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Mon - Fri: 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM & 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
This episode initiates an essential exploration of biblical prophecy, focusing on the role of the Antichrist and the relevance of these ancient scriptures in today’s world. With over 150 chapters dedicated to the end times in holy texts, Rabbi Schneider emphasizes the necessity of understanding these prophecies. Delve into the parallels between the past and the future, and learn practical steps to nurture spiritual resilience against deception, fostering an enlightened perspective in preparation for Jesus’ return.
Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts. And for the next 25 minutes, Rabbi Schneider will shed some light on the heart of the Antichrist. Today on the program, Rabbi Schneider is going to explain the characteristics of the Antichrist so that we can prepare our hearts and our minds for possible darker times that may come our way. And, you know, Rabbi Schneider, he’s going to provide some action steps, steps that we can take so that we’re not taken by surprise in these moments. This end of day showdown, it’s spoken of in over 150 chapters in the scripture. And that should clue us in on how important this study actually is. So let’s get started with our series, Decrypting the Book of Revelation. Here’s Rabbi Schneider.
We are in the midst of a series that I’m calling Decrypting the Book of Revelation. What I am doing is I’m comparing what the Book of Revelation says with what the Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh says about the end times. There’s 150 chapters in the entire Word of God about the end times. And I am confident that through paying careful attention to the words that I’m delivering from the Word of God in this series, The book of Revelation is going to become understandable to you. And this is very important because Jesus said, blessed is he that studies, heeds and understands the words of this book, speaking of the book of Revelation. I want to today just do a quick review of what I talked about on last broadcast. I was talking about when the anti-Messiah or the anti-Christ would arise. I talked about the conditions that existed or will exist on planet Earth. when the anti-Messiah comes to fruition, when he becomes exposed. In other words, how it is that somebody like an antichrist could get an entire world’s population behind him. How is that possible? And I use the analogy of Adolf Hitler. We think, how could that have happened in Germany just approximately 70 years ago, where so much of the world got behind this madman, Adolf Hitler, that was killing people in droves, taking little Jewish babies, throwing them up in the air as target practice. That’s what his soldiers were doing. We ask ourselves, how could that have happened? It happened, beloved, because people in Germany were so desperate for change, so desperate for economic recovery, so desperate for a sense of national pride, that when Adolf Hitler began to spew his doctrine, he was so charismatic, so energetic, that the German people were willing to throw common sense aside simply because he gave them confidence and hope. And that’s going to be the climate on planet Earth that will exist when the Antichrist comes to power. Now, what I want to do today is move into some fresh material. And I want to talk about the type of person this anti-Messiah is going to be. And I’m going to do that, first of all, by showing you the supernaturally demonic anointing that will be upon him. And we’re going to begin today with Revelation chapter 12, verses number four and five. I want you to hear the word of God. Once again, we can see how… Creation will, a sense of neediness for an answer is going to make them right to believe an anti-Messiah. Let’s look now at what’s going to be inside this anti-Messiah, even though he’s going to appear to have goodwill, even though he’s going to appear to be a loving person, even though he’s going to be very charismatic, very attractive. He’s going to be the most attractive political leader that ever arose. He’s going to seem tolerant of everybody. He’s going to seem to embrace all people. He’s going to seem to be a servant. He’s going to seem to really care. But what’s really going to be inside him? Let’s go now to Revelation chapter 12, verse 4 and 5, and then 13 and 17. and his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth, he might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who was to rule all the nations with the rod of iron, and her child was caught up to God and to his throne. Now what we’re doing is we’re going back to the fall of Lucifer or Satan from heaven. And we’re seeing who he is because the anti-Messiah is going to be anointed by this one that we’re reading about here in Revelation 12, just as Jesus is anointed by the Father. So let’s go back to this verse. I’m going to go a little slower and we’re going to make some certain emphasis here. And his tail, this is the dragon’s tail, the devil, and his tail swept away the third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And so these are the fallen angels with him. And the dragon stood before the woman. Who’s the woman? The woman, church, is Israel. So the dragon or Satan, Lucifer, stood before the woman who was about to give birth. Who was the woman who was Israel about to give birth to? To Messiah, to Jesus. The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that