The hosts don’t just stick to aviation mishaps; they weave in political commentary by critiquing claims made by figures like Eric Swalwell. The episode shines a light on how the politicization of tragedies often diverts attention from the core issues. The hosts further discuss diversity initiatives in pilot hiring, raising critical questions about the impact on safety and the overarching narrative of inclusivity in high-stakes professions.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and buy SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Back with another week of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast with the guys, of course, John Rush, Neil Boron, myself, Bob Duco. Hey, guys, how are you? Great, Bob, thanks. Great. Well, that’s good. That’s good. We got a lot of things we’re going to be talking about this week. We’re going to talk about these jet crashes, Tom Hanks on Saturday Night Live, Doge, and even some stuff about theology and politics and Rick Warren and such. But let me start with these jet crashes, though. First of all, that insane image. I don’t know if you guys have seen the video of that Delta flight. It had 80 people on board. that it lands who in the world thinks when you’re on a plane and you’re coming in for a landing and you feel touchdown as soon as you feel the wheels hit who in the world thinks that five seconds later you’re going to be upside down sliding in the plane but my goodness that’s what what it’s really remarkable and neil let me start with you it’s really remarkable that nobody was killed in that but it’s you know it’s a little bit scary to think about something like that and the wings bust off the plane and it’s just upside down and then of course we had that horrible crash a couple weeks ago where the helicopter uh hit the plane as well over the potomac but you know i don’t i’m just kind of curious your thought and reaction to when you see stuff like this
I’m serious. It makes me think twice about flying. I will fly again.
I will fly again. Even though statistics are very, very much on our side.
Yeah, but we’ve all seen the videos of the kid on the roller coaster that goes flying off. I mean, I just think about these things. I fly, and I will fly, but it’s in the back of my mind. Anyway, I… It’s interesting because I live not that far from Pearson Airport in Toronto, and we have a good portion of our listening audience. In fact, the majority of our listening audience is in the Toronto area. So I’m passing Pearson a lot. It’s a huge airport. It’s not nearly as big as Denver. John and I were talking about that before the podcast here. But I’m pretty sure I’ve actually stood in the spot where one of those videos was taken from because I’m one of these guys that loves to hang out. near airports and near the Welland Canal, watching huge ships come in. And I loved watching these massive airplanes from all over the world. I mean, Pearson Airport is an international airport to the fullest extent. So you get planes coming in from everywhere. That was a relatively small plane. And, you know, what a miracle. 80 people on board, 76 passengers, four flight attendants, or four, you know, crew. And And they all survived. 21 were taken to hospitals, and as of this morning, 19 have been released. The child that was injured is going to be okay, they say. So God willing, everybody survived. I mean, where do you ever see that? But it struck me when I was looking at it, and this is why I brought up the fact that I think I’ve been in that exact spot. Now, they have multiple runways, so I can’t be sure. But there’s one runway where you can literally get a coffee at Tim Hortons or Dunkin’ Donuts and then walk a few hundred feet. And stand there as planes come in over your head, and they feel like they’re going to land on your head. They’re probably still at 150, 200 feet at that point, but it’s a pretty intimidating feeling to watch them come in over your head. But then they cruise out over the runway for a while, like a quarter mile, half a mile out onto the runway before they touch down. This plane seemed to come down really fast. And I’m not an expert, and I’m not claiming that I know what happened, but it looks to me like the plane landed short of the runway. Like the reason that there was such a bounce, Almost like if you were going to pull in your driveway and you had a few drinks too many and you missed the driveway and hit the curb. I mean, it would be the same effect. Like, okay, eventually you ended up on your property, but it wasn’t the right way to get there. I wonder if it just… Quit describing John’s every Friday night.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, I’m talking about the days pre-Jesus, whatever. But you get the point. I’ve never seen anything like that, how it bounced and flipped. By the way, only one wing came off, which is why I don’t think it kept spinning. It flipped over but then stayed upside down because the other wing kept it in place, like a kickstand. I mean, it was miraculous. It couldn’t have been a gust of wind.
They said there were 20 to 30 miles and 40-mile gusts.
Well, and that could have been, though, why it could have been like a wind shear thing that pushed it to the ground before it really got all the way to the runway kind of thing. I don’t know. We’ll see. But the wind definitely played a factor.
Yeah. John, I’m just kind of curious your take on that, which, by the way, also, John, one of the things that the passengers did, even though they were instructed, hurry up and get off the plane, a bunch of the passengers were like, no, I’m getting my baggage out. I’m getting my stuff. And so, of course, you’re not reaching up for it. Now you’re reaching down for it.
Well, it’s on the floor, so it’s pretty easy at that point.
I know. It’s on the floor. So I’ve got to be honest with you. I’d be one of those guys who’d be like, no, I’m getting my carry-on luggage. That’s right. Pulling it out on the wheels out of the plane.
