Fear is often seen as an inevitable part of life, but in this insightful exploration, Rabbi Schneider insists it doesn’t have to be. Discover how fear opens the door for negativity, while faith invites divine intervention and peace. Learn practical steps to strengthen your faith, including fortifying yourself with God’s promises and rejecting the lies of the enemy. Through these biblical teachings, you can begin to live a life free from fear, grounded in the assurance of God’s love and presence.
Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and for the next 25 minutes, Rabbi Schneider will help us discover why conquering fear isn’t a passive process, it’s a declaration of war. If we’re not careful, being afraid, it can be an open door for the enemy. And so today, Rabbi Schneider, he’s going to help us explore God’s command to be strong and courageous, even when the storms of life are raging. It’s time to shut the door on fear once and for all. And if you’d like to learn more about this ministry or Rabbi Schneider, I want to encourage you to go online to our website and find out more at discoveringthejewishjesus.com. And now with today’s message, Faith to Overcome Fear, here’s Rabbi Schneider.
Beloved, this is a solemn word of God. Most of us struggle in life with fear. We battle it daily. It’s one of Satan’s chief weapons against us. It began all the way back in the garden when Adam sinned, and immediately he ran from the Lord, saying to the Lord in Genesis chapter 3, verse 9 and 10, I felt naked and afraid. And ever since that time, you and I, beloved, have struggled with We don’t really have the sense that we need, many of us, of God’s protection on our life, of God’s activity and of our circumstances. We don’t really trust him fully to go before us. We don’t really trust him fully oftentimes with our health, with our children, with our jobs and everything else that we deal with in life. And because we’re not trusting him fully, we get afraid. But I want you to know, beloved, the Lord wants us to recover the sense of his presence around us that Adam enjoyed in the garden. before he fell. Because we have Yeshua, beloved, we have been clothed with the Lord once again. And he wants us to step out of fear. We’re not orphans. We’re in this world not alone, but we’re in this world, beloved, with God. And the Lord has promised us to never leave us or forsake us. He’s promised to go before us. He’s promised to fight for us. And we’re going to be looking at some scriptures to back this up today. The word in the book of Joshua, chapter number 1, verse number 9 for fear, is the word arats. And it means to tremble. It means to dread. It means to be terrified of. I want to ask you a question. Have you been in fear today? Are you afraid of being alone? Are you afraid of finances? Are you afraid about sickness? Are you afraid about ending up in a nursing home? And the list goes on and on. The question that I have for you is with all these dangers that are real threats, on every side with nuclear reactors leaking, terrorist attacks on our own soil, and we could go on and on. Is it possible, living in the world that we live in, to not be afraid? I mean, is it really possible to live outside of fear, crushing fear under our feet? Beloved, the scripture says that you and I can have power to tread upon demons and scorpions. According to Jesus, beloved, you and I can live without fear because Yeshua said, whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Jesus had no fear. In fact, when his disciples feared, What appeared to be a real threat, he rebuked them for it, and he told them that the reason they were afraid was because they lacked faith. So with that said, we’re going to go now in our scriptures to the book of Mark today, chapter number four. The grass withers and the flowers fade, hallelujah, but the word of the Lord abides forever. Hear the word of God as I go now, beginning there in verse number 35. And on that day, when evening had come, Jesus, he said to them, let us go over to the other side. and leaving the multitude, they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them. And there arose a fierce gale of wind. The waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up. I want you to get this. This was a real danger. In the natural, the boat could have very well sunken. You would have thought, of course they were afraid. It’s natural to be afraid. It’s normal to be afraid. I would have been afraid, too. How could God blame them? I mean, if a boat fills up with water, it sinks. But notice Yeshua’s response to them. And he himself, number 38, was in the sterns, asleep on the cushion. And they awoke him and said to him, Teacher, do you not care we’re perishing? And being aroused, he rebuked the wind and said to the sea, hush, be