In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast we wish you a Merry Christmas!
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Well, good to have you back with us for another edition of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, and Merry Christmas. Good to have you with us on our Christmas edition of the program. Now, we’re definitely recording this a couple days in advance, so it’s not officially Christmas Day as we’re talking about this, but we’re putting our minds right there in the middle of Christmas. My name is Neil Boron, the host of Neil Boron Live on WDCX Radio in Buffalo, New York, and Bob Duco of The Bob Duco Show in Detroit, Michigan, will not be with us today. He’s enjoying Christmas with his family. John Rush, host of Rush to Reason on KLZ in Denver, joins me here. John, it’s amazing. I just want to say thank you live here on the podcast. Just went outside, and in the driveway, there was a big, gorgeous, brand-new Tesla with a red bow on it. It said, from John and Elon.
I just want to… Merry Christmas.
Thanks, man.
Ho, ho, ho.
Yeah, exactly. It was so nice of you and Elon to team up on that. There we go. That’s incredible. Anyway, so I don’t know. We’re going to talk about all things Christmas today and try to make some sense of this crazy holiday that we so desperately are grateful for in the sense that God sent his son Jesus. On the other hand, the commercialization and everything of Christmas just kind of leaves a scratch in our heads. But
Yeah, I think it gets worse every year too, Neil. I mean, to your point a moment ago, it’s a great time of the year. For some, it’s a very joyous time. For others, depending upon what’s happened in their own family, sometimes there’s deaths and things like that that happen around this time of the year. For some, it’s a very joyous time. And yet, Neil, for others, it’s not. It’s a very sad time for some.
Yeah, it sure is. It’s a hard time because, you know, we think of friends and loved ones, you’re right. So, you know, I want to start maybe by just looking a little bit at the history of Christmas as we know it, not as the Bible portrays it per se, because the Bible doesn’t really talk about it. Anything related to Christmas trees or opening presents, etc. There’s a different story there. We’ll get to that in a minute. But how we celebrate Christmas here in North America, especially, and in other parts of the world, it’s similar, I think. But I was doing a little bit of research. Now, this is usually Bob’s domain. Bob is the apologist, man. He just digs into everything. about, you know, paganism roots and all that stuff. But there was literally a person named St. Nicholas, and he was a living person during the years 2070 AD to 343 AD. That’s a long time ago. He was a Christian bishop of Greek origin, officially, I guess, during the time, basically, of the Roman Empire. But anyway, two specific stories about about him that they feel really actually launched Christmas. I was not familiar with these, John. So if you get a second, you know, let me just throw this out because this is a lot to swallow here. But St. Nicholas, of course, was considered to be a saint in the church and inspired this modern day idea of Santa Claus, which we’ll get to a little bit later. But um the legends at least or the stories that associate with the name saint nicholas say this in a better known tale three young girls were saved from a life of prostitution when young bishop nicholas secretly delivered three bags of gold to their indebted father which could be used for their dowries that was one story of where saint nicholas burst on the scene you know showed up basically on the radar screen for people the second story is a little easier to hear but you know you can kind of draw a bit more of a direct line from the modern santa claus and the love for children apparently this saint nicholas individual bishop nicholas maybe at the time entered an inn whose keeper had just murdered three boys and pickled their dismembered bodies in basement barrels the bishop not only sensed the crime but resurrected the victims as well Wow. Okay. Merry Christmas. Yeah, Merry Christmas. Somehow, in some way, I mean, this is, you know, I read this off the internet. This is legit. This is 100%. But somehow that person became like this chubby guy dressed in red who traveled the world in a single night, you know, to give gifts to all kids. And people would leave milk and cookies and the whole thing. But anyway, that’s kind of the secular version of how Christmas happened. Good Lord. I… I kind of like, I just want to sort of distance myself from all that. I don’t know how you feel about it.
Yeah, that last story you just said, I would definitely want to distance from. I mean, that just sort of puts a whole damper on the whole thought process about Christmas in the first place.
Yeah, well, anyway, there was a guy named St. Nicholas, and he is sort of the person behind the idea of Santa Claus. Now, we also want to make it known at the beginning of the podcast, I think I just want to flat out say this, nobody on this podcast believes Santa Claus is what Christmas is about.
So we’re ultimately going to talk about Jesus here. But John, you grew up in a very similar setting to me.
Grew up in very legalistic kind of upbringing.
Very much so.
And I remember being told you can’t celebrate Halloween or have anything to do with Halloween. And the Christmas trees were sometimes referred to as pagan bushes. We did have a Christmas tree in our family, and I think most people in our church did. Okay, but some people really went off the rails about it.
Yeah, no, to your point, Neil, I mean, I grew up around some folks that just thought that thing was, you know, to your point a moment ago, I mean, it was pagan, you couldn’t have it, it was a form of quote-unquote worship. I mean, we never viewed it that way. We’ll get into some of that today with maybe some of the, you know, family traditions and things that, you know. happened throughout the years. But I knew from a very, very early age that, number one, the Santa Claus guy, I mean, it didn’t take me very many years. And I’ve got a story to tell along those lines we’ll talk about in the podcast if we have time today, Neil. But it didn’t take me very long to figure out as a young boy that this thing is, yeah, there’s no such thing. And of course, we were taught even even with all those that were out there with Santa Claus and all of that. I mean, I grew up in the church, to your point, very legalistic, but still that message of Christmas, what it really meant, the birth of Christ, God’s Son coming down, born of a virgin, which, again, we’ll get into as well. But all those things, yes, Neil, I was raised with all of that as well.
And I remember, very similar in my situation, but I remember, you know, I was born in 1960, but the 60s were an age of, you know, if I see furniture from the 60s, I go, that’s from the 1960s. You can just recognize it.
Yep, you can see it.
