Join the National Crawford Roundtable as they provide an insightful analysis of President Donald Trump’s policies during his first week in power. The conversation touches on border security, deportation of illegal immigrants, and the socio-political dynamics surrounding these issues. The episode balances lighter moments, like the hosts sharing their thoughts on recent NFL events, with serious political debate, offering listeners a well-rounded understanding of the intersection of faith and culture. Advertisements from sponsors provide avenues for listeners to engage with supportive health and pro-life services.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and buy SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Back with another week of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast. We got the guys, of course. John Rush, Rush to Reason, Denver, Colorado. Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live, Buffalo, New York. Myself, Bob Duco. Guys, how are you? Great, Bob. Well, not so great.
How you doing there, Neil? Not so great.
Hey, me too.
It’s like, no, it wasn’t supposed to go this way. No. Bill’s Lions would have been the game of the century. It would have had unbelievable viewership. I think literally people are not going to watch because they’re so tired of the Chiefs thing.
Yeah, that’s me.
Okay. Neil, I got to ask you what I asked John before we started recording. And by the way, I never in a million years thought that the Lions would be beat by the Redskins. And that’s right. I’m calling them the Redskins. They’re not the commanders to me. Personally, I think that I’ll bet you sometime within the next 10 years, they’re called the Redskins again. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. But anyway, I just didn’t think that would happen. And the same thing with the Bills. But now that it is… KC and Philly. All right. KC does have a chance for a three-peat. That’s never happened in the history of the NFL.
Unless it doesn’t.
I’m with you, John. Neil, isn’t there a case for going, okay, let’s go ahead and at least have the Super Bowl be an historic Super Bowl? No. What’s wrong with having a new dynasty and a three-peat that’s never happened before? Bob, think with your brain, not your heart, bro. Seriously.
Come on, man. Thank you. Thank you, Neil.
Wow. Words I very rarely ever have to defend. Exactly. The good news is Bob does have a heart, John.
He does.
Yeah, he does. Hey, look, you find your truth, I find my truth, okay? That’s your truth, this is my truth, all right?
Really quick, Neil, this is a true NFC guy saying this.
Oh, I know.
If he was in the AFC, he wouldn’t be saying this.
Yeah, not at all. Not if you saw these guys on a regular basis. It’s the evil empire, man. Bring them down. That’s right. Thank you, Neil. For all that’s good and right in the world, take them down.
I’ll tell you what. If Darth Vader wins two in a row, then it’s like, all right, go for the three-peat. Okay, so I don’t know. I like the idea of, okay, well then if it stinks because we didn’t have who we wanted, then okay, let’s at least have some history being made.
Bob, you know what? Here’s what you do. Forget about the Super Bowl. Just watch a Hallmark movie and everything. Yeah, there you go. Here we go.
Okay, hey, just so you know, hate’s not a family value. I’m going to get a bumper sticker. I’m going to get a coexist bumper sticker that has the Chiefs logo and the Lions logo and the Bills logo and all that kind of stuff and put it on the back of my car.
This is wrong.
We should, though, congratulate Crawford Corporate because they are definitely Eagle fans. So, guys, if you’re listening, congratulations.
Yeah, here we go. They got a chance to win another one.
Hey, guys, why don’t you trash the daylights out of the Eagles? Come on, let’s go. Let’s do it. I think Mr. Crawford’s listening.
Go ahead. You know what? If they can beat the Chiefs, I’m all in.
Yeah, I’m a forever Eagles fan if they beat the Chiefs.
Please do it. All right, well, I’m going out on a limb. I’m not a Chiefs fan, but because of the three-peat possibility, I’m rooting for the Chiefs. Bob, you’re disappointing me. Well, those are my feelings. Don’t invalidate them. Okay. Let’s send him a teddy bear, John, seriously. Yeah, there we go. There we go, Neil. I want one from Vermont, okay? Actually, I need an emotional support puppy after the Lions lost, so… All right. This week we are going to know it’s not going to be the sports show this week. We’re going to talk about a few different things. First of all, Donald Trump’s first full week in office. He’s been a week and a half now and pushing two weeks. But some of the things that he’s been doing so far, I mean, the arrest and deportations of illegal alien criminals. And yes, criminals. I’m also kind of curious what you guys think of Caroline Leavitt, the new press secretary. I thought she was pretty impressive. But he’s rebuilding the border wall now, ending DEI and military and government, securing a trillion dollars in private investment into the U.S., reinstituting the Mexico City policy on abortion. So he has been so busy in this first week. But then we’ll also get into talking about birthright citizenship. Is that unconstitutional to end that? Does the Constitution actually say that if you’re born in the United States, you’re automatically a citizen? End of discussion. Does it actually really say that? No, there’s a caveat, and we’ll debate that. And then if we get time, we’ll get into some Bitcoin crypto discussions and, you know, how should Christians look at cryptocurrencies since Donald Trump has certainly gravitated to at large. Let’s start with Trump’s first week, though. And, Neil, if I could start with you, your thoughts. Well, I’ll tell you what. Actually, tell you what I want to do. I’m going to start with you, John, instead first. Okay. Let’s talk about the illegal alien criminals. And Caroline Leavitt, in talking with the media, she’s like, no, they are criminals. You come here illegally, you committed a crime, okay? You’re a criminal. And there is this assumption, John, that because the liberal left and the media says, no, this is a civil infraction, therefore it’s not accurate to call them criminals. No, if you violate the law, if you violate federal law, then you have committed a federal crime. Just because the left tries to use the semantics of it’s not really a crime. Well, yes, it is. And so I’m glad that she’s reclaiming Webster’s Dictionary.