I mean, that part’s pretty funny. I mean, I’m like Neil. I am not an airline pilot. I know a lot of guys that are, talked to a lot of folks that are and so on, but have literally zero experience on that end, but did a lot of reading. Last couple days, and again, not a pilot, but the first video I saw, I’m like, okay, wait a minute, timeout. This thing looks like they, you know, typically there’s kind of a flare. You bring the nose up. You kind of start to touch down softly. They look to me like I just slammed this thing into the ground like I was landing the stinking plane because I’ve never flown before. I mean, literally, you look at it, and it’s like, wait a minute. That is, to me, procedurally speaking… I think lots of mistakes made on that end of things, and personally, now, one thing I do know is snow, because it’s one of my businesses, and we have a lot of it in Colorado, you guys do as well as where you’re at, and what I could kind of see was, yes, there was some wind shear, but when they got down on the ground, you kind of got to wonder, were there, because, you know, to Neil’s point, maybe they didn’t hit in exactly the right spot, did they have too much snow accumulation in that particular area when they landed, did that affect its stability some way? You combine all of that with a really harsh landing, the nose doesn’t come down last like it should, you’re not flaring up like you should, you’re landing in snowpack now, you’re probably landing hard enough that the stinking thing exploded when it landed on the ground. I mean, all of that tells me somebody screwed up. Yeah, I know. That’s my take on it. To me, it’s not a plane malfunction. To me, again, we’ll know as Neil said as time goes by, but to me it looks like total pilot error.
Yeah, it probably is. We’ll have to wait and see. Which, by the way, let me get a little bit political here for just a moment. What is it about Democrats that they can’t win a fight based on the actual facts or truth? They have to exaggerate or make up lies about their political opponents. And a perfect example of this is Eric Swalwell. The January 6th impeachment sham trial against Donald Trump after Trump left office, was the impeachment manager in this case, would repeatedly lie going on TV, just making up stuff that wasn’t true. Well, sure enough, here’s what he does. He takes this plane crash and adds the tragedy of the Potomac River crash as well. and uses it to trash Donald Trump. And it tries to say that Donald Trump is responsible for this. He actually said these plane crashes are Donald Trump’s fault. And then he said there have been, his words, no president in history, in U.S. history, no president has had more plane crash in their first month in office than Donald Trump. So in U.S. history, so I’m thinking to myself, how far back in history do we have to go to find it? Well, you can’t go back before the 1900s because, you know, obviously there weren’t planes back then. So I’m like, okay, well, could this maybe be debunked? Were there more planes crashing in the first 30 days of FDR? Or maybe Calvin Coolidge, okay? No, guess how far back we have to go to debunk this? All the way back to Joe Biden. Because if you look at the National Transportation Safety Board, Here’s what we see. Their exact numbers are, okay, in Donald Trump’s first 30 days in the White House, there were 12 plane crashes that involved injuries or deaths and then 35 total. These would be little single-engine planes where nobody was injured, okay? Thirty-five total, 12 of them involving injuries or death. With Joe Biden in his first 30 days, there were double, 24 plane crashes involving injuries or death. And total wasn’t 35. It was 55. So I look at stuff like this. I’m like, come on. And then you had other Democrats going, well, look at Donald Trump. What he’s doing with the FAA. Whatever. You know, the FAA here, as far as as far as a Toronto crash. Yeah. Guess what? That’s Canada’s air traffic control in charge of that anyway. So I’m really curious to get you guys take on this, John. I’m going to come to you in just a second. But before I want to take a moment right now. And remind our listeners that we have sponsors to this podcast, and we very much appreciate you folks supporting our sponsors. We do. Certainly SunPowerLED, which you’re going to hear about in just a moment, which is just a phenomenal organization. And Preborn. Now, many of you listening to me right now, you’ve already given a pre-born, and we thank you for that. What you’re doing is you’re saving babies’ lives. You’re saving babies’ lives by showing ultrasound images of unborn babies to expectant moms. But you don’t have to do the work. Pre-born does the work in pro-life centers. All you need to do is pay for it. It takes money to pay for these ultrasound images. When a mom sees a picture of her baby, she chooses life. It’s really that simple. She usually accepts Jesus Christ, too, as Savior. We just don’t have enough ultrasound machines and enough ultrasound images being paid for. And that’s where you folks come in, all right? $15,000 will buy an ultrasound machine. If you can spend 15 grand, it’s a nice tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year after year. Think about that, okay? Now, if you can’t afford to do that, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. So how many abortions will you stop? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy. Maybe that’s your 2025 number. But would you do this right now? You know, 100% of what you give to pre-born goes to the ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. Overhead’s covered by private donations. You don’t have to worry about that at all. So here’s how you give. Go online right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or they answer the phones 24-7. So you can call right now, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we appreciate you supporting our sponsors. We appreciate you supporting us.
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And to do that, folks, it’s phenomenal what they have done for so many different people. So as we’re talking about the plane crashes, but then also just, John, I want to get your take on what I was talking about a couple of minutes ago, the dishonesty of the left. I This guy comes out and says, you know, in U.S. history, no president has had more plane crashes in their first 30 days than Donald Trump. And it turns out Joe Biden had twice as many. But, you know, there’s nobody in the media fact checking him. They say stuff like this all the time on the left. Yep. And it’s not just politicizing tragedies. It’s politicizing tragedies through telling lies, and the press lets them get away with it. I’m just trying to imagine, I mean, Donald Trump, the exaggerator-in-chief, imagine him saying stuff like this.
