Does God have a plan for the trials you may be going through right now? Do you find yourself thinking, “Why why would God allow this?” If you find yourself needing to build trust in God and in His plans for your life, then this episode is for you.
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(upbeat music) Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and today, Rabbi Schneider, discusses God’s divine plan. (upbeat music) Friends, this is gonna be a really good program today. Rabbi’s talking about the invisible war that’s being waged in our world between the forces of good and evil. Because this war’s invisible and in the spirit realm, there’s a lot of confusion often about Satan’s role and how much power he has to influence the spiritual realm. While Rabbi’s gonna shed some great insight on this topic today, he’s gonna remind us that nothing happens, whether by the means of Satan or anything, without God’s knowledge. Ultimately, God’s sovereign and in control. You’re gonna learn some great things today. Here’s Rabbi. I’m gonna pick up right now in chapter number two, and I’m going now to verse number eight. Here the word of God, and now let’s remember, Hannah is speaking by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The New Testament tells us in referring to the writers of the Hebrew Bible that no one spoke by his own interpretation, but rather when they wrote the Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh, they were writing by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The no prophecy was given by one’s own interpretation, but those that wrote were writing by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So here the word of God, I want you to take this to heart. I’m gonna continue to dry home the point, hopefully with some new colors, and in some deeper dimensions, but I need this word to go deeper and deeper in our souls for us to be able to fully enter into it, embrace in it, and live in its reality. So here what she says, and she’s praising the Lord after experiencing the miracle of God’s supernaturally opening up her womb to bring forth the child. She said, he raises the poor from the dust. He lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with nobles and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the lords, and he set the world on them. Now, what we’re actually seeing here is a window into understanding the dynamics of the sovereignty of God operating in the earth. I remember when I first became a believer, a Jewish boy living in Cleveland, Ohio, I was living in Pepper Pike, and I knew nothing about Jesus, beloved one. Jesus was as far away to me than the man on the moon. In fact, I heard about a man on the moon that phrase, more than I heard about Jesus. He was just so foreign to me as a Jew. All my friends growing up were Jewish, so I was totally unexposed to Christian faith, Christian doctrine to the person of Jesus. I never thought about him. He never entered my mind. But as many of you know my story, in 1978, Jesus supernaturally appeared to me in my bedroom. I was in searching for him. I was in seeking him. I never read the New Testament. No one had ever witnessed to me. God shows me, and because of that, he came and appeared to me. And after he appeared to me, I was so excited because I was lost in life. I was 20 years old. I was seeking for meaning. I was seeking for purpose. I didn’t know my way in life. And when Jesus appeared to me that night, somehow I knew that I had found the answer. I didn’t know what the answer was fully. I just knew God was alive, and He showed me that somehow Jesus was the way. All the dots needed to be filled in, but I knew that this somehow was the way. So I started telling everybody about it. And eventually somebody said to me, you need to go get a New Testament. So I went out, bought a New Testament, started devouring the Word of God, started telling everybody about it, even though all my close friends were all Jews, and I was insulated in that world. But still the school that I went to had many, many non-Jews as well. So when I started telling everybody about it, someone eventually said to me, you need to go get a New Testament. So I went and bought a New Testament. I started devouring it. I started talking about this Jesus more. Then eventually somebody said to me, you need to go to church. Let me take you to church. So a Gentile person that I knew that I was not close friends with, but you know, friendly with, and this woman said to me, you know what, I’m going to take you to my church. She had just become a radical believer herself. So she came over my house one day. She picked me up, and she drove me to this place. I won’t even say what the name of it is, because I don’t want to cast any negative light. But it was this gathering. It was really powerful at the time. There was like a Jesus movement going on during the season. The Jesus movement lasted from the late 1960s to the early 1970s, but still some of it was going on in the mid and late 1970s. Many Jewish people were coming to faith. I found out later during this time where the Lord was supernaturally appearing to them. So she brings me to this gospel house and the evangelist started preaching. But the way he was preaching, it didn’t seem right to me, because it made it out like God was