I wish you’d even add to that that, you know, this whole narrative over the past, gosh, guys, decade, decades, plural, where we’ve tried to change that into, you know, migrants or, in other words, changing the name. Undocumented. what you’re talking about. And I wish there, and maybe she will, most likely will at some point, I wish she’d come out and basically say that. It’s like, you know, because of you guys, the press, and a lot of the folks on the left, we have even relabeled these individuals and not really talking about what they really are and what they’ve really done. And the reality is we need to start calling it what it is. They’re here illegally. We’re all for legal immigration. Let’s do it correctly. You guys know my thoughts on that. It needs a revamp. I think we need a merit-based system. Not sure that that’s on the table with Trump. I hope it is. Regardless, at the end of the day, you cannot cross the border and just waltz on in.
You can’t. And by the way, you know, John, I played on my show here in Detroit. I played an audio clip of somebody saying in 2009 when Barack Obama was president, this somebody said – When we call them words like undocumented, OK, then we’re giving justification for their coming here illegally. No, they are illegal. OK, they are illegal aliens and they cannot come into this country legally. They are illegal. And so it’s like, who said that? That was Chuck Schumer. who said he went on this big rant about, stop calling them words like undocumented, okay? They are illegal aliens. They are here illegally. Bill Clinton in his 1995 State of the Union address, you can watch the video of this, he stood up calling them illegal aliens and said they are illegal aliens, and they are here illegally, and they must go because they’re taking jobs away from our people here in the United States. And when he said that, You watch the video. He got a standing ovation. Both sides, Republicans and Democrats, stood up and gave him a standing ovation. This is what’s happened to today’s Democrat Party. This is how radical and extreme they’ve become. Caroline Levitt’s absolutely right. And let me ask you about this. Neil, because first of all, I want to get your take on this and Caroline Levitt and, of course, the deporting of the illegals and getting back to calling them illegals. But before you do that, talk to us a little bit about SunPowerLED because we very much appreciate the sponsors to this podcast. We appreciate that. We want our listeners to support these sponsors. And with SunPowerLED, it’s really a win-win because our listeners are helping themselves, too.
Yeah. No doubt about it. And I really think that this first week of Trump’s presidency has been marked by collective sighs of relief all over the country where people are feeling like people are that somebody is finally dealing with common sense again, that we’ve gotten back to what makes sense. And, you know, RFK is going to be. We’re recording this on Wednesday morning. He’s going through his confirmation hearings and everybody’s going to be going after him who can go after him. He’s Trump’s appointment to lead health and human services. But he’s a guy that says, listen, big pharma doesn’t have your best interest at heart. They’re out to make money. They’re a drug company. They want to keep you on drugs and keep you on drugs for the rest of your life. Right. There is a possibility that the federal government and Big Pharma in the past have kind of held hands together to make this about profit and not actually the health of the American people. Well, red light therapy from SunPower LED can actually heal you of… All kinds of problems. I mean, there’s arthritis that people are dealing with. There’s post-surgical injuries, migraine headaches, and we’ll talk more about it later in the podcast. But the bottom line is relief is available by using the very light God himself created. Learn about it. Go to sunpowerled at Sun, S-U-N, power, L-E-D at
And I can tell you from firsthand experience, this really does work. I mean, the photobiomodulation is incredible technology. And so definitely, folks, go to SunPowerLED to check it out for yourself. And another one of our sponsors of this podcast, of course, is Preborn. And Preborn has done so much to save babies’ lives across this country. You know what they do? They stop abortions from happening. They do. Because Preborn has ultrasound machines in pro-life centers across the country. They’re the ones who show ultrasound images of unborn babies to expectant moms. And when a mom sees a picture of her baby, she chooses life. She lets her baby live. And she usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. I would love to say that every single pro-life center in America has an ultrasound machine in it. Unfortunately, not all of them do, okay? The demand is higher than the supply. And that’s why we’re asking everybody in the audience right now, will you provide ultrasound images for these moms to see pictures of their baby? You can do this one of two ways. Option A, buy an ultrasound machine. That’s right. $15,000 is what they cost. 100% of what you give goes to the ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. But $15,000, it’s a nice tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy will be you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year after year. Now, for everybody else who says, oh, I can’t afford to buy one, okay, fine. Pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion. So take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that’s the number of abortions you stop. That’s your forever legacy. And 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. Please go right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn, and you can give right there. And if you want to give over the phone, they answer the phones 24-7, 833-850-BABY. Just call right now, 833-850-BABY. Mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call as we continue through this podcast. So, Neal, what is your take on the… First of all, Caroline Leavitt, the job that she’s doing, but also Trump deporting the illegals. He’s focusing on the criminals, those that are committing additional crimes here. But as Caroline Leavitt says, they’re all criminals. You’re here illegally. You committed a crime. It’s just degree of crime that you committed.
