In this enlightening episode, we delve into the biblical principle of calling things that are not as though they were. Join us as we discuss the transformative power of spoken declarations and how it aligns with God’s promises and the teachings of Jesus. Through practical and often humorous analogies, we uncover the significance of speaking what you desire rather than what you see, and how this can bring abundance and change into your life.
We’re glad you could join us today for the Concepts of Faith broadcast. This program is dedicated to teach you how to put the Word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And now, here’s Charles Capps.
Why in the world would you want to call what is? No need to call what is, it’s already there. You team up with God and call the thing that’s not. Until it is. And then when it is, it has reduced to nothing the thing that was. Abundance will do away with the debt. Can you see that? Now, let’s approach this from another angle. I said we’re going to climb this mountain so many different ways you’re going to get a different view every time. Let’s take an individual that says, well, now if I can sell my car for $4,000, I’ve got enough money that I can buy this car. I found the perfect car for me. But he misunderstood what he heard at the seminar. He just got one session and he didn’t get all of it. He said, now, I think what they said was you just act like it doesn’t exist. So if I want to sell my car, I just say, thank God I don’t have a car. Thank God, don’t have a car. Don’t have a car, don’t have a car, don’t have a car. Somebody said, how’s your car doing? Don’t have a car. So he wakes up some morning and somebody stole his car. Now, you understand that wasn’t the answer, was it? Because he don’t have a car and he don’t have the money. But now what’s the answer? To call the thing that’s not. Now what’s not? The car’s not sold, right? So he prays and says, Lord, send me a buyer for this car. Somebody praying for a car just like this. Send me a buyer for this car. I believe I received a buyer for this car. Thank you, Father. I believe it’s done in Jesus’ name. Then start calling the car sold. Thank God I’m calling you. Go out there and talk to it. Say, whoo, car, you’re sold. Somebody’s impressed with you. They like the way your windows roll up and down. They like the way your headlights shine. Whoo, they’re impressed with you. Jesus said it would obey you. Huh? The sycamine tree? It’ll work on a tree. It’ll work on a car. It will obey you. It’ll obey your faith-filled words. In fact, it’s been doing it all these years. But you know what you’ve been saying to it? You’re the biggest lemon I ever got. You’ll fall apart before I ever get you paid for. Then you wondered why it fell apart before you got the thing paid off. It was obeying you. Now, If you call the car sold and somebody buys the car, then you have the money. And you see, that’s the answer, right? So the answer is not to sit down and say, my car’s not sold, my car’s not sold, dear God, my car’s not sold. It’s not God’s will for my car to be sold, but I wish my car was sold. Oh God, help me to sell my car, but my car’s not sold. No, that’s not God’s method. God’s method is to call things that are not. Manifest as though they were manifest until they are manifest. Now, let me bring you back to the center point here. We are talking about things that God has promised us, things that God has given us. See, we’re not talking about trying to get something God doesn’t want you to have. We’re talking about things God’s promised you. Give and it shall be given. You can’t expect to enter into the receiving of the finances or whatever it is if you’re not giving. There’s a responsibility there. See, that’s future tense scripture. Give and it shall be. That’s future tense. But once you have given, then it’s not future anymore. It becomes present tense. And the way you do is you call it then. Father, because I have given… Then it is given unto me. Somebody said, well, it doesn’t look like it’s given unto you because, you know, you owe your car payment and the rents do. Oh, but you see, I’m calling the thing that’s not. Why in the world would you want to call what was already there? See, that’s not God’s method. Now, let’s approach it from another angle. There’s people that say, well, now, I’ll tell you what. You faith folks, you’re just trying to act like God. Isn’t that good? I thought it was good to act like God. Well, what they mean is you’re just trying to be God. Well, you’re saying what God said, so you’re just trying to act like God. Well, now, if I’m acting like God saying what God said, who are they acting like when they say what the devil said? I’ll tell you, nothing ever works out for me. I prayed it’s not working out. Things are getting worse. Who said that? The devil said it. And they bought it. And God fought it. But the devil won. You know why? Because their word established it. See, they called the thing that was. They called it. Why call that? Now, you’ve got some guy that says, well, now I’ll tell you. I just don’t believe in calling things that are not. I just believe in saying it like it is. And if you say it any other way, you’ll just be lying. You’ve got to say it like it is. Well, okay. Let’s just follow this guy for a little bit and see if he believes that. Now, he gets up some morning and he goes out to feed his dog. And he’s looking all around out there in the backyard, and his pooch is nowhere to be found. Now, if he really believes what he says he believes, he’ll sit down right there, and he’ll start saying, the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone. Oh, I wish the dog was here, but the dog’s gone. And you see, that’d be the doggone truth. And his neighbor comes over and says, what in the world are you doing? Well, I’m just calling it like it is. The dog’s gone, so I’m saying the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone. But I wish the dog was here. But his neighbor says, have you tried calling the dog? Calling the dog? You must be one of those faith fanatics. You can’t call things that are not. You’ve got to call it like it is, and the dog is gone. Now, isn’t it amazing? When you get down to apples and oranges and cats and dogs, how simple things get. I mean things that