[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 802-37 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let’s join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I know this is a hot day in Denver. I know it’s going to be really hot on the plains, but we have the wonderful presence of God with us and a coolness. I was just praying for the breath of God just to bring cool breezes to you today as I’m talking to you over the radio that you may know that God is with you. Just cool breezes, just think of it. Oh, it’s wonderful. Yeah. Oh, praise God. He’s so good. You were created in God’s image. Yes, you were. And may your actions be a reflection of his love today. God has plans for you today and even if you’re asleep in your bed, he has plans for you that are good, that are for your well-being, nothing to do with evil. That’s the enemy. That’s the devil. A lot of people don’t like to recognize the devil. Oh, there’s no devil. Oh, yes, there is. I’ve seen. I’ve seen the reflections of the demonic in people and I know you have also and those are the ones we have to pray for that they would be delivered from the demonic influences that are on their lives. So we have a lot of prayer to get out there, folks. We have we have a big assignment to get people to know the Jesus that we know and to bring deliverance and wonderful healing to others that need it. Praise the Lord. Ah, big assignment, big assignment. And I just want you to know that God loves you so much. And you are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. I know some days when I get up, I don’t feel like moving very much. And I say, Lord, thank you that in you, I live and move and have my being. Praise the Lord. Our memory verse for this week. Oh, this is such a great verse. And yesterday’s song was indicative of the stone which the builders rejected. And again today I’m going to have a couple songs this week about the stone that the the builders rejected. It’s Psalm 118 verses 22 through 24. The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing and it’s marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. I don’t have things about the politics of this nation every day because the greatest thing I can give you friend is the word of God. The greatest thing I can give you is the promise and the hope of him taking care of you of him being your shelter of him loving you. That’s the greatest thing I can give you today and things may be going absolutely crazy out there. But I know I know that the Lord has you in his sights. He is watching over you. Oh, that’s such a blessing for me to know that. Oh, it really is. So I want you to also be concentrating on several translations of Psalm 118. And here it is in the passion Psalm 118 verses 22 through 24. The very stone the masons rejected as flawed. Can you imagine they rejected Jesus. They said he was flawed. There was something wrong in our Lord Jesus. Oh, he was flawed. It’s turned out to be the most important capstone of the arch. There’s an arch that’s going on in the building. If you don’t have a capstone, then that building is going to fall holding up the very house of God. The Lord himself is the one who has done it. And it’s so amazing. So marvelous to see this is the very day of the Lord that brings gladness and joy filling our hearts with Glee. Oh, it’s so good. Yes, it is. It’s wonderful. My confession for today by Rick Renner, I boldly declare that I have a faith that is unwavering. I stand firmly and solidly on the truth. God has given me in his word. Remember what I told you the other day. Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. Remember that truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. Oh, that’s a verse of scripture. You know, it’s like scripture that I’m not scripture. It’s a quote I learned several years ago. You’re not getting older. You’re getting better. Life only begins at 50 and everything afterwards is better. Well, this is a better truth. Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. And that’s why you can say, oh, I don’t understand why they can’t listen to what I’m saying. I’m talking about the very hope that they need. They think it’s they think it’s not the truth. Wow, we’ve got a big, big assignment here, folks. And so I declare here are my words are getting twisted. And I’m going to go on with Rick Renner. The storms of life may come against me and the devil may try to move me, but he isn’t successful because I have God’s word to keep me steady. The words of the Bible belong to me. And I claim them right now by faith. I am strong and I am filled with holy spirit of power. I take my stand on God’s word and refuse to move. I declare this by faith in Jesus name. Oh, and sometimes we’ve just got to stand against relatives against people, even in our own family against people that we work with. We have to stand on Jesus side. What are some of the verses that you’re standing on? I, you know, I, I stand on lots of verses every day. I’m learning more and more in my older age than I did when I was young. Although the years with Darren, I was really learning scripture also man. He was a word. When I asked the Lord that day, Father God, give me a mighty man of the word. I didn’t ask for a man who was good looking. I didn’t ask for a man who was tall, but he was. I didn’t ask for a man who could give me what I needed financially, because he was deeply in debt. No, I can, no, I can laugh. I asked him for a mighty man of the word, and that’s exactly what he gave me. What are you asking for? Are you asking according to God’s will in your life? I hope so. Here’s some verses of scripture that I stand on almost every day. The Lord God is my refuge and strength, the very present help in trouble. Psalm 46 verse one. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. That sound mind is surrounded by scripture friends. Of course, Psalm 91 and Psalm 23, those are wonderful. Psalm 27 verse one and two, the Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord God is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid. And that’s Psalm 27 verse one and two, whom have I in heaven but you? And there’s nothing I desire on earth besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail. If you got a weak heart, you can say that every day. My flesh and my heart may fail. But you are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. And in the New Testament, if God before me, who can be against me Romans 28 verse 31, one of my favorite David scriptures is Psalm 18 verse one through three. He was the greatest of poets and he was a man filled with God. I love you, Lord, my God, my strength, my solid rock. That’s got a hinge of the stone that the builders rejected. My solid rock, my fortress, my deliver in whom I take refuge. My shield of faith, the horn of my salvation. I call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised and I am saved from my enemies. Why did David mention so much rock, stone rock, because he was wanting God to have him stand over his enemies above his enemies, above his circumstances on that solid rock. And Jesus Christ, he was not even there yet. And yet he called out for the solid rock, Psalm 61 verse two, from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 19 verse 14, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in nice sight. Oh, Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Oh, he lifts us up out of our circumstances. Sometimes I feel crushed, I’m short. So I feel crushed when I’m in a crowd. But oh, he is there to lift me up. Now I ask you, doesn’t don’t these tremendous verses bless you and give you confidence in God’s ability in your life. Don’t you feel better after you’ve heard that? Oh, nothing gives you more hope than the word of God. If you begin your own list of verses, you will be surprised and delighted that the verses that Holy Spirit brings up to you in your consciousness for your spirit because you have the mind of Christ. So if you just take a few moments of quiet, oh, be still and know that I am God in the quietness of your day. Right down some of the verses that you know, even if you have to start with John 3.16. Yeah, that’s good. And Holy Spirit will bring up those verses that he has been giving to you this weekend as I studied about the life of David. I found myself not only sympathetic toward him, but asking God to give me that kind of tenacity and endurance that no evil should disturb me or get me to hesitate in any way from doing God’s will. Exactly like David yesterday I introduced Psalm 118 verse 22 for the week and David used the word rock often in his writings as I just told you in some of the verses that I was quoting. At the beginning of Psalm 118 verse 21, he says, I will give thanks to thee for you have answered me and it become my salvation, the stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner. This is the Lord’s doing and it’s marvelous in our eyes. What is marvelous in your eyes? A new suit, a new car, a comfortable place to live, a beautiful lawn this summer. You know, what’s marvelous in your eyes? Well, the Lord is marvelous in my eyes and the fact that he gave Jesus to me as my Savior and Lord, that’s marvelous in my eyes. David gave this dynamic scripture that has been repeated over and over by Godly men who came after him. Did he know that this scripture would go on and be anointed to be revelation for thousands of years? I don’t think so. I don’t think so. I believe that when he wrote this down, he needed that scripture for his own benefit to build him up in his trust and hope of God helping him. And here Psalm 118 verse 22 is repeated in Acts 4, 8 through 11 in Romans 9, 30 through 33 in Ephesians 2, 20 and in 1 Peter 2, 7. Wow, what a legacy that these great authors took from David and repeated them again. Wow, that’s something that’s priceless. David even wrote some of the greatest scripture when he was running from Saul and his army. Even though David had been rejected and even sought out by King Saul, wanted to debt her alive under divinely appointed circumstances, God brought about unexpected events to seal the truth that David was King of Israel as Jesus is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords and the rejected Christ would be the head of the kingdom of God on earth. It’s marvelous. It’s marvelous in our eyes. King Saul had gone against God’s instructions that only a prophet or priest would burn the sacrifice offerings. He got antsy. Yeah, he got impatient. And he burned the sacrifice before Samuel appeared. And then right after the sacrifice was burned, remember Samuel appeared usually boy, that tells