They all should go. Yeah, and I don’t know if you saw the Selena Gomez thing, you know, bawling her eyes out about all the babies that are going to be harmed by this, the children, etc. They were rounding up gang members, thugs, criminals, people that have committed crimes in other countries who also committed a crime by coming to our country illegally. And so when I mentioned the collective sigh of relief, I just personally in my own heart felt like, wow, somebody’s finally doing something about this. And there were a variety of other things that we’ll talk about as the podcast goes on. But I think, you know, this common sense revolution, as they termed the new Trump presidency, is where the American people are at. And we’re tired of living the way that we were living. And, you know, just one quick example. I live in a neighborhood. That’s very middle class, suburban, outside Buffalo, near the University of Buffalo. Beginning to become more multicultural, but it’s just kind of your average American suburb. Just down the road from me, though, they put in a group home a few years ago. And it ministers to the needs of people that have developmental disabilities. Okay. Well, you know, everybody says that’s a great thing. We should have homes where you deal with people that have developmental disabilities, give them opportunities to live together, work productively. Some of them go to jobs, you know, whatever. And they walk through our neighborhood and we’ve gotten to know some of them. But the point is… Man, you say you’re bringing one of these things into our neighborhood, and all of a sudden people show up at the town board meeting complaining like, okay, yeah, well, these things are great, but not where I live. How many people want criminals from other countries living next door to them? Because that’s exactly what this illegal immigration thing, the crisis at the southern border, has fostered. And the American people didn’t want it. Some polls said it was the number one issue. It outpaced the economy. And it actually propelled Trump to victory. I think people want common sense. They want the criminals to go home. And we’re not talking about four-year-olds. We’re talking about criminals who are part of violent drug gangs and are bringing fentanyl into our country. Get them out and keep up the good work. I’m very impressed by what’s happened so far.
Hey, John, I’m also curious to get your take on, as part of the deportations that Trump is doing, what happened with Colombia. I mean, this was really a remarkable thing to see, that the president of Colombia comes out and tries to stand up to Donald Trump, tries to play hardball with him, says, we’re not letting your planes land. Trump, as you know, came out and said, all right, guess what, everybody? Colombia, you got a 25 percent tariff on all Colombian products coming into the U.S. Oh, and by the way, after one week, that goes up to 50 percent. And here’s the other steps that we’re taking as far as government officials rescinding visas. And we’re going to look to closing the Colombian embassy in the U.S. And I mean, just starts. And by the way, this would. have such financially destroyed Colombia to have these tariffs, to not be able to export products to the U.S., it was only within a few hours that he basically went, okay, just kidding. Yeah, you can land. Then he still tried to talk tough to save face, but the bottom line is like, okay, you know, yeah.
One hour.
You can go ahead and adopt them. Not one day.
It was one hour. I was thinking it was like two or three.
One hour. Wow. John, that is a display of strength on the world stage. That’s the huge contrast between him and Biden.
Yeah, because all Trump had to do was rattle off a few things that we as a country could do to them. And literally, within one hour, this guy’s thinking – which, by the way, smart guy at least. I mean, at least he’s thinking to himself, ooh, wow. That’s probably not the right play here. I guess we should probably, you know, let’s reverse that and let’s play ball like we need to because otherwise this could get really damaging to us.
This guy is not Biden.
Exactly, exactly.
Hey, by the way, can I clarify something just in case? Yeah. Because I don’t know, when I talked about the group home in our neighborhood, I was in favor of it. Just, you know, we embrace that kind of thing. So just to be clear, and there are people that embrace that, but the average homeowner, Just listen to what happens at a town board meeting when you say that something like that is going to come into your neighborhood. All of a sudden, these people that care about all these wonderful lovey-dovey values say, not in my neighborhood, not near my property, and they change their tune. Well, most of the people that are saying, oh, yeah, the border is not a real big problem. I don’t really care about that, until you find out. You’ve got a gang member living next door to you. all of a sudden the attitude changes and i think the american people have having seen a number of murders and other crimes committed by the people who already committed crimes to get here they’re right waking up to the reality that this is a problem and it needs to be dealt with and there’s breathing a sigh of relief that trump’s taking care of it that’s the point i was trying and really quick and i know you don’t want to back up either uh but neil you brought up some some great points and i think some of that by the way a fact that people really are paying attention and
One of the biggest reasons why, you know, Donald Trump is president of the United States today. We saw what happened here in Aurora just this last weekend, where, by the way, in our you guys don’t see it this way because, you know, not everybody sees everything outside of a state news wise. But, you know, keep in mind here in Colorado, we had our governor. We had all sorts of other elected officials. We had folks from Aurora. We had Aurora PD, mayor, city council, a lot of the news stations here in the Denver area, basically saying all of us as conservatives talking about this apartment building taken over by this gang, the things that were going on in Aurora, the fact that this illegal activity was even going on in these really rough, let’s face it, these are like the baddest of the bad gang members areas. from, you know, that area were here doing what they were doing. And we basically got poo-pooed and told, yeah, you guys are crazy. You don’t know what you’re talking about. They downplayed that thing so big until last Sunday. Yeah, it’s a good point.
