In this episode of The Good News, Angie Austin is joined by Dr. Laura Kunzis, an expert in optimizing personal performance. Discover the secrets to becoming the best version of yourself by incorporating personalized strategies used by top athletes. From effective nutrition planning to maintaining fitness routines, this episode offers practical tips for transforming your approach to health and wellness. Dr. Kunzis, Vice President of Medical Strategy at Thorne, brings her expertise to the table, discussing how anyone can leverage tailored techniques for sustained success.
Welcome to The Good News with Angie Austin. Now, with The Good News, here’s Angie.
If you are just joining us, this is Angie Austin with the good news. Hey, how would you like to be the best version of yourself in order to learn to optimize your personal performance? Well, today we are going to learn how a personalized approach helps athletes achieve their performance goals, and we can use the same techniques for ourselves. Joining us is an expert in the area, Dr. Laura Kunzis. She is Vice President of Medical Strategy at Thorne. Welcome, Dr. Laura Kunzis.
Hi, thank you for having me.
You are welcome. So how do I do this? I mean, this is so intriguing to me because I’ve been going to the gym. We do family gym nights several nights a week. We have three teenagers. My husband trains them and I kind of do my own thing. But I like the track upstairs and it has been so packed. And I don’t want a claustrophobic track. Right. But I think in my mind, this is terrible, Doc. I think in my mind, oh, they’ll be gone soon because it’s been at the beginning of the new year. They start, you know, to the straggling off, which they have. So how do we stick to that routine?
Yeah, so a lot of people fall off their routines around this time of year from their New Year’s resolutions. And sometimes it’s because maybe their goals were a little too hefty, but they bit off a little bit more than they can chew in the beginning of the year and they can’t stick with it. So I always give people a few quick tips to try to reframe their goals so that they can start now for the rest of the year and springboard their way into the summertime. So start simple and be specific, whether that’s going to the gym or you’re going to want to start meal planning or meal prepping for better nutrition. Be specific. So I’m going to go to the gym three times a week. You write that down, figure out what day you’re going to go, what time of day you’re going to go, and hold yourself accountable to it. I like to tell people, find somebody, whether that’s a friend, a family member, a coach, a trainer, or join a gym that has fitness classes that can hold you accountable. So it’s people who will know when you don’t show up. Similarly, you need to celebrate your milestones. A lot of people often forget that they do this kind of thing in silence and they might not be telling people about it. Well, you should be taking the time to celebrate those milestones, whether it’s 50 check-ins or you’ve lost 10 pounds or you’ve successfully meal prepped for the past three months. You should go out and buy yourself a new pair of sneakers or a new set of workout clothes, something that will keep you motivated and excited to continue on this goal and on the journey.
I like this. So as a registered dietitian, what nutrition advice do you like to give the athletes that you work with? I just get a little confused. High protein, not high protein, carbs, this kind of carb, not that kind of carb. So what do you tell your athletes you work with?
The approach has to be personalized. There are foundational elements of nutrition that everybody needs, right? Like, for example, everybody needs protein and their diet every day. But how much? You know, you don’t know how much, what types of protein. That should also be based on your preferences. If you like certain foods or don’t like certain foods, or maybe you just don’t have the time for it, too. So time of day can play a role in that personalization process as well. For most people, if you don’t know where to begin, I always suggest go talk to a professional, just like you would a CPA for your taxes this time of year or another health professional for other elements. The nutrition aspect is no different. The other thing I like to tell people is to really start to educate yourself and empower yourself so that you’re asking the right questions. Go read blogs online, listen to podcasts, immerse yourself in the nutrition information out there. That’s not all true, but at least you’ll start to be able to educate yourself and discern what’s right and what’s wrong and what’s best for you.
Do you have any favorite? OK, so I have three athletes, two I think are going to play in college. And I know you were a D1 athlete. I’ve got some swimmers, too. And I’m just wondering, I have a hard time with the protein. I get them these drinks they really like. But what’s a quick what do you recommend for quick forms of protein? And I know it’s personal preference, but for your athletes?
Yeah, it is personal preference, but a good protein shake can do wonders and it is convenient. That’s the best part about it. So powdered protein usually comes in like a big tub or it comes in single serve sachets, but whey protein isolate is a great option. It’s full of the amino acids that your body needs for post-workout recovery. So something that you’d want to consume, you know, 30 to 60 minutes after an exercise. And anywhere from 20 plus grams of protein is usually great for the average athlete. That is supposed to be based on body weight. But, you know, most people are going to need at least 20, 25 grams to be able to hit the amino acid amounts in that protein to start rebuilding your muscles. So, you know, it’s a great approach. Yeah, it’s a good option to kind of the simplest, most quickest way to start to elevate your game.
