Daily Radio Program
Good afternoon, and welcome to The Narrow Path Radio Broadcast. My name is Steve Gregg, and we're live for an hour today, as usual. And during that hour, you can call in with your questions about the Bible or the Christian faith, if you have them.
Feel free to call. I'd be glad to talk to you about them here. The number to call is 844-484-5737.
Right now, I'm looking at a switchboard with quite a few open lines. So if you want to get through today, this may be the best chance you'll have during the hour. The number is 844-484-5737.
And if you live in Washington state, you may be interested in knowing that I'll be speaking at a variety of places in Western Washington for the next two weeks. And tonight I'm speaking in Arlington, which is pretty far north of where most of the places are I'm speaking. But if you're interested in joining us there or at any of the other meetings, they're all listed at our website, thenarrowpath.com.
That's thenarrowpath.com. Under a tab you'll find there that says Announcements. There you'll find all the information about this meeting tonight and all the other meetings that we'll be involved in.
All right, we're going to go to the phones now and talk to Michael in Connecticut. Michael, welcome to The Narrow Path. Thanks for calling.
Hi, Steve. Just a minute. I wanted to talk to you today.
Thank you so much for taking the call. So I found a new church. I've been to it before, but I couldn't go consistently to an Anglican church, a church of the Redeemer in Santa Cruz, Father Rob Patterson.
I don't know if you've met him. Are you aware?
I don't know him.
Have you heard of him?
All right. No, I don't know him. All right.
All right. Anyway, I've been going to the Sunday morning service. And just, you know, for years and years, I come away, I'm so touched at the core of my being.
And yesterday, Father Rob had a... He has an occasional class, How to Connect After the Service, Connect Class, I think he calls it. So I actually am considering being baptized, because it's so profound.
Well, that's great. Have you decided to finally surrender to Christ after all these years?
Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, because my theology or world view is at odds with my heart. And I, you know, what I've experienced is just, and this was at the Calvary Chapel in Athos for years, and other churches that I went to, and being in your meetings, and listening to Christian radio, the quality of love is off the meter. You know, it's just such...
Well, you've often mentioned that, and for those of you who are new listeners, Michael has been calling this program for 20 years, probably. 2004. Yeah, 20 years now.
And Michael has not been identified as a Christian, but he's of Jewish background who became Buddhist in his adult life, and he's been a Buddhist seeker, I guess, for 20 years. But he has been attending Christian churches. Like he mentioned, he attended the Calvary Chapel for a long time.
Now he's looking into an Anglican church or Episcopal church. Well, it'd be a real step for you. And like you've said, you've said many times you feel much more of the presence of God or the Holy Spirit when you're in Christian groups.
And so it's always surprised me and many others over the years why you haven't taken the plunge, but you still, as you say, your theology in your mind is probably more along Buddhist lines than Christian lines. Is that what I'm to understand you say?
Yeah. The theology, of course, etymology, theos is God, I guess.
It's technically true Buddhism.
Yeah. Atheistic, in a certain sense. But anyway, for years and years and years, as you know, and people know me, I was trying to reconcile a seemingly un-reconcilable, radical philosophical or theological difference.
Well, let me suggest this to you, Michael, because you're asking about being baptized. Yeah, you should realize that being baptized is making a commitment to be a follower of Christ, which, as you know, is not going to hurt you any, after all the followers of Christ you've been around, you've had a good experience with them. But it does mean you're going to have to embrace Christ as your Lord, and that's a great thing.
You know, everyone should do that. Once you do so, you should be prepared to be humble enough to allow the teaching of Christ to change your world view in any area where it may need to be changed. So if you say, well, I'm very much interested in following Christ for the rest of my life.
A lot of things I believe or have always believed might not be in line with what Christ said, but I'm going to put Christ in the position to correct me, if he will. And that's pretty much what submission to his Lordship means. You know, if he comes your rabbi, he comes your Lord, you're going to look to him for answers to the big questions.
And every person, no matter whether they come out of Buddhism or atheism, or even just out of even a nominally Christian background, everyone has got to be prepared for the fact that we've got some ideas wrong. We need to be corrected on some things. And as far as deciding what to use as the standard for correcting beliefs, the Christian view is that Jesus is that standard.
