting in the corner who had glasses, dark sunglasses on because he was blind. I’m thinking, okay, this guy is not going to do a whole lot, but I’m glad he’s there for the training. You know, good for him. Praise the Lord. Well, this guy goes out, he ends up forming 17 groups and he’s got 71 blind members in his different groups.
It’s just incredible.
Yeah. And I got to meet him as well and hear his testimony. And I heard a bunch of other testimonies. It was, and you and I have experienced this in many places in the world where they just can’t tell us enough stories when we’re out there. And we’re kind of taking notes because our brains can’t take in all of these amazing stories. But we started at breakfast and we had that great Ethiopian coffee. It’s very fancy. They bring it out in this beautiful urn. And the restaurant owner came over and Waxhuma points to him and he says, he has formed listening groups for his employees. Wow. And then there was this young guy, I’d say, I mean, he looked like he was maybe in his early 20s. And he said, I’m a businessman and all of my employees are in TTB home groups. Wow. Then there was a guy, a retired man from the Air Force. This is all at breakfast, Steve. You know, we were just drinking coffee, hearing stories. This gentleman from the Air Force said he has gone among his retired friends and they’re starting groups in the Air Force. And then finally, I know we’re hitting you with lots of stories, but this is what it feels like. We just hear story after story after story. They told us that two police stations started groups and then they got 100 groups in a prison listening. Think about that. That’s a thousand people. or more prisoners listening to Through the Bible. And I’m not exaggerating when I say this is literally the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah, it is just so encouraging. And there’s other ministry going on in that part of the world as well.
Oh, sure.
And we’ve got some testimonies. Here’s a radio listener, for instance, in Oromo. It says, I did not know that Isa, Jesus, has such amazing history. This is the pivot point that I like to look at because I’m like, okay, Isa, Isa a couple of times. This guy’s probably a Muslim. In my religion, that’s clue number two, I learned that Isa was a prophet before Prophet Muhammad. He was sent by Allah. We respect him, but we do not worship him because he is not God. Well, that’s the capsule of the difference between Islam and Christianity. Here’s what he says. You taught also about the Trinity. This is all new and interesting information. I will be listening and learning more. Thank you. And this is the unique thing about Through the Bible. It does not seem to offend. I mean, there are some… Muslims, you’re teaching heresy and all that. But this is much more of a typical response. They’re interested. And when they learn about the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit moves in these people’s hearts. It is such an encouragement to read a letter like that.
And that’s true whether we’re doing radio broadcasts or home groups or anything. Now, we want to make sure you know that everything that we’ve talked about is connected to our newsletter this month. I wrote an article for the newsletter. There are pictures. There’s a picture of that blind pastor. And if you don’t have the newsletter, if you’re not getting it, you could call 1-800-65-BIBLE and they’ll send it to you right away. Or you can go online and see it electronically. But please make sure that newsletter is packed with amazing information.
Yeah, that’s such an encouragement. Greg, let me pray for us. Heavenly Father, we pray that you would continue to bless the ministry as it goes into Ethiopia, both in small groups as well as terrestrial radio and apps. Pray that you’d bless the program now. In Jesus’ name, amen. Now stay with us for the Sunday sermon on Through the Bible.
