In this insightful episode, Rabbi Schneider unravels the tense and complex narrative of the seven bowls of God’s wrath from the book of Revelation. With a focus on the spiritual condition of humanity and the end-time events, the discussion provides a deeper understanding of both God’s mercy and His justice. As the earth prepares for these final judgments, this episode serves as a sobering reminder of the need for repentance and faith in these tumultuous times.
Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts. And today, Rabbi Schneider, he’s going to explain the seven bowls of wrath found in the book of Revelation. Just a few years ago, the events that are supposed to happen in the book of Revelation, they seem far off and possibly distant, but things have really changed in the last 20 years. Now more than ever, the world seems to be spiraling out of control. And so today, as we spend time decrypting the book of Revelation, Rabbi wants to discuss the spiritual condition of those who are living on the earth when God begins to pour out His wrath. Notice we’re talking here not just about changes on the earth, but God’s wrath. We’re looking at Revelation chapter 16. So let’s get started with today’s message. Here’s Rabbi with a word of prayer.
Father God, we worship you today. We ask you for wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of you. Abba, your word tells us that the word of God has been written that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened. So we ask today, Father, that as we look to your word, you would open up our mind and our heart to see your glory and to see the face of Jesus. Prepare us, I pray, Father, through the study of your word for your son’s soon return. And we ask this for your glory, Abba, and in his name, amen. and amen i want to just begin today by setting a framework from where we’ve come from that’s brought us to the place that we’re at today we began by looking at the earth’s atmosphere at the time that the events that lead to jesus return will be in in other words what’s it going to be like on planet earth when we begin to see the times of the end unfolding And we study how the fact that there’s going to be an increase in sin. And because of an increase in sin, people will be more deceived than ever. The earth’s atmosphere will be of such a nature that mankind will have lost his moral compass. He’ll no longer be able to discern the difference between right and wrong. And it’s because of this moral corruption, this moral bankruptcy that will be predominant over the earth that an environment has been created where the Antichrist could arise. In other words, the Antichrist that we read about in Scripture that’s going to be on earth before Jesus returns could have never risen to a place of prominence when people’s heads were on strike. when the Earth’s morality was in order. The Antichrist can only be accepted and received because of the fact that mankind’s moral compass will be broken and he’ll no longer be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. In fact, the Bible tells us that in the last days, mankind’s conscience will be seared. And so they’re going to call wrong, right, right, wrong. And it’s in this environment that the Antichrist, this charismatic personality, is going to rise to power. And the reason that it’s going to happen is because, number one, of the Antichrist’s charisma, he’s going to have a very winning personality. He’s going to have a personality that conveys confidence and authority. And this is important to understand because the earth is going to be so desperate for solutions that they’re going to fall for it. In other words, in desperate times, people will believe almost anything. That’s how Hitler was able to rise to power in Nazi Germany because Germany was morally bankrupt and they were so desperate. Economically, they were failing. And so when this person with this charismatic personality, this strong personality, Adolf Hitler, came promising answers, the people were so desperate and so hungry, their moral compass was so broken, that the environment was sufficient for him to arise to power, the same thing will be so on planet Earth. The Antichrist will arise when the morality of the world has sunk to an all-time low. Now, as the Antichrist arises, we’re going to see other phenomenon begin to take place. We talked about how this is going to lead to the war of Armageddon. We talked about the false signs and the false wonders. Where we left off last time was the judgments of God that we read about in the book of Revelation falling upon the earth during the very end. In the book of Revelation, we read of 21 judgments that fall upon the world during the end times, from the time the tribulation begins. These 21 judgments are made up of three sets. Three sets of seven. In other words, seven, seven, seven. There are seven seals, seven trumpets, and then seven bowls of wrath. I talked about the first 14 judgments. I talked about the seals that are broken. We read about this once again. John, in the book of Revelation, talks about how the Lion of Judah, Jesus himself, takes a scroll. And as he opens the scroll, he begins to unleash seals. Each time Jesus unleashes a seal, a judgment falls. There are seven of them. The seventh seal also releases the seven trumpets. Jesus begins to release the judgments that are associated with the seven trumpets. We left off again last time when I talked about the last of