[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370367 Denver, Colorado 80237 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let’s join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I’m so glad you joined us today. We hope you are enjoying a day that the Lord has made just for you. And if you’re just about to go to bed, he is going to give you wonderful visions in the night. You’re not going to have nightmares. You’re not going to have places in this night that you’re going to be fearful. No, you’re going to be at peace the whole time you’re asleep. Whether you sleep four hours or eight hours, God knows. God knows exactly what’s best for you. I have a prayer for you today. Oh, Father, guide our listeners in your truth and teach them for you are God, their Savior, and their hope is in you all day long, all day long. So we thank you, Father, that you are with Him, surrounding them with your love, your grace, your mercy when they stumble. Yes, your mercy is there all the time. I praise you and thank you for our Lord Jesus who has done everything for us. There’s not one thing that needs to be done. He’s done it all. It is finished. Thank you, Father, and we give you all the praise and all the glory. Praise the Lord. We’re going to do the Mount Kimberly is here in the studio with me, but we’re going to do the Monday Bible slogan. Again, you’re used to this one every Monday. This is my Bible. I am what it says. I am. I have what it says. I have. I do what it tells me to do. This is my Bible. It has given me new life. It is the Word of God. You are blessed. It is for in Him you live and move and have your being. And I’m so glad that you’re here again, Kimberly. Me too. I never know how long I’m staying and I love that it is the Lord that guides my schedule. He guides my calendar. Well, and then you had a little issue with the little maybe sound in your engine. Something from my mini van. Something that didn’t sound normal. So, Matthew got right on it and he got on you too. Kimberly, I don’t want you coming back until you’ve checked that. Tomorrow you have an appointment. So that means that you’re going to be here another. I will be here tomorrow also. And I love that. I love this time with you. I love the fellowship. I just love that we both love who our God is, what He has done for us and who we are to Him. Yes. Oh, and we had such a good time Saturday. I’m so glad you were there with our wonderful wonderful lovely group. Oh, yes. Just love our friends so much. I did. We just have such a wonderful fellowship and we’re like-minded. So there’s no controversies. And if there aren’t questions, they are probably answered by various people who have a little bit different take on things. Right. But there’s much wisdom. That’s right. Much wisdom. And I appreciate so much your praise and worship. Kimberly and them joining in on some of the beautiful choruses. Oh, Lord, your beautiful, your face is all I seek. That’s the truth. We seek Him. And we seek His ways on this earth. Yes. We want His will to be done. And the quiche was wonderful. Oh, even at the caught. This quiche has cottage cheese. Thank you, Shari. If you’re listening, it was wonderful. Delicious again. But it has cottage cheese and chili peppers and cheese, more cheese and butter and 10 eggs and all. It was just delicious. Yes. We ate well. We fellowshiped well. We worshiped. It was a good, good day. We had about 10 or 12 desserts. My goodness. When I say on the air, bring your favorite side dish, salad or dessert. Those desserts overwhelm. Well, you know, I think Jesus has a sweet tooth. So where His brothers and sisters, we have sweet tooth. Sweet teeth. Sweet. We have a tendency toward sweets. Yes. Oh, well, we were reading in first Peter together and really enjoying that. And so we just we want to read some scripture and just put the word of God out there today. That’s right. In first Peter one and it’s in verse two, kind of in the middle. Holy Spirit has set you apart to be God’s holy ones, obedient followers of Jesus Christ, who have been gloriously sprinkled with His blood. May God’s delightful grace and peace cascade over you many times over, celebrate with praises the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has shown us His extravagant mercy. Would you like to continue reading or well, this is it’s a lot of words that maybe some people don’t fully understand. And so I just wanted to say that when we are told that we’re set apart as God’s holy ones. And we long to obey and be followers of Jesus Christ Jesus is the one who showed us how to walk in all the fruits of the Spirit. Yes. How to walk in love toward one another and to stay joyful and to have peace and patience with one another instead of just going with our feelings, which sometimes become enraged instead of going with all our thoughts that are swirling and keep us in anxiety and keep us worried. And so we want to be able to follow that to find that place of peace and be gentle and kind to each other. We want that because that makes the whole world a better place. And when we when we watch something like the Olympics that just took place, we don’t the competition is fun. But we don’t love it when people start an altercation. That’s not the most fun to see the fights when they actually reconcile and when they shake hands and when they tell each other, good job. You know, it is so much more fulfilling to see that to watch that happen. And that’s what we want across the globe. That’s right across the globe. And here it, you know, in his fountain of mercy has given us a new life. We we should never never never never forget that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. That’s right because