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Liz talks with Brian Mumbert, Vice President, Advisor Relations for the Timothy Plan about sports gambling and how detrimental it can be financially and the effects it has on those involved. The allure of fast, easy cash is overpowering young people around the world. Some countries offer betting accounts using face biometrics and age verification. As the American Dream vanishes, college-age youth are targeted and it’s only getting worse. Website: timothyplan.com
This is Liz Franzel with Crawford Media Group, and today our guest is Dr. Don Colbert, a leading expert in anti-aging and nutritional medicine, and also a New York Times bestselling author. Today we’ll be talking about his new book titled Dr. Colbert’s Spiritual Health Zone. Welcome to our program, Dr. Colbert.
Well, thank you. It’s great being here.
Dr. Colbert, tell us about your new book and why this is so different than most books out there on the topic of health.
Well, first of all, about three years ago, I had a wake-up call or an epiphany. I was listening to a preaching tape by Kenneth Copeland, and he was teaching on love. And what he said was in 1 Corinthians 13, 8, in the Amplified Classic Edition, says, as for knowledge, it will pass away. Or it says in parentheses, it will lose its value and be superseded by truth. Well, again, I’ve been, I certainly realize that I’ve been learning all the latest research on diet and nutrition and health and longevity, and all this information had no eternal value. Even though we’ve recently discovered that we are programmed to live to be 120 or more, again, this life is only temporary. Typically, our life, we have an expiration date. For men, it’s about 74.8 years. For women, it’s 80.2 years. And so once we hit that expiration date, because most people don’t take care of their health well, most people will achieve those similar results. But we are programmed to live to be 120, but I realize that it’s only the truth of the love of God and God’s Word, the Bible, that had eternal value and will never fail. You see, he tells us also in the chapter of love, 1 Corinthians 13, that faith, hope, and love, these three, but the greatest of these is love, and now abides, he said, these three. And yet most Christians don’t know what true love is. They think that love is things. They see love as things. But God is love. And agape love is the God kind of love that’s unselfish, compassionate, and expects nothing in return. And so many people, so many Christians and other people love things like, you know, new jewelry, new name brand clothes, new cars, new homes. they love things, but 1 John 2, 15, 16 says, Do not love the world or the things and the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that’s in the world, he says, John the Beloved says, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world. So when we’re loving things, we literally get into, we love the world, and not we get out of the love of God, which is the agape love. Now, there’s much research on this agape love, and love is one of the most powerful healing modalities and preventive measures for health I’ve ever seen, and yet very few people talk about it. But we have research now confirming that. And we as doctors have missed the most powerful keys to living a long, healthy, and disease-resistant life, and it’s simply walking in the agape love and forgiveness toward one another. That is the most important thing.
Mm-hmm. You know, you mentioned in your book, the whole spirit, soul and body connection, which I think, you know, medicine is valuable, but they don’t really address those three parts as a whole. And like the Bible does, just like you’re saying, is do you have an example of how what your what love walking in love in any form has positively impacted your health?
Well, again, what it’s done for me, I used to have psoriasis, an autoimmune disease. And back in the 90s, I was covered with psoriasis, a horrible rash. And it caused itching over most of my body. I had to take ointments and all. I was so ashamed of it, I didn’t take pictures. I wish I had, because had I done so, people would have seen the miraculous change. But back then, back in the early 90s is when I got into nutrition. And back then I learned what my kryptonite was. And kryptonite, you know, is the only thing that kills Superman. But everyone has their own food kryptonite. And the kryptonite is the food that literally inflames the body. Well, back then I was craving foods that inflame my body. And the main foods I was craving back then were salsa, which I’d eat every day, and dairy. I love dairy. I love cheese. And so I’d have the cheese and salsa. I had my beans and my rice and my chicken, and yet I was on fire. Well, finally, I figured it out, and I got rid of the fuel that was fueling it. But also, if you don’t love and accept yourself, that also fuels autoimmune disease. And so, see, I had had a lawsuit when I first got in practice, and that was so embarrassing, and it was on TV, and it blew up, and And it was just very embarrassing, so I felt horrible about it. But, again, it was settled. But, again, it left this stress in me, which literally affected my immune system, and I believe was the root trigger of this autoimmune disease. And when I forgave myself and I removed the kryptonite, my body healed. I have not had any psoriasis since then. That was in 1990. We’re talking about 35 years ago, which was crazy. And so, again, I’ve seen it personally, but I’ve seen it in my practice for the last 40 years. I’ve been practicing for 40 years, and I have seen in my practice what unforgiveness does to people. Unforgiveness invites cancer and heart disease into the body. It damages our sleep and invites depression and anxiety into the body. It develops, it triggers, it depletes our immune system or confuses our immune system so we’re more prone to develop autoimmune disease. And we don’t recover as fast from illness or injury. So, again, people that have unforgiveness generally don’t have good sleep. It also causes problems with predisposing them to heart disease, heart disease and cancer. So, again, when you have unforgiveness, it literally opens the door. I call to the tormentors that Jesus explained about in Matthew 18 when the rich ruler wanted to… clear his accounts and brought in a rich man who owed him 10,000 talents, which in today’s money would be billions of dollars. The man fell down on his feet and begged him to forgive his debt, and the rich ruler forgave his debt. But then the same man went out, and one of his servants, who owed him only 100 denarii, which is about three months’ wages, he had him thrown in prison. And the word got back to the king, the master, and he was so angry. He had this man he had forgiven. thrown in prison and turned over to the tormentors, it says, or torturers. And that is what unforgiveness does. It opens the door for the tormentor or torturers, which are demons, that when we fail to forgive, it literally, there’s a spiritual principle that you have unleashed the tormentors on your mental, emotional, physical body, and spiritual body.
