Rogers offers a clear roadmap for overcoming internal impurities by drawing on biblical teachings, especially those found in Psalm 119. He elaborates on the essential steps of admitting one’s shortcomings, affirming a commitment to purity, and applying the protective power of God’s word. Through personal anecdotes and biblical references, the episode equips listeners with tools to fight against lust and immorality, advocating for the purity of mind as a cornerstone for a successful and fulfilling life. This episode underscores the belief that maintaining mental cleanliness is attainable through sincere devotion and understanding of scripture.
WOULD YOU TAKE GOD’S WORD AND TURN PLEASE TO MATTHEW CHAPTER 5. WE’VE BEEN ON A JOURNEY THROUGH THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. The general title of this series is Building on the Rock. Today we come to a very pertinent passage of Scripture, Matthew chapter 5, verses 27 and 28. You’ve heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Now the Lord Jesus Christ is showing us here the heart of the problem. So what I want to speak to you about today is developing a clean thought life. Developing a clean thought life. Jesus Christ points out that the great pollution problem is not in the air or in our streams or in our forests or in our fields, but in our hearts, our minds, our souls. And to be happy, to be useful, we must be pure and we must be clean on the inside. Now, it’s very important that you understand that it is what is in you that really counts. It has well been said… that a child delights in what he has, a youth delights in what he does, an adult delights in what he is. May that be true about us today and especially those who are mature Christians. It’s far more important to be something than it is to have something or to do something. And that thing that you’re to do and to be is to be pure. You’ve got to change the inside before you can change the outside. It’s what’s on the inside that motivates you. Vance Packard wrote a book. called Hidden Persuaders. And do you know what he said? He said more than 90% of the things that you buy… Listen, more than 90% of the things that you buy, those purchases are based on emotion and impulse. Now, that’s an amazing thing. More than 90%, there is a hidden persuader that’s on the inside. What you think determines what you do. And Jesus knows that. And so our Lord here speaks about what happens on the inside. Now, my dear friend… We in America today have reached the bottom of the garbage can so far as pornography and salacious materials is concerned. This is the problem of what is in the heart and what is in the mind. And that’s the reason the Lord Jesus said, Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Now what is wrong with pornography? Well, number one, It’s psychological poison. It poisons the mind. Dr. Victor Klein, who is professor of psychology at the University of Utah, said there are four steps in pornography, and this is how the devil gets a claw in somebody’s brain. First of all, there is an addiction effect. Pornography is addictive like a drug is addictive. The individual, and it’s almost always a male, gets hooked on pornography. But it moves from addiction to escalation. And what he means by that is it takes, in time, more deviant behavior, more explicit materials for the person to get his kicks, just like a drug. He has to go deeper and deeper and move into more hard drugs as he moves into more hardcore pornography. First addiction, then then escalation, and then thirdly, the person is desensitized. Dr. Klein said what was originally shocking. What was seen originally as antisocial, what was seen originally as depressing becomes now acceptable and the person is no longer shocked or no longer offended by this material. That’s the third step. And then he says the fourth step is this, almost invariably the individual is tempted and many times does act out what he sees. Now, he may try to act that out with his partner, his wife, sometimes other members of his family, sometimes his children, to engage in sexual activities, many of which are deviant. It is psychological poison. But not only is it psychological poison, it is a social sickness. None less than a Harvard professor wrote a book in which he sees Americans as victims of a sex mania. And he says, as malignant as cancer. As malignant as cancer. Now, there are those who will tell you, the eggheads will tell you, that pornography is a legitimate outlet to release tensions. Now, if you believe that, you also believe, my dear friend, that you cure drug addicts with drugs, and you believe, dear friend, that you cure alcoholics with liquor, and you also believe that you put out a fire with gasoline. It is absolute nonsense to say such things. A trained policeman said this, not everyone who reads pornography is a sex deviant, but every sex deviant reads it. Not only is there the psychological damage, not only is there the social damage, but my dear friend, there is the domestic damage. Homes are being torn apart by this kind of thing. Robert J. Stoller, Dr. Robert J. Stoller, a psychiatrist, said this, and I quote, Hostility… is the essential dynamic of all pornography. God meant the sex act to express love between the man