So if you feel that you want to make your commitment to Christ and from this point on, learn from him. because that's what Jesus said. Jesus said, take my yoke upon you and learn from me.
He didn't say that the moment you become a follower of his, you'll know everything, right? But you'll learn from him. You'll have his yoke upon you.
That's a term the Jews use for being under the yoke of a rabbi. That is, you had accepted or submitted to his teaching and were his follower now. That's taking his yoke upon you.
So Jesus said, we have to take my yoke on you and learn from me. And if that's the commitment you want to make, then I'd certainly encourage it. On the other hand, if you're thinking, well, I'm still going to hold on to all the views that I don't want to let go of, but I do like the good vibes, I feel when I'm in the presence of Christians.
No, no, no, no. I would not be the wishy-washy. That's why I'm talking to you and other people.
Well, that's great.
Yeah. But I know you have other cause, but here's the last thing I want to say. So I dropped out of Hebrew school before I was bar mitzvahed, because the teaching, the curriculum in the Hebrew school was asking me to believe things that I thought I could not possibly know, you know, empirically.
I can't see a God in heaven. All of this is beyond my perceptual range. I'm not saying there is no God, but if I just took that out of the belief, it's not anything that I can know scientifically or empirically.
Well, there are many things that people cannot know scientifically, even very basic things like the love you say you feel or the presence of God when you're in a church. Science can't test that, because we're not merely physical beings. And as a Buddhist yourself, you would recognize that we're spiritual beings of a sort.
And therefore, a lot of the most genuine experiences are those that are of a spiritual sort that the scientific laboratory could say nothing about. So, I'd say that you've been thinking about this for a long time. And if this is the commitment you're going to make, by all means, do so.
And I'll be glad to talk to you afterward and hear what you thoughts are.
Yeah, the main, Steve, my final thought. Are you still there? Yes, quickly.
You know what, my final thought. The thing that again and again, it just sort of boils down to for me is that this is what maybe is not so much in Buddhism. The sense that there's something, someone, presumably Jesus, that actually cares for the plight of human beings, the compassion.
That's what touches me to the max.
Which is something Dharma does not do.
Well, on paper it doesn't, in later forms of Buddhism. But in actual practice, it doesn't feel quite the same.
Well, Michael, I'm really glad to hear this news, and I appreciate you calling to let us know. And I hope you'll, if you take that step, you'll call me back and we'll talk about it some more.
Okay, Steve. Thank you so much.
Thanks, Michael. Good talking to you.
Same here. Bye-bye.
Bye now. All right. Our next caller is also another Michael from Inglewood, California.
Michael, welcome to The Narrow Path. Thanks for calling. Hello.
Thanks, Steve.
I'm calling because I have a quick question about Luke 1737, where it says, Where's over the body is? There there will the eagles be gathered together. What does that mean?
I'm kind of lost.
Sure. Actually, Jesus made that statement twice. He made it when he was on the Mount of Olives, Jesus giving me all of the discourse in Matthew 24.
But he also gave it in another context in Luke 17, when he was talking about the second coming of Christ, in my opinion. And just before he says that, he says, In that day, there will be two sleeping in one bed. One will be taken at the other left.
Two will be grinding at the mill. One will be taken at the other left. Two will be working in the field.
One will be taken at the other left. And his disciples said, Where, Lord? So that's what leads to his statement here.
He said that one will be taken and the other will be left. And his disciples don't seem to have a clue of what he's talking about. What do you mean they'll be taken?
Where? Where will they be? Where will they be taken?
And he says, Well, where the corpse is or where the body is, that's where the eagles will be gathered together. Some translators think maybe it should be vultures, but eagles works also because both vultures and eagles do accumulate around dead bodies to eat the corpse. I've seen both.
But the point here is they said, where are they taken to? And he says, Well, wherever the corpses are, you'll see the eagles gather. In other words, it's like saying where there's smoke, there's fire.
You know, if there's a fire, you'll see the smoke. If there's dead bodies, you'll see the gathering birds. Now, this is suggesting very cryptically, that those who are taken are taken in judgment.
They are killed. And that's not too surprising because Jesus also compared it to in a parallel passage in Matthew 24. He compared it to the days of Noah, where he said that in the ark, the day that Noah entered the ark, the flood came and it says the people outside the ark didn't know it was coming until the flood came and took them all away.