still. And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm. And he said to them, why were you so timid? How is it that you have no faith? And they marveled and they said, who is this man? Jesus’ response to their fear when they were in this boat in the middle of a frenzied storm, it looked in the natural that this boat could have sunken, and Jesus’ response to them was, why were you afraid? Where is your faith? We learn from this, the way to not be afraid is to have faith. Faith is that which gives us victory over fear. Jesus said, why were you afraid? Where is your faith? And so if you and I are going to get victory over fear, that means we’re going to have to increase in faith. And the scripture says, beloved, that we can increase in faith by asking God for faith. Remember the one that prayed? He said, Father, I believe. Help them, I am believed. We pray right now, Father God, for you to strengthen our inner man with divine might deep down on the inside. We pray that you’ll impart. courage to us, Father, by the Ruach HaKadosh, that, Father, there would be a new faith, a new divine energy in us that would arise up, Father, from our inner man, taking authority over fear. I pray, Father, for such power that we’d begin to hate fear, that we’d begin to hate Satan’s lies. So the first thing that we need is we need divine energy from the Ruach HaKadosh beloved to rise up and declare war on fear. The other thing we need is faith in the truth. We need to really believe that God loves us. We need to really believe that He’s fighting for us. We need to really get an understanding, beloved, of how present God is with us and how much He’s involved in our life. That’s the reason that we’re afraid. We don’t really get it. We don’t really have faith in the fact that God cares enough. We’re believing in him from afar. We know that when we get to heaven, everything will be all right. But we lack the faith to realize he’s involved in our lives in an intimate way. right here and right now. How do we get this faith? We get it, beloved, through prayer, and listen now, by being transformed by Yeshua’s Word, by having faith in the Scriptures, by having faith in the Word of God. Jesus said to His disciples, you are clean because of the Word that I spoke to you. The Word that I speak is spirit and life. Take a hold of it. Seize it, the Lord says. I remember the Lord said to me years ago in the middle of the night, powerful encounter with the spirit of God. And the Lord said to me, seize my word and don’t let anything else in. If we’re going to keep fear out, if we’re going to keep ourselves from being afraid, we need to seize God’s word and stop allowing fear in. If we don’t seize his word, beloved, we’re going to be like mush. The enemy is just going to be able to come in. But the Lord said to Joshua, I want you to strengthen yourself, be strong. Be strong. Fortify yourself against the fear of these foreign armies, Joshua, for I am with you wherever you go. And so God wants us to strengthen ourselves, to fortify our faith in the word of God, to seize his word, to not let anything else in, to keep the door shut. This is not something, beloved, that’s passive. This is something that’s active. If we’re not active in our faith, if we’re not warfaring, if we’re not seeking, beloved, to strengthen ourselves in the Word of God, if we’re not willfully choosing to believe God, if we’re not significantly pushing forward to get a hold of God and resist fear, beloved, the devil’s going to push in because the Lord said about the devil that he’s standing at the door that his desire is for us, but we must master him. In other words, the devil is always there. He’s always looking for a way in. So we have to keep him out. How do we do that? By taking a hold of God’s word and not allowing ourselves to doubt it. We need to keep on repeating it. We need to keep on affirming it. We need to fortify ourselves with it. Be strong and courageous, the Lord said to Joshua, and do not be afraid.
You’re listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus and Rabbi will be right back. But first we have a special book announcement. Let’s check it out.
Most have accepted the lie that fear is something we have to live with. But a clarion call from Scripture remains. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. In Rabbi K.A. Schneider’s book, Rabbi shares through riveting experience how he struggled with and experienced victory over fear. In Do Not Be Afraid, you’ll learn to resist the devil’s traps, walk in Jesus’ supernatural freedom, and fearlessly step into your destiny. Do Not Be Afraid by Messianic Rabbi K.A. Schneider. Call 800-777-7835 or visit DiscoveringTheJewishJesus.com to order now.
We are truly so excited for you to get this life-changing book. So pick up a copy today. And now here is Rabbi with the rest of today’s message.
