This week on The National Crawford Roundtable, the conversation transcends the typical talk of school shootings and gun control. The hosts engage in a meaningful discussion about what really stops criminal acts and how security can be improved in schools, often described as ‘gun-free zones’. Are there real common-sense gun laws that would make a difference? Does the deterrence factor work both at schools and in churches? The Roundtable offers a fresh approach to outdated debates. Don’t miss the conversation about groundbreaking LED technology – how it uses the power of light for healing – and a candid wrap-up
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of culture, current events and politics through a biblical lens brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Back with another week of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast. And, of course, very happy to have the guys with us, Neil Boron, Neil Boron, live out of Buffalo, New York. And, of course, John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Guys, how are you? Great. Doing good. One week to go until Christmas. We are getting closer and closer. You guys get your Christmas shopping done, you do that stuff.
Does anybody still go out to the stores? No. I was actually at a mall last week, and I was amazed how empty it was right before Christmas.
I don’t know how they stay alive.
Yeah, I’m not sure either. Honestly, don’t know how they stay alive. I’m a small business guy, so I try to go out, but I don’t do much shopping. And, you know, there’s, what, five shopping days till Christmas or something? So I’ve got about four days left till I start. There you go. That’s just how it works for me.
And it’s, hey, you know what? Thank the Lord for 7-Eleven and gift cards, I guess. Anyway, we’re going to talk this week about, obviously, the tragic Wisconsin school shooting and all the gun debates that are… You know, propping up every time something like this happens. We’ll also talk about the latest with the drones, the New Jersey drones and such. And some of the stuff in presidential politics. We’ve got a few things to get to. But first, though, let’s talk about the Wisconsin school shooting. This is obviously just a horrible tragedy. Anytime you see something like this, 15-year-old girl goes into the school and shoots up a bunch of people, kills a teacher, kills a student, injures a few others, and then kills herself. according to police with her gun. And they’re still trying to determine exactly what the motive is. As of Wednesday morning, the police chief says, well, it looks like there’s a number of factors involved in the motive, but they’re not really releasing anything yet. So you hate to see stuff like this. Obviously, people need to be in prayer for those families that are grieving in such a tough time, and right before Christmas, of all things, too. So as Christians, we certainly need to be doing that. But, you know, we know and John, I’ll throw it over to you. We know that things like this get politicized, especially by the left. We’ve already been hearing, you know, a bunch of different liberals saying, you know, how many more children have to die before, you know, Republicans take action? We have common sense gun laws and whatever. You know what? You could take every single gun law on the books in liberal left-wing California, apply them all in Wisconsin, and you know something? It doesn’t stop things like this. We talked about this before. Sometimes bad things happen in an evil world. It doesn’t mean we minimize it, but new gun laws wouldn’t change anything.
Yeah, I hear even, you know, Joe Biden and others, you know, we need more common sense gun control, which, by the way, there’s no such thing. We need background checks, universal background checks. We need this. We need that. What reality is this young girl, 15 years of age, I don’t believe and I might be corrected on this. And if so, I’m sure somebody will let me know. But I don’t think there’s a single state. out there that will allow a 15-year-old to buy a handgun. I’d be very surprised. I would be shocked if there is. I know there’s some states where young people can buy long guns and things like that, but I don’t believe that she could legally go into a gun store. Number one, she doesn’t really even have the ID to pass most background checks that are in a lot of states that are out there now. And no, there’s not universal, but a lot of states still do that. I’m not sure about Wisconsin. I, by the way, have not looked at their gun laws. I would be surprised, knowing as liberal as they are, if they don’t have some things on the books similar to what California and Colorado have when it comes to buying guns at that age. I would be shocked in Wisconsin if she’s able to legally buy a gun as a 15-year-old. Point being, it doesn’t make any difference. And they use every one of these tragedies to further their agenda, which, by the way, guys, at the end of the day is to remove – all guns, period. They don’t want the Second Amendment. They look at that as archaic. They want it to go away. They don’t understand nor care. Actually, I think they do understand and they do care. That’s why they want to see it go away, because if you can remove it, you can remove all of the rest of the Bill of Rights that we have, because that’s the one that really keeps the rest of them in check.
And you know something? Of all of those liberals, they, yeah, you got the ones that what they really, really want is to try to make guns illegal in America, which is absurd because the criminals out there, the entire black market for illegal guns, they’re not going to go, oh, well, I guess we’re breaking the law, so we’ll turn them all in. No, it just means the only people that are going to have guns are bad guys, lawbreakers with guns. So we don’t need that. But, you know, also, John, they know. They know full well that even the ones that don’t want to ban guns, actually, they know that they can use this as a political tool against Republicans by creating the false perception that there’s common sense gun laws that if they were just passed, these children wouldn’t have to die in school shootings. But those Republicans and the NRA keep blocking it. And if they can trick people into believing that, then it can cause those swing voters to look at Republicans with stink eye. So, Neil, I want to get your take on this as well. And I know before you get into talking about this, one of the things we really want to encourage our listeners to do is to support our sponsors and thank our sponsors. We talk about Preborn. Let’s talk about, which has just been helping a lot of people.