over here. He was one power, and the devil was over here, and it was almost like they were equal with each other. And we better choose God, and somehow we had this faint idea. It seemed like that God was going to win in the end, but the way God was being portrayed was far from being a sovereign God. It was almost as if we lived in this dualistic universe with both powers, the powers of good and evil, being equal to each other. And it just didn’t seem right to me. I said, that’s not God. I said to myself, I might not know a lot about God, but somehow, deep inside, this is wrong. Because God is God. He’s not fighting with anybody to maintain his power. He’s God, he’s the Lord, he’s the Creator, he’s the One, and there is no other. And then I started going to some other churches, and it seemed like I was hearing a similar type of color coming through so many of the messages that I was hearing in many different places. In several different churches. And it was, again, the same concept that was kind of portraying God in the sky. And somehow, we was up there fighting for his right to stay God. And we hear on earth, we got to pray. And if we pray hard enough, and if we were here enough, that somehow God’s going to break through and win. And I said to myself, this is just ridiculous. And it really repulsed my spirit. And so I started really digging into the word of God about this. And I came to see in the Word of God that this theology that was being communicated in so many subtle ways in New Testament churches was not biblical. That when we understand the hebraic foundation of our faith, we understand that God is the Lord of the world. And this is what Hannah is saying here. And so we come now to verse number eight. He raises the poor from the dust. He lifts the needy from the ashyp to make them sewage nobles and inherit a seat of honor for the pillars of the earth are the lords. He set the world on them. The New Testament tells us that the entire world, right now, beloved ones, is being upheld by the Spirit of God. The Bible says in the book of Romans, “All things are from Him, through Him, and to Him. Everything that is alive right now is existing only because the glory of God is allowing it to exist and is willed it to continue to exist. And everything that is happening right now, ultimately has a purpose.” You’re listening to discovering the Jewish Jesus and Rabbi will be right back. If you’re looking to better equip yourself in your study, pursue, and growth in Jesus the Messiah, be sure to go online and explore our treasury of Messianic content. You’ll find Messianic teaching tools and videos, information about God’s seven annual feasts, the Hebrew names, titles of God, and so much more. This content is ready and available for you today online at To become a blessing in someone’s life today, get in touch to partner with us. Our mission is to prepare the world for Jesus’ return and your financial gift is channeled directly toward this worthy cause. Take your first step today by calling 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. Or visit us at Your contribution will equip others for Messiah’s return. And now here is Rabbi Schneider with the rest of today’s message. I know that you and I, when we look around right now, it’s hard for us to make sense of a lot that happens and believe me when I say this, I want to be sensitive in saying this because there’s a lot that we don’t understand. There’s a lot of heartache and pain and suffering going on right now. And we wonder, we scratch our heads, why? Why is the Lord allowing this to happen? If we’re honest with ourselves, we’re thinking, God, why would you allow this to happen? This doesn’t seem right, what’s going on? But the Hebrew Bible tells us that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is God in heaven above Deuteronomy 439 and on the earth below. Jesus believed it. As I have mentioned in previous episodes, he said not a sparrow falls to the ground apart from the Father when he stood before Pilate and Pilate said, don’t you know I’ve got the power to crucify you? The Yeshua’s response, you would have no power over me, said to Pilate, you would have no power over me, unless it had been given to you from above. Jesus understood that all what was going on was somehow rooted in the pillar, just like Hannah said here, the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s. Jesus understood everything that was going on in his life ultimately had a purpose. Even if it was evil, it’s still had a purpose. For example, what happened immediately after Yeshua came out of the Jordan River after being baptized by John the Immerser, John the Baptist. The Bible says, the Spirit of God led Yeshua into the wilderness, to be tempted by the devil for 40 days. Now, was it just the devil attacking Jesus as if there was no purpose in it? No. The Bible says the Spirit of the Lord led Yeshua into the wilderness. To be tempted by the devil for 40 days. So I’ve been drilling down here beloved ones that we need to come out of the shallow, new testament, only understanding of who God is, to get a fuller understanding of who God is by seeing how the sovereignty of God is taught in the Hebrew Bible. You see, Jesus said in the book of Matthew chapter 13, he said, every scribe, and a scribe was someone that