
Join Charles Capps on an enlightening journey of faith in action as he shares dynamic principles that empower believers to command their reality through positive declarations. This episode focuses on the synergy between belief and spoken words, offering myriad testimonies that highlight the tangible results of faith in action. Through real-life examples, Charles demonstrates how disciplined speech and faith-led proclamations have helped individuals overcome financial hurdles, sell real estate smoothly, and achieve goals that once seemed unattainable. He stresses not only on the importance of believing the words you profess but also on fine-tuning your language to reflect unwavering
We are glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here’s Charles Capps.
Remembered what Jesus said about the sycamine tree? Whosoever shall say to it, said it would obey you. So I just went in there and got all my mortgages out. Had three or four of them. Laid them on the table. Called my daughter Annette. She was in the bedroom. I said, come out here. I want you to be a witness to what I’m going to do. My wife was gone somewhere. So I got her out there. And she’s standing there. And I said, I’m going to do what Jesus said to do. Because he said I’m going to fail if I don’t. So I backed off about six feet. And I started talking to these notes. I said, listen to me, I’m talking to you. Jesus said you would obey me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, I say to you, be paid in full, dematerialize, depart, be gone, in Jesus’ name, and you will obey me. I turned around and walked off. And my daughter’s standing there blinking her eyes. She had seen me do a few strange things, but nothing this strange before. See, I come to the point that I’m going to do what Jesus says to do. Now somebody said, didn’t you feel a little silly doing that? No, no, no. I felt a whole lot silly. But what does that have to do with it? Jesus said I was going to fail if I didn’t. So I just did what he said to do. When you do what Jesus says to do, expect to get the results that Jesus said you would have. Now, he said, when the stream beats vehemently against this fellow that does my sayings, it could not shake him. Now, boy, I tell you, I’ve been in some places financially where there was no hope financially for me. Natural hope I’m talking about. See, like Abraham was. When there was no hope, I made a decision to believe in supernatural hope. Now that’s what you have to do. Some of you may be that way financially. See, God’s gospel is a practical thing. But when you tend to spiritualize everything that Jesus said, you miss the fundamental things that will work for you in your everyday life. If you’re just going to tell me a bunch of Bible stories about David killing Goliath and Joshua defeating the giants, and don’t teach me the principles that he used, then you haven’t done anything for me. And I was raised in a full gospel church for years where that’s what they taught. They taught you what they did, but never did apply any of these things to the natural circumstances of life that we face. The gospel is a practical gospel. So I learned something from that. I spoke to the notes. Now I had two houses sitting out there on this property that I’d built. I had built three and sold one of them. And I had already prayed about them. Lord, send me a buyer for these houses. And I’m driving around out there one day and I said, now Lord, why haven’t these houses sold? He spoke right into my spirit and said, because you didn’t do what I said to do. Well, I said, Lord, I’ve already prayed. He said, why don’t you do what you’ve been teaching people to do? I said, you mean speak to them? See, I began to teach that at this time. I saw it and I did it and then I began to teach it. I said, all right. So I drove by the houses and got out and stood in the yard and talked to them. I said, listen to me, I’m talking to you. And I looked down the street this way and I looked that way. To make sure that there wasn’t anybody there. And I said, somebody’s impressed with you. Oh, they really like the color of your brick. I went inside and I talked to it. I said, I’m calling you sold in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And Jesus said, you would obey me. Be sold in Jesus’ name. I went down and talked to the other one. Now somebody said, how in the world is that going to change anything? I don’t know other than what Jesus said. At the time I didn’t understand it all. I understand it better now. I’m just doing what Jesus said to do. He said I’m going to fail if I don’t. Now I talked about this in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was teaching and there was a lady in the congregation. She came to me after the service. And she said, oh Brother Capps, I can’t wait to get home. Because she said, I’ve got a house that I’ve been trying to sell for eight months, haven’t had one single offer on it. Ooh, she said, I’m going home and talk to my house. Well, she did talk to her house. In fact, she told me, she said, I’m going to send you the tithes off the profit that I make on the house when I sell it. Now, I was home two weeks and I got a check in the mail to the ministry. She sold her house in two weeks that she’d been eight months trying to sell because she did what Jesus said to do. She talked to him. You may not understand all that. You don’t have to understand it all, but you do have to believe it. If Jesus said it, you’re required to believe it. Now, if you’ll believe it and act on it. Now, let me stop and say this, because sometimes it’s the things we live unsaid that discourages people. It won’t just happen overnight that you’ll believe everything you say will come to pass. That’s why it’s necessary to control your vocabulary. Begin to speak only what you desire to come to pass. Don’t talk foolishness day in and day out and expect to be able to talk to a house and get it to obey you. You say, whoo, isn’t that a big dog when it’s a little bit of chihuahua? Boy, isn’t it hot today when it’s 20 below outside. See, what you do, you weaken the inner man. You train the inner man not to release any faith in what you’re saying. And therefore, you don’t release faith when you begin to speak. See, when it comes time to speak the word of faith, there is no power there. That’s why Jesus and Paul said, let your yea be yea and your nay nay. Anything more than that cometh of evil. That’s a serious thing when you read what Jesus said in the 12th chapter of Matthew. He said, by thy words thou shalt be justified, by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Man will give account of every idle word that he speaks, non-working word. Any word you speak