Totally. And I’m happy to talk about it. In fact, let me tell you a quick story. Excuse me, about a little over a week ago, I was helping a guy do some drywall. He had a problem in his rental apartment and his ceiling was damaged because the shower upstairs was leaking. And anyway, we got that fixed and I fixed the drywall for him. So I was standing on the bathtub in order to reach the ceiling and decided instead of waiting for somebody to bring a stepstool, I would just jump down from the tub. Well, I did. And I landed, I stuck it like a pro, and I made a comment. I just said, I said, I’m like a cat, you know, and he kind of laughed. And that was it. I went home, and I was watching a movie with my wife. Everything was fine, didn’t feel a thing. And all of a sudden, I stood up after watching the movie. I couldn’t move. My leg was locked. and the pain was so intense I was hopping on one foot. I couldn’t bear any weight. Went right downstairs, grabbed the SunPower LED Super Palm, and put it on my knee for about 30 minutes. Went to bed, woke up in the morning, did it again. I woke up in the morning, I was able to walk pretty well, and I did it again. Did it again that night, and the following morning, no pain whatsoever. It was unbelievable how quickly it dealt with whatever happened. And that’s the thing. It’s using light that God himself created to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing. And I want you to check it out. Red Light Therapy from SunPowerLED. You can find it at Real quick, and I know you want to talk about pre-born, but I just wanted to add my two cents on this thing. You know, I don’t know what the laws are in Wisconsin, but I bet it’s illegal for a 15-year-old to have a handgun.
It is. I checked.
And it definitely is in school, right? You’re not allowed to bring it. So the point is there are multiple laws broken. Who knows how many? Who knows who maybe gave her that handgun? But ultimately, laws were broken. That’s the point. I mean, and so how many laws do you want to have? They’re going to be broken if somebody intends to act in an illegal fashion. Exactly. And I don’t know why that argument never seems to settle on the minds of liberals and progressives. The bottom line is every crime that’s committed with a gun is done so illegally because they’re breaking the law in order to do it.
Anyway. That’s right. Yeah. You are so right about that. And actually, Neil, there’s something else I want to ask you about that in just a second. First, though, I do want to take a moment and ask our listeners to please support Preborn if you haven’t done that yet. Or maybe it’s just a thing where you have before and it’s like, you know what, I want to go ahead and give them another gift. It saves some more babies’ lives. Remember, pre-born is the main pro-life group that shows these ultrasound images of unborn babies to expectant moms. They do this in pro-life centers all across the country. And you know when a mom sees a picture of her baby, she doesn’t go across the street to Planned Parenthood. She usually lets her baby live. And she usually accepts Jesus Christ, too. So what we want to do is pay for these ultrasound images, everybody, plain and simple. So here’s two ways you can do this. Because we don’t have enough ultrasound machines and enough ultrasound images being shown across the country. So here’s how we save more babies’ lives. Number one, buy an ultrasound machine. We need somebody out there, some people out there to buy ultrasound machines. They’re $15,000 a piece. It’s a nice tax write-off for you coming up on the end of the year. And your forever legacy will be that you stopped thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. For everybody else, just pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. So take $28 times fill in the blank, whatever that number is, and that’s your gift to pre-born. And anything you give to pre-born, 100% goes to the ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. So we want you to give right now, if you would. Here’s how you do it. Go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. You can give right there. You can also give over the phone to a real live person. They answer 24-7, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. And we appreciate you folks doing that. So, Neil, let me ask you, Neil Boron, Neil Boron, live out of Buffalo, New York. What about with this school shooting and the gun arguments and such? You know, it gets politicized so much from the left. Oh, if we just if we just had more gun laws, we know that, as you said, you’re right. The laws are going to be broken anyway. But here’s the two main things, Neil, that I see in common every time I see these these kind of school shootings. Number one. There are no new gun laws that would have stopped that shooting, okay? And number two, they’re all gun-free zones. You have teachers that aren’t armed. And I’m not trying to pick on this school, okay? It’s a Christian school. But teachers that aren’t armed, I’ve got to imagine there are some teachers there that probably have concealed carry licenses. They’re proficient with firearms. And in cases like that… Would I rather have a police officer, a resource officer? Sure. But if I don’t have somebody right there, then I’d rather at least have a teacher familiar with guns that’s packing that can maybe stop something like this sooner than when police can eventually get there.
Well, yeah. And, you know, I realize how shocking that sounds to some people. And there are definitely teachers that want nothing to do with a handgun. They just are not comfortable handling one or whatever.
But other teachers have backgrounds in military service or law enforcement. It’s not that big a deal. And I think arming teachers is not a bad thing. In the right context, done the right way, I think it’s not a bad thing. And by the way, how many churches, you know, have security teams where people are carrying in states where you’re allowed to concealed carry? especially in rural areas. You know, 60, 70 percent of the congregations pack in heat, but nobody’s hitting those churches, you know, for mass shootings because they know they’re not going to get away with it. There’s the deterrence factor. So I don’t think it’s a bad idea to consider something like that, and I realize it’s controversial, but, you know, that ultimately is about protection and deterrence. It isn’t about arming people who intend to break the law. It’s about arming people who intend to protect innocent citizens like the students at that school in Wisconsin.
Right. So true. John, your thoughts on that? Because it is a controversial thing, the idea of arming teachers.
No, no, I’m with Neil. I mean, I think if you look at most of these individuals… Not all. There’s a few rare exceptions, but for the most part, these guys are not heroes by any stretch of the imagination. Most of them are cowards, and what I mean by that, and I honestly believe in this case as well, if this young lady had known that there were several teachers on site, you know, packing, quote-unquote, and that she might risk… you know, being, you know, shot back at immediately. Believe me, that changes the perception in the mind of those individuals right off the bat. And to me, Bob, it’s one of the biggest deterrents you can have because when these nefarious individuals are thinking about doing these things in the first place, that has to be the first thing that comes in their mind. You know, even if it’s, okay, how am I going to, you know, disarm so-and-so because I know that they’ve got, you know, a gun in their desk or a gun on them or whatever the case may be. Just the reality that, hey, there are going to be people there shooting back at me if I do this. That changes everything.
You know, it’s interesting that you would think with all of the anti-gun people out there who believe in gun-free zones, you would think there would be a huge retail market for yard signs that say this house is a gun-free zone. But you know what? There’s not.