Our subject of the morning is heart trouble. On September the 24th, 1955, the news was flashed around the world from Denver, Colorado that the President of the United States had suffered a heart attack. The entire world was shocked and from every quarter of the globe there poured into Denver expressions of interest and concern and of sympathy. And many people at that time everywhere placed their right hand on their left side about five inches south of their collarbone and made a check to see if their heart was still beating. Because, my beloved, at that time, the world had its attention turned to the heart. And all of a sudden, people became heart-conscious. Doctors’ offices and clinics were filled with middle-aged men coming in for a checkup to make sure that everything was all right. Newspapers and magazines began running series of articles concerning the heart, and they carried very impressive charts that the layman might be able to read and understand. If I might make a horrible pun this morning, when the news ticker had sent out the word from Denver that the ticker of the president had gone bad, the whole world became interested to see what made them tick. My beloved, today the world is still interested in the heart. And very interestingly, this parallels the scripture The word of God says in Proverbs 14 30, a sound heart is the life of the flesh. And it’s also very interesting the way that the scripture is tied the blood in with the heart. For Moses even wrote, the life of the flesh is in the blood. And I’ve given it unto you upon the altar to make an atonement for your sins, for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for your sins.” And so the heart and the blood have been set before us in Scripture as being the very life of the flesh itself. It took man so many years to discover that. It was in 1616 that William Harvey that great doctor to the royal family in England who first made the discovery of the circulation of the blood. And since then great progress has been made, but even today with all of them marvelous gadgets that they have, they have not probed the depths of the human heart. The Word of God has a great deal to say about the heart. There are approximately 1,000 references to the heart in the Word of God. The Scripture not only makes the heart the most vital factor in the physical man, but it is the seat of the emotions and the affections. And I’m not speaking now in a sentimental sort of way. I’m not speaking of Valentine. But it has made in Scripture the very seat of all the affections. For you read in the Word of God of the sorrow of the heart, the envy that’s in the heart, and the hate that’s in the heart, and the love of the heart, and the comfort of the heart, and the joy of the heart. And the Scripture ties in all the emotions and all the affections into the heart of man. It’s not only the very seat of our affections, but it is construed as the very center of the volitional area in man’s life. It’s the place where decisions are made. It’s the throne room of life. And Paul, writing to the Romans, said to them in the sixth chapter, the 17th verse, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine. It’s the place where you made your decision. And James, that very practical apostle, speaks about establishing your heart. And then the Word of God has a great deal to say in reference to the heart and making an appeal to the heart of man to make a decision because the heart is the place, the very anchor of the volitional life. And the writer to the Proverbs says in the 16th chapter, the 9th verse, a man’s heart diviseth his ways. In other words, the steering wheel of a man is his heart, my beloved. And the Word of God says that’s the place where decisions are made. It’s not only the center of affections. It’s not only the very center of our volitional life. But in Scripture, it’s put above the mind as the source of mental activity. And it’s interesting that the Scripture says things like this. The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. Personally, I don’t think any man has ever said it in his mind. He always says it in his heart. It’s only in that area of his life that any man can say that there is no God. And my beloved, it was the Lord Jesus himself who in the 13th of Matthew, the 15th verse, made this very interesting statement. And he was quoting from the 6th chapter of Isaiah, the 10th verse, when he said this, For this people’s heart is wax gross. and their ears a dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Therefore The heart, my beloved, as far as the word of God is concerned, becomes the place that’s the total personality of man. It’s where everything finally hinges. And it is headquarters. It’s GHQ for your life and my life. It’s the all-inclusive term for the individual. And the writer to the Proverbs again expresses it in the fourth chapter, the 23rd verse like this. Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. everything that comes to you in your life and everything this morning you are physically and emotionally and mentally, my beloved, is connected with your heart today as far as the word of God is concerned. And the admonition given to us is to keep our hearts with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. And this morning I want us to get a scriptural diagnosis of the heart. I wonder this morning if we might put the human heart not in the medical center for a cardiovascular examination, but if we might put the human heart under the searchlight of the word of God and the x-ray of his word. And let him this morning give a diagnosis. Let him give a spiritual cardiograph of the human heart today. And the first thing, and of course we want the report in accurately, and the first thing that God says about the human heart is that not only the President of the United States has a bad heart, But he says the entire human family is suffering from heart trouble and that we have the worst type. It’s worse than coronary thrombosis. It’s worse than angina pectoris. That you and I this morning are suffering from a condition that’s worse than anything that’s physical. We this morning have a spiritual thrombosis. And Paul, writing to the Romans, speaks of the entire human family, and he speaks like this, and this is your heart and my heart today he’s speaking of. Their foolish heart was darkened. This is God’s picture this morning of the hearts that are here at the church, and there’s not one exception here to the rule, my beloved. God has given us his spiritual cardiograph today and this is his estimation. Will you listen to him again because he’s made a thorough examination and he says this, Jeremiah 17, 9, the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins. God says this morning that the heart of man is desperately wicked, and I wouldn’t want you to think this morning that he’s speaking of those down on Skid Row only. And he’s not speaking of those back of prison bars today. And he’s not speaking this morning of those that are in the darkness of heathenism. He’s speaking this morning of your heart and my heart. The heart, he says, is desperately wicked. And he meant Vernon McGee’s. And he meant yours. And he says, you can’t know it. You have no notion this morning. what you might be capable of doing. It was Gertie, that great German, who when he read of the awful crimes that were in that day perpetrated in Russia, he said, when he was in a group of fashionable society and they were deploring the awful state of these people committing these crimes, Gertie, who was there, made this statement. He says, I see no crime committed, but what I too might have committed it. I’ve got the kind of a heart that man’s got who committed it, and the reason I didn’t is because of the grace of God that operated, that put me in a different environment, that brought me up in a surrounding, that put me in a place where I didn’t commit the crime, but I’m capable of doing it. I’ve got that kind of a heart. The heart is desperately wicked. Who can know it?
