Join us as we explore the societal divides and unprecedented events currently shaping our world. In this episode, the National Crawford Roundtable takes a closer look at Donald Trump’s second ascent to the presidency, unpacking the polarizing factors that have both reinvigorated and riled the nation. Hear host Neil Boron reflect on the evolving conservative sentiment, discussing how common-sense America has rallied behind Trump’s critique of liberal progressive trends. Listeners will also find detailed discussions on recent sports outcomes, which segue into poignant critiques of ongoing political developments. The episode’s rich tapestry includes an in-depth look at the Preborn
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time, she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and buy SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Welcome. Another episode of the National Crawford Roundtable. I’m your host today, John Rush from Denver, Colorado. My show is Rush to Reason. Bob Duco, Detroit, Michigan. The Bob Duco Show and Neil Boron. From Buffalo, New York, Neil Boron live. And before we get going, Bob, sorry your Lions lost. Neil, you have to beat the Chiefs.
Pray we beat the Chiefs.
How could this happen?
I don’t know.
How could this happen?
So disappointing. I really wanted the Lions in the Super Bowl.
Sorry, Bob. I was rooting for you.
Oh, man. Well, I’ll tell you what, though. My Ohio State Buckeyes did win the national championship. Yes, they did. So there is that. I was born and raised.
Seriously, though, Neil, you got to get your bills rolling because, you know, I mean, there isn’t hardly a person in Denver unless they’re a Chiefs fan that likes the Chiefs.
There was a picture, somebody sent out a picture of the continental U.S., and it had a huge Bills logo over it, and it said, this is, you know, who wants the Bills to win next week? And then the only place was in Kansas City. There’s a Kansas City tiny little logo over the city of Kansas City. That was it. It’s like, we’re all done with the Chiefs. Please, somebody beat the Chiefs.
And the downside is that probably helps them.
Yeah, you know, who knows?
You know, because they’re the hated underdog that no one wants to win, and, you know, there’s a motivator there.
Yeah, I don’t know if they need motivation other than to, you know, continue paying off the referees.
They have the refs on their side.
Exactly. I don’t know what that’s about, but, yeah, we need a change.
You know what, Neil? I got to tell you, if the Bills win the Super Bowl, here’s what I would love for it to be. I’d love for them to win on a last-second long field goal that’s just inside the right upright position. Meanwhile… And Buffalo fans know exactly what I’m talking about. Well, really, any sports fans do. Meanwhile, 43%… Poor Scott Norwood would sit there and watch a TV going, oh, that’s how it’s supposed to be done. Exactly.
But 43% of Buffalo citizens die of heart attacks while the ball is in the air. Let’s just say that.
Oh, my word.
Well, this is true.
That’s hilarious. All right, guys, got a lot to talk about. There’s no way we’re going to get to most of what I’ve even got down here today, given everything that’s happened over the last couple of days. For those of you that… I guess maybe live under a rock. Yes, Donald Trump is now president of the United States as of Monday at noon.
It’s unbelievable, and can I just comment that I started my program the other day saying how stunned I was that we were having this conversation, because whether you like Donald Trump or not, anybody looking back four years ago, on January 20th, 2021, it was two weeks after the January 6th events, Biden was being sworn in. Trump had already been impeached twice, not removed from office, but impeached by the House. What was coming was for indictments to assassination attempts. The entire mainstream media, the whole left progressive establishment of the world against Donald Trump. Who would have ever believed he’d be sworn into office four years later? It was stunning.
Yeah, I agree, Neil. I agree. Bob, your thoughts?
It really was. Well, and of course, my show starts at noon Eastern time every day. And so it’s like, oh, boy, you know, the timing of the swearing in. So, of course, I just went to live feed to open up the show. But no, Neil, you’re absolutely right. I mean, I know his most famous book was Art of the Deal. But if I remember right, I think Trump wrote a book back when called Art of the Comeback. For some reason, you know, maybe it was somebody else about him, but this was a remarkable political comeback. A lot of people had declared that Trump was damaged goods and it wasn’t going to he had no political future left. And so for him to actually come back and to reclaim the presidency and to win strongly as he did and to be reshaping. really, not just the Republican Party, but the United States of America. Neil, like you said, whether you like Donald Trump or hate Donald Trump, either way, I don’t think anyone can deny the consequential role that he has in history, even left-wing Politico. I mean, Politico is about as liberal left-wing as it gets in mainstream media, okay? Even the editor-in-chief of Politico, wrote a piece, and he hates Donald Trump, okay? But he said, you know what, there’s no denying the consequential place in history that Donald Trump has earned. And he will go down in history as a larger-than-life historical figure, even though I totally agree with everything that he does and stands for and blah, blah, blah.
So it is true. I want to make another comment about it, because I do think, obviously, Donald Trump is a unique individual, incredibly polarizing. You love him or you hate him. And he’s at the center of this whole equation we’re talking about right now. But also, I mean, I don’t know if you guys have ever changed an electrical plug while it’s hot and made the mistake of, you know, just touching the wrong thing.
Oh, that feeling.
Okay. And then does that explode, you know, the spark? I mean, it’s a major deal. You can, like, weld your screwdriver to the outlet if you’re not careful, you know. Anyway. I think it’s a combination of Trump plus what liberals and progressives have been trying to shove down the throat of the American people for far too long. And what you’re seeing is that the heart of common sense America – it’s interesting that term was used – But that that connected with with what Donald Trump was willing to stand up and fight for. And the two of them combined made it impossible to beat this guy, that he was going to come back. And then the other thing is that a lot of commentators said this is one of the greatest political comeback. OK, name a greater one. Anybody got any example of a greater political comeback? And I just think it was the convergence. of Trump’s willingness to have a backbone and say what all these people feel about what’s happened to our country. And they want it back. They want the borders closed. They don’t want other people telling us how to raise our kids. And I think the combination of the two just made it impossible for anybody to beat him in this election.