Well, and I didn’t know that 30 to 60 and I know about whey protein isolate isolate. Sometimes I get the grass fed, whatever, you know, milk, whatever, you know, protein shakes. But OK, cool. So that’s good. That’s great advice. All right. In terms of products, you mentioned whey protein isolate. Anything else you can think of that helps support athletes or even us regular Joes in our workout routines?
Yeah, there’s a lot of products. Obviously, if whey protein isolate doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, lactose intolerance or some other things, there’s amino acids, which are basically the broken down proteins in the body. So it just takes that one step in that equation. They’re equally as good and beneficial for your body. Other ingredients that athletes are going to want to think about are creatine for sure. That’s going to support quick, fast, strong muscle reactions. So think about like doing a standing backflip or even just throwing your kid into the air in the pool. That uses a lot of creatine in the body for energy. Okay. Another favorite ingredient that I see a lot of athletes taking these days is also beta alanine. And beta alanine is an amino acid that’s going to help buffer that lactic acid that builds up in your muscles. So picture exercising and your body starts to burn a little bit. Well, it’s going to help burn a little bit less and help you go a little bit farther with beta alanine. It’s a great option for people who are doing like high intensity exercise and things that might last more like three, four, five minutes or longer.
Oh, I’d never heard of that. Okay, that’s good to know. You know, I’m always interested, Laura, in, you know, there’s people of passion for what they do and how they get into things. So as I’m looking at all your background, which, by the way, my daughter’s not going to go to school. She’s going to school for volleyball next year, not far from Memphis, where you would do University of Memphis. She’s going to be at Reed-Hardeman, which is like maybe an hour, hour, hour and a half from Memphis to play volleyball. And not only were you a D1 swimmer, which I’m sorry to get D1 for swimming. That is some grueling work. And then Ironman triathlete, marathoner. So this isn’t just your life’s work. This is your life.
Yeah, I found a way to turn what I like to do into my profession, which I think is the best of both worlds. But, you know, I really like to eat and I think food tastes really good when you exercise. So it’s the best of both worlds for me.
It’s funny you say that. My daughter came up from volleyball day every night and I had, you know, like rolls, not big ones, but like maybe hamburger size. And I saw her put four out because she’s not very good at figuring out what to eat. She even asked me how to make a turkey sandwich and she’s leaving for college next year. She’s like, what do you put on a turkey sandwich, my girl? Yeah. Good thing you have a meal plan. Anyway, she’s making four, right? I go, you’re going to eat four of those? She’s like, five, nine, maybe 145. I’m like, four? Four sandwiches? She goes, yeah, I’m starving. Then she did that and a protein shake. It’s so different for someone like me in my 50s now who will have maybe half of one of those. The needs are so different for you athletes. To I’m always telling them, this is your job now. You need quality food to put in your body. You can’t grow and make muscle because one of my kids is still growing on trash food.
Yeah, you’re totally right. I like to talk about food as fuel for the body. What are you putting inside your car, which is your body? How is that going to run? How are you going to maintain its parts? throughout this season, throughout next year, throughout 20 years from now. Like, you want to have this car still on the ground and running well, like a well-oiled machine throughout as long as you possibly can. And, you know, your daughter, I love the story to hear because I think that’s the same for a lot of teenagers and young adults these days. And it speaks… It speaks to the fact that, you know, personalization, like you can’t eat the same thing as your daughter, right? You guys both probably could benefit from a lot of the nutrients that she’s consuming, but in much different quantities at this time in your life.
Yes, it’s funny because my husband is sick to mix it with all those teenagers. Like when I eat with them, I’m like, oh, please, God, let me just have a little bit more of what they’re eating. They eat, but, you know, I know my limits. All right, so where did this passion start for you with the working out and then obviously, you know, getting your education in this background? Did this start young? How did this all start?
It started young for me as growing up in a family of athletes, for sure. But I think that I hit my stride in college when I had a sports dietitian at the swim team at University of Connecticut, and she was so – So educational and world renowned with protein metabolism. And I just became enthralled with like what the body can do and how the body rebuilds itself after tearing it down, which is purposely, you know, an exercise. So I just found it fascinating and it’s turned into a lifelong passion and, you know, a passion. My family, too, is very healthy, and we like to go to the gym and work out together. And it’s just a way to turn your passion into a lifestyle. And I don’t want that to sound like if anybody’s not into it right now that it’s too late to get started. It really is just immersing yourself and turning good habits into lifestyle habits and making those modifications as you can because you’ll see benefits as you go forward. year after year and decade and decade into your life that, you know, these benefits pay off from a younger age.
