
In this enlightening episode, explore the intersections of faith and practicality with Charles Capps. Understand the role of faith as a seed, and discover how the act of speaking to your challenges can bring about change. Charles shares compelling stories of his journey, using faith to navigate and overcome real-life obstacles while providing insights into how you can do the same.
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here’s Charles Capps.
Now, I spoke to the house. It didn’t sell overnight, but it did sell. In fact, I went out there one day and I said, now Lord, I’ve done what you said to do. And I’m sitting there thinking, and my carnal mind got a hold of it. It said, now what are you going to do? I said, I know what I’ll do. So I went out there, and I drove down the street, and I rolled the window down. It was cold that day, and I just stuck my head out. And I said, ha, ha, ha, ha. Went down and laughed at the other and went home. Learn to laugh at your problems. Now the reason I did that, the Spirit of God spoke this in one of our meetings. He said, learn to release your faith in laughter. Tears of self-pity and sorrow never release faith. They only release oppression and fear. So learn to release your faith in laughter. So I just simply did what I heard the Spirit of God say. I laughed at the house. Now the house sold. Not only did the houses sell. But I sold the whole project to one man. Not only that, I sold all the land behind the project that was not developed. And the notes were paid. Now somebody said, you’re the luckiest guy that ever lived. Oh no, I don’t even believe in luck. I believe in doing the sayings of Jesus. Now it may seem foolish to you. But if you’ll do what Jesus said to do, you can have what Jesus said you’d have. Now, it’s very simple to take God’s Word and apply it to the natural things of life. But the church, so many times, has separated the two. Now, we had a piece of property right next door to our office building there. And we thought we might want to expand the office sometime. So it was put up for sale. So we decided to buy it. And I went out and walked around the property. Talk to the property. Now see, we’re doing the sayings of Jesus. Jesus said, Whosoever shall say to the mountain, to the problem. See, he’s not talking about literal rock mountains. He’s talking about problem areas in your life. He’s not talking about literal trees when he said the sycamine trees. He’s talking about obstacles that are keeping you from what you know God wants. Speak to it. If you had faith as a seed, you would say to the sycamine tree. Now the reason many people don’t speak to it, they don’t have faith as a seed. You know how a seed works? A seed calls things that are not. Did you know that? When a farmer plants corn, he can take a bushel of corn, And he can go out and plant that bushel of corn. He doesn’t want a bushel of corn. He wants 200 bushels of corn. So what is his seed doing? Calling things that are not. They’re not there, but it’s calling them because he planted them. Now Jesus said this, Luke 17, verse 5 and 6. He said, if you had faith as a seed, you would say. The way you plant the seed is to say it. So if you don’t say to the sycamine tree, if you don’t say to your problem… be plucked up and be removed and tell it where to go. It’s because you don’t believe or have faith as a seed. You may have faith alright. You may have faith that God’s going to do it sometime. But it may never happen. The time may never come. Because you’ve never established anything for sure. Just sometime. If I came to this town, you know, and called up pastor here and said, well, now, you know, I’m in town and we need to get together. He said, well, all right, where? Oh, just anywhere. Well, when? Oh, just anytime. And just hung up the phone. How long do you think it’d take us to get together? You’re never going to get together. So, you see, doing the things of Jesus is a practical thing. You do it because Jesus said to do it. You study, you meditate the Word, and you apply these things in the natural things of life. Now somebody said, I tried it and it didn’t work. It won’t work if you try it. It only works when you do it. Now let me show you the difference in a trier and a doer. A trier tries it for a little while, and when it didn’t work, he quits in a week or two. He quits. That stuff doesn’t work. But a doer just says, thank God Jesus said it worked, and he just keeps doing it until he gets the results. Now when I started doing these things, actually it never occurred to me that it might not work. Because I was firmly convinced and fully persuaded that what Jesus said was true. Now if it never did happen, then I missed it somewhere. But I saw it happen. I talked to this piece of property next door. Then I made an offer on it. I walked around that property. I said, listen to me, I’m talking to you. I’m calling you into the ministry. You come to me in Jesus’ name. Then I made the offer on the property. They turned it down. So I just went on. Thank God I’ve done what the Word said to do. Now, a few months later, they got a big sign sitting up out there on the property. It said, Future Home of the Production Credit Association. And my head gave me trouble over that. And I said to my wife, I said, You reckon I better go talk to them about that. And I was sitting there thinking about it, and it just kept bugging me. And one morning, I’m walking down the hall, and my carnal mind said, He says, now what you going to do? And I just got tired of it. Finally, I just hollered out loud. I said, I know what I’ll do. Nothing. Jesus said it would obey me. So I just went on. Put it out of my mind. Wouldn’t even touch it in my thought life. Now, a few days, weeks later. I was down at the fishing camp there where we do some fishing. I was down there having a dominion seminar over the fish of the lake. And I called home and my wife said, the real estate lady wants you to call her right away. So I called her and she said, are you still interested in that piece of property out there? Yeah, I sure am. Well, you still give what you offered for it. I said, yes, I guess I would. Well, she said, you know, it’s funny. She said, they’ve decided they’re not going to build there. They’re going to build over on this other street. I said, I don’t doubt it. See, Jesus