Join the hosts of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast as they delve into the intricate world of politics and culture, viewed through a biblical lens. In this episode, hear heartfelt tributes, riveting sports tales, and an engaging discussion about the current political landscape. From the iconic NFL matchups to the pressing political matters, the conversation is both enlightening and entertaining.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time, she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Welcome to another edition of the National Crawford Roundtable. My name is Neil, host of Neil Boron Live on WDCX in Buffalo, New York. Bob Duco, host of the Bob Duco Show, WMUZ in Denver, joining us as well, of course. And John Rush, host of Rush to Reason on KLZ in Denver, is with us. And if I recall, the Buffalo Bills beat the Denver Broncos last Sunday.
Yes, you did. Handle it. Sorry about that, John.
I did feel a little bit bad about it.
We were doing good to get there. Yeah, exactly. After what we've been through the last several years, we were doing good to get there.
Yeah, and who knows? We were a little nervous, I've got to be honest. Bo Nix is an incredible quarterback, but it didn't happen for you guys. And now it's on to bigger and better things and hopefully a face-to-face meeting with the Detroit Lions, Bob, in the Super Bowl, maybe.
That's going to be one massive brick wall for you to run into. You know what? Buffalo Bills will feel like a crash test dummy against the Lions. So I'm just saying, you need to redesign your helmets as crash test dummies, whatever. By the way, I'm from Columbus, Ohio originally, and my Buckeyes are in the national championship. You're just working it today, aren't you? You're just working it. Oh, I'm telling you, against Notre Dame. Which, by the way, it's interesting. Did you guys see the tweet, the ex that J.D. Vance put out? Because he's an Ohio State alumni. He graduated from Ohio State University, so he is a massive Buckeye fan, large. Well, the national championship game is on January 20th. That's right, Inauguration Day. And so he posted on social media, hope everybody understands I'm not going to make the inauguration. And then he posted this picture, a meme picture. There were these two buttons. and a finger that's presumably his trying to decide, hmm, which one to push. One button says, watch the Buckeyes win the national title. The other button says, attend your own inauguration. He's trying to decide which button to push. Hilarious. It'll be good. It'll be good.
Yeah, Monday is going to be a big day for a lot of different reasons.
Hey, by the way, I'm sorry. You know what? I'm sorry. Can I just throw in something real quick while we're talking sports? I know it's off the grid here, but John, as you know, Bill McCartney, legend in Colorado, went home to be with the Lord. Okay. And I don't know. I know. I don't know if I've ever told you guys this story before. So bear with me. I know I'm throwing a monkey wrench into this, but I think you might really appreciate this. Bill McCartney has a history with Michigan because if you name the two most famous successful Hail Mary passes, one is Doug Flutie and the other one's Cordell Stewart, to beat Michigan. Well, and this was back in 1994, and it was September 24, 1994 that that game was. The game was in Michigan. I, John, was actually in Denver on business staying at a hotel, and I was in a hotel lounge where it was packed with people watching that game. Well, to set the stage, there's six seconds left in the game. Michigan is winning by five, 26-21. Colorado has the ball on their own 35. They only got one play left. It's the Hail Mary pass. And, of course, it was successful. It's like you've got to be kidding. That hardly ever happens. And Bill McCartney was the head coach who, of course, went on to found promise keepers, as we know. Right. Well, anyway, Bill McCartney was in Michigan a while back at a speaking event, a banquet. Him and I were the featured speakers. So in the banquet hall, Bill and I are sitting next to each other, you know, at the round table near the stage eating dinner. And we're just talking with each other. And I'm like, Bill, I still haven't forgiven you for the Cordell Stewart game. And he's laughing. He says, Bob, there's an interesting backstory behind that that I got to tell you. And I was like, all right, let me know. So he told me, he said, here's what happened. He said, I got into town. We got into town Friday, and we got together with some of the players, Christian players from both teams, to have a prayer meeting the night before. I was like, okay, that's cool. And he said, while I was flying to Michigan, he said, Bob, I'm not one of those – God told me, God spoke to me kind of people. He said, but I got to tell you, it popped in my head so strong, these words, read Haggai chapter 2. Read Haggai chapter 2. He's like, Bob, I don't even know where Haggai is in the Old Testament. Who reads Haggai? He said, that was so obscure. I'm like, Lord, is this you? This has to be you. Why would God be telling me read Haggai chapter 2? So he says, so I get my Bible and I open it to him. I find Haggai and I read Haggai chapter two. And sure enough, verse 18 references a date. It says from this 24th day of the ninth month. And then it goes on to say from this day forward, the Lord will bless you. And I'm like, wait a minute. Today's September 23rd. Tomorrow's Michigan game is September 24th, the 24th day of the ninth month. What are the odds that it says from this 24th day of the ninth month, the Lord will bless you? And I'm like, Lord, are you telling me I'm going to beat Michigan tomorrow? And I asked him, I said, did you bring that up when you met with the Michigan Christian players the night before? And he goes, well, yeah. He says, I'm a brother in Christ, but I'm also a football coach. Of course I got in their heads. And I told everybody to open to Haggai too. Well, anyway, he says, so here it is, six seconds left in the game. We're down by five. And I called a timeout and called the players over. And I told them, guys, no real mystery here. It's a Hail Mary play. Let's go for it. And they go back out there. And right before Cordell Stewart took the snap, he said, I heard one of the fans in the Michigan Stadium behind me yell out, hey, McCartney, where's your God now? And right when the ball was snapped and then we won the game. And I'm like, wow. Why did you have to tell me that story? Because now it's even worse for me. But anyway, so a little bit of an interesting backstory there. And this isn't like some third party rumor thing. Bill McCartney told me face to face personally this story. And he insisted, Bob, I'm not making this up. This actually really happened. Yeah.
We've been doing this podcast five years and you held out, never told us that story. Are you serious?
I know I should have at some point, especially with John in Colorado. I don't know why I never thought of it until just now with Bill McCartney.
A great man, did a lot of great things, as you guys know, and had a lot of being in this area. where he was at, had a lot of interaction one-on-one, actually had known his daughter real well, used to help her with her vehicles and so on when I had my repair shops and so on, and a lot of the football players as well. It was a great time in Boulder when he was there, let's just say it that way.
Yeah, and he's a legend. I mean, he's in the College Football Hall of Fame, deservedly, and so, yeah.
I wouldn't put Deion Sanders in the same class, but Deion's a believer. Bill McCartney was a believer, and the last two times Colorado showed up in the sports headlines was when those two guys were running it, but... Yeah, McCartney obviously ran Promise Keepers, and that was massive. One of the biggest ones I ever went to. Right, and one of the biggest events I ever went to was at Ford Field in the Silverdome or whatever they called it back in the day. They're in Detroit. Yeah, a long time ago. Hey, before we even get into any of this, we couldn't do the National Comfort Roundtable podcast without the support of our sponsors. And, Bob, since you started us off today, let me give you an opportunity to talk about our incredible sponsor, Preborn.
Well, I'll tell you what. We're so thankful for those of you in our audience that have supported Preborn financially because you're saving babies' lives. You really are stopping abortions. I'm just asking everybody right now if you haven't given or maybe you have and it's like, I want to give something every year. And so it's 2025. Folks, preborn has been around a long time, and they're in pro-life centers all across the country, and they have ultrasound machines in them, and they show ultrasound images of unborn babies to the expectant moms. And when a mom sees a picture of her baby, boom, she chooses life. She doesn't go across the street to Planned Parenthood. And by the way, she usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior too. Problem is, we don't have enough ultrasound machines. We don't have enough ultrasound images being shown to meet the demand. And that's why we're asking everybody in the audience right now, do one of two things, either A, Buy an ultrasound machine. They're $15,000 a piece. That's a nice tax write-off for you, and your forever legacy is you're stopping thousands and thousands of abortions every single year, okay? Option B, if you can't buy an ultrasound machine, pay for a certain number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby's life. So pray about a number of babies' lives that you'll save. Take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy of the amount of abortions that you stopped. So either way, here's how you give to Preborn. Just go online right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or you can give over the phone 24-7. Just call right now, 833-850-BABY. 833-850-BABY. Mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you folks doing this. We appreciate you supporting our sponsors. And, Neil, sponsors like SunPowerLED. Because I'll tell you what, I know from firsthand experience how well this works. I know you do, too. Absolutely.
Photobiomodulation is this big scientific term. All it means is light therapy. It's using certain wavelengths of light to help heal the human body. And I've been talking about the proverbial opera singer who sings a particular note at a particular time. level of volume and and resonance and can shatter a champagne glass i think we've all seen that it might not be as simple as it looks like in the movies but the fact is even under uh you know sound amplification it can be done because those sound waves move the molecules within the champagne glass in its actual fiber and makeup well same thing is true with human cells using light waves I'm not talking about harmful UV radiation or anything like that. I'm talking about red and near-infrared light that penetrates the human body, excites the mitochondria in the cell, wakes it up and says, hey, do your job. And those cells begin to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing. It's an incredible thing that you really need to see for yourself. So we encourage you to check out SunPowerLED by going to That's And click on SunPowerLED, watch the videos, learn about how light therapy can help reduce pain and swelling and reduce healing in the human body. And by the way, that's the very light God himself created. Well, I wanted to touch on a number of things today, and this is the last podcast. We record this on Wednesday morning each week, and this is the last podcast before the inauguration, which is kind of unbelievable, actually. And maybe let me just throw it out here. John, you haven't said much today. Did you ever think we'd see this day? Think about all that's transpired in the last four years, especially, even before that. Two impeachments. you know, four indictments, two assassination attempts. Did you ever think we'd be having this podcast?
Even guys, even all the way up to, you know, a year ago, did I think we'd be here today talking about this? No, I really didn't. I mean, I think it just shows you a lot of the things we've talked about on the podcast, even leading up to the elections, you know, things that the American public tired of you know you're tired of being you know uh ostracized men especially they're tired of all the wokeness and on and on we go i mean it to me it really does show that that there's a movement in the country where people are fed up with certain things that are going on and they want changes made
Some people don't even follow politics at all. And I think just in listening to casual conversation would have said, oh, Trump, he'll never, you know, he's done. And I remember, honestly, after DeSantis was reelected governor of Florida, he gave a pretty blistering speech. speech and i thought wow this is the future maybe of conservative politics in the u.s whether or not he could ever win as president i don't know but i think that's the guy right there who has a powerful message to share he obviously faded into oblivion like quickly and all of a sudden donald trump started re-emerging you touched on people being fed up with the woke agenda john i think you're hitting on something there bob i mean what in your opinion caused the turnaround because i think any normal thinking human being even conservatives who loved the policies Trump used to put forward in his first term as president, didn't really think that he was going to have an overwhelming victory in 2024.
You know, I think the Democrat Party has gone so radically, insanely left-wing. And what happened is that through different alternative media forums and such, somehow, someway, we got to get the message out that independent swing voters saw the Democrat Party for what it is. This is just getting too crazy, insane leftist. You guys realize, for all the times... that Democrats have repeatedly said Ronald Reagan couldn't get elected in today's Republican Party. Okay. No, Bill Clinton couldn't get elected in today's Democrat Party. He couldn't. You got to remember the Defense of Marriage Act, which declared the U.S. government's official position is marriage is only one man and one woman. Bill Clinton is the president who signed that into law. Okay. Bill Clinton in his 19, and I'm not defending Bill Clinton. I couldn't stand how liberal he was then. Okay. But Bill Clinton in his 1995 State of the Union address, you should, I encourage you guys, go back and watch that State of the Union address, his comments about illegal aliens. And he didn't call them undocumented workers. He called them illegal aliens. And he said, illegal aliens coming into this country, okay, are taking jobs that belong to Americans. They cannot come in here. This is not right. If you come in this country illegally, you are going out and whatever. And he got a standing ovation from the Republicans and the Democrats at the time. I told my audience on my show, you know what Donald Trump ought to do? Because he's a troller. We know that. Donald Trump ought to take the transcript of Bill Clinton's exact words, and he ought to speak those at some rally, some event, some interview. Say those exact words. Let MSNBC and CNN go crazy about how hateful that is. And then say, oh, guess what, everybody? I just plagiarized Bill Clinton. OK, so I honestly I think there's blowback to the Democrat Party has just gone insane. Gender confusing our children, traumatizing women in the bathrooms, locker rooms and showers, wide open borders, crime through the roof, foreign policy embarrassments. So I that's what I think it is. And it's like I think they realize I may not like Trump's personality, but you know what? The guy is a doer and a shaker. You know, he knows how to get things done.
I tend to agree with you, Bob. I think you're right. And John alluded to some of this, too. But I mean, just the idea of the woke agenda that has been shoved down the throats of the American people over the last four years. And as much as you're talking about cultural slide, because what you're describing is how far this whole world has come, you know, that Clinton couldn't get elected by the Democrats if he ran right now. You're probably right. And that indicates cultural slide. But obviously, to some degree, even people in the Democratic Party felt like the Biden administration went too far. And some are now saying that Joe Biden is more or less, and I put this in quotes, burning down the House on his way out by making statements like, I could have beat Kamala Harris. and defending his record as president. I think most Democrat strategists, I could be wrong on this, but I think most strategists are like, no, we want to distance ourselves from that message right now because that's what got Trump elected.
John, your thoughts on that? Yeah, I think you're right. And there's even some leftist talk show hosts and so on that, by the way, if they were on our podcast right now, would be agreeing with the three of us along these lines i mean they're actually talking about the very things that we're talking about yet they'll interview prominent democrats have them on their shows and i've seen some of these interviews and the reality is guys you know the majority of democrats are still in total denial and have no clue as to why they lost this last election which by the way i hope they keep going down that path I hope they don't figure out what they did wrong the last time around because I want to continue to beat them. I'm afraid at some point they probably will wake up. Although, guys, there is some that are just so mentally out there. The mental illness runs rampant in the Democrat Party. I don't know how else to say it. Being liberal is a mental illness, I always say, and I mean that sincerely because you just don't think straight. And the reality is until they get that in check, I don't know if they're ever going to be back on track.
guys yeah well actually john if you think about it you got joe biden uh actually not only puts out that letter of oh it was such an honor to serve and you know what i was such a great president uh but he even said just the other day that the the economy or in foreign policy he's late he says i'm leaving trump a strong hand to play it's like are you kidding me we're so And actually defended the – bragged about the Afghan withdrawal. And it's like – so, yes, this clueless nature of what his handlers – I don't think this is Joe Biden. I don't. They're telling him what to say and what to read. So the people, the shadow government that really has been running things, whether it's Joe Biden or whoever it is that's been really running things – They're just deciding we're going to go out and, if I can use the term gaslight, we're just going to tell people these aren't the droids you're looking for. This is really what reality is. And hopefully some of it sticks.
You know, one other thing about that, I've got a few more things I want to say about Joe Biden potentially, quote, burning down the House. But, Bob, you and I have talked about the fact that We host radio programs that are also heard in Canada. You've got Canadian listeners I do as well. We may have more just because it's a better program. No, I'm kidding. We cover Toronto, you know, and you've got a lot of farmland on the other side, maybe. We've got Ontario, Canada, yeah. yeah but um okay but but the bottom line is i think something similar has happened in canada as well people want trudeau out people aren't that's right canada's pretty liberal but trudeau was so whacked out liberal that people are coming to their senses saying we we can't live this way this is no way to live and they've had immigration problems as well they definitely had problems with the whole lockdown situation during covid i mean covid policy played into how people feel about the legacy of the Biden administration. I don't know your thoughts, but I honestly think that something similar is happening in Canada with people realizing we don't want Trudeau for the same reasons that we don't want Biden or the progressive liberals.
The polls show it. I think I mentioned this on last week's podcast that A poll was taken in Canada among Canadian voters asking them, who do you trust more, the Conservative Party or the Liberal Party? And 47% said the Conservative Party, but 18% said the Liberal Party. The rest, you know, I don't know. But 47% to 18%, that is extremely lopsided. You look at the popularity of Pierre Polyev in Canada right now, he's probably going to be the next prime minister. So, yeah, I think that there is a certain measure of... Trudeau was so hardcore leftist and our lives are not better off. We're having less freedom, less liberty and add to the whole trucker thing, of course. But just economically, it's just not working. The liberals are in charge of everything and it's just not working. We're losing time for a change. Yeah, no doubt.
John, let me ask you this. Donald Trump has said he's going to pardon January 6th participants. My personal opinion, I pray to God he doesn't pardon people who were convicted of violent crimes during all of that. I'm talking about the moms and the pops that walked in and were kind of looking around like, wow, this is incredible. Look at it. It's the Capitol building. But either way... He'll be watched closely for the pardons, but let's back up a minute. Joe Biden, on his way out, pardoning his son not only for the offense regarding his handgun and handling of all that, but supposedly for anything that may or may not have happened, any criminal activity that may have happened during an 11-year period, which does include when he was operating as a board member of Burisma in Ukraine. That... I think that will forever be remembered by the American people. Your thoughts on that?
Well, it'll be interesting to see, does he pardon himself on the way out? Does he need to pardon himself and his wife on the way out? I mean, I don't know, guys. To your point, though, Neil, yes, he'll be remembered for that. In a lot of ways, you're literally saying, we know there's things there. I'm going to pardon him anyways just to make sure no matter what, there's no repercussions on down the road, period. It's a big, huge CYA is what that is. And I'm really, honestly, to this point, Shocked that he hasn't done it for himself. Will he between now and next Sunday, Monday? Great question, guys. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, that's probably a deeper discussion we could have. I don't know if he does, but actually he probably should.
Well, and, okay, Bob, your thoughts on this? Because I think that if he does, if he does what John says and then he decides to pardon himself, that's, in a sense, kind of a smoking gun. Like, I've committed crimes and I'm going to pardon myself so nobody ever finds out what they were or something. At least it has that appearance.
I think it would be a stupid move. I know. I wouldn't be a bit surprised. And of course, the way that he would word it, the way his handlers would word it, and the way that the media would report it is, I've done anything wrong, but I know that I'm going to prepare myself for the dishonest revenge attempts of the Trump administration or whatever. But at this point, there is nothing Joe Biden and his handlers could do that would surprise me. And I do want to say also, regarding Donald Trump and the J6 people, For me, here's really what it comes down to. Anybody who did not engage in any kind of violence whatsoever, absolutely they should be pardoned. That's right. I do not believe that they should be pardoned. However, I think every single one of them should have their sentences commuted because they've already been in prison for three or four years. And what I'm arguing is that's long enough to serve for pushing a police officer. Yes, you deserve to go to jail. if you assault a police officer. I agree. Okay. But you know what? The average, I've said this many times, the average rapist in America gets seven years, but there are many rapists who get one or two years. I had, I talked about this on my show. I had a former police officer email me saying, look, I have sent countless rapists to jail and you want to know something? I can't tell you how many times I've seen them get even less than a year in prison for that. So seven years, and you've got J6 people, the most violent of the violent J6 people, Still, killed no one, shot no one, pointed a gun at no one, set zero fires. They were violent and they were wrong, okay? But they don't deserve 20 years in prison as several of them have gotten. They don't deserve three times what a rapist gets. They don't deserve 10 times what a drug dealer averages, which is just over two years. So that to me is a... They've served their prison time. Three to four years, that's enough. Commute their sentence, leave it on their record. Don't pardon them, but commute their sentence. I think... Every single JSEC person needs to be walking free right now, just either pardoned or commuted. Got about 30 seconds. I agree. Do you agree with that, John?
Yes, absolutely. Everything Bob just said, I would second that.
Okay. Yeah, well, we'll see what happens once he takes office. Monday is the date for the inauguration. So a lot to watch in the news, and we're going to be talking about more of this as we continue. But let me first of all say one of the things that goes hand in hand with this switchover from the Biden administration to the Trump administration is a hope that somebody will stand up to Big Pharma and represent the common man. The feeling is that big government, big tech, Big Pharma, have really not been for the needs of the people right now, but they've been about making big money and pushing agendas that really are not to the benefit of the average human being. Big Pharma is definitely in the middle of that whole thing. Big Pharma obviously has an agenda, and that's to sell drugs, expensive drugs in many cases. And if we can keep people on those drugs for the rest of their life and simply manage the problems they have as opposed to actually trying to heal them, Well, then you're going to make a lot of money in the long run. But the bottom line is people deserve better than that. And I thank God for SunPowerLED because they're putting out a product that involves what's called light therapy or photobiomodulation, which is simply using the light God created. to help reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in our bodies. So migraines, joint pain, wound care, post-surgical care. You need to get better. You need to heal. You need to reduce pain and swelling, promote healing in your body. Learn about what light therapy can do for you by connecting with And our website, Again, Click on SunPowerLED and watch what light therapy can do for you. Bob, we've got about 90 seconds here. Thank God for our sponsors, Preborn. They make this possible.
Oh, they sure do. And a lot of our listeners are going to pre-born. And I'm just asking you right now, maybe you have 2025 is a new year. Would you give to them again? You're talking about saving babies' lives, showing ultrasound images of unborn babies to expectant moms in pro-life centers across the country. But the problem is, folks, that demand is higher than the supply. Right now, there are pro-life centers around the country that they don't have an ultrasound machine in there. They're not able to show the ultrasound images of these babies to the moms. But when a mom does see a picture of that baby, she chooses life almost all the time. By the way, she usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior too. So we're asking you in the audience, Pay for ultrasounds. You're saving babies' lives. Do one of two things. Either buy an ultrasound machine or pay for an individual number of images. If you buy an ultrasound machine, they're $15,000 a piece, great tax write-off for you, and your forever legacy is you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions every year. How great is that? For everybody else, pay for a certain number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby's life. How many babies' lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that's your gift to pre-born. So here's how you give. Go online right now to, click on pre-born, and give right there. And 100% of what you give, every penny, goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. So, click on Preborn, or they answer the phones 24-7. You can give over the phone to a real-life person. Call 833-850-BABY, 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call.
We've got plenty to talk about in the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, the first days of the Trump administration, etc., and we'll get to it as we continue here. Don't go away. More to come on the National Crawford Roundtable podcast.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
You're listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, the final podcast of the Biden administration. By the time we speak again, Lord willing, Donald Trump will have been sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. So this is being recorded on Wednesday morning, the inauguration coming, of course, on Monday. And then Bob's Ohio State Buckeyes will win the national championship Monday night. It's going to be a great day Monday. Guys, let's talk about the California wildfires for a minute. I don't want to glaze over this, but on the other hand, we can't ignore it. It's been a huge story in the news, massive destruction in the state of California as a result of this. And people are now beginning, as it begins to wind down, Lord willing, it looks like it's going to be... you know over with sooner sooner rather than later but uh people are asking the question you know was this arson was it an accident is it an act of god i mean i'm not sure anybody knows exactly but people are beginning to ask questions and point fingers then who's who's to blame for this let me just get some reaction now that entire week this was going on last week we talked about this to some degree john your thoughts i mean you've been through a wildfire before
I have. And, you know, we get those in Colorado on a pretty routine basis. We've been pretty fortunate this year, haven't had so far this year. I mean, the season, I guess I should say, hasn't been too bad. But our dry season, you know, anytime that happens, we have a lot of the same things that they just went through. And, you know, what started it, guys? I haven't the foggiest idea. I'm not sure that they'll ever know. A lot of the ones that start here in Colorado, they try their best to try to figure out exactly, you know, what the root cause was. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. you know, bottom line in California, same here in Colorado and other states, they're going to happen. This won't be the last one they have. Unfortunately, there will be others. How are you planning ahead to manage for them is always the question. And in the biggest disappointment, I think people have, especially those that are out there right now is just the absolute total failure, lack of planning, lack of management, lack of management, leadership once it actually happened. I mean, they're so woke, they're more worried about three lesbians being in charge than they are people actually qualified to get the job done. And I think people are finally fed up. The question really is in California, is this going to be a turning point for how they vote moving forward, knowing the disaster they just went through?
And real quick before we move to Bob, I'm just curious. Some people have said this could spell the end of Gavin Newsom's political career.
I think it does. You do? Okay.
I was going to ask if you thought it was an overstatement. And why? Simple mismanagement? That this should have been handled differently under his watch?
I mean, when you have Democrats even, you know, Hollywood movie stars and so on, talking about the mismanagement of everything, that does not bode well for him at all.
Yeah. All right, Bob, let's move to you. Your thoughts on all this? We've been watching it, obviously.
Now, you know, I think the last thing that John said here is really the key to this. Will this actually change the electoral process out in California? Will some of these leftists start realizing maybe just maybe the Democrats are not the people that we should be trusting here? And maybe we give the Republicans a new look. This is just part of the blowback process. that has pushed Donald Trump back into office. I mean, people in California are realizing, well, hold on a minute here. We're not clearing away the underbrush and the dead trees. We're not thinning the forest with controlled burns. We're not doing that because, after all, we have to protect the Scandinavian spotted cricket and their natural habitat. We're not building the desalinization machines and plants that we should be building so that we can fill the reservoirs. I know we're pumping water in California into the Pacific Ocean. So and we're creating a tinderbox in our forests. So if a spark ignites, whoosh, it's going to spread through California. Yes, John, you're absolutely right. When Hollywood liberals are like, OK, this is ridiculous. All right. There comes a point where California voters have to have the light bulb go off over their head and say, you know something, we're going to do this. We may think that the Republicans are a bunch of hate mongers, but they at least know how to keep us safe and prosperous.
And really quick, let me add something to what you guys are saying as well. They've only seen the tip of the iceberg. As somebody that's been through this, wait till they start going through the whole... hassle factor of putting in your claim and figuring out what you're going to do next and are you going to rebuild or are you going to just sell your lot off and on and on and on we go i mean they are just at the tip of the iceberg guys by the way don't forget the ap says that this is really a racist fire on top of that but but you know what you can't blame
You really can't blame, and far be it for me to rally for the insurance companies, but you can't blame insurance companies for saying we're pulling fire insurance from California when we're watching the mismanagement being created this way. There comes a certain point where you say, this is nuts. If your policies are going to make it easier for fires to spread, why in the world would we offer fire insurance?
So you should really, not to throw a monkey wrench into all of this, but Who's the smartest guy at State Farm that pulled out right before these?
I know. Somebody.
Who has the crystal ball at State Farm? Unbelievable, guys.
By the way, we've got to remember, too, if they kept fire insurance in California and they would be shelling out billions and billions and billions of dollars in fire insurance settlements, you think that's just California? No. State Farm, Allstate, everybody.
We're all going to be affected.
Homeowner's insurance will go up. We all end up paying for it because insurance companies are really nothing more than one big pool that everybody pays into. And those who don't make claims end up paying for those who do. So everybody's rates would go up if they didn't pull out of California.
