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8.5.24 – He is Faithful


[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barber Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado, 802-37 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let’s join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. It’s so good to have you join me today. You are such a blessing to me. I praise God every day that He has given me the opportunity to be with you every day. I feel like I’m sitting around the kitchen table and we’re just talking and having some coffee or maybe you like tea like Kimberly does. And it’s just kind of a family. Thank you so much for joining me. You are so important to God. Let’s do our Monday Bible slogan. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I do what it tells me to do. This is my Bible. It has given me new life. It is the Word of God. Oh and you are blessed to dispense. You are blessed to dispense means to give. You are throwing your seed in good ground ministries. That’s what you’re doing. You’re throwing your seed. You’re especially that tithing. That 10% that God asks you to give in two ministries. Then the rest if you want to give to dumb dogs league. What do you call it? Oh, dumb friends league. If you want to do that, that’s not tied. You give your alms. Your charitable offerings. Thank you Rachel. I couldn’t think of it for my. Thank you. If you’re wanting to give places where you’re not learning about God, then those are charities. Those are alms. You give those freely. Those are wonderful places to give. Also to the homeless. If you have places where you can give to the homeless now. I’m giving quite charitably to the homeless. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. I’m giving you a lot of money. It’s just gorgeous. If you want to go see some of the things they’re doing. Go to Tunnel, Two Towers, T-U-N-N-E-L, Capital T-O, Towers, or two, T-2-T, T-Number-T. It’s just a great organization to give your alms. That’s a place where you can give your charitable contributions. We’re having a meeting on the 10th. That’s this Saturday. I just want to tell you that I’m looking forward to seeing you again. And Kimberly will be here. She’s traveling here either tomorrow or Wednesday. Might be in the studio on Wednesday. So we’re going to have some wonderful time singing praise songs and having Bible study and then lunch on the patio. It’s always a blessing to get together with our friends. And I’m looking forward to it. Call me for reservations at 877-917-7256. You’re asking why do you have to have reservations? Because it’s in the living room of my home. And sometimes if we have 10 or 15 people that don’t call in, then we’ve got to go get extra chairs. And that does take time. So I just want to — it’s simple. You just call me at 1-877-917-7256. Give your name. If you’re new, give your phone number. I’ll call you back. And at least have you on the list to come on Saturday. It’s just such a blessing to have you. And I do have — you know, it’s not like a church with pews and chairs. But it’s a wonderful, cozy fellowship kind of a feeling. So call me at 1-877-917-7256. God bless you. Our first for today, we’re getting close to the end of the Psalms. They’ve been wonderful. I don’t like going — getting out of the Psalms because I just love reading them every day. And I can go on reading them during the year. Psalm 145-13 through 20. And I’m going to settle on 17. Psalm 145-13 through 17. For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations. The Lord always keeps His promises. He is gracious in all He does. The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their lows. That means you’re carrying burdens that you don’t need to carry. Cast all those burdens on Him for He can. Cast all those burdens on Him for He cares for you. The eyes of all look to you, Lord, in hope. You give them as their food as they need it. When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing. Have you ever seen birds? We have robins in the springtime. And they’re just getting the seeds off the ground. Squirrels are too. They know exactly how to get their food. Well, God is supplying every creature, including us. And verse 17 of Psalm 145, “The Lord is righteous in everything He does. He is filled with kindness.” We don’t see a whole lot of kindness in this day and age. But God is a kind God. He’s a good God. And then from the message translation, Psalm 145 verse 17, “Everything God does is right. The trademark on all His works is love.” Oh, like that. The message, “Everything God does is right. The trademark on all His works is love.” Oh, that’s such a good one. I love that. I want to tell you that these aren’t just a bunch of words that I’m giving to you today. They’re words that fill you with thanksgiving. They’re words that fill you with encouragement. They’re words that fill you up and make you feel good. Yes. So they aren’t just idle words. Deuteronomy 32 verse 47 says, “These are not empty idle words. They’re