You know, I’m curious, too. The border wall is being rebuilt now. The Trump administration put out images of panels being put back up. Gaps are being closed. Okay, fine. The Marines working on it, by the way. I know. But you know what’s interesting about this, John, is that I’m wondering where the outrage from the left and from the media is. Because when Trump was trying to build the wall in his first term, all we heard was countless meltdown of cliches like we need to build bridges, not walls. That’s racist. That’s xenophobic. You know, whatever. We heard that repeatedly. There was just shock and outrage, which we know was a lie from them because those very same Democrats previously during Obama’s term, funded border wall building. So they just acted like they were outraged by this. But now it’s the very same wall being put up by the very same Donald Trump. Yet we’re not seeing a bunch of shock and outrage from the liberal left over this. So whatever happened to a wall is an evil thing. Whatever happened to let’s build bridges, not wall. Why are we not hearing any of these cliches right now? They’re just kind of talking about other things while Trump quietly does this.
I think it’s because they’re up against the reality that the American people have seen the light. It was like they were all for telling us that Joe Biden was perfectly fit to serve as president until we all saw that he wasn’t. And I just think people in America, by and large, not everyone for sure, there’s some radical fringe groups that still think an open border would be a great idea. But the average American has now seen that this is real and crimes like the one John just talked about in Aurora, Colorado, are actually happening and more are going to happen. And who knows, you know, what other terrorists have walked into our country who are part of sleeper cells and who knows what’s being planned. But the effort is to root these people out. And I think the vast majority of the American people see it as a common sense act. And you can’t raise an argument against that. People are seeing it with their own eyes and they know it makes sense.
Right, absolutely. So Trump has been super busy in this first week. I mean, my goodness, the stuff that he’s got done. You’ve got 7,300 illegals deported in just the first week alone. He’s shooting for a goal right now of 1,200 to 1,500 a day. But I’ve got to imagine Tom Homan is like, that’s too small of a number.
Bob, I want to add to that, too, because there will be some folks out there that will tell you, well, you know, behind the scenes, the Biden regime, they were deporting illegal aliens as well and this, that, and the other. And the reality is I highly doubt that they’re the same type of illegal aliens that were going back. And I think it’s really important to shine light on the fact that Donald Trump is sending back the baddest of the bad, not just any illegal. Right.
There’s something else that Trump, I think he deserves a lot of credit for, and of course the press isn’t going to give this to him, but that’s the amount of investment into the United States that he’s been securing. Look, any governor of any state, one of the things a lot of people don’t know about governors is that their job is to convince governors. businesses, including foreign businesses, to invest in their state. Hey, build a plant in our state. Build this in our state. Hire people in our state. That’s why governors actually will go on international trips because they’re salespeople. They’re trying to bring business to their state, while Trump on a national level He got he’s he’s had now close to a trillion dollars in investments into in proposed investments now into the United States from this Japanese billionaire from the from Saudi Arabia as well. And I got it. John, you’re a businessman. OK, you’ve owned businesses for years. You run employees for years there. To me, this is a huge thing that Donald Trump has been able to secure this because, you know what, it’s not a trillion dollar infrastructure plan of taxpayer money. It’s a trillion dollar tech technology infrastructure plan from private money and from other countries that are outsourcing their jobs to the United States. How in the world can that not be celebrated?
It should be because it’s directly opposite of what we typically see where companies will offshore and send things out of the country to get things done. And as you guys know, what that does, of course, is it drains the economy of the U.S. to a degree, and it helps out other entities just like this is in reverse. To your point, Bob, these are other entities. other countries, other entities that are now going to bring their resources, their dollars, if you would, here, invest it here. And as you guys all know, I hate to use the word trickle-down economics, but the reality is it’s true. I mean, the trickle effect of them coming in here and doing whatever it is they’re going to do, building plants, building this, building that, just the investment alone, you know, that ripple effect that goes out into all sorts of other industries, which, you know, we could talk a little bit about what happened even on Monday with, you know, China’s AI, you know, situation, which, by the way, I think is total BS, but that’s another conversation maybe for another podcast. And I think more of that will come out in the weeks ahead. But the reality is all of that type of investment and And even the brick and mortar that comes from all of that at the end of the day definitely helps out the economy. No, I know. I know.
And by the way, Neil, we got just about 60 seconds left. But so real quick, because we’ve got a lot more to talk about this in the second half. SunPower LED. We want our listeners to enjoy all the benefits of this completely natural way of healing and getting out of pain.
Yeah, well, you know, what’s been discovered is that light waves, if they make it inside your body, utilizing what’s called near-infrared technology, near-infrared light, super high-powered LED, it can’t burn your skin. It has no UV. You know, this is not like getting a sunburn. But it can penetrate your skin and get to the cell, and that light can wake up the cell to do what it was created to do, literally regenerate. reminding the mitochondria to get busy and to wake up, and it can supercharge, energize the cells to do what they were created to do. The end result is it reduces pain and swelling in your body, and as a result of that, promotes healing. So people with migraine headaches and arthritis, it’s been used for individuals who’ve dealt with seizures over a long period of time, chronic back pain. I’ve used it for a variety of reasons, which I’ll be talking about here on the roundtable. and it has been phenomenal. Just simply using the light God himself created to heal the human body. You can check it out by going to and click on the Sun Power LED button. That’s S-U-N, like sun in the sky., Sun Power LED, and find out how the light God himself created can be used to help heal your body, Bob. Absolutely.
