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9.5.24 – Examine Your Motives


[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370367 Denver, Colorado 80237 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let’s join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I’m so glad you joined me today. It’s such a privilege. It’s such a privilege and honor to come into this radio station every day, Monday through Thursday and let you know how much Jesus loves you. How much God adores you and he delights in you. It’s just such a wonderful feeling. The eternal God is your refuge, my friend. And underneath are the everlasting arms. He catches you every time. There is no failure. There is no failure with a son or daughter of God. There is not. He just takes those as stepping stones into greater things. Oh, you know, I look back at my life and I could say this is a failure and that was a failure. But God says no, I don’t want you to look at it that way. It’s stepping stones. It’s like when Kimberly talked yesterday. Oh, what a great experience. And if you want to listen to that radio program again, go to and click on radio shows and go to September 4. We had a situation in which anger rose up and she had to take care of the anger. And Kimberly is not one to get angry. And if you know her at all, she’s a joyful, gentle woman. But she got angry. And it’s so wonderful to see that we can get those emotions underneath the spirit. Just get them underneath and let them just boil for a while and then calm down. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. You are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. Today I was listening to a wonderful speech by President Trump. He was in Manhattan and for over an hour, he was giving everyone his policies and there were times of clapping, especially when he said, when I am not going to have taxes on any tipping for servers in restaurants. And he said, do you know what? Two weeks later, copycat comala said the same thing. And so I’d like to just send her a manual of my policies and everybody just wrote it that because it was just wonderful to see all the different policies that he’s going to reinstate and bring forth again. And he mentioned Elon Musk heading up the government efficiency commission and he is going to go through all these departments, EPA agriculture, human resources, all these departments and some of these buildings take up a whole city block in Washington, DC. He’s going to go through everything with a fine tooth comb and clear everything out that is wasteful. I can’t think of another person that can do that like Elon Musk. So I’m excited. In fact, when I was listening to this and I was saying, oh, Lord, this is so good. It was like holy spirit inside of me was excited at the same time. Oh, I can’t explain that to you friend, but it was just a wonderful feeling of God, God bringing forth his prophecy and the fulfillment of that prophecy into these last days because all we see is anger and hate and all that kind of thing except, you know, when I was on the way through a drive through to get a tall latte, I’ve got to the window and the lady said, the lady in front of you paid for it. And I said, well, thank you. And I hope you do that once in a while. I do that at McDonald’s and other drive throughs. Pay for the guy behind me. And it is just fun. So thank you so much. God bless you. Whoever you gave the $5 to and we have a meeting coming up on September the 14th. That’s the second Saturday of every month. We love the fellowship. I love the fellowship and the songs and the praise and worship. Getting to know God a little bit better. I want to know my Heavenly Father so much more. And I think we’re going to have, it’s going to be a hot week this next week. So hopefully we’ll go out on the patio for lunch and we have a great Bible study. I think I’m just going to have a salad Saturday, salad Saturday. That sounds good, doesn’t it? For the last Saturday, probably of the summer and everybody bring their favorite salads. And if you would like to bring a dessert, go ahead and do that. Last week we had a palathora of desserts. So I know somebody will bring a dessert anyway. Praise God. Oh, you like desserts. Yes, you do. Our verse for this week has been Matthew 816. And I’m going to read 17 here out of the message. Jesus relieved the inwardly tormented demon afflicted people. There are so many out there, friend. He cured the bodily ill. He fulfilled Isaiah’s well-known sermon. He took our illnesses. He carried our diseases. And that’s from Isaiah 53 verse 4. And in the Passion, we have from Matthew 816 that evening the people brought to him many who were demonized. And see, we just like to pump pills and medication down people who are demon possessed and demon oppressed instead of having someone pray over them with a simple word that that demon has to flee because Jesus, it says here in Matthew 816, and by Jesus only speaking a word, a word of healing over them, they were totally set free from their torment. And everyone who was sick received their healing. In doing this, Jesus fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah 53 verse 4. He put him upon himself our weaknesses and he carried away our diseases and made us well. Oh, praise the Lord. He wants you well today in spirit, soul, and body he wants you well. My confession for today by Rick Renner, I confess that God’s grace is poured out mildly to drive back the forces of darkness during times of difficulty in chaos. God uses these dark moments as opportunities to pour out His grace to show others who He is. The world may real and fear an uncertainty, but God is always near. I declare by faith that God will reveal His power and intervene with His grace to bring the solution for this difficult hour. And He certainly will, my friend. He certainly will. God is in the position right now that we can see His glory and His power and His majesty manifest on this earth. We see the world in deception and lies from the devil, the father of lies that Jesus spoke of. And there certainly are wars and rumors of wars around the world, people protesting in the street. And there are more harrowing days ahead. Have you ever wondered those young people protesting in the street? Where are their parents? Well, Jesus prophesied that the daughters will come against their mothers, a man said against his father, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. So most of these kids have gone on to higher, quote, higher