When we continue to think about the situation where Yeshua is speaking to the disciples about overcoming fear, I’m reminded of the other story in which Yeshua comes to the disciples when they’re on the boat. And Yeshua comes walking on water. Many of you know the story. Peter sees Yeshua and Yeshua calls to him and Peter gets out of the boat and he begins to walk on the water. He’s acting in faith. His eyes are on Jesus. His eyes are on Jesus’ words. Come, Peter. He’s seizing the word that Jesus spoke. And as he’s seizing the word that Jesus spoke, he’s literally walking on the water. But then what did he do? He looked at what was going on around him. And he looked at the waves, and he looked at the wind, and when he took his eyes off Jesus, he opened up the door, beloved, for the devil to come in, producing fear, and he sunk. You see, if we’re not seizing God’s Word, then what happens is the devil comes and he comes to us causing us to question whether we can really believe God. If we get passive in our adamant faith with the Lord, then the devil’s going to come. He’s going to begin by just causing us to question. Can you really trust God? And from questioning, we’re going to go to doubt. And from doubt, we’re going to go to fear. And Satan, beloved, will make entrance into our life. You see, you can even observe in the natural world, beloved, this phenomenon. Listen. That even as faith opens a door for the Lord to work in our life, fear opens the door for the devil to enter into our lives. We all know the story of what a high wire person in the circus does. Does a person that’s walking a high wire in the circus look down? No. We know they’re instructed never to look down. Because if they look down, they’re going to be overwhelmed by fear. They’re going to see how far they are off the ground and the fear is going to overwhelm them. They’ll lose their balance and they’ll fall. That’s what happened to Peter. He was walking on water. When he kept his eyes on Jesus, he was living in victory. When he looked at the circumstances, when he looked at the waves and the wind, he fell. And so fear opens the door for Satan. Think about it. If an athlete is afraid they’re going to miss the ball, if a basketball player is afraid he’s going to miss, what happens? They usually miss because when you fear, the enemy takes over, gets you off balance, and moves you into darkness. On the other hand, beloved, when you exercise faith in God’s love, When you exercise faith in God’s presence with you, that he’s fighting for you, that he’s with you, you’re living in peace. You’re living in harmony. You’re operating successfully. But as soon as you begin to question yourself, as soon as you begin to doubt what happens, you mess up. You see, faith, beloved, is the channel that the Lord moves through. Fear is the channel the devil moves through. And so the Father tells us continually, do not be afraid, at least 100 times in Scripture. So if you and I want to overcome in life, it’s not just the gross sins we need to overcome, it’s fear that we need to overcome. He that overcomes, Jesus said, will inherit these things. But he also said in Revelation 21 that he that is a coward and an unbeliever is going to the lake of fire. Now, I’m not trying to make you afraid if you ever fear you’re going to hell. That’s not the point. I’m just trying to help you understand that fearing is sinning and that we need, beloved, to declare war on it and overcome. We need to make a choice like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I’m not going to be afraid. And so when I’m going now to the book of Daniel, beloved, and this is for our life today, Daniel chapter 3, verse 17 and 18, when Nebuchadnezzar built an image and he was trying to get Daniel’s friends to bow down to this golden image. Listen to what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego said. If it be so, our God who we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire. And he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. He didn’t know exactly for sure what was going to happen. He said, if it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire. And he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But notice the next verse. But even if he does not, we think God’s going to deliver us. But even if he does not, he was prepared to face the fire. But even if he does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up. And you and I need to make up our mind that we love God. And because we love God, we’re not going to bow down to Satan any longer by fearing. We will not fear. We’re going to exercise faith in our God because our God said he would never leave us, hallelujah, or forsake us. I want to read you just a few scriptures here. Why, beloved? We need to declare war on the devil and exercise our love for the Lord by choosing to believe what he told us. The Lord is with us. Joshua 1.9, be strong and courageous. It’s a command, be strong and courageous. Be aggressive in faith. Be aggressive in courage. For I am with you and I will not let you down. I want to read Deuteronomy 1, verse 30. The Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight on your behalf. Why should we not be afraid? Because God has promised that he’s going to fight our battles, that he’s going to make war for us, that he’s going to do what he needs to do when we put him first and honor him and trust him. And in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 31, verse 6, the Lord again says, You see, Jesus said in John 14, 18, I will not leave you as an orphan. In other words, we’re not alone in this world. And we have to exercise faith in the supernatural. We need to exercise faith in the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, of Yeshua Mashiach, that he’s going to do what he said he would do. And beloved, that he will go before us. He will not leave us or forsake us. He will fight our battles. Beloved, we have recovered what Adam lost in Jesus. Amen and amen and amen. As I continue today, beloved, I want to point out a scripture that really struck me. It’s from the book of Isaiah, chapter number 43, beginning in verse 1. The Lord says this to you. It’s a very personal word. I have called you by name. You are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire… you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you, for