your life.” This word of God gives you power, gives you energy, gives you the love that you don’t think you have for others. By obeying them, you will enjoy a long life in the land you will occupy when you cross the Jordan River. I’m going to talk a little bit more about Israel and crossing the Jordan River here in this program. I don’t think it’s political because several weeks ago I heard Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to the joint session of Congress. And I was so enthralled by his message that I’m going to read some of it today on the program. With a stock market down over a thousand points today, it is imperative that you depend on God who is your protector and your provider in these last days. So no matter what happens in this world’s economy, you’re not depending on them to provide for you. Oh, I’d love to tell you a sweet story today and make you feel good all over. But that may not help you spiritually and I know the word of God will help you. My confession for today by Rick Renner, I confess that I spend time meditating in the word of God and it renews my mind to God’s way of thinking. And it does. God’s Word brings a supernatural cleansing that washes my mind and emotions from the contamination of the world, the memories of past experiences and the lies that the enemy has tried to sow into my brain. Oh, thank you, Rick. I make it a priority to fill my mind with truth from God’s Word. Therefore, I make it very difficult for the devil to penetrate my mind with his lies because I have the mind of Christ. And one of his lies is I don’t have enough money to pay the bills till the end of the month. You shouldn’t be thinking like that. Thank God for this is the day that he has provided bread for you and this is all you need today. The food that you have today in the Lord’s Prayer, it says that. And give us this day, this day, today, our daily bread and don’t think about tomorrow. God’s going to take care of tomorrow too. Oh, thank you, Rick Renner. I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name. Mark 11 verse 22 through 24 says, “Have faith in God. For truly I say to you, who ever says to this mountain, doubt fear and unbelief, be taken up and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart. But believes that what he says is going to happen, it shall be granted him.” Now what do you say here? You say to this mountain of doubt fear and unbelief. Your mountain is the faith switch. When you speak, what you desire or when you speak and cast down every evil and vain imagination, when you speak and say, “Father God, thank you, you haven’t given me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.” And you say, “Greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world.” That takes care of some of the doubt and fear and unbelief that you’re facing today. Amen. Praise God. What Jesus is saying here is that you must be absolutely persuaded that what you prayed for has been heard by God. And according to his will, he will bring you the manifestation of what you asked for. If you ask for your neighbor’s husband or wife, you’re not going to get it. No, you’re not. That would be adultery. God isn’t that kind of God. He’s a good God. Remember at the beginning of the program, I said, “He’s a kind God. He’s a good God.” And everything he does is right. R-I-G-H-T. We don’t hear about being right anymore. It’s everybody’s truth. My truth and your truth, Rachel’s truth, Kimberly’s truth. Everybody has their own truth. Well, there is one truth, one absolute truth. And that God is love and he sent Jesus to die for you on the cross. Psalm 62, I’ve been dwelling on this verse, especially the first verse, first two verses this year. It’s kind of like a verse has been given to me. And some of you have verses for the year and I’m so glad you do. You know that you say, “Well, God gave me this verse for this year. Good for you.” And dwell on those verses. Well, Psalm 62, I’ve been standing on this and I have an issue in my life and I’ve been standing on it and I’m standing quietly, silently. And confidently that he’s going to bring it to pass because God is a God of truth. I stand and here it is, Psalm 62 verse 1. And we’re going to read several verses here. I stand silently to listen for the one I love. And that stand means waiting and trusting. Waiting and trusting as long as it takes for the Lord to rescue me. And this is from the Passion translation. For God alone has become my Savior. He alone is my safe place. His wraparound presence always protects me. For he is my champion defender and there’s no risk of failure with God. Remember that. There is no risk of failure with God. Remember when you used to have pop quizzes or the teacher would say, “Tomorrow, we’re going to have a quiz and you’d go home.” Oh, I don’t think I’ve been listening to the teacher. I haven’t been reading. I’m not up to date. And I’m risking getting an F. No, you don’t do that. There’s no risk of failure. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So why would I let worry paralyze me even when troubles multiply around me? Verse 7 says, “God’s glory is all around me. His wraparound presence is all I need. For the Lord is my Savior, my hero, and my life giving strength. Join me, everyone. Trust only in God every moment. Tell him all your troubles. Pour out your heart longings to him. Do you really do that? Are you so focused in your mind about it that you never utter it out of your mouth? “Father God, I need you right now. I need you to bless me. I’ve got this thing going on in my life and I need favor right now to surround me.” Those are words that God’s going to take and work on. All the strength and power you need flows from me, says God. Oh, that’s so good. I’m really needing reassurance these days because everything seems to be topsy-turvy. And nothing is for sure anymore. God’s Word means everything to me. Just yesterday I was reading the Bible verses for the day and it included Psalm 121 and Psalm 122. Psalm 122 talks about the peace for Jerusalem. So yesterday I was concentrating on praying for Jerusalem. There are in a quandary right now. I’d like you for an assignment to go to either an old encyclopedia you have or a world map you have or Google a world map. And look at the size of Saudi Arabia. Look at the size of Iran. Look at the size of Syria. Look at the size of Lebanon. And then look at the size of Israel. You know that they are in deep in trying to ask God for protection. You know what? He is. He’s protecting them. Oh, thank you, Lord. You’re protecting Israel. Here is how you’re to conduct yourself during your day knowing that God is going to take care of you just like he’s taking care of Israel. He always has always will Israel the country now God promised in the Old Testament. I’m going to scatter you throughout the world. And I’m going to let you build your homes and build your own businesses outside of this country. But then one day I’m going to bring all of you back. Now that happened. And with even with the Holocaust I believe the Holocaust in part happened because the people then wanted to come home to Israel after World War II and boy did they will hear a Psalm 121. Oh, love this chapter. If you don’t if you don’t feel secure. If you feel totally insecure and unworthy. Oh, look at Psalm 121. I’m reading this again through the passion. I look up to the mountains and hills longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection come only from the Lord our creator who made the heavens in the earth. He will guard and guide me never letting me stumble or fall. God is my keeper. He will never forget nor ignore me. He will never slumber nor sleep. He is the guardian God for his people Israel. Jehovah himself will watch over you. He’s always at your side to shelter you safely in his presence. He’s protecting you from all danger. Both day and night sounds kind of like Psalm 91, doesn’t it? He will keep you from every form of evil or calamity as he continually watches over you. How long does he watch over you, dear friend? How long? How long does he watch over you? Continually. You will be guarded by God himself. You will be safe when you leave your home and safely you will return. He will protect you now and he’ll protect you forevermore. It’s so good. And how can Israel seem to disregard and ignore the United States efforts for a ceasefire? Wow, they continually do that. They come against all these wonderful recommendations. Because they know that God is on their side and they know a ceasefire won’t change anything. They’ve tried that for years and years and the PLO would not have anything to do with it. Now I was taken by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech before Congress last month and I want you to hear a little bit of this speech. Here’s Benjamin Netanyahu before Congress. My dear friends, defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. The Israeli soldiers are undonted and unafraid because as God’s word says and here’s a Hebrew phrase, they shall rise like lions. Oh, that’s so good. They’ve risen like lions, the lions of Judah, the lions of Israel. We need clarity in this world and clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil. Yet incredibly many anti-Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas, they stand with rapists and murderers, they stand with people who came into our homes and murdered the families, the parents they found hidden in the secret latch of the hidden attic and then they murdered the babies. These protesters stand with them, they should be ashamed of themselves. Now he’s talking about your children and grandchildren who are in the streets protesting and tearing down the US flag. That’s what he’s coming against. They refuse to make the simple distinction between those who target terrorists and those who target civilians between the democratic state of Israel and the terrorist thugs of Hamas. We recently learned from the US director of national intelligence that Iran is funding and promoting