And then he says, And so shall it be, when the Son of Man comes, one will be taken and be over left. Those that were taken away were the ones outside the ark who were killed. Taken means they were taken out of this world.
They were taken, not carried into the sky. They just died. They departed.
They were judged and died. And so Jesus, when he talks about one should be taken and be over left, is saying that when Jesus comes back, though two people may be in close proximity, if one of them is an unbeliever, that person will be taken. That is killed, judged, just like those people outside the Ark were taken.
Whereas the others that are left are like the people in the Ark. They survived. They remained untaken.
They were unhurt. So this statement about where the corpses are, the eagles will be gathered, is basically kind of a cryptic answer to their question. You said, Lord, these people will be taken.
Where are they taken? And Jesus is essentially, maybe even in a flippant sort of way, saying, well, if you really want to find them, it shouldn't be too hard to find a corpse. There's a lot of birds around.
So, I mean, that's where you'll find them. Now, the statement that where the corpses, the eagles will be gathered together, is actually a proverb. Like I said, Jesus used it on another occasion, in another context.
And I believe it was a proverb, sort of like I said, where there's smoke, there's fire. Or that kind of a proverb. We would use it in a variety of different kind of situations.
But this one, in my opinion, has come from something that was in the Book of Job, where it's talking about eagles. And it says in Job 39, 28-30, on the rock it dwells. He's talking about the eagles.
On the crags of the rock and the struggles, from there it spies out the prey, its eyes observe from far. It said, its young ones suck up blood, and where the slain are, there it is. That is, there is the eagles and the young eagles.
Where the slain are, where the corpses are, that's where the eagles are. And that's essentially what Jesus said also a couple of times. And my guess is that other Jews use that expression too, probably in a proverbial way, based on originally appearing in the Book of Job.
Thanks, Steve.
All right. Thank you for calling. It's good talking to you today.
All right.
We're going to talk next to George, calling from Detroit, Michigan. And by the way, we have a few lines open still, or again. So if you'd like to be on the program today, the number to call is 844-484-5737.
844-484-5737. George from Detroit. Welcome.
Thanks for joining us.
Steve, how are you for the day?
We don't have a very good connection on your phone. You're kind of distorted.
Okay. It's just trying to make the room work.
No, we can't even understand what you're saying. It's just all golly. Can you hear me?
Not much better. Maybe you should call on a landline or something. You apparently don't have a very good connection on your cellular.
Is there another room you can go to? Are you driving or how?
Yeah, I'm driving.
So you're probably just not in a very good area. I'll tell you what. I'm going to take another call.
I can hear, but I can't understand. It's garbled. So I'm going to ask you to call back when you get to a better position.
And hopefully we can get a good call in from you when you're in a better cellular spot. I'm going to take another call right now. We're going to talk to Kara from Sacramento, California.
Third call in a row from California. Hi, Sarah. Welcome.
Oh, Kara, hi. Hi. Honored to talk to you.
My question is, I went to a Pentecostal church yesterday, and the Pentecostal pastor pointed at someone in the audience, and he's going to give prophecies. And so several, well, I guess I have several people raise their hand at working prophecies because he declared he was going to give prophecies. The pastor declared, okay, the first person, and her name is like Lillian, and he says, what's your name?
She says, Lillian. And he says, I see that the Lord, your son is dating someone, and your son tries to make each date exciting, like go on a picnic with a scowl, and I see the Lord being giddy for you, and some other things. Okay.
Okay. So then, he told the audience to actually put our hands extended in faith to God, like around that person, something like that. Okay.
Then he goes, he gives an example, then he goes to someone else, raise their hand, me mom is raising my hand too, interested in the prophecy. So anyway, so then he points to a man, what's your name? My name is Edward.
Oh, Edward, I see that you do not have to fear being a friend, you are a good friend and you're, you have a very reverent relationship with the Lord. And I raise my hand, and he threw his hand, and I raise my hand, and he wouldn't answer, and he wouldn't select me. Now, is this like a phony prophecy?
because if you have a prophecy, for anyone that raise their hand, why wouldn't he acknowledge me? Or is it just that he knows background information about two people, you know, sort of knows what's going on in their lives, so he could just say some general statements?