You’re right, and they’re tired of all of the wokeness. We’ll get into some of that today. Real quick, though, Bob, and we were talking about some of this even with Neil not with us prior to coming on and doing this recording this morning, but anniversary of Roe v. Wade today, there’s some questions out there as to, you know, Donald Trump, will he pardon some particular individuals involved in, you know, prayer vigil and things like that, you know, around abortion clinics and so on. And given all of that, I think it’s a great segue to talk about, you know, that along with preborn at the same time.
Absolutely. Well, and we will talk about that in just a minute, these 21 pro-lifers and how wrongly they were targeted by the Biden-Harris administration. But you’re right. Preborn is such a phenomenal organization. You know, as we are recording this on Wednesday morning, we’re recording this Wednesday morning, January 22nd. It was January 22nd, 1973, that the infamous Roe v. Wade decision happened. came down. And we’ve had over 60 million babies aborted in this country since then. It’s horrendous. You talk about a holocaust in the womb. And thankfully, Roe v. Wade was overturned in June of 2022. But you know something? Abortion and the pro-abortion crowd are still going crazy trying to convince women to get abortions. This is why pre-born is so important to everybody because pre-born saves these babies lives. They do this by showing ultrasound images of the unborn babies to those expectant moms in pro-life centers all across the country. They’ve been doing this for a long time. Problem is we don’t have enough ultrasound machines. There’s not enough ultrasound images being paid for. So not all women are able to see these ultrasound images. And when they do see that picture of their baby, they choose life. They don’t go to Planned Parenthood. So what we’re asking our listeners to do right now is save babies’ lives by providing more ultrasound images. You can do this one of two ways. Either buy an ultrasound machine for $15,000. It’s a nice tax write-off, and your forever legacy will be you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. Or option B, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, save one baby’s life. How many babies’ lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy of the amount of abortions that you stopped. So will you give to Preborn right now? If you’ve given previously, please give again. You can go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. And every dime you give goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. You can also give over the phone. They answer the phones 24-7. So call right now, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. And just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you folks supporting our sponsors. We do. Neil, we have some great sponsors. I mean, SunPower LED is phenomenal as well. They have helped so many people get out of pain in a completely natural way. I know how well this works personally. I know you do too. Yeah, absolutely.
Because you mentioned Roe v. Wade. 52 years ago was the anniversary, obviously, of that horrendous decision. Four years ago today, I was barely on the road to recovery. I had just begun recovering from about a month-long bout with COVID that took me from a blood oxygen saturation that’s normally around 99 or 100 to the low 80s. And when I would get up and just move across the room, it would drop into the 70s. I mean, it was critically low. I called the rescue paramedic three times and was advised by them not to go to the hospital because I’d sit in the lobby or in the hallway. No one was going to do anything. So I was in a desperate place. I needed to be able to breathe. And for about a month, I wasn’t able to breathe. Well, my son happened to mention that on the air one day, asking people to pray for me. Tom Kerber of Kerber USA, the makers of light therapy at SunPower LED, heard that and said, I’ve got an idea. You need to try what light therapy can do for you. And essentially, it’s just taking the light God himself created that penetrates the human body, gets to the deep parts of the cell, excites the cell to do what the cell was created to do, and that’s to heal the human body. And I had just begun to recover and it only took about 10 days for me to be completely back to normal. Completely back to normal. It was unreal what light therapy was able to do for me. So whether it’s pain or swelling in your body or you need to promote healing in some fashion, you need to check out light therapy from SunPowerLED and you can find it at Click on the SunPowerLED button and of course we’ll have more to say about it in the moments ahead. John?
Appreciate that, Neil. Okay, guys, before we get going here, let’s talk about even prior to inauguration, literally, as I think Donald Trump was on his way, Joe Biden is pardoning additional individuals in his own family. Keep in mind, he had pardoned Fauci, Liz Cheney, and some others that were on the J6 committee earlier. And then, of course, he pardoned some of his own family members i mean right my point with all of this is there’s going to be some people will get into the j6 prisoners and hostages that trump has pardoned which by the way he’s going to get criticized for by the same people that think it’s okay for biden to do what he did
I know.
Bob, I’ll throw it to you first.
Yeah. You know what? It is amazing. First of all, we’ve got to remember something about the J6 pardons and commutations because most of the mainstream press is not telling you the full story here. OK, every single one of them. It’s right and appropriate to commute sentences and pardon them. The people that had their sentences commuted were the most violent of the violent people on January 6th. And by the way, they deserve to go to jail because these are the ones that actually assaulted police officers. Now, they didn’t kill anybody. They didn’t shoot anybody. They didn’t point a gun at anybody. They didn’t set a single fire. OK, but if you push or knock down a police officer, I believe that you should go to prison. However, I don’t believe that you should get three times what your average rapist in America gets because your average rapist gets seven years and many rapists get only one or two years. So it’s not right to give these people. 18-year, 20-year, 22-year sentences, that’s disproportionate punishment. Your average drug dealer gets 2.4 years in America. You don’t deserve five to 10 times what a drug dealer gets when you assault a police officer. You deserve jail, but not that much. So that’s why Trump was right to commute their sentences. The overwhelming majority of everybody else there did not lay a finger on anybody, okay? They didn’t touch anybody. They engaged in zero violence. The overwhelming majority, those 1,200 or so people, walked into the Capitol without laying a finger on a person, all right? So for that, yes, I say pardon those people. And for the ones who engaged in actual violence, non-lethal violence, still wrong, still punishable, they’ve been in prison three or four years already. That’s plenty of time, time to let him out of prison.