made copies of the Torah. All they did was they made copies of the Tanakh and the Torah. They wrote out the letters of each book word for word. So they knew the word of God in the Old Testament. Yeshua said, every scribe that becomes a disciple of mine will be like the owner of a mansion, and is able to bring forth out of this huge mansion, this huge house, Jesus said, treasures, old and new. And new. In other words, Yeshua is saying someone that has been schooled in the Hebrew scriptures that becomes a follower of mine will be able to bring forth treasures old and new. And that’s what we’re doing now. We’re mining out of the Hebrew Bible. Those treasures that Yeshua was speaking of that help you and I to get the mind of Hashem, the mind of God, particularly now in understanding his sovereignty on the earth. So we need, as I’ve been teaching, to ask the Lord in every situation that we’re in, Lord, how should I respond to this? What are you trying to teach me in this? Lord, you allowed this to happen. I can’t forsake faith in you. I can’t say that this is just the devil because as it was in the life of Job, it was the Lord that allowed the devil to attack. I have to ask you, God, what’s your purpose in this? Help me to overcome this for your glory. Help me to find significance in whatever I’m going through right now knowing that you cause all things to work together for good and help me to understand, Father, that you’re sovereign, not only in heaven above, but on the earth below. And even when I don’t understand your ways, Father, God, I’m going to trust your heart. There are many things that we don’t understand. We don’t know why this happened and why that happened and why the Lord allowed this to happen. But when we don’t understand his ways, let us beloved, trust his faithfulness, let’s stay committed to trusting his heart. God is good, his ways are above our ways, his thoughts are above our thoughts, he’s sovereign in heaven above it on the earth beneath. Let’s continue to trust him, even though we don’t understand what is going on in the temporal. You see the problem with us. Here what I’m saying church, the problem with us, the problem with us is that we understand everything from the temporal realm. We’re so rooted to the earth. Our minds are so programmed to the now that we don’t have a mindset of the eternal. So we can only interpret things by what’s going on in this very moment. And we’re making decisions about what’s going on just based upon what’s going on in the present moment, but there’s much more that’s going on than what’s going on in the present moment because God has an eternal plan. This is why the Apostle Paul said, the temporary trials that you and I are going through right now are not worthy to be compared with the eternal glory that these trials are rotting in our soul, that they’re forming in our soul. That as we go through these temporal trials, Paul said, and hang on to the Lord and love him and are faithful to him and are obedient to him through these temporary, temporary earthly trials. The outcome of these trials is going to be that our soul is going to be expanded and enriched and filled with the eternal weight of God’s glory. I said, beloved ones, the problem with us is that we’re so earthly, we’re so temporal-minded, and we’re so proud to think we can make judgments about what’s going on, that we evaluate everything only in virtue or in view of what’s going on right now rather than understanding his ways or not our ways. And his thoughts are not our thoughts. For even us the heavens are higher than the earth, so are his ways higher than our ways, and his thoughts higher than our thoughts. So let’s trust him and stop having pride in thinking that we know best and that we can make judgments. God has an eternal purpose in mind, and he’s using everything for his glory. And so Han is praising him. He’s the one, the Lord is holy, and there’s no one like the Lord. Did not let arrogance come out of your mouth for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and with him actions are weighed. First of all, the bows of the mightier shatter the feeble gird on strength. And then she goes on to say in verse six, “The Lord kills and makes alive. He brings down to shiol and raises up. The Lord makes poor and rich. He brings low, he exalts.” She’s talking about his sovereignty, and she’s saying, “So stop boasting. You don’t know what’s going on. Let’s trust God. He alone is God.” And we just got done reading in verse eight. The pillars of the earth are the lords, and he set the world on them. And so, Father God, we are asking today that you’ll forgive us for our arrogance. We think about Adam and Eve when they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and how the devil said to them that when they ate from the tree, that they would have the knowledge of good and evil, that they’d be able to judge what’s good and what’s bad, that they’d be able to see what’s really happening rather than depending on you. And Father, truly, the fruit of that sin in the garden, all those years ago, is still in our lives today, that we are the ones that think we can decide what’s good and what’s bad, and even judge you, God, when we’re so boastful and vain for thinking, Lord, that we have the right to do such a thing. And so we think about Hannah’s