So we had a conversation on our program last night talking about if, you know, feds are going to give money, of course, and so on. And the thing that I think Donald Trump needs to step in and do is there needs to be heavy strings attached to any federal money that goes back out there to help them rebuild. In other words, we're only giving this money if you do X, Y, Z. Like what? Like the things Bob just mentioned, fire mitigation. Let's get these dams and things built that you guys have already had money allocated for. Let's get these things going so that really you are proactive moving forward and not reactive. And environmental groups, sorry, get in line. We're going to do the things necessary to make sure people are safe.
Okay, so you're talking about government policy. When you first said it, I thought you were talking about individual homeowners.
No, no, no. Government policy as in, you know, state of California, we're not giving you X until you do X. That's right. That's right.
And by the way, life insurance companies, they charge more for people that skydive or smoke. That's right. I mean, there's a certain sense of if you're doing things. And as a government, a state government, if you're doing things in your policies that are just going to increase the odds that you have disaster and you're inviting disaster in your state, then we're not going to subsidize that. It's that simple. That's not a mean-spirited thing. That's forcing them to do the right thing to keep people safe and alive out there.
Now, it's irritating as a taxpayer, honestly, guys, to have to be funneling money back out there to total mismanagement. I don't know about the rest of everybody listening, but as a taxpayer myself, a net taxpayer, there is nothing more infuriating than watching your own tax dollars go to things like this.
Yeah. Well, Bob, technology has been used for evil and it's also being used for good. Thank God for ultrasound technology that shows us the development of a baby inside a mother's womb. It's been used to help women choose life for their children and does so on many occasions. Preborn provides a lot of that technology and they're one of our major sponsors. Can you talk about that?
Yeah, absolutely. Preborn puts ultrasound machines in pro-life centers all across the country. It shows these ultrasound images. It would be great if every pro-life center had an ultrasound machine. It would be great if every pro-life center could show ultrasound images to expectant moms. But they can't. We don't have enough ultrasounds out there. Preborn is the one who supplies them, but it takes money to supply them. This is where we come in, folks, the body of Christ. We're asking you to pay for the ultrasound images so we can get more of them out there. When a mom sees a picture of her baby, an ultrasound image, that's the first time she's ever seen what her baby looks like. So I'm not surprised that statistically she almost always chooses life. She doesn't go across the street to Planned Parenthood, and she usually accepts Jesus Christ. So here's how you pay for these ultrasound images and save babies' lives. Do one of two things. Either A, buy an ultrasound machine, or B, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. Option A, an ultrasound machine, buying it is $15,000. Right. Nice tax write off for you. And, you know, you get to go to bed every night knowing that you are saving thousands and thousands of babies lives year after year after year. What a legacy in your family or business. Now, for everybody else, I wish I had 15 grand to buy a machine. I can't do that. OK, fine. Pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. Twenty eight dollars is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion to save one baby's life. So how many babies lives will you save? Take twenty eight dollars times fill in the blank. Pray about a number. And then that's your gift to pre-born. Maybe you gave last year. Will you give again in 2025? And 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. So here's how you give. Go online right now to Click on pre-born. or just give them a call. They answer the phones 24-7. You can give right there, 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you doing that. We appreciate you supporting our sponsors like Preborn, like SunPower LED, which I'll tell you what, Neal, the photo bimodulation that they do at SunPower LED is remarkable. And it's all natural too, which is great. No shots, no drugs, no injections, no none of that stuff.
No surgery. Yeah, I mean, it's all natural. Using the light God himself created to heal our bodies. Let me tell you about that, because four years ago today, January 15th, I couldn't breathe. I mean, I could take a breath, but I wasn't getting any value out of it. I had come down with COVID right after Christmas, I think like the 26th or whatever, and for about three weeks. I got worse and worse to the point where my blood oxygen saturation number was like 82. And if I got up to walk across the room, it dropped to 79. And I was being told, you need to go to the hospital. But the paramedics that came to my house on three separate occasions because I couldn't breathe said, don't go to the hospital. You'll sit in the hallway. Nobody's going to see you. Nobody's going to care for you. Your wife's a nurse. You're hanging on. You're not delusional right now. Hold on, and let's see where this goes. Well, Tom Kerber of Kerber USA, one of the makers of this photobiomodulation and light therapy, called me and said, look, I've got a device that I think can help you. And he sent it to me. I started using it, putting it on my chest. And the red light and near-infrared wavelengths penetrated my body, got to my lungs, and started healing my lungs. And in a matter of two weeks, I was back at 99% blood oxygen content. I was really on the doorstep of being hospitalized with a ventilator. God used red light therapy to help heal my body. No surgery, no pharmaceuticals. So check it out for yourself. Go to and click on SunPowerLED. That's S-U-N like sun in the sky. SunPowerLED at Well, you're listening, obviously, to the National Crawford Roundtable. Bob Duco, John Rush, myself, Neil Boron. We've got so many things to talk about. I'm wondering where to go from here. But this is the last time we're going to be talking before, Lord willing, Donald Trump is sworn in as 47th president of the United States. One of the things that's all of a sudden appeared in the news is the talk about the U.S. potentially taking over or buying Greenland. The Panama Canal situation, he's referred to Canada as the 51st state and probably tongue-in-cheek, but has said, you know, Justin Trudeau would be the governor of Canada. Now he's also talking about renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. What's going on, guys? What are you seeing in all of this? What's happening? Bob, let me start with you on this. What are your thoughts?
Well, first of all, Trump is a troller. I think that the Canadian thing is certainly trolling. There's no way realistic. It made Trudeau resign. This is true. This is true. Well, that combined with the threatened 25% tariffs and Trudeau flying down to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump's ring. Please don't do this. Right. So I think it's being perceived as weak by his own liberals. Okay. Gulf of America. You know what? I'm for that. Why not?
I'm okay with that.
You know, it's like, why not? And actually, I was assuming that Mexico had more shoreline in the Gulf of America than the U.S. did. I looked at a map. It's like, actually, they don't. I mean, the U.S. has more of Gulf of Mexico shoreline than Mexico does, so why not?
Anyways, because to your point, Bob, there's a whole lot more U.S. coastline if you do it correctly.
That's right. And you know something? As far as taking over Greenland and Panama Canal, buying Greenland and somehow getting Panama Canal back, I am all for that. Not just because... you always want to buy Marvin Gardens and St. Charles Place if you have a chance to, okay? Not just because of that, but there's very strong strategic benefits in us having control of the Panama Canal again, and especially for foreign policy purposes, Greenland as well. Why are we at the point where suddenly the U.S. doesn't buy? If we go back to 1960, well, should we have bought Alaska or not? Of course we should. Well, I don't know when we bought it. That's when they became a state, Alaska and Hawaii. But when we bought Alaska, when we bought Hawaii- Wasn't as long ago as you think.
Let's just say that.
Why would we not? Yeah. Why would we not? Okay. We bought Hawaii. We bought Alaska. Okay. We bought Puerto Rico. I mean, if there's areas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, if there's areas that we can go ahead and buy and acquire, why wouldn't we do it? And Donald Trump is the epitome of, let me buy up some land and and dramatically increase its value, why would we not have him bring that to the table and let it be in the history books that Greenland and Panama Canal are the United States territory?
At the end of the day, really, what this is all about, if you ask me and Bob, get you and Neil's opinion, but... This is a big poke in the eye at China, whether he does anything along these lines or not. What he's really telling China is, guys, back off. I'm back in charge. We're going to do things my way. You guys have had your full run of the Panama Canal. You're running ships constantly in submarines, you and Russia, past Greenland. And the reality is you've had your way throughout the world, and that ends on January 20th.
You know what he reminds me of, honestly, Trump? Trump reminds me of the guy who's always, always, always on the offensive, always moving. And it's like he's not like, OK, well, everything's a mess, so I'm going to play it safe and just try to tread water and keep things from getting worse and maybe they'll get better. He's a guy who's like, oh, no, what, the game is close and it's fourth down and fourth in inches? You know what? I'm throwing a long 25-yard pass, okay? Let's get aggressive. I mean, so no matter what is going on, he's like, oh, no, wait a minute. I'm not just treading water. I'm taking three steps forward. And you're right. It sends a message to China, to Russia, to everybody else that's like, you're not going to be able to keep up with me. You think we're on the defensive? You're not going to be able to keep up with the direction I'm taking this country.
Right. I think it's interesting. And whether it's tongue in cheek or not, I think it's hilarious. On Monday, U.S. House Republicans unveiled a bill that would allow Trump to start negotiations with Denmark, quote, to secure the acquisition of Greenland by the United States. By the way, the Denmark's prime minister said Greenland's not for sale, but there does seem to be.
It's always a price.
Right, exactly, that there is open potential for some negotiation here. But what's funny is that Representative Andy Ogles, a Tennessee Republican, I don't know if you saw this, he's the main sponsor of a two-page Make Greenland Great Again Act.
Right. It's really funny. The reason why I always say there's a price, do either of you have any idea what the GDP of Greenland actually is? No.
Do you know? Did you look it up?
I looked it up. $3.2 billion is all.
3.2, that's not much. Well, you know what? That means you should be able to get it for a pretty decent price.
You may have did five times GDP and bought the thing for, you know, I don't know what, 15, 18 million or $18 billion.
And you stretch it out over whatever.
Let's say you give them $100 billion. Is it worth it at that point? Absolutely it is. And the reality is with Greenland or, you know, with Denmark, look at $100 billion as something that they might entertain. You're darn right they would.
I'm just waiting for the memes to say it's a billionaire Donald Trump just wants Greenland because it's called Greenland, you know.
It's actually, and this I did do some research on. I didn't realize this prior. It's actually, militarily speaking, very strategic, much like we have Hawaii. It's very strategic for us up in that area. And frankly, we don't have enough presence and need more.
And we would have military presence there. We totally would.
There's this referred to in one of the articles I read as the mythical Northwest Passage. It was never really opened before, but with some of the ice melt there, it looks like it could improve shipping routes, but I'm 100% in agreement with you. I really believe this has more to do with military strategy than it does shipping lanes. So we'll see.
Yeah. And a message to China. Because the reality, guys, is, and most people don't, because you've got to look at the world map, and yes, we live on a globe. We don't live on a flat Earth. If you look at the area up there and how submarines and other things that could actually come into our eastern seaboard, and you look at the openness of what's there right now, yeah, it's very strategic.
You know what? We got Alaska, Greenland and Hawaii surrounding the mainland of the United States. Yes. It positions us very well long term in this country.
In foreign policy and security and everything else. This is a really, really. And by the way, can I just say on a side note? People look at Greenland, but it's just one big iceberg, isn't it? It's just a whole bunch of ice. Do you know why Greenland is called Greenland? Because it used to be green underneath all that snow and ice when Leif Erikson and the Vikings and everybody else were. It used to be green. That's why it's called Greenland. Apparently, they had a lot of... SUVs and drove EVs a thousand years ago.
That's a big problem. One quick quote, Donald Trump on Truth Social said, for the purposes of national security and freedom throughout the world, the United States of America feels that ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity. Then listen to the way he words this. I'm talking about protecting the free world. You don't even need binoculars. You look outside, you have China ships all over the place. You have Russian ships all over the place. We're not letting that happen. And so I think obviously military strategy is a huge reason.
Yeah, that one I look at him being a lot more serious. I mean, that one in the Panama Canal, he's probably pretty serious. I know there's a lot of Panamanians or however you say that that aren't real happy about that. But the reality is, this is what they don't even understand. They're not running it. China is. And that's what Trump wants to end. China's running the canal. Panama's not. Right.
Yeah, agreed. And by the way, regarding Canada, I think it's all tongue-in-cheek. I'm not saying that he doesn't want different economic policy towards trade with Canada, that's for sure. But as far as the Canadian people, I've seen some statistics, only like 10% would even consider such a thing. I'm talking about the people of Canada. And I have friends there and stuff, and there's a lot of nationalistic pride. Canada wants its own sovereignty. That would create more problems, I think, than than help in the long run, but better cooperation economically with Canada, I think is important down the road. So we'll see where that goes. I want to ask you guys before this all gets away from us, we've got a few minutes left here. The Trump, you know, cabinet appointments, Pete Hegseth's been under fire recently here, obviously. There's an effort to kind of step things up so that some of the cabinet or all of the cabinets in place by inauguration day, I don't think that's going to happen, but... A lot of pushback on Pete Hegseth, obviously, but also RFK Jr., people saying, look at what qualifications does this guy have to run health and human services. I wanted to get some of your thoughts. All right, so John, maybe we'll start with you on that one.
Okay, so some of the confirmations and stuff that's going on, and I have not had time – I'm doubting, Neil, you have either. I've watched a lot of excerpts of different things. I didn't get a chance to watch the entire thing with Pete, for example. And I think the one thing people have to realize with Pete especially is, number one, he's not a politician. Is he going to be as polished with – his answers and his ability to handle some of these what I call slick politicians that have been sitting in those chairs for, in some cases, decades, Neil. No, he's not going to be as slick as a Marco Rubio or even a RFK Jr., by the way, will be. On the same token, I think Pete's done a pretty good job of defending himself. They've attacked him on all sorts of things that, frankly, have nothing to do with the job of defense secretary when it's all said and done. But I think he's handled himself very well. Will he get confirmed? You know, I think at this point, I'm a little more confident than I was, you know, a day or two ago, Neil, that he will. So I think he'll get confirmed again. Will he learn a lot by doing, you know, by being in this job and doing what he's doing? Absolutely. But the one thing I think folks need to realize when they watch him answer some of these questions is, you know, he's not a politician. It'd be like you, you know, you and I, Neil, up there answering questions. We're not politicians. We're going to answer them just like a regular civilian would. And that's what Pete has done.
Yeah, and John, I think you're absolutely right, you know, based on what you're saying. But let me add something, too. I think that a lot of people would rightly say, does he have the qualifications to lead the organization? Well, in one sense, he doesn't really need to. Let me give you an example. I have a friend who's a pastor who runs a bakery. He bought a bakery and runs it as a business, but he also serves in pastoral ministry. He doesn't know anything about baking, but he knows something about business and running a business. And he's got a highly successful bakery because he hires the right people to do the right things. I don't think that RFK needs to know everything there is to know about medicine, but he can surround himself with other people that are like-minded in saying, we got to get people healthy again. And, you know, big pharma... Americans are living longer than ever before, but we're not healthier than ever before. And we've got to fix that problem. So the idea that he's skeptical towards big pharma I think is going to be a plus for the American people. Bob, do you have any thoughts on this, Bob?
I think we lost Bob or Neil. I think he's got some connection issues. So you and I will finish things up, which we can definitely handle.
All right. Well, let's do that. And we're going to need to talk about pre-born and admit. But as long as we're talking about RFK, let me mention again, some of you are experiencing a tremendous amount of distrust towards Big Pharma. And your feeling is that, you know, I've been on medication my whole life, but I'm not getting better. So what's the problem here? And, you know, Big Pharma's goal is to keep you on medication. There's no desire to see you be healed, because if you're actually healed of whatever disease you're struggling with, whatever physical ailment you've got, then you don't need to purchase medication anymore. And somebody ought to be asking the question, is that right? Is that good for the American people? And should we allow that? So hopefully RFK will step in and do it. But listen, there is a treatment that's available that is non-invasive, meaning no surgery involved, no medication involved. It's called red light therapy, and it is available from our friends at SunPowerLED. What is it? Well, it takes the very light God himself created, certain wavelengths of red and near-infrared light, and it utilizes that light to penetrate the skin, no UV harmful radiation or anything like that, but it penetrates the skin, gets deep into the body, gets to the cells, energizes the mitochondria, wakes up the cell, and the cell begins to do what it was intended to do, and that's to provide life and heal your body. And it's unbelievable. You really need to look at what a red light therapy can do for you. Go to, click on Sun, S-U-N, like sun in the sky, Sun Power LED,, and check it out. We could not do any of this, John, without the help of our friends at Preborn.
You are correct. And you hear Bob talk about it a lot. I feel him and Bob can't. And Preborn, just a great organization. You know, I give to them on a routine basis and love them dearly. They're there to help not only the unborn, but the moms that are carrying the unborn. There's two lives. Actually, there's multiple lives, as you know, Neil, that'll be affected by these decisions, not just those two. But those two immediately are the ones that are affected most. Preborn is there to not only help save babies' lives, but help save literally the spiritual and physical life of the mother as well, and of course have huge effect upon the rest of the family. They do that by showing ultrasound images of the baby. By the way, Planned Parenthood does not do that. Even though they have the same equipment or better, they do not show the image to the mom. In this particular case, Preborn does. It works. They save babies' lives on a daily basis, and a lot of you listening say, you know, I want to do everything I possibly can to help create life and save babies' lives. We'll do that by donating to Preborn. Just go to the National Crawford. Sorry, just go to is what I should say. Click on the pre-born link there and donate. And as I always say, put your money where your mouth is, Neal.
Yeah, we've only got a couple minutes left, and I guess we did lose Bob along the way. My thought is, John, that he's afraid that I was going to bring up that the Buffalo Bills are coming after his Detroit Lions. You know, we want them in the Super Bowl. Let's go. You know what?
You could see that matchup.
It might happen.
You could.
Let me ask you this real quick. I saw an article. I didn't really pay close attention, but during the election, remember, obviously, Trump was handing out French fries at McDonald's. The other big optic was that he was in a garbage truck, a Make America Great Again garbage truck. And apparently that garbage truck, I was told, is going to be somehow a part of the parade after the inauguration come Monday. So I don't know. I think in one sense, Trump is hoping for some kind of a joyous celebration as opposed to just a formal celebration.
ceremony uh regarding all this but um i don't know well we haven't a chance to talk about this much i know we're running short on time but really monday's going to be fun in my opinion though neil tuesday is even going to be more fun the very first day what does he do to reverse some of the awful policies that have been implemented by the current administration what's he going to do to try to get things back on track you know giving us all more freedom getting the economy back on track things along those lines that's the day actually i'm more excited for is you know, is Tuesday, not Monday, but we'll see how that goes as well.
Yeah, we got about 30 seconds left. I'm just curious. Shouldn't he be very concerned, not just about what happens on Monday, but what happens between his first day in office and the midterm elections? Because he lost control. Yeah, and what was it, 2018?
He's got to have a really solid run these next two years. Really, not even two years, 18 months, Neal, is about what he's got to be able to have any kind of effectiveness in the midterms.
Yeah, and I think grow his relationship with minority voters, young voters, all of which showed support to him, and obviously he won by a landslide in that last election. Anyhow, that's going to do it for today's edition of the National Crawford Roundtable. We lost Bob Duco, host of the Bob Duco Show on WMUZ in Detroit. Somehow technology failed us on that one. John Rush, of course, Rush to Reason in Denver, Colorado, one of my colleagues here. And my name is Neil Boron, host of Neil Boron Live. We encourage you to listen every single week. Tell others to listen to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, and Lord willing, we'll see you next week again right here.
You've been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of today's culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.
Join the National Crawford Roundtable as they provide an insightful analysis of President Donald Trump's policies during his first week in power. The conversation touches on border security, deportation of illegal immigrants, and the socio-political dynamics surrounding these issues. The episode balances lighter moments, like the hosts sharing their thoughts on recent NFL events, with serious political debate, offering listeners a well-rounded understanding of the intersection of faith and culture. Advertisements from sponsors provide avenues for listeners to engage with supportive health and pro-life services.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and buy SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Back with another week of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast. We got the guys, of course. John Rush, Rush to Reason, Denver, Colorado. Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live, Buffalo, New York. Myself, Bob Duco. Guys, how are you? Great, Bob. Well, not so great.
How you doing there, Neil? Not so great.
Hey, me too.
It's like, no, it wasn't supposed to go this way. No. Bill's Lions would have been the game of the century. It would have had unbelievable viewership. I think literally people are not going to watch because they're so tired of the Chiefs thing.
Yeah, that's me.
Okay. Neil, I got to ask you what I asked John before we started recording. And by the way, I never in a million years thought that the Lions would be beat by the Redskins. And that's right. I'm calling them the Redskins. They're not the commanders to me. Personally, I think that I'll bet you sometime within the next 10 years, they're called the Redskins again. I wouldn't be a bit surprised. But anyway, I just didn't think that would happen. And the same thing with the Bills. But now that it is... KC and Philly. All right. KC does have a chance for a three-peat. That's never happened in the history of the NFL.
Unless it doesn't.
I'm with you, John. Neil, isn't there a case for going, okay, let's go ahead and at least have the Super Bowl be an historic Super Bowl? No. What's wrong with having a new dynasty and a three-peat that's never happened before? Bob, think with your brain, not your heart, bro. Seriously.
Come on, man. Thank you. Thank you, Neil.
Wow. Words I very rarely ever have to defend. Exactly. The good news is Bob does have a heart, John.
He does.
Yeah, he does. Hey, look, you find your truth, I find my truth, okay? That's your truth, this is my truth, all right?
Really quick, Neil, this is a true NFC guy saying this.
Oh, I know.
If he was in the AFC, he wouldn't be saying this.
Yeah, not at all. Not if you saw these guys on a regular basis. It's the evil empire, man. Bring them down. That's right. Thank you, Neil. For all that's good and right in the world, take them down.
I'll tell you what. If Darth Vader wins two in a row, then it's like, all right, go for the three-peat. Okay, so I don't know. I like the idea of, okay, well then if it stinks because we didn't have who we wanted, then okay, let's at least have some history being made.
Bob, you know what? Here's what you do. Forget about the Super Bowl. Just watch a Hallmark movie and everything. Yeah, there you go. Here we go.
Okay, hey, just so you know, hate's not a family value. I'm going to get a bumper sticker. I'm going to get a coexist bumper sticker that has the Chiefs logo and the Lions logo and the Bills logo and all that kind of stuff and put it on the back of my car.
This is wrong.
We should, though, congratulate Crawford Corporate because they are definitely Eagle fans. So, guys, if you're listening, congratulations.
Yeah, here we go. They got a chance to win another one.
Hey, guys, why don't you trash the daylights out of the Eagles? Come on, let's go. Let's do it. I think Mr. Crawford's listening.
Go ahead. You know what? If they can beat the Chiefs, I'm all in.
Yeah, I'm a forever Eagles fan if they beat the Chiefs.
Please do it. All right, well, I'm going out on a limb. I'm not a Chiefs fan, but because of the three-peat possibility, I'm rooting for the Chiefs. Bob, you're disappointing me. Well, those are my feelings. Don't invalidate them. Okay. Let's send him a teddy bear, John, seriously. Yeah, there we go. There we go, Neil. I want one from Vermont, okay? Actually, I need an emotional support puppy after the Lions lost, so... All right. This week we are going to know it's not going to be the sports show this week. We're going to talk about a few different things. First of all, Donald Trump's first full week in office. He's been a week and a half now and pushing two weeks. But some of the things that he's been doing so far, I mean, the arrest and deportations of illegal alien criminals. And yes, criminals. I'm also kind of curious what you guys think of Caroline Leavitt, the new press secretary. I thought she was pretty impressive. But he's rebuilding the border wall now, ending DEI and military and government, securing a trillion dollars in private investment into the U.S., reinstituting the Mexico City policy on abortion. So he has been so busy in this first week. But then we'll also get into talking about birthright citizenship. Is that unconstitutional to end that? Does the Constitution actually say that if you're born in the United States, you're automatically a citizen? End of discussion. Does it actually really say that? No, there's a caveat, and we'll debate that. And then if we get time, we'll get into some Bitcoin crypto discussions and, you know, how should Christians look at cryptocurrencies since Donald Trump has certainly gravitated to at large. Let's start with Trump's first week, though. And, Neil, if I could start with you, your thoughts. Well, I'll tell you what. Actually, tell you what I want to do. I'm going to start with you, John, instead first. Okay. Let's talk about the illegal alien criminals. And Caroline Leavitt, in talking with the media, she's like, no, they are criminals. You come here illegally, you committed a crime, okay? You're a criminal. And there is this assumption, John, that because the liberal left and the media says, no, this is a civil infraction, therefore it's not accurate to call them criminals. No, if you violate the law, if you violate federal law, then you have committed a federal crime. Just because the left tries to use the semantics of it's not really a crime. Well, yes, it is. And so I'm glad that she's reclaiming Webster's Dictionary.
I wish you'd even add to that that, you know, this whole narrative over the past, gosh, guys, decade, decades, plural, where we've tried to change that into, you know, migrants or, in other words, changing the name. Undocumented. what you're talking about. And I wish there, and maybe she will, most likely will at some point, I wish she'd come out and basically say that. It's like, you know, because of you guys, the press, and a lot of the folks on the left, we have even relabeled these individuals and not really talking about what they really are and what they've really done. And the reality is we need to start calling it what it is. They're here illegally. We're all for legal immigration. Let's do it correctly. You guys know my thoughts on that. It needs a revamp. I think we need a merit-based system. Not sure that that's on the table with Trump. I hope it is. Regardless, at the end of the day, you cannot cross the border and just waltz on in.
You can't. And by the way, you know, John, I played on my show here in Detroit. I played an audio clip of somebody saying in 2009 when Barack Obama was president, this somebody said – When we call them words like undocumented, OK, then we're giving justification for their coming here illegally. No, they are illegal. OK, they are illegal aliens and they cannot come into this country legally. They are illegal. And so it's like, who said that? That was Chuck Schumer. who said he went on this big rant about, stop calling them words like undocumented, okay? They are illegal aliens. They are here illegally. Bill Clinton in his 1995 State of the Union address, you can watch the video of this, he stood up calling them illegal aliens and said they are illegal aliens, and they are here illegally, and they must go because they're taking jobs away from our people here in the United States. And when he said that, You watch the video. He got a standing ovation. Both sides, Republicans and Democrats, stood up and gave him a standing ovation. This is what's happened to today's Democrat Party. This is how radical and extreme they've become. Caroline Levitt's absolutely right. And let me ask you about this. Neil, because first of all, I want to get your take on this and Caroline Levitt and, of course, the deporting of the illegals and getting back to calling them illegals. But before you do that, talk to us a little bit about SunPowerLED because we very much appreciate the sponsors to this podcast. We appreciate that. We want our listeners to support these sponsors. And with SunPowerLED, it's really a win-win because our listeners are helping themselves, too.