anti-Israel protests in America and in the streets of the United States. They want to disrupt America so these protesters burned the American flags even on the 4th of July. And I wish right now to salute the fraternity brothers at the University of North Carolina. This is Benjamin Netanyahu who protected the American flag, protected the American flag against these anti-Israel protesters. These fras- and then later on in the July Republican National Convention, these frat brothers were there carrying American flags and they were honored by the Republicans there in Milwaukee. It was such a great scene for all and Benjamin Netanyahu goes on. For all we know Iran is funding the anti-Israel protests that are going on right now outside this building and there was protest when he was speaking to Congress. Not that many but they’re there and throughout the city. Well I have a message for these protesters when the tyrants of Tehran who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising and promoting and funding you. You have officially become Iran’s useful idiots. It’s amazing, absolutely amazing. Some of these protesters in your streets hold up signs proclaiming gays for Gaza. They might as well hold up signs saying chickens for KFC. He actually said that. Netanyahu is saying they would die if they were in Gaza or Lebanon or Iran right now because they killed gay people. These protesters chant from the river to the sea but many don’t have a clue what river or what sea they’re talking about. They not only get an effing geography they get an effing history they call Israel a colonial estate. Don’t they know that the land of Israel is where Abraham Isaac and Jacob prayed and where Isaiah and Jeremiah preached and where David and Solomon ruled I don’t believe they really care. I really don’t. And all of this is happening while we who love Jesus and Israel serve a god of peace. Oh friend I just want peace to reign on this earth and someday someday the best is yet to come we will have peace. Oh yesterday I was listening to the Brooklyn tabernacle choir. I just want to speak the name of Jesus till every dark addiction starts to break declaring there is hope and there is freedom I speak Jesus because your name is power here they are. I just want to speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mind. I know there is peace within your presence I speak Jesus. I just want to speak the name of Jesus till every dark addiction starts to break declaring there is hope and there is freedom. I speak Jesus. Your name is power your name is love. Break every stronghold, strike through the shadows and light will fly. I just want to speak the name of Jesus over fear and dull anxiety. Do every soul have come to my depression? I speak Jesus. Your name is power your name is healing your name is love. Break every stronghold, strike through the shadows and light will fly. Your name is power your name is love your name is healing your name is love. Break every stronghold, strike through the shadows and light will fly. I speak Jesus. I speak Jesus. Your name is power your name is healing your name is healing your name is power here. I speak the holy name Jesus. I speak Jesus. I speak Jesus. I speak the holy name Jesus. Your name is power your name is healing your name is healing your name is love. Break every stronghold, strike through the shadows and light will fly. Your name is power your name is love your name is healing your name is love your name is love. Break every stronghold, strike through the shadows and light will fly. Praise God. I speak Jesus. I speak Jesus over you today because his name is power. His name is healing over any disease, any infirmity, any sickness or illness you have today. Oh, his name is life. He breaks every stronghold. He shines through the shadows. He burns like a fire. Tomorrow I’m going to continue with Benjamin Netanyahu’s message to America. I want to just speak a little bit here and then we’ll continue with it tomorrow. He says for nearly 4,000 years the land of Israel has been the homeland of the Jewish people. It’s always been our home. It will always be our home. He knows Benjamin Netanyahu knows that God is at the center of all this and he’s willing to risk everything my friend. Are you willing? Are you willing to risk everything for God? Because you know he’s Jehovah Jairah, he’s your provider, he’s Jehovah Rafa, he’s your healer, he’s Jehovah Shalom, he’s your peace. So remember that today if you get in any unexpected situation, God is there. He’s watching over you every minute of the day. Love you, God bless you and take joy. [Music] Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom, box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website,, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in hard cries by mailing them to Call to Freedom, box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 8023. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music] [Music]

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