What does the Bible say about the Mark of the Beast? How is it possible to force the whole world to take the Mark? Is technology addictive? Rabbi Schneider, of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, shares what the Mark of the Beast and the number 666 means to us today. God’s mark will be on His people. Satan wants to replace God’s authentic, will, and word in our lives. What we’re seeing in our culture today is a phenomenon where people are no longer in tune with God, other people, and nature. People are more in tune with their technology,
Hello and welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and today Rabbi Schneider is going to be explaining the details surrounding the Mark of the Beast, what it means, why it matters, and how understanding it can prepare us for the days ahead. There’s a lot of confusion out there about numbers in the Bible, especially the number 666. And that’s why Rabbi Schneider, he wants to give us some valuable insights today into this specific mysterious number. He’ll be explaining the details regarding what the mark is and where it’ll be placed and also how we can keep God at the center of our lives. So let’s dive in. Here’s our Bible teacher, Rabbi Schneider, with today’s message from Revelation chapter 13. team.
God bless you, Yedidim, and shalom, beloved ones. When I say God bless you, Yedidim, Yedidim is the Hebrew word for beloved ones. I’m in an important message today. I’m talking about what the scripture calls the mark of the beast. Many of you have heard of this term, the mark of the beast. It’s a mysterious term. Some of us don’t know what exactly is the mark of the beast. We’ve even seen horror films made of the mark of the beast associated with the number 666. What I’m going to do today is bring you into the Word of God. We’re going to talk about this term, the mark of the beast. We’re going to talk about the number 666, and we’re going to look at what this could possibly mean, how it could affect humanity’s lives. And beloved, the result of this is that you’re going to be more attuned with the fact that Jesus is getting ready to return. And that this is not just a term for science fiction movies, but beloved, this is a term that is literally going to be fleshed out on the planet. And by the grace of God, I’m going to help you to see that today. I’m going to the book of Revelation. I’m going to read there beginning in verse number 16 of chapter number 13. Hear the word of God. And he causes all the small and the great and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. So the first thing that we see is that the antichrist that’s anointed with all the power of the serpent of the devil is gonna cause humanity to take a mark. And this mark’s gonna be on their right hand or on their forehead. And we’re going to continue as we read here to see that without this mark, humankind will be unable to function in the world. They won’t be able to buy or sell. So let’s continue on there in this section of Scripture, Revelation 13. And he provides that no one, verse 17, will be able to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Now, I’m going to go to the book of Revelation in my own Bible. I had that one just written down in my notes in front of me. But I want to extend this one more verse into the 18th verse. So we’re going to look now at what is this number, 18 of Revelation 13. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of man, and his number is, get it now, 666. 666 then is the number of the mark of the beast. When we think about what could this possibly look like? Is it even possible that humanity could be forced to wear some kind of a mark? Well, all we have to do, beloved, is go back to Nazi Germany, where six million Jews were annihilated by Hitler. And what these Jewish people had to do, listen now, was to wear a bright yellow Jewish star. a mark, and these Jews were marked by the mark of a type of antichrist who’s called Hitler. And Hitler is a type, you see John said in his letter, many antichrists are already in the world. Hitler was an antichrist, but he wasn’t the antichrist. And yet we can see that even under Hitler, who was a lower level antichrist, that he was causing those that he had targeted to wear a mark. With all the technology that we have today in the realm of the fact that we’re living in an information age of technology through the internet and electronics, it is very easy to see how mankind is no longer going to be identified by paper, not a physical birth certificate, but rather by some type of a chip, some type of an electronic piece that is placed inside human beings at birth to show what their identity is. The same thing is true with buying or selling. Credit card theft is so out of control today, it’s not hard to see how eventually something could happen where people will carry a device within them to avoid identity theft. So these things are real and they’re happening. I want you to hear this. Where is the mark of this piece? I’m