the trumpets, the seventh trumpet. The seventh trumpet blows, and when the seventh trumpet blows, it releases, now church, listen, what’s called the seven bowls of wrath. These are the final seven judgments of the 21. They are the most intense. They are horrific. I believe that the first 14 judgments, the first seven seals, and the first seven trumpets, I believe they’re actually designed not just to punish sin, but I believe that they’re designed, beloved ones, to actually cause mankind to repent. In other words, God’s desire is that as man sees these first 14 judgments falling, man will respond by turning to God. By the time the last of these 14 judgments is released, which happens at the seventh trumpet that unleashes the seven bowls of wrath, it’s too late now for anybody to repent. Everyone that would have repented, repented. So the only people that are left on earth when the seven bowls of wrath begin to fall are people whose hearts are so hardened, they’re permanently unrepentant. They’ll never turn to God. So the only thing left for them is to receive the full wrath of God’s judgment against sin. That’s why these final seven judgments are called, listen now, the seven bowls. bowls of wrath. Let me just go over a few of these bowls of wrath with you so you’ll get a taste of this. I know this is technical. Please bear with me. We’re going to get to the main content of the concept of this, and you’re all going to understand it. Hear me when I say this once again. Just stick with me. Twenty-one judgments. The first are seven seals that release judgments. The second are seven trumpets that release judgments. Now we’re on the last three, the seven bowls of wrath. These bowls of wrath fall upon mankind who has been permanently hardened to sin. Now let me go over a few of these with you, and then I’m going to make some application. The first of the bowls of wrath we read about in Revelation 16, verse 2, boils and sores cover man’s skin. Man is in agony. Those that are left upon the earth that are hardened, blaspheming God, they won’t turn to God. When the judgments are falling, how do they respond? Rather than turning to God, the Bible tells us they blasphemy God and curse God for the judgments that are falling upon the world. These people are permanently agitated. Anti-Messiah spirits, anti-God spirits. God now just pours out undiluted wrath. He covers their skin with sores. Did you know this? Let me just give you an example to make it easy for you to kind of relate. How could this be? Did you know that according to the World Health Organization, 67% of the world’s population has herpes simplex virus type 1? Herpes simplex, virus type 1, it’s treatable. You know, there’s boils that take place on skin, but you can pretty much control it. But when this first bowl of wrath falls upon those that are inhabiting the earth, it’s going to be so bad. The boils that cover their skin are going to cover their whole body. They’re going to be in absolute agony and pain. As the second bowl begins to happen, we read in Revelation 16, 3, marine life dies, just massive disease in the oceans of the world. And then we see the water turns to blood in Revelation 16, 3 through 7. And then we read in Revelation 16, verse 8 and 9, that the earth is going to be scorched by the sun. Now this doesn’t seem so far-fetched as we know that right now the ozone layer is thinning. The earth is getting hotter and hotter and hotter. No one doubts. I shouldn’t say no one because there are still some doubters, but most scientists are all in agreement now that the earth’s ozone is thinning and the earth is getting hotter and hotter. Glaciers are melting and it’s producing great climate changes that are going to lead to disasters upon the earth. Jesus told us it was going to happen as the bowl of wrath is released here in Revelation chapter 16, verse 8 and 9. There’s going to be darkness and pain. There’s going to be a great river called Euphrates drying up, and finally the greatest earthquake that the world has ever experienced will happen. There’s times coming that are so horrific that it leaves us reeling, and many ask themselves, how could a loving God do this? How could a loving God cause men’s bodies to be filled with sores? How could he pour out such horrific judgments upon mankind? Is that a loving God, people ask. But I want you to hear this, beloved ones. There are two aspects to God’s nature. He’s a loving God, and He’s a merciful God, but He’s a just God as well, and He has to punish sin.
You’re listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider. He’s going to be right back. But first, I want to let you know that you can watch full episodes of Discovering the Jewish Jesus on Roku television. We have episodes that are filmed in the Holy Land and outreach events from Nigeria and Gulu, Uganda, all sorts of places. Every episode is available to help deepen your understanding of scripture and the Jewish roots of your faith. So search for Discovering the Jewish Jesus on Roku today. We are so thankful for everyone who gives a financial gift of support to this ministry. And perhaps today is the day that you decide that you would like to deepen your commitment to discovering the Jewish Jesus. The best way to do that is to sign up to become a monthly partner at or you can call us at 800-777-7835. Together, we can help others prepare for Jesus’ return. And now, let’s get back into the second half of today’s message.