And remember, folks, Preborn as well is standing by ready to take your gift to save babies’ lives. And remember, if you can pay for some of these ultrasounds, you’re going to save babies’ lives. Stop the moms from getting abortions, okay? We need more ultrasounds in pro-life centers across the country. So can you buy an ultrasound machine? They’re $15,000 apiece. Nice tax write-off for you. And your forever legacy is thousands and thousands of abortions that would have happened aren’t happening thanks to you. Okay. Year after year after year. And for everybody else, if you can’t do that, can you pay for an individual number of ultrasound images? $28 saves one baby’s life. That’s the ultrasound expense to stop one abortion. So take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy of the number of abortions that you stopped. Okay. And so, and a hundred percent of anything you give to preborn goes to ultrasounds. They have a private In private donations, pay for all of their overheads. So that means anything you give, 100% goes to the ultrasound. So here’s how you give. Go right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. You can give right there. Or they answer the phones 24-7. So just call 833-850-BABY, 833-850-BABY. And you can give over the phone. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we’re going to continue our discussion in the second half. Talk a little bit more about Trump’s first week, but ending birthright citizenship as well and the controversy surrounding that. If we get time, maybe a little Bitcoin talk as well. So second half of the National Crawford Roundtable coming up next.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
Continue in the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast with Neil Boron. Neil Boron live out of Buffalo. We didn’t make it to the Super Bowl, New York. John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Bob, let’s just don’t talk about the Lions Duco here out of Detroit. Guys, we’ve been talking about Trump’s first week. Let’s shift it to the birthright citizenship discussion right now. And I want to give you some of my thoughts on this, first of all. We have been told by the liberal left and by much of the media and the Democrats that what Donald Trump is doing is absolutely unconstitutional. A judge has blocked this already. The Supreme Court is going to have to decide. But it’s just not true that the 14th Amendment… only says anybody born in the United States is automatically a U.S. citizen. End of discussion. What it actually says is all persons are naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens. So now, what does it mean, and are subject to the jurisdiction thereof? Now, the liberal left, what they’re saying is, Well, that means that if they’re here in the United States, even though they may be here illegally, they’re subject to our laws. That means that they’re subject to our jurisdiction. And so, therefore, that means our children will automatically be citizens. That’s how they’re interpreting that. The conservatives are saying, no, what that means is that if you’re born in another country, You still owe your allegiance and subject to the jurisdiction of your original country. OK, that’s what that’s referring to. So now the question is, which constitutional legal scholars are right? I would argue the conservative legal scholars are right in this. And I’ll tell you why. Just some basic common sense. And I’m not even a lawyer. OK, but let’s think about this logically for a moment. If this was saying any human being born on U.S. soil under any circumstances is automatically a U.S. citizen, if that’s what they meant by that, what is the purpose of even saying and subject to the jurisdiction thereof? Why not just say anyone born in the United States is a citizen? End of discussion. No, this was an 1868 argument. ratifying of the 14th Amendment, and it was for the purpose of addressing slavery. Because slaves that were here, most of the slaves that were here, were children of previous slaves that were here, who were children of previous slaves that were here, and they didn’t have automatic citizenship. This was a way to rectify this for the slaves to say, you know something, you are U.S. citizens, you were born here, you’re U.S. citizens. Otherwise, if this applied to anybody and everybody, there’d be no reason to have a caveat in there. And I’ll take it even a step further. In 1866, you had a Civil Rights Act that the 14th Amendment played off of. And that specifically said all persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power. So that’s what the framers of the 14th Amendment were thinking. And I can tell you right now… That if you look at the people that are born in the United States right now, children born to diplomats here in the United States, they’re not U.S. citizens. And no Democrats complain about that. Nobody says, wait a minute, that’s a violation of the 14th Amendment. No. If you’re a diplomat and you’re here because you owe allegiance to a foreign country, you are not a U.S. citizen here. And as a matter of fact, I’ll take it one step further. Native Americans, the Indians, I’m sorry, the commanders in this country, do you know that the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act specifically said that if children are only made citizens through the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, And so, therefore, you’re okay. You can be citizens now. What’s the purpose of that if the 14th Amendment was automatically a blanket for everybody born here in the United States? Congress recognized Indians born here in this country – They don’t get automatic citizenship because the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to them. And that’s why that was added. And one final thing, 1872, the slaughterhouse case, it specifically decided, and this was the Supreme Court making clear that, quote, the subject to the jurisdiction thereof excludes children unmarried. of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign states born within the United States. So I’m telling you, Trump and his legal team is on solid ground and precedent to say you don’t automatically get citizenship if your parents happen to be here illegally. All right, that’s a mouthful, but now I’d kind of like to throw it around the table a little bit. John, your thoughts on birthright citizenship?
Bob, I’m not a constitutional expert by any stretch of the imagination, although I think if you look back to a lot of the things that you said and even our founders and what was going on at different times in the country and the things that they were trying to solve, I highly doubt if any of them were around today, they would agree with this side that says, well, they’re born here, they’re automatically citizens. I just don’t see that anywhere in the makeup of the country and what the design was initially, Bob.
I know. And, you know, Neil, this is this is something that so many people have just been told this lie that the 14th Amendment makes it crystal clear. There’s no debate. If you’re born on U.S. soil, then you’re automatically a citizen. Well, that’s just not true. But it’s amazing how many people believe that myth and even constitutional lawyers on the left. are saying, yep, that’s clearly what it says. But I have yet to have one of them explain to me, then why did you have the Indian Act of 1924? What was the purpose of that? Why have the 1872 ruling as well? None of these make any sense if that’s what the 14th Amendment was intended to mean.
