EVANGELION! We call the Gospels “The Good News” because that’s what the hebrew word for gospels means literally. Barbara unpacks the good news that we can count on in this episode of Call to Freedom.
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Car Mag. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado, 802-37 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let’s join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I still get so thrilled when I see the miracle of changing at 1-866 to 1-877 and how Matt our producer that God bless him now that is retired. He just stuck that 7-7, took the 6-6 out, stuck the 7-7 in there. Edit really that is such a miracle. And I was just, because we could have asked Jimmy to come back. I know he’s so busy, Jimmy Lanky, but without him being in the studio, Matt just edited. Finding the number 917-7256. Oh, yes. That’s the 91st Psalm. It spells Psalm. That’s the 91st Psalm. That was one of Darren’s. Yes, Darren thing. But just getting all that changed last September a year ago now. Oh my goodness, you were here, I think the whole month, helping me get all these things bundled together. Because I had just spent too much money on individual carriers. So it was so good. Today I’m telling you to pray that you are strong in the Lord. And I’m praying for you and with you and Kimberly is also praying that you are strong in the Lord and the power of his might today. And leaving every detail to him, every detail my friend. Because when you put some of that on yourself, the burden gets too heavy. And you weren’t created for that. I want you to know that God wants to bless you, be on measure, be on anything you could ask or think. And you are blessed to this pence to just give that seed into the kingdom of God. And he will multiply it for you 30, 60 and 100 fold according to Matthew 13 verse 23. So I hope today in this whole week is a wonderful week of progress in the Lord and also seeing that your needs are met. And besides your needs more and more and more abundance. Yes, we pray that in the Holy Spirit. Amen. Our memory verse for this week, we’re going to interject kind of a memory verse because it’s a good review. And it’s in my word power for every hour. Bible guide and it’s a Psalm written by ASAP, a soft who is a student of David. Who was a student of David and now he is the leader, the music leader. And he says here in Psalm 73 verse 25 and 26, “I am heaven but you and besides you I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but you’re the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” That’s what we need to say. And especially if you’ve had some heart conditions, you can say that verse every day. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God, you’re the strength of my heart. You’re the one that keeps my heart pumping all those hundreds of thousands of beats every day, Kimberly. And gallons and gallons of the lifeblood going through. Yes. Because if our heart doesn’t work, it just builds up that water, builds up in your legs and your knees are just bloated with water and also your legs. I did not know that it was also the water pump for the body, the heart. I did. And it is. So we praise you God for for being out there with every listener and strengthening their heart, making it strong in you Lord God, and also keeping it pumping and keep it pumping strong. Just think when you’re asleep, your heart’s pumping. It’s like my refrigerator, my 25 year old refrigerator, I call him fridgey. And he say, “Blood God bless you, fridgey with more and more electrical guidance from God.” And it just keeps going. Our refrigerators are on all the time. Yes, Kimberly. And you have wilderness appliances. They just keep working for you. I’m going. I love it. And if you want to read the Passion in our reading today, Psalm 73, 25 through 26, “Sher, whom have I in heaven but you? You are all I want. No one on earth means as much to me as you Lord. So many times I fail. I fall into disgrace. But when I trust in you, I have a strong and glorious presence protecting and anointing me.” Yes. For ever you’re all I need. And I do want to introduce Kimberly. She’s been with me for so long now that you probably think she’s a permanent fixture on the program. But one of these days she’s going to go home and we’re going to maybe see her on Wednesdays, but not like this. It’s been just a glorious time. Before we get into the reading today, which is in Matthew in the message, Kimberly, you read some of this from the message the other day. And I said, “Oh, we’ve got to have that for the radio program and we’re going to read about that. I want to make you aware and encourage you and set your sights on God. I know a lot of times we just have our personal life right up in our faces and we think and look to our personal situation more than anything out there.” And this week you probably have heard there’s a convention going on in Chicago and it’s the Democrats. And this week they’re going to give out free vasectomies and free abortions. They’ve got their mobile clinics right there waiting for people that need that service. So if they need it, they want it for whatever reason. Yes. Well, they think they need it. They go for that. And this week I was encouraged when I heard that. Encouraged to go to Isaiah 45. And this is such a precious scripture. Darren is the one that got me onto this. And then he went right into Isaiah 54-17, which most of you know that the weapon formed against me shall not prosper and every time that comes against me. I condemn. That’s Isaiah 54-17. But in Isaiah 45 and this scripture and what Darren added to this scripture and we have the authority given us by God to say this in the way that Darren did because he overcame so many court appearances. People were suing him left and right when he was on the coffee shop in the coffee shop and God bless him. He didn’t lose one. He didn’t lose one court appearance when he said this phrase that I judge their words in righteousness. Remember that as I read this scripture now from Isaiah 45, we’re going to go to the 22nd verse of Isaiah 45. And this is in the Passion. So turn your heart to me. Face me now says God and be saved wherever you are, even from the ends of the earth for I alone am God. And there is no other. I make this solemn oath to you in my own name. My words sent from my mouth in righteousness will not return unfulfilled. Remember that. God’s words in righteousness will not return unfulfilled. Truly every knee will bow before me and every tongue will