Yeah. No doubt about it. And I really think that this first week of Trump's presidency has been marked by collective sighs of relief all over the country where people are feeling like people are that somebody is finally dealing with common sense again, that we've gotten back to what makes sense. And, you know, RFK is going to be. We're recording this on Wednesday morning. He's going through his confirmation hearings and everybody's going to be going after him who can go after him. He's Trump's appointment to lead health and human services. But he's a guy that says, listen, big pharma doesn't have your best interest at heart. They're out to make money. They're a drug company. They want to keep you on drugs and keep you on drugs for the rest of your life. Right. There is a possibility that the federal government and Big Pharma in the past have kind of held hands together to make this about profit and not actually the health of the American people. Well, red light therapy from SunPower LED can actually heal you of... All kinds of problems. I mean, there's arthritis that people are dealing with. There's post-surgical injuries, migraine headaches, and we'll talk more about it later in the podcast. But the bottom line is relief is available by using the very light God himself created. Learn about it. Go to sunpowerled at Sun, S-U-N, power, L-E-D at
And I can tell you from firsthand experience, this really does work. I mean, the photobiomodulation is incredible technology. And so definitely, folks, go to SunPowerLED to check it out for yourself. And another one of our sponsors of this podcast, of course, is Preborn. And Preborn has done so much to save babies' lives across this country. You know what they do? They stop abortions from happening. They do. Because Preborn has ultrasound machines in pro-life centers across the country. They're the ones who show ultrasound images of unborn babies to expectant moms. And when a mom sees a picture of her baby, she chooses life. She lets her baby live. And she usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. I would love to say that every single pro-life center in America has an ultrasound machine in it. Unfortunately, not all of them do, okay? The demand is higher than the supply. And that's why we're asking everybody in the audience right now, will you provide ultrasound images for these moms to see pictures of their baby? You can do this one of two ways. Option A, buy an ultrasound machine. That's right. $15,000 is what they cost. 100% of what you give goes to the ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. But $15,000, it's a nice tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy will be you're stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year after year. Now, for everybody else who says, oh, I can't afford to buy one, okay, fine. Pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion. So take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that's the number of abortions you stop. That's your forever legacy. And 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. Please go right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn, and you can give right there. And if you want to give over the phone, they answer the phones 24-7, 833-850-BABY. Just call right now, 833-850-BABY. Mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call as we continue through this podcast. So, Neal, what is your take on the... First of all, Caroline Leavitt, the job that she's doing, but also Trump deporting the illegals. He's focusing on the criminals, those that are committing additional crimes here. But as Caroline Leavitt says, they're all criminals. You're here illegally. You committed a crime. It's just degree of crime that you committed.
They all should go. Yeah, and I don't know if you saw the Selena Gomez thing, you know, bawling her eyes out about all the babies that are going to be harmed by this, the children, etc. They were rounding up gang members, thugs, criminals, people that have committed crimes in other countries who also committed a crime by coming to our country illegally. And so when I mentioned the collective sigh of relief, I just personally in my own heart felt like, wow, somebody's finally doing something about this. And there were a variety of other things that we'll talk about as the podcast goes on. But I think, you know, this common sense revolution, as they termed the new Trump presidency, is where the American people are at. And we're tired of living the way that we were living. And, you know, just one quick example. I live in a neighborhood. That's very middle class, suburban, outside Buffalo, near the University of Buffalo. Beginning to become more multicultural, but it's just kind of your average American suburb. Just down the road from me, though, they put in a group home a few years ago. And it ministers to the needs of people that have developmental disabilities. Okay. Well, you know, everybody says that's a great thing. We should have homes where you deal with people that have developmental disabilities, give them opportunities to live together, work productively. Some of them go to jobs, you know, whatever. And they walk through our neighborhood and we've gotten to know some of them. But the point is... Man, you say you're bringing one of these things into our neighborhood, and all of a sudden people show up at the town board meeting complaining like, okay, yeah, well, these things are great, but not where I live. How many people want criminals from other countries living next door to them? Because that's exactly what this illegal immigration thing, the crisis at the southern border, has fostered. And the American people didn't want it. Some polls said it was the number one issue. It outpaced the economy. And it actually propelled Trump to victory. I think people want common sense. They want the criminals to go home. And we're not talking about four-year-olds. We're talking about criminals who are part of violent drug gangs and are bringing fentanyl into our country. Get them out and keep up the good work. I'm very impressed by what's happened so far.
Hey, John, I'm also curious to get your take on, as part of the deportations that Trump is doing, what happened with Colombia. I mean, this was really a remarkable thing to see, that the president of Colombia comes out and tries to stand up to Donald Trump, tries to play hardball with him, says, we're not letting your planes land. Trump, as you know, came out and said, all right, guess what, everybody? Colombia, you got a 25 percent tariff on all Colombian products coming into the U.S. Oh, and by the way, after one week, that goes up to 50 percent. And here's the other steps that we're taking as far as government officials rescinding visas. And we're going to look to closing the Colombian embassy in the U.S. And I mean, just starts. And by the way, this would. have such financially destroyed Colombia to have these tariffs, to not be able to export products to the U.S., it was only within a few hours that he basically went, okay, just kidding. Yeah, you can land. Then he still tried to talk tough to save face, but the bottom line is like, okay, you know, yeah.
One hour.
You can go ahead and adopt them. Not one day.
It was one hour. I was thinking it was like two or three.
One hour. Wow. John, that is a display of strength on the world stage. That's the huge contrast between him and Biden.
Yeah, because all Trump had to do was rattle off a few things that we as a country could do to them. And literally, within one hour, this guy's thinking – which, by the way, smart guy at least. I mean, at least he's thinking to himself, ooh, wow. That's probably not the right play here. I guess we should probably, you know, let's reverse that and let's play ball like we need to because otherwise this could get really damaging to us.
This guy is not Biden.
Exactly, exactly.
Hey, by the way, can I clarify something just in case? Yeah. Because I don't know, when I talked about the group home in our neighborhood, I was in favor of it. Just, you know, we embrace that kind of thing. So just to be clear, and there are people that embrace that, but the average homeowner, Just listen to what happens at a town board meeting when you say that something like that is going to come into your neighborhood. All of a sudden, these people that care about all these wonderful lovey-dovey values say, not in my neighborhood, not near my property, and they change their tune. Well, most of the people that are saying, oh, yeah, the border is not a real big problem. I don't really care about that, until you find out. You've got a gang member living next door to you. all of a sudden the attitude changes and i think the american people have having seen a number of murders and other crimes committed by the people who already committed crimes to get here they're right waking up to the reality that this is a problem and it needs to be dealt with and there's breathing a sigh of relief that trump's taking care of it that's the point i was trying and really quick and i know you don't want to back up either uh but neil you brought up some some great points and i think some of that by the way a fact that people really are paying attention and
One of the biggest reasons why, you know, Donald Trump is president of the United States today. We saw what happened here in Aurora just this last weekend, where, by the way, in our you guys don't see it this way because, you know, not everybody sees everything outside of a state news wise. But, you know, keep in mind here in Colorado, we had our governor. We had all sorts of other elected officials. We had folks from Aurora. We had Aurora PD, mayor, city council, a lot of the news stations here in the Denver area, basically saying all of us as conservatives talking about this apartment building taken over by this gang, the things that were going on in Aurora, the fact that this illegal activity was even going on in these really rough, let's face it, these are like the baddest of the bad gang members areas. from, you know, that area were here doing what they were doing. And we basically got poo-pooed and told, yeah, you guys are crazy. You don't know what you're talking about. They downplayed that thing so big until last Sunday. Yeah, it's a good point.
You know, I'm curious, too. The border wall is being rebuilt now. The Trump administration put out images of panels being put back up. Gaps are being closed. Okay, fine. The Marines working on it, by the way. I know. But you know what's interesting about this, John, is that I'm wondering where the outrage from the left and from the media is. Because when Trump was trying to build the wall in his first term, all we heard was countless meltdown of cliches like we need to build bridges, not walls. That's racist. That's xenophobic. You know, whatever. We heard that repeatedly. There was just shock and outrage, which we know was a lie from them because those very same Democrats previously during Obama's term, funded border wall building. So they just acted like they were outraged by this. But now it's the very same wall being put up by the very same Donald Trump. Yet we're not seeing a bunch of shock and outrage from the liberal left over this. So whatever happened to a wall is an evil thing. Whatever happened to let's build bridges, not wall. Why are we not hearing any of these cliches right now? They're just kind of talking about other things while Trump quietly does this.
I think it's because they're up against the reality that the American people have seen the light. It was like they were all for telling us that Joe Biden was perfectly fit to serve as president until we all saw that he wasn't. And I just think people in America, by and large, not everyone for sure, there's some radical fringe groups that still think an open border would be a great idea. But the average American has now seen that this is real and crimes like the one John just talked about in Aurora, Colorado, are actually happening and more are going to happen. And who knows, you know, what other terrorists have walked into our country who are part of sleeper cells and who knows what's being planned. But the effort is to root these people out. And I think the vast majority of the American people see it as a common sense act. And you can't raise an argument against that. People are seeing it with their own eyes and they know it makes sense.
Right, absolutely. So Trump has been super busy in this first week. I mean, my goodness, the stuff that he's got done. You've got 7,300 illegals deported in just the first week alone. He's shooting for a goal right now of 1,200 to 1,500 a day. But I've got to imagine Tom Homan is like, that's too small of a number.
Bob, I want to add to that, too, because there will be some folks out there that will tell you, well, you know, behind the scenes, the Biden regime, they were deporting illegal aliens as well and this, that, and the other. And the reality is I highly doubt that they're the same type of illegal aliens that were going back. And I think it's really important to shine light on the fact that Donald Trump is sending back the baddest of the bad, not just any illegal. Right.
There's something else that Trump, I think he deserves a lot of credit for, and of course the press isn't going to give this to him, but that's the amount of investment into the United States that he's been securing. Look, any governor of any state, one of the things a lot of people don't know about governors is that their job is to convince governors. businesses, including foreign businesses, to invest in their state. Hey, build a plant in our state. Build this in our state. Hire people in our state. That's why governors actually will go on international trips because they're salespeople. They're trying to bring business to their state, while Trump on a national level He got he's he's had now close to a trillion dollars in investments into in proposed investments now into the United States from this Japanese billionaire from the from Saudi Arabia as well. And I got it. John, you're a businessman. OK, you've owned businesses for years. You run employees for years there. To me, this is a huge thing that Donald Trump has been able to secure this because, you know what, it's not a trillion dollar infrastructure plan of taxpayer money. It's a trillion dollar tech technology infrastructure plan from private money and from other countries that are outsourcing their jobs to the United States. How in the world can that not be celebrated?
It should be because it's directly opposite of what we typically see where companies will offshore and send things out of the country to get things done. And as you guys know, what that does, of course, is it drains the economy of the U.S. to a degree, and it helps out other entities just like this is in reverse. To your point, Bob, these are other entities. other countries, other entities that are now going to bring their resources, their dollars, if you would, here, invest it here. And as you guys all know, I hate to use the word trickle-down economics, but the reality is it's true. I mean, the trickle effect of them coming in here and doing whatever it is they're going to do, building plants, building this, building that, just the investment alone, you know, that ripple effect that goes out into all sorts of other industries, which, you know, we could talk a little bit about what happened even on Monday with, you know, China's AI, you know, situation, which, by the way, I think is total BS, but that's another conversation maybe for another podcast. And I think more of that will come out in the weeks ahead. But the reality is all of that type of investment and And even the brick and mortar that comes from all of that at the end of the day definitely helps out the economy. No, I know. I know.
And by the way, Neil, we got just about 60 seconds left. But so real quick, because we've got a lot more to talk about this in the second half. SunPower LED. We want our listeners to enjoy all the benefits of this completely natural way of healing and getting out of pain.
Yeah, well, you know, what's been discovered is that light waves, if they make it inside your body, utilizing what's called near-infrared technology, near-infrared light, super high-powered LED, it can't burn your skin. It has no UV. You know, this is not like getting a sunburn. But it can penetrate your skin and get to the cell, and that light can wake up the cell to do what it was created to do, literally regenerate. reminding the mitochondria to get busy and to wake up, and it can supercharge, energize the cells to do what they were created to do. The end result is it reduces pain and swelling in your body, and as a result of that, promotes healing. So people with migraine headaches and arthritis, it's been used for individuals who've dealt with seizures over a long period of time, chronic back pain. I've used it for a variety of reasons, which I'll be talking about here on the roundtable. and it has been phenomenal. Just simply using the light God himself created to heal the human body. You can check it out by going to and click on the Sun Power LED button. That's S-U-N, like sun in the sky., Sun Power LED, and find out how the light God himself created can be used to help heal your body, Bob. Absolutely.
And remember, folks, Preborn as well is standing by ready to take your gift to save babies' lives. And remember, if you can pay for some of these ultrasounds, you're going to save babies' lives. Stop the moms from getting abortions, okay? We need more ultrasounds in pro-life centers across the country. So can you buy an ultrasound machine? They're $15,000 apiece. Nice tax write-off for you. And your forever legacy is thousands and thousands of abortions that would have happened aren't happening thanks to you. Okay. Year after year after year. And for everybody else, if you can't do that, can you pay for an individual number of ultrasound images? $28 saves one baby's life. That's the ultrasound expense to stop one abortion. So take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy of the number of abortions that you stopped. Okay. And so, and a hundred percent of anything you give to preborn goes to ultrasounds. They have a private In private donations, pay for all of their overheads. So that means anything you give, 100% goes to the ultrasound. So here's how you give. Go right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. You can give right there. Or they answer the phones 24-7. So just call 833-850-BABY, 833-850-BABY. And you can give over the phone. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we're going to continue our discussion in the second half. Talk a little bit more about Trump's first week, but ending birthright citizenship as well and the controversy surrounding that. If we get time, maybe a little Bitcoin talk as well. So second half of the National Crawford Roundtable coming up next.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
Continue in the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast with Neil Boron. Neil Boron live out of Buffalo. We didn't make it to the Super Bowl, New York. John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Bob, let's just don't talk about the Lions Duco here out of Detroit. Guys, we've been talking about Trump's first week. Let's shift it to the birthright citizenship discussion right now. And I want to give you some of my thoughts on this, first of all. We have been told by the liberal left and by much of the media and the Democrats that what Donald Trump is doing is absolutely unconstitutional. A judge has blocked this already. The Supreme Court is going to have to decide. But it's just not true that the 14th Amendment... only says anybody born in the United States is automatically a U.S. citizen. End of discussion. What it actually says is all persons are naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens. So now, what does it mean, and are subject to the jurisdiction thereof? Now, the liberal left, what they're saying is, Well, that means that if they're here in the United States, even though they may be here illegally, they're subject to our laws. That means that they're subject to our jurisdiction. And so, therefore, that means our children will automatically be citizens. That's how they're interpreting that. The conservatives are saying, no, what that means is that if you're born in another country, You still owe your allegiance and subject to the jurisdiction of your original country. OK, that's what that's referring to. So now the question is, which constitutional legal scholars are right? I would argue the conservative legal scholars are right in this. And I'll tell you why. Just some basic common sense. And I'm not even a lawyer. OK, but let's think about this logically for a moment. If this was saying any human being born on U.S. soil under any circumstances is automatically a U.S. citizen, if that's what they meant by that, what is the purpose of even saying and subject to the jurisdiction thereof? Why not just say anyone born in the United States is a citizen? End of discussion. No, this was an 1868 argument. ratifying of the 14th Amendment, and it was for the purpose of addressing slavery. Because slaves that were here, most of the slaves that were here, were children of previous slaves that were here, who were children of previous slaves that were here, and they didn't have automatic citizenship. This was a way to rectify this for the slaves to say, you know something, you are U.S. citizens, you were born here, you're U.S. citizens. Otherwise, if this applied to anybody and everybody, there'd be no reason to have a caveat in there. And I'll take it even a step further. In 1866, you had a Civil Rights Act that the 14th Amendment played off of. And that specifically said all persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power. So that's what the framers of the 14th Amendment were thinking. And I can tell you right now... That if you look at the people that are born in the United States right now, children born to diplomats here in the United States, they're not U.S. citizens. And no Democrats complain about that. Nobody says, wait a minute, that's a violation of the 14th Amendment. No. If you're a diplomat and you're here because you owe allegiance to a foreign country, you are not a U.S. citizen here. And as a matter of fact, I'll take it one step further. Native Americans, the Indians, I'm sorry, the commanders in this country, do you know that the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act specifically said that if children are only made citizens through the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, And so, therefore, you're okay. You can be citizens now. What's the purpose of that if the 14th Amendment was automatically a blanket for everybody born here in the United States? Congress recognized Indians born here in this country – They don't get automatic citizenship because the 14th Amendment doesn't apply to them. And that's why that was added. And one final thing, 1872, the slaughterhouse case, it specifically decided, and this was the Supreme Court making clear that, quote, the subject to the jurisdiction thereof excludes children unmarried. of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign states born within the United States. So I'm telling you, Trump and his legal team is on solid ground and precedent to say you don't automatically get citizenship if your parents happen to be here illegally. All right, that's a mouthful, but now I'd kind of like to throw it around the table a little bit. John, your thoughts on birthright citizenship?
Bob, I'm not a constitutional expert by any stretch of the imagination, although I think if you look back to a lot of the things that you said and even our founders and what was going on at different times in the country and the things that they were trying to solve, I highly doubt if any of them were around today, they would agree with this side that says, well, they're born here, they're automatically citizens. I just don't see that anywhere in the makeup of the country and what the design was initially, Bob.
I know. And, you know, Neil, this is this is something that so many people have just been told this lie that the 14th Amendment makes it crystal clear. There's no debate. If you're born on U.S. soil, then you're automatically a citizen. Well, that's just not true. But it's amazing how many people believe that myth and even constitutional lawyers on the left. are saying, yep, that's clearly what it says. But I have yet to have one of them explain to me, then why did you have the Indian Act of 1924? What was the purpose of that? Why have the 1872 ruling as well? None of these make any sense if that's what the 14th Amendment was intended to mean.
Yeah, and I, you know, the bottom line is, Bob, most people have never even read the Constitution of the United States. And I think what you're referring to as prevalent in the U.S. is the idea that there's been this common understanding, albeit, excuse me, misunderstanding of what this actually applies to. And I think Donald Trump is brilliant for, you know, going after this. I mean, if he believes that this thing is not being interpreted correctly, then go after it. come out with an executive order. He's not a dummy. He's got legal people around him. And they say, you know, people are going to push back. I think immediately, like, 22 states, you know, filed lawsuits. And constitutional lawyers on the left are saying this is blatantly unconstitutional. Okay, so what happens then? Well, it gets fought out in the courts and eventually ends up at the U.S. Supreme Court. And then somebody takes a real look at what this is from a constitutional perspective and rules on it. And it's very possible that the U.S. Supreme Court, given the makeup of the court now and their adherence to the fidelity of the original document, like what was the original meaning of this, may land exactly the way that you just described and rectify the situation and help the American people understand what was actually intended when this amendment was passed.
Absolutely. Absolutely. So, all right. So this is not some kind of a... you know, cruel thing where we're being really unfair to the people, you know, to the dreamers, the ones that are born here from their parents. By the way, the gals on The View and my own governor here, Gretchen Whitmer, they were actually saying yesterday on The View that this is about Donald Trump targeting brown people. Oh, my word.
What's his name? Al Sharpton was saying the same thing. I know. It's like, this is...
It is obscene. Neil, one of the things we very much appreciate about our listeners to this podcast is they're supporting our sponsors, of course. And one of those sponsors we've been telling you about a lot is Preborn. The other is SunPower LED. We'll talk about SunPower in just a moment. Right. Remember, folks, if you give to pre-born, you're actually saving babies' lives. You really are. You're stopping abortions from happening. Because when a mom who's pregnant sees an ultrasound image of her baby, statistically, she chooses life almost all the time. Usually accepts the Lord, too. So what we want to do is show as many ultrasound images... to moms as we can. The problem is we don't have enough ultrasound machines in pro-life centers across the country. And the ones that we do have, it costs money to operate them. That's why we're asking everybody in the audience, pay for these ultrasounds. Here's the way you do it. Option A, buy an ultrasound machine. They're 15 grand a piece. And your forever legacy is you're stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. Okay. Option B is pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 a piece is what it costs to save one baby's life through ultrasound expenses. So $28 stops one abortion. How many abortions will you stop? Take $28 times fill in the blank. And that's your gift to pre-born. Maybe you gave last year already. Will you give another gift for 2025? And 100% of anything you give to Preborn goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. Private donations handle overheads. You don't have to worry about that, everybody. This is Preborn. So here's how you give. Go online right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or you can give over the phone 24-7. They answer at 833-850-BABY. Call right now, 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we appreciate you supporting our sponsors like Preborn, like SunPower LED. And, Neil, it is amazing what this photobiomodulation technology does in helping people naturally to get out of pain.
Yeah, using light that God himself created to heal the human body. And you say, well, how could that be? Well, stop and think about this for a second. I just had a new garage door opener installed on our home, and it's good from 120 feet-ish. So when I'm not even pulled into the driveway yet, I hit the button, I watch it go up, and it's okay. That's not rocket science. But the point is there's something happening that nobody can view with the human eye. Sonic technology, ultrasonic toothbrushes, super high-frequency waves that clean your teeth – Anyone ever fell victim to a sonic boom with a military jet flying over the house? It can knock people out of bed in the middle of the night. Well, light waves can be used to excite the cell in the human body and wake it up to do what it was created to do. So red light therapy, near infrared light, Super high power through SunPower LED can be used to reduce pain and swelling in your body and promote healing. You really need to check it out. There's actually a video online of a gentleman who was blind and today is riding around on a motorcycle. They show him before and after. It's an unbelievable story. How can light therapy help heal you? You need to check it out. Go to and click on SunPower LED. Bob?
Absolutely. So let's, in our last part of the podcast here, let's shift the discussion over to Bitcoin, crypto, things like that. You know, we've talked about this a little bit last week even, but Donald Trump, of course, embracing cryptocurrency. He even has his name attached to a new Trump coin meme that's out there now. But Bitcoin does seem to be, and this digital currency does seem to be, a technological wave of the future. And so what's going to happen with this? There's a debate among Christians about whether Bitcoin is right. Should Christians even participate in this? And two of the big criticisms I've heard, and Neil, let me ask you about this first of all, from kind of a spiritual and theological perspective, I suppose. Number one, Bitcoin is used for evil purposes. We know that. A lot of people use it for money laundering and illegal activities, of course, and corruption. And we also know that it's probably the kind of technology that the Antichrist would use to get us more toward a cashless society. But at the same time, I also know that the Internet is used for evil purposes by criminals. And my best guess is that there's a lot of technology, including credit cards, that's probably going to be used by the Antichrist to usher us toward a cashless society. So to me, I don't see... Bitcoin or AI or any other types of advanced technology, I don't see these as intrinsically good or bad. I see them as being used for good or bad. So for that reason, I don't have any qualms about Christians owning cryptocurrency. And quite frankly, I own some. But your thoughts, Neil?
Well, police officers use guns to protect the innocent. Criminals use them to kill the innocent. And, you know, you can use a knife to cut a steak or to stab your neighbor. I mean, anything can be used for evil. Let's keep that in mind. And I'm not very... attuned to what Bitcoin technology, cryptocurrency is all about. But I do know this, Bob, everything, every technological advance in human history in some fashion will probably end up being used in some way by the Antichrist. I mean, if the Antichrist gets in a car and drives from point A to point B, you know, the round wheels that got him there. We're a development of technology at some point along the way. Electricity, facial recognition technology, fingerprinting, all of it. The bottom line is anything can be used for evil, and I think the potential's there. What I really wouldn't want to see happen is for people to go off the rails and all of a sudden assume that, like me, something they don't understand is something to fear because that means if I don't understand it, I can't wrap my brain around it. Well, this is it. This is what the Antichrist is going to use to usher in the end times and the mark of the beast, and all of us are going to go off the rails, and Christians are going to all of a sudden be pledging allegiance to Satan. That will not happen. The Holy Spirit living within the believer is the one that gives discernment. Now, could it be a part of it? Yeah, it probably could. But pay attention, because when the moment comes where this crosses the line from a potential good device or, you know, thing to an evil thing, the Holy Spirit will be sending off warning bells, and the Word of God can lead us and guide us through these things. I don't see any reason to fear it. That's all I'm saying. Yeah.
What is your take in a general sense on cryptocurrency, on Bitcoin itself, Jonathan?
It's one of those developing resources, I guess you could say. And I think even Donald Trump has changed his tune on that since about 2019, 2020. And is it for everybody? No. Is it a wave of the future? And could you potentially see more digitation of other types of assets and so on? I think one of... Trump's executive orders is right along those lines. You know, what can we as a country do to maybe go in that direction? As you know, Bob, the advantages to crypto is, of course, the blockchain technology where you know exactly what's happened all along the way. There's no discrepancies. There's no wondering, you know, where did this money come from? Things along those lines. Again, that can be done in other various ways, and by the way, is being done in other ways with other types of digital things that we have as well. So to your point, no, do I see this as any kind of ushering in of the end times? No, it's a progression of technology. To your point, Neil's point, technology will always be used down the road for good or bad. it just depends on how that tool quote unquote is being used uh am i a big player in it no i own a little bit i'll play around with some just to kind of see what it does one way or the other i am not heavily invested my biggest fear still when it comes to the crypto end of things is number one which one's going to stand out and be number one when it's all said and done because that alone could could crush or cripple some of the others i just don't see down the road there being multiples of these where there is at the moment and what's going to be the leader when it's all said and done and what becomes the the trading dollar if you would when it's all said and done and will they even digitize the u.s dollar at some point and by the way if that happens i hate to say but bitcoin and some of the others probably devalue immensely when and if that happens
If the U.S. dollar gets digitized?
So I suppose that could cause... Only because the U.S.
dollar is backed by something where none of the other cryptos are. Right. True, but... And really quick, that's been my issue with crypto in the first place is what's it backed with? Faith. Faith in that you can now trade with these things and yes, they go up and down and there's a value difference and so on. But at the end of the day... What's it backed with? Nothing. At least a dollar is backed with U.S. assets.
Yeah. Well, I mean, what's a Honus Wagner baseball card? Why is that worth millions of dollars? Because somebody's willing to pay for that. Right. And so even if it's phantom currency, if you will, as long as other people are willing to buy it and trade it, You know, it's like playing chess without a board, okay? It doesn't matter. As long as the other person is interacting with you about where the pieces are, it's actually really a game being played. But you bring up an interesting point. If the U.S. dollar were actually digitized... So I'm not I'm not sure, though, that the U.S. dollar could. And I know this is really getting inside.
It already is a big way if you think about it. If anybody out there thinks that the amount of currency that we have physical dollars running around the country is anywhere close to the amount of currency that is in.
is in processes in play in the economy our actual cash is way way way less than the actual money in the market yeah i mean just a couple percentage points i mean it's like two or three percent or something of actual cash right but see i know and i know this i would certainly not qualify for treasury secretary because my knowledge of this is not nearly uh as high as this plus you know last time i checked i'm not gay i'm sorry i threw that in on the side he did get a Bessette did get confirmed, though, as Treasury Secretary. But no, I'm not—this is going to sound really weird, guys, but I'm not even sure that it matters that the U.S. dollar is backed by a physical asset. And I know that sounds strange, okay? But if people are willing to give perceived value to something and buy something and trade something— So what if it's backed? Even if the dollar completely collapses, it's like, okay, well, now everybody, whoever has physical gold and physical, okay, fine. But you don't think there's going to be people out there that, as far as cryptocurrency, is like, hey, don't worry about it. You can go ahead and order these pizzas using your Bitcoin app.