Sin corrupts God’s creation. Sin pollutes the beauty that God built into the world and into mankind. And sin destroys it, it corrupts it, it pollutes it. And God can’t tolerate sin corrupting His creation forever. This is why He wiped out the earth during the times of Noah, because He wanted to start over and build something beautiful. God has been patient towards sin. Ever since Adam and Eve, God has shown patience towards sin. When God pours out all these judgments, it’s not the act of a vengeful, petty God, but it’s rather the act of a God that’s waited thousands of years for mankind to turn to Him. He gave us his word. He sent his prophets. He’s called out to us. He sent preachers all over the world calling to them saying, turn to Jesus. It’s the gospel. It’s the good news. But finally, the world has reached a place where they’ll no longer repent. They’ll no longer listen. And so it’s time now for God to cleanse the world of sin so we can start over. I want you to hear this scripture with me, and this will illustrate what I’m communicating with you, that this is not the act of a vengeful God. This is the act, beloved ones, of a loving God that’s waited as long as he can, and now the end has come. I’m reading from the book of 2 Peter 3, verse 8 and 9. Hear the word of God. Beloved, do not be ignorant of this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. Now listen. The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness. But He is patient with us, because He does not want any to perish, but all to come to repentance. What is Peter talking about here? He’s saying that the judgments haven’t fallen yet, that Jesus hasn’t returned yet, because God is patient. He’s waiting for other people to turn to Him. God waits as long as he possibly can for people to turn to him before these judgments come. And by the time the seven bowls of wrath fall, it’s too late. There’s no time left. I want you to hear this once again. God, listen, is both merciful and just. Hear that again. God is both merciful, but he’s also, get it now church, just. And the way he operates is depicting both of these essence characteristics of his, his mercy and his justice. We read in the book of Exodus, chapter number 34, that Moses gets into a dialogue with God. And Moses is kind of insecure about his calling, and he keeps on asking the Lord for reassurance. And he says, Lord, if I found favor in your sight, do this. And then finally, Moses, going back and forth with God, he keeps on asking God for more and more assurance. Lord, if you’re with me, he says. And then finally, Moses says this. God, he said, Yahweh. Father God, he said, listen, show me your glory. And the Lord says to Moses, Moses, you can’t see my fullness, but I want you to go over there in the cleft of the rock, and I want you to call on my name. And as you call upon my name, Moshe, in the cleft of the rock, I’m gonna make all my goodness pass before you, and I’m gonna declare my name over you. And when the Lord declared his name over Moses, Moses was filled with revelation light. He knew who God was in his very essence. It wasn’t just that Moses heard God’s voice, but Moses was filled with revelatory knowledge and light. He knew in his kishkas, in the bottom of his being, who the Lord was. So listen what happens. Moses is in the cleft of the rock. He calls upon the name of Yahweh. He calls upon the name of the Lord. And as he does, God comes to him in his spirit. Listen to what happens as I read now Exodus 34, verse 6 and 7. Hear the word of God. Then Yahweh passed by before him and proclaimed, Yahweh, Yahweh God. merciful and gracious. If you want to know who God is, beloved ones, if you want to know who God is, this is the fullest demonstration of who He is in the entire Torah. Listen, the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in goodness and truth. keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, but it will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers and the children and the children’s children to the third and fourth generation. What do we learn here? that God is first of all merciful. God says, I am merciful and gracious, full of loving kindness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. So God is first of all merciful, tenderhearted. He releases forgiveness. But then God goes on to say, but I will by no means forgive. leave the guilty go unpunished. That’s what we have here, beloved, as we come to this point in the book of Revelation. God has waited. He’s forgiven. He’s called out to the world in loving kindness. The gospel has now been preached to the end of the earth. And everybody that would have responded has responded. The only ones that are left on earth when these seven bowls of wrath fall are those that have permanently hardened their heart against God. What’s happening now? God cannot leave the guilty go unpunished. Why? Because he’s just. To leave the guilty go unpunished would mean that he’s not a just God. If the murderer and the rapist and the child abuser never turned to God for forgiveness and God didn’t punish them, where would the justice be? He wouldn’t be a just God, but he is a just God. But he’s first of all merciful. That’s why we see here in Exodus 34 that the Lord begins by saying, I am merciful and gracious. He wants to extend mercy. Jesus said He did