us we’re impatient. If what we are impatient for comes and then God is saying, didn’t I tell you I would be here for you? Didn’t I tell you that things were going to happen to you? That would be good. And for your benefit and wouldn’t be evil as Jeremiah 29 11 says and when King Saul committed that sin, God told Samuel, OK, go to Bethlehem for I have selected a king for myself among Jesse sons. Now Jesse was a grandson of Obed and Obed was a son of Boaz and Boaz was a son of Ray Hab and who’s the guy Ray Hab and Obed. Did I say that already? I forget this once in a while. But he was a grandson Jesse now in Genesis 49 Jacob had prophesied that the tribe of Judah would be a kingly tribe by saying Judah your brothers will praise you your hands shall be on the neck of your enemies. That means he’s going to get him. He’s going to defeat his enemies. Your father’s son shall bow down to you. Judah is a lion’s Welp insignificant in the eyes of the world, but from that prey which he was meant to be devoured by Judah my son you have grown up and you you lie down like a lion and as a lion who dares rouse him up the scepter the symbol of kingship shall not depart from Judah nor the rulers staff from between his feet. That means Judah is going to find royalty in that tribe and that tribe was not specifically royalty and until Shiloh comes the Prince of Peace Jesus and he and Shalva people give homage and obedience and this is from Genesis 49 verses 8 9 through 10 about Judah the tribe of Judah. And as Jesse as Jesse Samuel at Jesse’s house excuse me Samuel was beginning to get frustrated because Jesse marched seven of his sons out in front of him and none of them were approved by God. And then he asked Jesse is there any other son in your family this is for Samuel 16 and this is when Jesse said yes there’s the youngest and he’s tending the sheep that means Jesse had eight sons. And he was tending the sheep that’s the lolliest position in the family chores and I love the way God operates because the world looks at the most beautiful the tallest the achiever the one who is going to make it big in life and the Lord said to Samuel a profound thing in first Samuel 16 he says do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature because all the sons that were before Samuel before this. Oh he looks good. Oh he’s tall. Oh maybe he’s the one that God wants me to a noint. God says do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature for God does not see man. Excuse me God does not see as man sees for man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart and that’s where God still looks at each and every one of us. He looks at our heart and the intense of our heart what is the intent of your heart to worship him to focus on him to love him or you have other hidden agenda is going on God told Jeremiah truth that consists of every human heart today in Jeremiah 17 verse 90 says the heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful. A puzzle that no one can figure out but I God search the heart and examine the mind to get the heart of the human to get to the heart of the human I get to the root of things I treat them as they really are God wants to see the root of who you are you may try to hide it but God sees and he says I want to see who you really are what you really want do you really love me or do you have something else in mind. We are we cannot pretend folks we can’t pretend with God God knew who would be anointed to write songs about him God wanted David not only because he would be king but he loved what David wrote about I hope you’re keeping a journal I hope you’re writing down things about God and about the wonderful things that he does for you. Peter writes about our position in God’s kingdom in first Peter to 4 through 10 I love this Peter changed so much I mean he wasn’t the old Peter any longer and he said as and coming to him as to a living stone which had been rejected by man he’s talking about Jesus here he’s writing about Jesus he was a living stone the stone that the builders rejected but his choice and precious in the sight of God you also as living stones who’s he taught talking to us you also as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices obedience sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ so what does he call us we’re a holy priesthood yes we are a holy priesthood and as the scripture says behold I lay in Zion a choice stone a precious corner stone and he who believes in him will not be a priesthood be disappointed if you truly look to Jesus you will not be disappointed my friend this precious value then is for you who believe but those who disbelieve the stone which the builders rejected this became the very cornerstone and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense for they stumble because they’re they are disobedience to the word and to this doom they are also appointed but you you and I’m speaking to you who are listening you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for God’s own possession so that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light for you once were not a people but now you are the people of God you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy your sense are forgiven and I say and grace has followed you and is surrounding you my friend every