Okay. Well, Christmas trees were kind of the same. Ours was a silver tree, almost made of silver tinsel kind of thing. It had red and green balls that hung on it, and then a red, green, and yellow light. It was just a light, but it had like a little thing, a circular… It turned. Yeah, a cellophane thing that turned or whatever. And so then you got the three different colors shining on the tree. It was like so 1960s. But I have to say, even in that setting, probably because of my upbringing, growing up in church and hearing about the birth of Jesus, I don’t even remember once… thinking that somehow Santa Claus was the answer. He was the guy to focus on. I always thought of Jesus, and I knew that the world… And it wasn’t like I was overly spiritual. I was just a little kid celebrating. And my friends talked about Santa Claus, and I’d heard of him, and I sometimes probably joked about him. In fact, I remember one year, my sister and I left cookies and milk on the table rang a bell in the middle of the night yelled ho ho ho and ran back to bed to see if we could trick my mom into thinking he was real but it didn’t work man but you know i mean some people john literally went to the to the stage of saying well you know the exact same letters are in the word santa as in satan right and ultimately you know this is just a tool of the devil i don’t know i mean was it was it just foolishness on the part of people or do you think this was really a demonic plot I don’t know. In some ways, the devil would do anything to deceive people, but I don’t know.
And I don’t know that I would go towards the demonic, although I think there’s times that, you know, in some situations that may very well be the case. And I think, you know, as we get through this podcast today, Neil, we can talk about really the, let’s face it, it’s the, and it’s not all Coca-Cola’s fault, but Coca-Cola did a lot to promote, you know, Santa Claus. They were trying to figure out how to sell Coke all year long because their sales dropped off tremendously during the winter months, of course, because it was a summer soft drink back then. And they were really trying to do everything they possibly could. And I mean, is that the reason Santa Claus is red? Maybe partially. I mean, the reality is, yes, Coke did a lot to commercialize not only, you know, Santa Claus, but Christmas at the same time. So, you know, was that demonic or was it just, you know, these guys, you know, trying to keep the company alive and make more money? I mean, I don’t know, Neil.
Yeah, I don’t know, like a marketing opportunity. Correct. So on the one hand, really honest, I mean, this is a, help me, Lord, with this, but okay, Jesus said, if you’re not for me, you’re against me. So in one sense, you’re either a believer or you’re totally lost. And Jesus said, you know, that he died for his enemies, right? He died knowing that we were sinners in Romans 5, 8. He demonstrated his love for us. In verse 10, it says he died while we were enemies of God. So in one sense, He knew that we were enemies of God and totally lost when he died for us. So, like, there’s all that. But on the other hand, I don’t know, it feels to me like sometimes just simple foolishness. We get off track and we need to be brought back to the reality of what’s going on.
Balance. Yeah. Balance. And we can talk about that today. In my opinion, Neil, it all comes down to balance.
Yeah, 100%. And, you know, let me just tell you, before we even go on here for a minute, how grateful I am that we get a chance to talk about truth here on this program because of our sponsors. And one of the new sponsors of the National Crawford Roundtable is Now, recent report, you know, congressional report comes out, and it says basically, for everything people got canceled for on the internet, or most things people got canceled for on the internet, you know, like saying that that social distancing was foolish or that vaccine mandates were not necessary, etc. All these things that people could cancel for were actually true. Like that people who were labeled conspiracy theorists were not conspiracy theorists. And now the medical science is showing us that COVID, in that sense, was a joke. Now, it was real and it killed some people. My own parents, at least my mom, for sure lost her life due to that. But, you know, the bottom line is there are other ways to deal with things besides what big pharma and big government have to tell us. And one of them is what’s called red light therapy from a wonderful believer in Christ, a guy named Tom Kerber, the developer of SunPower LED is something you want to check out because it takes the very light waves that God himself created, takes a certain frequency of that wave, and then hones it in on cells in the human body using a light wand, basically, to excite those cells, wake them up, and cause them to do what the cells were created to do, and that’s to heal the human body. so if the reduction of pain and swelling and the promotion of healing in our body is possible because of the very light god himself created then i want to know about that and you can learn about it by going to and click on you weren’t dreaming things during covid you were being sold a bill of goods the bottom line is big pharma wants to keep you on medication when in fact there are many ways to heal your body and sun power led can help
click on uh the sun power led logo at john we could like i said we couldn’t do this without the support of our sponsors including pre-born which you know you talked a moment ago about you know the narrative around certain things uh in in regards to uh you know the therapy you just mentioned a moment ago and what most people would say you know on a regular basis well the same thing applies to And the unborn, Neil, the reality is the narrative from the left is, oh, it’s just a clump of cells. It’s not a real baby until it’s actually delivered out of the womb. Nothing could be farther from the truth. And the more technology we get, the more we’re able to see what’s inside of us. the belly of mom, you know, inside of the womb, we soon realize that that development happens very, very, very quickly. It is not just a clump of cells. It turns into a baby that you literally can see in a matter of weeks. And that baby starts doing things inside of the womb that it does outside of the womb, by the way, Neil, as you would know. So point being, pre-born is out there helping these young moms. Expected moms trying to figure out a what to do be trying to help them in their life Not only through what I just mentioned a moment ago about the ultrasound images But literally being a positivity in their life in some cases is very traumatic These young girls or women are trying to figure out exactly what to do. Sometimes the dads involved sometimes not and But Preborn is there to help these young ladies, and most of the time it’s young. Ladies figure out exactly what to do next, giving them education and information through these ultrasound images, which, by the way, those of you listening, can help provide your monthly donation. If you can do it reoccurring, that’s even better, or a one-time gift to buy an actual ultrasound machine, $15,000. Some of you that are doing a little better or you’re looking for the end-of-year tax deduction sides of things, you can do that as well. But I encourage you guys to change the narrative, get the information out to these young women when it comes to what’s really going inside of the womb. And you can do that by going to and support Preborn.
