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Mon - Fri: 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM & 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
This episode is a compelling look at the essence of Christianity and the profound paradox of being buried, yet walking anew in Christ. With a focus on the importance of baptism and obedience to God’s commands, Jeff Archie breaks down fundamental Christian doctrines, challenging popular beliefs that faith alone is sufficient. Discover practical insights on how Scripture guides our spiritual journey and offers us the power to live through Him. Whether you are a seasoned believer or exploring faith for the first time, this study provides a thought-provoking analysis of biblical truths.
There are many folks that are buried, yet they are walking. Now, no, I’m not speaking of the walking dead TV program, but I am speaking of those who are walking alive. Have I got your curiosity? Well, that’s coming up shortly from the International Gospel Hour. Stay with us.
It’s time for our broadcast from the International Gospel Hour. I’m Jay Webb, and welcome to our study today as we embrace God’s Word to help us meet the challenges of today. Let’s open our Bibles and open our heart for this time of Bible study with our speaker Jeff Archie of International Gospel Hour, a broadcast of the Churches of Christ. Here’s Jeff.
Well, thank you always to our J-Web, and greetings to all of you. It’s great having you with us today for our broadcast from the International Gospel Hour. We love to hear from our listeners, and if you have a moment, you want to drop us a line by mail. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 118 Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334. That’s P.O. Box 118 Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334. You can also reach out to us on our website, internationalgospelhour.com. Click on the Contact tab and just leave us a message. If nothing else, just let us know where you’re hearing our broadcast from. And you can also do the same with our toll-free number, 855-444-6988. Now, speaking of our toll-free number… I want to begin our broadcast because we have, well, we love to share a number of publications. They are absolutely free. And today we have one we want to offer to you. Our J-Web has the details of how you can receive your free copy of Reason and Revelation.
Our free publication today is Reason and Revelation, a monthly journal courtesy of our friends at apologeticspress.org. Get your free copy today by calling toll free at 855-444-6988. Leave your name and address and just say reason. That is it. You can also send your request through our website at internationalgospelhour.com. Click on the contact tab and leave us your name and address and put reason in the message box. We will send you a copy. Again, we have a limited supply, so get yours now.
Friends, a Christian, simply defined, is a follower of Christ. But with that following, there must be an accordance with His will. John 12, 48 and Romans 8, 1 Thus, a Christian, in the biblical sense of the word, is one who has obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ and walks in accordance with His word. One who has been obedient to the gospel of Christ has obeyed the Lord in the semblance of His death, burial, and resurrection, 1 Corinthians 15, 1-4. The only manner in which this can be accomplished is through baptism, Romans 2, verse 12, and Romans 6, 3 and 4, based upon one’s faith in the Christ as the Son of God, John 8, verse 24, and repentance of sin, Luke 13, 3, and confession of his faith in Jesus, Matthew 10, 32, and Romans 10, verse 10. The gospel of Christ contains a number of aspects, namely it contains facts to be believed, 1 Corinthians 15, 1-4, commands to be obeyed, Acts 2, verse 38, and Acts 22, 16, precepts to be enjoined, such as worship and study, and promises to be enjoyed. One cannot obey facts. The religious world wraps the gospel message up in one neat package of the facts of 1 Corinthians 15, 1-4, and completely ignores the remainder of these aspects of the gospel, or at least will relegate them to the realm of what they call unessentials. Neither can one merely believe commands. Well, commands, by their very nature, are intended toward action. One either obeys or rejects commands. And in order for the facts of the gospel truly to be believed, the commands of the gospel must ultimately be obeyed. In order to obey the gospel of Christ, one must die to sin. That’s Romans 6 and verse 2. And Jesus said, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Matthew 16.24 Being an instrument of execution, the cross is used here to indicate that a death has to take place. Just as Jesus took up his cross and was put to death for the sins of the world, so each one must take up his cross and put himself to death. Romans 6.6 In order that the Lord might live through him. Galatians 2.20 Then, just as Jesus was buried in the tomb after his death, one who has died to sin must be buried. Paul said in Romans 6, 3 and 4, Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Notice that it is in baptism, and only in baptism, that one, number one, contacts the blood of Christ by being baptized into his death where his blood was shed. Number two is buried with Christ. Number three is put into Christ. And number four is raised to walk in newness of life. Here then, friends, is what we would call the paradox of Christianity. Christians