My brother, you’ve got heart trouble.
I’m sure that you’d want the doctor to tell you that if you went to him and you want God to tell you, don’t you? Somebody says, I don’t like that way that God has of saying that sort of thing. Maybe you don’t, but God’s word says that. Dr. Joad, the great scholar at Oxford, considered with Dr. Lewis is one of the most brilliant minds today. I think he’s now at Cambridge, however. Dr. Joad was a skeptic before World War II. He’s come out of skepticism into a very simple faith. And here is the statement he made some time ago. He says, as I examine the human family, morally, man is bankrupt. Mentally, man is a cripple. Politically, man is bankrupt. Socially, man is low. That’s Dr. Joad’s estimation having come out of skepticism now into a place of simple faith. He rather agrees with Jeremiah. May I turn to another scripture in case you might think I’ve only lifted out one verse? I turn to Ecclesiastes 9, the third verse here. This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all. Yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead. That again is God’s estimate of the human heart. And somebody says, I’m still not satisfied. Well, may I take you this morning to the greatest heart specialist I know anything about. Fact of the matter is, he happens to be the great physician, and this is his estimation of the human heart. I turn to the seventh chapter of Mark. I read it, the 21st verse. Will you listen? Far from within… Out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile the man. The Lord Jesus, and I went over these words yesterday, I think a dozen times, and I searched everything that he said, and I can’t find one place where he would even change this statement or let upon it. I can’t find where he says he finds one good thing in the human heart. This is what he says comes out of the human heart. I’m confident he was talking about your heart. in my heart today. That’s the diagnosis. I can’t find any other estimation of the human heart and the word of God than that. And then that brings me to say this. Scripture is very careful now. No home remedy will suffice. You just can’t go to a quack doctor You can’t apply some little rubbing ointment and expect my friend to be cured of this heart trouble. No patent medicine is good enough for this condition. And he says that too in Proverbs 20, verse 9. Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I’m pure from my sins. Where is there a man today that can say, yes, I had heart trouble. My heart was that kind of a heart. And I got busy. I worked out a formula. And I went through a certain kind of treatment. I went into the laboratory. And I now have a chemical that I put on my heart. And I can say to you today that I’ve made my heart clean. I can stand before Almighty God with a white heart, with a clean heart. Can you? Oh, my friend, this morning, there is not a person that can stand in God’s presence and say, I’ve worked out a formula, Lord. This condition you said existed did at one time for me, but my heart’s cleaned up and I did it myself. paint company, as is its motto, save the surface and you save all. That’s a good motto for a paint company. But my beloved, you don’t put Christianity on like paint. Going to the beauty shop will not cure heart trouble. You don’t get rid of it that way. It was Dwight L. Moody, that used to make this kind of a statement. It was a rather pithy statement. He says, if you want good water, don’t paint the pump. Clean out the well. My beloved, this morning, there are a lot of folk that are painting the pump. That won’t help. A lot of people are putting religion on like paint today. You got heart troubles. And when that plague broke out in Paris during the revolution, oh, they didn’t want to acknowledge it. The great masquerade ball was already announced and on the calendar and they went through with it and people put on a mask over the plague and went and they fell like flies because you can’t put on a mask, my beloved, and cure heart trouble. Won’t stay the plague. These home remedies won’t work. Oh, what a warning scripture says, he that being often reproved and hardeneth his heart shall suddenly be destroyed. And that without remedy. So many people find fault with the word of God when it says God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. God didn’t harden it in the sense that you think he did. What God did was he kept putting light in on him. He kept putting light in on him. He kept forcing that man to make a decision. And each time he made a decision against God, his heart got harder and harder. You know, there are multitudes of people like that today. They’ve heard the message. It’s not often that I have the privilege that a missionary has of preaching the gospel to people that haven’t heard it before. Those of us who preach the preaching to people who in one sense are gospel hardened, they’ve heard it again and again and again and again. And this morning, they’ve got hardened hearts. And it rolls off of them like water on a duck’s back. It makes no impression today at all. In fact, they seriously doubt that they have heart trouble. They question the word of God that that’s a true picture of man. It’s too pessimistic. How many people today? God says you’ve got heart trouble, and they’ve gone on and on and on. This morning, it’s a hard heart. He that being often reproved and hardeneth his neck will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. My friend, this morning, may I move on? You and I this morning need to call upon the great physician. You and I this morning ought to call in the finest heart specialist, and thank God you can have him. This morning he’s available to you. He can heal and help your heart today, whoever