There’s not a market out there for that. They’re all cowards. They’re not going to do that.
Why would you put that kind of a message out there for the burglars? Of course nobody’s going to do that.
And really quick, going back to what Neil said a moment ago about the churches, and I’d have to go check the stats on this, but we cover… The three of us, a lot of different things on a daily basis. And the other thing, by the way, that’s been coming out here of late on a lot of the national media is how many school shootings there have been. 323 was one report, which is so far off, it’s ridiculous.
CNN said 83. New York Times said 320.
There’s been like three all year when it’s all said and done. So at any rate.
You know, thinking about what Neil said a moment ago, and I’m thinking, okay, you know, when’s the last big church shooting that we’ve had? And I know there’s been some synagogues and things like that, but churches where in a lot of cases, especially, you know, medium to large churches, even small churches, you know, there’s somebody there that’s now packing armed and so on. My point is I think now that that’s become more well-known that churches are doing that, and I don’t want to say this because I don’t want it to happen, but we haven’t seen a lot of that of late.
Since New Life, really, in your backyard. Correct.
What happened is churches armed themselves once that happened, and again, most of these criminals know that, so again, when’s the last big one of those we’ve heard about?
It’s been a long time. Well, I think since New Life, there may have been Sutherland, Texas, and then there was the shooting.
But that was one where, and I’ve interviewed that guy, there was a guy nearby that ran in there and actually ended up diffusing that whole situation, and that didn’t end well for the shooter.
Yeah, all I’m saying is that they still happen, but they’re happening at a less frequent pace because of the deterrence factor. And I don’t know. I mean, I think that I interviewed a gentleman. He’s an African-American pastor from Niagara Falls, New York. Wonderful brother in Christ. I had him in the studio. He was pushing back on Governor Hochul here in New York, who, on the heels of COVID-19, tried to make it illegal to carry in certain settings, including churches, because, quote, in her mind, they should all be gun-free zones, houses of worship, etc. He said, I’ve been a pastor for like 40 years, and I’ve got a small congregation. I don’t have money to pay a security team. No one in our church, you know, would qualify. We’ve got an older congregation. When I’m standing in the pulpit, and I got 35 people sitting in the pews, and somebody comes in the back door armed, I want to be able to protect my congregation, and I’m And he held his ground along with some other pastors, black and white, just pastors that care about protecting their congregations. And ultimately, that thing was thrown out, and he’s caring. He’s caring in church. But yeah, I mean, think of the mindset of a pastor who’s preparing a sermon on Sunday but saying, I’ve got to protect the people that I’m preaching to.
Right. That’s brutal.
Which, guys, really quick, I mean, that attitude, which, by the way, I fully agree with. Let’s protect the people that are inside of this particular building organization and so on. There’s, by the way, a lot of other organizations that do exactly the same thing. Why don’t we do that with our kids?
I know. I know. Are they not a valuable enough asset?
Thank you. Yes, they are the most valuable asset we have.
Okay, because I’ll tell you what. We protect celebrities a whole lot better. We protect members of Congress a whole lot better. I mean, we protect just about everybody a whole lot better than we protect our kids inside the classroom.
Bob, we do just the opposite. We tell everybody that these are gun-free zones where our kids are actually at. We do the opposite, Bob.
Yeah, exactly. Advertising.
We put a neon sign out there that says, by the way, it’s easy pickings in this school because it’s a gun-free zone.
It’s a shame.
I know. Now, John, you mentioned the thing. I want to go a little bit deeper about the media reports we’re seeing about how many school shootings there are every year. People need to know there are left-wing schools. groups, left-wing anti-gun groups out there that tabulate their own data of how many school shootings, mass shootings, things like that there are. And they come up with their own liberal left-wing criteria for this. And then the media uses them as some kind of an actual source, a legitimate source. But we got to remember, during COVID, remember how COVID deaths were over-exaggerated because everything was labeled a COVID death, everything. That’s right. Somebody gets a motorcycle crash with a fever, okay, well, that could be probable COVID. Therefore, we can call it a COVID death. So they dramatically inflated the numbers by making a mile-wide net to catch anything and call it COVID. Well, that’s how these left-wing anti-gun groups do it. They will literally, if you look at, like, for example, the organization that New York Times cited, okay, do you know what their criteria is for a school shooting?
Anything that happens on school grounds.
That’s right. School grounds. And by the way, look at all the inner city high crime areas. It’s very common for gangs to gather together and pull out their guns on school grounds, out in the parking lot somewhere. Things like that happen, not even inside the school.
In July when there’s not even school in session, by the way. Right. That’s right. Those get counted also.
And all they have to do is pull out a gun. They don’t have to fire it. Just pull out a gun. One gang member to another. Three gang members pull out guns. There are three, quote, school shootings that are listed there. What? fire it it’s just considered a school shooting this is how some of these left-wing groups do it also again they find any bullets anywhere okay where you can have gang members that in the neighborhood in the vicinity think about how many gang-ridden schools and the vicinities there are one of these anti-gun groups uses anything within what’s considered the school zone which is usually around a four or five or six block area and so gangland activity gets credited as school shootings so Those numbers are grossly skewed.
Most of them, by the way, come from every town USA. I know, and you know what?
It’s a way for the left-wing media to trick Americans into believing that this scenario of somebody going into a schoolroom and shooting up children is happening dozens and dozens and dozens of times a year, and it’s just not true.
Nope, it is not true.
It shouldn’t happen, and we need to stop it.
Really quick, too, Bob, don’t forget, even a stray bullet, so say there’s a rural school out there and there’s some… hunting area nearby, which, by the way, can happen even a stray bullet that, you know, in the middle of summer or, you know, an early morning, you know, whatever, something just happens to land their school shooting.