Agreed. And again, for all of you listening, we’ve talked about some of these things in depth in the past. And my whole point with this is we’ve got Biden, in my opinion, you talk about Fauci, number one, being pardoned, and you talk about the crimes against humanity and the things that he literally did in deceiving the president at that time and others and literally deceiving the American public and profiting off of all of that. I mean, the reality, Bob, is If there’s anybody that should be behind bars, it ought to be that guy.
Oh, incredible. I know. And by the way, can I just say regarding Joe Biden and his last minute pardons, does anybody remember back in December of 2020, after Joe Biden was pretty much, you know, going to be the new president and Donald Trump was on his way out, you had ABC and NBC and CBS and CNN and all of them, Washington Post and many others, they were interviewing Democrats talking about what if, Donald Trump tries to do preemptive pardons to the people in his inner circle, including his own family. And you had Democrats and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and everybody else. That would be so horrible. That’s the kind of thing that he would do. Even Joe Biden himself on CNN was asked about this and said, yeah, that’s something you won’t see happening in my administration. All right. Well, guess what? Trump didn’t do what the left and the media and the Democrats were accusing him of planning on doing. Joe Biden actually really did do that in real life. And all the press and the Democrats can focus on is Donald Trump letting people out of prison that have already spent three or four years in prison for something that in any other world would be maybe a 30 day sentence, possibly six months.
Neil, your thoughts on this?
OK, just on that one point, the current law in the District of Columbia is that a misdemeanor offense for assaulting a police officer is up to six months in jail, period. Now, serious offense like where you cause bodily harm, 10 years maximum. But you’re talking about 18 and 20 year sentences.
And one of those guys had double life sentences, by the way.
Yeah, okay. So, I mean, the point is excessive sentencing of these individuals and selective prosecution going after these people as, you know, political prisoners, basically, simply because they disagreed with what the Biden administration was all about and what was happening in D.C. at the time and, you know, what they thought was happening with regard to the election. Anyway, the point is, pardons are appropriate for virtually all of them. I agree completely. commuting sentences for those that participated in violent crime. But there needs to be some kind of distinction. And, Bob, I do think that there’s going to be criticism of Trump regarding this simply because, well, you know, one of the things and it will get to the his executive orders later. But, you know, he showed great respect for members of the military who lost their jobs as a result of not taking the covid vaccine. And there was like an honor associated with that. And when the first time I heard it, I was like, wow. he’s going to really curry some favor with military families for taking care of these individuals. I was thrilled to hear it. But on the other hand, it leaves open the question. I’m not saying he’s doing this on purpose, but it leaves open the question. Does he disrespect law enforcement? I don’t think he does, but I do think he’s going to get pushback and criticism for it. Either way, I do think because of all that’s happened with these pardons, I mean, what if Joe Biden, seriously, what if he had said, I want to pardon all registered Democrats personally, for any crimes he may have committed in the past or in the future. Like, can he do that? How far can you go with this pardon thing? And I do think all of this is going to cause some careful reflection on how these things are carried out in the future and if there’s any limitation whatsoever that can be put on them. I don’t think there is, but I do think it’s raising questions on both sides of the political aisle watching all of this unfold. However, I think Trump was completely justified in handling this J6 thing the way that he did given the unjust attack on these individuals and the sentencing that followed. I think something needed to be done and I’m in favor of it.
By the way, I agree with that. Again, anybody that’s followed us on either any of our programs or on this particular podcast, the roundtable here, you guys know our feelings on all of that and what we would have done on that particular day and the fact that we didn’t condone any of this behavior And I’ve said numerous times, guys, had I been there that day and any of that would have started to happen, would I have gotten absorbed in all of that and entered the Capitol? No, I’ll just be straight up honest. No, I would not have done that. I think it was a very black mark on the conservatives in the country and those folks that did that. I wish they hadn’t. And I know they probably would disagree with me and we could probably have a debate. on that with some of those individuals, and I understand where they’re coming from, you know, and I understand their plight that day, but I think there’s better ways to handle things, and that’s how I would have looked at it on that particular day. But given all of that, do I think Donald Trump is correct in what he’s doing? Absolutely. Now, the question, though, Bob, isn’t this where we kind of started talking about, you know, pre-born just a few minutes ago, is there some other folks that most likely need a pardon as well? And, you know, is Donald Trump sliding them? Is he waiting for the right timing of things, what are your thoughts there when it comes to some additional pardons that probably need to be coming out of this administration? Yeah.