not come to judge, but to save. But for those that won’t receive, beloved ones, His mercy, there’s nothing left for them but a fearful and terrifying expectation of judgment. Mark my words, no one will escape. Either you and I turn to Jesus and repent, If we don’t, beloved, there’s nothing left but this type of judgment that we’ve read about this today. The scripture tells us what will happen to those who neglect such a great salvation. This is why it’s so important to get serious in your life about Jesus today, because these things, beloved, are happening and they’re going to happen soon. We need to be covered by the blood of Jesus. We need to be covered and protected because we’re abiding in him. Listen, God has got such good plans for his beloved ones. Eye has not seen and ear has not heard the things that he’s prepared for those that love him. But for those beloved that turn their back, there’s nothing left for them but to pay the penalty for their sin because they wouldn’t receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus. I want to encourage you, share this message. Those people in your family that don’t know Yeshua, you’ve got to tell them, beloved, to repent. Because if they harden their heart today, tomorrow may be too late for them. Beloved, let’s be his witnesses. He’s coming back soon. Shalom, beloved, and I hope this brings you joy. When you send in your tithe to Discovering the Jewish Jesus, your church or wherever you’re sending it to, you’re not just sending your tithe to that ministry. What you’re actually doing, beloved, is sending your tithe unto the Lord. The Bible tells us in the book of Hebrews, chapter seven, verse eight, that when we present our tithe to the Lord, we’re presenting it to the one beloved Jesus Christ, the righteous who lives. I want you to know, beloved, take joy when you send in your tithes and offerings because what you’re actually doing is sending your offering lifting up your tithe and giving it to jesus himself i want you to know i love you today i want to ask you to be faithful with your finances to the lord and if this ministry is blessing you i want to ask you to do it through this ministry god bless you now dustin could you share with our listeners how they can support us and give
Of course, to take that step of faith right now, would you go online, give at And you can also support this ministry by giving us a call at 800-777-7835. And you can send a financial donation of any amount in the mail to Discovering the Jewish Jesus, PO Box 777, Blissfield, Michigan, 49228. We’re really so grateful for your support. And as our way of saying thanks to you for your donations, we want to send you our current newsletter. It’s full of lots of important insights and events for the coming year that you don’t want to miss out on. It’s also got great testimonies from listeners like you whose lives have been changed by God working through Rabbi and this ministry. My family and I, we receive it ourselves and we enjoy getting it every single month. And also, if you would like to consider supporting us in a greater way, have you ever considered giving through a will or an estate? Creating a will, it It doesn’t have to be complicated and expensive like most people think. Through our partnership with Freewill, you can discover how to create a will through a free and online easy-to-use tool. The step-by-step guidance, it makes estate planning straightforward and stress-free, and this tool is a great resource for you and your family. I’ve personally went through it. It took me about 10 minutes. You might want to spend a little longer time getting some details and stuff, but I could get a very basic outline done in about 10 minutes. And it was simple and totally free. And the neat part about it is we’re providing this service. You don’t actually have to donate to Discovering the Jewish Jesus to use it. So if you just need a will, I want to encourage you, go online to our website,, click the resources tab, and then click need a will. It’ll help you create a simple free will, regardless of whether you’re donating or not. But if the Lord leads you to give a gift to this ministry through your will, I want to encourage you to be obedient and follow him in that leading as well. Thanks so much for listening to us today. And as always, we close each and every program with a special blessing from Rabbi. So I’d like to turn things back over to him now. And I hope and I pray that these words leave you feeling blessed and refreshed as you go about your day today. Shalom and God bless you. Rabbi?
In the book of Numbers chapter 6, the Lord gave instructions to Moses and Aaron to speak this blessing over his people. And the Lord said, When you speak these words over my people, I will place my name on them and bless them. Receive the impartations of the Lord’s blessings.
Yevarecheche Yahweh vayishmarecha Ya’er Yahweh panavelecha vihunecha Yissa Yahweh, penavei lecha ve’asem lecha. Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, His peace. God bless you and shalom.
I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and this program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Be sure to join us next time when Rabbi Schneider explains why mercy and judgment must prevail. That’s Wednesday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.