when she gave birth, he might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who was to rule all the nations with the rod of iron. And her child was caught up to God and to his throne. Now, I want you to think about this in relationship to what happened on earth physically in physical manifestation when Jesus was born. And I want you to see how the scripture that we read about here was fulfilled in the physical world. Again, we read this mystical passage in Revelation that the dragon stood before the woman, Israel, so that when the woman gave birth, he might destroy the son, the child, because the child was to rule the nations. What happened in time and space? What happened? Israel gives birth to Jesus, right? We read about Jesus’ genealogy in the book of Matthew. Israel gives birth. And what happens when Israel gives birth? Herod is inspired by Satan to have all the Hebrew children killed, right? This is exactly the fulfillment of what we just read about in Revelation 12. The dragon tried to kill the child, we read, Even so, this is taking place now in time and space when Israel gives birth to Jesus, who is the one that’s to rule the world. Herod is inspired now by this dragon to kill the male children. But rather than being successful, we read that the child, instead of being killed, was caught up to God. So what happens? The father protects Jesus while he’s on earth for 33 years approximately, and then the father raises Jesus to heaven, and so he’s caught up to God. Let’s continue looking at this again. Verse five, and she gave birth to a son, a male child, who was to rule all the nations with the rod of iron, and her child was caught up to God and to his throne. So the dragon was not successful. He tried to kill Jesus, but instead, father raised him from the dead, and now Jesus sits at the right hand of God. Now let’s continue with another scripture, Revelation 12, 13. Hear the word of God. And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to earth, now this is, this right here is when Jesus spoke to us. He said, I saw Satan Fall from heaven like lightning. Remember Jesus said that in the Gospels. I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. So in the book of Revelation, we’re reading now about Satan falling from heaven. And the point that I’m making, beloved ones, is that when the anti-Messiah arises, when the anti-Christ arises, he is going to be anointed by this one we’re reading about right now in the book of Revelation. So I’m trying just to connect the dots for us here. And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. And in verse 17, so the dragon was enraged with the woman and went off to make war with the rest of her children who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. So what’s the point? What is in the anti-Messiah? In the anti-Messiah is the rage of the dragon who was unsuccessful in killing the child that was birthed from the woman Israel, and that child was the Messiah. The dragon was unsuccessful in his rage to kill Jesus, the Messiah, because Jesus was raised up to the throne of God where the dragon can’t touch him. So what the dragon is now doing is he’s taking out his rage on the woman who is Israel and the children of the child who, beloved, is the church, who the children are the church. So Satan’s enragement right now, his hatred is towards Israel and towards born-again believers, towards those that belong to Jesus. And so even though the anti-Messiah is going to appear loving, even more loving than Christians, because Christians are going to speak about sin, they’re going to talk about right and wrong, they’re not going to embrace all lifestyles, whereas the anti-Messiah is going to act like, you know, God is love, We love everybody. We don’t make any distinction. We don’t make any discrimination. We don’t make any judgments. We welcome all lifestyles. We welcome all peoples. You know, the political correctness that we’re hearing in society preached now. He’s going to seem more loving than you and I are, But deep inside, he is going to be filled with such rage and such hatred. And what he’s going to do is he’s going to deceive. You see, Daniel told us that he would prosper through deceit. He’s going to prosper through deceit. He’s going to make everybody feel that he’s loving. But deep down inside, He’s going to be controlled by the devil. And what the devil wants to do, beloved ones, is wipe out Israel and wipe out the church. And so it’s very critical that you and I have enlightenment so that we’re not deceived.
This is Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider, and he’ll be right back. But first, we have an important announcement. Rabbi has revised his book, The Book of Revelation Decoded. And in this special edition, he’ll guide you through Revelation and what’s to come line by line, helping you to understand the current events. with updated facts, statistics, and additional insights. It’ll show you how prophecy is being fulfilled right now. Order your copy at discoveringthejewishjesus.com. Discovering the Jewish Jesus could not accomplish its mission without partners like you. Together, we are preparing men and women for the soon return of Jesus. So please stop by our website to give a one-time donation or to partner with us on a monthly basis. Through your simple act of generosity, you are making an impact. go to discoveringthejewishjesus.com or call 800-777-7835. And now with the conclusion of today’s message, here is Rabbi Schneider.