Amen. Thank you for Preborn. Yeah, all of this available at So we were talking about Santa and, you know, sort of the genesis of the whole idea of Santa Claus. We were talking about ultimately Christmas and the whole genesis of Santa Claus, per se. And, you know, over the years in certain circles in Christianity, people have been warned to avoid everything related to Christmas. Don’t celebrate. You know, that’s a pagan bush, that Christmas tree you got there in your living room. Whatever, for whatever reason, I mean, I never felt like that was… my chance to worship Satan. I only thought about Jesus at Christmastime and wasn’t really fully aware of how all that fit in. One other thing, however, I think if there was anything that came out of this was the idea that good gets rewarded. John, I’ve done a lot of, you know, door-to-door evangelism even, and there’s a major Christmas, I’m sorry, a Christian music festival that happens every year in our area called Kingdom Bound. It happens at Six Flags nearby, and, you know, there’s tens of thousands of people there, and we would do what we call flap-to-flap evangelism, literally going tent-to-tent asking people questions like, hey, what are you doing here? How did you come here? Are you enjoying yourself? And then ask the question, by the way, what do you think it takes to be kingdom bound, which is the name of the festival? And sometimes they would say, kingdom about what do you mean well like to get to heaven what do you think it takes to get to heaven they go oh well well i mean you know you got to be a good person whatever and you know that’s not the gospel that is not what the word of god says yeah it’s by grace that we’re saved through faith it’s not of ourselves okay so ephesians 2 is clear on that but the point is it would be immediately clear that the idea of good getting rewarded is false. And John, that’s a big part of, I don’t want to belabor this, we’re going to turn the corner here right now, but just final thing, you know, the idea that good gets rewarded, that’s part and parcel with the story of Santa Claus. That has nothing to do with the Christmas story of Jesus.
Yeah, he knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. That’s the whole message of Santa Claus, right, Neil?
Yeah. I just wonder how much I’d have to pay to actually sing that line. Please, John.
You bring up a great point, Neil. I mean, the reality is, as with anything… And we talk about this in politics. We do that pretty much on a weekly basis, what one side does versus the other. And the reality is the world, Satan, I guess you could say, and maybe this is where he comes into play with all of this, Neil. I’m not saying that Christmas in and of itself and Santa Claus and all of that is demonic in any way, but… he does take and twist, it’s what he did in the garden from day one, he twists what the real message is into something that he feels he can get across to us as humans and therefore draw us to him, rather us being drawn to God himself. And that’s been the history of it from day one.
Yeah, no doubt about it. And, you know, deception is a big part of what the enemy does. He wants to keep us focused on everything that is not true and is not real. And yet the Word of God is a very different story about Christmas. And this is where we’re turning the corner. By the way, I did a… uh interview recently on my program with a pastor named robbie simons he’s a daily uh bible teacher on our station and he’s the pastor of a church in oakville ontario called hope bible church but he recently wrote a book called god with us 25 advent devotionals on the glory of the incarnation because john the real story i mean it’s powerful by the way i recommend it for anybody who wants to read it but the real story of christmas is that god put skin on and came to earth to rescue us from sin god literally entered our mess and died in our place and you know there’s no good friday there’s no easter without the incarnation meaning that god came here to earth and think about it the king of kings born in a feeding trough who would have ever thought that john if you were writing a story would anybody even believe it if you said yeah the greatest the most powerful being in the world the creator of all things the preeminent God of the universe put skin on and was born in a feeding trough with animals in a lowly manger amongst shepherds, the lowest of the low, in order to come to earth to rescue human beings from their sin. That doesn’t even make sense, but it’s so far off the beaten path that if you actually look at it and you say, if God did this, then I want to know him, I want to worship him. And ultimately, isn’t that the Christmas message?
Yeah, I mean, to your point, would anybody sane write the story that way? No. I mean, people that write books and so on, Neil, in most cases, no, they wouldn’t. Now that we’ve heard the Christmas story, they might, but before that, no, nobody would write a story along those lines. You would want a quote-unquote prince coming into a palace, not into a feeding trough in a lowly, stinky, nasty, disgusting manger. You know, we… we kind of modernize that thing and make it look really quaint and neat and the stars up above and it’s all clean and there’s hay everywhere. No, it was a disgusting, filthy, let’s face it, feces-ridden area where Christ was born. And yet, because of that, this is how I see it, Neal, showing everybody out there, no matter where you come from in life, no matter what your quote-unquote classification is, God can meet you right where you’re at because guess what? He sent his son in that particular setting to save the world.
Yeah, and whether it’s Christmas Day or some other day, you know, immediately following Christmas, you’re listening to this, and who knows, maybe driving in your car on a lonely interstate, and you’re wondering if there is a God and if He loves you. And I want to speak directly to you to say, yes, there is, and yes, He does. He knows you. He died for you. He came to earth for the very purpose of rescuing you from the situation that you’re in. He wants a relationship with you, and that’s the story of Christmas. I want to focus for a second real quick on Philippians 2.6, because It says, though he, which is Jesus, though Jesus was by nature God, he did not consider equality with God as a prize to be displayed, but he emptied himself. In some cases it says he humbled himself in other versions of the Bible, but he emptied himself by taking the nature of a servant when he was born in human likeness and his appearance was like that of any other man. um god of all the universe came to earth put skin on for one reason to rescue us from sin and i want to say one more thing real quick get your feedback um you know why did god do this and i think it’s because adam and eve you know in the garden thought they could be like god that they didn’t need god and they believed the lie of the the enemy satan and they said yeah human beings really don’t need god we could be just like you i mean we’re just as powerful we could do this well god had to show them they couldn’t And so gave them the law, and through the law ultimately proved that it was impossible. You know, Romans 8, 3 says, for what the law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did. Sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh as an offering for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh. Galatians 4 says, but when the fullness of time came, God sent forth his son, born of a woman, born under the law. In other words, Jesus came to earth to do what mankind couldn’t do. God gave us 10 commandments, and in like five minutes, we were melting down our gold and forming calves to worship, right? John, we’re sinners, and our proclivity is to sin. It’s what human beings do. We needed somebody to rescue us from our inability to save ourselves, and we needed to see that we needed Jesus. What a beautiful story that God entered the picture to rescue us in person.