Yeah, and this last one, especially being in Canada, it’s like, okay, he’s in charge of now what happens around the world, not just in the US. I mean, nothing could be a dumber statement ever. In fact, even trying to pin the last one on him, given that it’s in another country. Granted, it’s Canada, but still, it’s Canada. It’s not the US. He’s not in charge of the entire world. And frankly, this whole idea that That, you know, it has something to do with what he’s done inside of the FAA is also ludicrous. The one thing, and again, I always want to double check, so I don’t want to say this is the way it is because we don’t know yet. We don’t have all the facts yet. We don’t know exactly who the pilots were and so on. But I had an inside source yesterday that’s in that industry. that somehow or another there were some pictures released that these were definitely two DEI hires. Again, whether that’s the case or not, who knows? I have no idea. Delta did have, though, a big, huge push for DEI hiring not that long ago. By the way, guys, whether it is or isn’t, this is what these companies don’t understand. whether it is a DEI hire or not, when you give this perception that we’re basing our pilot hiring off of the color of your skin, age, other things along those lines that have nothing to do with your ability to actually fly the plane, these are the sorts of rumors that happen after something like this takes place, guys.
Right. That’s right. Neil, I think he makes a very fair point. And that is one of the big problems with. You know what, Neil, if if I were a minority, if I were an African-American, OK, or, you know, a female or, you know, I don’t know. gay or whatever the case may be. I would hate the cloud of suspicion that would be over any accomplishments that I did because everybody would be looking at me out of the corner of the eye going, is this guy really the best doctor? Is this guy really the best engineer? Is he really the best pilot? Or does he just check the right boxes as far as some kind of ethnic group or whatever like that? To me, it puts a cloud of of suspicion over the qualifications over people that may be minority or maybe female or even maybe gay or whatever. And I just don’t understand why people don’t realize the insult and the patronizing insult that DEI hiring really does produce.
Yeah, and I think people need to understand the motivation behind even talking about such things. Because, I mean, if you think about World War II, the Tuskegee Airmen, right? I mean, they were a highly trained flying outfit that really helped swing the tide of the war. These were all black pilots, highly skilled, highly trained. It has nothing to do with skin color, but the point is… If in this day and age you hire people simply because of their skin color, not their actual qualifications to operate a commercial aircraft, well, then you’ve got a real problem on your hands. I do have to say, and I’m just speaking from my own heart, we mentioned Swalwell, and he made these outrageous statements. It turns out Joe Biden had more plane crashes during his first month. By the way, the crash over the Potomac, the flight that… you know, that killed, I think, 67 people and crashed with the Army helicopter. That was the first commercial aircraft, because you’re right, there have been a lot of other plane crashes, but commercial aircraft, it was the first one since 2009 when a plane crashed here in Buffalo, New York. We were actually doing a WDCX event, and we were in the flight path. That thing crashed about a mile and a half from the church where we were with, you’ve probably all heard of… Nick Vujicic. Nick Vujicic was in town. He’s got no arms and no legs. He was doing an evangelistic event. And that plane crash happened that night while we were in that church building. It was an unbelievable thing. So the point is, it was 16 years between commercial airline tragedies, and that’s a really long time. I just don’t understand why Donald Trump, as soon as the thing happened in Washington, D.C., immediately mentioned DEI as opposed to saying… hey, let’s pray for the families, let’s pray for those affected, and then maybe bring it up in the next couple of days because it is something to look at. Maybe it really is an issue. I just don’t agree with the timing, however. Yeah, I mean, this absolutely needs to be looked at. If the quality of people operating commercial aircraft has been diminished in some capacity because of DEI hires rather than actual ability, absolutely needs to be looked at because human lives are at stake.
Right. Let’s shift over to, did either one of you guys watch some, any, or all of the 50th anniversary of Saturday Night Live on Sunday night, I think it was. Did you guys watch any of it? No, I saw a million commercials.
I didn’t watch it. I did watch the episode. I watched the segment, though, with Tom Hanks, which I know we’re going to talk about. But no, I didn’t see the whole thing.
There was a time when it was funny. And there was certainly the original crowd back in the 70s. And you had some talent come on. You know, Eddie Murphy, when he remembered how to be funny and such. And so there was certainly some talent. I don’t think it’s watchable now. I don’t think it’s been watchable for a long time. But I have to say, I just I decided, all right, I’m going to watch a little bit of it. I recorded. I watched a little bit of it. And at the beginning, I’m thinking, OK, well, this kind of iconic. I see Paul Simon out there and, you know, and I see some of these old, old school actors in SNL that are there now. And so it’s OK. It’s interesting. But then, my goodness, here we go again. The Tom Hanks skit where they do this skit called Black Jeopardy where the host and the players are all black. But then afterward, they bring in Tom Hanks to play some typical Trump supporter. He’s wearing a MAGA hat. He’s dressed like a slob. He talks like a hick. And he’s basically a dumb hick guy who says, you know what this country needs? People need to go to church. And then the black host comes over to say, hey, I agree with you, and try to shake his hand. And then Tom Hanks is like, whoa, whoa, back up. A black man’s approaching me. He must be trying to rob me. He doesn’t want to shake his hand. And I’m just like, come on. John, actually, I’m curious to get your take on this first. It seems like there’s got to be some blowback from independent swing voters and possibly even some moderate Democrats to say, you know something, enough is enough. This is what James Carville is basically. James Carville and Bill Maher are actually people that are saying, enough of this already. Quit calling more than half the country a bunch of racist rubes.