I can't answer for him, actually. It's a cultural thing in Pentecostal churches sometimes for the pastor or a visiting preacher, or someone who professes have a prophetic gift to operate in what they call the word of knowledge. And in that culture, it means that you see or know something about somebody that's information given by divine revelation, stuff that you couldn't otherwise know.
Now, the Bible does talk about a gift called the word of knowledge. Although it's only listed as one of many gifts, it never actually describes what is meant by it. In 1 Corinthians 12, paul says, to one is given the word of wisdom by the spirit and to another, the word of knowledge by the same spirit, and then he lists some more gifts.
So, all we really know about the expression the word of knowledge is that that phrase appears in a list of gifts and never appears anywhere else again in the Bible. So, we have knowledge of something called a word of knowledge that's a gift of spirit, but we aren't told what it is, what it looks like, how it operates, or anything like that. Now, what they are calling a word of knowledge, that's what this pastor is doing professedly, is what prophets in the Bible typically did.
Elijah had this kind of revelation, or Elisha did, about his servant, Gehazi. When Jesus had this kind of information about the woman at the well, he said, you've had five husbands and the man you have is not your husband. She said, sir, I see you were a prophet.
In other words, this kind of ability to see and to say things that the person didn't ordinarily know in biblical times was called a prophet's activity, a prophecy. Now, we're not sure when paul said word of knowledge, if he meant something different than prophecy. If so, we don't know what he meant.
But if it is a genuine gift, there is biblical precedent for it. As I said, Elisha knew that something Gehazi had done, an unscrupulous thing that he had done, even though Elisha was not there to see it. And Jesus knew that woman's marital history.
So Peter knew in Acts chapter 5 that Ananias and Sapphira had lied about how much they had sold their property for, and they were giving it so forth. So I mean, there are cases in the Bible where somebody under the power of the Holy Spirit can say things about somebody else that they wouldn't otherwise know. But I don't know of any cases where this was done as sort of like a carnival trick or something just, okay, let me just give out some words of knowledge to people at random who would like to hear them.
When people, some denominations, emphasize the gifts of the Spirit in such a way as if they are something to give credentials to the minister in a way, I mean, if he can convince you that he can see things about you that he couldn't otherwise know, then of course, that gives him prestige, that gives him respect in the movement, probably gets him more invitations to speak, maybe bigger offerings, and therefore, he might do that whether he really has the gift or not, whether it's really something God's revealing to him or not. Now, there are cases, I'm not going to put this man in that category since I don't know him, but there are cases of ministers that used to do that kind of thing, but they got busted because they were faking it. They were, in a few cases, they actually had ear pieces in their ear that were concealed from the audience and their wife was in the back feeding them information about people that was, that she got information from them filling out cards or some other kind of thing.
And so he would act like he knew. Now, I do believe that a lot of people who do this, even if they don't have ear pieces, I think they're just making their best guess. I certainly had people who thought or pretended to be speaking through the Holy Spirit, tell me things that they thought were true about me, which actually they were just misinformed.
It wasn't true. But they, you know, so I obviously wasn't the Holy Spirit. Now, I don't know what to tell you to do with the word that this man gave you at this church, because I don't know you and I don't know the details of what he said.
I don't know him. So I can't really say much except this, that if he was giving out what they call words of knowledge, this would be on the same order as prophecy. And the Bible says that prophets can speak in the church, but what they speak must be judged.
paul said in 1 Corinthians 14, you know, let the prophets speak two or three, and let the others judge, which means that you're not just going to accept everything they say without critically examining it to see if it's credible or true. And also in 1 John 4, verse 1, it says, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world. So whenever somebody says they're speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit or indicates that they are, some kind of supernatural knowledge.
Well, the Bible makes it very clear, don't just trust it. Don't just believe everything they say. Now, there may be people who very clearly are gifted in this area and they've got a track record and they're, you know, they're honest, they're not cheating and this just happens to be a gift God has given them.
Well, then, of course, if they say something to you along those lines and it's not untrue or not, it's not unscriptural or something like that. Well, then, believe them. What's it going to hurt?