I know, exactly.
I was watching the news with my wife the other day, and they said something about the 300 school shootings. And I immediately thought of the overinflated numbers. I wasn’t sure how they calculated that. It’s shocking to find that out. But she gasped when she heard that number. She said, how is that possible? Well, I guess if you’re going to count it the way you’re describing, then maybe it’s possible. But yeah, that’s disgusting.
They know if they can trick if they can trick some of those soccer moms out there into going, oh, my, this is horrible. This is happening this often in this country that making them think that the kids getting shot up in a classroom is what’s happening with that kind of a frequency. Yeah, it can cause them to look over to Republicans and go, boy, I’ll tell you what, maybe those Democrats are right. You know, and these Republicans are the ones with blood on their hands and blah, blah, blah. It’s interesting. It’s such dishonest propaganda. It just makes my eye twitch. It really does.
By the way, these are the same individuals that will inflate all sorts of other things and yet deflate certain crime to make it look good on their end. So they are manipulating the data on a consistent basis, guys.
And by the way, can I also say the argument of going after gun manufacturers for stuff like this? This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life, going after the gun. Look, if a gun actually malfunctions and someone’s injured, then of course the manufacturer’s liable for that. Right. But if the gun functions the way it’s intended to function, it can be used for good or for evil because the very same gun manufacturer produces a gun that a bad guy uses, also produces a gun that a good guy uses to save people’s lives. Let me… Next time somebody gets killed by a drunk driver or plows their car into a crowd of people, do we now say, well, let’s go ahead and sue Ford or General Motors because they’re the ones who manufactured the car? It’s the same car that’s used to drive the pregnant mom to the hospital real quick to have the baby. Right. What do you think about that, Neil?
Sue the manufacturers? No. I mean, that’s a convoluted kind of thing, and I don’t want to get into it right now because I want to say one more thing, and I know we’re short on time this half hour. But, I mean, there’s so many nuances to that whole thing. I do think that parents should be held liable if they’re giving kids access to guns who illegally would be possessing or using them at that point. In other words, to not have a firearm in a locked cabinet and allow your 12-year-old to grab it and shoot a friend somewhere, I think the parents need to be held liable and or if they know about it, particularly if a kid makes violent overtures to certain people and says, I’m going to blow that guy up one of these days and for some reason either get them a gun or let them use… a gun that would constitute illegal use, then I think parents should be held liable for that. I don’t know. It’s controversial in certain circumstances because you could see the overreach people would want to take by just saying, well, if you had a gun in your house, you must be guilty. But I think there are certain cases where it would matter. I think parents are letting kids get away with far too much, especially when they know that they’re troubled. A kid that has been posting violent things or saying potentially violent things, I think that parents need to take action at that point.
Yeah, I mean, but this is a whole other conversation we could spend really an entire podcast on, which is safe gun ownership, proper training of your kids. I mean, guys, I grew up in a home and had a father where I started shooting, and I’m not exaggerating at age five or six, understood at the very early age what that gun could do, what it meant, what you weren’t supposed to do, how you were supposed to treat it, all of the gun safety that goes with it, and not to get off on a tangent, but we don’t do that anymore.
Right. Yeah.
We don’t teach that anymore.
That happened to much. I would agree. I would agree. I think it’s important that the kids know, frankly, how guns work and kind of mystify it for them a little bit, demystify it, because then that way they realize how lethal and dangerous.
That’s right. Exactly. Yeah, when I was a kid, you know, growing up and, you know, it was a time where, you know, gun safes, things like that really didn’t exist. You know, my dad just sort of hid guns all over the place, you know, wherever, you know, he happened to think that somebody that would be breaking in wouldn’t be able to find them, that kind of a thing. But we all had a very healthy, two siblings, we had a healthy respect for guns. I can remember even a few times where friends would come over and they’d ask to see such and such. And it was like, no, that is not okay. We’re not going to go do X, Y, and Z. And no, you’re not going to look at my dad’s gun. I mean, we knew on the front side how this was supposed to work because we had been taught that way.
Absolutely. No, you’re absolutely right. And by the way, we are going to, in the second half of the podcast, because we’re coming up on the end of the first half, we’re going to talk about all these drones, the New Jersey drones, and what’s the latest with that and how should we look at this as we continue through the podcast. We do want to ask you folks also, please support the sponsors to this podcast because these sponsors are supporting us and we appreciate them doing that. One of them, of course, is Preborn. And if you haven’t given to pre-born yet, do it now. You’re coming up on the end of the year, folks, and this is a chance to go ahead and do it. If you will give to pre-born right now, you know that you’re going to save babies’ lives, everybody. You’re going to do this. You’re paying for ultrasound images for these moms to see pictures of their baby, okay, in pro-life centers. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. So will you pray about a number of babies’ lives you’ll save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that’s your gift to pre-born. And 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. And, hey, we need some of you out there to buy ultrasound machines. We don’t have enough of them, okay? They’re $15,000 apiece. It’s a nice tax write-off for you coming up on the end of the year. And your forever legacy is that you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year after year. So what do you say? Give to Preborn right now. You can go online to, click on Preborn, give right there. And you can also call over the phone, 833-850-BABY. They answer 24-7, 833-850-BABY. We appreciate you supporting them. We also appreciate, Neil, our listeners supporting SunPowerLED because they do tremendous work getting people out of pain.