I didn’t watch the SNL stuff, but it’s funny you said that. I did watch the response that Carville and some of the others had, I don’t know why, just happened to be flipping through something and happened to notice Carville on, I think they had him on Fox News or something, and he was speaking along those exact lines of what you’re talking about, Bob. And he’s like, guys, we already lost. Are we going to keep, I’m paraphrasing, but are we going to keep losing by going down these same paths over and over again? Because here’s the bottom line, it’s not working.
For him to say that, Bob says something.
I know. I know. Yeah, Neil. I was going to say it’s not working. And, you know, Donald Trump won in 2016 to the shock of everybody, especially Hillary Clinton. 2020, he had more blacks voting for him than in 2016, 2024 more than in 2020. He had gains in every county in the United States of America and huge gains amongst minority voters. So like the bottom line is it’s not working. And if that’s all you’ve got to, you know, to refer to to try to get people to believe that somehow anybody that would support conservative values is a is a racist rube. then it really says very little for your own position on things because you obviously don’t have any realistic arguments to raise that are going to actually sway voters. Apparently you’re just taking swipes and jabs at people because you’re upset you’re not in power. I mean, I don’t see any other reason for it except just sour grapes. I mean, it was ridiculous what happened.
And you know what? That’s actually a very important point that you make, Neal, that if you have to make up and exaggerate and create false caricatures of your political opponents then that just shows you how weak your own position is because if trump okay if trump were really as bad as everybody on the left acts like he is they should be able to quote him accurately they should be able to if trump’s supporters are really these horrible people in america you should be able to portray them accurately and score points but they know they can’t on the left You know, the only thing they can do is create false narratives, because if they tried to have a fair fight on the actual evidence itself, nobody’s going to get persuaded by it. So they just keep telling these lies and it’s it’s it’s coming out eventually. It really is.
But and again, the bottom line, real quick, about 30 seconds. But just real quick, I mean, the bottom line is that the black voters. essentially don’t agree with that skit. So, you know, I don’t know who they were trying to convince or what point they were trying to make, but they’re completely out of touch with reality, presenting it that way.
One of the things I would encourage you to do, watch the skit again, and notice the reaction of the audience, because the audience… Weren’t rank and file, you know, Democrat voters. The audience were a bunch of liberal Hollywood elitists. And it was nervous laughter at best because I think even they realized, OK, they were having a little bit of the James Carville kind of this isn’t smart, guys. So you would have thought there would have been bigger laughter from the audience than there actually really was. We’ve got a lot more we’re going to be talking about in the second half of this podcast. Right now, though, I do want to remind everybody, if you haven’t given to Preborn yet, please do that now. Maybe you gave last year. And 2025 is a new year. Would you give something again now? What we’re talking about doing is saving babies’ lives. Saving babies’ lives by paying for ultrasound images. Ultrasound images save babies’ lives, plain and simple. So you can do this one of two ways. On a smaller scale, you can pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to convince one mother to let her baby live.
So how many babies’ lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy of the amount of babies’ lives you saved. The larger scale is buy an ultrasound machine. There’s a lot of pro-life centers that don’t have ultrasound machines in them, folks. They’re $15,000 a piece, nice tax write-off for you, but your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions. So either way, we want you to give to Preborn right now, and 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds. All overheads covered by private donations. So go to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn, and you can give right there. We appreciate you folks doing that. We appreciate you supporting our sponsors like Preborn, like SunPowerLED, Neal, and the great work that they do.
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I’ll tell you what, it really is phenomenal how well it works. And what’s so great about it, too, all natural, no drugs, no shots, no nothing like that, no side effects. It’s like you can’t get better than that. All right, we’ve got the second half of the podcast coming up, and we’re going to be talking about the latest with Doge. and also some of the controversy surrounding Rick Warren’s comments about Jesus and politics. So we’ve got a lot to get to in the second half. We appreciate you folks listening to this podcast. We appreciate your five-star reviews. And thank you so much wherever you listen to the podcast. And we’ll continue the second half coming up next.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
Continue in the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast with Neil Boron. Neil Boron live out of Buffalo, New York. John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Myself, Bob Duco, the Bob Duco Show out of Detroit. And in this second half, we’re going to… Well, first, let’s talk about Doge. Before we get into the Rick Warren stuff, it is… Guys, it is amazing. Neil, the things that they are uncovering, that Elon Musk and such is uncovering… With with wasteful spending is incredible. But, you know, what’s interesting also, I love, Neil, how this White House fights back with their own fact checking. Caroline Leavitt put out this video saying, oh, by the way, here’s Barack Obama and Joe Biden, both of them talking about how important it is to go through every page of government spending and look for wasteful spending that we can clean up or whatever. And as she pointed out, she said, you know what the difference is? They made those promises and they didn’t do it. Donald Trump made those promises and he’s doing that. And now they’re acting all shocked on the left. Stop it. It’s really incredible that the scraping of the the walls of the barrel that’s being done right now by by this department.