we are reborn. It goes on. Oh, and we’re reading from the Passion. We are reborn to experience a living energetic hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We are reborn because of God’s mercy on us. Yes. His mercy because we were sinners. And some of us were were sinners. Is there a worse, worse? Yeah. Yeah. God doesn’t see those sins as we do though. A sin is a sin to God. Right. Yeah. And when they say when the scriptures talk about blood being sprinkled, we need to remember that those sacrifices were given in order to see that some life has to be taken in order to cover our sin. And when we are sprinkled with that blood, a life has been given. Yeah. That there’s a cost there. It costs our sin costs something. That’s right. And when we’re sprinkled with his blood, with Jesus blood, that has covered every sin. He’s taken it all by dying, giving his life for us to be covered. That’s right. In the Old Testament, it was just so different. The law and the people each family had to bring a sacrifice to the priests where they would slaughter the sacrifice. And the blood of the sacrifice would cover their sins for a year. Then they do it all over again. And I heard CREFLA one day say, and some of them when they left the temple and they left Jerusalem, they committed a sin before they even got home. Sure. I mean, doesn’t that happen to us? Oh, absolutely. We can have the best intentions and turn right around and be triggered. That’s humanity gets triggered. Yes. And so in the Old Testament, it was a, the blood sacrifices of animals was a covering for sin. In the New Testament, Jesus blood purged us from sin. Washed it. Washed it away. No. And he’s continuing. You know, first John 1, 9 says, if we confess our sins. I know when I’ve sinned, I’ve known when I’ve opened my mouth and I said something, “Draw a Tory.” So if we confess those sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us those sins and continue to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Kimberly, it’s a process. Yes. It’s a journey. And it’s continual forgiveness. That’s right. Forgiven. Forgiven. Forgiven. He says he speaks a better word over us and that word is forgiven. So good. This is so good. And you never get too old. It’s just, I’m energized by this wonderful hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Yes. So we’re reborn into a perfect inheritance that can never perish. It never is defiled. It is never diminished. It is promised and preserved forever in the heavenly realm for you. This reminds me of Romans 8 that talks about nothing being able to stand in the way of the love of God for us. Not height, not depth, not angel, not demon, not life, not death. Nothing stands in the way of his love for us. It is permanent. It never parishes. It’s never defiled. So when Jesus paid that price, he paid it for all eternity. So the sins that we did commit in our past, the sins we might commit today or in the future are all covered. Yes. We just need to remember it was a heavy price. Yes, it was. We need to remember that. That’s what causes us to be chosen. When we hook into the actual compassion back toward God, having compassion for Him, we want compassion from Him all the time. We ask God for mercy. Lord, have mercy in our situations. But He desires His bride to have compassion and empathy for what He also has suffered. That’s right. In the Old Testament, if someone committed a sin unto death, then it usually was a sin that was manifested either in his body or his family or something else. And we’re still carrying that Old Testament law. When we see a brother or sister for instance, I’m going to say, and he is attacked by cancer, a spirit of cancer or a spirit of arthritis or a spirit of diabetes. Well, what did he do? He did something wrong to get him to where he is. That can be a tendency to think that way. That is. Yes. For most people who have lived under that law, they somehow find guilt in that person. And that’s why that disease has come upon them. Well, Kimberly, I used to believe like that. And I did for so long until your precious dad was attacked by cancer and John Wells was the most saintly, godly man I had ever known. So boy, did that get that out of my mind? I mean forever and ever and ever. And he told me when Jesus was asked in the instance of a blind man in front of him, who sinned his parents or him that he was born blind. And Jesus said it doesn’t work that way. Yes. Being able to realize it doesn’t work that way. But this was allowed this happened to for God to be glorified for God’s glory to be seen. That’s right. And that’s what we want. We want to see God’s glory. And I you know you brought up daddy passing away from cancer. That was a hard hit for sure. However, I can truly say I have seen the glory of God as a result of that loss. It was a huge loss in my life and who I became and how I learned to trust the Lord, how I learned to look at God as my father. And he became the one who provided everything for me. That glory was far greater than having a human dad. Even as wonderful as my human dad was. So being able to see the miracles that came from that loss. Keep your eyes open. If you’ve experienced loss recently, keep your eyes open. You will see glorious things. That’s right. Praise the Lord. Let’s see. We were looking in 1 Peter chapter 1 and being reborn. That being chosen ones being set apart to be God’s holy ones. It cost me to think of the 10 virgins. Isn’t that something how one scripture can help you hip hop to another scripture and then another scripture. And I’ve seen you sit at the table in our kitchen for an hour. Kimberly, we’re going to be on radio. And I still sit there. It’s my favorite book. And it’s your