was a spiritual mystery a few minutes ago becomes to be crystal clear now. Now see, that’s what Jesus would do. He’d take the natural, pull it together with the spiritual, and take the natural and show you how the spiritual worked. That’s what he did with the seeds. He said, you take a seed, you plant it in the ground, and it’ll spring up and grow. And he showed you how the kingdom of God worked by seeds. Kingdom of God’s of a man cast a seed into the ground. Now here’s this guy sitting on his back porch saying, the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone, the dog’s gone, and the dog is gone. But that’s not the answer, is it? As long as he just sits there and says the dog’s gone. Or let’s say he takes this idea. He goes out there and the dog’s not there, but the cat’s there. Well, you’ve got to say it like it is. So whatever’s here, I guess you have to call it. So kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. He starts calling the cat. And the guy comes over. He says, what in the world are you doing? Well, I was going to feed the dog, but the cat’s here, so I’ve got to call it like it is, so I’m calling the cat. He calls the cat and all the neighborhood cats come. Now he’s got a yard full of cats, but he wants to feed the dog. Now he’s got this problem because he doesn’t believe in calling things that are not. He believes in calling things that are. Now laugh some of you, but you’ve been calling the cat. let’s say he goes to feed the cat and the dog is there and he sits down and he says well the dog’s here and the cat’s not here wish the cat was here but the dog’s here so he starts calling the dog here pooch here pooch pooch is licking him on the chin but he’s calling the dog here pooch here pooch and pooch is licking him on the chin he wonders why the cat doesn’t come He hadn’t called the cat. He called the dog. The dog is already there. Now, what’s the bottom line? The bottom line is, if the dog is licking you in the face, don’t call him. He’s already there. Somebody said, we just never do have enough money to pay all our bills. It’s that way every time. We never save up enough money to take a little vacation. Every time our kids would come down sick, we had to spill every dime on doctor bills. It happens that way every time. Hey, you’re calling the dog. And he’s licking you on the chin. Don’t call lack when lack is there. This is not God’s method. God’s method is that you call the thing that is not there. Now see, these things are so foolish in the natural realm, till nobody would even think of doing that. I mean, nobody would be foolish enough to go out and sit there and call the cats when they wanted the dogs. Why is it that when we come into the principles of the Bible and the promises and the provisions that have been made for us, that we get so spiritually minded we can’t understand common everyday principles or everyday things that we do in life? See, we don’t call things that are in anything else in life except the promises of God or the things like that. Well, it’s not there, so I can’t say that I have it. I can’t say it’s mine because it’s not here. Hey, in everything else, if it’s not there, you call it. And when you call it, isn’t it amazing that it comes when you call it? I mean, the dog, when you call him, he will come. If the dog is there and you want to feed the cat, if you’ve got lack and you want abundance, then it’s very simple what you do. You’d go out there and say, get! And then you’d call the cat. Tell lack to get and call abundance. That’s about as simple as I know how to put it. God bless you. We do appreciate you joining us for the Concepts of Faith broadcast today. We’re talking about calling things that are not as though they were. We have CD offer number 7215. It’s two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling, total of $19. It’s entitled, Calling Things That Are Not As Though They Were. In this series, we teach you the principle of the Bible that so many people know very little about. It’s called calling things that are not. Did you know that Jesus operated in this principle in all of his ministry? But yet you could study the Bible for years and not even notice it unless you studied from this angle. See, we even climbed the mountain from two or three different sides so you get a different view. See, so many people, they say, well, you know, the Bible says that we’re to speak the truth. Well, now, what is the truth, though? You see, they say, we just have to say it like it is. And, you know, every time we save any money, all the kids come down sick and have to spend every dime on doctor bills. That’s the way it is every time. Well, now, the Bible also says you can have what you say if you believe and doubt not in your heart. Believe what you say and it’ll come to pass. So faith cometh by hearing. If you keep saying that, you’re going to have great faith in and spending all your money on doctor bills and having nothing left over to pay your rent or to pay your bills. But you see, if you will call the things that are not, what do you call for? Call for what you don’t have. Call for what the Word of God promises you that you don’t have. The Scripture says, if you give, it will be given unto you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, men will give unto your bosom. And it says that you’re like a tree planted by the rivers of water, and whatever you do will prosper. No weapon formed against you will prosper. That’s what ought to be coming out of your mouth. You might say, yeah, but you see, I don’t have abundance. Well, proclaim abundance based on the authority of the Word of God. That’s offer number 7215, entitled Calling Things That Are Not. It’s two CDs for $15 plus $4 postage and handling, a total of $19.00. We have a toll-free order line, 1-877-396-9400. Until tomorrow, this Charles Capps reminding you that the enemy is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming soon.
To order the product offered today, call 1-877-396-9400 or write Charles Capps, P.O. Box 69, England, Arkansas, 72046. A complete list of CDs, books, and DVDs are available online at Through the website, you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our podcast. This broadcast is sponsored by Charles Capps Ministries and our listeners in this area.