Yeah, and I don’t know if you guys saw the video of Elizabeth Warren, who’s Native American. Oh, wait, no, she isn’t.
I’m sorry, I’ve got to say this real quick. I think I told you guys this before, but I’ve had such fun with the whole Elizabeth Warren thing, because as you know, when she got genetically tested, it turns out that she had a smaller amount of Native American blood in her genes than your average American. white American does, because everybody has a little trace of something. We go back to the, really to Noah’s Ark. Everybody’s got a little trace of different ethnic groups in them, but she had less than your average. I actually happened to be 1 8th Cherokee. My mother was 1 4th Cherokee. My grandmother was 1 half. And so you need to be 1 16th to be part of Cherokee Nation. So technically, guys, I could be playing the I’m a minority card, you know, kind of thing. Oh, and by the way, so I have a right to say it’s the Washington Redskins, okay? And I’m not offended by that. But anyway, so… I throw that out there real quick. But yeah, Elizabeth Warren, go ahead.
I mean, just it’s in line with what you’re saying about, you know, Barack Obama and the Biden administration, etc. But Elizabeth Warren in this one particular video and many years ago, she looks much younger is saying, look, when very calmly, when that much money disappears. It’s usually because somebody broke some laws somewhere. But if we don’t ask, if we don’t uncover it, if we don’t make it all public, we’ll never find out. And then they cut to a video of her recently, like last week or something. And she’s in the Chuck Schumer reap the whirlwind, you know, kind of voice. And she’s saying, we’re here to fight power. What is she fighting back? She’s fighting back against the fact that somebody turned the lights on and now the cockroaches are scattering. They’re getting to the bottom line that, okay, so I guarantee there’s always been waste in the federal government, pork projects and other things. It’s always been there. But then you attach corruption to it. And the – I guess I’m looking for the word – determined effort of the federal government to fund DEI projects in other parts of the world, $2 million for sex changes and LGBTQ activism in Guatemala, $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt. What? If you ask the average American person, would you pay – would you help – can you give $100 to help support transgender opera in Colombia? Would you do that? No. I think that most people are going to go, hit the road, Jack. I’m not interested in funding that.
By the way, how about sex change surgery on animals? You do know they’re doing sex change surgery on animals? Oh, thank God. I’m so excited to hear that. That is unbelievable. You know what I think needs to happen, though?
I really think that there needs to be some published work about what’s been uncovered or a major press conference where there’s charts and graphs saying, look, here’s what we uncovered. I agree. I agree.
I agree.
Because this is all flying by so fast that we’re missing the impact. They’ve already uncovered like $55 billion in a month, and it’ll get to the trillion mark in the not-too-distant future. But I just think the American people, it’s happening so quickly. They need to really be able to absorb just how magnanimous this whole fraud and deception thing has been in our federal government.
John, I’ll bet you he is speaking your language large because I know you’re a big proponent of Republicans doing a better job of simply clarifying a message to people. I think Neil’s absolutely right. It is time right now for the White House to put together some kind of basic simplified chart that has different categories. In this category, here’s what we have eliminated away so far. In this category, create a bunch of different subcategories. have 15, 20 bullet points in each subcategory and put them out there and keep updating that every three or four days.
Well, and they are, just most people probably don’t know about this, and maybe they need to be more, how should I say this, more pertinent, more purposeful in letting people know they can go to, so, and literally, guys, I’m looking at it right now, everything you’re talking about, there’s literally the… first post today, because it’s coming through X, but the first post today is literally, Bob, a spreadsheet of what you’re talking about. So they are. They’re just not doing a very good job, I don’t think, of pushing people there. Yeah, I’m looking at it too. With that being said, I also think, to give them a little bit of grace here, there is so much they’re doing every day and uncovering so much that I will be honest with you guys, it really is hard to keep up with everything they’re in covering everything they’re doing i’m guessing when they get to a point where things maybe get a little bit more static i would venture to guess they will do this now i will say this all of news media at the left of course you guys are talking about just going crazy over this which is like okay when you’re crazy going crazy because somebody’s auditing you what does that tell the american public by the way that middle of the road voters and those that are on the right not the far left because the far left a bunch of loons anyways but those are in the middle And on the far right, they’re like, wait a minute, isn’t this what we hired this guy to come in and do in the first place? And you can say President Musk all you want. You can make fun of all these guys. You can try to drum up as many excuses as you want as to why they shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. But the reality is they are. They’re uncovering mass abuse, mass fraud, mass kickbacks. I mean, the list goes on, guys. I’m here to tell you, when this is all said and done, And this is my prediction. If this continues to go this direction, the left had better make some really big plans on how to win in 2026, or you’re going to see a lot of current senators and congressmen and women without jobs.
That’s right. And by the way, while we’re at it, Neil, you know that according to the U.S. Census Bureau, there’s about 80,000 Americans that are 100 or above, about 80,000. However, DOGE is uncovered in the Social Security Administration database, over 20 million Americans. people in the social security database over 100 over 20 million including 1.9 million in their 150s and even some in their 360s i kid you not there are people you know some methuselahs apparent but but when you have millions and millions of people in their 130s 140s 150s and even up into the 300s and they’re in the database right now when we know there’s only 80 000 americans over over 100 And that tells me there’s there’s some serious fraud, some serious waste that’s going on right now.