words there, when she said, “Bose no more, so very proudly, do not let arrogance come out of your mouth for the Lord is the God of knowledge.” So Father, we want to say that we repent before you right now. We bow our knee before you now, Father God. Forgive us, Lord, for having a temporal view of life, for thinking that we have the right and the judgment to be able to discern good from evil. So Father, we ask you today to forgive us and to recognize you high and lifted up, to recognize who you are in your sovereignty. We ask you to give us a world view, Father, that’s consistent with your world view, and to understand, Lord, that you’re working all things after the consulate of your own will. And I pray, Father, the fruit of today’s message would be that we would be lifted up to see you in your glory, to see you in your loftiness, to understand that there is one God, and there is no other that you reign, Father, the heaven above and the earth below, and that Father, God, in your loving kindness, as we give ourselves to you, you are faithful to reign in and over our lives. Father, Daddy, thank you that you love us. Thank you that as we give our lives to you, even as Hannah dedicated her child’s life to you in the temple, that as we dedicate our lives to you, Father God, that you’re faithful to us. To lift us up, Father God, even as Hannah said, to exalt the needy and to put them in the place of nobles, Father, we wanna thank you for the good purposes you have in our life. Beloved one, I speak courage over you today. Courage that comes from knowing that God is sovereign, that he loves you, and he’s reigning over your life. Beloved, I hope you were blessed and encouraged by today’s broadcast. The Bible tells us in the book of 3 John 1 verse 8, that we should financially support the ministries that are feeding us spiritually. And in so doing, John says, will become fellow workers with the truth. I wanna encourage you. If the Lord is bearing witness with your heart to support us, would you just be obedient to him? The scripture tells us that everything we sow into the kingdom of God for the purpose of extending God’s kingdom in the world, it’s gonna come back to us, press down, good measure, and running over into our laps. And I also believe that when you financially support us, the Lord’s gonna open up your heart to receive even more revelation from him through discovering that you are Jesus. Beloved, you and I truly are partners together without you, I can’t broadcast. I wanna thank you for your love and for your financial support. If you feel the Holy Spirit knocking at the door of your heart to make an offering to the Lord, to discover in the Jewish years today, just do it, beloved, you’ll be blessed. Amen, and if you sense the Lord nudging, you to financially support discovering the Jewish Jesus with the gift of any amount, I wanna encourage you, call us right now. The number to dial is 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. And if it’s easier for you, you can also give online at or you can send your financial gift in the mail to discovering the Jewish Jesus PO Box 777-Blessfield, Michigan 4-9228. Rabbi’s gonna be right back soon to share the Aaronic blessing with us. So make sure to stay tuned. You know, friends, we love learning about all the people around the world that are exploring the depths of scripture with us each and every day. We know that we could never reach those people unless it was for you because of your help, your prayers and your financial support. And when you give, we wanna say thank you so much for your support by sending you our most recent newsletter. It’s filled with additional stories and it’s filled with testimonies that I believe will bless you. We’ll also send you Rabbi Schneider’s message of the month and it’s available as a digital download as well. So would you please consider giving today? And before we wrap up, I wanna remind you about Rabbi’s free gift. There is still time to request it. And it’s an audio message that Rabbi is called a guide to hearing God’s voice. And we’ll send it to you when you request it online to That’s It is a great message and it will really help you walk in a renewed revelation of God’s word, especially when it comes to hearing Him speak to you. In this world, it can be really tough to discern the difference between God’s voice, our own thoughts or maybe thoughts that others have even shared with us that maybe even are coming from the enemy. So make sure to get this enlightening audio file. It’s called a guide to hearing God’s voice. And now here’s Rabbi Schneider to close out our time with the erotic blessing. – In the book of Numbers, chapter six, we find a personal blessing from God, our Father. This blessing should touch our hearts because it’s so personal. Father God wants to intimately bless you. So receive His blessing into your life today with gladness and an open heart. (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance and the Lord give you beloved one, His peace. God bless you and Shalom. (singing in foreign language) – I’m Dustin Roberts and discovering the Jewish Jesus make sure to join us again tomorrow. Rabbi Schneider is going to explain why we’re living in dangerous times. That’s Friday right here on discovering the Jewish Jesus. (upbeat music) [Music]