I am the Lord your God. your Savior. God is saying, whatever you go through in life, I’m going to be with you. And beloved, sometimes when it looks the worst from the outside, we’re experiencing God’s greatest blessing. Don’t believe what you see. Don’t believe what you see, because regardless of whatever it is that you’re going to face in life, God is going to be with you in the midst of it, blessing you, giving you fellowship with him. And some of those situations that we go through in life that might look like the darkest times of our life to someone that’s on the outside because they don’t see the invisible presence of the Lord with us. It’s those very times, beloved, that God makes himself most known and makes his presence most felt to us. But beloved, we need to have faith in God’s active activity in our life. You see, God’s sacred name, Yahweh, it’s a verb. The tense of the verb is, listen now, continuous, unfinished action. The point is, is that God is involved in your life. He’s involved in your circumstances. He goes before you and I, beloved. And if we’ll just trust Him, we’ll begin to be set free from all the fears that the devil has dogged us with to recognize that we can trust God. And when we come to that place, beloved, we’ll truly be free. And Jesus said, who the Son sets free shall be free indeed. Hear the word of God. God loves you. The book of Isaiah, chapter number eight, beginning in verse number 11. For thus the Lord spoke to me with mighty power and instructed me not to walk in the way of the people saying, you are not to say it is a conspiracy in regard to all that this people call conspiracy. And you are not to fear what they fear. The Lord is speaking to Isaiah and he says, God spoke to me with mighty power. And he said, even though these people around me, they’re calling conspiracy. God said to me, don’t get involved in that. And the Lord said to me when he spoke to me with mighty power, you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it. It is the Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy and he shall be your fear and he shall be your dread. Then he will become your sanctuary. You see, beloved, there’s fear all around us in the natural world. But God is telling you and I as his children, you’re not to fear what the world fears because I’m your God. And when you learn to fear me alone and recognize that you need to fear nothing else, you’re going to have peace. You’re going to walk in peace on earth and in rest. And I’m going to become your sanctuary. And you’re going to enter into the promise of my son, the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, that said to you, who the son sets free is free indeed. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Beloved, let’s get free from fear in Yeshua’s name. I want you to know, beloved, we have a special charge from the Lord in Romans 11, 11. This is what the Bible says, that Gentile believers have the charge of provoking Jewish people to jealousy that Jewish people might receive the Lord Jesus into their lives. THROUGH DISCOVERING THE JEWISH JESUS, WE ARE PROVOKING JEWISH PEOPLE TO JEALOUSY. IN SUPPORTING ME AND THIS MINISTRY, YOU’RE NOT ONLY PROVOKING JEWS TO JEALOUSY AS IS THE LORD’S COMMAND TO YOU IN ISRAEL, BUT YOU’RE PROVOKING JEWS IN AMERICA, BELOVED, AND ALL OVER THE EARTH THAT ARE BEING CHALLENGED WITH THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM THROUGH THE BROADCAST OF DISCOVERING THE JEWISH JESUS. FILLING THE LORD’S COMMAND TO PROVOKE JEWS TO JEALOUSY BY FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING THIS MINISTRY. THE LORD HAS RAISED ME UP FOR SUCH AN HOUR AS THIS, BUT WITHOUT YOU, I CAN’T FULFILL MY CHARGE. YOU SEE, YOU AND I ARE PARTNERING TOGETHER TO FULFILL THE COMMAND OF THE KINGDOM TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL AROUND THE GLOBE. I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING WITH ME, FOR TRUSTING IN THIS MINISTRY. AND IF YOU FEEL THE LORD TOUCHING YOU RIGHT NOW TO SUPPORT ME IN THIS MINISTRY, JUST BE OBEDIENT. I KNOW GOD WILL BLESS YOU FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE.
Amen. And as the Lord leads you to support Discovering the Jewish Jesus today, go online to discoveringthejewishjesus.com. You can also give generously by giving us a call at 800-777-7000. And to say thanks, we’ll send you our latest newsletter. It’s a monthly publication that’s filled with loads of spiritual wisdom featuring Rabbi’s engaging and his authentic biblical messages and an intimate spiritual reflection from his wife, Ms. Cynthia. You’ll also hear inspiring stories of the lives that are forever changed through testimonies of people connecting with the ministry. It’s an additional way to connect and it illustrates what God is doing here with your help. And for those who are seeking to deepen their connection with this ministry even further, I want to encourage you, become a monthly partner. When you do, you’ll receive an additional gift. We’ll send you a handcrafted shofar that’s made in Israel. It’s a beautiful instrument. And it’s the same kind that’ll be used to announce Jesus’ second coming. When the Bible says, at the last trump, that sky will split, Jesus will come down and return. And you can blow the shofar in anticipation of his return. We also hope that it’ll remind you of the impact that you’re making through supporting this ministry. Thanks so much. If you’d like to become a monthly partner, give us a call at 800-777-7835. or visit us at discoveringthejewishjesus.com. Thanks so much for your support and your prayers. Now here’s Rabbi with a special blessing.
In the book of Numbers chapter six, we find a personal blessing from God our Father. This blessing should touch our hearts because it’s so personal. Father God wants to intimately bless you. So receive his blessing into your life today with gladness and an open heart.
Yevarecheche Yahweh, vayishmarecha. Yair Yahweh, penavelecha, vichunecha. Yissa Yahweh penavei lecha ve’asem lecha. Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, His peace. God bless you and shalom.
This program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And I’m Dustin Roberts. Come back next week when Rabbi Schneider shows us how we can have victory over fear. That’s coming up Monday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.