Huge. And, you know, I was a little concerned at first because John mentioned the midterms. I’ve got the midterms in the back of my mind. You know, we lost the House two years into the first Trump presidency. And I would love to see him hang on to the House and the Senate, maybe even gain seats. so that we can do even more of this kind of thing but i was like why is it why are we moving so fast and on the other hand i was thinking about the show hoarders you know and if you ever watch that show in some cases it just gets so bad that there’s a need for a bring a bulldozer and let’s have a massive intervention there is no you know we’ll take out a few dishes today or a couple of you know stacks of newspapers like let’s just blow this house up it absolutely needs to be fixed And and I think that the American people are OK to absorb and believe that and settle in that reality if we can, because some of these people 30 days ago were believing that the federal government would never do this kind of stuff like they wouldn’t hide billions. They wouldn’t have, you know, hundreds of thousands of people that are 150 years old on the Social Security list. But that’s the truth, and they need time to absorb it. So I don’t know. I really think this could be huge for conservatives down the road, and I think the American taxpayer is really going to get involved. Let me tell you, though, about SunPower LED. Can I just talk about that for a second? Yeah, please. Because, you know, there’s a lot. I mean, people have mistrusted SunPower. government and not really known what to believe. And I think especially during COVID, people had crazy ideas about what to believe and not to believe. And now the House came out with that post-COVID report that said, hey, guess what? All the stuff you assumed, like maybe that vaccines weren’t as good for you as you had thought, or that masks, you know, we were told they work, but they actually didn’t. Well, guess what? You were right. They didn’t really work. That all of this mistrust is leading people to ask questions like, what can we believe in? What is real? And something I can tell you about that’s 100% real is the light God himself created. God said, let there be light, and there was. And buried within light are certain wavelengths of red and near-infrared light that can penetrate the human body, get deep into the cell, excite the mitochondria in our cells to do what the cells were created to do, and that’s to heal the human body. And so light therapy, what’s called photobiomodulation, is being used to alleviate back and neck pain and knee pain and tinnitus and vision problems epilepsy and seizures recovery from wound care hey if you’ve got a distrust of what big pharma has been telling you you need to learn about sun power led and there’s videos there’s information available by going to just click on it and explore SunPowerLED, that’s like sun in the sky, S-U-N. SunPowerLED at And I thank God, Bob, that they’re one of our sponsors along with folks like Preborn.
Oh, absolutely. I mean, SunPower LED is phenomenal. Preborn is phenomenal. You know, this is the main pro-life group. This shows ultrasound images of unborn babies to expectant moms in pro-life centers all around the country. And when a mom sees a picture of her baby, she doesn’t go across the street to Planned Parenthood. She usually chooses life. But what we need to do is we need to pay for these ultrasound images. Truth is that the demand is higher than the supply. So there’s a lot of pro-life centers that don’t have ultrasound machines in them. And the ones that do, they don’t have the money to be able to show as many ultrasound images as they could. So here’s what we’re asking you to do, folks. Number one, if you can buy an ultrasound machine, please do that. They’re 15 grand apiece. Your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands of abortions year after year. And the smaller thing you can do is pay for individual ultrasound images. $28 saves one baby’s life. So how many babies’ lives will you save? Take $28 and fill in the blank. And that’s your forever legacy. And 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. So here’s what you do. Go right now to and click on Preborn. You can give right there., click on Preborn. Or just give them a call at 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. And just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we appreciate you supporting our sponsors as we continue through this podcast. Right now talking about… The latest on Doge. And I don’t know, John, I’d love to get your take on this one. When the Census Bureau says that there’s 80,000 people over the age of 100. However, the Social Security database. I know. And you know what? You got three point. If I remember the numbers right in the 130s, we got three point nine million in the 140s. 40s, we got, I think, 3.5 million. In the 150s, we got 1.9 million. Yes, some in the 200s, some in the 360s as far as age goes. It’s like, my goodness, I guess I’m thinking that there comes a time when you have to take Abraham and remove him from the Social Security database.
So you’re saying Paul Revere is still collecting government benefits?
He’s still collecting. I know. You know what? Look, there’s going to be some, John, there’s going to be some glitches. I get it. But, John, no, this is crazy. I mean, people in their 200s, people as high as the 300s or so, I mean, there comes a point where it’s like, I know that some of this is just going to be glitches. Okay, fine. The legitimate Social Security recipients and their age is entered wrong. But you know there’s a bunch of people out there that are collecting Social Security checks from grandma who’s been dead for 50 years.
Bob, just like there’s a lot of people that are on SNAP and other type of assistance programs, Section 8, I can go down the list of things to where they either, A, shouldn’t be on it, they’re working the system, they’re working around the system. I mean, there’s so many ways, and you see even videos where these people, believe it or not, brag about the things that they actually do in regards to some of these things. It’s like, okay. At some point in time, and I get it, you’re never going to be 100% foolproof. You’re never going to catch every single one of these individuals, Bob, just like you don’t catch every shoplifter in a shopping mall. But the reality is you’ve got to minimize it as much as you possibly can.
