Cherry Campbell returns with another powerful teaching on the Kingdom of God, focusing on Lesson 12, a summary of the spiritual law of faith. Through vivid storytelling and biblical examples, she empowers listeners to encourage themselves and strengthen their faith journey. Explore the transformative power of words as Cherry explains how to command situations and claim blessings through faith. This episode is a must for anyone seeking practical ways to live a faith-filled life and witness personal growth through spiritual maturity.
Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with international missionary and Bible teacher, Cherry Campbell.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I am Cherry Campbell. This morning, I’m going to continue sharing with you the message I’ve been sharing with you in the last several broadcasts. That is part 12 in a class that I taught called the Kingdom of God. And this part 12 is a summary of the spiritual law of faith, which I preached in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia. Thank you so much for having me. And you can do that by going to my YouTube channel, which is under my name, Cherry Campbell, C-H-E-R-R-I Campbell, C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L. And they’re in the top category called radio broadcasts. You can listen to all these messages again. And also in the radio broadcasts, you can search for the study on the law of faith, the law of love, and also all the other spiritual laws that we’re going to cover. Because like I said, each one of these spiritual laws is a subject of study all on its own. And I have already gone into an in-depth study of each one of these spiritual laws and they are available on my YouTube channel. So now join me in our live service for the continuation of Lesson 12, a summary of the spiritual law of faith. A lot of Christians are going to the pastor. Pastor, please pray. Will you please pray for this? Will you please pray for that? That’s a baby Christian. A baby Christian cannot feed himself. Very much just like in the natural. That little baby cannot feed himself. He has to be fed. He cannot walk. He has to be carried. He cannot change his own diaper. He has to be changed. When he falls down, somebody has to pick him up. He can do nothing for himself. He’s powerless. That’s the characteristic of a baby. Same with the baby Christian. A baby Christian has to be fed, has to be carried on your face, has to be picked up every time he falls down. He can’t even get up himself. He has to be helped. He has to be cleaned up in every way. just like a physical baby. A sign of growing up spiritually is when you start doing for yourself what other people used to do for you. I’ll say that again. A sign… of growing up spiritually is when you begin to do for yourself what other people used to do for you. That means you begin to feed yourself on the Word. You feed your faith. You don’t wait for the pastor to feed it. You pray for your needs. You don’t wait for somebody else to pray. When you get down, you encourage yourself and you stand up yourself. You know, that’s what David said. All his fighting men were ready to kill him. And he encouraged himself in the Lord. Nobody else picked him up. He was feeling pretty low. He was saying, Oh God, everybody wants to kill me. I might as well die. But he stood up and he picked himself up and he said, I will yet believe. I will yet trust in the Lord. You know, a lot of those Psalms were written in the darkest area of his life. He was hiding in a dark, wet cave from Saul when he said, The Lord is my light. He was sitting in darkness, surrounded by darkness, hiding from Saul for his life. And as he’s hiding in a dark red cave, he says, The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. I will not fear. When an army besiege me, I will not be afraid. Though war break out against me, even then I will not fear. He was in hiding for his life when he said those words. He encouraged himself in the Lord. What do you do when you’re down? Stay down? Wait for somebody else to come cheer you up? Learn how to cheer yourself up. Learn how to stand up on your feet and say, I will not fear. I will not doubt. I will not be discouraged. My God will be my light. He will be my Savior. He will get me through this. I will not be defeated. The only way you can be defeated is if you quit. If you quit, if you lay down and give up, then it’s over. But if you keep standing and holding on to your faith and say, I will not give up. I will not quit. I will believe God. I will come out of this. You will walk out into the light and into the victory. And you will see the victory that you’re believing for. Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah. Praise Him. Hallelujah. Amen. But you’ve got to believe God. Glory to God. Whatever you ask for, don’t wait for somebody else to ask, you ask. In prayer, you believe that you have received it. When do you believe that you receive? Now, when you ask, when you pray. Believe that you have. Have is past tense. Have means it’s already done. You have already received. Believe that you have already received. When? When you ask. Before you see it in your hand, before you see your body change, you believe that you have already received it. And then it will be yours. See? You’re believing it before you see it, and then you see it. It produces what you are believing. So you believe it, and then you will have it. But you believe that you already have it. I already have the $50. Thank you, Father. I’ve already got it. Where is it? I don’t know, but I’ve got it. You know, some people will say, you’re crazy. Well, where is it? I don’t know, but I’ve got it. I don’t know, but I’ve got it. It’s mine. I have it. It’s mine. Amen. Okay, let’s go back to verse 23. I tell you the truth. If anyone, who’s anyone? Who is