and his wife. And he uses that to show the great holy love of Christ toward us. And then Dr. Stoller said this, if a man saturates his mind with pictures and stories of rape, torture, and murder in connection with sex, how is he likely to treat his own wife? What will he do to his children? Any counselor can tell you the heartache, the devastation to the home that has come through pornography. There is the domestic damage. But my dear friend, the most important thing is there is the spiritual destruction that comes by pornography and lust. Chapter 1, verses 4 through 6. But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. And then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin. And sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Then James said, Do not err, my beloved brethren. This is why Jesus Christ said, Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. It is something that brings spiritual death. When it gets into your heart, it’s going to be expressed one way or another. Now, people have tried all kinds of ways to deal with lust. People have tried all kinds of ways to deal with this problem because it is all around us. And my dear friend, you cannot practice isolation, so you’d better learn some kind of insulation, and you’d better learn something that’s going to protect you in this day when it, as I’ve said, we have reached the absolute bottom of the garbage can. How can you keep your mind pure? Men have searched in caves and deserts and remote islands and jungles and mountain peaks. They have sat. They have knelt. They have stood. They have lain prostrate. They have swung from ropes. They have pierced themselves through with lances. They have endured all kinds of self-inflicted punishment trying to be pure to no avail. A little boy was asked to complete this proverb. Cleanliness is next to cleanliness. He completed it this way, cleanliness is next to impossible. And maybe you feel that way. Maybe you feel that way, but thank God there is hope. The Lord Jesus Christ would never have handed down such a dictum, never given such a warning, had there not been a way to escape. Our Lord said, but I say unto you, whosoever looketh on a woman… To lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Now having said that, I want us to leave the Sermon on the Mount and I want us to go to Psalm 119. And I want to show you from Psalm 119 how to do what Jesus says that you must do. And I want to give you three steps to keeping a pure heart. Now, these are things that I have learned from the Word of God and tested by experience. Psalm 119, and I’m going to begin with verse 9. I want every dad to listen to this because this is what you need to teach your son. I want every mother to listen to it. I want every teenager to listen to it. I want every grandparent to listen to it. We are dealing, my dear friend, with a very, very, very serious matter in America today. The battle today is for the mind, the heart, the soul. That is the citadel. Now here’s what David said in Psalm 119, “‘Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?’ by taking heed thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee. O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord, teach me thy statutes. With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies as much as in all riches. I will meditate in thy precepts and have respect unto thy ways. I will delight myself in thy statutes. I will not forget thy word. Now, my dear friend, beyond the shadow of any doubt or peradventure, the subject here is how to have a clean thought life. Beyond any doubt, look in verse 9. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? Now, I want to give you three steps. And I pray God the Holy Spirit will etch these things upon your consciousness and upon your mind. If you don’t need them, somebody you know needs them. And if you’re not having a problem with sexual lust, you can apply what I’m going to say to the problem of anger or pride or gluttony or any other kind of problem. The principle is the same. So let’s see what our Lord has to say. Number one, number one, admit your problem and get clean. Admit your problem and get clean. Look in verse 9. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? Now, when he says his way has to be cleansed, that means that he knows that the way is dirty. He must cleanse his way. Now, look at the word way. Do you see it? The Hebrew word here has the idea of a rut, like a rut in a muddy road, a dirty road. It’s a groove. It is something that is a groove in one’s mind. A person with a filthy mind has a groove in his mind. He has a one-track mind. He has a muddy rut in his mind, and his thoughts always kind of run in that way, just like the wagon wheels get down in the rut in a road. That’s what he’s talking about. He has a way. Now, you have to admit that. You have to admit that there’s something there that is wrong. It may be pornography or you may not be using pornography. It may be some thought process. It may be lusting after some secretary in your office. Maybe your neighbor’s wife. Whatever it is, it may be some secret fantasy. But you must admit that you have this problem. If you don’t admit that you have the problem, if you do have the problem, you are never, never going