solemnly swear allegiance to me. All will say to me yes only in Yahweh do I find righteousness and strength. And you can also add that word justice righteousness justice and strength and all who are were angry with me will come before me and regret it in Yahweh all of Israel’s offspring will triumph and shine. So Darren added to this beautiful passage from and he was in the new American standard at the time that I will judge the word their words the words of wickedness in righteousness. This week I encourage you to set your sights on God who is not only our righteousness but a God of justice because he is a God of justice. We as his people can judge this wickedness and we see it right in our faces. Judge this wickedness in his righteousness as you go about this week in your activities. May you find a few seconds to say father thank you for this agreement of judging wickedness in your righteousness. You have given me Jesus authority in the kingdom of God and we judge their words and actions in righteousness. That’s what I want you to think and that’s and meditate on and judge say father God I thank you that we judge their words and actions in your righteousness in Jesus name. And not the people so necessarily as the wickedness they’ve gotten into they’ve been caught in it and I was saying to you early Kimberly I think some of these Democrats that are coming to this convention really believe that they’re born again and saved and they’re walking past these mobile clinics that are giving out abortions and I hope that some of them realizes they sit in that defilement. That God will reach their hearts and open up their hearts. Yes we pray that their hearts will break for the things that break God’s heart. Amen. That’s right. You know in Zefania 317 it says that the Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save and in Isaiah 9 when it talks about Jesus being that that seed that comes the child that is born and they name him mighty God everlasting father Prince of peace mighty God also has a word in the Hebrew that is correlated to grace. So he is a mighty God that is ruling with grace. And we just need to understand that you know we we want our hearts to break for the things that break his heart and we want grace in the way that we pray that’s what he does he prays over us and intercedes over us Jesus does that for us every day from the right hand of the father. So Zefania 317 the Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save you in his grace. He is mighty. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing. And so we just speak that quieting quieting those voices that are screaming out for some other kind of justice that it’s not God’s justice. It’s not in righteousness or purity that we just speak his quietness over that that he will quiet with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing and we can rejoice we can go out in worship and fight the battles with our worship. That’s how we do it. We thank the Lord and we exalt him and we make him our main focus and the battle is one. Amen. It’s so wonderful to know that the authority that God gave Jesus he’s given to us. Now what do we do with that authority? We don’t go out there with a sword and a gun and gun them down. No. In wickedness we judge their words in righteousness and we rejoice in him worship him and know that he is going to bring everything together for our good. He’s already got the best and he wants that for us. I was praying over that. I just realized you know it years of cravings and lusts and addictions just fall away when we are quieted in his love. Amen. So when the other day when you were reading Matthew 5 in the message that oh we’ve got to talk about this because it’s it relates to all of us in the message and I hope you have a message with you as you’re listening. It says your blessed when you’re at the end of your rope with less of you there’s more of God in his rule. Yes that’s what we want when we have more of him we have more of his love that will quiet us quiet those those cravings quiet the addiction quiet the old habit. The old mindsets the thoughts that cause us to be really down on ourselves and on others he quiet all of that that’s right when there’s less of us there’s more of him and his rule in us I wore my I no longer live t shirt today. Yes because I like to remember as we continue to look to him and let him quiet us in his love we no longer live it is him it is Christ who lives in us. I can’t even imagine what you went through five years ago when you were at the end of your rope chemically. And instead of getting all defensive and justifying yourself on everything that they were talking I think that they had you in kind of a circle and they were just bombarding you with all kinds of who you are in your character traits and all the things that were wrong with you and with less see Kimberly realized friends that she had to submit to God first. And in submitting to God she was yielding herself to Holy Spirit and what he had for her and yielding to the situation at hand it’s what Jesus did he yielded to what was coming down the pike for him and we are called to be like that to yield and submit in the moment and watch God do his work we don’t fight. The same way the world fights so probably I can see you sitting there as in your beautiful presence there and taking all this and I’m sure that Holy Spirit was had a shield up so you couldn’t really feel all the darts coming at you and this basically the words are from the enemy but these were her love this was her family this was her husband and her children dear to me that’s right yes and so I can’t say that I was shielded boy. That was painful I that really hurt and and I did feel very torn apart I felt like my heart had been ripped to shreds yes and it it was you know we go through things that really hurt in this life and when we trust the Lord he went through it first he he has suffered more than any of us ever will he took that for us when we trust that he’s forming us to be like him and that he is allowing us to feel some of this heartache because then that connects us more with him we are able to embrace who he is and engage with him and fellowship with him really walk with him more closely and hear his voice because of this suffering well and what I saw and what I envisioned after you told me this was that my daughter had been with me all through that month because I was having a pain like I’ve never had in my hip and she wanted to help me as much as she could at my home here in Denver so that month