day and I say praise the Lord I hope you have time to say praise the Lord wherever you are I lay in Zion for for a foundation of stone I lay in Zion for a foundation of stone a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation a tried stone a precious cornerstone he that believe with shell not may case this is Leon Patillo High Lienzwain 4 Foundation A Stone I Lienzwain 4 Foundation A Stone A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship Foundation A Ship Foundation A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship Foundation A Stone A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship Foundation A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship Foundation A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship Foundation A The everlasting Father, wonderful Councillor the Prince of Peace High Lienzwain 4 Foundation A Stone I Lienzwain 4 Foundation A Stone A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship Foundation A Ship Foundation A Trash Stone A precious Conestone He that believe it shall not be kissed I Lienzwain 4 Foundation A Stone I Lienzwain 4 Foundation A Stone A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship Foundation A Ship Foundation A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship So not be kissed Wonderful Councillor the mighty god The everlasting Father Wonderful Councillor the Prince of Peace I Lienzwain 4 Foundation A Stone I Lienzwain 4 Foundation A Stone A Trash Stone A precious Conestone A Ship Foundation A Ship Foundation A Trash Stone A precious Conestone He that believe it shall not be kissed Talkin’ about wonderful Councillor the mighty god The everlasting Father He’s wonderful Down the river the bridge of peace Wonderful Councillor the mighty god The everlasting Father Wonderful Councillor the Prince of Peace Prince of Peace Oh, amen, I love that song and so good, oh Prince of Peace Oh, then when David was anointed and then he went through killing Goliath and saving the army of the Israelites they chased the Philistines down and they killed them up to this point King Saul had decided that he would eliminate David because he viewed David as a threat to his dynasty even though he’d killed Goliath Saul was actually fighting against God Did you know that? He wasn’t fighting against David, he was fighting against God and at times David’s men had King Saul right where they wanted him when he was chasing them it was kind of like a cat and mouse game he was actually and they they had him right where they wanted him they wanted to kill King Saul, but David emphatically said no we cannot touch gods anointed and kept him from being killed during a battle with the Philistines and Mount Gilboa Saul and his sons were defeated severely wounded by Philistine archers Saul asked his armor bearer to slay him but the man was afraid So in desperation Saul fell upon his own sword taking his own life his sons were also killed in the battle and the tragic end of Saul’s reign marked a significant turning point in biblical history for Samuel ends with King Saul’s death and second Samuel opens with a powerful position of King of Israel for David God intercepted the crowning of Saul’s son and chose David his man and this is what’s so important sometimes people look to one person as the head he’s going to be our leader he’s going to be our good leader and I’m not saying you know anything about politics right now but we look at the appearance we look at the mighty influence they might have of the accomplishments and God takes the humble man the humble woman and exalts them when we are humble before God he exalts us in every way my friend we don’t have to prove anything to friends we don’t have to prove anything to this world because God will exalt you as you humble himself as David said the stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone and this is marvelous in our eyes oh this is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it I’m so glad you joined me today I love talking about David oh what a wonderful life what an exemplary life and what an example for us to follow tomorrow Kimberly will be joining me the Lord willing and then we’ll go on with the teaching that she’s oh she’s so profound she’s anointed she is even though she’s my daughter she’s no because she’s no she’s God’s daughter yes not because she’s my daughter oh God bless you I love you and take joy thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack you may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 1 877 917 7256 call to freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry power partner support call to freedom with prayer and monthly financial support you will be blessed supernaturally we invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website www.freedomstreet.org where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials you may share your phrase reports and heart prize by mailing them to call to freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email us at barbra carmac@freedomstreet.org until next time remember Jesus loves you Barbara loves you and take joy to freedom box 370 367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email us at barbra carmac@freedomstreet.org where you can hear our message at barbra carmac@freedomstreet.org. Thank you. [Music]