you are. He says this morning, you and I need him. He says yonder in Revelation 2.23, I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts of men. And Paul speaks of him in Romans 8.27 as he that searcheth the hearts of men. And Ezekiel says, that he wants to take your tony heart and give you a heart of flesh. Somebody says, do you have the prescription this morning? Do you know what the remedy is? Yes, thank God. I can give you the prescription this morning because it’s here. I can give you the remedy. The remedy is that you’ve got to have a new heart, brother. David says that Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me. Thank God David came to the place where he saw what an awful, foul sinner he was. And then he cried out to God for a new heart. The Lord Jesus said this morning, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. You think you’ll ever see God? May I say to you this morning, if it depended upon my heart as it is this morning, I’m very frank with you, I’ll give up, I’ll never see him. But I am thankful this morning for the one who can give you a new heart. Be wonderful. Nobody can do that. But the great physician can give you and he can give me today a new heart. Somebody says, well, but how can I have a new heart? Will you listen to him? I go back to Psalm 22, the great psalm of crucifixion. Listen to the one now. Here is a physician who worked out a remedy by giving his own heart. Listen to him. I’m poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax. It’s melted in the midst of my bowels. I don’t know whether that impresses you or not. It impressed one of the apostles. He took note of it, and he’s the only one apparently who did. It was a fulfillment of this prophecy, and he noted that when the Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross, and we know John was beneath the cross, I think John stayed there after he sent Mary, the mother of Jesus, home, and he watched through the darkness. And he waited until they were ready to take down that body from the cross. And when they did, he noticed something. I read now from John 19, 34. But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith there came out blood and water. And John was so interested in that that he made this little comment. he that saw it bear record, and his record is true, and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.” John says, I saw something happen that I didn’t expect to happen. I saw that soldier take a spear, and before he took Jesus down to make sure he was dead, because he looked like he was dead, he ran that spear in his side, and out of that side there came water, and there came blood. John was so impressed with that that when he wrote his epistle, he still hadn’t forgotten it. Fact of the matter is, he had to come back to it again, and he says this in 1 John 5, This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood. And it’s the Spirit that beareth witness because the Spirit is true. Listen to him. There are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and these three agree in one. John says, I stood and saw that there came out from the heart of Jesus blood and water. His heart was like wax. It melted within him. He died of a broken heart upon the cross. My beloved, the heart was ruptured and the blood came out. And John says, I never saw that before. He was no doctor, but he said, I bear witness that that’s what it is and you can make the most of it because I know that on earth, that the Holy Spirit will bear witness to you. And the water speaks of the fact that he cleanses you from your sin. And the blood speaks of the fact, my beloved, that he shed his blood that you might have a new heart. His heart was broken that he might have a remedy today for your heart and my heart. I heard a rather interesting story. In fact, I read it in General Hap Arnold’s book, The Global Mission, which he wrote. He tells the story in the early days of air transport of troops, something that happened right here in California. He says that one day Captain Donald W. Buckman was flying from Marchfield up to Bakersfield. And he had six men in the transport. And before he was to arrive in Bakersfield, why, he called to the tower at Bakersfield and told him, he said, I think I’m having a heart attack. I’ve got awful pains in my left side. and i don’t know whether i make it or not i’ll do my very best but if anything happens i wanted you to know what it was then they waited they got an ambulance ready and they got the fire truck ready they expected a crash landing and in a few moments that plane came in sight and it came around not as usual but nevertheless He was coming in and he came in with difficulty and he made a landing. Not much of a landing, but he made a landing. And the minute that he touched the ground and stopped, the ambulance was there. Six of these boys that were back in the fuselage, they never knew what happened because there was no way of communicating with the pilot and these men. And the door opened and they all stepped out laughing. And they opened the door where the pilot was. And he sat at the controls, but he was dead. I tell you, those six fellas, they came in because one man did his very best with a heart condition. Our Lord Jesus had no heart condition. But when he went yonder to the cross, your sins and my sins laid upon him broke his heart. My friend today, that’s the remedy. That’s the remedy for your heart trouble and my heart trouble. And the invitation he gives is this. Listen to him. My son, give me your heart. Now what do you think God wants with this heart that he says is desperately wicked? Do you think he wants to take your heart and my heart to heaven that’s desperately wicked? Of course he does. I use the expression, but I don’t think it’s quite scriptural. God doesn’t want these old hearts of ours, brother, to take them to heaven as they are. My son, give me your heart. The reason that he says that is I want to give you a new heart. My son died of a broken heart on the cross to make a remedy that he might bring you safe to heaven. that he might land you safely there because your heart is desperately wicked and I can give you a new heart. And now his invitation is this. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. He’s not talking about public confession. I disagree with those who say that he is. He’s not. What he’s saying is this, that you’re to bring your mouth and your heart into harmony. That your trouble is not just to say something with your lips. But that you recognize you’ve got heart trouble and you come to the great physician and you believe in him with your heart and the mouth and the heart are to say the same thing. In San Diego the other day I met one of the most delightful men and in fact a couple that I think that I have ever met. He had a very interesting story. The pastor of the church down there said to me, if you can possibly get him to tell you his story, why you get him to do it. And he doesn’t have to have much urging because he likes to tell it. And I let him out. I was with him one afternoon and I said, I understand that you had a rather unusual conversion. And he said, yes. He said, Dr. McGee, two years ago, I was the biggest liquor dealer in San Diego. He said I drank one quarter liquor a day. The doctor told me my heart wouldn’t last but a few months. He said I’ll admit I was a little desperate. And he says one day a man came in to fix my furnace, a great big double-fisted fella that looked to me like he was a heavy drinker as I was. And he says, he worked down on my furnace and I sat up in the living room drinking. And he says, I was good and drunk. And he says, the man kept working and it was after quitting time and I went to the basement door. In fact, he says, I went downstairs and I said to him, come on up, it’s quitting time and have a drink. And the man says, well, I’ll come up and have a Coca-Cola with you, but I don’t drink. And he says, well, come up and have a Coca-Cola there. So he came up and they sat down at the table, the dining room table. And he said to him, says, you look to me like you drink. And the fellow said, I used to. Said, I used to be a heavy drinker just like you are. But he says, I’ve given it up. And the man says, oh, yes, I know. I took a couple of those cures too, but didn’t last long. He says, yes. Says, I know I took the cures, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Well, he says, how did you quit? He says, I haven’t had a drink for 15 years. He says, well, I sure want to know how you quit. Well, he says, I’ll tell you how I quit. I quit by letting the Lord come into my heart. And this fellow says, well, you know I’m interested. I’ve got to give it up or I’m going to die. Doctor’s already told me my heart’s bad. Would you just tell me how you let the Lord into your heart? The man gave him that verse. If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. And that fellow told me, oh, what a lovely couple they are. He told me, he says, you know, you know, Dr. McGee, right there drunk, I took Christ in my heart. He says, that’s been over two years ago. And from that day to this, I’ve never tasted the stuff. I got out of the business, the rotten business. And he says, I’ve never been so happy in all my life. And I have never met such a lovely couple. Two years in the Lord. And he looked at me and he says, he cured my heart trouble. My friend today, do you have heart troubles?
If you have heart trouble today, he can cure you. He’s the great physician.
Yes, the great physician is ready and waiting to help. So don’t wait another day. Give him your heart and let him cure you of your troubles. Well, if you’d like some more information, we’ve set aside some resources from Dr. McGee. You can click on How Can I Know God in our app or over at Now, we’ve also got more of Dr. McGee’s great teaching available this week. as the Bible bus rolls through the New Testament book of James. You can listen with our app. You can listen online. You can listen on our local Christian radio station. You can also call us at 1-800-65-BIBLE if we can help you through finding any of those resources to listen to through the Bible. And if God’s teaching you something new as we travel through his word together, you know we’d love to hear about it. Stories like this one from Tracy remind us that God’s faithful. She tells us this. I’ve been listening since 1982. First on the radio, now on the app. I loved trying to catch the radio broadcast two times on different stations and sometimes getting an evening broadcast. Using the app, I can hear it as many times as I like or need, as well as the questions and answers program on Saturdays and the Sunday sermon. They have indeed taught me many things. Every cycle is amazing. Always new truths uncovered. The Lord God is amazing. Well, he certainly is amazing, Tracy. Thanks for sharing with us. So what are you learning as we go through the Bible? You can send your note in the feedback section of our app. You can email us at biblebus at or write to us at Box 7100, Pasadena, California, 91109. In Canada, Box 25325, London, Ontario, N6C 6B1. You can also call and leave a message at 1-800-65-BIBLE. As we go, I’m Steve Schwartz praying Matthew 2237 over you. May the Lord bless and keep you as you love Him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Amen.
All to him I owe. Sin hath left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.
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