Yeah, and one thing we know for sure is that God created the human body to heal. If you sprain your ankle, it’s going to get better eventually. If you’ve got a head cold, it’s going to go away because our bodies can heal themselves. God made it that way. And SunPower LED helps foster that process, helps move it along. You’ve all seen video of an opera singer singing a particular note and can explode a champagne glass when the resonance of that particular note hits the right frequency. Well, same thing true with light waves. When the proper red light or near-infrared light is applied to the human body. It literally penetrates the skin. It goes to an area where there’s swelling and inflammation. It begins to reduce that swelling, reduce the inflammation, and promote the healing process. It’s an incredible thing that you really need to see for yourself. We’re talking about the very light God himself created. This has nothing to do with big pharma, nothing to do with surgery. Check it out for yourself by going to and click on Sun Power LED. That’s sun like sun in the sky, S-U-N, Sun Power LED. They have videos there you can watch and see for yourself how the very light God himself created can be used to help heal the human body. Thank God for that.
And it’s so great that it’s all natural like that too, which is just phenomenal. 100%. i know we uh in the second half of this podcast we’re going to be talking about the drones the new jersey drones what some of the latest is uh intel meeting that took place regarding that and what people are saying should we be concerned or not so we’ll get to that maybe a few other things as well in the second half as we continue uh on the national crawford roundtable podcast we encourage those five-star reviews for us thank you very much folks and uh Of course, you can listen to us wherever you listen to our podcast. We appreciate you doing that. We’re looking forward to the second half with Neil and with John and myself, Bob Duco, and that’s coming up.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
Continuing the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast with John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado, Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live out of Buffalo, New York, myself, Bob Duco, The Bob Duco Show out of Detroit. You know, the first half we were talking about the whole gun debate following the Wisconsin school shooting and such. Let’s talk about the drones, guys. What we’re hearing now is that there was an intel meeting that the FBI and the FAA and all the security apparatus of the United States, apparently they had representatives meeting with the House Intelligence Committee yesterday. And the House Intelligence Committee is coming out, mostly Democrats, saying, yeah, they assured us that there’s nothing to be concerned about regarding these drones. But they also said this is not a government operation, but there’s no real harm or concern about these drones being up there. And so I guess… I don’t know, John, for me, it seems like I don’t want to be a conspiratorial guy. I’ve said all along, I’m open to the possibility. This is just a bunch of teenage nerds. I’m open to the possibility that it is some kind of government secret thing, but they just don’t want to admit it. And I’m open to the possibility that you have foreign actors out there maybe working through American proxies to do some last minute surveillance before Joe Biden leaves. But it just seems to me that the answer that ought to be forthcoming right now is we now have identified these drones. These are the source of the drones. This is who’s flying them. This is who’s owning them. They have to know that. Why aren’t they telling us that?
Because I think they’re looking for something that they don’t want to scare the rest of the population into knowing is. Out there, there’s conversation, and I think the one where some of the stories out there, conspiracies, I guess you could say, was there was a nuke out of Ukraine that was lost. I think that one’s been pretty much dispelled. The one that continues to keep rolling along, and I’ve interviewed a couple of individuals that have some inside information. I guess you could say on my show, is that there is some nuclear waste that has been lost, and they don’t know where it is, and that these drones, and the reason they’re flying at night is because the signature of is much easier to find at night than it is during the day, that it’s the DOE that’s actually… you know, doing this. And again, why they don’t tell us is, I guess, because if they don’t want outright panic and people, you know, fleeing a portion of the country. I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know what the reasons for this would be. I mean, just be honest and tell people what’s going on. But I think it’s more along those lines, and I think it’s the reason why you even see Donald Trump saying that basically he knows he can’t say, and I don’t know why they’re keeping this hush-hush. I think they know the origins. They’re just not saying. And I don’t think it’s anybody that’s from another country, and I don’t think it’s anybody here doing it on our own shores. I think it’s government.
Well, and it is plausible, that particular theory, that if there’s some nuclear waste somewhere that’s been lost and they’re trying to find it, people have no idea if this is going to be another Lima, Ohio chemical kind of nightmare. Correct. Neil, it does make you wonder then – If any of us were in charge, might we possibly say, and I want to defend the Democrats and the apparatus here, but might we possibly say, hey, look, the lesser of the evils is lying to the public and not telling them because if we tell them the truth, we could create a panic and mass exodus and from regions that it doesn’t have to happen to. And so maybe the lesser of the evils is to just keep a secret while we look for it. If that were the case, I could kind of see that.
Yeah, and I only agree with you for this reason, probably. I don’t think it’s a good thing to lie to the public, but the government does it all the time. And I’m not justifying it, but I mean, we were lied to that Joe Biden was fit to serve as president of the United States. We haven’t really had a president during these past four years. Who knows who’s running the country? But all of it based on a lie that he was mentally fit. He’s not. And we saw that during the debate. But You know, are we being lied to? I think it’s a strong possibility. We are being lied to. There’s one other theory, by the way. I have my own theory on this. I think that the New York Giants are so dreadful this year. No, listen. This is a marketing ploy to rebrand and relaunch next year as a team called the New Jersey Drones. And, you know, join the NFL. And a lot of people are interested in the New Jersey Drones, so maybe they could actually get people in the stand. That’s actually a good theory. Yeah. It’s not horrible. There’s so many strange thoughts that I have about this. Again, if they know anything, why aren’t they telling the public? And I think there’s so much distrust of government right now. And you heard what Donald Trump said. He’s like, they know what it is. They know exactly what it is, and they’re not telling you. And I would be curious to know why they’re not telling you. He’s leading us to believe that they know exactly what this is. And I think a lot of people…
I honestly think he knows he just he can’t because of where he’s at and so on. The fact that he’s not president right now, of course, you know, can’t say which, by the way, for all of those individuals that have always said that, you know, he he leaked documents and he did this and he did that. Well, if in fact and we come to find out down the road that he in fact did know exactly right now what’s going on and didn’t say a word that disproves all of that other nonsense as well. It does.