anyone? Us. Say, anyone means me. Say, anyone means me. That means me. That doesn’t mean the pastor. It means me. If anyone says to this mountain, what is the mountain? It’s the problem. Exactly. It’s the problem. It’s the need. What do you do to the mountain? Talk about the mountain? Tell your friends about the problem? tell god about the problem oh god i got such a problem oh god please help you know god that i need your help oh we have such a big problem god oh god we need money we need money we need money oh we need a hundred dollars lord you know we need a hundred dollars lord and then you go tell your friends you know amy i really need a hundred dollars where am i going to get a hundred dollars is that what it says to do It doesn’t say talk to God about the mountain. It doesn’t say talk to your friends about the mountain. It says talk to the mountain. The problem, you talk to it. Why? Creative powers in the tongue. God created light by words. Light be, light was. God parted the Red Sea by words. Jesus healed the sick by words. Words are carrying faith. You say to the mountain, go. Be removed, be cast in the sea. And does not doubt in his heart, but he believes in his heart what he says, what he says will happen, it will be done. So you say to the mountain, which is the problem, the bad thing that you don’t want, you say, be gone in Jesus’ name. Needs, be gone. Lack, be gone. Sickness, be gone. Strife, be gone. Fear, be gone. Mountain, be gone. Be removed out of my life forever in Jesus’ name. You get out of here right now. Get out. Be gone in Jesus’ name. I command you to go. I don’t receive it. It shall not stay in my life anymore, this problem, in Jesus’ name. And then hold your hands here and go to Romans 4. Romans 4. In Romans 4, verse 17, As it is written, I have made you a father of many nations. He is our father, that’s Abraham, in the sight of God, in whom he believed. The God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were. Or you can say calls things that you don’t see as though it already existed. That’s how he created light. He said light that did not exist and it became. Now, the word call. I want to mention that word call. Well, of course, it’s like saying, Amy, will you please come here? Amy, I’m calling. I’m calling for Amy and she comes. But that word is actually in the Greek a legal word used in court. It can literally be translated summons. You know, when a court issues a written document to you and says, on March 24th, you must appear in court at 10 o’clock in the morning. It’s a legal command to come and appear. That’s a summons. This word is the same word. It is a legal word. It’s a legal command that when you command something to come and appear, it must appear. You know, if you get that summons to go to court and you don’t show up, the police can come arrest you. You have to obey. Well, that’s the same word. It’s a legal command and whatever you summons has to obey you. So then you call the thing that you do want. You need and you say, you come and appear right now. I give you a summons and you must come now in Jesus’ name. So I call $100 to come to me now in Jesus’ name. I call healing to come now in Jesus’ name. I call wisdom to come. I need wisdom right now. I need some answers. Come now. I call peace to come into this house. I call peace to come into this situation and I rebuke confusion. Amen. So what you’re doing is you are commanding and rebuking the thing you don’t want. You get out. Go. Be cast into the sea. Sickness, be gone. And then you call, summons what you want. Healing, come. Lack and needs, be gone. Go. Be removed in the name of Jesus. Be cast in the sea. $100, come. $500, come. Be specific. Answers, wisdom, come now in Jesus’ name. So you are commanding to go what you don’t want. Get out of my life, you leave. And you’re calling to come in the things that you do want. The money, the healing, the answers, the wisdom, the peace, the strength. Whatever it is you’re needing, you call it to come now. And you give it that legal command. It’s the authority of your words. We are created in the image of God. God spoke and it was created. And he said, I create you in my image. What you say will be brought to pass. Amen. So let’s go back to Mark 11. And I’m just going to finish this up in a few minutes. It says in Mark 11, 23, I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, go, poverty, go, lack, go, sickness, go. Throw yourself in the sea. And he does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Does not doubt. I want us to quickly go to James 1, and I’ll show you what is doubt. As we know, doubt is questioning. doubt is questions doubt is wondering the power of faith is when we don’t doubt doubt stops faith doubt stops faith james 1 verse 6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt. Because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. Read verse 8. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. Double-minded. Do you notice in the English words that the word double and doubt are very closely related? D-O-U-B. Doubt comes from the word double. What you just heard was a continuation of Lesson 12 that I taught in a class called The Kingdom of God. And this Lesson 12 is a summary of the spiritual law of faith, which I preached in a service in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia. And we will continue this lesson again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
We’re glad you joined us today for Victorious Faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at, where you can listen to the Victorious Faith radio broadcast, find biblical study helps, contact Cherry, and make donations. You can also write to us at P.O. Box 509, East Lake, Colorado, 80614. Victorious Faith is a God and Partners supported ministry. As you sow seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world.