Yeah, it’s the, literally, Christmas is the beginning of the redemption that every one of us can have. You know, history says, Scripture is full of, and the only way that we could come to God, and Christ says this Himself, of course, and now after Him is through Christ Himself. Before that, of course, as you said a moment ago, Neil, it was a law. There was all sorts of rules and regulations. Sacrifices had to be, you know, done just right. And depending upon your, again, classification in life, depending upon the sacrifice, it was even acceptable. All sorts of rules and regulations around all that. Then Christ comes along and says, we’re throwing all that out the window. I will become the ultimate sacrifice. My blood on the cross. ultimately in the blood that I’m shedding for you is all that it will take. And by the way, all you have to do now is believe on me, believe in me, and that’s the way to the Father. And at the end of the day, God made it very simple for salvation to happen after. Which, by the way, Neil, things to be thankful for, that I was born after Christ came, not prior, because prior would have not been fun.
yeah it wouldn’t have been good for any of us and thank god that jesus did this um john you know i’m thinking of the person driving along in the car right now listening to this they’re kind of on their own and they’re thinking i’ve never been able to to live right i’ve never been able to do the right thing ultimately you know it in your heart and the holy spirit of god reveals that to us that we actually need help, we need a savior, we need somebody to help us with this situation we’re in. And how precious that God saw that, and in spite of our sin, came and said, I’m going to step into this equation for you. I’m going to do this for you. And so he came to earth, ultimately lived the perfect life none of us could live. and then died in our place shed his own blood and when he did he was the perfect lamb of god who took away the sins of the world he he made it possible for us to be restored in our relationship with god and honestly i mean that takes us back to the reality john there’s no greater gift ever given than when god sent his only son he gave his son as a gift to mankind so that we could have hope in a future like i’d be i’d be lost without it 100 amen yeah so praise god we’ve got a lot to talk about in the second half of the round table but i just want to talk again real quick here about sunpower led the owner of that group tom kerber is a personal friend he’s a wonderful man of god and he’s a huge proponent of what’s called photobiomodulation or light therapy all right everyone’s seen you know the woman the opera singer who can sing a particular note she hits that note and holds it for a minute and the champagne glass explodes why because the resonance of that particular audio wavelength is what can shatter that glass well if you find the right light wavelength you can actually uh excite the cells in your body the mitochondria energize the cells to do what cells were created to do you know if a baby you never taught the baby anything six months old cuts its finger by accident you could sit there for three weeks if you had the time and watch that thing heal right before your eyes how is that possible because god put that in the human body well when the cells are doing what they’re supposed to do then you can reduce pain and swelling. You can deal with stuff like migraines and arthritis, and you can experience healing in your body, and it’s possible. So how do you get that light in there? Well, SunPowerLED. Check it out. Light therapy or what’s called photobiomodulation from SunPowerLED. They’re one of our sponsors, and you can find them at Just click on it. Find out how to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in your body with no surgical intervention, no pharmaceuticals, Just the Light God Himself Created, all at And John Preborn is a major sponsor of ours as well.
Awesome. Yeah, appreciate them very much. We wouldn’t be doing what we’re doing without them. And for those of you looking at the end of the year, especially a lot of you business owners where you’re looking at the end of the year, you’re looking at some of your pre, you know, sort of figuring on taxes and where you’re at and, you know, how do I, you know, what do I do to reduce some of my liability? Well, a charitable donation, of course, comes right off the top. helps you immensely when it comes to what I just mentioned a moment ago. And we have got an organization that can help you with that. That is Preborn. And they are out there helping moms, helping babies, helping babies, moms, families, I should say, because we know that down the road, after these ladies have an abortion, Neil, it can affect the entire family negatively on down the road. So Preborn is there literally to help the entire family. They’re saving babies’ lives. You hear Bob talk about it all the time. In a lot of cases, they are saving mom’s life, not physically, but spiritually as at the same time by the very means neil you and i’ve been talking about when it comes to christmas so that is pre-born folks i cannot stress highly enough that you know what we need to change the narrative when it comes to the whole abortion sides of things it’s very evil it’s very wrong the left you know sort of dignifies that and there’s no dignity in having an abortion At the end of the day, somebody’s life has been taken, and it’s the life of the baby. Help pre-borns save babies’ lives today. Go to And as I always say, guys, put your money where your mouth is.
100%. But, John, let me just jump on that and say my wife is a head nurse at a pregnancy care center here in the Buffalo area, statewide pregnancy care center. They’ve got offices across the state. But right here in the Buffalo area, she’s regularly doing ultrasounds, just like you’re describing. And the women who see their baby overwhelmingly choose life because they realize it is not a block of tissue. So, yeah, support pre-born. Go to That’s Well, Merry Christmas, everybody. It’s the Christmas edition of the National Crawford Roundtable. My name is Neil Boron. John Rush is with me. And if you’re at a station where you only hear the first half of the podcast, go to Listen to the whole thing. The second half is coming up right after this.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
All right, welcome back. The second half of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, our Christmas edition with just John Rush and me, John Rush, host of Rush to Reason on KLZ in Denver. My name is Neil Boron, host of Neil Boron Live on WDCX Radio in Buffalo, New York. Bob Duco, somewhere in the universe, probably vacationing in Tahiti or something, I’m not sure, but I hope he’s enjoying his Christmas vacation. He’s not with us today. He’s the host of the Bob Duco Show on WMUZ in Detroit, Michigan. So, John, we’ve been talking about Christmas, a little bit about the secular history of it. We’re talking about the biblical meaning and reality of what Christmas is all about. And I wanted to kind of shift in a direction of talking about the church today and how we deal with the issue of the true Christmas story. Because some people, you know, I mean, there’s even songs written about it. We should be celebrating Christmas all year round and keep the Christmas message front and central. Well, what we talked about just a few minutes ago was Christmas that Christmas is ultimately not in any way whatsoever about a guy named Santa Claus, it’s about the God of the universe coming to earth to rescue us. And since Christmas is essentially ground zero for the Gospel message in some fashion, Don’t we have to find a way to better communicate that this thing we celebrate once a year is really important to our understanding every day of the year?