I definitely have a strong thought about that. And by the way, let me just say before I even get to the pro-lifers, because that’s a very important part of this, too. One of the things that Trump is being hammered for by the left also regarding J6 is that he is dismissing the cases of pardoning and dismissing the cases of about 450 people from January 6th who have not even been brought to trial yet. All right. Just dismissing those cases and through pardons of them. One of those examples, and I’ve talked about this on the podcast before, one of those examples is that 67-year-old pastor. You had a 67-year-old pastor and his medical doctor wife. These are senior citizens. They were on January 6th in the peaceful Trump rally watching him speak. Then they walked with the crowd peacefully down to the Capitol for the already pre-approved, pre-permitted peaceful protest outside the Capitol. And so they walked down there. Once they got down there, the rioting was over. The Capitol doors were open. Police had moved the barricades and people were walking into the Capitol, moseying on in, even chatting with police. And so this pastor and his wife thought they were allowed to walk in the Capitol, right? So they did. They walked in the Capitol. All right. They were even the surveillance camera shows them speaking to police. OK, they’re just thinking they’re fine. Twelve minutes inside. Twelve minutes. Another police officer came out, says, hey, everybody needs to leave. The pastor and his wife said, oh, OK. And they turned around and left. That’s it. That’s it. Well, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice spent three and a half years hunting this pastor down, finally found him several months ago. and had him and his wife arrested by the FBI. The FBI showed up at their house at 6 a.m., got him out of bed pounding on the door. When the pastor answered the door, he had several guns pointed at his head. As they got the wife out of bed, they not only handcuffed both of them, they leg shackled both of them and made them do a perp walk down their driveway, down the sidewalk, a couple of houses away to a waiting van they had to get into. humiliated in front of their neighbors. This is a 67-year-old pastor and his medical doctor wife. That’s how the Department of Justice, the weaponization of the government, treated these people. And him and his wife are still awaiting trial. So that’s one of the examples of Donald Trump saying, no, they are not going to trial. They are pardoned. So I got to make sure and let people know just how radical the Biden administration has been on this. To the pro-lifers, You have 21 pro-lifers who have been arrested by Joe Biden’s FBI, okay, and put on trial and sent to prison, including a 75-year-old grandmother that got two years in prison. Why? Because outside of an abortion clinic door in an office building, they were sitting in the hallway. Now, in all fairness, they were trespassing because they were inside the bubble zone. Okay, fine. They didn’t lay a finger on anybody. They were sitting on the floor praying and singing praise songs, all right? And Joe Biden’s Department of Justice decided to charge him with Federal Face Act violations and had them put on trial and thrown in prison. Those people need to be pardoned, absolutely, especially when pro-abortion people got away with committing all kinds of crimes, like protesting outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, you know? But anyway, we’re- Firebombing pro-life clinics. I know, I know. And so I’m speculating that Trump is maybe waiting until today, Wednesday, the Roe v. Wade anniversary, or maybe Friday, the big March for Life rally, to make a big announcement of this. I’d be very shocked if he lets this weekend come and go and completely forgets about them. I can’t imagine that.
Neil, really quick before we finish up this half, talk to us again about SunPowerLED, if you would.
Well, SunPower LED offers what’s called light therapy, and all of you have seen the opera singer that can sing a particular note and explode a champagne glass. That’s because she hits a certain note at the right time, sustains the resonance, and it causes the… atoms inside that glass to start moving around and doing things that they hadn’t been doing previously and all of a sudden the glass explodes well using the right wavelength of light you can get cells in the human body to wake up and start doing what they were created to do and that is to heal the human body the human body is an incredible thing and the mitochondria and the cells are kind of like the brain of the cell and they provide energy and they wake up that cell to do what it’s created to do well using certain wavelengths of red and near infrared light Penetrating into the human body through SunPower LED’s photobiomodulation device, you literally can excite the cell to wake up and heal your body, reduce pain and swelling. So things like arthritis, shoulder pain, knee pain, migraines. It’s unbelievable how much damage inflammation in the body can cause, and this goes right after it. So we’re not talking about big pharma. We’re not talking about surgery. We’re talking about using the very light God himself created. to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in the body. And if you don’t believe me, you need to check it out for yourself. Go to SunPowerLED at Sun, that’s S-U-N, like sun in the sky. SunPowerLED at and investigate. Check it out for yourself and see what photobiomodulation light therapy can do for you.
And then, of course, Bob, that leads into pre-born, which again, you know, great, great sponsor of ours. Both of them are pre-born, although really fitting into what we’re talking about today in regards to some of the what should be pardons and things along those lines. And folks can help literally save not only babies’ lives, but the family of that baby as well.
That’s right. I mean, when you pay for ultrasound images to pre-born, you know what you’re doing? You really are saving babies’ lives. And you’re bringing those moms to the Lord, too, because they see an ultrasound image of their baby, they choose life, and usually they end up accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, too. Pre-born shows these ultrasound images to these expectant moms all over the country in pro-life centers. The problem is the demand is higher than the supply. So… We need more ultrasound machines. We need more ultrasound images being paid for. That’s why we’re asking everybody right now, will you do one of two things? Either A, buy an ultrasound machine, or B, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. If you choose A, buy an ultrasound machine, they’re 15 grand apiece. Great tax write-off for you. And your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions with that ultrasound machine. Option B is you’re paying for individual numbers of them. individual cost to save one baby’s life through ultrasound images. Take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy. And 100% of anything you give to Preborn goes to fund the ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. So pray about a number and give to Preborn now. Here’s what you do. Go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. They also answer the phones 24-7. You can give over the phone right now, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call, John.