favorite time in the day. I believe our favorite times of the day should not be shopping or even our work. And we have worked a lot in our lives. But it should be that time that we’ve set apart with God inviting him into our life. He loves shopping with us. You know, and he loves the work that we do. He’s picked out a lot of outfits for me. You know, and I said, oh, I don’t know if I like, well, I think I’ll try that on and pretty soon. Yeah. It’s my favorite outfits. We’re never alone. Are we? No, never. So in Matthew 25, it starts out with the parable of the 10 virgins. And let me just read it at the time of my, at the time my coming draws near this is Jesus talking. Heaven’s kingdom realm can be compared to 10 maidens who took their oil oil lamps and went outside to meet the bridegroom and his bride. These were just bridesmaids. Yeah. Yeah. It’s interesting. Five of them were foolish and ill prepared for they took no extra oil for their lamps. Five of them were wise and sensible for they took flasks of olive oil with their lamps. When the bridegroom didn’t come when they expected they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. Then suddenly in the middle of the night they were awakened by the shout get up the bridegroom is here. Come out and have an encounter with him. So all the girls got up and trimmed their lamps. But the foolish ones were running out of oil. So they said to the five wise ones share your oil with us because our lamps are going out. We can’t they replied we don’t have enough for all of us. You’ll have to go buy some for yourselves. While the five girls were out buying oil the bridegroom appeared. Those who were ready and waiting were escorted inside with him and the wedding party to enjoy the feast and then the door was locked. Later the five foolish girls came running up to the door and pleaded Lord Lord let us come in and he called back. Go away. I do not know you. I can assure you I don’t even know you this is this is interesting to read this because it pulls on my compassion strings. I start thinking wait wait what are you really are going to leave people out and I know there are going to be those who are not. Wanting to even choose to be in the presence of the Lord the Bible tells us that there will be those who do not choose him in the end what I really like to look at here is being unprepared the unprepared ones are the ones who don’t include God at all in their day. That’s where their oil is lacking they’re not reading a word they’re not filling themselves up on the kingdom thoughts it’s just thoughts of this world and and having parties and going here and there and going to work and having hobbies but never applying yourself to filling your spirit not feeding your spirit what it needs. We’re not just flesh beings in this world we’re also spirit beings and both beings need to be fed so so we want to feed that spirit being now I also am reading on here and realizing okay they run out of oil they have no oil and they look to the wise ones and say give us some of your oil the wise ones are wise because they know they are not the source. That’s what it boils down to none of us are the source. We can’t be the source for one another our God is our source and his word is our source and the words that he has spoken our life to us they are a feast that is better to us than any feast this world can offer. Now what the passion says here Kimberly is go away I don’t know no is the word it’s an intimacy with Jesus in fact in Matthew 7 he says many will say to me on that day Lord did we not prophesy in your name in your name cast out demons and in your name perform many miracles and then I will declare to them I never knew you yeah and that’s the same here in in Matthew 25. I don’t know you depart from me so there’s going to be a hunger you were saying Saturday I pray today that we will hunger and thirst for more of Jesus. Yes well the knowing is an intimate knowing the Hebrew word for no and I believe the Greek one as well it it actually hints at the knowing the husband how he knows his wife intimately. So when you know someone intimately you know their thoughts and you know their emotions you know what can make them feel bad and you know what can make them feel good and you know what their favorite candy bar is and you know what their favorite drink is and you know how to make them smile. Yes you also know how to push their buttons. Yes when your husband comes home from a long day of work and you’re just meeting him with lots of questions and what did you do today and did you get me this the milk I asked you for and that kind of thing we’ve got a settle in to what he’s going through he just needs a moment maybe half hour an hour just to relax and take a breath. Can I get you a drink and you know his favorite drink if you’re married to him and so we need to be more cognizant of the person the other person’s feelings. Yes what they’re going through. Right so that kind of knowing and that’s what we want to build I don’t know how else to build that except to stay in the word of God and so as I continue to read and ask him and if the if the Bible doesn’t make a lot of sense to you if you’re listening to the Bible. If you’re listening today and if the Bible is just kind of Greek to you like trying to read Greek then ask the Lord ask Holy Spirit to make it clear because he will he wants to he’s just looking for people to ask and he’s the source it’s not up to us to figure it out you know if we try and figure it out in our own effort then we can have pride about that we’ll look at how much knowledge I have gained I know all of this. No the knowledge he wants you to have is more intimate knowing he wants to let you know more