And I think, you know, to your point earlier, Neil, one of the things as you were talking through all of that, that I just don’t think we, you know, collectively as a church do well enough is, number one, you know, man’s depravity. You know, we have an original sin nature. We’re all depraved. We would do what we want to do, not what God wants to do. And the Christmas story, and then, of course, what happens on Easter ties right into it. You can’t have Easter without Christmas. It all ties together. But this whole idea that man needs a Savior, we need a go-between between us and God. You know, the thing that we don’t do well enough at, Neal, because people get this idea that somehow, someway, we are quote-unquote good enough. Well, we’re not. Folks forget, and the church doesn’t do a very good job of this, God can’t look on sin. Now, he knows about it, but we cannot be in his presence in our sinful nature. It doesn’t work that way. That’s why God cast Adam and Eve out of the garden. He can’t stand nor tolerate sin, nor does he. So in turn, before Christmas, before Christ, as you said earlier, Neil, we had all these rules and regulations and so on to where at that time only certain individuals that had done certain things, could even hear and speak to God and have that direct connection. When Christ came and did what he did through his birth, the death, and resurrection, we now have this constant community with God, or the commune with God, I should say, the ability to talk and fellowship with him that, frankly, the folks before Christ never had the opportunity to do. And by the way, Neil, we don’t do a good enough job of explaining that to folks, because I think a lot of people feel like, oh you know i’m a good person if i say a little prayer today you know i’ll be okay well no because no offense until you actually say the prayer that says i’m accepting christ into my life as lord and savior he’s not hearing you at all yeah uh isaiah 59 2 says that that you know our sins have made a separation between us and god so he’s turned his face away from us and he does not hear
And the fact is that for somebody who is in Christ, the Holy Spirit of God takes up residence within us, never leaves us, never forsakes us. And so, you know, communion with God and having relationship with God is ultimately what Christianity is about. If you think of, is it Matthew 7, where, you know, Jesus is saying like, hey, like you cast out demons in my name, you perform marvelous works in my name. But then he says, depart from me. I never knew you. What does he mean by relationship, right? And so, I mean, it is literally possible for us to have a relationship with God because of what Jesus did, and that’s the story of Christmas.
Yeah, thank you, Neil. That is the story of Christmas, that we really, again, as a community of believers, don’t do well enough at communicating that, and I think because in one way, Neil, telling someone that they’re depraved and they have no access to God is somewhat negative, and it is. But on the same token, it’s reality, and Scripture is very clear on that. I mean, the reality is we cannot come before God without having that ultimate Christ sacrifice in our lives, His blood covering us, that then allows us to have that communion with Him, because without that, it can’t exist. And we’re afraid to say that because we might hurt someone’s feelings.
yeah well we don’t care about that here on the national crawford round you know we don’t seriously because we care about you enough to tell you the truth and john you mentioned you know the sin issue just a second ago i kind of think that even for those of us who come to faith in christ we need to keep sin or at least the fact that we were slaves to sin front and center and the reason i say that is because even after coming to faith in christ we still sin and sure absolutely none of us are perfect no not one When we present a picture that, you know, that God can’t have anything to do with sin, it’s like, but we’re believers and we don’t ever sin. And while, yes, we do. And when we present anything less than that, when people find out that we’re struggling with some form of addiction, sometimes it’s a substance, sometimes it’s porn. Good Lord, I did a conversation on air the other day on my program about like 85 percent. The numbers have gone up since since COVID, you know, people being addicted to porn in the church and outside the church. And it’s like 85% of men in the church have looked at porn in the last 30 days. Like, okay, so we got a real problem. Well, let’s be honest about it. Because the God of the universe who came to rescue us is not only big enough to save us from sin in the first place, but to help us choose life rather than sin right here and right now because we’re in relationship with him. So it’s both, really. It isn’t just coming to faith in Christ one time so we can be holier than thou, John. It’s we have an advocate. We’ve got somebody walking with us in this present world. And again, I’m thinking of you as you listen to this on Christmas Day or somewhere around the Christmas holiday. You’re thinking about what does this all mean? Well, it means that you have an advocate. You’ve got somebody with you in your situation right now to walk with you, to lead you, to help you live life and freedom from sin, because you’re in a relationship with God Almighty. John, to me, that’s way beyond just going to church ritualistically and worshiping God once a week.
That’s a daily advocate. Absolutely, yeah. It’s something that, as Christians, you know, and those of you that maybe are listening, Neil said earlier, you’re not a believer. Maybe you… don’t know what we’re talking about. All this seems foreign, and you’ve known Christians because, yes, Neil, we all sin and come short, and it’s because of that presence of Christ in our lives and that relationship we have, the grace that’s there and abounds, and we could do an entire podcast on grace, and yes, does grace get abused? It does, but it’s still there, and the reality is we’re able to still continue on and have that fellowship. Now we’re supposed to take care of those sins in our life, and that’s a whole other Again, I don’t want to get deep into the spiritual end of things. That’s a whole other conversation that we could have, Neal. But bottom line, yes, we are supposed to abstain from wanting to have a daily relationship with him. Does it mean that we’re going to be perfect? No, but it is something, Neal, that we should be striving for and living in that life of Christ on a daily basis. Now, do all of us fall short, myself included? I would be the first one to tell you that, yes, in fact, Neal, I fall short all the time.