Yeah, and I, you know, the bottom line is, Bob, most people have never even read the Constitution of the United States. And I think what you’re referring to as prevalent in the U.S. is the idea that there’s been this common understanding, albeit, excuse me, misunderstanding of what this actually applies to. And I think Donald Trump is brilliant for, you know, going after this. I mean, if he believes that this thing is not being interpreted correctly, then go after it. come out with an executive order. He’s not a dummy. He’s got legal people around him. And they say, you know, people are going to push back. I think immediately, like, 22 states, you know, filed lawsuits. And constitutional lawyers on the left are saying this is blatantly unconstitutional. Okay, so what happens then? Well, it gets fought out in the courts and eventually ends up at the U.S. Supreme Court. And then somebody takes a real look at what this is from a constitutional perspective and rules on it. And it’s very possible that the U.S. Supreme Court, given the makeup of the court now and their adherence to the fidelity of the original document, like what was the original meaning of this, may land exactly the way that you just described and rectify the situation and help the American people understand what was actually intended when this amendment was passed.
Absolutely. Absolutely. So, all right. So this is not some kind of a… you know, cruel thing where we’re being really unfair to the people, you know, to the dreamers, the ones that are born here from their parents. By the way, the gals on The View and my own governor here, Gretchen Whitmer, they were actually saying yesterday on The View that this is about Donald Trump targeting brown people. Oh, my word.
What’s his name? Al Sharpton was saying the same thing. I know. It’s like, this is…
It is obscene. Neil, one of the things we very much appreciate about our listeners to this podcast is they’re supporting our sponsors, of course. And one of those sponsors we’ve been telling you about a lot is Preborn. The other is SunPower LED. We’ll talk about SunPower in just a moment. Right. Remember, folks, if you give to pre-born, you’re actually saving babies’ lives. You really are. You’re stopping abortions from happening. Because when a mom who’s pregnant sees an ultrasound image of her baby, statistically, she chooses life almost all the time. Usually accepts the Lord, too. So what we want to do is show as many ultrasound images… to moms as we can. The problem is we don’t have enough ultrasound machines in pro-life centers across the country. And the ones that we do have, it costs money to operate them. That’s why we’re asking everybody in the audience, pay for these ultrasounds. Here’s the way you do it. Option A, buy an ultrasound machine. They’re 15 grand a piece. And your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. Okay. Option B is pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 a piece is what it costs to save one baby’s life through ultrasound expenses. So $28 stops one abortion. How many abortions will you stop? Take $28 times fill in the blank. And that’s your gift to pre-born. Maybe you gave last year already. Will you give another gift for 2025? And 100% of anything you give to Preborn goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. Private donations handle overheads. You don’t have to worry about that, everybody. This is Preborn. So here’s how you give. Go online right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or you can give over the phone 24-7. They answer at 833-850-BABY. Call right now, 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we appreciate you supporting our sponsors like Preborn, like SunPower LED. And, Neil, it is amazing what this photobiomodulation technology does in helping people naturally to get out of pain.
Yeah, using light that God himself created to heal the human body. And you say, well, how could that be? Well, stop and think about this for a second. I just had a new garage door opener installed on our home, and it’s good from 120 feet-ish. So when I’m not even pulled into the driveway yet, I hit the button, I watch it go up, and it’s okay. That’s not rocket science. But the point is there’s something happening that nobody can view with the human eye. Sonic technology, ultrasonic toothbrushes, super high-frequency waves that clean your teeth – Anyone ever fell victim to a sonic boom with a military jet flying over the house? It can knock people out of bed in the middle of the night. Well, light waves can be used to excite the cell in the human body and wake it up to do what it was created to do. So red light therapy, near infrared light, Super high power through SunPower LED can be used to reduce pain and swelling in your body and promote healing. You really need to check it out. There’s actually a video online of a gentleman who was blind and today is riding around on a motorcycle. They show him before and after. It’s an unbelievable story. How can light therapy help heal you? You need to check it out. Go to and click on SunPower LED. Bob?
Absolutely. So let’s, in our last part of the podcast here, let’s shift the discussion over to Bitcoin, crypto, things like that. You know, we’ve talked about this a little bit last week even, but Donald Trump, of course, embracing cryptocurrency. He even has his name attached to a new Trump coin meme that’s out there now. But Bitcoin does seem to be, and this digital currency does seem to be, a technological wave of the future. And so what’s going to happen with this? There’s a debate among Christians about whether Bitcoin is right. Should Christians even participate in this? And two of the big criticisms I’ve heard, and Neil, let me ask you about this first of all, from kind of a spiritual and theological perspective, I suppose. Number one, Bitcoin is used for evil purposes. We know that. A lot of people use it for money laundering and illegal activities, of course, and corruption. And we also know that it’s probably the kind of technology that the Antichrist would use to get us more toward a cashless society. But at the same time, I also know that the Internet is used for evil purposes by criminals. And my best guess is that there’s a lot of technology, including credit cards, that’s probably going to be used by the Antichrist to usher us toward a cashless society. So to me, I don’t see… Bitcoin or AI or any other types of advanced technology, I don’t see these as intrinsically good or bad. I see them as being used for good or bad. So for that reason, I don’t have any qualms about Christians owning cryptocurrency. And quite frankly, I own some. But your thoughts, Neil?