to get help. You must admit your problem and then give. get clean. Now, God will never cleanse an excuse, and God will never cleanse an alibi, but God will always cleanse a sin. And you can be clean. You can be clean today. I don’t care what your addiction has been. I don’t care what your problem has been. I don’t care what you’ve been looking at. I don’t care what you’ve been thinking. I don’t care what you’ve been feeling. I don’t care what you’ve been doing. You today can be as clean as the driven snow by God’s Word. Now listen, wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to the Word of God. The instrument of cleansing is the Word of God. Now my dear friend, if you don’t first of all get clean, You’re never going to win the war. First of all, you must admit your problem and get clean. Jesus Christ said in John chapter 15 and verse 3, you are clean. You are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. And the word clean there is the word clean. Catharsimos is the word that we get catharsis from. Do you know what a catharsis is? A catharsis is a cleansing on the inside. Now, Jesus will make you clean on the inside through His Word. You are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you. Now, I want you just to picture today the cleansing tides of Calvary and the fresh breezes of the Holy Spirit just blowing through you and washing over you and making you absolutely clean. 1 John chapter 1 and verse 9 says this, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us and to cleanse us from all, not some, but all. Amen. all unrighteousness. Every man, woman, boy, and girl here today can be absolutely, totally, perfectly clean. Imagine the Lord Jesus Christ coming into your temple and doing spring cleaning. Imagine the Lord Jesus Christ just coming in and cleansing your heart, your mind, your life, just cleaning it completely and leaving it absolutely spotlessly squeaky clean. You see, before you can stay clean, you’ve got to get clean. You’ve got to get clean. There’s no reason that anybody who is listening to me today should not be absolutely, totally pure and clean. For 1 John 1, 9 says, If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Have you ever cleaned your garage? One or twice anyway. or the storage room, or whatever that room is that tends to accumulate all those things, and one Saturday you go out there and you put it all up and you sweep it out and you get it just right and it looks just right, then you remember how much more difficult it was to throw that trash out there, to throw that stuff, just stand at the door and dump things, because it’s all clean now. And once it gets clean, then it’s so much easier to keep it clean. But if it’s not clean, then you just dump anything into it. Now that’s what our Lord is saying here is that first of all, you must get clean. In order to stay clean, first of all, admit your problem. Say, I do have a problem, Lord. I have a secret addiction. I have an inward moral impurity. It is there. I admit it is there. I know that I know that I know that your blood is sufficient. Your word, your promises, the authority of God’s word will cleanse me and make me clean. That’s step number one. If you don’t take step number one, the rest of what I have to say will do you absolutely, totally no good. Step number one, admit your problem and get clean. Step number two, affirm your purpose to stay clean. Admit your problem and get clean. Step number two, affirm your purpose to stay clean. Look in verse 10. With my whole heart have I sought thee. Oh, let me not wander from thy commandment. My dear friend, if you don’t get clean, then you’re not going to stay clean. But you can get clean and not stay clean unless not only do you admit your problem, but you affirm your purpose. You say with all there is of you, in you, every inch, every ounce, every nerve, every fiber, every corpuscle, with your whole heart. You seek God. Look in verse 10. With my whole heart have I sought thee. Oh, let me not wander from thy commandments. Half-hearted religion is an insult to God and it does no good. There’s a battle for your mind and if you’re half-hearted, you’re going to lose it. Listen to these verses. James chapter 1 and verse 8. A double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways. James 4 verse 8. Listen to this. I’m talking about a whole heart now. Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 29 says, But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. Have you ever made up your mind, young man, that you’re going to get clean and stay clean? I mean, have you ever said, I will by the grace of God? Daniel chapter 1 and verse 8, the Bible says, Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself. Have you ever purposed in your heart? Have you ever said, with my whole heart I am determined? By the grace of God I am determined. I will not behave this way. The Bible says in Job chapter 31 and verse 1, Job speaking, and he said, I have made a covenant with mine eyes. Why then should I look upon a maid? What Job did was this. He said, I have determined. I made a covenant with my eyes. I’m not going to do it. I want to tell you, I travel a lot. I go into hotel rooms and motel rooms. I don’t have to keep on making up my mind whether