All right, I’m going to big time admission. You ready for this, John? True story. I’m wrestling with my eating habits to make sure that I’m taking care of myself.
You and me both.
Yesterday, pumped some gas. The receipt didn’t print out on the outdoor pump. Had to go inside. Can I get a receipt for pump number three?
There’s a temptation.
While I’m standing there, I’m looking at the Baby Ruth candy bar. Yep. And John, I should have asked Jesus for help, and I only thought of it later, but honestly, I mean, that could seem so trivial to anybody, but the reality is God has given us power over sin. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, for crying out loud, is available to help me say no to a baby Ruth candy bar. And that’s what you’re describing, and I just wanted to bring it up to say, if you’re listening to this right now, you’re not alone in the fact that that sometimes you make poor decisions. We make them all the time, but we’re learning.
I want to dovetail on that. I was talking to this to somebody the other day because, and this is not to brag by any means, but I’ve never been an individual that’s had any kind of an addiction. I don’t have a drug addiction, an alcohol addiction, even a porn addiction. It’s just something that I guess because of how I was raised and No offense, Neil, I don’t have a lot of spare time given the schedule that I keep, so the reality is I don’t have a lot of time for that. But the one area that, yes, I do in fact struggle with and, yes, I do sin in is I love to eat. There isn’t a food on this planet that I will not eat. It is something that I struggle with daily. it is no different than somebody struggling with you know porn or sex or any other addictions i am addicted to food and i struggle with that on a daily basis yeah and what’s hard is you don’t need my point is that is no different than any of the other addictions i just mentioned by the way i’m in the same category well it isn’t different but it i think in one way it’s harder john and the reason i say this because it’s everywhere
Well, yeah, but you also you don’t need LSD or cocaine. No, that’s right.
But you know, that’s right. You know, good point. You do need to eat food. And great point.
Yes, it’s. And yet, I mean, the idea that it’s an addiction or that could be an addiction or a problem, that’s no different. But the idea that you you actually have to engage with this at some point in your life is a problem.
Very true.
And anyway, we got a lot to talk about in one.
And let me jump in because pre-born, you know, we just talked about some different things along those lines. And I know, again, I said this last half hour. You know, the end of the season tax thing, which, again, I’m helping a lot of my clients with, and they’re looking at ways to reduce their liability. And one of those easy ways to do it is to find a great charity that you can donate some money to. You know, I hope, first of all, it’s your local church. But for a lot of folks, Neil, they’re wanting to do something extra. They’re wanting to make a difference in others’ lives. And not that the local church isn’t doing it, but they want something else that they literally can put their, quote, unquote, signature on and say, yes, I helped church. do that, you know, with Christ and God blessing my business, I want to do something very specific for someone else. And that’s where pre-born comes in for you guys that are business owners. And Andrew, maybe you just had a really great year. You got a big bonus this year, whatever the case may be, and you want to make a difference in the lives of others right now, ultrasound machine, buy one for pre-born. We talk all the time about what those machines do. Neil, you talked about it last half hour in regards to what your wife does. The reality is showing mom’s What’s going on inside of their womb with that ultrasound machine and one single donation of $15,000 will actually make that happen. So for a lot of you that are listening, again, you’re trying to figure out what do I do here towards the end of the year? And yes, this is Christmas Day that this is playing on. You still have time to make that donation happen by the end of the year and still get that on your taxes. Just go to, look for pre-born, contact them through that link and find out exactly what you can do to help them acquire a ultrasound machine. And Neil, that will save multiple, multiple ongoing babies’ lives after the fact that you do that.
Yeah, sometimes when you give to things, you wonder, is my giving going to make a difference? You’re actually saving lives.
And for years down the road, this will make a difference.
Hallelujah. Entire families will exist. Ministries will ultimately exist because of all this. Yeah, and by the way, there’s, you know, one thing I think we learned through the last election cycle was how much distrust there was for the nation’s media. And people were like… like we’ve been lied to man i mean and i think even going back to covet people felt like the government wasn’t necessarily telling the truth and so when um the mention was made that rfk jr potentially would lead the secretary of health and human services that he was going to come in and kind of blow up the system that was telling us that all you need is pills man just take more pills vaccines and pills Well, guess what? Big Pharma has a vested financial interest in vaccines and pills, and if they can keep you on those things for the rest of your life, they make money for the rest of their lives. Well, are the pills that you’re taking really actually making you healthy? Are you getting better? Or are you kind of spinning your wheels health-wise but continuing trying to manage situations with all these medications and then often taking more medications to deal with the effects of the current medications you’re on? Well, bottom line is there is an alternative, and it’s called light therapy or photobiomodulation. Can you imagine literally taking the very light God himself created, and use a particular unit a handheld unit or other you know units that are available larger ones for instance to cover the entire chest or whatever but actually use a light unit to shoot the very wavelength of light you need to excite the cells in your body to do what they were created to do and that’s reduce pain and swelling and promote healing and i’ll just say that when i had covid in 2021 and i couldn’t breathe i mean i could take a deep breath Somebody would say, like, take a deep breath. And I would, and my fingertips were blue. Why? Because I was only at 79% oxygen saturation, and I needed literally to go to the hospital. But the EMTs were saying, please don’t go. You’ll be sitting in a hallway. Nobody’s going to deal with you. The hospitals are overrun right now. If you’re OK, stay at home and try to deal with this here. Well, I used light therapy from SunPower LED. It healed my lungs in a matter of like 7 to 10 days. I completely turned around and I could breathe again. I was back to 98, 99% oxygen saturation. If you want to learn about all of what light therapy can do, go to SunPowerLED at Sun, like S-U-N in the sky. SunPowerLED at and check it out for yourselves. Man, we’ve had an interesting conversation today. One more thing before we change gears and talk about some lighter stuff. But we were talking about what the church maybe can do to do a better job of telling the true Christmas story all year round. And I want to throw something out here, John. It seems to me that, you know, we talked about, like, maybe really the issue of transparency, that transparency matters. if we struggle with sin we should say that we should let people know that jesus is not only our savior he’s the one who’s helping us to become the people god created us to be but i think we need that from our leaders too and how many times have we read the christian post or something else to see about another leader falling and having issues with sin and whatever shouldn’t humility amongst our leaders shouldn’t humility amongst the church in general and the idea of servanthood be a part of like the major message of what we are
Absolutely, Neil, and again, people, this is where I think the church sometimes makes mistakes. They feel like they can’t be quote-unquote offensive, and yet if you do it in the right way with what you just said a moment ago, being totally transparent, the reality is as other people see that, oh, these guys have the same type of struggles that I have, and yet they figured out a way to overcome these. I mean, that in and of itself, Neil, is extremely, extremely powerful, and And again, I’m not criticizing every church. Some churches do a great job of what we’re talking about. I’m talking church in general. Put an air quote around it. Catholic, Protestant, doesn’t matter. Just in general. I just don’t think we do a really good job at some of this because unfortunately, and this is probably a future podcast, we have become too woke and we’re too afraid to hurt people’s feelings. And in turn, we don’t get the right message out.
