Liz talks with Alex McFarland, author of more than 20 books, radio and news commentator on major media platforms, Director of Worldview and instructor at Charis Bible College. They will be talking about how “‘Evangelicals for Harris” abuses the memory of Billy Graham in tactless smear campaigns against Donald Trump with ads they have been airing taking comments from both Billy Graham and Donald Trump out of context. Alex McFarland Ministries has released a powerful new voter guide that encourages Christians to vote biblically at alexmcfarland.com/vote.
>> This is Liz Frenzel with Crawford Media Group, and today our guest is Alex McFarlane, youth, religion, and culture expert, author of more than 20 books, and is heard live daily on American Family Radio Network. He’s also the director at World View and teaches at Karris Bible College. We’ll be talking today about how evangelicals for Harris is abusing the memory of Billy Graham in a tactless smear against Donald Trump. Welcome to our program, Alex. >> Well, thank you Liz. It’s always a great privilege to be on. I respect you as a communicator and journalist and accountants of privilege. >> Well, thank you so much. Alex, tell us about what you’re seeing in the evangelical realm regarding the upcoming election. >> Well, a great question. I sincerely believe that this election, 2024, Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris, it’s really less about two different personalities and more about two vastly different world views. The Judeo-Christian constitutional world view that for 248 years has made America the most stable, freest, most prosperous, greatest nation in world history versus a deconstructionist, Marxist, woke, anti-marality, anti-constitutional, anti-life fantasy that is, I hesitate to say the Kamala Harris platform because she doesn’t really have a platform. She’s good at talking about her middle class bona fides and how they cared for their lawn growing up. There’s not really a platform because she doesn’t really think for herself. She is, as Barack Obama was and certainly, Joe Biden clearly was, Kamala Harris is a shell of a leader that is really doing the bidding. If she were elected, having her bid, but she would do the bidding of a behind the curtain, Marxist, subservient to the UN, cobble of puppet masters that she would merely go out and do the press conferences for. Now how do I know this? I know this for a lot of reasons, but about three weeks ago at the UN, there was a convention of under nations called the multilateralism gathering. The multilateralism is another name for globalism. Joe Biden was there and spoke. I’ve got two friends that were at this conference, one of whom was the speaker at the UN. Joe Biden told a group of 200 nations, largely the enemies of America. Joe Biden said, “The US is with you and whatever the decisions are for multilateralism, you can be sure I and my successor will be behind you.” That’s Kamala Harris. Now what’s interesting is my friend that was at the UN said that of the nations there repeatedly on the platform and in the breaks, people were saying how they hoped Donald Trump would not be elected. You know, when the enemies of America are hoping against hope that Trump will not be inaugurated in January of 25, that should tell us a lot. So to your question, evangelical Christians and certainly pastors, if they would, need to muster the presence of mind and the courage to have their congregations pray, talk about the issues and then to get out there and vote. This time we’ve got to make the 2024 election too big to rig. I am fasting and praying a long time that he would have at least 300 electoral votes so it could not be contested and could not be stolen as the 2020 election was. Exactly. Who are the evangelicals for Harris? You know, it’s just interesting how they can say they are Christians if they support unbiblical values. Yeah. I was on Fox News about a month ago with one of the evangelicals for Harris. I’m not going to say his name because I really don’t want to give him any PR. Now look, whether these people have ever put their faith in Christ to be born again, I don’t know. I don’t know another man’s heart. Liz, I barely know my own, but I’ll say this. It is very, very disingenuous to take a 10-second sound bite and try to persuade people that Billy Graham doesn’t or didn’t believe the things that he stood for for 99 years. That’s not long he lived. He was in the public eye for well over 60 years. And let me say it is well known. Well known. Billy Graham preached the Bible God’s Word. He upheld the authority of God’s Word. He was, he and his magazine, decision magazine, you know, forever stood for traditional marriage, biblical morality, pro life, America, American sovereignty, Billy Graham and his magazine clearly on records standing with and for the nation of Israel. Before he died, Billy Graham had met with Donald Trump and he did not, to my knowledge, Billy Graham, it didn’t go on record as saying you ought to vote for Donald Trump. Let me say he fraternized enough with Donald Trump that you didn’t really have to wonder. And I’ll say this too. This was I think in 2016, Billy Graham took out a full page ad in the Charlotte newspaper and I lived in Charlotte, largest