or not I’m going to watch pornography on television. I don’t have to keep making up my mind. I made a covenant with my eyes. I’ve determined I will not do it. With my whole heart, I have determined I will not do it. My dear friend, you have to come to that place. If you don’t come to that place, you’re going to go down. You cannot be half-hearted about this thing. You and you alone must make a decision, and nobody else can make that decision for you. I am telling you, my dear friend, you must admit your problem and get clean. And secondly, listen, listen. You must, dear friend, affirm your purpose to stay clean. It must be a matter of your whole heart. I read some years ago about the little ermine. Now, ladies, I have these ermine coats. The fur of the ermine is snow white. And years ago, before they would raise ermine on ranches and so forth, they would go into the wilds to hunt the ermine. And they would use dogs to hunt the ermine. And first of all, they would find the lair, the den where the ermine would stay. And there would be a little small aperture, a hole that the ermine would crawl into. They would find that place and they would adob it with mud. and filth put it around the mouth of that den. And then when the dogs would come and chase that little animal, when he would come and he would see that filth there around his home, rather than running underground, he would turn and face the dogs and fight to the death. Because he would not defile himself, he would not defile his white coat with that filth. Isn’t that an amazing thing? That he would not defile himself. He would rather die than defile himself. I wonder if you’re that way. I wonder how important is it to you to be pure? Young man, do you really want to be pure? Young lady, do you want to be pure? Mister, do you want to be pure? Have you said with David, with my whole heart? If you don’t say that, just forget it, my dear friend. You must admit your problem and get clean. And then, my dear friend, you must affirm your purpose to stay clean. If you don’t do it, you’re going down. And if there was ever a day or generation in which people will go down, this is the day and this is the generation. Number three, and here’s the third step. Not only must you admit your problem and get clean. Number two, not only must you affirm your purpose to stay clean, but you must, number three, apply your protection to keep clean. It’s not enough. It is not enough to get clean. It is not enough to determine to stay clean. My dear friend, you need help. And you must apply your protection to keep clean. Now, your protection is the Bible, the Word of God. In verse 9, Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. Now, let me tell you how to use the Bible as an antidote against pornography. Let me tell you how to use the Bible as an antidote against lust. Let me tell you how to use the Word of God to purify your heart and to keep your heart clean and pure. Jesus said, sanctify them through thy truth. Thy Word is truth. Now, how? All right. Here are the steps. Number one, you must memorize the Word of God. Look in verse 11. Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee. Do you see it? That’s black print on white paper, my dear friend. Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I should not sin against thee. The Bible is your one true protection. If you do not load up on the Word of God, even though you may purpose… To stay clean, you’ll not stay clean. These hath God married, and no man shall part, dust on the Bible, and sin in the heart. My dear friend, you need to get into the Word of God. Question, do you have a daily quiet time with God? Do you have a time when you get alone with God? Do you have a time when you’re taking megadoses of the Word of God? If not, no wonder that you’re failing. No wonder that you’re going down. You say, oh, the Bible is this, the Bible is wonderful, the Bible is good, the Bible is great. I won’t ask your question. What is worth more, a gold nugget or a dime? You say, well, a gold nugget. All right, let’s put them on the bottom of the ocean floor. Now, which one is worth more? Practically neither one. I mean, the Word of God is worth no more to you than a 10-cent novel if you’re not reading it. I mean, if you’re not bringing it up, if you’re not putting it in your heart and in your mind, you should memorize the Word of God. Get it down in your heart. Now, why does that change you? Well, listen to Philippians chapter 4, verses 8 and 9. Don’t turn to it, just listen to it. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any praise, think on these things. And all of those things are found in the Word of God. That’s a description of the Lord Jesus Christ. And then Paul says, Those things which ye have both learned and received and heard and seen in me, do, and the God of peace shall be with you. God says, listen. Fill your mind with that which is right. I have told you many, many times from this pulpit that the gracious and good and wise God has made us where we can’t think two thoughts at one time. And if you’re thinking what you ought to think, you cannot be thinking what you ought not to think. And what you ought to think is the Word of God, and you must hide God’s Word in your heart. Things that are pure, just, lovely, virtuous things. If there be any praise, if there be any… Think on these things. You are to load up on the Word of God and not just read it, but memorize it. Commit it to memory. Commit it to memory. Now, there’s an ocean parasite that feeds on clams and mollusks and these things. And first of all, that parasite attacks the muscle that holds the shell tight. And it weakens that muscle. And then when the muscle is relaxed… Then it goes in and feeds on the animal itself. An impure thought is like that parasite. And my dear friend, you’ve got to have an antidote. You’ve got to have something that you’re thinking. Load up on the Word of God. I try every night as I go to sleep, my last thoughts. are the Word of God. I take a verse of Scripture and I think about it and I meditate on it. When I wake up in the morning, my first thought generally is the Word of God and a word of praise to our Lord. You must, my dear friend, memorize the Word of God. Secondly, not only must you memorize the Word of God, you must personalize the Word of God. Look in verse 12. “‘Blessed art thou, O Lord, teach me thy statutes.'” What good is it to memorize it if you don’t know what it means? What good is it to memorize it if you don’t understand it? My dear friend, not only must you memorize it, you must personalize it. Facts from the Bible are not enough. Even wonderful facts. You cannot separate the Word of God from the God of that Word. And God must take that Word and teach it to you. And He will teach it to you. I heard of a new Christian who had a friend named Charlie. And Charlie was his discipler in teaching him what the Bible said. And this man would go and sit at Charlie’s feet. And Charlie would say it means this. And Charlie would say it means that. And Charlie was a good Bible teacher. One day the man was reading the Bible and he didn’t understand it. And he said, Oh, I wish Charlie were here. And he said, it seemed like the Holy Spirit said, why don’t you ask me? I’m the one who taught Charlie. God wants to teach you the Word of God. If you would pray this prayer, oh God, teach me thy Word. Lord, I want to know your Word. Not enough to memorize it. Personalize it. Let me give you five little steps as you read any passage. Just ask yourself, is there a lesson to learn? Is there sin to avoid? Is there a blessing to enjoy? Is there a promise to claim? Is there a new thought to carry with me? If you just use those five questions, almost any passage of Scripture will just burst aflame. Teach me, O God, Thy Word. You must memorize the Word of God. You must personalize the Word of God. Number three, you must verbalize the Word of God. Look in verse 13. With my lips have I declared all the judgments of Thy mouth. Now, my dear friend… When you memorize it and when you personalize it, then begin to share it. Begin to verbalize it. Begin to speak it. You see, confession and possession are linked. Take the Word of God. When everybody else is cursing and swearing and telling dirty stories, begin to articulate the Word of God. Use it in your prayer. Use it in your praise. Use it in your testimony. Speak to yourself and God’s Word will move from your heart to your lips and from your lips back to your heart again. And the more of the Word of God you give away, the more of the Word of God will stick to you. This is what the Bible calls in the book of the Revelation, the word of our testimony. And the Bible says concerning the devil, they overcame him with the word of their testimony. That’s the reason we encourage you to give your testimony, to memorize the word of God, to personalize the word of God so you can verbalize the word of God. We need to speak, share, sing the word of God. The psalmist said his praise should be continually in my mouth. continually in my mouth. Now you say, what is all of this about? My dear friend, it’s about staying clean and pure in a vile and a filthy world. That’s what it’s about. Memorize the Word. Personalize the Word. Verbalize the Word. Number four, vitalize the Word. Look, if you will, in verses 14 and following. I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies as much as in all riches. Is that true to you? Do you really rejoice in God’s Word? Does God’s Word mean more to you than any other possession that you could possess? David said so. I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies as much as in all riches. I will meditate in thy precepts and have respect unto thy ways. Do you stand in awe of the Word of God? Do you have respect unto God’s ways? Look in verse 16. I will delight myself. I will delight myself. Now, look at these words. Verse 14, rejoice. Look in verse 15, respect. Look in verse 16, delight. What I’m trying to say is just vitalize the Word of God. Just understand how wonderful it is. Do you know what an impure mind is? It is a mind trying to find contentment some other place. I mean, you have bought into the devil’s lie that this is where the joy is, this is where the fulfillment is, this is where the riches are, and if you don’t get this place and do these things, then you’re going to miss out. My dear friend, you’re not going to miss out when you have the Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t feel sorry for me because I’m a