moving forward into new material now. Where is the mark of this piece? We read here, that this mark is on their right hand or on their forehead. So the mark that the Antichrist is gonna cause mankind to bear is gonna be on the right hand, get it now, or on their forehead. Now, think about this. In Judaism, the Bible tells us, as a man thinketh, remember the mark is on the forehead, right? In Judaism, as a man thinketh, so he is. In other words, as he thinks, so he does. I’m going to take you now to the Torah, and I’m going to show you the same concept of Father God wanting to put within humankind, who is created in his own image, his mark, the mark of the maker, not the mark of the Antichrist, Praise God, the mark of the maker. He marks us, listen, with his word by placing it between the frontal of our eyes on the forehead, right where the mark of the Antichrist goes. And listen, beloved, on our arm or on our hand. So I’m going to go first about to the book of Exodus, chapter number 13, verse 16. So the Lord says here, he’s saying to Israel, so it shall serve you. as a sign, get it now, on your hand. What did we just read in Revelation 13? That the mark of the beast goes on their right hand. What does the Torah say? That man is to be marked by God’s word where? On their hand. Hear it again, the word of God, Exodus 13, 16. So it shall serve as a sign on your hand and as phylacteries Jesus speaks about this. I’m going to show you in a second in the book of Matthew. And as phylacteries on your forehead, where does the mark of the beast go? On your forehead. I’m going to read again. Revelation chapter 13. What do we read here? That the mark of the beast goes on the forehead. And so the phylacteries on your forehead, for with a powerful hand, the Lord brought us out of Egypt. So God’s marking Israel. with His Word bound on their forehead between the frontal of their eyes and upon their hand. I’m going to take you now to the book of Deuteronomy for this same theme. Now in Deuteronomy chapter number 6, we have the most well-known, hear me now, declaration in all of Judaism. In fact, Orthodox Jewish men strive to be declaring this from their lips as they’re dying. They want these to be the last words that come from their mouth. Let me sing a little bit for you, and then I’ll recite it in English. Deuteronomy chapter 6, verses number 4 through 9, the Shema.
Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad And I continue on. Let me tell you what it says.
Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. Blessed is the name of his glorious kingdom for all eternity. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. Now get this. and have these words which I command you this day be upon your heart.” And then the Lord goes on to say, “…and you shall bind them,” hear me now, we’re looking at the mark of the beast which is bound on the forehead and on the right hand. And what does the Lord say He wants Israel to do? You shall bind my word, he says, you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, get it now, and let them be frontlets between your eyes. So what Jewish people do, what Orthodox Jewish people do, is they bind God’s word upon them through what we call tefillin or tefillin. And tefillin or tefillin are the word of God in boxes. And inside the box is a portion of the Torah that speaks of God delivering Israel out of Egypt and binding his word upon our hand and upon our forehead. And we bind these upon our forehead beloved okay binding just like the word says they’re binding his word on our forehead and then we wrap them around our arm all the way down upon our hand so what do we see here we see the counterfeit god gives us the real he wants his word to be in our mind and then he wants us to walk it out which is symbolized by being bound on our hand or forearm Satan wants to replace the word of God in our lives by putting his mind into us and then carrying out his will. So his mark is bound where God’s original purpose for his word to be bound was between the forehead and upon the hand or around the arm.
You’re listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus, and Rabbi will be right back in a moment. It’s our prayer that today’s message has been a blessing to you so far, and we hope that it enriches your walk with Yeshua. If you have a prayer request, we invite you to submit it online at discoveringthejewishjesus.com. Our team lifts up every individual request before the Lord, and it would be our pleasure, privilege, and honor to pray for you and your family. At the core of everything we do at Discovering the Jewish Jesus is our commitment to declare the whole counsel of God’s Word from start to finish. In fact, Rabbi’s unique way of connecting the Old and the New Testaments has helped people all over the world to understand the Bible with fresh eyes. To join us in this work of God, give a donation online today at discoveringthejewishjesus.com or call 800-777-7835. And now here is Rabbi Schneider.