Again, guys, appreciate it. We’ve got a lot more to cover today for those of you listening. Number one, appreciate what you do each week in listening to us. We get lots of feedback on it. We get lots of ratings, by the way, on the podcast itself, five-star reviews and so on, which we greatly, greatly appreciate. Appreciate it, and I know I say it a lot when I’m hosting, but if you guys have any topics you would like to see us cover, you’re always more than welcome to send an email out to any one of us, and we’ll do our best to try to put those topics in. We’ve got a lot more to cover. We’re going to do some more inauguration recaps, some of the executive orders that Trump… has already done might get into a few things more including Trump demanding an apology from the bishop by the way who asked him to have mercy on LGBTQ plus people and migrants so folks we’ll get into some of that here in the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable you’ve been listening to myself Bob Duco Neil Boron we’ll be right back second half of the National Crawford Roundtable is next this is a Crawford Media Group production Welcome back. Second half, National Crawford Roundtable. I’m your host, John Rush from Denver, Colorado. My show, Rush to Reason, Bob Duco, Detroit, Michigan, The Bob Duco Show, and Neil Boron from Buffalo, New York, The Neil Boron Live. Okay, so our Neil Boron Live show. So guys, as I kind of went through that last little segment there as we went into the break, Trump demanding an apology from the bishop. And if anybody hasn’t seen that little clip on what that particular bishop did during that prayer service, number one, And, you know, I know we’re not supposed to point fingers and do things along those lines, but this, in my opinion, is not what should have happened in that particular setting. This particular lady is completely out of line. Is she doing God’s work? No, she’s doing her own work. I mean, I could go into a tirade of things that are really wrong in what this particular bishop did. But, you know, Bob, since you watched it, Neil, you can go second. But, Bob, since you watched it like I did, what are your thoughts?
Oh, man, it makes my eye twitch. It made me cringe. I know. Her name is Marianne Edgar Booty. She’s the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. She’s a liberal left-wing Trump hater. By the way, she was on ABC News back in 2020 telling them, quote, we need to replace President Trump. OK, so she is an anti-Trumper. Right. And this is supposed to be The National Prayer Service, okay, for a new president, it’s supposed to be focused on that. And there’s President Trump and Melania and J.D. Vance and Usha, the four of them sitting in the front row of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. And what does she decide to do from up there at the lectern? She decides to look down at Trump and start lecturing him with political talking points in ways that— He’s not able to stand up and go, hey, wait a minute, let me rebut what you’re saying. Let me give you equal time. No, he just sat there. Him and J.D. Vance looked at each other, and then Trump just shook his head, rolled his eyes, and was like, you’ve got to be kidding me, okay? But no, she looks down and says, let me make one final plea, Mr. President. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared right now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democrat, Republican, and independent families, some of whom fear for their lives. Then she goes to immigration. The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away and that you will help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands and find compassion and welcome here. And it’s like, oh, come on. So, you know what? Is she going to lock her door tonight? All right. Or is she is she going to try to keep people out of her house that are not invited to come in? OK, this is just so absurd. The Vatican is surrounded by a 40 foot wall all the way around it. OK, to to keep it anyway. Trump responded. He posted, quote, And you know something? He’s absolutely right. That is inappropriate either way. If a conservative Republican bishop was standing there at the National Cathedral, National Prayer Service, and chose to slam some Democrat president with a bunch of right-wing talking points, I think all three of us, John, would say that’s inappropriate. So where’s the left’s criticism here?
Yeah. Wrong place, wrong time. Neil, your thoughts. And again, I mean, to Bob’s point, Neil, this is supposed to be a startup for the presidency. Let’s kick things off in the right directions. Let’s have this prayer service. And it’s supposed to be, you know, more of a, you know, solemn. Let’s pray for the president as he enters into his term, et cetera, et cetera. And she decides to go into a preaching tirade against immigration, basically.
Yeah, well, you know, I served in pastoral ministry for eight years, and occasionally I got invited to go speak at someone else’s church or at some kind of an event. And I was always sensitive when I went there to make sure that I was in keeping with the spirit of what was happening in that place at that moment. You know, I’ll give an example. If a prosperity teacher goes into a church that doesn’t believe in prosperity theology, maybe they should just stick to the gospel. That would be like the right thing to do. Or, you know, somebody that’s real pro charismatic gifts versus somebody who comes from a more conservative, Baptistic kind of background. And there’s mutual respect in those cases that these are issues that people can agree to disagree upon. When you start talking about political talking points and people are standing up in a pulpit and using opportunities to throw their political talking points at somebody who’s just been elected president, when the focus is supposed to be on calling on God to intervene and to help us to lead the country in a way that would bring prosperity, pleasure to him etc i just think it’s the wrong place we have freedom of speech in this country she has every right to say whatever she believes you know in in in whatever way she feels is right but i think she was completely wrong in doing it here at this time and donald trump is right to respond you know in the way that he did uh in proper time but you know it wasn’t the right place wasn’t the right time it was just it was ill-advised and wrong
Guys, they should have, instead of having her, whoever planned this whole thing, instead of her, they should have replaced her with the young black pastor that actually prayed in the middle of the inauguration. That guy, man alive, awesome.
I’ll tell you what, that Lorenzo Sewell, by the way, he pastors 180 Church here in Detroit. And he actually caught a lot of heat. I’ve interviewed him on my show before. He caught a lot of heat because Donald Trump, during the campaign, when he was reaching out to black communities, Trump wanted to reach out to the black communities in Detroit. And 180 Church is in the heart of the inner city of Detroit. And so Trump said, hey, can I can I come in and join a forum there where we have a lot of leaders and people in the community get together? And can I come there and I’ll be happy to take questions and let me just talk? And he’s like, sure. And he agreed to host it at his church. Oh, he got hammered large. He told me on my show after because I had him on the show after this happened. He’s like, I can’t believe the hate that I received from so many. But he also received a lot of good compliments, too. So, you know.