city in my home state of North Carolina and that’s where his offices are. But Billy Graham took out a full page ad in the Charlotte newspaper and basically said, look, here are the issues, you know, morals, marriage, traditional values, American sovereignty, freedom of speech, freedom of religious expression, solidarity with Israel, looking after the welfare of tax paying American citizens. And it was enough of an on record statement of everything that conservative values and the current Republican platform did stand for, that it would be misleading, misleading to the highest degree to try and intimate that Billy Graham would vote for Kamala Harris or be on record supporting Harris. So my point is this, the evangelicals for Harris, I should say the not accurately named evangelicals for Harris, trying to take a few seconds of sound bite to try and construe that Billy Graham would have betrayed all that he preached and lived for 99 years, not accurate and should not be taken seriously or believed. Yeah, I saw the ad where they put Billy Graham saying things and then they’d throw in bits and pieces of Donald Trump in various things he was talking about and it totally took it out of context. And you know, the Bible says we really need to test the spirits and for anyone to see that campaign, they would kind of see, oh wow, Donald Trump said that and Billy Graham’s talking against it. So that is a smear campaign. Now here’s the thing, there’s Trump say things that many people think are rude, sure. He does, but we’re not electing him based on a politeness quotient. We’re electing a president ostensibly that will uphold the U.S. Constitution and thereby defend all of our rights that the founders died at Valley Forge to preserve. So between Harris and Trump, do you want a polite traitor or do you want a prickly, bristly, Churchill, Lincoln, General Patton, Reagan all rolled into one, Donald Trump? This is time to vote materially and think logically. This is no time to measure our vote on the guys of who would I rather have a dinner party with? Right. Liz, we need to pray. Absolutely. You know, Alex, you’ve put out a voter guide to help Christians vote biblically. What are some of the things that you address there and where can they find that? Well, thank you so much. My website is AlexMcFarland.com/vote. We wrote a voter guide. I speak to a lot of college students. In fact, I just got that from Northwest Arkansas. I was for three days speaking out there and I’m in front of a lot of first-time voters. And really, you know, one of the beautiful things that America is, we’ve got this liberty and freedom. The Constitution, like no other document that any other nation has had in world history, guards our natural rights. It does not produce or guarantee artificial or contrived rights, but the greatest number of natural rights for the greatest number of people with the greatest degree of liberty and protection. And it really does. Oh, my goodness. A number of leftists, including Hillary Clinton, has recently said that the Constitution is the problem. In fact, the weekend of October 4th through 6th, Hillary Clinton was in the news. And this is a quote. She said, “If we allow free speech, we will lose control.” Now, I don’t know who the “we” is that feels like they must somehow man some sort of control, but the First Amendment. You and I are having this conversation because of the natural right guarded by the First Amendment, which is free expression and free exchange of ideas. The left hates that. The left, they depend on censorship, which is one of the pillars of fascism, which is what the Democrat Party is spreading in America. So, you know, November 5th, assuming the sovereign God of the Universe intervenes and allows us to have an honestly tabulated election, I would implore people. I would beg people to not abstain from voting because you don’t think Donald Trump is a nice guy. Here’s the thing. If Donald Trump is a bad guy, why haven’t we seen it yet? And if Kamala Harris could be a good leader, why haven’t we seen it yet? We’ve not seen anything that looks dictatorial from Trump. We’ve simply seen constitutional leadership. We’ve not seen anything that represents not only constitutional leadership. In fact, when Kamala Harris was Attorney General in California and DA in San Francisco, she broke the law and bragged about it. So, you know, I know this night sound like embellishment or puffery, but it’s true is the future of our country is at stake in a month. And we can play a role. We can vote. We can pray. We can be informed. We can influence others. And I just pray that all citizens, especially ministers and Christians, will muster the courage to vote for life, liberty, and the future of America. We’ve been visiting with Alex McFarland. Alex, we just thank you for taking the time. I encourage all of our listeners to get out and vote. Go to his website and get his voter guide so that we can vote biblically and turn this country around. Alex, thank you for joining us today. Liz, thank you. I would be remiss if I did not put in a plug for Harris Bible College and the School of Practical Government. I’m honored to be an instructor there. It is spectacular. Thank you, Alex. Thank you, Liz.