And so that’s what we’re, so many Christians are doing this, Spiritual warfare is trying to, you know, overcome demons and things when all they have to do is forgive and walk in forgiveness toward themselves and toward others and toward God. And back years ago in the 1990s when I discovered this, I had one of the world’s leading exorcists as a patient back then who had a show on one of the major TV channels. And he came to see me, and he had been casting demons out. And I told him, I said, look, I’m going to show you someone who’s bound He said, I agree, she’s bound. I said, I’m going to take her through forgiveness therapy and identify where her major forgiveness issues are, and then we’re going to take her through forgiveness. According to Ephesians 4.32, it says, Be kind to one another, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake, has forgiven you. In other words, the same way God forgave us, we need to forgive others.
So since you touched on that, and I know a lot of people have issues with forgiveness, let’s talk a little bit about forgiveness versus reconciliation, because those are two separate different things.
Absolutely, yes. Some people have to be loved from a distance. They’ll hurt you. You have to have boundaries, too. And some people just won’t change. And so for those people, you have to have, you know, we’ve all got… Family members and people like that, you have to love from a distance because they’re like, I call them porcupine Christians, where if you hug them, they’ll quill you. And so we have to kind of love those from a distance. So reconciliation is different from forgiveness. We want to forgive everyone. If we’re carrying a record book of wrongs, guess what we’re doing? We can’t enter the love walk. So love is, I mean, love or canceling the debt is simply canceling the debt. They don’t owe you anything. refuse to hold bitterness and unforgiveness in your heart toward them.
And it doesn’t mean relationship.
Well, no. It doesn’t mean you have to get back in relationship with them. Some people, like I say, have to be loved from a distance. Some people are very abusive, will hurt you, will quill you like a porcupine. Right. So you’ve got to protect yourself from them.
Reading some of your book, you have a section in there on gratitude. Now let’s talk about gratitude versus negative emotions and the effects that has on our bodies.
Well, gratitude is another symptom or quality of love, and gratitude is one of the most powerful qualities we’ve ever seen with research. Dr. Robert Emmons has done a significant amount of research on the science of gratitude, and he’s shown that gratitude reduces symptoms of both depression and anxiety. It’s also linked to better sleep quality, to decrease inflammation. It improves cardiovascular health. And people that are grateful or thankful, they have stronger immune systems, they recover faster from illness, and it’s just something that every Christian should take advantage of as a grateful attitude. Like the Bible says, in everything give thanks for this, the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. But people that are grateful have a lower risk of developing chronic health conditions. And that’s research that’s been confirmed. So if you want to close the door on chronic health conditions, practice gratitude every day, and practice love and forgiveness. Those are the keys.
And that could be simple as, Father, thank you for the roof I have over my head. Thank you for the car I drive.
Thank you for this job. And thank people. Thank people. And people that practice gratitude have higher levels of happiness, optimism, and a greater sense of purpose in life. And they’re less likely to be pessimistic, which Literally, we have an epidemic of pessimism in the church and in this country. And pessimism destroys hope, which is expectation. And you can’t have faith without hope. And then faith works through love. And so, again, it paralyzes all three. Those are the three most important things in our life is faith, hope, and love. Yet, when you have pessimism, you’re literally destroying and digging up all those powerful characters that we all need in our Christian life that gives us success, that gives us spiritual energy and what we need to get through life as overcomers and not as pessimists that believe in their unworthy and will never make it.
Right. We’re visiting with Dr. Don Colbert, leading expert on anti-aging and nutritional medicine. And we’ve been talking about how the love of God is a key to living in divine health, as stated in his new book titled Dr. Colbert’s Spiritual Health Zone. Dr. Colbert, what takeaway would you like to leave our listeners with today?
Well, the most important thing is to just start. And I tell people the best way to start is writing some of these love scriptures down. And the biggest thing is, one of the biggest is John 13, 34, 35. Jesus says, “…a new commandment I give you.”
It’s new.
“…that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one to another.” Now, it’s not a suggestion or recommendation. It’s a commandment. And also, all the law was fulfilled in this one word, Paul says, “…to love one another as I have loved you.” We’re to love one another. We’re not to follow all the other commandments because they’re all fulfilled in this one. So as we meditate on love and what love is, it’s mainly in the book of John. He’s John the Beloved in 1 John. He goes into the depths of the love walk and to meditate on those scriptures. I have them all throughout the book. But then to meditate on them, chew on them, you’ll get more enlightenment, more understanding of them because it’s not a head understanding. It’s a heart understanding. And love is doing love. We don’t love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. Like Mother Teresa, you know, I was hungry, you gave me food. I was thirsty, you gave me drink. You know, I was in prison, you came to visit me. I was naked and you closed me. Well, again, it’s a doing. The disciple says, Lord, when were you hungry and we didn’t give you food? When were you thirsty and we gave you drink? And Jesus says, as you’ve done these to the least of me, these are my brethren, you’ve done it to me. So as we love by doing and helping others, that may just be a word of encouragement. Then we’re walking the love walk, and literally we’re opening the door for it to be beings of love. And as you walk the love walk, you close the door on almost every disease.
Dr. Colbert, unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to even get to anything else in your book, which is so important. Where can our listeners go to find your book?
Oh, they can go to any bookstore. Again, Amazon has it, my website, drcolbert, drcolbert.com. And plus, I have a podcast that has the natural remedy for most every disease.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Great. Thank you. It’s been a pleasure.