Which, by the way, let me – John, do you think, though, that it’s – not to try to poke holes in this particular theory of we’re looking for some nuclear waste or something.
And that’s all it is.
I mean, I have no idea. But it’s almost like I could see that if there were a particular county that they were scanning. But you’ve got an entire state of New Jersey that’s being scanned, parts of New York, even parts of Pennsylvania. It just seems like that’s a huge swath of land to be looking for something.
Well, keep in mind, though, if it’s something that’s delivered on rail, for example, and somehow a – Car, for example, got lost, which don’t ask me how that happens, but I guess it’s happened before. Put that one in quotes. Put that one in quotes. Lost. Yeah, I mean, supposedly it’s happened before. This isn’t the first time. And the one thing that, and this is where I asked my guests the other day about this, if you look at the way the drones fly, they’re doing it very much in a grid pattern, meaning they are looking for something. So the question is, if it’s not the DOE, then why? Honestly, for me, it’s more scary if it’s not that. If that’s not the case, what are they looking for? I know.
Well, can I say something, too? I mean, one of the things that’s been curious to me is that these things, for the most part, I mean, one of the former congressmen, Adam somebody, Kinzinger or something, was saying that he believes, and he apparently was in the military or a military pilot or something, but that, you know, look at Some of these things I see, he goes, I haven’t really seen a drone. I’m seeing small manned aircraft. Well, maybe he’s just missing the drones, but we’re told that there are actual drones out there. But why would they have like proper FAA lighting on them, right? I mean, if this was like a nefarious foreign government somehow launching drones from a mystery ship out in the ocean. And coming to scan out, you know, the best way to attack the United States or something or find out how secure we are from a drone attack, you know, try to assess all that. Well, why would they put proper FAA lighting on them?
Furthermore, Neil, why wouldn’t we have shot them down by now?
Correct. And that was part of what I was also going to say. And on top of that, why haven’t we like scrambled jets or sent a Blackhawk helicopter up there? Blackhawks are used to flying in traffic, man. I mean, when they’re low to the ground and there’s a cat fight, dog fight in the air going on, they’re avoiding objects.
We have technology that could land them electronically where you don’t even have to fire a shot. Don’t forget that as well. So The reality is we could send out a mini EMP pulse near every one of those things and destroy them immediately, and they’d fall to the ground. So the reality is we’re not doing that because they’re ours. Yeah.
And that would be the speculation, sure.
Which I’m still open to the possibility that it might actually be the smarter thing to keep the public in the dark about it.
And Bob, you could be, I’m not going to argue that one either. If it is something that, let’s say it’s even worse than nuclear waste. I don’t know what that would be, by the way, but let’s say it’s something even worse than that. Yeah, do you want to keep the public in the dark and not have them in some sort of a panic mode where everybody immediately wants to leave the coast and drive away? you know, travel inward, I mean, that would be a total disaster. So which is better? I don’t have that answer. I don’t know what we’re doing, so I don’t have the answer to that.
Yeah, I know. I get it. I do know this, though. As we continue talking about this, we’re going to shift the conversation to political, to presidential politics. And is Donald Trump… in essence, the de facto president right now. Frankly, I would argue that he is, and that doesn’t bother me at all, but we’ll talk about that. We also want you folks to support our sponsors. We appreciate them sponsoring this podcast, and Preborn is certainly one of them. You know, Preborn is a way to save babies’ lives, folks. It’s really this simple, okay? If you right now will decide that you’re going to pay for some ultrasound images through Preborn, You’re literally going to stop babies from being aborted. It’s true. In pro-life centers, pre-born shows these ultrasound images. Moms choose life when they see a picture of their baby. But it takes money. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. How many babies’ lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy of the amount of babies’ lives that you saved. And you know what? Some of you coming up on the end of the year that are looking for a nice tax write-off, how about buying an ultrasound machine? They’re $15,000 a piece, and you can write it off for yourself. And you know something? Your forever legacy will be that you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. Think about that, huh? And by the way, everything you give to Preborn, 100% goes to the ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. So here’s how you give. Go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or you can give over the phone to a real live person. They answer 24-7. Call 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. We appreciate you doing that. We appreciate you supporting our sponsors. Neil, one of the things we really appreciate, too, is SunPower LED and how they’ve been able to get people out of pain in a completely natural way, the way God actually intended it.
There was a ton of distrust about the government that I think helped propel Donald Trump into the White House. And his victory was largely based on government distrust, distrust of big organizations like Big Pharma. So when he said that he was thinking about nominating RFK Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services, there was a lot of excitement about that, actually, because I think people don’t trust Big Pharma. They’ve got a lot of dollars on the line and want to keep people sick, but the bottom line is there are alternative therapies for reducing pain and swelling, promoting healing, surgical wound care, etc., and simply using the light God himself created. It’s an amazing thing. This same technology was used to heal my lungs after COVID. I was headed for the hospital. I wasn’t able to breathe. I was at 79% oxygen saturation. And in about a week, the entire thing turned around with the help of SunPower LED. It’s red light therapy. It’s a particular device that shoots wavelengths of light, certain specific wavelengths into your body. You don’t get burnt. You don’t feel it, but it reaches the cells that need help. energizes the mitochondria, wakes up the cell, and promotes healing in your body. You need to see it for yourself. If you’re a migraine sufferer, if you’ve got joint pain, check it out. SunPowerLED at Again, SunPower, like sun in the sky, S-U-N. SunPowerLED at
Absolutely. And we appreciate you folks doing this as we continue through this podcast. You know, Donald Trump being the de facto president, actually, if we could, before we even get to that, John, I do want to get your take on the Biden administration auctioning off… Trump border wall for five cents on the dollar. Texas, by the way, is stepping in saying, you know what, we’re going to buy it up then and we’ll store it for Trump and then give it to him once he’s in. But Ted Cruz, I thought, made a really good point when Trump, when he was asked about this, he said, you know, this may be criminal what they’re doing. And then Ted, you know, people are like, oh, that’s an exaggeration. But what Senator Cruz said is he said, think about his example was think if you had a sheriff in a town and that sheriff lost the election and he hated to lose. And he’s mad now that he lost. And here comes the new sheriff. But before the new sheriff can be sworn in, the old sheriff decides to take the 10 squad cars that are worth $50,000 a piece and auction them off for a hundred bucks a piece. You’re going to tell me that that sheriff wouldn’t be indicted on charges for this. And so how is that any different than John, than what Joe Biden is doing right now with border wall?