Let’s continue on now in our study of the Word of God. Now, again, Daniel told us in Daniel chapter 8, verse 24 and 25, these words, “‘His power shall be mighty and not by his own power.'” by his cunning he shall cause deceit to succeed under his hand. Daniel 8, 24 and 25. He’s going to succeed by power, but his power of deceit is going to come from a supernatural source. It’s going to come from Satan himself. Now listen to what the New Testament tells us about this in the book of 2 Thessalonians, verse 9 and 10. This anti-Messiah, Paul tells us, His coming is going to be in accordance with the working of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all deception of unrighteousness amongst those who perish. So once again, remember Daniel, Daniel told us in Daniel chapter 8 that this anti-Messiah was going to succeed through the might of his power of deceit. Now you think about someone that’s deceitful, and when you think about someone that’s deceitful, for example, in business, what does that mean? They appear like they’re gonna help you, right? They appear like they’re gonna give you a good deal. They appear like they’re gonna take care of you. They make you trust them. You think they’ve got your best interest in mind. But underneath it, it’s deceit because they don’t really care about you. They’ve got a completely different agenda. That’s exactly what the Hebrew prophets tell us about the Antichrist, that he’s going to succeed by a supernatural power of deceit. Let me read it again. I’m reading Daniel chapter 8, verse 24 and 25. Hear the word of God. The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of God abides forever. His coming, it’s going to be in cunningness. By his cunningness, or his deceit, he shall cause deceit to succeed under his hand. Now here’s the counterpart, 2 Thessalonians 2, 9 and 10. Hear the word of God. His coming is in accordance with the working of Satan. Now get this word, with all, get the word all there, all. How much power is going to be on this anti-Messiah to deceive people? Listen, Paul says, with all power and signs and false wonders, now listen, and with all deception of unrighteousness amongst those who are perishing. In other words, The coming of the anti-Messiah is going to be part of the unholy trinity. Okay? We have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But when the powers of Satan are manifest on the earth through the anti-Messiah, the anti-Messiah is going to be anointed by Satan in the same way that Jesus, again, is anointed by the Father. And there’s going to be someone standing next to the anti-Messiah. He’s called the false prophet in the book of Revelation. He’s a type of the Holy Spirit. And he backs up what the anti-Messiah does with signs and wonders. And there’s going to be so many healings that are going to take place under the anti-Messiah. People are going to think it’s a good thing. He’s going to heal those that are sick. He’s going to heal those with cancer. Some people think he’s even going to be raised from the dead. There’s an obscure scripture in the book of Revelation that some interpret as being he’s going to die and be raised back to life, that people are going to think this is God. That’s why Jesus said many false Christ in Matthew 24 are going to emerge. And so, beloved, we need to get ready. We need to stand tall because when the Antichrist arises, it’s going to be with all power, signs and lying wonders. I want you to think about this. We’re talking about he’s going to arise through the power of deceit. Now, consider this. When we look back to Adolf Hitler, His ascendancy, listen beloved ones, it was slow. He started preaching his anti-Semitic rhetoric as early as the beginning of the 1920s. So because it started out slow, Germany kind of got used to hearing it. And it gave the power of that deceitful language, that deceitful ideology, it gave it an ability to succeed because it started happening slowly. It’s like that old story that we heard, right, about the frog. If you put a drop of frog into a pot of boiling water, it immediately jumps right out. But if you put a frog in some lukewarm water and then just gradually begin to turn it up, because it gets turned up so slowly, the frog won’t even know what’s going on and it’ll end up dying in that pot of boiling water eventually. Now consider, beloved one, what I just said. with a very unique scripture in the book of Daniel. I’m reading now from the Word of God, Daniel 8, verses 9 through 12. Remember, we’re talking about how Hitler rose to power, get this church, slowly. Now consider that because Hitler was a type of the Antichrist with what Daniel tells us about the rise of the final Antichrist that we read about in the book of Revelation. Hear the Word of God. Out of one of them came forth a rather small horn. He’s talking about government powers. Daniel is seeing into the end of the age. He’s seeing future leaders, and he sees this future leader that is the Antichrist, and he began to rise as a very small horn. Just like Adolf Hitler, he started out small. Out of one of them came forth a rather small horn, which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the beautiful land. It grew up to the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it trampled them down. And it even magnified itself to be equal with the commander of the host and to remove the regular sacrifice from him. So here’s this small horn. He begins to arise. He tears down from heaven some of its host and he begins to exalt himself. This small horn that grows begins to exalt himself to be equal with the commander of the host. And now we read, Daniel