Yeah, but keep in mind, and again, like you, Bob, I'm not an expert in this, but... any means, although part of what keeps the dollar as strong as it is and keeps us strong in the world market is because of our strength as a nation, our economy. Even at times when we're not doing well, we're still the best when it's all said and done. And just the sheer backing of the U.S. economy and literally all of the assets that we have as a country is still there, where in a lot of these other ones, they are not.
So I got a dumb question, because I have no clue.
As long as you'll accept a dumb answer. I think we're all out of our wheelhouse here a little bit, but we're talking as laymen, so yeah.
Okay, so there's an old lumber town north of Buffalo called North Tonawanda. And it's right along the Niagara River. But they have a crypto mining facility there. And it's some kind of an old warehouse where they put a bunch of servers on the inside and they're mining crypto. Now, okay, if you're mining gold or silver and you got huge machinery digging in the ground or drilling into rock, you can imagine it making a lot of noise. If this is... If this is just digital, in other words, it doesn't really exist. It's a concept or something. I don't even know how to describe it. Why would residents be complaining of noise? Apparently, these things are incredibly loud, these crypto mining facilities. But what are they mining? What are they mining other than... I actually...
I actually do kind of know the answer to that, okay? Mining crypto actually takes a disproportionate amount of electricity to do.
Correct. To run the GPUs.
Exactly. And so since it requires such a high level of electricity, you basically need electricity generating plants. And so it's like if you lived very close to a giant electrical grid, you would hear the noise and the humming and the machinery that's operating the electrical generating machinery, whatever all of that is.
And the fans too, Bob, if they're not run in a water cooling situation, which only the high-end units are, you're going to hear the fans running as well.
Yeah, it's basically because it takes a very, very high disproportionate amount of electricity to do the mining that's done. And that's also why some of the environmentalist kind of people complain about
you know oh this is you know it's depleting our resources or whatever it's like you know but really quick you know neil to answer your question what they're doing is through code and various things they're literally trying to mine the leftover crypto that's out there because every crypto has a finite amount that's there and they're literally quote unquote mining the rest of what's out there gotcha and that's that's the simplified version of saying it bob
You bet. You bet. Absolutely. So, you know what? Who knows? We'll see what happens. We'll see what happens with that. As we kind of wind down the last part of this National Crawford Roundtable podcast, just want to remind everybody, if you haven't given to Preborn yet in this new year of 2025, please consider doing it now. Just go to and click on Preborn. Click on Preborn. You can give right there. If you can buy an ultrasound machine, please do it. They're $15,000 apiece. Nice tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy is you're stopping literally thousands and thousands of abortions, okay, year after year. And if you can't afford to do that, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. Pray. Ask the Lord to put a number on your heart. Maybe it's, you know, 10 babies' lives you save. Maybe it's 100 babies' lives you save. $28 is the cost to save one baby's life through ultrasound expense. So take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that's your life. forever legacy of the number of abortions that you stopped. So just go right now to, click on pre-born, and don't forget, 100% of what you give goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. Private donations cover overhead, so you don't have to worry about that., click on Preborn. Also, you can give over the phone. They answer the phones 24-7. Call 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. Support Preborn. Support SunPower LED, Neal.
Yeah, I know we're short on time. I just got to throw this out there because maybe we can talk about it some other time and I'll get to SunPower in one second. But did anybody see, I think this is a Trump effect factor again, but that the charges against David Daleiden in Florida, in California were dropped. Did you see that?
No, no, I did not see that. That was yesterday.
Yeah, check it out.
Kamala Harris is the one who originally opened up the investigation against him and then Xavier Becerra continued it on.
Yeah, and you were just talking about the abortion issue. David Daleiden was the one who exposed that Planned Parenthood was buying and selling body parts of aborted fetuses, babies. And he's the one that gets in trouble, not Planned Parenthood. Right, yeah. So anyway, we can talk about that another time. Incredible. So I just really want to... So focus your attention for a second. We've all probably seen in a movie or some kind of a TV show a woman who is an opera singer, sings a particular note, and the resonance and the sound of her voice and the volume all combine together to explode a champagne glass. And you're like, how in the world did she hit that note? And wow, that's powerful. Well, that's because sound waves freak out the molecules inside the glass and they start moving around and eventually the glass explodes. because sound waves make a difference. Well, so do light waves. And red and near-infrared light waves, the correct power usage can actually, you know, high-powered red light waves can penetrate the human body, get to the cells deep in the body, in joints and in places where there's swelling and inflammation, and actually promote healing in those circumstances. I mean, it's an incredible technology that you can see for yourself by going to Click on that when you go to Right there on our site, we've got a button. Go to Click on SunPowerLED and watch what it can do. There's testimonials of people whose lives have literally been changed by the use of what's called red light therapy or the fancy term photobiomodulation. but it's using literally the very light God himself created. No drugs, no surgery, no pharmaceuticals, just using the light God himself created to heal the human body. It's an incredible thing. Click on SunPowerLED when you go to
Absolutely. We appreciate you folks supporting our sponsors. We appreciate you listening to this podcast. We appreciate your five-star reviews that you give us wherever you listen. And we always appreciate you tuning in. Looking forward to next week. It's John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live out of Buffalo, New York. Myself, Bob Duco, The Bob Duco Show out of Detroit. By next week, Neil and I will have fully and completely recovered from the trauma of our lines and bills.
I will never recover from them all.
Folks, we appreciate you listening. Guys, great talking with you. Look forward to next week, and thanks for listening, everybody. God bless.
You've been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of today's culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices, bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group station's website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.
Join us as we explore the societal divides and unprecedented events currently shaping our world. In this episode, the National Crawford Roundtable takes a closer look at Donald Trump's second ascent to the presidency, unpacking the polarizing factors that have both reinvigorated and riled the nation. Hear host Neil Boron reflect on the evolving conservative sentiment, discussing how common-sense America has rallied behind Trump’s critique of liberal progressive trends. Listeners will also find detailed discussions on recent sports outcomes, which segue into poignant critiques of ongoing political developments. The episode's rich tapestry includes an in-depth look at the Preborn organization's life-saving efforts and the innovative health solutions offered by SunPower LED. With memorably vivid anecdotes and engaging host interactions, this episode captures the National Crawford Roundtable’s commitment to dissecting the cultural pulse, all while emphasizing actions and narratives that aspire to bring transformative change. Whether discussing highly charged pardons or health breakthroughs, this episode menages to interweave diverse threads of American life into a cohesive and thought-provoking narrative.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time, she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and buy SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Welcome. Another episode of the National Crawford Roundtable. I'm your host today, John Rush from Denver, Colorado. My show is Rush to Reason. Bob Duco, Detroit, Michigan. The Bob Duco Show and Neil Boron. From Buffalo, New York, Neil Boron live. And before we get going, Bob, sorry your Lions lost. Neil, you have to beat the Chiefs.
Pray we beat the Chiefs.
How could this happen?
I don't know.
How could this happen?
So disappointing. I really wanted the Lions in the Super Bowl.
Sorry, Bob. I was rooting for you.
Oh, man. Well, I'll tell you what, though. My Ohio State Buckeyes did win the national championship. Yes, they did. So there is that. I was born and raised.
Seriously, though, Neil, you got to get your bills rolling because, you know, I mean, there isn't hardly a person in Denver unless they're a Chiefs fan that likes the Chiefs.
There was a picture, somebody sent out a picture of the continental U.S., and it had a huge Bills logo over it, and it said, this is, you know, who wants the Bills to win next week? And then the only place was in Kansas City. There's a Kansas City tiny little logo over the city of Kansas City. That was it. It's like, we're all done with the Chiefs. Please, somebody beat the Chiefs.
And the downside is that probably helps them.
Yeah, you know, who knows?
You know, because they're the hated underdog that no one wants to win, and, you know, there's a motivator there.
Yeah, I don't know if they need motivation other than to, you know, continue paying off the referees.
They have the refs on their side.
Exactly. I don't know what that's about, but, yeah, we need a change.
You know what, Neil? I got to tell you, if the Bills win the Super Bowl, here's what I would love for it to be. I'd love for them to win on a last-second long field goal that's just inside the right upright position. Meanwhile... And Buffalo fans know exactly what I'm talking about. Well, really, any sports fans do. Meanwhile, 43%... Poor Scott Norwood would sit there and watch a TV going, oh, that's how it's supposed to be done. Exactly.
But 43% of Buffalo citizens die of heart attacks while the ball is in the air. Let's just say that.
Oh, my word.
Well, this is true.
That's hilarious. All right, guys, got a lot to talk about. There's no way we're going to get to most of what I've even got down here today, given everything that's happened over the last couple of days. For those of you that... I guess maybe live under a rock. Yes, Donald Trump is now president of the United States as of Monday at noon.
It's unbelievable, and can I just comment that I started my program the other day saying how stunned I was that we were having this conversation, because whether you like Donald Trump or not, anybody looking back four years ago, on January 20th, 2021, it was two weeks after the January 6th events, Biden was being sworn in. Trump had already been impeached twice, not removed from office, but impeached by the House. What was coming was for indictments to assassination attempts. The entire mainstream media, the whole left progressive establishment of the world against Donald Trump. Who would have ever believed he'd be sworn into office four years later? It was stunning.
Yeah, I agree, Neil. I agree. Bob, your thoughts?
It really was. Well, and of course, my show starts at noon Eastern time every day. And so it's like, oh, boy, you know, the timing of the swearing in. So, of course, I just went to live feed to open up the show. But no, Neil, you're absolutely right. I mean, I know his most famous book was Art of the Deal. But if I remember right, I think Trump wrote a book back when called Art of the Comeback. For some reason, you know, maybe it was somebody else about him, but this was a remarkable political comeback. A lot of people had declared that Trump was damaged goods and it wasn't going to he had no political future left. And so for him to actually come back and to reclaim the presidency and to win strongly as he did and to be reshaping. really, not just the Republican Party, but the United States of America. Neil, like you said, whether you like Donald Trump or hate Donald Trump, either way, I don't think anyone can deny the consequential role that he has in history, even left-wing Politico. I mean, Politico is about as liberal left-wing as it gets in mainstream media, okay? Even the editor-in-chief of Politico, wrote a piece, and he hates Donald Trump, okay? But he said, you know what, there's no denying the consequential place in history that Donald Trump has earned. And he will go down in history as a larger-than-life historical figure, even though I totally agree with everything that he does and stands for and blah, blah, blah.
So it is true. I want to make another comment about it, because I do think, obviously, Donald Trump is a unique individual, incredibly polarizing. You love him or you hate him. And he's at the center of this whole equation we're talking about right now. But also, I mean, I don't know if you guys have ever changed an electrical plug while it's hot and made the mistake of, you know, just touching the wrong thing.
Oh, that feeling.
Okay. And then does that explode, you know, the spark? I mean, it's a major deal. You can, like, weld your screwdriver to the outlet if you're not careful, you know. Anyway. I think it's a combination of Trump plus what liberals and progressives have been trying to shove down the throat of the American people for far too long. And what you're seeing is that the heart of common sense America – it's interesting that term was used – But that that connected with with what Donald Trump was willing to stand up and fight for. And the two of them combined made it impossible to beat this guy, that he was going to come back. And then the other thing is that a lot of commentators said this is one of the greatest political comeback. OK, name a greater one. Anybody got any example of a greater political comeback? And I just think it was the convergence. of Trump's willingness to have a backbone and say what all these people feel about what's happened to our country. And they want it back. They want the borders closed. They don't want other people telling us how to raise our kids. And I think the combination of the two just made it impossible for anybody to beat him in this election.
You're right, and they're tired of all of the wokeness. We'll get into some of that today. Real quick, though, Bob, and we were talking about some of this even with Neil not with us prior to coming on and doing this recording this morning, but anniversary of Roe v. Wade today, there's some questions out there as to, you know, Donald Trump, will he pardon some particular individuals involved in, you know, prayer vigil and things like that, you know, around abortion clinics and so on. And given all of that, I think it's a great segue to talk about, you know, that along with preborn at the same time.
Absolutely. Well, and we will talk about that in just a minute, these 21 pro-lifers and how wrongly they were targeted by the Biden-Harris administration. But you're right. Preborn is such a phenomenal organization. You know, as we are recording this on Wednesday morning, we're recording this Wednesday morning, January 22nd. It was January 22nd, 1973, that the infamous Roe v. Wade decision happened. came down. And we've had over 60 million babies aborted in this country since then. It's horrendous. You talk about a holocaust in the womb. And thankfully, Roe v. Wade was overturned in June of 2022. But you know something? Abortion and the pro-abortion crowd are still going crazy trying to convince women to get abortions. This is why pre-born is so important to everybody because pre-born saves these babies lives. They do this by showing ultrasound images of the unborn babies to those expectant moms in pro-life centers all across the country. They've been doing this for a long time. Problem is we don't have enough ultrasound machines. There's not enough ultrasound images being paid for. So not all women are able to see these ultrasound images. And when they do see that picture of their baby, they choose life. They don't go to Planned Parenthood. So what we're asking our listeners to do right now is save babies' lives by providing more ultrasound images. You can do this one of two ways. Either buy an ultrasound machine for $15,000. It's a nice tax write-off, and your forever legacy will be you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. Or option B, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, save one baby's life. How many babies' lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy of the amount of abortions that you stopped. So will you give to Preborn right now? If you've given previously, please give again. You can go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. And every dime you give goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. You can also give over the phone. They answer the phones 24-7. So call right now, 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. And just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you folks supporting our sponsors. We do. Neil, we have some great sponsors. I mean, SunPower LED is phenomenal as well. They have helped so many people get out of pain in a completely natural way. I know how well this works personally. I know you do too. Yeah, absolutely.
Because you mentioned Roe v. Wade. 52 years ago was the anniversary, obviously, of that horrendous decision. Four years ago today, I was barely on the road to recovery. I had just begun recovering from about a month-long bout with COVID that took me from a blood oxygen saturation that's normally around 99 or 100 to the low 80s. And when I would get up and just move across the room, it would drop into the 70s. I mean, it was critically low. I called the rescue paramedic three times and was advised by them not to go to the hospital because I'd sit in the lobby or in the hallway. No one was going to do anything. So I was in a desperate place. I needed to be able to breathe. And for about a month, I wasn't able to breathe. Well, my son happened to mention that on the air one day, asking people to pray for me. Tom Kerber of Kerber USA, the makers of light therapy at SunPower LED, heard that and said, I've got an idea. You need to try what light therapy can do for you. And essentially, it's just taking the light God himself created that penetrates the human body, gets to the deep parts of the cell, excites the cell to do what the cell was created to do, and that's to heal the human body. And I had just begun to recover and it only took about 10 days for me to be completely back to normal. Completely back to normal. It was unreal what light therapy was able to do for me. So whether it's pain or swelling in your body or you need to promote healing in some fashion, you need to check out light therapy from SunPowerLED and you can find it at Click on the SunPowerLED button and of course we'll have more to say about it in the moments ahead. John?
Appreciate that, Neil. Okay, guys, before we get going here, let's talk about even prior to inauguration, literally, as I think Donald Trump was on his way, Joe Biden is pardoning additional individuals in his own family. Keep in mind, he had pardoned Fauci, Liz Cheney, and some others that were on the J6 committee earlier. And then, of course, he pardoned some of his own family members i mean right my point with all of this is there's going to be some people will get into the j6 prisoners and hostages that trump has pardoned which by the way he's going to get criticized for by the same people that think it's okay for biden to do what he did
I know.
Bob, I'll throw it to you first.
Yeah. You know what? It is amazing. First of all, we've got to remember something about the J6 pardons and commutations because most of the mainstream press is not telling you the full story here. OK, every single one of them. It's right and appropriate to commute sentences and pardon them. The people that had their sentences commuted were the most violent of the violent people on January 6th. And by the way, they deserve to go to jail because these are the ones that actually assaulted police officers. Now, they didn't kill anybody. They didn't shoot anybody. They didn't point a gun at anybody. They didn't set a single fire. OK, but if you push or knock down a police officer, I believe that you should go to prison. However, I don't believe that you should get three times what your average rapist in America gets because your average rapist gets seven years and many rapists get only one or two years. So it's not right to give these people. 18-year, 20-year, 22-year sentences, that's disproportionate punishment. Your average drug dealer gets 2.4 years in America. You don't deserve five to 10 times what a drug dealer gets when you assault a police officer. You deserve jail, but not that much. So that's why Trump was right to commute their sentences. The overwhelming majority of everybody else there did not lay a finger on anybody, okay? They didn't touch anybody. They engaged in zero violence. The overwhelming majority, those 1,200 or so people, walked into the Capitol without laying a finger on a person, all right? So for that, yes, I say pardon those people. And for the ones who engaged in actual violence, non-lethal violence, still wrong, still punishable, they've been in prison three or four years already. That's plenty of time, time to let him out of prison.
Agreed. And again, for all of you listening, we've talked about some of these things in depth in the past. And my whole point with this is we've got Biden, in my opinion, you talk about Fauci, number one, being pardoned, and you talk about the crimes against humanity and the things that he literally did in deceiving the president at that time and others and literally deceiving the American public and profiting off of all of that. I mean, the reality, Bob, is If there's anybody that should be behind bars, it ought to be that guy.
Oh, incredible. I know. And by the way, can I just say regarding Joe Biden and his last minute pardons, does anybody remember back in December of 2020, after Joe Biden was pretty much, you know, going to be the new president and Donald Trump was on his way out, you had ABC and NBC and CBS and CNN and all of them, Washington Post and many others, they were interviewing Democrats talking about what if, Donald Trump tries to do preemptive pardons to the people in his inner circle, including his own family. And you had Democrats and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and everybody else. That would be so horrible. That's the kind of thing that he would do. Even Joe Biden himself on CNN was asked about this and said, yeah, that's something you won't see happening in my administration. All right. Well, guess what? Trump didn't do what the left and the media and the Democrats were accusing him of planning on doing. Joe Biden actually really did do that in real life. And all the press and the Democrats can focus on is Donald Trump letting people out of prison that have already spent three or four years in prison for something that in any other world would be maybe a 30 day sentence, possibly six months.
Neil, your thoughts on this?
OK, just on that one point, the current law in the District of Columbia is that a misdemeanor offense for assaulting a police officer is up to six months in jail, period. Now, serious offense like where you cause bodily harm, 10 years maximum. But you're talking about 18 and 20 year sentences.
And one of those guys had double life sentences, by the way.
Yeah, okay. So, I mean, the point is excessive sentencing of these individuals and selective prosecution going after these people as, you know, political prisoners, basically, simply because they disagreed with what the Biden administration was all about and what was happening in D.C. at the time and, you know, what they thought was happening with regard to the election. Anyway, the point is, pardons are appropriate for virtually all of them. I agree completely. commuting sentences for those that participated in violent crime. But there needs to be some kind of distinction. And, Bob, I do think that there's going to be criticism of Trump regarding this simply because, well, you know, one of the things and it will get to the his executive orders later. But, you know, he showed great respect for members of the military who lost their jobs as a result of not taking the covid vaccine. And there was like an honor associated with that. And when the first time I heard it, I was like, wow. he's going to really curry some favor with military families for taking care of these individuals. I was thrilled to hear it. But on the other hand, it leaves open the question. I'm not saying he's doing this on purpose, but it leaves open the question. Does he disrespect law enforcement? I don't think he does, but I do think he's going to get pushback and criticism for it. Either way, I do think because of all that's happened with these pardons, I mean, what if Joe Biden, seriously, what if he had said, I want to pardon all registered Democrats personally, for any crimes he may have committed in the past or in the future. Like, can he do that? How far can you go with this pardon thing? And I do think all of this is going to cause some careful reflection on how these things are carried out in the future and if there's any limitation whatsoever that can be put on them. I don't think there is, but I do think it's raising questions on both sides of the political aisle watching all of this unfold. However, I think Trump was completely justified in handling this J6 thing the way that he did given the unjust attack on these individuals and the sentencing that followed. I think something needed to be done and I'm in favor of it.
By the way, I agree with that. Again, anybody that's followed us on either any of our programs or on this particular podcast, the roundtable here, you guys know our feelings on all of that and what we would have done on that particular day and the fact that we didn't condone any of this behavior And I've said numerous times, guys, had I been there that day and any of that would have started to happen, would I have gotten absorbed in all of that and entered the Capitol? No, I'll just be straight up honest. No, I would not have done that. I think it was a very black mark on the conservatives in the country and those folks that did that. I wish they hadn't. And I know they probably would disagree with me and we could probably have a debate. on that with some of those individuals, and I understand where they're coming from, you know, and I understand their plight that day, but I think there's better ways to handle things, and that's how I would have looked at it on that particular day. But given all of that, do I think Donald Trump is correct in what he's doing? Absolutely. Now, the question, though, Bob, isn't this where we kind of started talking about, you know, pre-born just a few minutes ago, is there some other folks that most likely need a pardon as well? And, you know, is Donald Trump sliding them? Is he waiting for the right timing of things, what are your thoughts there when it comes to some additional pardons that probably need to be coming out of this administration? Yeah.
I definitely have a strong thought about that. And by the way, let me just say before I even get to the pro-lifers, because that's a very important part of this, too. One of the things that Trump is being hammered for by the left also regarding J6 is that he is dismissing the cases of pardoning and dismissing the cases of about 450 people from January 6th who have not even been brought to trial yet. All right. Just dismissing those cases and through pardons of them. One of those examples, and I've talked about this on the podcast before, one of those examples is that 67-year-old pastor. You had a 67-year-old pastor and his medical doctor wife. These are senior citizens. They were on January 6th in the peaceful Trump rally watching him speak. Then they walked with the crowd peacefully down to the Capitol for the already pre-approved, pre-permitted peaceful protest outside the Capitol. And so they walked down there. Once they got down there, the rioting was over. The Capitol doors were open. Police had moved the barricades and people were walking into the Capitol, moseying on in, even chatting with police. And so this pastor and his wife thought they were allowed to walk in the Capitol, right? So they did. They walked in the Capitol. All right. They were even the surveillance camera shows them speaking to police. OK, they're just thinking they're fine. Twelve minutes inside. Twelve minutes. Another police officer came out, says, hey, everybody needs to leave. The pastor and his wife said, oh, OK. And they turned around and left. That's it. That's it. Well, Joe Biden's Department of Justice spent three and a half years hunting this pastor down, finally found him several months ago. and had him and his wife arrested by the FBI. The FBI showed up at their house at 6 a.m., got him out of bed pounding on the door. When the pastor answered the door, he had several guns pointed at his head. As they got the wife out of bed, they not only handcuffed both of them, they leg shackled both of them and made them do a perp walk down their driveway, down the sidewalk, a couple of houses away to a waiting van they had to get into. humiliated in front of their neighbors. This is a 67-year-old pastor and his medical doctor wife. That's how the Department of Justice, the weaponization of the government, treated these people. And him and his wife are still awaiting trial. So that's one of the examples of Donald Trump saying, no, they are not going to trial. They are pardoned. So I got to make sure and let people know just how radical the Biden administration has been on this. To the pro-lifers, You have 21 pro-lifers who have been arrested by Joe Biden's FBI, okay, and put on trial and sent to prison, including a 75-year-old grandmother that got two years in prison. Why? Because outside of an abortion clinic door in an office building, they were sitting in the hallway. Now, in all fairness, they were trespassing because they were inside the bubble zone. Okay, fine. They didn't lay a finger on anybody. They were sitting on the floor praying and singing praise songs, all right? And Joe Biden's Department of Justice decided to charge him with Federal Face Act violations and had them put on trial and thrown in prison. Those people need to be pardoned, absolutely, especially when pro-abortion people got away with committing all kinds of crimes, like protesting outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, you know? But anyway, we're- Firebombing pro-life clinics. I know, I know. And so I'm speculating that Trump is maybe waiting until today, Wednesday, the Roe v. Wade anniversary, or maybe Friday, the big March for Life rally, to make a big announcement of this. I'd be very shocked if he lets this weekend come and go and completely forgets about them. I can't imagine that.
Neil, really quick before we finish up this half, talk to us again about SunPowerLED, if you would.
Well, SunPower LED offers what's called light therapy, and all of you have seen the opera singer that can sing a particular note and explode a champagne glass. That's because she hits a certain note at the right time, sustains the resonance, and it causes the... atoms inside that glass to start moving around and doing things that they hadn't been doing previously and all of a sudden the glass explodes well using the right wavelength of light you can get cells in the human body to wake up and start doing what they were created to do and that is to heal the human body the human body is an incredible thing and the mitochondria and the cells are kind of like the brain of the cell and they provide energy and they wake up that cell to do what it's created to do well using certain wavelengths of red and near infrared light Penetrating into the human body through SunPower LED's photobiomodulation device, you literally can excite the cell to wake up and heal your body, reduce pain and swelling. So things like arthritis, shoulder pain, knee pain, migraines. It's unbelievable how much damage inflammation in the body can cause, and this goes right after it. So we're not talking about big pharma. We're not talking about surgery. We're talking about using the very light God himself created. to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in the body. And if you don't believe me, you need to check it out for yourself. Go to SunPowerLED at Sun, that's S-U-N, like sun in the sky. SunPowerLED at and investigate. Check it out for yourself and see what photobiomodulation light therapy can do for you.
And then, of course, Bob, that leads into pre-born, which again, you know, great, great sponsor of ours. Both of them are pre-born, although really fitting into what we're talking about today in regards to some of the what should be pardons and things along those lines. And folks can help literally save not only babies' lives, but the family of that baby as well.
That's right. I mean, when you pay for ultrasound images to pre-born, you know what you're doing? You really are saving babies' lives. And you're bringing those moms to the Lord, too, because they see an ultrasound image of their baby, they choose life, and usually they end up accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, too. Pre-born shows these ultrasound images to these expectant moms all over the country in pro-life centers. The problem is the demand is higher than the supply. So... We need more ultrasound machines. We need more ultrasound images being paid for. That's why we're asking everybody right now, will you do one of two things? Either A, buy an ultrasound machine, or B, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. If you choose A, buy an ultrasound machine, they're 15 grand apiece. Great tax write-off for you. And your forever legacy is you're stopping thousands and thousands of abortions with that ultrasound machine. Option B is you're paying for individual numbers of them. individual cost to save one baby's life through ultrasound images. Take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy. And 100% of anything you give to Preborn goes to fund the ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. So pray about a number and give to Preborn now. Here's what you do. Go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. They also answer the phones 24-7. You can give over the phone right now, 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call, John.