for at least for three weeks you had been there doing a good Samaritan deed for me every day because I could hardly I could hardly walk by then and then of course we went I went to Tulsa for surgery then in March the next March that’s 2020 so that’s when the lockdown began all of these things come together and without God it’s like when you’ve come to the end of your rope so she goes home thinking I’ve done a good deed for my mother and then she slammed dunked into this situation I’m sure you had a sleepless night at night I had more than once last night sure I had many weeks of sleepless nights yes and it was very confusing but but God but see that’s what it says here with less of you there is more of God we got it friend if you’re listening today and you’re at the end of your rope you’ve got to understand that it’s God it’s God but God and we and we do we humble ourselves in that moment and everything that I was being accused of it didn’t really ring true with my spirit but I said okay I’ll go be tested for all these things that you think that I might accusing you of yeah and and I and I did and and I’m thankful I’m thankful that I walked that path that I humbled myself and just went and was tested and confirmed no it was not schizophrenic but not bipolar you’re not all yeah they don’t have a personality disorder and it was it was good to frame that in my mind you know it is the Lord who will bring us to the road bring us to the right places and the right people to cause us to be solidified with him make him our rock he what he says about us is more true than even what our most dearest family members say that’s right and the next verse the next verse Kimberly in Matthew 5 says what your blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you only then can you be embraced by the one who truly is most dear to you oh what a verse and I’m so thankful that I felt like I lost that which was most dear to me yes and I wasn’t holding on so tightly that I had to have that back I had to have my family back had to have my children back had I just wanted him I just wanted more of him and his rule in my life yes and then the final thing was when you were not only accused but told you need to get out of the house you need to get out of the house that was that was also a time that was confusing for me because I’m not I’m not just going to go in and fight that there was a time in my life when I would have really fought for something like that but I have learned in my walk with the Lord not to defend myself and so as I was walking through that I was expecting that I would have to just move out and find another place and I had other friends and you telling me Kimberly that is your house that is your home you have touched every part of that house with your own hands from the paint to everything to the roof the ceilings to the floor every square inch and I wasn’t so convinced because you know when you when it’s five against one well that’s what it felt like you know that they they just were sure that I needed to move out that I you know I I was thinking well Lord maybe this is you I submit to this situation I submit and I surrender to this and yet he led me to just go one time and very calmly present to Matthew you know I’m not the one that wants this divorce you’re the one that wants the divorce so why do I have to leave the house if I’m not the one that wants it if I want to stay and believe that God can heal this you know and that was all I had to say calmly like that for him to say make up his mind and say well then it’s me I’m moving out and so I did I got to stay in this and it’s a beautiful home I’m really thankful that I I was allowed to remain and that was the Lord’s doing marvelous in my eyes marvelous and he’s changed the hearts of everyone of those members of your family and I’m so grateful for that we’re all changed all right yes yes besides us also it’s kind of like God has this wonderful love for us it’s like the waves of the ocean that keep coming in and coming in and covering us over and over again so we want you to listen to Corey Asbury [Music] for I spoke or you were singing over me you have been so so good to me for I took a breath you breathe your life in me you have been so so kind to me oh me you have well me never in in reckless love God oh it chases me down fights still I’m found here the night and night I could have earned and I don’t deserve it still you give yourself away oh the over will be never in the reckless love of God yeah [Music] [Music] for I took a breath you breathe your life in me you have been so so kind to me for I took a breath you breathe your life in me you have been so so kind to me for I took a breath you breathe your life in me you have been so so kind to me [Music] no shadow you won’t light up mountain you won’t climb up coming after me there’s no wall you won’t kick down lie you won’t tear down coming after me no shadow you won’t light up mountain you won’t climb up coming after me there’s no wall you won’t kick down lie you won’t tear down coming after me [Music] no shadow you won’t light up mountain you won’t climb up coming after me there’s no wall you won’t kick down lie you won’t tear down coming after me [Music] there’s nothing there is no mess that you’ve gone through my friend that he’s not going after it he’s going after you in your mess he’s going after you he loves you so much I want to continue this in Matthew 5 tomorrow it’s going to be a good such a good lesson it’s we only got through two verses here today but we need to remember his love for us Kimberly like Zeppaniah 317 yes that he loves to rejoice over us and he gets over us we are the center of his love that’s the focus of his love and it it should be a good and easy thing for us to focus on him as our greatest love too that’s right take joy my friend take joy thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack you may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 1 877 917 7256 Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to Freedom and our partner support call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support you will be blessed supernaturally we invite you to visit call to Freedom’s website www.freedomstreet.org where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials you may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to call to Freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email us at barbracarmac@freedomstreet.org until next time remember Jesus loves you Barbara loves you and take joy music [Music]