said, you’re going to fail if you don’t do my sayings. Now, don’t go blaming God if you didn’t do his sayings and things didn’t work out. Now, it may not always work out that day, that week, that year even. But if you continue to do the sayings of Jesus, you’re going to get the results Jesus said you could have. This is why I say it won’t work for triers. You’ve got to be doers of the word. Now you see, when he said speak to things, I used this in the area of farming. See, I farmed for nearly 30 years. And I’d even read the Bible to my crops. I’d spray them with Malachi 3.11. Somebody said, that must be a new poison. No, but it’s a good fertilizer. Now, I did use fertilizer. I had an individual come to me one time and said, two guys came over to Mississippi and they said, we came to this meeting just to ask you. We’re farmers. We want to ask you, do you use fertilizer on your farm? Being a faith man. Well, because you’re a faith man doesn’t make you throw away all good business practices. See, some people get things all squirreled up. And they think if you were a faith man, well, you wouldn’t even brush your teeth, you know. Or you wouldn’t put fertilizer. I said, yeah, I put fertilizer on my farm. Do you put gas in your car? But you see, if you don’t know the answer to a question, no question is stupid if you don’t know the answer. So I’m not really putting them down, but I’m just saying that certainly I use fertilizer. But I talk to the farm. I talk to my crops. I spoke to wheat one time. We had some wheat we had planted, and it just looked like it didn’t enough come up to leave. In fact, I’d already told the guys, you plow it up. When I’m leaving, going on a meeting, I said, it gets dry enough, plow it up. And… It had rained after I left and they didn’t get to plow it up. So when we got back home, it was looking a little better. It had turned warm and it was greening up. My wife kept saying, let’s just confess the word over it. I said, well, you’ve got to have something to confess over first. But finally, she talked me into it. So we go out there and we confess the word of God over it and talk to that wheat. We walked around out there and talked to it and said, listen to me, I’m talking to you. Jesus said, you would obey me. Now see, wheat will stool out, and from one seed it’ll put out another shoot, and it may have 15 or 20 shoots from one seed. And so I started talking to it and telling it what to do. So we went ahead and fertilized it and did the things necessary for it, and we cut 50 bushel of wheat to the acre off of that wheat I was going to plow up. And it was just simply by doing what Jesus said to do. Now, you know, to just sit down and tell you exactly how that wheat could understand what I said, I don’t know. I just know what Jesus said. And he said, if you come to me and hear my sayings and do them. Now, let me tell you some other things Jesus said to do. Jesus said, if your enemy is thirsty, give him drink. Well, maybe it was Paul that said that, but Jesus said, pray for your enemies. Do good to them that curse you. Now, that’s doing the sayings of Jesus. You’ve got to do the thing that He said to do. Now, let me show you why you’re to be good to your enemy and to pray for your enemy. Do good for them. And Paul says, if he’s hungry, give him something to eat. If he’s thirsty, give him drink. Now, in doing that, you’re calling him your friend. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that right? You’re calling things that are not. You’re calling him your friend when you feed him. Anybody knows you don’t feed your enemy. So you do it to your enemy to call him your friend. Everything produces after its kind. Start calling things that are not. Call it the way you want it. Call it the way the Word says it. Don’t call it the way it is. When you do that, you only establish what is. But when you begin to call things that are not as though they were, then you’re simply doing the sayings of Jesus. I appreciate so much you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. I trust you’ve been blessed and been with us all this week as we minister the Word of God. This is the last day for CD offer number 7403. It’s four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling. a total of $34. It’s entitled, Doing the Sayings of Jesus. When we talk about doing the sayings of Jesus, we’re talking about doing the things that he taught. And of course, Mark 11, 23, here’s the principle of faith and how it works. Whosoever shall say, believe, doubt not in his heart, believe what he is saying will come to pass. He shall have whatsoever he saith. Well, what have you been saying about your business or your house you have for sale or your property you’ve put up for sale? Are you saying nobody will ever buy it? I had a fellow tell me one time, he said, you know, we bought a piece of property. It was in a low area. We were going to let people dump field dirt in there, and we was going to eventually sell it and make money on it. But he said we got to needing to sell it and said we hadn’t got much dirt in it and said we started saying nobody will ever buy this mud hole. We’ll be paying for it the rest of our lives. And he said nobody was interested in it. Then he heard me teaching on this subject, and they decided to just do what Jesus said, to say to the sycamine tree or to the problem area or to the mountain, you will not hinder me anymore. You will be sold in Jesus’ name. We call you sold. So they went out there on Monday morning. On Sunday night, I taught in his church. They went out there on Monday morning, and they talked to the property people. Now, on Wednesday, they called and said, someone bought that piece of property today. Now, it had been up for sale for two years. No one had bought it. But when they began to do what Jesus said to do, and to speak to inanimate objects, and say what the Word said to say, say what you want done with it, then it happened. Now, these are things that will happen to you if you’ll just simply do what Jesus said to do. That’s offer number 7403, Doing the Sayings of Jesus, for a total of $34. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until Monday, this is Charles Capps reminding you, the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at charlescapps.com. Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.