Again, guys, appreciate it. We've got a lot more to cover today for those of you listening. Number one, appreciate what you do each week in listening to us. We get lots of feedback on it. We get lots of ratings, by the way, on the podcast itself, five-star reviews and so on, which we greatly, greatly appreciate. Appreciate it, and I know I say it a lot when I'm hosting, but if you guys have any topics you would like to see us cover, you're always more than welcome to send an email out to any one of us, and we'll do our best to try to put those topics in. We've got a lot more to cover. We're going to do some more inauguration recaps, some of the executive orders that Trump... has already done might get into a few things more including Trump demanding an apology from the bishop by the way who asked him to have mercy on LGBTQ plus people and migrants so folks we'll get into some of that here in the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable you've been listening to myself Bob Duco Neil Boron we'll be right back second half of the National Crawford Roundtable is next this is a Crawford Media Group production Welcome back. Second half, National Crawford Roundtable. I'm your host, John Rush from Denver, Colorado. My show, Rush to Reason, Bob Duco, Detroit, Michigan, The Bob Duco Show, and Neil Boron from Buffalo, New York, The Neil Boron Live. Okay, so our Neil Boron Live show. So guys, as I kind of went through that last little segment there as we went into the break, Trump demanding an apology from the bishop. And if anybody hasn't seen that little clip on what that particular bishop did during that prayer service, number one, And, you know, I know we're not supposed to point fingers and do things along those lines, but this, in my opinion, is not what should have happened in that particular setting. This particular lady is completely out of line. Is she doing God's work? No, she's doing her own work. I mean, I could go into a tirade of things that are really wrong in what this particular bishop did. But, you know, Bob, since you watched it, Neil, you can go second. But, Bob, since you watched it like I did, what are your thoughts?
Oh, man, it makes my eye twitch. It made me cringe. I know. Her name is Marianne Edgar Booty. She's the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. She's a liberal left-wing Trump hater. By the way, she was on ABC News back in 2020 telling them, quote, we need to replace President Trump. OK, so she is an anti-Trumper. Right. And this is supposed to be The National Prayer Service, okay, for a new president, it's supposed to be focused on that. And there's President Trump and Melania and J.D. Vance and Usha, the four of them sitting in the front row of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. And what does she decide to do from up there at the lectern? She decides to look down at Trump and start lecturing him with political talking points in ways that— He's not able to stand up and go, hey, wait a minute, let me rebut what you're saying. Let me give you equal time. No, he just sat there. Him and J.D. Vance looked at each other, and then Trump just shook his head, rolled his eyes, and was like, you've got to be kidding me, okay? But no, she looks down and says, let me make one final plea, Mr. President. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared right now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democrat, Republican, and independent families, some of whom fear for their lives. Then she goes to immigration. The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away and that you will help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands and find compassion and welcome here. And it's like, oh, come on. So, you know what? Is she going to lock her door tonight? All right. Or is she is she going to try to keep people out of her house that are not invited to come in? OK, this is just so absurd. The Vatican is surrounded by a 40 foot wall all the way around it. OK, to to keep it anyway. Trump responded. He posted, quote, And you know something? He's absolutely right. That is inappropriate either way. If a conservative Republican bishop was standing there at the National Cathedral, National Prayer Service, and chose to slam some Democrat president with a bunch of right-wing talking points, I think all three of us, John, would say that's inappropriate. So where's the left's criticism here?
Yeah. Wrong place, wrong time. Neil, your thoughts. And again, I mean, to Bob's point, Neil, this is supposed to be a startup for the presidency. Let's kick things off in the right directions. Let's have this prayer service. And it's supposed to be, you know, more of a, you know, solemn. Let's pray for the president as he enters into his term, et cetera, et cetera. And she decides to go into a preaching tirade against immigration, basically.
Yeah, well, you know, I served in pastoral ministry for eight years, and occasionally I got invited to go speak at someone else's church or at some kind of an event. And I was always sensitive when I went there to make sure that I was in keeping with the spirit of what was happening in that place at that moment. You know, I'll give an example. If a prosperity teacher goes into a church that doesn't believe in prosperity theology, maybe they should just stick to the gospel. That would be like the right thing to do. Or, you know, somebody that's real pro charismatic gifts versus somebody who comes from a more conservative, Baptistic kind of background. And there's mutual respect in those cases that these are issues that people can agree to disagree upon. When you start talking about political talking points and people are standing up in a pulpit and using opportunities to throw their political talking points at somebody who's just been elected president, when the focus is supposed to be on calling on God to intervene and to help us to lead the country in a way that would bring prosperity, pleasure to him etc i just think it's the wrong place we have freedom of speech in this country she has every right to say whatever she believes you know in in in whatever way she feels is right but i think she was completely wrong in doing it here at this time and donald trump is right to respond you know in the way that he did uh in proper time but you know it wasn't the right place wasn't the right time it was just it was ill-advised and wrong
Guys, they should have, instead of having her, whoever planned this whole thing, instead of her, they should have replaced her with the young black pastor that actually prayed in the middle of the inauguration. That guy, man alive, awesome.
I'll tell you what, that Lorenzo Sewell, by the way, he pastors 180 Church here in Detroit. And he actually caught a lot of heat. I've interviewed him on my show before. He caught a lot of heat because Donald Trump, during the campaign, when he was reaching out to black communities, Trump wanted to reach out to the black communities in Detroit. And 180 Church is in the heart of the inner city of Detroit. And so Trump said, hey, can I can I come in and join a forum there where we have a lot of leaders and people in the community get together? And can I come there and I'll be happy to take questions and let me just talk? And he's like, sure. And he agreed to host it at his church. Oh, he got hammered large. He told me on my show after because I had him on the show after this happened. He's like, I can't believe the hate that I received from so many. But he also received a lot of good compliments, too. So, you know.
Awesome. Neil, real quick, SunPower LED. And as we watch the Trump administration, we haven't gotten to the point where we've got, you know, RFK Jr. confirmed. Not sure how that's all going to go, although there's been a big push, you know, at least in his campaign. And I think you're going to see them follow through on this where it's, you know, make money. america healthy again you're going to see some reforms on certain things when it comes to health care in and of itself i think you're going to see personally this is my prediction a push for some you know quote unquote alternative things you know out of the box thinking where you know big pharma you know big insurance is not dictating what gets done and this is where sun power led comes in
Yeah, and, you know, thank God that there are alternatives to big pharma. I mean, I think people have a lot of distrust for, you know, an industry that can create drugs that keep you dependent upon them. And I don't mean in an addictive way. I simply mean that, you know, when you're only managing disease and not curing disease, you've got a real problem on your hands because people are going to get sicker and sicker and sicker. And, you know, what's weird is that in our country, people are living longer than ever before, but they're not healthier. than ever before. And that's a huge problem. The reality is we got to do something about it. And there's a ton of distrust for Big Pharma. They believe that Big Pharma is pushing medications upon them in order to make money, not heal people's bodies. Well, guess what? At the same time, Big Pharma is doing everything they possibly can to squelch any other all natural remedies that don't involve using their medications. light therapy is something you really need to look at red light therapy using near red infrared light and near infrared light to help heal the human body by exciting the mitochondria in the cell waking it up and causing the cell to do what it was created to do and that's to heal our body you can see a reduction in pain and swelling and inflammation and the promotion of healing in your body using light therapy from sun power led i said a moment ago earlier in the podcast It helped heal my lungs after COVID. I was headed for the hospital and ventilation, and I believe God used light therapy to help reduce the swelling in my lungs and to return me to normal so I could breathe again. You need to check it out. Go to SunPowerLED. Click on that button at and learn what red light therapy can do for you. SunPowerLED at
And Bob, if it wasn't for the sponsors like SunPower and Preborn, we wouldn't do this each week.
We sure wouldn't. And so many of our listeners have given to Preborn over the years. And we really appreciate that. We do. Preborn is the main pro-life group that shows ultrasound images in pro-life centers across the country. And moms choose life when they see a picture of that baby. They don't go across the street to Planned Parenthood. And so we're asking you right now in the audience, if you have not given to pre-born yet, will you please do that now? If you have given to pre-born, would you consider giving again? Maybe make it your 2025 contribution to save babies' lives. You can give one of two ways. Either buy an ultrasound machine or pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. If you buy an ultrasound machine, they're $15,000 apiece. Nice tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy is you're stopping thousands and thousands of abortions. Year after year. How great is that? If you want to pay for an individual number of ultrasound images, $28 is the amount to save one baby's life. That's, I mean, think about it. $28 saves a baby's life. Take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that's the amount of abortions that you actually really stop. Okay. And everything you give to Preborn, 100%, goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. So would you give right now? Just go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or you're like, well, I want to give over the phone. I want to talk to a real-life person. Okay, they answer the phones 24-7. You can call right now, 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call, John.
I appreciate that, Bob. Okay, let's talk about some of the executive orders and the highlights of, of course, one of the first things Donald Trump did, I went through some of these on my program yesterday, was go back and reverse a lot of the things that the Biden administration did, even all the way up until almost literally a couple of weeks prior to, you know, Donald Trump taking over office as President of the United States. So reversing a lot of those things, of course, one of the things he did right off the bat was, you know, get us out of the Paris Climate Accord, which is nothing more than a fleecing of the United States of America, while other countries can get by and do, you know, China and others can do pretty much whatever they want to do. It literally is a fleecing of our country and frankly doesn't exist unless we're a part of it. So it'll be interesting to see how that, you know, what happens moving forward along those lines. But then on top of that, guys, he's really going in and just obliterating all of the DEI wokeness that's inside of the federal government. Those folks that are even in those particular departments, if you've got a department inside of the federal government and you've got a DEI department as of 5 o'clock tonight, those people are no longer going to be working. They're on paid leave. And then they've got instructions as to how are we going to get rid of these individuals moving forward. So I want a plan of attack as to how we're going to technically fire these people in these particular departments moving forward. So guys, I mean, Bob, those two things alone are huge.
Oh, they really are. I mean, it is a new day in America. DEI, this diversity, equity, inclusion nonsense, this kind of discrimination that's not based on merit. It's a cancer, Bob. And by the way, there's a lot of corporations that have been coming in line and realizing, maybe this isn't a smart thing to do. They reversed all of that.
They know it's not best for their business.
I know. It's not. It's a poor business model. It's discriminatory. It's divisive in America.
And it lowers the quality of your product at the end of the day.
That's right. And you know something else? It's not fair for minorities, and I'll tell you why. Because, look, if I were a black man, I'm a white guy, so okay, I get it. But if I were a black man... and I achieved some high-level position in some company, I would want everybody looking at me to assume that I earned that on my merit and that I really am the best person for that job. I wouldn't want to be walking under a shadow of suspicion of, is that guy a DEI hire? So he's not really the best. He's got the right skin color or the right sexuality or the right gender or whatever. Right. No. You know what? I love what Don Jr. said one time about his dad. He said, you know something? When he looks at people, he doesn't see black or white or male or female or gay or straight. You know what he sees? He sees green. OK, how do we make people financially better? How do we make that's what he sees? And it's an absolutely right way to look at it. Who's the best for the job?
I don't care if you're male, female, which, by the way, in his inauguration speech, you know, Bobby, he basically said that he said, you know, we're going to get rid of all of this DEI woke nonsense. We're going to be colorblind moving forward and merit based.
That's right. And it's how it should be.
So I'll let you comment on that as well. I mean, for me, you know, that's a lot of the reason. Personally, I think that's a lot of the reason why even folks that didn't like Donald Trump voted for Donald Trump because they're tired of seeing all of that around them in the workplace.
I agree 100%. And by the way, we started today talking about the NFL and that the Buffalo Bills are still in it with a chance to win it. But the reason I'm bringing it up is they played the Baltimore Ravens last weekend. And Lamar Jackson is an absolutely phenomenal quarterback. He's unbelievable. It's astounding what that guy can do. The reason he's the starter on the team is because he's the best quarterback on the team. And who knows, maybe in the NFL he might win his third MVP this year. Personally, I think Josh Allen deserves it, but either way, he's a phenomenal quarterback. New England Patriots, Drake May is the starter. He's white. Why? Because they think he's the best player. Jacoby Bursette is black. He's the backup. Jacoby's a great quarterback. At times he's started in the past, but either way... It's merit-based decision-making. I think this is amazing because all of this happened on Martin Luther King Day, right? When Martin Luther King said himself that we ought to be more concerned with the content of somebody's character than the color of their skin. It's time to do away with this baloney that has to do with DEI and pushing people into positions that they're not really qualified for just so we can meet racial quotas and whatever. Let's get back to merit-based learning, merit-based promotions in the workplace, in education, etc. And I think that the American people largely will embrace that. And the other thing is it sets a high bar for everyone. Hey, if you want to be the head of the company, then be the best at what you do. Work hard, and there's a possibility you can advance. And I just think that the American people are so ready for it. By the way, when Donald Trump said this week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life, we will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based. As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female. I was like, hallelujah.
It was unbelievable. Amen. Amen. No, Bob, when I heard that, I mean, again, those were things that was just like, hallelujah, it's about time we get somebody with some common sense back in charge and stop going down this whole woke nonsense path. And to your point, Bob, and again, I'm an employer. I know a lot about what... You were talking about even with Donald Trump. By the way, I look at people very much the same way he does. At the end of the day, how can I lift you up so that you working for me can lift me up? I mean, at the end of the day, it's all about if you make money, I make money, and that's how I look at it. And to your point, Bob, when we lower that standard and we allow people to have certain jobs just based upon something about their skin color or something about their age or something about their gender, The reality is we are taking away their ability to excel and exceed and get better in this life. And by the way, for all of you Christians that are listening to me, that is anti-Christian because that is not what God wants for us.
That's right. Well, think about, I mean, does this sound familiar? Okay. There is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek. Okay.
You know, we're all one in Christ Jesus. Okay. So it is consistent, not that Donald Trump is invoking that, of course, but it is a consistent thing to say, no, this is not about... As Christians, we're either in Christ or we're not, okay? There's no differing value according to skin color, male, female, anything like that. And in the business world, that's how it ought to be too. Look, if I were a minority, I wouldn't want people to be looking at me wondering.
Well, Bob, really, no offense. As a white male our age, you are.
Well, actually, that is true. That is true. OK, but I mean, the discrimination that does that, it is true that if you are a white, straight male, then there is a kind of, you know, you're at the back of the line as far as advantages and things like that that you can get in government. I mean, somebody out there try to get a small business, an SBA loan, OK, as a white, straight male. It is way more difficult.
But absolutely.
So it shouldn't be that way. But I'm just saying just for the sake of minorities, don't make them be looked at with a sense of suspicion. You know, if I go see a doctor and this is a black woman who's a doctor, OK, I want to completely trust that I've got the best doctor. I don't want to sit there and think, OK, well, is she like 19th best? But, you know, she's got the right gender and the right skin color. No, that's not right. So this is a good thing for. By the way, can I just say that Trump has also ordered what they're calling the one flag policy? Yeah. which is U.S. federal offices and embassies around the world. They're not allowed to fly the pride flags. They're not allowed to fly Black Lives Matter flags. It's the American flag, period. The only exceptions to that are in certain embassies, if there's prisoners of war or something like that, you can fly the POW flag, missing in action flag, wrongful detainee flag. But other than that, none of these political message flags anymore.
You know, on top of that too, guys, and Neil, I mean, this, you know, the left would probably say is the wrong track for Donald Trump, but he also put a hiring freeze on any new federal worker. What he really is looking at is, okay, all of you that have agencies, and he's already even said this, he's even said this to corporate America, you guys need to figure out a way to lower your overall costs. Those of you that are in the federal sides of things, how do we lower costs to help out the taxpayer? Those of you that are in the corporate end of things, How do we lower costs so we can help out consumers at the end of the day? And by the way, everything that we just talked about, you know, that Bob just mentioned, Neil, and you said as well, all DEI does, which also no one ever talks about, is add costs. You've got to cost for each one of those individuals that are handling those programs, that are administering it. I mean, not only are we lowering costs. the quality in the case of a lot of companies, including the federal and state governments, but the reality is there's an additional cost to that as well. You take all of that away, and I don't know if anybody's even done any math on how much that saves the country, but Neil, it's got to be a huge number when you look at how many people are involved in that particular end of things.
Yeah, and on top of that, has any DEI mandate ever changed a human heart? Meaning, if you've got racism in your heart, if you've got discrimination in your heart, has any heart been changed as a result of this?
It probably makes it worse, Neil. I agree.
I was going to say, it hardens hearts. It hardens hearts. Exactly. Exactly. And the law didn't do anything except cause us to desire sin. That's what the Word of God says. God handed down his perfect law, but it accomplished what it was supposed to, to prove that we can't handle this on our own. We needed Jesus to come and fix us. And so when you start shoving mandates in people's faces, it hardens hearts. And I think that the bottom line is people have grown in the United States of America to realize that racism is wrong and that we need to honor all people regardless of skin color. Does that mean there's no racism? No, it's still there. But let's work on this by pursuing love. Let's work on this by pursuing what's right and promoting people on the basis of their merit and their accomplishment, not the color of their skin. How many people have been denied opportunities, by the way? Isn't that reverse racism? Denied opportunities because they had the wrong color skin?
Yeah, too many.
I'm sorry. We would love to promote you, and you've been here 25 years, and this guy's only been here three and a half years. But he's black and you're white, so we need to promote him.
No, guys, I have, and I'm sure you guys have as well, I have interviewed individuals over the years that can give you stories of being inside of government or police forces or fire departments or just corporate America that were passed over for the very things Neil said. that you just said. Bob, I'm sure you've interviewed some of those individuals as well. I've got personal testimonies from callers talking about that.
Oh, I know. Absolutely, that's the case. So what I'm really hopeful, though, is that this will not just be a temporary four-year blip, but that Americans will see through the course of these four years the misguided nature of all of this DEI wokeism, discriminating against people because they're not the right color or sexuality or things like that. A meritocracy. If we can actually have America start recognizing the value of meritocracy, then we can compete better against... The Chinese. You really think over in Russia and in China and some of these other places that they're doing the DEI hires? No, of course they're not. It's like, who is the best and what is in the best interest of our country? That's how everybody else looks at it. Why in the world are we acting like it's controversial for Trump to do that?
All right, before we start to kind of wind things down, one question, Neil, I'll start with you. If Donald Trump continues on the track that he's on, and granted, he's always going to have opposition. That's not going to change. It's going to continue to be there. As he continues to have this opposition, but continues to forge forward in some of the things that we are talking about, A, what do the midterms look like? B, what does 2028 look like?
Well, obviously, I think he learned a lesson. I hope he learned a lesson from his first term in office because he lost the House in the first midterm that happened during his first presidency. And he's got to be careful about that. And I don't think that he ought to be pandering to people falsely. I think he ought to be doing what's right for the American people, and he'll retain both the House and the Senate. But this is a crucial time, and I think he needs to make good on all of his campaign promises. He came out Came out of the gate strong. But, you know, there was a lot of minority voters, Hispanics, blacks that voted for him. He needs to keep them in mind in policies that he's putting forward and where he goes with his administration and move strongly towards taking care of these people that elected him. Because if he does, he'll keep the House. He doesn't want to lose it. It would cost him dearly for his presidency and where he goes next after that if he loses the House or the Senate.
Bob, I'll look at you to follow up on that. And then we've also got pre-born and we've only got about a minute or so. So sorry, limited time, but give your thoughts as well.
Yeah, we do have to remember, I mean, it is common. The normal thing is midterms, the Congress, House or Senate end up flipping to the non-White House party. That is common. So if that happens in 2026, That is what is considered normal. So if Republicans retain the House and Senate, that will actually be historic that Trump was able to do that. So it's an uphill battle to make that happen. And you're right. Preborn is just a phenomenal organization. And we're asking everybody right now, if you haven't given to Preborn yet, please do it now. Maybe this is your 2025 contribution. We need some of you to buy ultrasound machines. They're $15,000 a piece. Great tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy is you're stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year, okay? Now, for everybody else that can't afford to buy an ultrasound machine, will you pay for individual ultrasound images? $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, save one baby's life, okay? So how many babies' lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy. If you've given to preborn already, would you consider giving again? Here's how you give. Go online right now to Click on Preborn. Click on Preborn. Every dime you give goes to ultrasounds. Nothing for overhead. And you can call over the phone, 833-850-BABY, and they answer 24-7. 833-850-BABY. Call right now. Please give and support our sponsors.
Perfect. And, Neil, sorry, I've got one minute. SunPowerLED, talk about them if you would, too.
Well, real quick, right now in my program and Neil Boron Live, we've got a sponsor, SunPowerLED. And the current ad that's running right now is for a gentleman who had had a stroke. Coming out of that, he survived it, thank God, but his speech was severely affected. He thought he was speaking normally, but other people couldn't understand him. Didn't know what to do. That lasted for a really long time until eventually he got connected to red light therapy, photobiomodulation, using the light God himself created to reduce pain and swelling, promote healing in our body. With the use of what SunPowerLED offers, his speech has returned fully. In fact, he's the one talking in the commercial telling us about how well it works. Listen, if you want to reduce pain or swelling in your body and promote healing, you need to find out what... photobiomodulation or red light therapy can do for you. Check it out at SunPowerLED by clicking on Just go to, SunPowerLED.
Guys, thanks so much. That's going to do it for the National Crawford Roundtable. Myself, Neil Boron, Bob Duco. Guys, thanks so much for listening today. This has been the National Crawford Roundtable.
You've been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of today's culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.
The discussion takes a sharp turn as the hosts explore social media giant Facebook's surprising policy change towards embracing free speech. As skepticism arises about Mark Zuckerberg's motives, the conversation burrows into the potential impacts of this shift on media and public perception. In addition, the episode emphasizes the importance of diligent awareness in face of growing global threats, enriched by thoughtful conversations on culture and politics.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time, she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Back with another week of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast with all of the guys, Neil and John, myself, Bob. Hey, guys, how are you? Happy 2025. Happy New Year, man. Good. Well, you too. You know, there's a lot of things for us to talk about here.
Come on, Bob. There's nothing going on right now. Nothing.
Nothing really happening in the news. Let's see. You know, we've got a distant suburb here of Detroit that's putting in a new playscape in the local park. So maybe we'll talk about that for an hour. Got it. Oh, boy. No, there's actually a whole bunch of things going on. We've got the wildfires in California. We have the terrorist attack in New Orleans that took place. We've got Mark Zuckerberg announcing there. What do you know? Going to embrace free speech and not censorship. Justin Trudeau in Canada stepping down. Joe Biden's executive action banning drilling. Drill, baby, drill. January 6th, four years later, should Trump pardon? I mean, there's just so many different things for us to talk about. So let's just start diving through and peppering them one at a time. Let's start with the wildfires, first of all. John, you and I were talking about this a little bit before the podcast started. Every time... Every time we see these wildfires in California, it makes my eye twitch because you wonder, when are the liberal Hollywood types and the rich gazillionaires out there that are watching their mansions burn, when are they going to realize that the environmental policies of left-wing California to refuse to properly manage the forest, refuse to clear the underbrush, because after all, we can't mess with the natural habitat of the Norwegian spotted worm. I mean... When are they going to realize that their own environmental policies caused the slightest spark to, boom, spread like wildfire?
And it happens all over the country, Bob. It's not just California, although with California, it seems like it's an annual repetitive thing. And again, my hearts and thoughts and prayers go out to the people that are being affected by this. I mean, I, you know, full hand understand exactly what they're going through. On the same token, to your point, Bob, there are ways to mitigate this on the front side. And a lot of folks, even in the, you know, power company end of things and so on, will tell the states, these are the things that we should be doing, but then they're not allowed to.
Right. Exactly. And, you know, Neil, I don't know. You don't really we don't hear that many wildfires spreading through New York or Michigan, I suppose. But it I mean, John makes a good point. They're not managing the forests properly. But if they did, then the environmentalists get all up in arms over it.
Yeah, well, and I mean, the only wildfires that we've been affected by in any way were Canadian wildfires. And in some ways, because of the same policies you're seeing in places like Canada, I thank God I live in Buffalo, New York, and I'll take a snowstorm over a wildfire any day. But you're 100% right. And if the policies of the government of the state of California and federal government policies are contributing to this, then it's time to open their eyes and realize that this is costing them way more in the long run.
All right, so we'll see, but obviously we want to be praying for the people out there.
Really quick, just to throw this in, the whole environmental end of things and so on, you never hear them talk about, because of the lack of planning on the front side and trying to eliminate as many of these fires, how much smoke and pollution and things along those lines go up into the sky and the atmosphere and people are having to breathe and so on, that if we manage things correctly on the front side, and this is always also interesting, I just looked at the nationwide fire map There's not just one fire in California, guys. There's about 30 right now across the western United States.
I'm thinking they should figure out what the carbon footprint of this is. Yeah.
The thing about the Canadian wildfires, and the reason I mentioned it, is because we were affected for the better part of two weeks by the smoke that was trailing down here, drifting across like a Chinese spy balloon. And it covered a good portion of the upper northeast, and it became a real issue. All of it was wafting out of Canada. We had it here in Michigan, too. Did you really?
It came all the way down here to Colorado, guys.
Good Lord. Yeah, that's a big problem.
Well, maybe the answer is just putting some tariffs on Canada. Maybe we'll get to that, too. We haven't had a chance to talk about the terrorist attack in New Orleans here on the podcast. The New Year's Day, early in the morning, early New Year's Eve, but in the middle of the night, bourbon street this islamic jihadi terrorist let's call it the way that it is right drives his truck through a crowd of people and he had already scanned out and scoped the area prior to this we now know but killing 14 people injuring over 30 this was an islamic jihadi terrorist attack and no this guy wasn't an illegal alien okay he was born here in the united states he was a a He lived in Houston. He was a U.S. citizen. OK, but he was, quote unquote, radicalized, which basically converted to Islam. Family was actually raised a Christian family, but he converted to Islam. But he converted to and I know this is politically incorrect, but I'm just going to say it. He converted to pure Islam, the kind of Islam that Muhammad himself practiced. OK. And but the fact is that I'm glad that most Muslims converted. don't embrace jihadi terrorism. I'm glad that they don't, but that's because they're nominal Muslims who aren't really following what Muhammad taught and what's in the Quran and what's in the Hadiths. But it's like, okay, fine. But that's who this guy was. That's what he did. And then a few hours later, you have this Tesla explosion with this guy that, for all intent and purposes, appears to be a Trump supporter and then blows himself up in front of the Trump Hotel, right in front of it in Las Vegas. And it's like, what in the world is going on here? Tom Holman, the incoming Trump border czar, says his gut tells him that these two are probably connected, but he could be wrong. It looks to me like it might just be two freakish coincidences. But I mean, I don't know what you guys take on this.