Absolutely. Absolutely. All right. So let’s, in the last little bit of our podcast, I want to shift over to something that Rick Warren said. We all know Rick Warren, of course, Saddleback Church, California, Purpose Driven Life, bestselling author. And I know that Rick Warren is extremely popular. I get that. There are some issues that I have certainly had with him over the years.
Unfortunately, you’re correct, Bob. He is, and I’m not sure he should be.
I’m not sure he should be either. But, you know, one of the things, anytime they get involved in politics, and Rick Warren obviously taking a swipe at Christians who tend to be politically conservative or siding with Donald Trump or whatever, he doesn’t want to come out and say, hey, Christian, stop voting Republican. He doesn’t want to say that. But what he does do is he puts out a picture. It’s a meme picture of Jesus on the cross with the two thieves on either side of him. And he says, when you look at all the partisan bickering going on these days, notice Jesus was in the middle of two thieves. He wouldn’t have been on either side. That’s his way of saying, look, he’s not saying to liberal leftists, hey, stop, you know, Christians, stop aligning with the left wing. He’s basically taking a swipe at conservatives who are aligning on the right side of this. And I think to myself, and Neil, maybe I can take it over to you, certainly theologically and such, because I know you’re very deep in this area. I have never claimed Jesus would be a Republican. No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. Jesus, sitting there looking at the two sides politically in America, like you’re looking at a tennis match, and looking at one side who is trying to push abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, looking at one side who’s trying to gender confuse our children and sexually mutilate in surgery our children that are gender confused, looking at that same side who’s trying to censor and silence Christians in the public square and trying to throw Christians and pro-lifers in prison, and then look at the other side, who is not perfect, but is fighting against that agenda, trying to save babies’ lives, trying to protect children that are gender-confused, trying to protect God in the public square, and that Jesus would look back and forth, back and forth, throw up his hands and go, Oh, I don’t know. I just can’t. I can’t decide. I don’t think there’s either one of these two sides. It’s two equal sides of the same evil coin. I’m just not seeing that, Neil, not with the kind of stuff that the Democrat Party is supporting today. I just wish Rick Warren would keep his mouth shut about things like this.
Yeah, I don’t know what the motivation was, but I was told, I’m not on X, but that he removed the post. I think he saw how foolish it was. But, you know, this isn’t just a swing and a miss. This is a total strikeout. He got tossed from the game as well. The ump threw him out. I mean, like, this is just absolute obliteration of Scripture to try to imply what we all believe he was trying to imply. Now, on the other hand, let me just say one thing. The real story behind what happened with the thieves on the cross really wasn’t about one of them being right and the other one being wrong. Actually, they were both guilty. You can read about it in Matthew 27. They were both guilty and both deserving of death.
Just one of them came around.
Yeah, and yet didn’t come around politically. Came around in terms of spiritual depravity and realized, look it, I’m a broken individual. I need Jesus. So what he was actually just doing was admitting his need for Jesus. There was nothing right about anything except the fact that he realized he was broken. That was it. And I think that’s a picture of where we all need to be. We’re all lost. John 3.18 will tell you, you know, all of us, if we have not believed in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, we’re lost, separated from him. We stand condemned already. Condemned already, yeah. So, I mean, the reality is—and there’s another subtle message I think is important to say here just because we’re talking about it. You know, Jesus was very clear that all of us need to deal with the log that’s in our own eye. And maybe we should all look at that thief that was on the cross who saw his sin and his need for Jesus and turned to him and repented, that each one of us, no matter where we are in our journey with Christ, need Jesus. And so in churches, let me just say, I think it’s important to add that in churches, just because maybe a church is basically conservative and most of the people vote Republican, that there aren’t issues to deal with like gossip or lukewarmness or sexual abuse in the church or something else. There are real issues to be dealt with in churches, and no church is righter than the next on those issues. All of us need Jesus. But the whole idea that he would make the implication that a political stance— And take this middle-of-the-road, wishy-washy kind of thing. Nobody’s as far right as you conservatives, and you should probably come over here to the middle because Jesus would be right here in the middle. It’s absolutely ridiculous. It was ill-advised. It was short-sighted, and I think he regrets it, which is why he took the post down. Just absolutely nonsense.
John, what’s your take about that?
Can’t argue anything Neil just said. And yeah, I mean, reality is he was taking something that at the time it happened, Jesus on the cross between two thieves, by the way, he took something that had nothing to do with politics at all. And if somebody wants to correct me and can find scripture that would say so, be my guest, because I’ve never seen it that way. He was basically talking about, to Neil’s point, two lost individuals that needed him, which one was going to come with him, not right versus left, politically speaking. Again, and by the way, guys, not to get off on a tangent, but there’s so many things anymore that… that Rick has gotten off track on. And you always wonder, why do these guys get off track in that way? Because at one point in time, I think Rick had all of the right motives and was doing things the right way and so on. And somewhere along the line, he got too big for his britches, call it whatever you want, but got off track. And the reality is, no offense, guys, I wouldn’t listen to a word he says today.