Awesome. Neil, real quick, SunPower LED. And as we watch the Trump administration, we haven’t gotten to the point where we’ve got, you know, RFK Jr. confirmed. Not sure how that’s all going to go, although there’s been a big push, you know, at least in his campaign. And I think you’re going to see them follow through on this where it’s, you know, make money. america healthy again you’re going to see some reforms on certain things when it comes to health care in and of itself i think you’re going to see personally this is my prediction a push for some you know quote unquote alternative things you know out of the box thinking where you know big pharma you know big insurance is not dictating what gets done and this is where sun power led comes in
Yeah, and, you know, thank God that there are alternatives to big pharma. I mean, I think people have a lot of distrust for, you know, an industry that can create drugs that keep you dependent upon them. And I don’t mean in an addictive way. I simply mean that, you know, when you’re only managing disease and not curing disease, you’ve got a real problem on your hands because people are going to get sicker and sicker and sicker. And, you know, what’s weird is that in our country, people are living longer than ever before, but they’re not healthier. than ever before. And that’s a huge problem. The reality is we got to do something about it. And there’s a ton of distrust for Big Pharma. They believe that Big Pharma is pushing medications upon them in order to make money, not heal people’s bodies. Well, guess what? At the same time, Big Pharma is doing everything they possibly can to squelch any other all natural remedies that don’t involve using their medications. light therapy is something you really need to look at red light therapy using near red infrared light and near infrared light to help heal the human body by exciting the mitochondria in the cell waking it up and causing the cell to do what it was created to do and that’s to heal our body you can see a reduction in pain and swelling and inflammation and the promotion of healing in your body using light therapy from sun power led i said a moment ago earlier in the podcast It helped heal my lungs after COVID. I was headed for the hospital and ventilation, and I believe God used light therapy to help reduce the swelling in my lungs and to return me to normal so I could breathe again. You need to check it out. Go to SunPowerLED. Click on that button at and learn what red light therapy can do for you. SunPowerLED at
And Bob, if it wasn’t for the sponsors like SunPower and Preborn, we wouldn’t do this each week.
We sure wouldn’t. And so many of our listeners have given to Preborn over the years. And we really appreciate that. We do. Preborn is the main pro-life group that shows ultrasound images in pro-life centers across the country. And moms choose life when they see a picture of that baby. They don’t go across the street to Planned Parenthood. And so we’re asking you right now in the audience, if you have not given to pre-born yet, will you please do that now? If you have given to pre-born, would you consider giving again? Maybe make it your 2025 contribution to save babies’ lives. You can give one of two ways. Either buy an ultrasound machine or pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. If you buy an ultrasound machine, they’re $15,000 apiece. Nice tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions. Year after year. How great is that? If you want to pay for an individual number of ultrasound images, $28 is the amount to save one baby’s life. That’s, I mean, think about it. $28 saves a baby’s life. Take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that’s the amount of abortions that you actually really stop. Okay. And everything you give to Preborn, 100%, goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. So would you give right now? Just go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or you’re like, well, I want to give over the phone. I want to talk to a real-life person. Okay, they answer the phones 24-7. You can call right now, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call, John.
I appreciate that, Bob. Okay, let’s talk about some of the executive orders and the highlights of, of course, one of the first things Donald Trump did, I went through some of these on my program yesterday, was go back and reverse a lot of the things that the Biden administration did, even all the way up until almost literally a couple of weeks prior to, you know, Donald Trump taking over office as President of the United States. So reversing a lot of those things, of course, one of the things he did right off the bat was, you know, get us out of the Paris Climate Accord, which is nothing more than a fleecing of the United States of America, while other countries can get by and do, you know, China and others can do pretty much whatever they want to do. It literally is a fleecing of our country and frankly doesn’t exist unless we’re a part of it. So it’ll be interesting to see how that, you know, what happens moving forward along those lines. But then on top of that, guys, he’s really going in and just obliterating all of the DEI wokeness that’s inside of the federal government. Those folks that are even in those particular departments, if you’ve got a department inside of the federal government and you’ve got a DEI department as of 5 o’clock tonight, those people are no longer going to be working. They’re on paid leave. And then they’ve got instructions as to how are we going to get rid of these individuals moving forward. So I want a plan of attack as to how we’re going to technically fire these people in these particular departments moving forward. So guys, I mean, Bob, those two things alone are huge.
Oh, they really are. I mean, it is a new day in America. DEI, this diversity, equity, inclusion nonsense, this kind of discrimination that’s not based on merit. It’s a cancer, Bob. And by the way, there’s a lot of corporations that have been coming in line and realizing, maybe this isn’t a smart thing to do. They reversed all of that.
They know it’s not best for their business.
I know. It’s not. It’s a poor business model. It’s discriminatory. It’s divisive in America.
And it lowers the quality of your product at the end of the day.
That’s right. And you know something else? It’s not fair for minorities, and I’ll tell you why. Because, look, if I were a black man, I’m a white guy, so okay, I get it. But if I were a black man… and I achieved some high-level position in some company, I would want everybody looking at me to assume that I earned that on my merit and that I really am the best person for that job. I wouldn’t want to be walking under a shadow of suspicion of, is that guy a DEI hire? So he’s not really the best. He’s got the right skin color or the right sexuality or the right gender or whatever. Right. No. You know what? I love what Don Jr. said one time about his dad. He said, you know something? When he looks at people, he doesn’t see black or white or male or female or gay or straight. You know what he sees? He sees green. OK, how do we make people financially better? How do we make that’s what he sees? And it’s an absolutely right way to look at it. Who’s the best for the job?