It's almost like, and I've read a lot, and of course, one guy from Carter Springs, the Cybertruck guy, and Sons and I were talking a lot about this after it had happened, and that one of the two guys is just weird. And I'm not, you guys know me, I'm not a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination, but... That one, just for some odd reason, I don't know, just doesn't add up. Now, was he just trying to raise awareness as to what's really going on in the country and wanted to, according to his manifesto, bring all of that to light and so on? Guys, I don't know. I have no idea. But that one of the two doesn't add up.
And he rents a Tesla. It's not like he owned it and he just used his own car.
He rented it.
Specifically rented a Tesla. So this was clearly an Elon Musk, Donald Trump message from a Trump supporter. Unless maybe he was one of the disillusioned guys that, for whatever reason, went sour on Trump and didn't have time to post his I've changed my mind about Trump and Musk on social media kind of stuff.
You're right. I'm scratching my head, too. Was it that he was trying to send a message and he got a Cybertruck knowing that you'd have the least amount of casualty coming out of that? I mean, this guy was an expert. He could have blown up the entire tower had he wanted to. He could have blown up a whole city block if he wanted to. That's the kind of expertise this guy had in his background. So, again, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but this is the one out of the two that just doesn't add up.
Well, I suspect personally that they were unrelated. I mean, that's my gut feeling, and the reason I say that is because... Of some of the other things that have circulated regarding the situation in Las Vegas, you know, the Tesla situation, one being that there was some sort of question about infidelity in his family. Also, that he was potentially suffering from PTSD and CTE. And I mean, you know, like Mike Webster of the Pittsburgh Steelers took his own life because he couldn't handle what was happening inside his head regarding CTE. So who knows just how damaged this individual was and what exactly was going on there? You know, was it a, hey, I'm in favor of Trump and Musk and I want to go out in a blaze of glory kind of thing? I don't know. So I would hate to speculate on that one. Regarding the one in New Orleans, just real quick. I don't—you know, there's a lot of criticism of they should have had more barriers up and everything, and that's the human response to all this stuff. It's always, well, if we just did a better job, if we beefed up security a little bit more, we could stop this. Well, are you telling me that there wasn't any people on the other side of the barrier, or if there had been a barrier in place? I mean, you could go to a Walmart parking lot in New Orleans and drive a truck through a crowd of people coming out of a Walmart, taking advantage of an after-Christmas sale. Like— I don't know that we're ever really going to be able to stop that kind of stuff. And I don't want to minimize the idea of national security or anything. We certainly need it. But ultimately, it comes down to human hearts. And I mean, I say this very tongue in cheek and not disrespectfully, but. For all the people that call for common sense gun laws, well, we've now seen a couple of trucks driven into crowds. You had the Christmas market incident in Germany. What do we need? Common sense truck laws? Stricter licensing laws or common sense laws regarding how to get a driver's license? That's not going to stop these events. And ultimately... We need to pray and do the best we can to secure public sites. And I know the Super Bowl is going to be in New Orleans and all of that, but it comes down to we need to change human hearts, and only Jesus can do that.
That's so true. And, of course, we have to wonder how many ISIS terrorists, al-Qaeda terrorists, have flooded over the borders, the open borders over the last four years and are infiltrated here in the United States. And, you know, this guy was homegrown. Okay, fine. But, you know, how many others and like-minded people are here and what kind of cells are building and operating? Remember, 9-11 took six years to plan and carry out from 19 people. How many hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of ISIS jihadis do we have in this country right now through the open borders?
And I think just as a note to everybody listening, Bob, our listeners, that you've got to be diligent. You've got to be watching. I hate to say that, but you've got to have your head on a swivel and be paying attention to everything that's going on at all times. And not to be critical, but my dad always told me nothing good happens after midnight.
Very true. My mom said the same thing. They were both right. I know.
And be careful out there and pay attention. Actually, you know what, Neal, I will say because coming up next we're going to talk about Mark Zuckerberg, Meta, Facebook, and all of that and the changes coming there. And we do, Neal, appreciate people listening to this podcast. We certainly appreciate them supporting the sponsors of this podcast like SunPowerLED.
Yeah, thank God for our sponsors give us an opportunity to talk about what's true. And there's a lot of people scratching their head wondering, you know, what's true regarding a lot of issues we're going to be discussing today. One thing that people have been very concerned about is what we're hearing from so-called government officials, you know, the... the fauci's of the world and from groups like big pharma and there's a lot of concern about that particularly on the heels of covid we may even have some of that come up when we talk about what's going on in canada but the point is that people are very skeptical and and many now believe and have come to realize that pharmaceuticals are designed to manage symptoms not get rid of disease And for those that feel that way, if you're one of those people and you're experiencing pain in your joints, you've got problems with migraine headaches, you're in need of assistance with wound care, did you know that the very light God himself created, certain wavelengths of red light therapy, it's called, can be used to reduce pain and swelling in your body? Literally using the very light God himself created. So people are dealing with joint pain and back pain and headache pain and all kinds of wound care by the use of what's called photobiomodulation or red light therapy. And it's available from Now, you can go to our website, click on the SunPowerLED banner and get all the information you need. But I encourage you to do it. Check it out. Find out what's available because Big Pharma, Is not your friend. And if you can get healed and get better using just the light God himself created, you need to look into it. So go to SunPowerLED on the site. And thanks to SunPower for making all of this possible. Bob Preborn is also a supporter.
Oh, absolutely. And we appreciate all of you that gave to Preborn through 2024. We very much do. Well, it's a new year. It's 2025. And you know something? Maybe this is the time to go ahead and save some babies' lives. That's what Preborn does. Preborn is the main pro-life group that shows ultrasound images in pro-life centers across the country. And they've been doing this a long time. And when a mom sees a picture of her baby... She doesn't go across the street to Planned Parenthood. No, she lets her baby live almost all the time. She usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, too. So it falls upon us to pay for as many ultrasound images as we can. There's two ways you can do this. You can pay for individual ultrasounds, or you can buy an ultrasound machine outright. They're $15,000 apiece. It's a nice tax write-off for you. Your forever legacy will be that you stopped thousands and thousands of abortions. For everybody else, maybe you would just pay for a specific number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby's life. So pray about a number of babies' lives that you'll save. Take $28 times, fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy. So here's how you give to Preborn. You can go online right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. And you know every penny you give goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. They also answer the phones 24-7. So call right now, 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you folks doing that. We do. And as we continue through the podcast, let's let's switch it over to Mark Zuckerberg and Meta. He has announced that they're going to stop censorship. They're going to embrace free speech. They're going to go to community notes instead of third party fact checkers. You know, I hate to be cynical about this, but to me this is not – I can't imagine anything that Mark Zuckerberg and his people would be learning now that like, oh, we didn't realize this then. They didn't know that PolitiFact and Snopes and their so-called – Pressuring them to censor conservative viewpoints on just about anything. It didn't occur to them to go, no, we're not going to do that. So, no, this is nothing more than a new sheriff is in town and they realize rut row with Republicans running the table right now. We don't want our Section 230 protection taken away from us, and that's the kind of thing that Trump and the Republicans might do. And then it's going to cost us billions of dollars in legal fees and settlements if we are starting to be treated as a publisher. So let's just play nice. No, John, I don't think Mark Zuckerberg has had a come-to-Jesus moment at all. I think he's trying to hold his breath. It's a business decision. for the next four years to keep Section 230 from being taken away.
It's a business decision. It's a CYA business decision. Let's make sure that we can keep moving forward like we've done. I want to stay the billionaire that I am. I want the company to continue to grow. We know who's going to now be in charge. We've got to make sure that we kiss the right ring, if you would, Bob. And at the end of the day, that's what this is all about. Yeah, he did not have some come-to-Jesus meeting and all of a sudden turn the tide. He's doing this strictly for his business.
And I'll tell you what, Democrats get back control of Congress in 2028 or 2026. If that happens, 2026, 2027, they get in. They take back control of the House or the Senate. You watch. Suddenly they're going to bring back third party fact checkers or at least they'll be making their same algorithm mistakes and glitches that coincidentally are 100 percent against Republicans and zero percent against Democrats. So, Neil, I'm just I'm not buying it, but at least, hey, temporarily, it looks like conservatives will at least have a social media viewpoint that's allowed to be heard.
Yeah, I don't know if you used the term Trump factor, but I think you talked about it prior to today's podcast. Yeah, I mean, there's been a major change.
And really quick, you know, Neil, before you move on, is it a Trump factor or is this also because of what Musk did with X, you now have to compete on a different level?
Probably both. In fact, for sure both. But I think there's a third element, and that's what happened in the election. And yes, Trump was a part of the election. But there's a real change in the attitude amongst Americans about the way government functions and about what we're hearing from the national media, etc., etc. And I honestly think that the successful CBS lawsuit that Trump filed against CBS – for defamation, you know, weighs into it as well. And so what you got here is a guy who's not stupid. He's running a multi-million or billion-dollar company, and he sees the handwriting on the wall. And what's going to be good for business? What do we need to do to make people, placate people anyway, make them to believe that we're on their team and we really care about things like free speech? We care about your free speech. Well, you didn't 10 minutes ago. But after the election, all of a sudden, oh, this is all going to change. And I think you're 100 percent right, Bob, to be really skeptical about Zuckerberg's attitude on all this.
Yeah, well, I'm I'm not buying it. But, hey, you know what? We'll take the temporary opportunity to to at least be able to get some of our viewpoints out there.
Well, and really quick guys, the only other thing, again, keeping him in check is, is now X. I mean, I don't know what, I haven't looked to see what, you know, Facebook has done, what their revenue has been like and so on, but you got to believe that X is taking a big dent out of the Facebooks of the world. Right.
Well, and let's face it, there is kind of a move right now. There's a wave of sentiment that says the left-wing censorship machine and targeting conservatives or whatever has gotten out of hand. There is some blowback from that. And, you know, so it could be a thing where Zuckerberg just realizes, you know what, here's the direction the wind is blowing. And so I got to go with the winds right now. But I don't believe that that's in his heart at all, no matter how many statements they put out going, this is getting back to the roots of what we really believe in. And no, it's not. You're a bunch of left wing liberals.
Well, I think there's a big difference. Yeah. I think there's a big difference between what people can see with their own eyes and what they've been told they need to believe. Right. I mean, you had government officials covering up the whole Biden thing. He's 100 percent fit. He's totally ready to serve another four years. So you had government officials telling you that you had the legacy media falling into place. you know leaders in congress and so forth schumer by the way you know acting like he's always been aware that there might be a problem or that he never really knew it was a problem now they're playing clips of him you know talking about the fact that if you even mentioned biden's mental acuity a few years ago you were basically a conspiracy theorist i mean the american people february just less than a year ago he said that's right-wing propaganda Right. Okay. So the American people have been accused of being conspiracy theorists. And I think they've come to their senses and said, no, we're not. And now we have proof. So in that environment, combined with everything else we said, I don't think Zuckerberg thinks it's going to be a good practice, particularly, as John said, because of what X has been doing and popularity of X right now regarding free speech.
You know, in Canada, and Neil, both you and me have a decent amount of Canadian listeners to our shows, you got Justin Trudeau, prime minister, announcing his resignation. All right, so replace me with somebody else to take on Pierre Polyev, the conservative, who's kind of being treated as a Canadian Donald Trump. He's a populist and somewhat conservative and such. But you know what? A poll, a recent poll was taken in Canada asking Canadians, do you support the Conservative Party or the Liberal Party, which in essence is like the Republicans, Democrats here, 47% said the Conservatives, 18% said the Liberal Party. And then the rest are like, I don't know. But my goodness, that's a that's a huge difference. And Neil, what are some of your thoughts on Justin Trudeau, in essence, getting pushed out by his own liberal party for not being liberal left wing enough and not being willing to stand up to Donald Trump regarding the tariffs and such?
Well, obviously we've got a conservative listening audience by and large and a tremendous number of Canadians. We're very near Toronto and we cover the Toronto area. So that's kind of like New York City to the north. So about 75% of the listening audience to my radio program is Canadian. And there was literally elation over the announcement that he was going to be stepping down. Couldn't happen fast enough. People want Trudeau out. And it's not just like he's been liberal. He's... off the rails progressively liberal he could if he was a woman he could have been member of the squad or if he identified as one i guess you know like just absolutely liberal policies that mainstream canadians want nothing to do with long term so i think that there's hope that some sanity is going to be restored to the country but you know they're under tremendous burden right now the federal government in canada if i have this information right spent $6,000 per family in Canada above their means. Like, in other words, take the Canadian budget and then add $6,000 per family. That's how much they overspent last year. They've got billions and billions of dollars in federal annual deficit that they have to deal with. Taxes are overwhelming, people can't afford homes, and they want change. And they don't want nonsense. And I think, honestly, that freedom convoy on the heels of COVID had a lot to do with turning people against Trudeau and the liberal government and saying, we don't want any more of this progressive baloney. Give us some common sense again. We want common sense back.
Absolutely. And by the way, we're coming up on the half hour here. And in the second half, we're going to talk a little bit more about Justin Trudeau and get your take on that too, John, as we continue. But in the meantime, Neil, we do want to remind our listeners, we very much want them to support our sponsors to this podcast. And SunPowerLED is a tremendous sponsor. It's helped a lot of people get out of pain.
Yeah, 100%. And, you know, my good friend Tom Kerber of Kerber Applied Research is the guy behind SunPowerLED. He's a Canadian, lives in Canada, has an office here in the U.S. and in Canada. But basically what he's done is been able to harness red light, a certain wavelength of light that God himself created, and then use it to help reduce pain and swelling in the human body. Back in January of 2021, four years ago right now, I couldn't breathe. My blood oxygen content was at like 82%, sometimes dropped to 79%. And I was headed to the hospital if it got any worse whatsoever. And I didn't know if I was going to be around. But I Tom sent me a unit, a handheld unit that I was able to apply to my chest that began to heal my lungs by exciting the mitochondria in the cells and causing the cells to do what they do and heal my body. And within just a matter of about 10 days, my ability to breathe was completely restored. Folks, this isn't pharmaceuticals and it's not invasive surgery. It's using the very light God himself created. You can learn about it by clicking on the Sun Power LED button at And by the way, that's sun like sun in the sky. Sun Power LED at
And I'll tell you what, I know from firsthand experience how well this works. This is a photobiomodulation. It gets deep into the cellular level. And so it is phenomenal. And we appreciate you folks supporting SunPowerLED. We appreciate you supporting Preborn. If you haven't given a Preborn yet, please do that now. Remember, you're saving babies' lives, okay? You're paying for ultrasound images for Preborn to show to expectant moms in pro-life centers around the country. The problem is we don't have enough ultrasound machines. We don't have enough ultrasound images that are being paid for. So we can save way more babies' lives than we are. That's where you folks come in listening to us right now. We're asking you to pay for ultrasound images. You can do this one of two ways. Either option A, buy an ultrasound machine. They're $15,000 a piece, and your forever legacy will be you're stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. Think about that, okay? Option B is you pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby's life. Because that mom sees a picture of her baby, she chooses life, folks. And she usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, too. So how many... baby's lives will you save? Take $28 times, fill in the blank, and that's your forever legacy of the amount of baby's lives that you saved. So either that or buy an ultrasound machine, either one. And 100% of everything you give to Preborn goes to the ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. You can give two ways, on the phone or online. Online, just go to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn, you can give right there. Or they answer the phones 24-7. So just call 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. And just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you folks doing that. We appreciate you listening to this podcast. We appreciate the five-star reviews that you give us wherever you listen to our podcast. And coming up in the second half, John Rush, Neil Boron, myself, Bob Duco. We're going to talk some more. about Justin Trudeau, what's happening there, and then move on to a lot of other things that have been happening as well. And we'll get to all of that coming up next here on the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
Continuing the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast with John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado, Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live out of Buffalo, New York, myself, Bob Duco, the Bob Duco Show out of Detroit. And so, guys, when we got to the end of the first half, we were talking about what's happening in Canada, Justin Trudeau stepping down from his Liberal Party. And, you know, John, I'm curious to get your take on this, too, because Justin Trudeau – It's not like he's a left-of-center guy. He's a Marxist. He's extremely left-wing Marxist. Absolutely. And an important point that Neil made about that, remember the truckers, the freedom convoy of truckers. But not just that. Pastors like Artur Pawlowski that he had imprisoned, imprisoning pastors, throwing business owners in jail because they were trying to keep their small business open for the sake of their livelihood. Right. Freezing people's assets? Yeah, seizing the bank accounts and freezing the bank accounts of not just some of these truckers, but even supporters that would attend rallies for them. A pastor shows up and merely speaks, doesn't call for violence, nothing at all. He gets handcuffed and thrown in jail for this, so...
I say this guy's a total Marxist and I don't have the same connections to Canada that you two do, although I've got some good friends that live up in that area. And the minute I heard the news, I sent a text message off. Let's just say that at least the Canadians I know are not disappointed in the least, Bob, because of all the things you and Neil have just got done talking about.
The guy's literally a Marxist monster. I know he doesn't come across that way. He's got this sort of baby face look and so on. The guy is an absolute Marxist monster.
He's like a Gavin Newsom. He reminds me of Gavin Newsom.
That's right.
Good looking, has a charm to him, things like that.
All the while he's sticking a knife in your back.
He smiles and you see the points on his teeth. I mean, that's right. That's who this guy is. Just like Joe Biden. He's not sweet little Grandpa Joe.
Oh, no.
He's a vindictive guy who says that half the country is a bunch of garbage. And so, you know, whatever.
So really quick, for my behalf, since I don't know because you guys are much closer to this, what's your predictions as to what happens next in Canada?
I think Pierre Polyev becomes the new prime minister. That would be a huge change. I know the sentiment in Canada right now seems to be moving toward conservatism. And it's a temporary blip. But, hey, we'll take whatever temporary blip we can. I don't know. What do you think? Do you have any thoughts on Polyev? And I actually had – by the way, if you look at how this guy's name is spelled, it looks like it should be like Poilevray or whatever. But really it's – But, Neil, any thoughts on this guy, and do you think he's got a good chance here in the upcoming elections?
I was listening to a podcast he did with Jordan Peterson, and he's pretty impressive. I mean, he's very well-spoken. He also is very good-looking. I'm personally not attracted, but you know what I'm saying?
Hey, Neil, I mean, it's a whatever, I guess, isn't it?
He's got that curb appeal to him is what you mean, Neil.
Exactly. I mean, he's got charisma and the whole thing, and I think it's probably a lock that he's going to be the next prime minister of Canada. But they have a very different way that they do government, and anything could happen. In fact, one of the people that's being considered potentially is somebody that was originally an ally to Trudeau, and that was Chrystia Freeland. A former finance minister was an ally of Trudeau. And it's interesting because the minute Trudeau came down to the U.S., met with Trump, and then started floating some crazy ideas about things they could do to her. Yeah, and she was out. She distanced herself from him, quit, said, I'm out. And people, I think, took that to mean that maybe she's considering herself to be a potential candidate for the future. Yeah. You know, Donald Trump made other statements that I think were basically tongue-in-cheek, you know, like Canada's going to become the 51st state, and he was referring to Trudeau as the governor of Canada. And I think, you know, some people that lived there were laughing, but others weren't. I mean, I know enough, half of my family's from Canada. My mother was Canadian. So there's an awful lot of Canadians that have a very strong sense of nationalism and And, you know, they've been dealing with all the same stuff we have, too, with open borders and high taxes and incredibly liberal policies. But none of them have ever said they want to be a part of the United States. So I don't think that's going to fly well if Donald Trump actually tried to push that issue. But either way, we're going to see some incredible things happening in the next couple of months regarding what, you know, what happens to the leadership of Canada. Yeah.
You know, Trump is being Trump in this case. He's trolling. I don't think he actually really believes that Canada would ever vote to become part of the United States, of course. So he's doing some trolling on his way out. But no real surprise, I suppose. But I don't know. I mean, John, by the way, what do you think, John, of Trump and the way that he's handling, let's face it, he got Trudeau unannounced to fly down to Mar-a-Lago and go, but please don't do 25%. And I got to say, to Trump's credit, the people at the table, they said that Trump was being friendly, but still very directly said, yeah, I'm serious about these 25% tariffs. We have a $100 billion trade imbalance with you, and that's not right, that's not fair. And then Trudeau apparently said, uh, You can't impose these tariffs on us. This will destroy our economy. And Trump instantly shot back. Also, your economy can't survive unless you rip us off for $100 billion. By the way, good comeback. Maybe we should just become our 51st state. What a great comeback.
Yeah, no, great comeback. And again, I'm with you guys. I think Trump does a lot of posturing, and he's kind of one of those guys where he speaks really loudly. Is it really going to come down to the things that he says? Probably not, although the appearance of, hey, I'm going to go down this path is enough to typically get people to move off dead center. and get done what he wants to. I've never read The Art of the Deal. I'm guessing some of this might actually be in the book. I guess at some point I should stop and read the book just so I know kind of what he thinks along those lines. But it's part of his negotiating end of things. And I think, by the way, to his credit, it works very well. Yeah.
Let's talk about the Joe Biden executive action where he banned drilling, onshore and offshore drilling. This is a big topic, by the way. It really is. And he did it by attaching it to a 1963 congressionally passed law, which means that Trump isn't able to undo this for executive action, although I think Trump may try to do that and then it'll go through the courts and the Supreme Court will decide if he's able to do that or not. But it's probably going to take Congress to overdo this. What possible reason other than let me throw a monkey wrench into Donald Trump's agenda. You know something? Joe Biden's handlers who made this decision. It's not Joe Biden. He's napping. No. Joe Biden's handlers, the Democrats. You know what, Joe? Yes. Their whole thing is we don't want Trump to be successful. They don't want Trump to come in office and see gas prices start coming down. Of course not. And see people's utility bills start coming down because you know what? That's going to prove to everybody. What do you know? Our policies were wrong. Donald Trump's policies are right. So they're trying to stop Trump from bringing down the cost of energy in this country. And you know, John, who that hurts more than anybody else? The poor. Does the left care?
That's right. It's sabotage, Bob, is what it is at the end of the day. They're trying to sabotage the next presidency. And to your point, this doesn't hurt the wealthy. It doesn't hurt the person that can afford $4 a gallon gasoline. By the way, it doesn't even affect most small business owners because they pass those costs on to their customers. Who this really affects at the end of the day is the person struggling to make ends meet. Absolutely. Which, by the way, all we hear from the left is that's the crowd they care about. Nothing could be farther from the truth, like I've always said.
I know. Neil, the very people that are being hurt the most, not just by inflation, but especially energy prices and costs, are in fact... the poor. And I want to get your take on that. But at the same time, we do also want to remind our listeners, Neil, of how important it is that they support our sponsors, not just Preborn, but SunPower LED, which, by the way, has helped a lot. You know, this photobiomodulation is phenomenal. This isn't like topical lasers. This is like the stuff that gets deep at the cellular level. And it's getting a lot of people out of pain. I know from firsthand experience it works. I've used it. And it's like, wow, this is amazing.
A lot of people I know have used it. In fact, my wife has used it for her shoulder that kind of freezes up because she likes to sleep on her side. It's caused a tremendous amount of pain, and it's affected her pickleball game. So she has used red light therapy to help reduce pain and swelling, and she's back to playing pickleball and absolutely loves it. You know, if you can picture, and all of us have seen this, but the opera singer who sings a particular note, holds that note in resonance, and then you see the champagne glass explode. What they've done is they've hit a particular note that has the ability to do that. Well, there's certain wavelengths of light that can be used to penetrate into the human body, get to the cell deep inside the body without any risk of skin cancer or anything like that. and excite the mitochondria in the cell to wake up and energize that cell to start doing what it was created to do. It's simply using the very light God himself created to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in our bodies. And it's non-invasive. You're not going to have to have surgery. There's no... pharmaceuticals involved. It's simply using the light God himself created. You can learn about it. You can check it out by clicking on the SunPowerLED banner at There's a button there. Just click on SunPowerLED at and learn about photobiomodulation.
Absolutely. And so to do that, folks, and listen, we appreciate you supporting Preborn, too. And we ask you to do that now. If maybe 2025 is the year that you're like, well, you know, I gave to Preborn last year and, you know, it would be a great idea. Make it a yearly thing where it's like, hey, each year I'm going to have as part of our household budget saving babies' lives. We have part of our budget for so many different things. Well, how many babies' lives will you save by paying for ultrasound images through Preborn? That's what Preborn does all across the country in pro-life centers. You know, when a mom sees an ultrasound image of her baby, she chooses life. And she usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, too. Our job is to pay for as many of these ultrasound images as we can. And so $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby's life. So pray about a number of baby's lives that you'll save. Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy of the amount of abortions that you stopped. So would you consider doing that? And hey, if you can afford to buy an ultrasound machine, nice tax write-off for you, they're 15 grand apiece. And your forever legacy is stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year after year. And everything you give to Preborn, 100% goes to fund the ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. So here's what you do. Go online right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn, give right there. Or they answer the phones 24-7. You can give over the phone. Just call 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. And mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you folks doing that. And So, Neil, your thoughts on the 625 million acres that the Biden handlers decided we're going to stop Donald Trump from being able to lower people's gas prices and make him have to go through Congress to get this undone. There is no reason for them to do this. They claim it's all global warming concerns, but no. This is all about, John's right, this is all about let's try to stop the Trump agenda from helping people with lower gas and energy bills and prices.
Yeah, and I hope that the American people come to see it as that, because that's exactly what it is. There's a bit of retribution added in here as well. I think this is sour grapes. It's flip over the chessboard and walk out of the room, take your toys and go home kind of thing. I think Joe Biden is angry about how things have transpired, and And there's absolutely no sense in what he's doing. By the way, aren't we like the largest producer of oil and gas on the planet anyway? I mean, we're not far away from what would be considered total energy independence. So it isn't like we're going to go out and just start drilling everywhere. By the way, apparently there's a group of people, even conservatives, that are out of Florida pretty much. that don't want oil wells off their beaches in Florida. I get that. But the point is, it's not really great business to go start drilling for additional oil if there's nobody to sell it to. In other words, if we're manufacturing enough to sell to other people and we're profitable, then let's not make it unprofitable. So there's maybe some of those economic things that also weigh into this. But the bottom line is, he's just trying to throw a monkey wrench into the Trump agenda in general. And you're both 100 percent right that the people that are going to suffer in this are the poor and the ones who need help the most. So remember that, ladies and gentlemen, because this is what your Democrat Party is doing for you right now. They have no concern for you. They only have concern for potentially getting elected in the future by trying to stand in the way of the Trump agenda.
You know, John, what really makes my eye twitch is there's an estimated $50 trillion in natural resources that's on our property. Yep. $50 trillion. And we're not going to tap into it. If you ask people, hey, where's all the oil and gas in the world? People, oh, let's see, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. We have more, actually. Did you know the United States has more than any nation in the world? That's right. And we're just letting it gather dust because we're kowtowing to AOC and the Green New Deal people?