Well, police officers use guns to protect the innocent. Criminals use them to kill the innocent. And, you know, you can use a knife to cut a steak or to stab your neighbor. I mean, anything can be used for evil. Let’s keep that in mind. And I’m not very… attuned to what Bitcoin technology, cryptocurrency is all about. But I do know this, Bob, everything, every technological advance in human history in some fashion will probably end up being used in some way by the Antichrist. I mean, if the Antichrist gets in a car and drives from point A to point B, you know, the round wheels that got him there. We’re a development of technology at some point along the way. Electricity, facial recognition technology, fingerprinting, all of it. The bottom line is anything can be used for evil, and I think the potential’s there. What I really wouldn’t want to see happen is for people to go off the rails and all of a sudden assume that, like me, something they don’t understand is something to fear because that means if I don’t understand it, I can’t wrap my brain around it. Well, this is it. This is what the Antichrist is going to use to usher in the end times and the mark of the beast, and all of us are going to go off the rails, and Christians are going to all of a sudden be pledging allegiance to Satan. That will not happen. The Holy Spirit living within the believer is the one that gives discernment. Now, could it be a part of it? Yeah, it probably could. But pay attention, because when the moment comes where this crosses the line from a potential good device or, you know, thing to an evil thing, the Holy Spirit will be sending off warning bells, and the Word of God can lead us and guide us through these things. I don’t see any reason to fear it. That’s all I’m saying. Yeah.
What is your take in a general sense on cryptocurrency, on Bitcoin itself, Jonathan?
It’s one of those developing resources, I guess you could say. And I think even Donald Trump has changed his tune on that since about 2019, 2020. And is it for everybody? No. Is it a wave of the future? And could you potentially see more digitation of other types of assets and so on? I think one of… Trump’s executive orders is right along those lines. You know, what can we as a country do to maybe go in that direction? As you know, Bob, the advantages to crypto is, of course, the blockchain technology where you know exactly what’s happened all along the way. There’s no discrepancies. There’s no wondering, you know, where did this money come from? Things along those lines. Again, that can be done in other various ways, and by the way, is being done in other ways with other types of digital things that we have as well. So to your point, no, do I see this as any kind of ushering in of the end times? No, it’s a progression of technology. To your point, Neil’s point, technology will always be used down the road for good or bad. it just depends on how that tool quote unquote is being used uh am i a big player in it no i own a little bit i’ll play around with some just to kind of see what it does one way or the other i am not heavily invested my biggest fear still when it comes to the crypto end of things is number one which one’s going to stand out and be number one when it’s all said and done because that alone could could crush or cripple some of the others i just don’t see down the road there being multiples of these where there is at the moment and what’s going to be the leader when it’s all said and done and what becomes the the trading dollar if you would when it’s all said and done and will they even digitize the u.s dollar at some point and by the way if that happens i hate to say but bitcoin and some of the others probably devalue immensely when and if that happens
If the U.S. dollar gets digitized?
So I suppose that could cause… Only because the U.S.
dollar is backed by something where none of the other cryptos are. Right. True, but… And really quick, that’s been my issue with crypto in the first place is what’s it backed with? Faith. Faith in that you can now trade with these things and yes, they go up and down and there’s a value difference and so on. But at the end of the day… What’s it backed with? Nothing. At least a dollar is backed with U.S. assets.
Yeah. Well, I mean, what’s a Honus Wagner baseball card? Why is that worth millions of dollars? Because somebody’s willing to pay for that. Right. And so even if it’s phantom currency, if you will, as long as other people are willing to buy it and trade it, You know, it’s like playing chess without a board, okay? It doesn’t matter. As long as the other person is interacting with you about where the pieces are, it’s actually really a game being played. But you bring up an interesting point. If the U.S. dollar were actually digitized… So I’m not I’m not sure, though, that the U.S. dollar could. And I know this is really getting inside.
It already is a big way if you think about it. If anybody out there thinks that the amount of currency that we have physical dollars running around the country is anywhere close to the amount of currency that is in.
is in processes in play in the economy our actual cash is way way way less than the actual money in the market yeah i mean just a couple percentage points i mean it’s like two or three percent or something of actual cash right but see i know and i know this i would certainly not qualify for treasury secretary because my knowledge of this is not nearly uh as high as this plus you know last time i checked i’m not gay i’m sorry i threw that in on the side he did get a Bessette did get confirmed, though, as Treasury Secretary. But no, I’m not—this is going to sound really weird, guys, but I’m not even sure that it matters that the U.S. dollar is backed by a physical asset. And I know that sounds strange, okay? But if people are willing to give perceived value to something and buy something and trade something— So what if it’s backed? Even if the dollar completely collapses, it’s like, okay, well, now everybody, whoever has physical gold and physical, okay, fine. But you don’t think there’s going to be people out there that, as far as cryptocurrency, is like, hey, don’t worry about it. You can go ahead and order these pizzas using your Bitcoin app.
Yeah, but keep in mind, and again, like you, Bob, I’m not an expert in this, but… any means, although part of what keeps the dollar as strong as it is and keeps us strong in the world market is because of our strength as a nation, our economy. Even at times when we’re not doing well, we’re still the best when it’s all said and done. And just the sheer backing of the U.S. economy and literally all of the assets that we have as a country is still there, where in a lot of these other ones, they are not.