have been buried, yet walk anew through the power of the blood of Christ. It is only through belief in the facts of the gospel and obedience to the commands of the gospel that one can avail himself of the power contained in the gospel, Romans 1.16. Mere faith alone, separated from obedience, causes one to fall short of what the gospel in its entirety requires. Faith apart from the works of obedience is dead, James 2.17. Another thought of interest concerning being buried with Christ in baptism involves the purpose of baptism. Its purpose is clearly stated in Acts 2 and verse 38. It is for or in order to obtain the remission of sins. And we find that same phrase in Matthew 26, 28. It is in order that sins might be washed away, Acts 22, verse 16. It is essential to the salvation of one’s soul, Mark 16, verse 16. And yet, even though these scriptures are so very plain, the religious world misses the mark concerning baptism. Baptism, though considered important by most, is not seen as being essential. If, as the religious world at large teaches, a person is saved at the moment of faith, separate and apart from any other actions, Let us notice what this would do to Paul’s words in Romans 6. Now, as has been seen, a dead individual is buried in baptism, Romans 6, 2 and 4. Naturally, one must be dead before he is buried. Otherwise, a crime has been committed. In looking at the cases of conversion in the book of Acts, every individual mentioned was baptized. Notice just one example. In Acts 8, 26-40, we encounter Philip’s teaching of the Ethiopian eunuch. After being taught the gospel, the eunuch asked, See, here is water. What hinders me to be baptized? Verse 36. The next verse states that Philip said unto him, If you believe with all your heart, you may. The eunuch then replied, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Now, at this point, according to man’s doctrine, he was saved, made alive, born again. So what does Philip do with this saved, made alive, born again individual? He buries him in baptism. What? Yes, he buries a live man. Something is terribly wrong with this scenario, and that something is the belief that one is saved by faith alone without water baptism. The eunuch was not saved at the point in which he believed in Jesus. That belief was essential, but it was not sufficient. He not only had to believe the facts of the gospel, he had to obey the commands of the gospel, and this he did when he was buried with him by baptism. He died to sin through repentance and then was buried, notice, as a dead man, in baptism. He then arose to walk in newness of life. Note also that it was not until after he was baptized that he rejoiced, Acts 8.39. It was not until that point that his sins were washed away and he walked in newness of life. May I ask today, dear friend, if you are to walk anew, you must first be buried. And if you would be risen with Him, you must first be buried with Him in baptism, Colossians 2 and verse 12, for the remission of sins, Acts 2.38. Spiritually speaking, you live because you die. Just as Jesus said we must take up our cross, put ourselves to death to the lull of sin, and follow Him. Jesus said, He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, Mark 16, 16. What a beautiful picture of obedience as one follows his Lord in the semblance of his death, burial, and resurrection. We would ask, friends, won’t you obey the commands of the gospel today? Friends, I realize we’ve brought forth some studies that I would dare say a lot of religious programming would disagree with. But we have striven to give book, chapter, and verse for what we teach and what we say. And we always encourage folks to go to the Bible for your answers. Many an individual has turned to the Bible to prove someone wrong and And they wind up that the someone they have proven wrong is themselves. Let’s go back to the Bible. And we love to offer Bible study material. And we have an online study of the Bible available through our friends at the World Bible School. And here is how you can receive that study should you desire. And a few words will tell you how to do so from our J-Web.
Maybe you’d like an online study of the Bible. And now, friends, I want to pause and thank a very special brother in Christ,
Brother Eddie Gilpin for the thoughts today. Brother Gilpin is a gospel preacher in Virginia. He penned this through the articles of the former publication, The Informer, back in October of 1996. But friends, the truth still stands forth to this day. That’s why we always want to depend on the Word of God. I’m blessed to bring forth a number of our broadcasts that were originally penned by article. That’s why we love to offer free publications such as Reason and Revelation, Discovery, and Valor and Virtue through our work here at International Gospel Hour. We want to help you in your study of the Word of God. We really appreciate the thoughts today presented by Brother Gilpin. The title, We Have Been Buried, But We Walk Anew. Yes, buried, yet walking in Christ. Let’s continue these studies together at another time, and thank you for joining me today here on the International Gospel Hour. I’m Jeff Archie, and friends, as always, keep listening.
Thank you for listening today. To God be the glory. And we hope that our study today will draw you closer to His Word to walk in His way. Feel free to listen to our other programs at our website at internationalgospelhour.com and join us next time.