Now, I want you to think about this with me for a second. We have the real God’s word seen in his commandment to bind his word on our head and upon our hand. And then we have the counterfeit in Revelation 13. Now, the counterfeit, listen now, is further delineated with the number. The number of the counterfeit is 666. I want to read it again. I know it’s a bit redundant, but I want to read this again because this is so important. Hear the word of God. I’m going to start again. Revelation 13. Verses number 16 through 18. The grass withers, but the flowers fade. The word of God is abiding forever. And I want you now to take this in because we are entering in to the end of the age. Revelation, once again, 13, beginning in verse number 16. And he causes all, meaning the Antichrist, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forearm. And he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark. Either the name of the beast, get it now, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, understanding. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of man, and his number is 666.” Now think about this, 666, that’s the mark of the beast. Many people that are not Christian know that the mark of the beast is 666, because they went to the movie theater and saw a science fiction horror film. Consider this, beloved. We have something taking place in our generation during this age that is so horrific, so unlike, so unusual. It is so different from anything we’ve ever seen before. And what is unfolding before our very eyes is oppressive, scary. And I believe personally that it is related to Revelation 13, verse 18. I believe it’s related to the mark of the beast. This is my personal belief. What we are finding today is a demonic addiction to technology, to the personal computer. Now, I want you to hear me. The company… that first introduced, that was largely responsible for introducing personal computers to the masses, sold their first personal computer for $666. Now I want you to think about this. What we’re seeing in our culture today, is a phenomenon where human beings are no longer in touch with themselves. You know, you go back 100 years ago, what did human beings do with their spare time? They sat at home, they sat on the couch or in the chair, they sat outside, they talked to each other, they read, they were much quieter. much more in tune with nature, much more in tune with their cells, much more in tune with God’s universe. But today, what are most people more in tune with? They’re more in tune, beloved, with their smartphone. You go to a restaurant, you look around, People are sitting across from each other at the table. But a third of the time you look around the restaurant, people aren’t talking to the people that are at their table. They’re texting somebody on their smartphone or they’re looking up something on their computer. And what do people do with their spare time today? Do they talk to each other? No, they’re instead connected to this device, a personal computer outside of themselves. Mankind is being drawn, listen, beloved, out of himself into into a pseudo cyberspace reality that they’re being connected to by the personal computer. And this phenomenon is taking mankind out of what is natural and out of what is real and out of their own soul that God made in His own image. They’re being taken out of that which was within where Christ is, and they’re being drawn again outside of themselves, outside of God, outside what is natural, outside of what is authentic, and they’re now addicted to a pseudo-reality, and they’re addicted and connected to the pseudo-reality by the personal computer, which the first ones sold for, I’m not saying the first one ever, but the ones that became the leading proponents or responsible for making it accessible to all mankind, they, beloved, the first one sold for $600. and $66. I believe that the devil is using personal computers. And I don’t necessarily think the organization or the individuals that sold their first personal computer for $666 thought it was the mark of the beast or knew that it was the mark of the beast. I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that I think the devil had a strategy behind the scenes where he was going to captivate and capture the hearts and minds of men through personal computers. And so today, a three-year-old child can be on a personal computer and by mistake put something in that smartphone or in that personal computer and all of a sudden that three-year-old, that five-year-old, that seven-year-old is exposed to internet pornography and every type of perverted and defiled thing that you can imagine. And what is happening, beloved, is mankind is losing touch with that which is authentic and real and God-oriented, and he’s becoming instead a slave to powers of darkness. And not only is man being drawn into this world of darkness through the computer, listen to me, but the same one that is drawing them into the world of darkness, Satan, that’s behind the scenes of it all, he is also going further by reprogramming the minds of men through the computer. And so you think, for example, of the