You’ve actually been all over University of Connecticut, University of Memphis, and you said you have kids now yourself?
Yeah, I don’t have any kids yet, but my husband and I and our parents and my in-laws and everybody and our nieces and nephews and everything, we are just really active people and we just love to do family activities and stay healthy and stay active.
Tell me about Thorne. I know it’s a science-backed health and wellness solution. Talk about how you got involved in all of that.
I actually started at Thorne a long time ago as the director of research because Thorne is a dietary supplement company for the last 41 years. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s surprising because we’ve been around for a while. Thorne builds research-backed formulas, and then we do clinical research on the formulas. So that’s a large part of my role at Thorne is taking these formulas and figuring out how are they working for the person? What are we seeing? What biological changes and physiological changes are we seeing within a person who’s taking these? And how do they say they feel? How are they perceiving how they feel? How are they saying they like the taste, the formula, the flavor, whatever it may be? So it’s a great company to work for because we really put our pride and our passion and our science into everything that we do. And it shows we are a high-quality supplement brand on the market that has everything from – really simple ingredients like probiotics and vitamin D to more complex formulas that are things that are good for digestive health or eye health or injury and repair and recovery.
It must be pretty satisfying to work with, you know, alongside some of these professional athletes as well and be part of their programs and then to see their success. Do you get a kick out of that?
I do. It’s one of my favorite things is to have a phone call or a Zoom call with an athlete and then see them on TV like a week later. Absolutely killing it. So yeah. It’s so rewarding and it’s so awesome to see that they’re listening to advice that you’re giving them and that they’re so ingrained with their sport and they’re being successful. So, you know, it’s a true moment of being proud.
Well, I think, too, it’s important for people like when you talk about Thorne’s background, I know you collaborate with the Mayo Clinic and, you know, that you said to these medical trials. Rather than just going on the Internet and getting something from China and not dissing you, China, I’m just saying like this. You don’t know anything about right to actually get something that, you know, is science backed. I think it’s really important for people. So tell us where we go to get more information.
Yeah, the best place to go is, And there’s obviously all the products that we sell on that website, but one of my favorite parts of the website is the Take 5 Daily blog. It’s a research-backed blog that’s easy to read, easy to understand, written by the scientists and the healthcare professionals at Thorne. So you’ll see articles by me, but also from my colleagues as well. about a plethora of different health concerns, whether that’s things from hair, skin, and nails to blood sugar metabolism or weight loss or sports performance. So there’s something for everybody on there, and I’m sure you’re going to learn something.
Oh, cool. Daily Five. Okay. Thanks so much. I appreciate it, Doc.
Yeah, thank you, Angie.
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Hey there, it’s Angie Austin with the Good News. Now, this may not seem like good news, but it is because we’re going to raise awareness. I’ve talked to you before about colon cancer in my family, specifically my husband’s, but my family in a way, and how we lost an aunt and how grandpa has definitely had some issues. But one thing that has really helped us as a family is the awareness and to know that we wouldn’t have lost our aunt if we would have really been aware of what needed to be done in order to prevent her cancer. So we’ve got two experts joining us today, Dr. Christine Momente. She is a scientific advisor to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance and also D.D. West. She’s a five-year survivor of colorectal cancer. Welcome to both of you.
Thank you. Thank you.
All right, so let’s start with you, Doc. Let’s talk about why you’re here today and what you want us to know.
Absolutely, thank you very much for having us. I want everyone to know that colorectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death in men under 50. And it’s the second leading cause of cancer death in women under 50, only second to breast cancer. And these are new statistics. And we see across the US just in general, men and women overall, it’s the second leading cause of cancer death. So this doesn’t really blend with the fact that this is a highly preventable disease. And our only way and our only tool really for preventing and early detecting this disease is through screening. And we want people to know that 45 is the new 50. 45 is the new screening age. It has been lowered because of this rising incidence in young people. And we know that colonoscopy is the gold standard for prevention. It’s the only test that prevents this disease through the removal of precancerous polyps. And there are other home-based tests that are very good at detecting this cancer early. We know that the survival rate goes way up when it’s diagnosed in an early stage. It goes up to over 90 percent over five years. And it’s really great to know that we have these tools, but we just need people to use them.