says, and it removed the the regular sacrifice from him. Who’s the him? From God. So this small horn got bigger and bigger. It tried to even challenge the commander who’s God himself, and it sought to remove sacrifice, get it now church, or worship from him. Now let’s continue on. And the place of his sanctuary was thrown down. And on account of transgression, the host will be given over to the horn along with the regular sacrifice and will fling truth to the ground and perform its will and prosper. Now, I’m going to pick up here next time. Let me just make some closing comments here. What we’re seeing happening here is the rise of the Antichrist. Slowly, he gets more and more power as he does. Listen, he seeks to remove the worship of God because in his heart he wants to be God. Now, think about that church in relationship to what we’re seeing today. Remember, the Antichrist and the spirit of the Antichrist is seeking to remove the worship of God. What are we seeing in the world? Europe, which used to be on fire for God, is by and large now a dead place. The churches are closed, just as we read here that the anti-Messiah is going to try to close down his sanctuary. He’s going to remove worship and try to shut down the sanctuary. Are we seeing that in America? Well, listen, we can’t pray in Jesus name at public school events anymore. We’ve removed the Ten Commandments from government properties. all these types of regulations that are taking worship of God, listen now, out of our culture. And what we’re seeing, beloved ones, before our very eyes is the fulfillment of Scripture. Thousands of years after it was written, we are entering in to the end of the age. Times are dark and they’re going to get darker. Jesus gave us the book of Revelation and God gave us his word so we could understand what’s happening and not fall for the deceit of the power that is now working in those that don’t know Jesus. Beloved, I love you. This is a very important word. Jesus’ last words to us in the Bible were, behold, I come quickly and I’m going to reward each one according to what he has done Church, let’s get ready. Just as Jesus came out of Jerusalem, He’s going to return to the world through Jerusalem. I want you to hear me very carefully. Jesus will not return until there’s a mass of Jewish people living on the earth that believe in Him and are calling upon Him to return. This is why Paul said in the book of Romans, if the Gentiles were blessed when the Jews rejected the gospel, he said, how much more will the Gentiles be blessed when the Jews receive the gospel? Beloved, listen to me. When Jewish people receive Jesus and begin to call upon him to return, there’s going to be a critical mass of them that will bring in, usher in his return. I want to thank you for your love and for your financial support. I want to encourage you to continue to invest in me, to continue to invest in this ministry. God has given me cutting edge strategies to reach the nation of Israel with the gospel. beloved their salvation is bound to your salvation because when jewish people once again receive jesus as messiah jesus will return and you and i will see him face to face remember the lord said blessed are those that pray for the peace of jerusalem and there will not be peace there until they know messiah jesus as lord discovering the jewish jesus is a cutting edge ministry that’s reaching israel with the gospel and we need your financial support to do it. Thank you so much for your love. God bless you. And in Yeshua’s name, Shalom.
Amen. And if God is calling you to support Discovering the Jewish Jesus with the gift of any amount, you can do that today by reaching us at 800-777-7835. When you support a ministry like ours that cares about God’s word and sharing the truth, it’s a powerful way to make a difference. And it allows us to continue this quality program. So please give and call today. You can also give online at discoveringthejewishjesus.com. And I also would like to let you know today that you can access Rabbi’s powerful teachings anytime on Roku TV. and it’s absolutely free. The platform is a great way to experience Rabbi’s dynamic teaching style, not only by hearing him, but also seeing him in full HD right from the comfort of your home or wherever you have a Roku device. You can learn more by visiting us at discoveringthejewishjesus.com, or you can simply search for us on Roku TV. And you know, resources like this, they wouldn’t exist without your generosity. So genuinely, thank you so much. We couldn’t do it without you. Your financial support, it’s vital for us to continue to have an impact upon the kingdom of God. So to give, give us a call at 800-777-7835. Thanks so much. And now as we head into the weekend, here’s Rabbi Schneider with the Aaronic Blessing.
In the book of Numbers chapter six, the Lord gave instructions to Moses and Aaron to speak this blessing over his people. And the Lord said, when you speak these words over my people, I will place my name on them and bless them. Receive the impartations of the Lord’s blessings.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yissa Yahweh, penavei lecha ve’asem lecha. Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with his countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, his peace. God bless you and shalom.
This program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And I’m your host, Dustin Roberts. Come back again next week when Rabbi Schneider helps to expose the powers of darkness because you can’t overcome an enemy that you don’t recognize. That’s coming up Monday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.