In my opinion, there is no difference. This is very criminal in its behavior, if you would, or what he’s actually doing. He’s doing it on purpose. It’s a poke in the eye at Donald Trump and, frankly, all of the Americans that voted for Donald Trump, which, again, just as a side note, I talked in my program yesterday about how the Democrats have lost touch. With, you know, with the country. Another example right now, you’ve got a majority of the country that voted for Donald Trump because the very thing we’re talking about in regard to the border. And yet this particular, you know, party and because, you know, let’s face it, it is all part of the same party are going to do exactly what they’re doing right now. That is nothing more than a poke in the eye at every voter that voted for Donald Trump.
I know. Neil, what do you think about them selling off the border wall for pennies on the dollar?
I just picture a kid about to lose a chess game, and he’s had enough, and he flips the board and walks out of the room. Good example. If I can’t win, I’m taking my sports equipment and going home or whatever. It’s the idea that they’re trying to stand in the way of the Trump agenda, and the Trump agenda is to crack down on illegal immigration. And I think the American people, honestly, should be outraged. I don’t care what your background is. We spent money for a border wall that ultimately will be erected under the Trump administration, at least portions of it, I would think. And the idea that they’re standing in the way of that so blatantly… You know, trying to step in the way to say, look, I don’t care what the American people said at the polls this past year or how big of an issue illegal immigration is to people that want secure borders. We’re just going to sell this stuff off because, you know, we’re upset at the Trump administration and we’re just going to stick it to them. And I think that they should be held accountable. And we’re the ones who bought this. It’s taxpayer money.
It’s taxpayer money. So we’re the ones who bought this wall.
So 100 percent.
And believe me, I can tell you right now from being around some of that type of product, that’s not cheap stuff we’re getting rid of, by the way, guys.
Nothing in the government is cheap. I mean, that’s going to be very expensive to replace, is my point.
Yeah, and it’s taxpayer money being spent, and I don’t see anybody upset about this. CNN, MSNBC, a bunch of Democrats in Congress, they ought to be griping about this or not. Of course not. So they’re all complicit in this. So what do you think about Donald Trump kind of functioning as the de facto president at this point? It does seem like he is. I mean, look, you’ve got this gazillionaire Japanese businessman – who says, Trump is making me confident enough in the U.S. economy that I’m going to go ahead and invest $100 billion in the United States. $100,000 employees, I think, as well.
Did I read that right?
$100,000 employees, they’re estimating, too. Yeah, Trump’s not even in the White House yet. He’s already meeting with the world leaders and basically starting to arrange the chess pieces already. I imagine that they’re already doing some behind the scenes negotiations already with Iran and Hamas as far as getting those hostages released, too. So it really is, you know, if you think about it, Neil, let me ask you about this first. This is an historic thing. I’ve never seen this in my life before, where you have an outgoing president who’s really not the functioning president anymore, and the incoming president actually functioning as the president, but before he’s actually legally allowed to. I think it’s a good thing that Trump is doing, but I find it incredible that he’s seen as the president of the United States right now, not Joe Biden. Mm-hmm.
Well, it really says a lot about the perceptions that the American people have about what’s been happening in the White House over the last four years. And I don’t think it’s just that Joe Biden lost, so he’s going away. I don’t think he was ever present. I mean, this was sleepy Joe sitting in his basement. Remember that prior to the 2020 election? Where was he and where has he been? And why don’t we see him more often or why haven’t we seen him more often at press conferences and you know, in public, making public statements. It’s because he’s incapacitated, and I don’t think he’s actually been the president for the last four years. So I think Donald Trump, you know, I think that the public is welcoming the idea that we’re going to have a president, a visible president, who’s going to be accountable to the American people, who’s going to say things and then follow up on those things, you know, make statements, make claims, and then make good on those claims. And I think people are hungry for that. So I don’t see that the American people are going to push back at all. I think Democrats ought to be furious in one sense that he’s sticking his nose in there. But on the other hand, I think they’re just resigned to it. It’s over, man. And the whole Biden thing ain’t happening. Where’s Kamala anyway? She’s been invisible. So I think it’s entirely appropriate because the world is ready for change. And here comes Donald Trump.
Both of you guys understand the whole leadership principle. You’ve been around things long enough. Neil, you, the church, Bob, you as well. And the reality is this is something, by the way, that the other side, I think, has completely lost. They have forgotten. They don’t know what real leadership is. They want to rule in a very Putin way, which, by the way, is not leading. It’s dictating. And the reality is the American public doesn’t want that. They will follow a good, solid, proven leader. It’s why I believe Donald Trump was elected unanimously even by a popular vote. They’re tired of not being led, and they’re looking for a leader.
Well, think about John, think about the Mar-a-Lago press conference that Trump just I mean, for over an hour just the other day, allowed himself to be peppered with as many questions as the press wanted to hit him with. He was willing to do that for over an hour. And you can’t even imagine just try to picture Donald Trump at that press conference only taking a few minutes and then looking down at a piece of paper saying, OK, hold on a minute. They told me who I told me to call on you. Oh, yeah. This person, OK, I’m supposed to call on you. And then the blank stares. And we just can’t. Yes, you’re right. Americans are hungry for some kind of leadership right now. And Donald Trump is showing that he’s the guy that’s in charge, let alone when January 20th comes here.