So I got a dumb question, because I have no clue.
As long as you’ll accept a dumb answer. I think we’re all out of our wheelhouse here a little bit, but we’re talking as laymen, so yeah.
Okay, so there’s an old lumber town north of Buffalo called North Tonawanda. And it’s right along the Niagara River. But they have a crypto mining facility there. And it’s some kind of an old warehouse where they put a bunch of servers on the inside and they’re mining crypto. Now, okay, if you’re mining gold or silver and you got huge machinery digging in the ground or drilling into rock, you can imagine it making a lot of noise. If this is… If this is just digital, in other words, it doesn’t really exist. It’s a concept or something. I don’t even know how to describe it. Why would residents be complaining of noise? Apparently, these things are incredibly loud, these crypto mining facilities. But what are they mining? What are they mining other than… I actually…
I actually do kind of know the answer to that, okay? Mining crypto actually takes a disproportionate amount of electricity to do.
Correct. To run the GPUs.
Exactly. And so since it requires such a high level of electricity, you basically need electricity generating plants. And so it’s like if you lived very close to a giant electrical grid, you would hear the noise and the humming and the machinery that’s operating the electrical generating machinery, whatever all of that is.
And the fans too, Bob, if they’re not run in a water cooling situation, which only the high-end units are, you’re going to hear the fans running as well.
Yeah, it’s basically because it takes a very, very high disproportionate amount of electricity to do the mining that’s done. And that’s also why some of the environmentalist kind of people complain about
you know oh this is you know it’s depleting our resources or whatever it’s like you know but really quick you know neil to answer your question what they’re doing is through code and various things they’re literally trying to mine the leftover crypto that’s out there because every crypto has a finite amount that’s there and they’re literally quote unquote mining the rest of what’s out there gotcha and that’s that’s the simplified version of saying it bob
You bet. You bet. Absolutely. So, you know what? Who knows? We’ll see what happens. We’ll see what happens with that. As we kind of wind down the last part of this National Crawford Roundtable podcast, just want to remind everybody, if you haven’t given to Preborn yet in this new year of 2025, please consider doing it now. Just go to and click on Preborn. Click on Preborn. You can give right there. If you can buy an ultrasound machine, please do it. They’re $15,000 apiece. Nice tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy is you’re stopping literally thousands and thousands of abortions, okay, year after year. And if you can’t afford to do that, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. Pray. Ask the Lord to put a number on your heart. Maybe it’s, you know, 10 babies’ lives you save. Maybe it’s 100 babies’ lives you save. $28 is the cost to save one baby’s life through ultrasound expense. So take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that’s your life. forever legacy of the number of abortions that you stopped. So just go right now to, click on pre-born, and don’t forget, 100% of what you give goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. Private donations cover overhead, so you don’t have to worry about that., click on Preborn. Also, you can give over the phone. They answer the phones 24-7. Call 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. Support Preborn. Support SunPower LED, Neal.
Yeah, I know we’re short on time. I just got to throw this out there because maybe we can talk about it some other time and I’ll get to SunPower in one second. But did anybody see, I think this is a Trump effect factor again, but that the charges against David Daleiden in Florida, in California were dropped. Did you see that?
No, no, I did not see that. That was yesterday.
Yeah, check it out.
Kamala Harris is the one who originally opened up the investigation against him and then Xavier Becerra continued it on.
Yeah, and you were just talking about the abortion issue. David Daleiden was the one who exposed that Planned Parenthood was buying and selling body parts of aborted fetuses, babies. And he’s the one that gets in trouble, not Planned Parenthood. Right, yeah. So anyway, we can talk about that another time. Incredible. So I just really want to… So focus your attention for a second. We’ve all probably seen in a movie or some kind of a TV show a woman who is an opera singer, sings a particular note, and the resonance and the sound of her voice and the volume all combine together to explode a champagne glass. And you’re like, how in the world did she hit that note? And wow, that’s powerful. Well, that’s because sound waves freak out the molecules inside the glass and they start moving around and eventually the glass explodes. because sound waves make a difference. Well, so do light waves. And red and near-infrared light waves, the correct power usage can actually, you know, high-powered red light waves can penetrate the human body, get to the cells deep in the body, in joints and in places where there’s swelling and inflammation, and actually promote healing in those circumstances. I mean, it’s an incredible technology that you can see for yourself by going to Click on that when you go to Right there on our site, we’ve got a button. Go to Click on SunPowerLED and watch what it can do. There’s testimonials of people whose lives have literally been changed by the use of what’s called red light therapy or the fancy term photobiomodulation. but it’s using literally the very light God himself created. No drugs, no surgery, no pharmaceuticals, just using the light God himself created to heal the human body. It’s an incredible thing. Click on SunPowerLED when you go to
Absolutely. We appreciate you folks supporting our sponsors. We appreciate you listening to this podcast. We appreciate your five-star reviews that you give us wherever you listen. And we always appreciate you tuning in. Looking forward to next week. It’s John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live out of Buffalo, New York. Myself, Bob Duco, The Bob Duco Show out of Detroit. By next week, Neil and I will have fully and completely recovered from the trauma of our lines and bills.
I will never recover from them all.
Folks, we appreciate you listening. Guys, great talking with you. Look forward to next week, and thanks for listening, everybody. God bless.
You’ve been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of today’s culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices, bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group station’s website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.