I don’t care if you’re male, female, which, by the way, in his inauguration speech, you know, Bobby, he basically said that he said, you know, we’re going to get rid of all of this DEI woke nonsense. We’re going to be colorblind moving forward and merit based.
That’s right. And it’s how it should be.
So I’ll let you comment on that as well. I mean, for me, you know, that’s a lot of the reason. Personally, I think that’s a lot of the reason why even folks that didn’t like Donald Trump voted for Donald Trump because they’re tired of seeing all of that around them in the workplace.
I agree 100%. And by the way, we started today talking about the NFL and that the Buffalo Bills are still in it with a chance to win it. But the reason I’m bringing it up is they played the Baltimore Ravens last weekend. And Lamar Jackson is an absolutely phenomenal quarterback. He’s unbelievable. It’s astounding what that guy can do. The reason he’s the starter on the team is because he’s the best quarterback on the team. And who knows, maybe in the NFL he might win his third MVP this year. Personally, I think Josh Allen deserves it, but either way, he’s a phenomenal quarterback. New England Patriots, Drake May is the starter. He’s white. Why? Because they think he’s the best player. Jacoby Bursette is black. He’s the backup. Jacoby’s a great quarterback. At times he’s started in the past, but either way… It’s merit-based decision-making. I think this is amazing because all of this happened on Martin Luther King Day, right? When Martin Luther King said himself that we ought to be more concerned with the content of somebody’s character than the color of their skin. It’s time to do away with this baloney that has to do with DEI and pushing people into positions that they’re not really qualified for just so we can meet racial quotas and whatever. Let’s get back to merit-based learning, merit-based promotions in the workplace, in education, etc. And I think that the American people largely will embrace that. And the other thing is it sets a high bar for everyone. Hey, if you want to be the head of the company, then be the best at what you do. Work hard, and there’s a possibility you can advance. And I just think that the American people are so ready for it. By the way, when Donald Trump said this week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life, we will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based. As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female. I was like, hallelujah.
It was unbelievable. Amen. Amen. No, Bob, when I heard that, I mean, again, those were things that was just like, hallelujah, it’s about time we get somebody with some common sense back in charge and stop going down this whole woke nonsense path. And to your point, Bob, and again, I’m an employer. I know a lot about what… You were talking about even with Donald Trump. By the way, I look at people very much the same way he does. At the end of the day, how can I lift you up so that you working for me can lift me up? I mean, at the end of the day, it’s all about if you make money, I make money, and that’s how I look at it. And to your point, Bob, when we lower that standard and we allow people to have certain jobs just based upon something about their skin color or something about their age or something about their gender, The reality is we are taking away their ability to excel and exceed and get better in this life. And by the way, for all of you Christians that are listening to me, that is anti-Christian because that is not what God wants for us.
That’s right. Well, think about, I mean, does this sound familiar? Okay. There is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek. Okay.
You know, we’re all one in Christ Jesus. Okay. So it is consistent, not that Donald Trump is invoking that, of course, but it is a consistent thing to say, no, this is not about… As Christians, we’re either in Christ or we’re not, okay? There’s no differing value according to skin color, male, female, anything like that. And in the business world, that’s how it ought to be too. Look, if I were a minority, I wouldn’t want people to be looking at me wondering.
Well, Bob, really, no offense. As a white male our age, you are.
Well, actually, that is true. That is true. OK, but I mean, the discrimination that does that, it is true that if you are a white, straight male, then there is a kind of, you know, you’re at the back of the line as far as advantages and things like that that you can get in government. I mean, somebody out there try to get a small business, an SBA loan, OK, as a white, straight male. It is way more difficult.
But absolutely.
So it shouldn’t be that way. But I’m just saying just for the sake of minorities, don’t make them be looked at with a sense of suspicion. You know, if I go see a doctor and this is a black woman who’s a doctor, OK, I want to completely trust that I’ve got the best doctor. I don’t want to sit there and think, OK, well, is she like 19th best? But, you know, she’s got the right gender and the right skin color. No, that’s not right. So this is a good thing for. By the way, can I just say that Trump has also ordered what they’re calling the one flag policy? Yeah. which is U.S. federal offices and embassies around the world. They’re not allowed to fly the pride flags. They’re not allowed to fly Black Lives Matter flags. It’s the American flag, period. The only exceptions to that are in certain embassies, if there’s prisoners of war or something like that, you can fly the POW flag, missing in action flag, wrongful detainee flag. But other than that, none of these political message flags anymore.
You know, on top of that too, guys, and Neil, I mean, this, you know, the left would probably say is the wrong track for Donald Trump, but he also put a hiring freeze on any new federal worker. What he really is looking at is, okay, all of you that have agencies, and he’s already even said this, he’s even said this to corporate America, you guys need to figure out a way to lower your overall costs. Those of you that are in the federal sides of things, how do we lower costs to help out the taxpayer? Those of you that are in the corporate end of things, How do we lower costs so we can help out consumers at the end of the day? And by the way, everything that we just talked about, you know, that Bob just mentioned, Neil, and you said as well, all DEI does, which also no one ever talks about, is add costs. You’ve got to cost for each one of those individuals that are handling those programs, that are administering it. I mean, not only are we lowering costs. the quality in the case of a lot of companies, including the federal and state governments, but the reality is there’s an additional cost to that as well. You take all of that away, and I don’t know if anybody’s even done any math on how much that saves the country, but Neil, it’s got to be a huge number when you look at how many people are involved in that particular end of things.