Yeah, I mean, I hate to say it, but, well, you know what, there’s a sense of trying to create a feel-good Christianity that tends to be all about me also. And one of those examples is the He Gets Us campaign. I don’t know about you guys, but that campaign makes my eye twitch. They ran that commercial again during the Super Bowl. Nobody is saying that we shouldn’t be out there and helping the poor and caring for people and eradicating things like racism. And, you know, all that is positive fruit that should be produced. But this is fruit that’s produced after your first and foremost acceptance of Jesus Christ. It’s about him, not about the good deeds that we may do. Those good deeds need to happen, but they’re an extension of our faith in him. Right. Yeah, and, you know, John, we really do have this bag. We talked about the thieves on the cross, okay? The thief on the cross didn’t look down and say, you know something, this Jesus next to me, he gets me. He gets me right where I am, okay?
And the reality is, Bob, he does, but the way it’s being presented… is it’s done in a non-accountability type of a fashion.
It’s about me and my life focus. Correct. Jesus is going to come to wherever I am, whatever my feelings are, whatever my desires are. And, I mean, he does meet us where we are. I get all of that.
He does.
But it’s not… He does. But it’s not… He doesn’t… It’s not my life. Everything is about me and my life, and God conforms to whatever makes me happier because he gets me. I’m the best me I can be. And it’s just… We’re so… That’s the… Neil, I got to tell you, that’s the idolatry of today. It really is. The idolatry of today is the image in the mirror. It’s everything is about me. He gets us. No, no, no, no, no. How about we get him? Less of me, more of him. I think I’ve heard that somewhere, Neil.
Yeah, and he doesn’t conform himself to each one of us. We’re to be conformed to his image. And ultimately, and both of you are right, Jesus meets us where we’re at. I mean, he meets us at that place where we’re in sin, we’re broken. He shows up and he says, I’ve got a better way. And he invites us to follow him in the process. you know, we experience decisions that need to be made about saying, you’re Lord, I’m not, I’m following you, I’m going to follow what you have for me. And he says, okay, good, then die to yourself. Surrender, be transformed. There’s nothing about Jesus is just going to hug you and embrace you and tell you that you’re wonderful in your sin. No, he came to set us free from sin and to transform us into his image. So the whole premise of the He Gets Us campaign in that sense is off base. If by chance… I mean, this is the reason why people serve coffee in the lobby at church and maybe a croissant or a bagel or something, is that, you know, it’s attractive. And so in one sense, we want to be attractive. Jesus didn’t walk up to the woman at the well and punch her in the face. He engaged her in conversation. He loved on her where she was at, but he got right to the heart of the matter, that she didn’t have one husband who wasn’t her husband. She had several. And, like, you know— dealt with her sin and her brokenness that’s who jesus is he loves us enough to transform us and if the he gets us campaign stops short of that then it’s not doing its job ultimately maybe it’s going to point some people towards jesus and they can learn about who he really is by reading the bible but right now that he gets his campaign isn’t accomplishing that
Through the lens of self, it really is. And, you know, we’re just about out of time here. But, Neil, if you would, kind of remind our audience, because we do want them to support our sponsors, and especially SunPowerLED.
Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, let’s just say, for instance, you or someone you know or love has dealt with migraines. Just one of the many things that you can use light therapy to deal with in your body to help alleviate that kind of pain. But if you’ve gone on and on with every possible option and you’re just like at wit’s end, you really need to look into what light therapy can do for you. It’s literally taking a certain wavelength of light, near-infrared light, that penetrates the human body. There’s no danger of skin cancer or anything like that. It’s not UV radiation. light that’s going to cause that kind of problem, but it can help alleviate problems associated with migraines and debilitating back pain. And, you know, you’ve got swollen knees as a result of knee surgery. All of this can be dealt with using what’s called photobiomodulation, which is just light that God himself created, penetrating the human body, getting to the cell, energizing it, and then healing our body. And if you want to learn about it, go to Click on Sun Power LED. This is not about surgery. It’s not about big pharma, no pharmaceuticals. It’s light that God created. Check it out. and click on Sun Power LED.
And I know from firsthand experience it works. Got me out of some severe knee pain that I used to have. This technology is real. And, folks, we want you to give to Preborn also. Maybe you’ve given in the past and you haven’t in a while. Would you give again? Great way to kick off 2025. Save babies’ lives. That’s what you’re doing. You’re paying for ultrasound images, okay? If you want to pay for individual ultrasound images to be shown in pro-life centers around the country, you go to, click on Preborn. And you pray about a number of babies’ lives you want to save. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. So take $28 times, fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy. And maybe you can pay for an ultrasound machine itself. They’re $15,000 a piece. Nice tax write-off for you. But your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions every year. So whatever you can afford to do, give right now. Click on pre-born. And don’t forget, they have private donors that cover all of the overhead and expenses. So 100% of what you give goes to the ultrasounds with pre-born. You can also give over the phone. The answer to the phone is 24-7. So call 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. And just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we always appreciate you folks supporting our sponsors. We appreciate you folks listening to this podcast. We appreciate your five-star reviews, of course. And so let me just say, John Rush, Rush Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live out of Buffalo, New York. Myself, Bob Duco, The Bob Duco Show out of Detroit. Guys, great catching up with you. Thanks a lot. Looking forward to next week. See you then. Thanks, Bob. You bet. We’ll see you. Thanks for listening, everybody. God bless.
You’ve been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of today’s culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.