It shows you how, in my opinion, the Lord blessed this continent and why I think our nation built on Judeo-Christian principles 250 years ago. Reality is we're a very rich country in regards to our natural resources, and yet Bob and Neil— we're not tapping into those. One of the things I've always said, you want to pay off the national debt, sell natural resources. It's one of the, I mean, number one, balance of budget, stop spending. But number two, if you really want to get the debt down, start selling off some of our natural resources. We have plenty there, but yet we don't tap into them.
Will Trump be able to turn this around with the help of Congress?
Well, and keep in mind, too, guys, there's lots of – I read a lot about this over the last few days. There's a lot of talk even on what Joe Biden is doing that it's a lot of posturing and positioning and messaging and so on, and I still think it's trying to sabotage the next administration. But in a lot of these areas that he's actually going to put the ban on, it's not cost-effective at this point to even explore – those areas because we have so many other areas, Bob, back to your point of where we already know there's oil there that we can actually go and tap into that at the end of the day, does this really affect the price of oil? The message does, but the actual physical part of it, probably not.
That's right. Let's in our last few minutes, let's talk about January 6th. OK, no real surprise that the media hyper focused on the four year anniversary of January 6th. And, you know, Democrats and liberals in general, they are masters at this of taking something and. And exaggerating it beyond what it actually truly is. Nobody's saying we should take January 6th from four years ago and minimize it to the level of a speeding ticket. No. But you can't maximize it to the level of a date that will live in infamy. You know, you had Sonny Hostin on The View earlier this week. actually comparing january 6th to world war ii the holocaust and slavery so the gassing of six million jews is analogous to a couple of hundred john knuckleheads okay climbing the walls pushing their way past police that didn't kill a single person didn't shoot a single person didn't point a gun at a single person didn't set a single fire they were wrong nobody's defending them okay but But my goodness, to compare that to the Holocaust, for Joe Biden and the Democrats to be saying that this is the biggest threat on our democracy since the Civil War. Really? So bigger than 9-11, bigger than Pearl Harbor, bigger than the Nazis, bigger than World War II, World War I, bigger than the wars, bigger than the war on terror, bigger than all of that is January 6th when the Black Lives Matter riots were... 50 times more violent and actually really were deadly riots. So to me, John, it just it drives me crazy how the left does this. And I'm going to make a prediction, John. I'd love to get your take on this. I predict that the next time Democrats are in control of Congress and the White House, next time they run the table. I predict that, number one, we will have a new national holiday that will be a National Day of Remembrance of January 6th. And number two, they'll spend millions and millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to create a Washington, D.C. memorial for January 6th, right up there with the World War II memorial and everything else. I think that's what they're going to do because they take the one opportunity where conservatives behaved badly, and let's exploit the daylights out of that.
Yeah, and again, we've talked about this many, many times. I don't spend a lot of time on my show on it because, frankly, like you say, Bob, I look at it as individuals that did some things on the day that things were very heightened, and I get all of that. If I had been there that day, would I have entered the Capitol? No. I can tell you guys with a resounding no. That would not have been me, period. Now, some might criticize me saying, well, you know, you're just weak, John. And, you know, you don't want to stand up for your values and so on. It's like, yeah, no, there's a lot more to it than that. And I want to think reasonably about things. And in that particular situation, no, I would not have entered. Now, some did not criticizing those that did. I think it was a bad decision. On their part, I think they could have thought that out better. And the biggest reason I say that is because, Bob, of all the things that you just said, all that day he did. I can remember my brother and I, it was his birthday on the 6th. He passed a couple of years ago. But on that particular day, we were talking about those things. And the reality is both of us said, this looks really bad for us. So if nothing else, Bob, I wouldn't have done it just because of the black eye it gives us.
Right. Well, and, you know, Neil, actually, we've got to put into perspective, too. You had about 200 to 300 people that were actually pushing their way past police and climbing the walls. Nobody's defended them. But the other thousand or so people that went in the Capitol weren't part of that crowd, didn't lay a finger on anybody. They thought they were allowed to go in the Capitol. The police had moved the barricades, opened the doors, and people were moseying on in, taking pictures. Just touring. Even talking to police as the surveillance camera shows. So a lot of those people and when you had cops say to them, oh, you need to leave. Oh, OK, sure. And then they turn around and left. They were swept up in the same Department of Justice dragnet of the Biden administration and thrown in jail for that. So those people definitely have to be treated differently than everybody else. But again. You know, Neil, even the ones that that did push their way past police as wrong as they were, did they deserve to go to jail? Yes. Do they deserve 18, 20, 22 year prison terms when the average drug dealer gets two and a half years? I would argue, you know, the average rapist gets seven years in America. You don't deserve three times what a rapist gets for doing that. So I think Trump ought to pardon all of them. And I think I ought to commute the sentences of anybody that's in prison right now.
Well, I got something to say about all this, but just a question. Do you mean pardon everybody? Everyone across the board? No, no, no, no.
I'm sorry. I would say anyone who assaulted a police officer, anyone who did that or engaged in actual violence or whatever, no, don't pardon them. But I think 100% of them should have their sentences commuted because if your average – drug dealer gets 2.4 years in prison, then I think they've spent enough time in prison. So commute 100% of the sentences of the people that are still in prison, and everybody else that didn't lay a hand on anybody, pardon them. Okay.
Yeah, thank you. And I would be in agreement on that. But here's the thing. This is just the way it is. I'm picturing a day in my lifetime when a pastor who was at odds with the head of the deacon board threw the deacon out during the church service. and it was ugly and people were yelling and whatever and i remember that day it lives in infamy in my brain about how churches probably should not function and you know none of us who are true americans even patriots should should be proud of the way things went down on january 6th but bob i would be sick to my stomach If the cost of that long term was that we had some kind of national day of remembrance over all of this, because it was wrong, it shouldn't have happened, and it was ugly. But, you know, why aren't we having national day of remembrances for the cities that burned during the BLM riots, right? Like, where are you going to go with this kind of thing? And the dozens killed. Oh, exactly. And how ideologically driven would would that be in light of, you know, the fact that they're going after this because it was a conservative based kind of response to how people were feeling about what they believed was, you know, a false election. And they were, you know, in disagreement about all that. So. Anyway, but that's why it's, in many people's minds, no one's ever going to be able to forget because it never happened before. Nobody ever saw that happen. And I think that the Democrats, well, God bless them. I'm glad that there was a peaceful or seemingly a peaceful transfer of power. He's not been inaugurated yet, but they're really making a big deal to say, see, look how good we are when we transfer power. Well, okay, that is the way it's supposed to be. And I think Republicans, to a large degree, regret what happened that day. But, yeah. going overboard to make a national holiday out of it or something. Forget about it. That's a joke.
Yeah. Conservatives riot. That's like, you know, man bites dog. OK, you're not used to seeing something like that. Liberals riot. It's just another Tuesday in America. So, yeah, I'll tell you what, folks, we ask you and we thank you for not only supporting this podcast. and all your five-star reviews and everything else. But we appreciate you supporting our sponsors as well, like Preborn. And if you haven't given to Preborn yet, why not kick off 2025 by saving some babies' lives? Remember, Preborn shows ultrasound images in pro-life centers all across the country. Problem is, we don't have enough ultrasound images being shown. And so there's a lot of babies' lives that can be saved if we will just show more ultrasound images to these moms. And that's what causes them to choose life more than anything else. So we're asking you to pay for as many of these as you can. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, save one baby's life. So pray about a number of babies' lives you'll save. Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, hey, that's your forever legacy, the amount of abortions that you stopped. Would you consider doing that right now? You know, 100% of what you give to pre-born goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. And hey, if you can afford to buy an ultrasound machine, they're 15 grand, what a nice tax write-off for you. How would you like your forever legacy to be, I stopped thousands and thousands of abortions year after year? Whether it's that or $28 times a certain number, we're just asking you to give right now. So you can do this online. Go to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or you can give over the phone. They answer the phones 24-7, 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we appreciate you supporting our sponsors, especially, you know, not just Preborn, but SunPowerLED and... I'll tell you what, Neil, that photobiomodulation, it really does work. I know it's worked on me and you and many people.
Well, and I would encourage any of our listeners to learn what photobiomodulation is. And you can do that by clicking on the SunPower LED button at You know, how many of us know someone who's not only on one medication, but maybe on six or eight or 10 or 12 medications? And Big Pharma has all the incentive in the world to get you on medication and then keep you there for as long as you possibly can, probably the rest of your life. They have no desire to actually heal you because if they do, you're no longer their customer. And recognize that. Be aware of that. So if you're struggling with something like migraines or shoulder pain, joint pain, back or neck pain, you've got some kind of pain in your body that doesn't seem to be healing. Maybe it's wound care as a result of a surgery, some kind of surgical intervention you had in the past and you're trying to get healed up. SunPower LED can help because they offer what is called photobiomodulation, and that's literally just taking photos. red or near-infrared light wavelengths and using them inside your body, having them penetrate the skin into the body to help heal you from the inside out. And I mean heal you so you're no longer sick anymore. You're no longer dealing with the pain any longer. And check it out for yourself. This is not pharmaceuticals. It's not surgical intervention. It's using the light God himself created. And you can learn about it by going to sunpowerled at
Absolutely. Well, I'll tell you what, we appreciate you folks supporting our sponsors. We appreciate you supporting this podcast. And your five-star reviews will take as many as you're willing to give us wherever you listen to your podcasts. And Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live out of Buffalo, New York. John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Myself, Bob Duco, The Bob Duco Show out of New York. Detroit. We're winding down the end of this real quick and just a quick yes or no. John, what do you say? Should Trump commute the sentences of everybody that's in prison from January 6th and then pardon everybody else who didn't lay a hand on everybody?
With the guidelines you said earlier, yes. I agree.
Okay. I agree. Yeah. All right. Well, you know what? I hope so too. And we'll see. It is a new day in America and we got the inauguration coming up on the 20th. Anyway, So Neil, John, always great catching up with you guys. Look forward to next week. And everybody, we appreciate you listening to us. Thanks so much. God bless. We'll see you guys.
You've been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of today's culture through a biblical lens brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.
In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, join our hosts Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush as they kick off the new year discussing the intriguing topic of the flat earth theory and its surprising foothold among some conservative Christians. With a blend of humor and serious contemplation, they explore how scripture is used (and misused) in these debates. Bob shares his experiences from his Detroit-based apologetics show, where these debates often take a surprising turn.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time, she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Welcome back. Another episode of National Crawford Roundtable. It is New Year's Day. And yeah, there's no secrets. We're recording this a few days prior to that, guys. But good morning, Neil and Bob, Bob Duco, Detroit, Michigan, Bob Duco Show, Neil Boron, Buffalo, New York. We've made it through another year, guys. by god's grace good to be here happy new year and by the way as we get older do these slow down or do they just keep getting faster faster faster yeah i'm afraid you're correct guys blankets the new year unbelievable now in good news as we start off today we did in fact find out that the earth is round so some guys went down to antarctica some of the flat earthers even and they saw the 24-hour sun and are now convinced that we live on a globe
Hey, progress. That's unbelievable.
Man. And I know we've, and I laugh at that, but yet on a serious note, guys, and Bob, you and I have talked about this in particular on some podcasts, I think even when Neil wasn't present, and the amount of conservative Christians that believe in this hogwash of a flat earth is just beyond me, Bob. Yeah.
You know what? My show here in Detroit is primarily an apologetics-driven show more than anything else. And on Fridays, we have Free For All Friday where people call in about whatever they want to and they debate me and such. And, John, I can't tell you over the years how many debates I've gotten into with Flat Earth people. And I know there's trolls out there. I get that. But these are Christians that have bought in.
Oh, I know some. No, no, no. I know some people that are not trolls. They have bought in hook, line, and sinker that we live on a flat earth. I know, and you know what? And they're using Scripture to prove it some way, somehow. I know. Or they think they are. Sorry, I didn't say that correctly. They're using Scripture incorrectly to prove a point.
Right, exactly. And they are misusing Scripture. I mean, rising and setting of the sun, that's language that people use today, okay? Atheists, astrophysicists use language like that, you know, or such. But if you think about it scripturally... The way scripture is written only makes sense for a spherical earth because you had Jesus talking about when he returns, there'll be some sleep in the middle of the night, some working in the fields during the day. That only makes sense during a spherical earth. You have the earth being referred to as the circle of the globe. But then also one of the things that stands out to me scripturally is when Jesus says that our sins will be – or when God's word says that our sins will be forgiven, they'll be removed as far as the east is from the west, that's actually a reference to infinity. Now, if the earth were flat, then there would be a finite level of east you can go, and then that's it.
The ice wall, it's called.
Right. It also doesn't say as far as the north is to the south because in a spherical globe, you can only go north so far and then you're going south again. Whereas in a spherical globe, if you travel east, technically you always, always, always go east for infinity. You never reach. Yeah, we have international date lines. But you're still going east. Right. So, I mean, there's just so many areas.
You never switch around and go the other direction west. Right.
Right. But, no, I'll tell you what, though. These flat earthers, John, it confounds me. You can watch YouTube videos with smoke and mirrors, and before you know it, people can get wide-eyed and they can buy into it. And they just won't listen to reason or logic, no matter what you try to tell them.
And we'll cover today some of the events of this past year. And really, I think, guys, as much as anything, and yes, I want to celebrate some of the wins and things that we had happen this past year. But it's near and dear to me that, and it's something that Bob and Neil both, I talk about pretty frequently on my program, is having wide eyes. discernment looking at each one of these conspiracy you know theories and that's what flat earth is by the way and you know these theories that come along and being able to have good discernment on what's right from wrong we see these things happening over and over again and by the way they're not going to stop and i've got my own theories as to why they won't stop but the reality is they're not going to stop and we have to be solid and have good discernment when it comes to these things i'm afraid that far too often christians especially get sucked into some of these things and And I get it. Not everything ends up being a conspiracy. We had a lot of stuff during COVID that, frankly, those of us on this side were right, and we weren't conspiratorial at all, by the way. We were just giving facts out over and over again. We were called conspiracy theorists, but we were giving out facts. But, Neil, you as sort of having a background in the church like myself and probably even growing up around some of these individuals, I can remember back— growing up in the church and just listening to some of these theories that people even believed when I was a kid. And unfortunately, it's done nothing but groan.
Yeah, well, we wrestle not against flesh and blood. There is an enemy, and he's a deceiver, and he would do anything to keep people off track. And I honestly believe part of his strategy is not just to get in the way of non-believers so that they're prevented from seeing the truth, if that's even possible, but to get in the way of believers and throw them off track so they're not busy doing what God has told us to do, like make disciples, for instance. So, you know, and then the other thing is I think Christians, and I'm sure I brought this up on a prior podcast, but I think Christians are more prone to it, more susceptible, because we believe in good and evil. And, you know, any movie plot really is in some way a clash between good and evil. You know, you've got your antagonist, the protagonist, whatever. So we're sort of conditioned to that. If you can throw out some kind of maybe sort of plausible, you know, statement, that looks like it could be true or maybe helps to explain something we just fully don't understand, and it's like a possible explanation, well, then we just gravitate to it. And you're right, John. I mean, we need to be praying for Holy Spirit discernment, and He's capable of giving us that. You know, Bob was quoting some Scripture earlier. People will twist the Scriptures, but when we really let the Holy Spirit, you know, take us to the Word and show us truth, and He's more than willing to do that, then the conspiracy theories fade away, and we get back to focusing on who Jesus really is and what he actually asked us to do.
Bob, as we head into pre-born, by the way, it's not just our side that can believe in conspiracies, and maybe folks wouldn't think that abortion is a conspiracy, but let's just face it, Bob, there's a lot of folks out there on the left that will deny the truth. And by the way, when you start denying truth, you believe in things that are falsehoods, conspiracies, and so on. These folks believing that abortion has no effect whatsoever upon that mom, upon society, upon, by the way, me as an employer. These people that don't think there's any ill effect from that are sorely mistaken.
Oh, they sure are. Well, first of all, the biggest ill effect is a human baby is being killed, a baby made in the image and likeness of God in abortion. And then those moms, when they get abortions, the studies and statistics are overwhelming of the dramatic increases in suicide attempts, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug addiction, everything else. And so... Now, we need to show moms that there's a better way. And if you show a pregnant mom an ultrasound image of her baby, she almost always chooses life. And it's very common that she accepts Jesus Christ as Savior too. Well, pre-born is the main pro-life group. that's in pro-life centers all across America showing these ultrasound images, okay? Problem is the demand is higher than the supply. So we have pregnant women out there that aren't able to see ultrasound images. They cost money. That's why we're asking everybody in the audience right now, will you give to Preborn and supply some ultrasound images? There's two ways you can do it. Number one, buy an ultrasound machine. They're $15,000 a piece, but your forever legacy will be that you are stopping thousands and thousands and thousands of abortions over the years. Think about that, okay? and a great tax write-off for you coming up right at the end of the year, okay, if you can do that. Now, if you want to do on a smaller level, you can go ahead and just pay for an individual amount of ultrasound images. They're $28 a piece. to save one baby's life, how many babies' lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. And then whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy of the amount of abortions that you stopped. So everything you give goes to preborn, 100%. So here's what you do. Go online to And click on Preborn. Click on Preborn. Or they answer the phones 24-7. Just call 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. Mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we appreciate you folks doing that. We appreciate you supporting our sponsors. Certainly our sponsors like Preborn. And Neil, our sponsors like SunPowerLED.
Yeah, absolutely. And one of the things we've talked about a lot this past year, and I'm sure we're going to talk about in the coming year, is distrust for government and big pharma and big tech, etc. But, you know, people are coming to realize that, look, big pharma has a vested interest in keeping us addicted to pills and the idea that medication can solve all of our problems. And if they can do that, then the trillion dollar industry they're running can be a multi-trillion dollar industry. Well, bottom line is, there are alternative ways to help heal your body, and one of them happens to be utilizing the very light God himself created. Identifying proper wavelengths of red light that God created, they dig deep into the cell, no invasive surgery, by the way, no medications necessary, but that light penetrates deep into the body, excites the mitochondria in the cell the cell starts working the way it was intended to and your body can be healed it reduces pain and swelling it promotes healing if you've got arthritis or migraines or other issues you just can't seem to get a handle on think about checking out sun power led and that's sun like sun in the sky sun sun power led you can find all about them on just click on sun power led at
And Neil, again, appreciate that, and everything you said in regards to, you know, I do think that people have a huge mistrust in government, in all sorts of things, by the way, in a lot of establishments, and in some cases even the Church, I hate to say, but the reality is that the mistrust factor is probably... at an all-time high. I mean, I'll go through a few of the events of this past year where, by the way, there were some conspiracies around some of these things. One of those, by the way, being the Baltimore-Francisco-Key Bridge, the collapse. There was lots of conspiracies surrounding that. That was done by government to do all sorts of nefarious things and so on and so forth. And guys, sometimes stuff just happens. I mean, did I ever think for one second that that was done intentionally? Um, reality is no, I did not. I mean, sometimes stuff just goes wrong, Bob. And when it does, we just need to accept that at times.
You know, we do. And that's, that's one of the things that I think it kind of ties to what we were talking about a little bit earlier too, with the conspiracy conspiratorial thinking that, uh, we live in a fallen world. Okay. Bad stuff happens. And so, but it almost seems like in this day and age, anytime something bad happens, it's There's this hyper focus on we have to figure out how to keep this from happening again. You know, just, you know, anytime there's a school shooting like, you know, recently happened, okay, in Wisconsin at the Christian school. Okay. There are evil people out there. There are bad people out there. There are messed up kids out there like that 15-year-old girl. There are people out there that are committing horrific crimes. We live in a sin-ravaged world. And sometimes bad things just happen. Sometimes perfect storms happen. And then sometimes there are things that are being organized and planned and we need to do a better job of taking action, like securing the border, like fighting terrorism. So there are things that do need to be done to take action. But we can't sit there and say every single time some bad thing happens, well, you know, that was preventable. A lot of things just are not.
Can I throw out a theory real quick on that? Sure, go right ahead. Because I think it goes back to the fall, the idea that we could be as God, that we could know all things, we could do all things, we could be just like God. And I think maybe the best way to do this would be take a picture of a playground from 1960 and compare it to a playground today and what it looks like. Well, OK, protecting kids is important, but, you know, basically we've bubble wrapped the world and we're trying to eliminate problems from happening in every situation. OK, maybe in this day and age, metal detectors at school doors make sense. And, you know, we've mentioned Wisconsin. There's their school. schools and school districts that don't have metal detectors maybe they should have them but i'm just saying that there's this obsession with trying to know all things and prevent all things that are bad and promote all things that are good and we don't have that power at some point we need to be reasonable about how we approach public safety and child safety and so forth And then beyond that, learn to trust God and get on to other things like loving our families and being productive at work and being good citizens. If we're always focused on trying to take away evil, we don't have the ability to do that. And we do live in a fallen world. So our hope should not be in us being able to fix this one, but the one that's coming that God has provided for us through Jesus.
Amen. And I agree with that wholeheartedly. And I think there's times, guys, where we will... You know, grasp onto things, hoping, by the way, that that is the answer, you know, that gave the example a moment ago of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. I think some folks at times feel like, you know, a better answer would be nobody screwed up and this was something that was done on purpose by... our own government because it's more explainable that way. Well, on the same token, as we said a moment ago, sometimes stuff just happens. And by the way, Neil, you and Bob both, I mean, I agree wholeheartedly. We live in a fallen world. Things happen. I also believe with what you said, Neil, that men in general, human nature is we want to be God, like God, take his place if you would. By the way, that's what Marxism is all about from day one and what's happening to our country more and more. That's why it was such a huge victory this last year. One of the things we'll highlight is, of course, Donald Trump and the whole election and all of what happened. They're not saying Donald Trump by any means is our fixer or our savior or anything, but I think it does show that people are tired of some of these just... evil woke agendas that are being shoved down our throat bob and the reality is there was a wake-up call this past november
Well, there really was. And, you know, it's it's interesting, too, that it does seem like one of the big losers in this election was the mainstream legacy media.
Because they as dishonest and deceptive as they are and as media research centers show that like 90 plus percent of everything ABC, NBC and CBS reported about Donald Trump during the election was negative news. Whereas 78% of everything they reported about Kamala Harris was positive. And that still wasn't enough to trick Americans. So there's alternative media out there that's making more inroads. And frankly, the American public, they got to see for themselves. What happened at their paycheck? What happened at the gas station? What's happened at the grocery store? They've got to see this for themselves, what's happened to the crime in their communities. And Democrats pretty much tried to tell them, don't believe your lying eyes, believe us. And don't believe your lying bank account, believe us. But it is a new day. And I think that there's a sense of optimism even on the world stage about what Trump is going to get done regarding other nations.
And again, 20 days until he's inaugurated. But let's face it, guys, for the past – let's face it, even longer than these past 20 days. He's been the quasi-president, even though he's not been actually instituted into office. He's the guy going around the world, setting up meetings, talking to world leaders, and so on. No offense, our current president right now, I'm not sure he even knows what day of the week it is most times. And I'm being honest when I say it.
No, I know. We don't have a functioning president right now. We really don't. You're right. And Donald Trump is, in essence, the de facto president. And he's being treated that way by world leaders. And I...
you can't blame him i guess yeah what does that say and and and by the way even if joe biden in a lucid moment is somewhat capable of doing something i think he's kind of backed off and said okay you want me out fine i'm out and and he stepped out of the way and donald trump is filling the void you know and i think the american people are happy about it but i don't think democrat party brokers are happy about it and you know the progressive people that have been you know the The megalomaniacs that have been pouring all kinds of money into these liberal and progressive campaigns, I don't think they're happy about it. But bottom line is, you're right. The world right now is showing respect for Donald Trump. They may not agree with everything he does, but they're worried about him becoming president.
and point is guys we've gotten look past this past year 2024. we had what was going on in israel continue on no real leadership they're not saying that israel isn't a leader but no real leadership from the united states on trying to get that thing you know ended and put away same thing in ukraine with russia the reality is there's been just this huge vacuum if you would of leadership from us as the united states of america which i know there's been times in our history where some of that has happened in the past, but let me tell you what, and I'm looking forward to 2025 because I believe that vacuum has been filled. Again, I'm not saying Donald Trump by any means is our messiah or our savior, and you guys all know my feelings on all of that. He's got his set of faults just like the rest of us do, so the reality is he's no different than the rest of us, but the one thing that he can do and has done and proven it is, and even right now, we're talking about the other world leaders. Currently, he's not even inaugurated yet, And he's acting like the president. The reality is he will lead where a lot of the other folks right now that have been there have not. And Bob, he'll fill that void. That I am confident of.
Right. Well, and something else, too, that, you know, I was mentioning the media, the legacy media earlier. And I never would have thought it possible that any Republican president could actually cause the media to somewhat be on the defensive. But frankly, I'm glad to see that Donald Trump is bringing these lawsuits. He brings a lawsuit against ABC News and George Stephanopoulos and what happens next. They have to apologize and give $15 million to his presidential library. He's suing CBS for $10 billion. He's not going to collect that. But you know what? But at least it's sending a message. Yeah, it's sending a message to them that, you know what, there's a new sheriff in town and we're not going to let you get away with this anymore. OK, we're going to I'm going to start hauling you guys into court. And now he's suing the Des Moines, Iowa Register newspaper, as well as that pollster that right before the election had Kamala Harris beating Trump by three points in Iowa, when the truth is Trump beat her by 13 points in Iowa. And now she's getting sued. And so what I think at a minimum is going to happen here is that you're going to have the executives at the major networks as well as the big newspapers across the country that are going to be telling their people you can't be this sloppy anymore. All right. You have to at least give a semblance of fairness. And because let's face it, they've been willing. It used to be, John, you remember this. Neil, you do, too. It used to be that the media was subtle and nuanced in the way that they carried out their bias. And we would educate our listeners how to read between the lines. Now they're just outright saying things like, yeah, Donald Trump called neo-Nazis very fine people. He said if you had COVID, drink bleach. He said there's going to be a bloodbath in the streets from his followers if he doesn't win. Hey, he was found liable for rape, George Stephanopoulos. You know, they're just getting sloppy and lying over the top. And now I think they're being put on notice.
Yeah, because they've been allowed to. Yeah, I know.
And their executives are telling them, we're not showing up millions of dollars for your sloppiness anymore.
That's right. Neil, your thoughts on that?