Yeah, and it’s so pervasive. And I’m not trying to pick on anybody in particular. I’m just saying, like, the message of the King of Kings being born in a manger. And you talked about interaction with fecal matter. I mean, come on, we’re talking about a barn here, ultimately. King of the universe was born in a barn in a manger.
Yeah, I highly doubt, for everybody listening really quick, because this is what you don’t see in the pictures, I highly doubt if you read scripture and you know what the innkeeper actually said, Neil, I highly doubt that he went out there and cleaned the actual stable before he said, you guys can go out there and hang out and sleep and deliver your baby in it.
I highly doubt that happened. It’s been approved by the Radisson Hotels and the Hampton Inns.
You know, I mean, we sanitize some of this stuff. And I have a manger scene in my front yard. And, you know, I can’t make it look like that was. I wish I could. And I would if I could. But at the end of the day, we sanitize those things to… In a lot of ways, you know, we make it look really clean and neat and cute and look at the cute baby Jesus and so on. And I’m not saying he wasn’t, but, you know, to your point, Neil, earlier, we forget what that environment would have looked at. And then you’ve got these lowly of low, you know, really at that point in time, sort of the outcast of the world shepherds that show up. These guys are sheep herders, if you would. In fact, we even sanitize that by calling them shepherds. But really, they’re sheep herders, which were… Stinky, smelly, they lived out among the sheep. These weren’t the cleanest of individuals either. I’m here to tell you, you would have needed a little bit of Vicks underneath your nose to hang out in the manger that night.
Exactly. And honestly, that scenario you just described is the picture of our lives. So why would we present it any different?
Exactly. I mean, we’re laughing, but it’s so true, Neal.
If anyone in the body of Christ would ever try to say, look, as Christians, we are immune from this kind of stuff. We’re leaders. We’re prosperous. We don’t have problems. No, Jesus came to rescue us in the midst of our mess. We live in a mess, and Jesus is our answer, not any way that we live our lives or any title we hold or anything like that. I mean, ultimately, that’s who Jesus is. So let’s focus on that this Christmas. All right.
And the fulfillment of prophecy and the things that he did and Again, as we talked earlier, the ability to bring abundant life to each and every one of us. And believe me, folks, I don’t think any of you really understand and recognize, and you can see it throughout Scripture, Neal, Old Testament versus New. Not saying they weren’t happy in the Old Testament, but there’s just no way they could have had the same joy then that we have now because they didn’t have Christ in their lives.
That’s right.
you’re 100 all right so let me uh let me switch gears here and ask you about little johnny rush all right all right okay back in the day when i say the word christmas john seriously what comes to mind like anyone something you got a picture in your head tell me about that picture
At Christmas and around our house, my dad and mom, bless them, my mom since has passed here just recently. My dad’s in memory care, so I wish he would be able to listen to this, but he can’t because his memory just isn’t of that. He’s just not sound mind where he can do these things, Neil. But the way they raised us and made Christmas so special, not only with us knowing about the birth of Christ, but the way we did presents and so on, we were kind of a weird family. My folks didn’t wrap presents. They would put the presents under the tree after all of us.
Had gone to bed. And then, of course, we’d want to get up super early to go out and see exactly what we had gotten and what my mom and dad had gotten us and so on. And it was just a beautiful time. And it was a tradition in our home at that time where that’s what my folks did. And I don’t know where that tradition for them came from. Most people wrap presents for their kids. But my folks never did. We kind of knew. And we didn’t have a lot. We didn’t grow up in any kind of a wealthy home at all. I mean, we were talking one, maybe two gifts for each one of us kids. And that was… About it and my folks made huge and looking back now. I Know the huge sacrifice they made Very thankful.
Hallelujah Hallelujah, I can relate to that John my mom grew up in a home in northern, Canada I mean she’s Canadian so isn’t it weird that God put me at a radio station that covers? But I mean she was born in a home that had a dirt floor and my mom was born sometimes and yeah sometimes the windshield would be 40 below zero they’d have to you know start the fire just to be able to survive inside the home but uh and my dad you know grew up in a poor home of polish immigrants and a whole thing just so grateful for the simplicity of the love that was shared in that setting man i understand your tears because i’ve i’ve lived that and you know my favorite christmas memory really is not about any specific thing other than the idea that christmas eve for whatever reason was more important than christmas day and i think it was the anticipation the idea of what was coming and it wasn’t all about the gifts it was about the whole experience you know we would gather together and sing christmas songs usually having gone to church but then coming home and we would all exchange one present that night we’d all give each other one present we were that family we could do that so you were that family yeah man you know but whatever we did that on christmas eve and the next day was very for whatever reason anti-climatic and there’s something about the darkness and the sparkling lights and sometimes there was snow falling outside the window and whatever right right i don’t know it was a very precious time of just enjoying the grateful gifts we’d been given and a lot of them weren’t fancy i mean i i think the the most important thing i ever got was a goalie stick one year for hockey and I wasn’t, you know, much of a hockey player, but I, I’ve got a story along those lines really quick.