Well, I’m glad they lowered the age. I didn’t know that. I think my husband had his first one at 40. And every time he’s gone in, they’re like, well, you know, why are you even here? You know, he just went in again and they’re like, you don’t need to come in in five years. And then grandpa said, don’t let anyone tell you you don’t have to be tested as often as you and your doctor have decided. Don’t let them try to shy you away from that. going in for additional screening since it runs in your family because there was kind of this, oh, why are you here? So let’s actually get into your story then, DeeDee. Tell us your diagnosis, your symptoms, and give us your journey.
Yeah, so… Well, in 2020, I was 51 years old, and I had become really sick. I was extremely tired, weak, and very dizzy. And a family member encouraged me to schedule physical. So I went in and saw my doctor, and based on my age alone, he said, oh, you need to get a colonoscopy. So I scheduled one a few months later, and… was incredibly shocked to learn that I had cancerous polyps and I was diagnosed with colon cancer. And to be honest, I wish I would have known the importance of the screening. I wish I would have known that they had changed the age to 45. I heard it on the news actually the same night I was diagnosed. And I don’t know if that was exactly when it came out, but that’s when I heard it and I started crying because I’m very proactive. And I know I would have been screened at 45 if that was the age. Anyways, for me, my first colonoscopy absolutely saved my life. And I know the colonoscopies get a really bad rap. People don’t want to do the prep. and all of that. But the preparation and the procedure itself, the procedure itself is an amazing nap is what I tell everybody. It’s a good sleep. And the prep is a lot easier than the mental gymnastics of getting a cancer diagnosis at any stage. I mean, it doesn’t matter what stage they tell you you are. Getting the word cancer as your diagnosis is horrendous. And so I’m here to help spread awareness and to really get people to get screened, get your colonoscopy, save your life. It’s really that easy. And really, like since my diagnosis, I’ve become a huge advocate and to help spread awareness and to save other people from the mental gymnastics that I went through and colorectal Cancer Alliance is the leading nonprofit in helping to save people’s lives, and they have incredible resources. For other patients, survivors like myself, their is a great tool. It has all kinds of tools for people, their caretakers, their parents, their families, friends, and I highly recommend it.
Well, thanks for sharing that because you guys, both of you are saving lives today just by getting the word out there. I didn’t even know about the 45-year age and here this is like, you know, kind of a thing for our family that we’re very aware of. So let’s, a couple of things. Doctor, you mentioned that there are other, okay, let’s say someone absolutely 100% refuses, you can’t get your husband in there, he will not go for colonoscopy. You mentioned some other tests that aren’t the gold standard, but is there something else they could start with if they refuse to go in? That wouldn’t happen in our family. They’re going.
Yeah, no, absolutely. It’s such a great question. We always say the best test is the one that gets done. And so, yes, colonoscopy is the only test that can prevent cancer through the precancerous polyp removal. But there are a number of stool-based tests. There’s some that have been on the market for years, some that you’ll find in your doctor’s office. But the reason those tests are important is because they can test your stool for for blood or for certain DNA that may be shed from a potential tumor or precancerous lesion. And you can be identified as someone that needs a colonoscopy based upon that test. So if you take the test and it’s positive, the next step is colonoscopy. But if it’s negative, you can repeat these tests on a yearly or three-year interval, depending on the type of test. But it’s better than nothing. And again, the best test is the one that gets done.
Absolutely. Yeah, I’ll just give my little tip.
We went in for couples colonoscopies and all the nurses were just laughing at us and we were yelling to each other through the screens because I heard him saying, my wife’s there with me and the nurse was like, no, she’s not. And I’m like, I’m over here for my couples colonoscopy. But then you can at least do the prep. to prep together and everything, right?
That’s absolutely right. You know, you can do a couple’s colonoscopy, you can do a girlfriend’s colonoscopy. You know, there’s all kinds of things you can do to band together, you know, go through the experience together. And like Didi said, a lot of patients, I’ve had one too, you know, it is a great, you wake up and you say, did it start yet? And they say it’s over. And you don’t even realize how quickly it goes. You can check the box, you got it done, and you can have that peace of mind. And the guidelines really state that for surveillance, if nothing is found, you can go back in 10 years. So if you think about that, that’s a big, big deal. When you do the stool-based tests, again, they’re still very effective, but those are repeated every one to three years. So you really just need to stay very vigilant to make sure you get those done if that’s the route you want to take.
Okay. Thank you both so much for all you’re doing for others. And give us the website, again, the best place to find additional info.
So for patient survivors, And then for screening,
Well, thank you so much, Dr. Momente and D.D. West. Really appreciate all your help and information today.
Thank you. Thank you. Have a great day.