way things are changing in the world today so quickly. Why are they changing so quickly? Why are morals changing so quickly, attitudes changing so quickly, societies changing so quickly? It’s because, beloved, we’re living in the age of information through computers. And so the devil now is through the computer telling man what he wants them to think so that mankind is no longer being programmed, listen now, by the word of God being bound in the frontal, between the front of his eyes and upon his hand or arm, but instead mankind is now being programmed through the devil’s mind through an artificial world that is flowing into the psyche of man through the use of personal computers. Now, granted, I can understand and I do understand that personal computers can be a real blessing. We can absolutely have access to information and technologies that are so helpful for us today in many, many fields. So I’m not saying that personal computers are bad. I’m just saying that the devil is using them for his own purposes. And I believe, beloved, the fact that the first personal computers, not the first ones ever sold, but that which made them mainstream, The first one sold for $666. I believe, beloved, God said, he that is understanding, let him understand. I believe personal computers are part of the devil’s end times strategy to capture men and to bring him down to destruction. Beware. that you are the master of your computer and your smartphone, rather than letting it be a master of you. Don’t sleep with it next to your ear every night. Don’t spend countless hours wasted on Facebook. Beloved, God said, beware. I’m coming quickly. Be ready. I’m coming back for you. I want you to know Jesus loves you and he’s coming back for you soon. And he’s giving us this word, beloved, because he loves us and he wants us to be prepared. In order to experience the weight of God’s supernatural glory on our shoulders, upon our lives, we must walk in the clean fear of the Lord. We oftentimes don’t hear about this much in the church. People are afraid to talk about the fear of the Lord. But the fear of the Lord is clean, and it’s the beginning of wisdom. In fact, in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 14, verse 23, when it comes to tithing, the Lord said, tithe unto me that you might learn to fear me. I want to encourage you as I encourage myself to Honor the Lord with your finances. I honor the Lord with my finances for many reasons. One of them is because I want to fear the Lord. Beloved, God’s a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. If God’s using this ministry to bless you, I encourage you to honor him with your finances through DJJ. And now, Dustin, could you please tell our brothers and sisters in Christ how they can give?
I’d be happy to, Rabbi. If you’d like to honor the Lord with your finances through Discovering the Jewish Jesus, you can give a gift of any amount online. Just visit us at discoveringthejewishjesus.com. And if it’s easier for you, give us a call at 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. And, you know, during the last days, people, they’re going to become more and more desperate. But God gave us his word so that we, his children, could understand the signs of the times and stand together in faith. And if you’d like to study this topic more on your own about what Rabbi’s been sharing today, be sure to download a copy of today’s study guide. It’s available at discoveringthejewishjesus.com. And Rabbi has created one for most of his messages, and you’ll find them all right there at our website. On our homepage, you’ll also find information about our latest partnership. We want you to know that you can create an estate plan or a will, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. And in fact, with us, it can be free. Freewill provides you with an easy to use tool to ensure that Your dedication to the kingdom continues for generations to come. And if you want to take that first step right now, set up your free will account today. It doesn’t cost you anything and you don’t even have to donate to the ministry. To learn more, visit us online at discoveringthejewishjesus.com and click on our resources tab and then need a will. And now I’d like to turn things back over to Rabbi Schneider as he prays the Aaronic blessing over us. And I hope that these words inspire you and that they comfort you and they leave you feeling closer to Jesus today. Blessings trump curses.
And in the book of Numbers chapter six, we find the Aaronic blessing that God commanded Moses’ brother Aaron, the high priest, to speak over the children of Israel. There’s power in blessing, beloved ones. So take part in receiving Father’s blessing upon your life today.
Yevarecheche Yahweh, vayishmarecha. Ya’er Yahweh, penavelecha, vichunah. Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, His peace. God bless you and shalom.
This program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And I’m Dustin Roberts. Join us again tomorrow when Rabbi Schneider continues his study on decrypting the book of Revelation. That’s Thursday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.