Well, I think conservatives have always been skeptical of the mainstream media to some degree. And so that's a good thing. But I really think they really tipped their hand on the Biden thing. They overplayed their hand. And Bob, getting sloppy is probably the, you know, when somebody may be- Yeah. Stealing money from a company they're embezzling or whatever. And they're real careful at first. But after they get away with it for five, six, seven years, they get sloppy and then all of a sudden they get caught. Well, on the issue of Biden, I mean, you got you got Dr. Kevin O'Connor, the president's doctor, supposedly saying, oh, he's fit as a fiddle, man. He's good to go. and the obamas and the you know all the power brokers in washington he's good for another four years no problem then you put him on national tv against donald trump and i don't think trump did particularly well and i mean he did okay in that he didn't quite you know squash biden but when biden's staring off into space and fumbling over his words it was apparent and then you know what then that reinforced the feeling we all had i kind of feel like they're not always telling us the truth i kind of feel like they're lying to us and boom there was the moment i believe When the Band-Aid was ripped off and all of a sudden it was like, we have been systematically lied to. Then they shove Kamala Harris down the throat of the Democrat Party and say, this will be your nominee. No primary, no chance to vote, no – conversation about it, just she's the nominee. And I really think even Democrats at that point said, all right, I'm out, I'm off, I'm off this ship, and either didn't vote or switch their vote. I think more likely they didn't vote, but I think it took the steam out of whatever was happening there for the Democrats. And in the end, truth prevailed, right? I mean, he was not fit to be president, probably even in 2020, and definitely not in 2024. We were lied to.
And to prove that point even further, Bob, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life in Pennsylvania, had that not been televised live as it was, the other networks were still, you know, misinforming folks of what actually happened that day. Fortunately, it was live on Fox News or other channels. I don't remember if it was Fox or what. I think it was Fox News. But whoever was carrying the actual rally that day, it was actually televised live. Had it not been for that, who knows what we would have heard, Bob?
You know what? That is a good point, too. Well, look, you had the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, testifying before Congress. I don't know. It might have been shrapnel. It could have been glass. Give me a break. No, look, it's very true. If you think about it, I am kind of curious how— how history, a generation from now, how history will look back on the Trump-Biden-Trump 12-year period. I really do because, first of all, think about how historic this is. Never in my lifetime have we seen an actual vacancy in the presidency where no one is the functioning president. You have a dementia patient wandering around being propped up. I mean, that's just incredible. And then, of course, to have a well-known celebrity and developer like Donald Trump become president. But then also, some of the things that he accomplished. I mean, do you realize what a big deal the Abraham Accords really are? Since 1948, when Israel became a nation, every president has tried to get that feather in their cap of just one, just one Middle East peace deal. And almost everybody has come up empty, almost everybody. Bill Clinton managed to get one with little Jordan, okay? And Jordan's a very moderate nation. So, okay, but give Bill Clinton credit. He deserves the history books for that. Jimmy Carter with Egypt and Anwar Sadat, even though that was mostly Anwar Sadat. But still, give it to him in the history books. But everybody else, Ronald Reagan, eight years, not one. Barack Obama, eight years, not one. George W. Bush, eight years, not one. Nobody's been able to get one. Donald Trump, four years against four. And he was working on the fifth with Saudi Arabia when Biden replaced him. So he – He deserves to be in the history books, not to mention how many presidents get shot with blood running down their face and stand up defiantly and pump their fist. He belongs in the history books for legitimately good reasons. And I'm curious how historians in the next generation.
I know we're running short on time, but Bob, as far as that goes as well, also one of the presidents that got the Supreme Court to where it is today that had a huge effect on Roe v. Wade. And that's where Preborn comes in.
That's right. Roe v. Wade was overturned. We're thankful. But it doesn't mean that the abortion industry is going away. No, they're kicking it into high gear. And they're doing everything they can to convince women to come into Planned Parenthood and get an abortion. Well, pro-life centers around the country are doing everything they can to convince women to let that baby live. And you know one of the best ways to do this? Show her an ultrasound image of her baby. That's right. That's what Preborn does in pro-life centers all across the country. When that mom sees a picture of her baby, she chooses life almost all the time. Usually she accepts Jesus Christ too. But it does take money to show these ultrasound images. And that's why we're asking you folks in the audience, will you pay for ultrasound images? Here's how you can pay. Number one, just go ahead and go to, click on Preborn, and pray about a number of babies' lives you'd like to save. $28 will save one baby's life. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion. So take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that's your forever legacy of the amount of baby's lives you saved. The other way is by buying an ultrasound machine. They're $15,000 a piece, nice tax write-off for you, but your forever legacy is gonna be you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. And 100% of what you give to Preborn goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. So here's how you give. Go, click on Preborn right there. Or you can give over the phone. They answer the phones 24-7. So call 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. And just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call.
all right neil wrap it up with uh sun power if you would please yeah real quick you know the bottom line is we are grateful for our sponsors and we've got a brand new one called sun power led now you've all seen the the opera singer who hits a particular note and explodes the champagne glass why is that because a particular sound wave at the right frequency can do that well what about light waves at the right frequency they can actually reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in your body So if you've got problems associated with post-surgical wounds, if you're dealing with migraines, you've got arthritis, you've got painful joints, and you want to see a reduction in pain and swelling and a promotion of healing in your body, then you need to check out SunPowerLED, literally harnessing the very light God created to heal our bodies. And it's available at SunPowerLED by going to
And that's it for this first half, guys. You can listen to the second half next right here on the National Crawford Roundtable.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
All right, we are back. Second half, National Carver Roundtable. Myself, Bob Duco from Detroit, Michigan, The Bob Duco Show. Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live from Buffalo, New York. All right, guys, we sort of went, I don't want to say we were negative in that first half, but just talking about realistic things that happened in 2024. We always look forward to the new year, of course. And I don't want to get off on a tangent here or not, but just going to throw this out. Do either one of you do resolutions? Because I don't.
Nope. I did for years and failed at every single one of them. So I quit. I'm done with resolution. I made a resolution to never make resolutions again.
It's the only one I've kept. Make a resolution to not have resolution. And you know, there's a lot of folks listening that will do that. And I'm not against anybody that wants to set something You know, different in their life. I mean, there's been several different years, guys, where I don't know if it was a resolution or just a goal where, you know, there's certain things I wanted to do, certain things I wanted to read for several years I read through. you know, the entire Bible, you know, each year. And, you know, those were some, I don't call them resolutions, but goals. And I think for a lot of folks listening, there's nothing wrong with having some goals, setting those, making sure that you can achieve those. You know, as you then go down the road and look back on those years, knowing you did certain things, there's a sense of accomplishment there. And, you know, I'm never going to take that away from anybody, but yeah, I'm the same way as you guys. I'm not a huge, you know, resolution guy. It's sort of like, okay, yeah, it's maybe it's because we get older. It's just another year. And here we go, guys. Is that how it is?
Yeah, it's another year, another day. That's how I look at it. I mean, you know, anything that we need to get motivated to do differently, we can get motivated to do that differently anytime. And I just for me, I feel like if you pick a day like, oh, the first day of the year as though there's something unique and special about that.
resolutions for the most part are broken what do they say an average of a couple weeks afterwards so because the habits don't get formed and you know no offense people really aren't serious about it i'm with you bob if you're going to do something you start doing it whether it's the you know january 1st or whether it's you know march 15th it doesn't make any difference once you decide to do something and make a change that's what you should do and again folks please i am not trying to knock anybody that has something they would like to do. And the start date is January 1. I mean, you do you, that's fine. I just am not somebody that is that way. I am, as you guys know, as you probably would know, I am a goal setter. I like to see certain things done and so on. And I help a lot of my different clients in the business world do the same thing. And Again, though, that's not something that I just do on January 1. Those are ongoing things that you're continuing to look at and making adjustments accordingly, Bob and Neil, because that's just the way that end of it works. We kind of do the same thing even with our radio programs. There are certain things that we want to accomplish, whether it be weekly, quarterly, annually, whatever the case may be. This year is going to be definitely different for all three of us given the inauguration coming up in 20 days and the fact that Donald Trump will be president because, believe me, And Neil, I'll start with you. I do think things will change. How much? And again, I'm not saying that he's the fix-all, but there's right now a cabinet being formed and people being put in place that are a lot different, 180 degrees different than it was the last time around.
Yeah, well, I mean, he had made the promise to drain the swamp in 2016 and came in with that intention, but he started listening to the voices in Washington saying, well, this is the guy you're going to need to run that. That's the woman that should be in charge of that. And I think he made some foolish mistakes. This time, he's not trusting them. He's looking at the loyalty factor. And right or wrong, I mean, he could be proven wrong in this, but I have a sense that he's going after people that he knows want no part of the established swamp in Washington, D.C., and is making a concerted effort to bring change to our nation's capital. And I think anybody that's going to be honest has to look at government in general and just say, we need change. Bottom line, something has to change. Ronald Reagan had made several statements. I can't recall exactly what they were, but the bottom line is like, you know you're in trouble when the government says they're here to help.
And it's kind of true because, you know, they get off on power, they get off on taking our money through taxes, and they're supposed to be working for us, but I don't think the vast majority of the American people actually believe that. Donald Trump is putting some people in there that are going to take a totally different angle at dealing with these issues. And yeah, it might be a little scary at first because there's people in there that you would have never thought, you know, to be in the post that they've been assigned to. But we'll see how it goes. I really think, though, people are optimistic about change. And I'm looking forward to this year for that very reason.
Bob, I can't disagree with Neil on any of that. I think everything he just said, I agree with, by the way. I think people are optimistic. What will it be like? Time will tell, of course. We'll keep talking about it each week as we go through this year, not only on our shows but on this podcast as well. But I'm excited. I think he's putting some good people in place. I think this last election cycle, by the way, showed – and we talked about this in the last half – showed that people do want a change. They're tired of what's been going on before – And whether it's, you know, they're tired of it for the social reasons or they're tired of it because the economic reasons or they're tired of it because it's a combination of both. Reality is they said, I want to change and I want to go back in time, by the way, to the guy that did it already.
Right. Well, and I do believe that we're going to see some huge transformations in the way that things are done in this country. One of those huge transformations is going to be health care. I mean, it really is. RFK Jr., I think, is going to be a very powerful force for HHS. And this has the potential to be an actual generational change and not just a presidential four-year change because I think when the American public starts getting a taste of credibility given to alternative healing methods, okay, starts getting, starts saying that, wait a minute, the establishment and their marriage that they have with big pharma is something that needs to be broken up and people start looking outside that box. And before you know it, insurance companies, I think the possibility exists for some insurance companies to start saying, you know what, maybe it'd be better for us to start covering some of these various alternative treatment methods. I agree. Not to mention actually examining things like vaccinations and vaccinating our kids. Are we over-vaccinating our kids? Is there a link between increased vaccinations and autism? Or is that just crazy, wacky conspiracy theory talk that you can never speak out loud? Well, no, these things need to start being spoken out loud.
so yeah i i think there's some big changes coming and neil that leads into our sponsor sunpower led because everything bob just said he is spot on i've been chomping at the bit to jump on this one because it's so true and uh actually it was four years ago at this time in 2001 i had my son and daughter-in-law had come over for christmas all of our family was there and They gave me a wonderful present that year. They gave me COVID for the first time. So December of 2020, I got COVID, and by January of 2021, I was in pretty rough shape. So literally, I mean, my blood oxygen saturation was at 79. People were saying, you should be in the hospital. Thank God I wasn't delirious, but you know, I was really suffering. Couldn't walk to the bathroom. Without becoming so winded, I thought I was gonna pass out. Well, the problem was my lungs weren't healing, and that went on for the better part of a month. until Tom Kerber, who's with Kerber Applied Research, told me about what's called red light therapy or photobiomodulation, which is literally taking the very light that God himself created and using certain wavelengths of that light to penetrate your body, get to those cells that are damaged, provide energy for them, excite the mitochondria and the cells to wake up so that the cell does what it was created to do, and that's heal the human body. And in a matter of a few days, all of a sudden, my numbers were climbing, and in just over a week, I was at 98, 99%. I hadn't made any progress in the better part of a month. I was literally tethered to an oxygen machine. And by God's grace, I was healed. And I want you to know that that kind of therapy is available. You need to check out SunPowerLED. Just go to And if you want to deal with, you know, if you need a reduction of pain or swelling in your body, you want to see the promotion of healing in your body, check it out. SunPowerLED at
You know, Bob, one of the other things that might change on the abortion front, let's face it, I know where RFK Jr. stands on these things. On the same token, he's a fiscally responsible guy, and it'll be interesting to see if some of the funding that our tax dollars, yours, mine, and Neil's, now goes towards abortions. It'll be interesting to see if any of that changes.
Yeah, you know, it would be very interesting because one thing's for sure, whether it does change or whether it doesn't change, there's something that we can do about it. We can save babies' lives by paying for ultrasound images for those moms to see their babies. Preborn is the main pro-life group that does this in pro-life centers all across the country. And as you hear me say every day, when a mom sees a picture of her baby, she chooses life. She doesn't go across the street to Planned Parenthood. She lets her baby live almost all the time and usually accepts Jesus Christ too. So what we wanna do is show as many of these ultrasound images as we possibly can, but it does take money to do this. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to save one baby's life, to stop one abortion. So pray about a number of abortions you'd be willing to stop. You know, in this new year, maybe, what a great way to kick it off. Okay, take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that's your forever number of baby's lives that you saved, your forever legacy. Now, if you can afford it, buy an ultrasound machine because we don't have enough of them. Okay, they're $15,000 a piece. Your forever legacy will be to stop thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. And it's a nice tax write-off for you, too. But either way, give to Preborn now, and 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. You can give two ways, online or on the phone. Online, go to, click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or the answer to the phone is 24-7. So go ahead and call now, 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call.
All right, this next topic, I did not throw in my notes, but I want to throw it out to you guys because I was talking about this on my program recently. And one of the things that we've seen a lot of, and it'll be interesting to see how 2025 goes, but in 2024, we saw more, quote unquote, UFO sightings and evidence of. And we even had some congressional hearings where Some Christians, by the way, were asking about undersea worlds and things along those lines, which in my opinion, by the way, it's all just a bunch of hooey. It's not true. I don't believe in other life forms anywhere else in the universe. I think it's all a ploy by Satan. And here's my take on it. I'll get your opinion on this first, Neil. My feeling is that the day the second coming happens and the saints are raptured, the world will need an explanation. And my feeling is that explanation will be aliens abducted or did this or did that, and my feeling is the reason why we're seeing a lot more of these quote-unquote alien phenomenas, which, again, I don't believe in, is to, by the way, set the narrative for the second coming of Christ. Am I right or not, Neil?
I tend to agree with you. Something has to happen in order to make it explainable. And I would guess that there are lost people in the world who don't know anything about the rapture that don't quite know why they're fascinated with these kinds of things and promoting these kind of theories. But is there something out there in the sky? Well, I don't know. People are seeing it with their own eyes. When we saw Joe Biden unable to conduct himself during the Trump debate, our own eyes told us that there was something going on. And I think that if there's any kind of an explanation other than some foreign military trying to gather intelligence or something, it probably has to do with exactly what you're saying, that there's an attempt to increase technology. Hey, that's a good thing. We need better technology. You know, make our defense systems more effective. Yeah, that's what we're doing. We're testing these drones to see how we would defend against them or whatever. Maybe it's some company. Who knows? Who knows what's going on? But you're 100% right. That will be, I think... the very thing that the enemy uses to try to convince people that people were not actually raptured according to God's word. And I realize there are Christians who don't believe in a pre-trib rapture kind of thing. But on the other hand, man, how else would you explain the disappearance of millions of people? And by the way, immediately after that happens, there will be no further National Crawford Roundtable podcast.
Don't, because we'll be gone.
We're signing, that's right.
Great, I'm going to get stuck doing it alone. Yeah, you'll be here by yourself, Bob. I hate when that happens. I knew it. I knew it. Bob, I mean, am I way off in left field or what are your thoughts?
No, I don't think you are at all. Satan's not stupid, obviously. And so I think that we've already seen a lot of anti-Christ dress rehearsal prep in many different areas. Frankly, I think that the COVID hysteria, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this wasn't a little bit of a dress rehearsal, partially by Satan and his demons to see how hard is it going to be to get a bunch of people like Lemmings to walk in line, give up their freedoms for fear of just needing somebody to keep them alive. And then, yeah, the UFOs thing. Yeah, I can see that. I can see the enemy.
This is a question I wanted to ask you specifically because you are kind of the mainstay in this. You do a lot more work and study on this than probably any one of the three of us does. When it comes to some of these quote-unquote phenomenons, Do you feel like those are real, or are those things that Satan is putting in front of these individuals to get them to believe that way? In other words, where does his power end when it comes to what he can do with certain alterations of things? Let me say it that way.
Well, Satan does have the ability to violate the laws of physics. Correct. I mean, he can cause things to levitate. He's violating gravity when he does that in the so-called haunted house. He can make pictures, get knocked off of a mantle and such, and pose as poltergeists. And so he does have the ability to interact with the physical world, and he is a deceiver. So UFO sightings, frankly, I think the overwhelming majority of them, there's some kind of natural explanation for it. People see a little bit of something, they tell the story 20 times, and their imagination fills in the gaps.
And now Bigfoot appears.
Exactly, and they created more than there really was. But there are some times where you have phenomenon that seem to be defying the laws of physics. And in those cases, yeah, I think that this is demonic trickery creating an interest and a fascination there. in the idea of UFOs and sightings. Keep one thing in mind, when you see these orbs that are moving really fast at quick 90 degree angles, any carbon-based life form that would be in them would be decimated through g-force of that. Secondly, a lot of these things that are moving are moving faster than the speed of sound. Yet, you know what? It's not creating any sonic boom and they're not creating any kind of atmospheric burn trail. This tells me these are phantom images that are being created by the enemy to get people fascinated. Yeah, to deceive and to lure people into a fascination with other worlds visiting us. Yes, potentially setting the stage for a rapture explanation.
And this is where, again, I go back to what I was talking about earlier, Neal, where Christians, unfortunately, can even get caught up in some of this stuff. And I know some Christians that, well, Lauren Boebert claims to be a Christian, and yet she's the one talking on Capitol Hill about underworld, you know, colonies of whatever life form. I don't even know where she was going with all of that, by the way, Neal. But we have Christians, and maybe they're not as firm in their foundation as they should be, but we've got Christians that believe in this nonsense. Right.
Man, I got so much to say, I'm not even sure how to start and where to end. But this whole thing represents, again, distraction in my mind. Because, you know, here's one example. I ran into a lot of people during the Biden years who said, oh, man, we got to get him out. We got to get Trump back in so that the church... you know, has the ability to preach the gospel and to do evangelism. Well, guess what? Just like you said with preborn, Bob, whether or not the laws say, you know, that it's legal to kill a child in any particular state in our nation, we still have the ability to talk to people about life, you know, to talk about those issues. So the point being that even during the Biden administration, who knows, maybe somebody would have ended up in jail. I doubt it yet, but someday, you know, that could happen. uh that somebody would end up in jail well during the trumpet years we feel a sense of of common and rest about that okay so the point is we've got great opportunity right now we've got the ability to live our faith out you know and so what are we going to do we're going to focus on ufos really like and and by the way if there is something in the sky shouldn't we be talking about the fact that the son of man jesus is coming back in the sky to take people home with him and so we shall ever be with the lord right i mean the bottom line is we need to be talking to people about things like the gospel i'm not saying we can't be curious or ask questions about this or enjoy watching a movie or two that raises the possibility of alien life forms but ultimately we have a responsibility to talk about truth and truth is found in god's word so let's take i mean there's some pretty amazing things todd you ever read the book of revelation and some of the things that are there the ten horned beast and you know, these creatures with eyeballs all over it. Why are people not fascinated with God's Word, only what Hollywood has to tell us, or what they're picking up off the internet?
Bob, I can't agree with Neil anymore. It kind of goes back into our original conversation we opened up the podcast with in regards to, you know, Christians believing in a flat earth. If Christians that were in that realm, by the way, spent as much time on the things Neil just talked about, rather than proving that there's a flat earth, we'd all be better off.
Well, we definitely would be. And maybe 2025 is a year that the body of Christ starts getting a little bit more serious about their faith in Christ and realizing how deep into the end times we really are. Because we're talking politically. There's a sense of optimism, I think, about Donald Trump coming in and a Donald Trump presidency coming. There's not optimism among the gals on The View, but for a lot of Americans, there certainly is, and that's good. But we got to remember, and I know we've all said this many times, we may hope for certain things in this world, but our hope is not in these things. Donald Trump isn't the savior. Look, I'm glad he's going to be inaugurated later this month. I think that that's great. I think it's going to be great for America. But my hope and my peace and my security does not come from that. It comes from Jesus Christ, because ultimately, we know how this ends, okay? This earth is gonna be destroyed again and God's gonna create a new heavens and a new earth and it's gonna get farther and farther away from godliness. This is what Jesus predicted. So slight temporary reversals in many areas that Trump can do, yes, that's great. But let's make sure that our hope and our peace doesn't come from what Trump can get done. Let's make sure our hope and our peace comes from the knowledge of Jesus Christ and he's the one that's in control.
I know it's a little early here, but Neil, it just ties in with SunPowerLED and the fact that I do a health and wellness segment every week on my program Wednesdays for the first hour of my show. And one of the things that's near and dear to me is people's wellness. I think, by the way, as Christians, that we have also not taken the lead in that area. We allowed the world, by the way, to take the lead through things like you know, yoga and all sorts of other things that are out there when it comes to being physically fit, and the church honestly failed when it comes to, you know, showing people what it really takes to live a fulfilled, healthy life. I mean, I've said it before, and I'm not trying to, you know, criticize, but, you know, typically at church, you go and get coffee and a donut. You're not getting things that are super healthy, even potlucks and such. And again, I grew up with all of this stuff, so I know firsthand how that looks. And by the way, how most of the people look that are attending those particular events. And so my point is, we have the power to take our health into our own hands. And I believe as Christians, we should be, and yet most don't.
don't mess with our ice cream socials john there you go there i mean you're 100 right and i think that the shock that rfk jr you know was mentioned as the possible secretary of health and human services was rooted in the fact that we just want to believe that there's a simple answer to everything just take a pill and you'll be fine but we're sicker than ever and you know americans may be living longer but they're not healthy there's a big difference i mean if you're infirmed and you're laying in a nursing home unable to do anything and you're on 42 different medications are you actually living at that point so you know what's it going to take for us to live happier healthier lives and i submit that that medication is not the answer Big Pharma has a vested financial interest in keeping every single one of us on medication. But if there are alternative forms of therapy or interventions that can help make us healthier, like red light therapy, then we ought to investigate what it's about. And I want to encourage people to go to, click on SunPowerLED, because literally certain wavelengths of light, the very light God created, are being used to penetrate the body through devices created by SunPower LED that excite the mitochondria in the cell, wake up the cell and cause the cell to do it. It's designed by God to do. You know, you don't have to teach a little infant to heal. Like if it accidentally cuts its finger a little bit, you could sit there and watch that body heal. Why is that? Because God created it that way. Well, learn about what SunPower LED can do for you to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in your body. Go to and click on SunPower LED to learn all about it.
Bob, one of the things that we get wrong all the time, or I should say the left gets wrong all the time, is calling abortion women's health. Speaking of health, it is not women's health.
It's not. It's not women's health care at all, let alone necessary health care to execute an unborn baby. And, you know, we got to not just save these babies lives. We got to help these moms, too, because a mom is way better off when she chooses life. She doesn't have to deal with all the emotional baggage that comes from the guilt of that abortion. So you can save babies' lives, everybody, by paying for ultrasound images for the moms to see. You see pre-borns in pro-life centers all across the country, and they're showing ultrasound images to these moms, and moms choose life when they see a picture of their baby. But the problem is that we don't have enough ultrasound machines and enough ultrasound images being shown because it costs money. That's why we're asking everybody in the audience right now, will you pay for a certain number of ultrasound images? $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby's life. So pray about a number of baby's lives you'll save. Take $28 times fill in the blank. And that becomes your forever legacy of the number of abortions that you and your family stopped, okay? Now, if you can afford it, buy an ultrasound machine. They're $15,000 a piece. Nice tax write-off for you. But your forever legacy will be that you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. But for everybody else, pray about a number of abortions you'll be willing to stop. $28 times fill in the blank. And here's how you give. Go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. You can give right there, and 100% of what you give goes to the ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. If you want to talk to a real-life person over the phone, they answer 24-7. Call now, 833-850-BABY. That's 833-850-BABY.
Guys, I appreciate that very much. And yes, all of you, please support our sponsors. Preborn, who's been with us literally the entire year of 2024. And of course, Red Light coming on here at the very end. We appreciate both of them greatly. Guys, kind of ending on a lighter note here. McDonald's. So in 2024... McDonald's was probably, as a retail organization, food place, in the news, probably, Bob, more than anybody else in that space.
Well, sure. I mean, let's face it. When you get the former president of the United States and the new incoming president of the United States putting on an apron and working the drive-thru counter and the fries at McDonald's, you're going to make it in the news. But then also, my goodness, to have people be giving that one McDonald's in Pennsylvania one-star reviews because they're angry on behalf of the CEO killer that they've turned into some hot, hunky – Oh, my word. It's like you have to be kidding me. So, yeah, I mean, McDonald's is – there's no doubt. They have been – they have absolutely been in the – which, by the way, I should say, Donald – did you guys happen to see that meme that Donald Trump did that he forwarded about the drones?
And Chris Christie? Oh, no. It's insulting, but this just shows Trump he's got a sense of humor, okay? I don't think he originated this, but he saw it and then he forwarded it and put it on his truth social. It's an explanation for the drones. And what you see are these drones that are carrying and delivering big McDonald's bags down to Chris Christie sitting there at a table while he's munching a bunch of McDonald's himself. That's bad.
Bad but funny. I know.
I know.
But it's funny because, you know, Neil, even, you know, McDonald's has even capitalized on all of this in a big way because, you know, for a while you're even seeing the golden arches in the Trump name. I mean, McDonald's did great on a lot of these things and got a lot of literal free press when it was all said and done.
Yeah, and I'm not sure they really need the press, seriously. I took four, my grandson and three other nine-year-olds, I take to a little boys' program at church every week, and one week I promised to take them out, so they all wanted fries from McDonald's. $2.89 for a small fry. It was more than $13 to give these guys a small fry. I thought, McDonald's is doing well. I'm going to donate my money to Preborn. I'm going to buy a unit from SunPower LED. I'm going to save my money and use it for God's glory.
Guys, that's going to wrap it up for today and first day of the year. We're looking forward to 2025. We hope that all of you will continue to not only support what we do here on the roundtable, but support our individual programs. You can listen to each one of us, by the way. Whether you're in our areas or not, you can still listen to us via the podcasts that are available. You can also continue to listen to this program. Support our sponsors. Please do. We just talked about those a moment ago. But most of all, we wish every one of you a very happy new year. Happy 2025, and we look forward to spending it with you guys in the future. This is the National Crawford Roundtable.
You've been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of today's culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.