You know, I have the Fox News app on my phone, and I don’t know if you guys do, but leading up to the election, well, after they named Kamala as the candidate, right? Sleepy Joe says, I’m backing out, and Kamala’s it, and nobody had a vote on that, but here she is, and she’s the candidate. Fox News started tracking how long it was before she held any kind of a formal press conference. And I believe that the last number I saw, or at least remember, was 105 days that she did not hold any kind of a formal press conference. Like you just described, that Donald Trump stood there and just took questions from the press, unprompted, no teleprompter, whatever, just answering questions. Kamala was nowhere to be found. And yet we were supposed to believe that she was capable of leading our government? I don’t think so. Right.
Well, it really is showing that no matter what you may say about Donald Trump or his personality, his style, anything like that, I don’t think anybody can question his ability to lead.
Really quick, Bob, which, by the way, his style and demeanor and approachability and so on has changed dramatically. And, again, I think it comes from the assassination attempt, frankly. I think a lot of things changed at that point. But the way he’s handling everything is just – it’s 180 degrees different than it was prior.
Yeah. Hey, what do you think about, you know, I’m curious your thoughts on how he’s handling the media, because on one hand, he’s basically telling, at least how it looks to me, he’s saying, I am either going to be the guy who reaches out the olive branch and tries to get along with you, or I’m going to be your worst enemy. Okay. But we’re not going to have some kind of middle of the road relationship. So he’s willing to meet with MSNBC people. He’s willing to You know, take their calls and talk with them, do the interviews, talk with the press, even have their back a little bit saying, you know, the press is important. We need to have them. But at the same time, he says to Des Moines, Iowa, Des Moines Register, Iowa newspaper. OK, guess what? I’m suing you and your top pollster for election interference. ABC. OK, I’ll take your 15 million dollars. CBS. I’m still hauling you into court. We’ll see if we get an out of court settlement here. and they’re just going to work down the line and start suing the media organizations. And you know something? I don’t see that as a contradiction. I see that, John, as being smart. This is Trump saying, if you’re going to lie, you’re going to have to get better at it, okay? Because if you’re going to play this game, I’m going to be your worst enemy. We can either be good friends or we can be horrible enemies, but the status quo is not going to exist anymore.
I think the other thing that plays into this, and even Van Jones on CNN not that long ago, I think just a few nights ago, said that, you know, At one time, we were the mainstream media and all of these other sources, the social media end of things and so on, that was fringe media. And even Van Jones himself said, that has switched. We are no longer the mainstream. What used to be the fringe has now become mainstream. And I think Donald Trump, by the way, understands that. Unfortunately, I’m not sure all of mainstream other than maybe Van Jones understands that.
I know. And by the way, Neil, we’re coming up on the bottom of the hour. But your thoughts on that real quick. And then please tell us about SunPower LED after your thoughts, too.
There’s going to be a radically different administration in charge as of January 20th. And I think that so much skepticism about where our country’s headed and who can be trusted. One big thing, people don’t trust the government. We saw that in the election, and they definitely don’t trust big pharma. Well, listen, if you’re tired of big pharma telling you that you need pills or doctors telling you you’ve got to have surgery to deal with certain situations that you’ve been dealing with, like joint pain and arthritis and migraines, etc., you need to know that there’s something that can completely change the direction you go with regard to treatment. It’s the light. Using the light God himself created, And use that to help heal the human body. Certain wavelengths of red and near-infrared light harnessed inside of sun power LEDs, different devices. One of them is handheld. There’s more like canopy kind of units that go over top of an entire table. unbelievable what light can do to restore cells, get them working properly to help heal your body. And you can learn all about it. You can watch videos and understand this for yourself simply using the light God created to heal your body. Go to SunPowerLED by visiting Click on the videos, watch and learn what the light God himself created can do to help heal your body.
I’ll tell you what, it works phenomenally. It does. We’re also asking you folks to wind down this podcast. Give to Preborn. Let’s save some babies’ lives. Okay, we’re coming up on the end of the year, and this is a time to say, hey, look, let’s do this. Let’s pay for some ultrasound images. Preborn shows these ultrasound images in pro-life centers across the country. But you know what? We don’t have enough ultrasound machines, and we don’t have enough money to pay for as many ultrasounds as we could. And that’s the reason why we’re asking you folks – Pay for some of these ultrasounds, okay? $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. How many babies’ lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, hey, that’s your gift to preborn. And 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds. And for some of you out there that can do it, we need you to buy ultrasound machines. They’re $15,000 a piece. If you buy just one, it’s a nice tax write-off for you. But your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands of abortions year after year. Think about that. So right now, give to pre-born if you would, okay? 100% of what you give goes to fund the ultrasounds. Nothing for overhead. And you can give online at Click on Preborn. Click on Preborn. Or they answer the phones 24-7. You can give to a real-life person over the phone by calling 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. And we appreciate you folks doing that. We appreciate you folks listening to the Crawford Roundtable podcast. And we welcome your five-star reviews wherever you listen to your podcasts. And John Rush, Rush to Reason out of Denver, Colorado. Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live out of Buffalo, New York. Myself, Bob Duco, The Bob Duco Show out of Detroit. Guys, always great having you with us and all of us getting together again. And we’ve got a week until Christmas. So look forward to our special Christmas program that we’ll be doing next week as well. We’ll see you guys later. Thanks for listening, everybody. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everyone.
You’ve been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of today’s culture through a biblical lens brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group station’s website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.