Christian. Hey, kids, don’t feel sorry for me because I don’t do these things. And by the way, you say, well, you’re just an old fogey. You’re just so old it doesn’t make any difference to you. I want to tell you when I was a teenager living for Christ in high school, I was the president of my high school class. I was the captain of my football team. And I don’t say that to brag. But I want to tell you, my dear friend, I was living for Jesus then and leading my schoolmates in prayer. And I stayed pure and went to the marriage altar pure. And I’m glad I did. Amen. All of these years, I have found joy and fulfillment in the Lord Jesus Christ. To have respect unto God’s Word. To rejoice in God’s Word. To know the riches of God’s Word. Vitalize it. Don’t you sell out too cheap. And don’t you sacrifice the important upon the altar of the immediate. Now listen, not only do you vitalize it, but oh my dear friend, you must internalize it. Look in verse 15 now. I will meditate in thy precepts. Do you see that? Do you know what meditation is? It has two ideas. One is the idea of rumination or chewing the cud. They say a cow has four stomachs and it’ll go out there in the field and load up on alfalfa and hay and clover and bahay or whatever and put these things in various stomachs and then the cow goes out and will lie down under a tree and get to thinking about that clover and say clover please and some clover comes up and he chews that clover. And swallows that and he says, alfalfa, please. And that comes up and he chews that. You’ve seen the cow just ruminating, chewing the cud. Because the cow, she has assimilated that. It is down there. It is there to be drawn upon. Or again, the word to meditate has the idea of humming. Have you ever had a tune that would get in your head and you just couldn’t get it out? You go around all day long just humming a tune, humming a tune? The Word of God is to be that way. How important is meditation? Let me just show you some verses here. And look at meditation. Look, if you will, in Psalm 119, verse 23. Princes did also sit and speak against me, but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes. Look, if you will, in verse 48. My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments which I have loved. I will meditate in thy statutes. Look, if you will, in verse 97. Oh, how I love thy law. It is my meditation all the day. Look in verse 99. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditation.” Look in verse 148. Mine eyes prevent the night watches that I might meditate in thy word. Meditate, meditate, meditate. That is, my dear friend, when you internalize the word of God. And for you to meditate, it takes time, it takes quietness, it takes concentration, and that is why you need that quiet time. But not only do you do that in your quiet time, then it stays with you all the day long. Have you ever driven a stick shift automobile? When you first get that stick shift automobile, you say, now what is this? That’s first, second, third, fourth. How does it work? You know, and you’re just going through that thing and remembering to put the clutch in and all that. But after a while, if you drive an automobile like that, You never think about that anymore. It’s just second nature. You can’t even tell yourself that you’re shifting gears. You’re just in there just putting in the clutch, doing this and that. It’s just a second nature thing, isn’t it? You get to be a second nature Christian when you meditate on the Word of God. You don’t even stop and say, now why am I doing this? What must I do and what must I not do? You just have the Word of God. It’s such a part of you that you don’t even have to say, I will or I won’t. You just do. Because the Word of God is in you. You have internalized the Word of God. The Word of God is such a part of you that, my dear friend, your mind is under the blood. Your mind is empowered by the Spirit. Your mind is filled with the Word of God. And then you are a victorious person. And then, my dear friend, you can practice what the Lord Jesus teaches you to practice, and that is a godly Christian home, one man for one woman, till death do them part. And all this junk about safe sex is a crock. Listen to me, my dear friend. That’s like talking about safe sin. There’s no such thing. It’s sacred sex, which is the best sex. When God says thou shall not commit adultery, He’s not trying to keep sex from you. He’s trying to keep sex for you. God loves you. It’s one of His greatest gifts. Don’t you mess it up. And don’t you blow it. And if you have, my dear friend, admit your problem and get clean. And then, dear friend, affirm your purpose to stay clean. and then apply your power to keep clean, which is the Word of God. You get that Word of God in your heart till it flows through you. And don’t tell me it won’t work if you haven’t tried it. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy Word. Let’s pray. Father God, I pray that you’ll just seal the word to our hearts today. Lord, I pray for many young men and women and older people that they might learn to walk in purity before you and to know the thrill and the joy that you alone can give. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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