about who he really is and you’re not going to learn that in your own studying in your own intellect with your own logic that’s not going to happen so these these five foolish virgins that asked for the oil from the wise ones the wise ones were wise because they knew they’re not the source. So the foolish ones instead of going to the sort who’s the source he’s in he’s in there he’s arrived the bridegroom is the source they didn’t go to him they didn’t go to him that’s what makes them foolish they were foolish because they did not go to the source and ask the source for oil you know we think that we’ve got to go out and find it ourselves that we need to clean up our lives we need to get rid of the addiction we need to make sure that we have no sin that we watch our mouth that we’re we’re not saying words that would would be derogatory. It’s really not us it’s him I’ve never heard anything like that after 70 years of going to church and listening to sermons Kimberly I’ve always received a message from whoever was speaking that the word is not the word. Speaking that the five foolish if not going to hell they are predestined to be outside the door punishment yes to punishment when they could have just I don’t know knocked on the door and said Jesus we need your oil we need your help the white humbling yes it is a humbling so the foolish ones are prideful the wise ones are humble yeah and that’s how that works out in the kingdom of heaven when we humble ourselves and go to the Lord and say you know what I can’t even make sense of these words in my Bible as I’m flipping these pages they don’t make sense to me but I want them to because I really want to know you when we have a heart like that that’s humble hill start opening our eyes and our understanding he is so generous and so kind now some of you listening may say well I’ve heard that those five foolish virgins go to hell it doesn’t say that you know no I know but a lot of people say that they know and I say Jesus went to hell he went to hell this is before Jesus died he’s telling this story and it’s about the last days and it’s right before the crucifixion but he went to hell for people such as the five in case they went to hell the the gahana he went down there to bring captivity captive bring them home to his father God right yeah so it’s just such a blessing wow blessing I I’ve also been reading in a Matthew well just all yeah I’ve been stuck in Matthew for a while I enjoy it and in Matthew 20 there’s a the parable of the vine the vineyard the owner of the vineyard at the end of that parable in verse 16 this is chapter 20 in Matthew it says now you can understand what I meant when I said the first will end up last and the last will end up being first everyone is invited but few are the chosen and I think we’ve had a tendency as Christians to think okay all are invited but that means that you know not everybody’s going to accept the invitation so like you said they’re going to end up in hell only a few are chosen for heaven I’m not sure that’s what this means maybe it is what that means but we can’t know because we’re not God we’re human beings in this temporal realm and our understanding is limited so instead of judging that and saying okay there’s only a few of us that are going to end up being with the Lord instead of saying it that way say well maybe there are few a few that are chosen to be in his throne room at all times and the others might be in the outer courts I mean he built a temple that has a holy of holies it’s got a holy place it has outer courts it has a gathering place outside of that you know it doesn’t mean that there’s just this one place that all of the chosen get to go to and the rest of it is hell judgment it doesn’t mean judgment right it’s like I am the potter you are the clay I choose which ones are going to be used for the great dinners the China that is set out and some of you are going to be the daily little clay pots yeah and it’s okay with me if I’m a clay pot oh me too really is just so long as I can be near Jesus it’s don’t you believe it’s our heart intent yes it really truly comes down to that it does it comes down to what is in our hearts for him and I believe that he is really wanting us to know him in a way that the tugs on our emotions in our compassion can we have compassion for God he’s put up with so much in us and he’s paid such a huge price for us so are we able to see that price and say you know what some of this suffering that I’m going through here it’s worth it to know you I just want to know you more and when we come to that place of humility in our lives I think maybe that might be where the chosen ones are that everyone is invited to enter but few are chosen that’s beautiful well this has been a wonderful teaching I hope you’ve enjoyed it I hope you go to math you 25 and just read a little bit of it and God bless you so much we love you we know God loves you and we want to say for the very last take joy thank you for listening to call to freedom with Barbara Carmack you may get in touch with Barbara at call to freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 1 877 917 7256 call to freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to freedom ministry power partners support call to freedom with prayer and monthly financial support you will be blessed supernaturally we invite you to visit call to freedom’s website www.freedomstreet.org where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials you may share your phrase reports and heart prize by mailing them to call to freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at freedom street dot or until next time remember Jesus loves you Barbara loves you and take joy [music]