that doesn’t work for you, you’ll give account for it in the day of judgment. Now that doesn’t mean that you’ll go to hell because you didn’t speak working words for you. it means you’ll lose reward. Because there’ll be many things you’ll never attain in this life unless you learn how to speak the word of faith and release faith in every word you speak. Now, when you get highly developed in that, now, it takes weeks and months and sometimes even years to get highly developed in speaking the word of faith. You have to determine that you’re going to speak what you believe and believe what you speak in everything. Now, if you’re going to tell a joke and if you’re going to be facetious about something, say, this man said this happened or this is a joke. Don’t tell it on yourself as being true, even jokes. Are you listening? Because you see, it weakens the inner man. You get to the point that you don’t release faith in the words you say. Now, the more highly developed you get in believing what you say will come to pass, the quicker the manifestation will come. That’s why I’m people that are highly developed in the negative thing and speaking unbelief and talking all the doubt and fear and all the negative things. Laughed, I thought I’d die. I guess I’ll be in a wheelchair before I’m 40 years old. My arthritis is getting worse every day. See, you’re developing yourself highly in that fear or that negative form of faith. He shall have whatsoever he saith. If he believe, if he doubt not in his heart, if he believe what he says will come to pass. Now, it didn’t happen just because he said it once. Because you know what? The devil’s smart enough to know that if you was to say, whoo, tickle me to death, and you fell over dead. After about three people did that, somebody would say, maybe it was what he said that had something to do with it. But you see, it doesn’t work that fast because you’ve got to believe what you say and it’ll come to pass. But there’s things that people speak about their finances that they don’t really mean when they first say it, but they keep saying it long enough, you go to believe in it, and when you go to believe in it, you deceive your heart. If any man seemeth to be religious, bridleth not his tongue, he deceiveth his own heart. You deceive your heart into believing that you want to go bankrupt. You watch and see. Nobody can make a living out of this business. It’s going down the tube. We’re going bankrupt. Sure as a world. That’s what you call hard-heartedness or poor-mouthing. You know what it means to poor mouth? When you first start saying it, you didn’t really believe it. You say it long enough, you go to believing it. Now when it gets in your heart, you’ve deceived your heart, your heart will lead you, your spirit will lead you to the things that will cause you to fail. Absolutely will. The Bible bears that out. Because the kingdom of God is if a man casts the seed into the ground. The seed is the word of God. Or the words that he speaks. It could either be the word of God or the words of the devil. Now, I spoke to the house. It didn’t sell overnight. But it did sell. In fact, I went out there one day and I said, Now, Lord, I’ve done what you said to do. And I’m sitting there thinking, and my carnal mind got a hold of it. It said, Now, what are you going to do? I said, I know what I’ll do. So I went out there and I drove down the street and I rolled the window down. It was cold that day and I just stuck my head out. And I said, Ha, ha, ha, ha. Went down and laughed at the other and went home. Learn to laugh at your problems. Now the reason I did that, the Spirit of God spoke this in one of our meetings. He said, learn to release your faith in laughter. Tears of self-pity and sorrow never release faith. They only release oppression and fear. So learn to release your faith in laughter. So I just simply did what I heard the Spirit of God say. I laughed at the house. Now the house sold. Not only did the houses sell. But I sold the whole project to one man. Not only that, I sold all the land behind the project that was not developed. And the notes were paid. Now somebody said, you’re the luckiest guy that ever lived. Oh no, I don’t even believe in luck. I believe in doing the sayings of Jesus. Now it may seem foolish to you. But if you’ll do what Jesus said to do, you can have what Jesus said you’d have. I’m glad you could join us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. Now before we leave the broadcast, let me remind you that all of this week’s CD offer number 7403 is our offer. It’s entitled, Doing the Sayings of Jesus. That’s four CDs for $29 plus $5 postage and handling, a total of $34. I get so excited when I start talking about this series because we have so many testimonies of how that people have put these principles to work in their life, to sell property, to sell their house. And I’m talking about people that had their house up for sale for two years, not one offer. The lady said to me, I’m so glad I came to the seminar tonight. This was back in 1980. And she said, I’ve had my house up for sale for two years, not one offer. I’m going home and talk to it. See, we talk about doing the sayings of Jesus. What did Jesus say to do? Whosoever shall say to the mountain, to the problem, be removed, be cast in the sea, shall not doubt his heart, but believe what he’s saying, or come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. So she said, I’m going home and talk to my house. And she did. In less than a week, it sold. Now, these are things you can apply in your everyday life. So many people think, well, now, you know, these things just work in spiritual things. These are things that will work in everyday life. I had a fellow that sent me a large offering for about three months in a row. I finally called him and said, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you sending this large donation to the ministry. He said, oh, I wanted to talk to you. He said, what happened? I had a piece of property. And I got to listening to your tapes on doing the sayings of Jesus. And I went out and talked to that piece of property and called it sold and began to confess the word of God over it. And it sold. And it sold for the price that he wanted. And he said, that’s the reason I’m sending you this offering. Now, there’s other people that every time I’d tell one of these stories, I’d get two or three more. This will be a blessing to you. It’s offer number 7403. That’s four CDs for a total of $34, doing the sayings of Jesus. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this is Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus reigns.
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