Cause we, we talk a lot about the whole, you know, transgender end of things. And I was raised by a man’s man. And I can remember, uh, you probably do as well, Neil, when GI Joe became a really big deal in my brother and I, you know, we wanted GI Joe, we wanted the tank. We wanted the little trailer that went with the tank. And I can remember my folks probably didn’t know this, but I can remember listening to some of the, uh, conversations that were happening in the evenings after we had gone to bed. You lived in a house where the walls weren’t super thick, if you know what I mean. And, you know, we could hear all sorts of things. And I was a I was a pretty, you know, how should I say I paid attention as a young child pretty well. And I can remember my dad sort of having these arguments with my mom that you know my boys are not going to play with dolls and he looked at gi joe as a doll again i was raised by a man’s man and there was a big big arguments among him and my mom about us having gi joes because they were like a barbie doll and he did not want us playing with dolls i don’t know somehow my mom must have convinced him that we’d still grow up and be you know the kind of men that we ended up being anyways despite having gi joe but for the longest time my dad resisted gi joe
know what’s so funny john like he was thought of in my world as a man’s man i mean he was like this military hero right gi joe and everything guys would play with him the only question we all had was about the hinge in the wrist you know what i’m saying right the hinge of the wrist that was the one thing right not sure about that anyways in a way though it just cut you know again it showed how
You know, again, my dad did a great job with especially us boys, you know, teaching us how to be men, how to hunt, how to fish, how to survive, you know, all sorts of circumstances in the wilderness and so on, which, again, I’m very thankful that he taught me all those things. And for him, you know, it was a big deal for us boys to grow up to be men and not cowards.
Amen for that.
Something we’ve forgotten today, Neal.
And on top of it all, just because you’re saying that, I just want to thank God for parents that lived below the poverty level in some cases or whatever. They didn’t have great means, but they showed us love in the process.
They sacrificed, Neil.
Sacrificed. It made all the difference in the world, and it made the reality of the sacrifice Jesus made in our half all the more meaningful on our behalf.
Speaking of sacrifice, folks, Preborn, which again, great organization. And yes, for a lot of you listening that maybe you don’t make a lot of extra money, but you still want to have that ability to leave a legacy. And you can do that by giving to Preborn any, and I mean this, folks, any donation will help Preborn because as we stack those donations on top of one another, they save babies’ lives. They help make those ultrasounds happen. You hear us talk about them every single week. Bob does just such a beautiful job of explaining prenatal you know, pre-born and what they do and the way they handle mom and the family and showing mom, you know, pictures of the baby and what that means. And then in a lot of cases, you know, bringing mom to the Lord, some of what we’ve talked about during this entire podcast, Neal, you know, pre-born just does such a wonderful job of that. They are literally… saving lives, not just baby’s life, but in a lot of cases, mom’s life, a family’s life, you know, plural, if you would, at the end of the day. And again, for those of you listening, whether you can give a big donation or a little donation, it doesn’t matter. All of it will go into helping save babies’ lives. You can help out pre-born by going to
Yeah, it’s an excellent site because you can support the podcast and literally support organizations that are changing lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And is where you want to be. Our other brand new sponsor is SunPowerLED. John, I’m sorry, I was going to say Tom Kerber is the founder of SunPowerLED. He’s a friend, and he’s been involved in all kinds of ministry and other things over the years. He’s a wonderful believer, and John, seriously, if he was on Gilligan’s Island, the series would have had to end because they would have gotten off the island. He’s an amazing inventor, and he’s been involved in the study of light waves and what they can accomplish and how they can actually penetrate the skin without burning your skin, without causing any problem, but literally promote healing in your body. Why is that? Because the cells in your body are often compromised for a variety of reasons. And when the mitochondria in your cells wake up, Your cell starts to do what a cell was created to do, and that’s reduce pain and swelling and promote healing. Like if you’re struggling with arthritis or some kind of an injury, if you’ve got migraine headaches, if you have problems with your skin or other things, light therapy could be the answer you’re looking for. And it is the one thing Big Pharma really honestly doesn’t want you to know about. Light therapy has been used to heal so many different things. You can learn all about it on a free webinar that happens every Tuesday night by going to And literally just put your, I think you put your email address in and you’re in. You can ask questions. You can learn about the power of light to heal the human body. And by the way, it’s the light that God himself created. Learn about it at That’s All right. Well, we got about a minute left here, John, real quick. I think probably realistically, I mean, I love the movie Deck the Halls, but It’s a Wonderful Life probably has to be my favorite movie of all time. What about you?
We watched the other night, and I know it’s sort of sacrilegious, but Christmas Vacation is still one of the funniest movies of all time. It’s just so hilarious. I know it’s one of Bob’s favorites as well, so I can say that.
Chevy Chase, man, it’s so good. On the heels of vacation comes Christmas Vacation. It’s just so good, right? That’s the one you’re talking about?
Yes, Christmas Vacation.
Absolutely love it. Anyway, John, thanks for all you do. And I just got to say, you know, if I’m thankful for anything this Christmas, it’s iron sharpens iron. You guys have taught me so much, and I’m just grateful for you. I’m grateful for our Savior and that we get to talk about biblical truth every week.
Amen. I feel the same way, Neil. You guys are such a joy to be with on a weekly basis. I’ve learned so much. We’ve figured out in the last five-plus years that it’s amazing time has flown by that fast. Yeah.
Amen. Well, have a Merry Christmas, everybody. Thanks for listening to our Christmas edition of the National Crawford Roundtable.
You’ve been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of today’s culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.