Thanks, Angie. Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, we’re transitioning, turning a corner here, going from saving lives and early screening to also looking fabulous on the outside as well you know we just had the Oscars and I just can’t believe how good some of those women can look I know so much goes into it there’s so many like tricks of the trade I have a lot of friends who lives in Los Angeles and I know some of them look pretty much like they did when I left 25 years ago and It is red carpet season when Hollywood’s biggest stars shine their brightest, so why shouldn’t we shine brightly as well? Joining us today, she’s back, celebrity lifestyle expert and red carpet host Valerie Greenberg, who is here to reveal how anyone can create that red carpet Oscars look. Valerie is the founder of You’ve Been Validated celebrity website, and she regularly conducts Three, two, one. And she regularly conducts A-list interviews and appears on network TV. She is also the author of the upcoming book, You’ve Been Validated, which I already found on Amazon. It’s available for pre-order, so we will talk about that new book. Welcome back, my friend, Valerie Greenberg.
So sweet. Thank you so much, Angie. Appreciate it and love being with you.
Oh, I always love having you on the show. All right, you cutie pie. Let’s just start right off with, you know, what the average person, you know, like us, you know, listening and myself, do to achieve that red carpet look that we see the stars have. Because there’s a lot of work that seems to go into that.
There is, you know, and paying attention to the trends that we saw on the red carpet because I just want to let you know that retailers are definitely going to be trying to emulate those looks so you can get them at affordable prices. Oh, cool. But in terms of where we start, I say taking care of your skin is really where beauty begins. And my tip is revolutionize your body care routine with the new Olay Super Serum Body Wash Collection. It brings the most awarded skin care serum into your shower. And the Olay Super Serum Body Wash reveals luminous skin with its silky formula. It’s infused with a concentrated serum complex of five plus skincare ingredients to penetrate the skin’s surface layers. And it smells so good, Angie, I just have to tell you. These ingredients stay on your skin instead of going down the drain with the lather. And that’s how you get the luminous skin with regular use. Look for this new collection at retailers nationwide for just under $13. Okay.
How about, you know, getting ready for a night on the town or, you know, like a red carpet look? Where should we start?
Yeah, so here’s the thing. Sweat is the last thing that you want to worry about on the red carpet or going out for the evening, whenever the spotlight is on you. So with the new Secret Clinical Dry Spray Antiperspirant, you can step into the spotlight with confidence, knowing that it keeps you feeling fresh and flawless no matter what. Say goodbye to sweat stains. body odor and the hassle of reapplying deodorant. Secret Clinical Dry Spray dries quickly so you don’t have to worry about residue on your outfit. Plus, it provides clinically proven 72-hour sweat protection against three types of sweat, sweat from stress, heat, and activity. So you can be confident that you’ll stay dry no matter the circumstances, and it’s available at retailers for just $9 nationwide.
All right, good deal. When we’re out, the stars are, of course, hot under the bright lights, but oftentimes we get hot whether we’re in a close setting or outside in the hot. Any suggestions for staying cool?
Yeah, that was absolutely the antiperspirant spray from Clinical from Secret Crystal Dry that I was mentioning before. And it’s like you got to bring it with you. It’s literally the best section. Like you put it on in the morning and you are good to glow, as I like to say.
How about anything trending that can help us really stand out in the crowd?
Well, metallics are everywhere right now, especially on the red carpet. We saw Demi Moore, Halle Berry, Paris Hilton. Tons of celebs have been wearing them all throughout awards season and at the parties. And it’s all about the detail. Embellishments on dresses from jewels and beads. to rhinestones on all of these dresses that were hand-sewn. I mean, yours don’t have to be hand-sewn, but it’s all about the details. So embellishments are also very popular.
Yeah, the details. I love that. How about any other red carpet fashion or beauty tips that you want to share with us before we talk about your book?
Yeah, a good trick is setting spray. So setting spray is incredible because it’ll keep your makeup in place. And if you don’t get your makeup done professionally, you wouldn’t even know about it. That’s how I learned about it. and use hairspray and, like, a fine-tooth comb to touch up flyaways. But, yes, you mentioned my book. Thank you. If you go to my Instagram, Val Greenberg, it’s in the link tree under my bio. You can just purchase it, or it’ll take you right to the Amazon link. It’s called You’ve Been Validated, a playbook for confidence and connection. And it’s literally going to teach you how to feel connected and confident. And at celebrity interviews, you’re going to love it. And for more information on everything we just discussed, how you can get that red carpet look, visit Tips on TV. And Olay. We’ll get you through it.
Excellent., Secret Olay. Thank you so much, Valerie.
Thank you, Angie. It’s always a pleasure.
Always a pleasure. Thanks, friend. Thank you for listening to The Good News with Angie Austin on AM670 KLTT.