Yeah, and on top of that, has any DEI mandate ever changed a human heart? Meaning, if you’ve got racism in your heart, if you’ve got discrimination in your heart, has any heart been changed as a result of this?
It probably makes it worse, Neil. I agree.
I was going to say, it hardens hearts. It hardens hearts. Exactly. Exactly. And the law didn’t do anything except cause us to desire sin. That’s what the Word of God says. God handed down his perfect law, but it accomplished what it was supposed to, to prove that we can’t handle this on our own. We needed Jesus to come and fix us. And so when you start shoving mandates in people’s faces, it hardens hearts. And I think that the bottom line is people have grown in the United States of America to realize that racism is wrong and that we need to honor all people regardless of skin color. Does that mean there’s no racism? No, it’s still there. But let’s work on this by pursuing love. Let’s work on this by pursuing what’s right and promoting people on the basis of their merit and their accomplishment, not the color of their skin. How many people have been denied opportunities, by the way? Isn’t that reverse racism? Denied opportunities because they had the wrong color skin?
Yeah, too many.
I’m sorry. We would love to promote you, and you’ve been here 25 years, and this guy’s only been here three and a half years. But he’s black and you’re white, so we need to promote him.
No, guys, I have, and I’m sure you guys have as well, I have interviewed individuals over the years that can give you stories of being inside of government or police forces or fire departments or just corporate America that were passed over for the very things Neil said. that you just said. Bob, I’m sure you’ve interviewed some of those individuals as well. I’ve got personal testimonies from callers talking about that.
Oh, I know. Absolutely, that’s the case. So what I’m really hopeful, though, is that this will not just be a temporary four-year blip, but that Americans will see through the course of these four years the misguided nature of all of this DEI wokeism, discriminating against people because they’re not the right color or sexuality or things like that. A meritocracy. If we can actually have America start recognizing the value of meritocracy, then we can compete better against… The Chinese. You really think over in Russia and in China and some of these other places that they’re doing the DEI hires? No, of course they’re not. It’s like, who is the best and what is in the best interest of our country? That’s how everybody else looks at it. Why in the world are we acting like it’s controversial for Trump to do that?
All right, before we start to kind of wind things down, one question, Neil, I’ll start with you. If Donald Trump continues on the track that he’s on, and granted, he’s always going to have opposition. That’s not going to change. It’s going to continue to be there. As he continues to have this opposition, but continues to forge forward in some of the things that we are talking about, A, what do the midterms look like? B, what does 2028 look like?
Well, obviously, I think he learned a lesson. I hope he learned a lesson from his first term in office because he lost the House in the first midterm that happened during his first presidency. And he’s got to be careful about that. And I don’t think that he ought to be pandering to people falsely. I think he ought to be doing what’s right for the American people, and he’ll retain both the House and the Senate. But this is a crucial time, and I think he needs to make good on all of his campaign promises. He came out Came out of the gate strong. But, you know, there was a lot of minority voters, Hispanics, blacks that voted for him. He needs to keep them in mind in policies that he’s putting forward and where he goes with his administration and move strongly towards taking care of these people that elected him. Because if he does, he’ll keep the House. He doesn’t want to lose it. It would cost him dearly for his presidency and where he goes next after that if he loses the House or the Senate.
Bob, I’ll look at you to follow up on that. And then we’ve also got pre-born and we’ve only got about a minute or so. So sorry, limited time, but give your thoughts as well.
Yeah, we do have to remember, I mean, it is common. The normal thing is midterms, the Congress, House or Senate end up flipping to the non-White House party. That is common. So if that happens in 2026, That is what is considered normal. So if Republicans retain the House and Senate, that will actually be historic that Trump was able to do that. So it’s an uphill battle to make that happen. And you’re right. Preborn is just a phenomenal organization. And we’re asking everybody right now, if you haven’t given to Preborn yet, please do it now. Maybe this is your 2025 contribution. We need some of you to buy ultrasound machines. They’re $15,000 a piece. Great tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year, okay? Now, for everybody else that can’t afford to buy an ultrasound machine, will you pay for individual ultrasound images? $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, save one baby’s life, okay? So how many babies’ lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy. If you’ve given to preborn already, would you consider giving again? Here’s how you give. Go online right now to Click on Preborn. Click on Preborn. Every dime you give goes to ultrasounds. Nothing for overhead. And you can call over the phone, 833-850-BABY, and they answer 24-7. 833-850-BABY. Call right now. Please give and support our sponsors.
Perfect. And, Neil, sorry, I’ve got one minute. SunPowerLED, talk about them if you would, too.
Well, real quick, right now in my program and Neil Boron Live, we’ve got a sponsor, SunPowerLED. And the current ad that’s running right now is for a gentleman who had had a stroke. Coming out of that, he survived it, thank God, but his speech was severely affected. He thought he was speaking normally, but other people couldn’t understand him. Didn’t know what to do. That lasted for a really long time until eventually he got connected to red light therapy, photobiomodulation, using the light God himself created to reduce pain and swelling, promote healing in our body. With the use of what SunPowerLED offers, his speech has returned fully. In fact, he’s the one talking in the commercial telling us about how well it works. Listen, if you want to reduce pain or swelling in your body and promote healing, you need to find out what… photobiomodulation or red light therapy can do for you. Check it out at SunPowerLED by clicking on Just go to, SunPowerLED.
Guys, thanks so much. That’s going to do it for the National Crawford Roundtable. Myself, Neil Boron, Bob Duco. Guys, thanks so much for listening today. This has been the National Crawford Roundtable.
You’ve been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of today’s culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.