learning. And so they’re out there in the street. Some of them are paid professionally to protest. And the parents don’t even know where they are. And if they aren’t, they don’t care. They really don’t care. So Jesus is saying that hour isn’t here. That hour is now here. So God’s people stand against all this opposition. We push away fear because God hasn’t given us that spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. And when we hear of injustice going on in our town and neighborhood, what do we say? We say, “I judge the words and actions of the wicked in God’s righteousness.” And that comes from a verse in Isaiah 45, verse 23 goes right along with 54/17. I’m so grateful for Isaiah giving us tools to come against the evil one. So in Jesus’ name, I judge the words and actions of the wicked coming against God in Jesus’ name in this country. And God has given us the authority to do that. Judge the words and actions of the wicked by God’s righteousness. Praise the Lord. John 832 is so good because he has come to set us free. He has come to set us free. And I want you to know that friend. He wants you free today of every little worry of every little thing that hangs on your mind, that you’re thinking about all day long. Oh, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. And if you give that to God, cast that care on him. And thank him that you can rest in his arms. He’s going to take care of it for you. He really is. And to those who are in opposition to the conservative and the people that are for the republic, that the freedom of the republic, the truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. Remember that, the truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. And yesterday, Kimberly was giving him a verse from Isaiah 11, 3 and 4, a prophecy of Jesus in Isaiah 11. And Jesus will not judge by what he sees, nor make decisions by what he hears. So be careful about what you hear. Be careful about what you’re ear hears and what you believe or don’t believe. Because so many of you are listening to newscasts that have no truth about them. They are propaganda. They truly are propaganda of the enemy and of the far left in this country who want to bring this country down to a Marxist society. I want you to know that. And Marxism has never won. Marxism has never been successful. The people under Marxist governments have been oppressed. So I don’t want us to be that way. In Jesus name. I want you to register to vote. God bless you. Now in Joel 2, 1 through 1 and then 30 and 31, we see that God has given Joel this message about the last days. These days were living in. Sound an alarm on my holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble. For the day of the Lord is coming. I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and awesome day of the Lord. And we have seen those blood moons. I think in the first one in 2015 came, wow, those were spectacular. They are going to be more and more the things, signs in the skies, things coming about. And whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered. And when these things begin to take place straightened up, lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near. That’s why I said in my slate at the very beginning of this program that it is important for you to examine yourself and be honest with yourself. What am I doing? Where am I going? Who am I depending on? What am I focusing on? See Jesus can handle the truth. And when you desire the truth, He will cleanse you from any unrighteousness that is in there and give you the truth. Because so many people think that they, oh, I love the word, I love God. Oh, do you really? Are you in the word every day? Well, I just, I’m so busy. See, if you loved the word, that would be the first thing that you would go to in your morning when you wake up. If you truly loved the word. So what I’m telling you, go to your motives, examine yourself and ask the Lord to give you a truth serum, a truth serum, my sweet people, a truth serum. And I’ve done that many times. I said, Barbara, what are you into? Why are you doing this? Why are you worried and anxious? Remember the piece that passes all understanding. We’ll guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus and think on the things that are pure and lovely and wonderful and true and of a good report. Well, Jesus warns us of these last day events. And he says that the things, what I love about him saying these things, and I was reading in Matthew 10 and 11 today, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, therefore be shrewd as serpents and innocent as dubs. And he tells us that things are going to be revealed in these last days, but we should not be afraid. And in verse 26 of Matthew 10, he says, therefore don’t be afraid, don’t fear. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed and hidden that will not be known. He says those things in the darkness are going to be revealed through the very truth of God himself. So we know that even though he’s told us that sound the alarm, the day of the Lord is coming, what are your feelings about the day of the Lord? What are your feelings about the day of the Lord? Are you fearful? Are you scared about the day of the Lord? If you are, all you have to do in one minute is say Father in Jesus name, I come to you. And I reveal to you my fear. I don’t want this fear anymore. So I bind it in the mighty name of Jesus. And I ask for you to bring me a spirit of peace and joy and righteousness into my life right now. And he will do it. He will do that right now if you get honest with yourself. What thing from this year do you want Holy Spirit to eradicate from your life? Not a person. Not a person. Not a person. You don’t want to get rid of a person. Some of you have had hard relationships with people, but not a person, but an emotional crutch or a character flaw that you’ve depended on or that you have put up with all these years. What habit or irritating trait are you ready to say goodbye to? Goodbye. Goodbye. I’m done with you. Oh, that is such a precious, precious thing to be able to say in Jesus name, goodbye to you. If it’s hate, if it’s self pity, if it’s remorse, if it’s regret, God can take care of all that friend. He truly can with one little word, like Jesus said, he cast out the demons with a word, one simple word, praise God. Now in Jeremiah 17, verse 5 through 10, the Lord says to Jeremiah, cursed is the person who trusts in the world system and makes the world system his strength. That means you are depending on the world to get you by every day and whose heart turns away from the Lord for he will be like a bush in the desert and will not see when prosperity comes. God’s bringing blessings all the time, flowing blessings and they don’t even see it because the fear and anxiety and all this stuff is right there in front of them. And remember what Isaiah 113 and 4 says, Jesus does not judge by what he sees nor does he make decisions by what he hears. Remember that friend, but they live in people that trust in the world system, live in stony wastes in the wilderness, Atlanta, salt without inhabitant. Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord. Larger my trust. I trust you every day. I wait on you and trust in you to deliver me from whatever you have a situation maybe that you think no one has gone through like you. No, Jesus at all points has been tempted as you are. Now Jeremiah 178 through 10 goes after he’s like a tree planted by the rivers of water. The one who trusts in the Lord is like a tree planted by the water that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat is on, when the heat comes. But its leaves will be green and it will not be anxious in a world of drought nor cease to yield fruit. In a year that we’re paying higher taxes in a year when we don’t want to go to the grocery store because of all the high prices, we are not going to be anxious about that because God’s going to supply every need. Then he says to Jeremiah, “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind to give each person according to his ways according to the results of his deeds.” So what is the Lord looking for in you? Is he looking for how successful you are? Is he looking at all the achievements that you made in this world? Oh, I don’t think so. What is important to God? How is it going in the “deed” department? What do you mean by “deed”? Well Colossians 3, 17 says, “And whatever you do in word or deed your actions toward other people that you’re giving to other people that you’re joyful and bringing an atmosphere of peace to other people, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” That’s Colossians 3, 17. And whatever you do do all to the glory of God, 1 Corinthians 10, 31. So how can Jesus be an example for your daily walk? Well I was mentioning Isaiah 11, 2 through 5. I want to go over that in the message translation. This life-giving spirit of God will hover over Him and that happened when He walked in the New Testament over the roads of Galilee. The spirit that brings wisdom and understanding, the spirit that gives power in might, direction, and the spirit that builds strength, the spirit that instills revelation, knowledge and fear of God. Those spirits are evident in each one of us who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord today. The spirit of God will be all His joy and delight. He won’t judge by appearances by what He sees nor will He decide on the basis of hearsay what He hears. “Oh did you hear? Oh it’s going to happen.” No, don’t get over anxious about things you hear. Look into it. Investigate, inquire, go to Newsmax, go to some place that you can get the truth in the news. Jesus will judge the needy by what is right. Enter decisions on earth poor with justice. His words will bring everyone to odd attention. A mere breath from His lips will topple the wicked. Did you hear that? A mere breath from His lips will topple the wicked. Each morning He’ll pull on sturdy work clothes and boots and build righteousness and faithfulness in the land. Hallelujah. Praise God. That’s our Jesus. That’s our Lord Jesus. He and the Father who are one work together. Paul said in Philippians 312 through 21, “I focus on this one thing for getting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I press on to reach the end of the race.” That’s what we’re looking for. Jesus coming back and receive the heavenly prize for which God through Christ Jesus is calling us. But we must hold on to the progress we have already made. You’ve made so much progress, my friend. Keep going. Keep moving upward because that’s going to remind God of how you have worked to establish His peace and His joy, how you have established faith in your life and the love that He wants you to give to others. Paul goes on to say, “Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine.” And learn from those who follow our example. We are citizens of heaven where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for Him to return as our Savior. Oh, think of what you would like to happen this year. The rest of this year, there’s not a whole lot of months left, but do your prayers relay God’s purpose for your life? Do your prayers tell you the real root of what you want, the longing and desire of your heart like Psalm 40 says, “As the dear Pandeth for the water, so my soul longeth after you, Lord God.” That’s what I desire. Most of all, most of everything in this whole world, what do you want from this world to take into the next year? What do you want from this year? To take into the next year. Do you want an anxious person? Do you want a fearful person? You can get rid of that right now. You can make Jesus the Lord of all your life every minute of every day, spirit, soul, and body. Here’s John and me. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. The King of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. The King of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. The King of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. The King of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. The King of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Jesus be the Lord of all. Praise God. If you are not Lord of everything, then you are not Lord of all. I want to give you this last word before we leave today. My dear friend, I pray for you every day. Keep on rejoicing that at the revelation of his glory you may rejoice with exaltation. Keep rejoicing. Let him know that you love him and get into the Word of God so you can be a Word person, a teacher to others around you. God bless you. It’s been such a wonderful thing being with you. Have a wonderful weekend. God bless you and take joy. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partner support Call to Freedom with Prayer and Monthly Financial Support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367. Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]

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