On the other hand, people might say things to you that, like, one, you know, a lot of fake preachers are, you know, fakes, they're fake Christians, too, and they go and hold means like this and they're trying to seduce the women and get money and things like that. And I heard of a preacher, a guy who was traveling, came to town and he met a woman at the door as she was leaving and he shook her hand and then he acted like he got a word for her and said, The Lord has shown me that I'm to be your husband. Well, the woman is already married, but she because she was foolish, she thought she's supposed to divorce her husband and marry this guy.
You know, anyone who says stuff like that, run as far as you can away from them. But if what they do say is harmless, if there's if nothing they have said gives you reason to be concerned about them, then I would say I would still take it with a grain of salt because you never know for sure. But I've had someone give me a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge before more than once.
And one of them really seemed to become true, and really seemed to be true. So I mean, I just say, take these case by case. I have to say I'm a bit skeptical about many of them.
But I don't want to be so skeptical as to, as paul says, not to do despised prophesies. I need to take a break. I appreciate your call.
We are a listener supporter program. We have another half hour coming up, but we take a break to let you know that you can write to us at The Narrow Path, PO. Box 1730, Temecula, California, 92593.
Or go to our website, thenarrowpath.com. I'll be back in 30 seconds.
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Welcome back to The Narrow Path Radio Broadcast. My name is Steve Gregg, and we're live for another half hour, taking your calls. If you have questions about the Bible or the Christian faith, you want to bring them up for conversation.
The number to call is 844-484-5737.
Once again, that's 844-484-5737.
Our next caller is Doris, who's calling from Arkansas. Doris, welcome to The Narrow Path. Thanks for calling.
Yes. Hello. Good afternoon.
So my question is, do you remember what it says, what kind of stone the commandments were written on?
No, I don't believe we're told what kind of stone it was.
I think in Exodus 24.10, it says sapphire.
Sapphire? No, I don't believe that is, I don't think that's talking about the stones that the stone tablets were made from. Give me the reference again.
Exodus 24.10.
Yeah, I'll take a look at that, see what it is saying. 24.10? Okay, it says, and they saw the God of Israel.
This is the 70 who went up on the mountain to have a covenant meal with Moses and God. They saw the God of Israel, and there was under his feet, as it were, a paved work of sapphire stone. And it was like the very heavens in its clarity.
So, this is not talking about the stone tablets. This is talking about like there was, as it were, it appeared like a pavement under God that was like sapphire stone. So, yeah, that's not referring to stone tablets.
Oh, okay.
Well, I must go.
Thank you.
All right. Thanks for your call. Rodney from Michigan.
Welcome to The Narrow Path. Thanks for calling.
Hi, Steve. Thanks for taking my call. I wanted to balance comment with you on a call you had on Friday, I believe, about Zechariah 14.
I believe you said that Zechariah 14 was talking about destruction of Jerusalem, I mean, in 70 AD, is that correct?
And I believe you said you compared God's standing on with the seed on the Mount of Olives as you compared it to Ezekiel as figurative speech of, you know, how God's glory departed from the temple in Ezekiel? Okay, so my question is in Ezekiel, it shows God leaving the temple and leaving Jerusalem, so that Jerusalem can be taken by the Babylonians. And yet, when you read Zechariah, it shows God coming to Jerusalem, and it says that in that day that Jerusalem will be safely inhabited, and the living waters will flow from Jerusalem.
So it seems in Ezekiel, you see God leaving Jerusalem, but in Zechariah, you see him coming to Jerusalem to preserve it. And also, you mentioned about the... it's talking about 70 AD destruction, yet it says in Zechariah 14.1, I mean 14.2, that when this happens, that God is going to fight against those nations in that day.
And we know that in 70 AD, that Jerusalem was destroyed and for 2,000 years didn't even exist. And Rome still existed till 5,476 AD, so God didn't fight against Rome when he took it. So it seems contradictory to say what you said.
Okay, I appreciate you pointing those things out. Yeah, in verse 2, here's what he says, for I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem. The city shall be taken, okay, so it's conquered.
The house is rifled and the women raped. Okay, that is the destruction of Jerusalem. That happened.
Now, of course, many people, perhaps the teachers you've heard, would say that's a future destruction of a future Jerusalem. But the point here is that Zachariah never knew anything about a future Jerusalem. He knew about the Jerusalem he lived in.
It had been destroyed by the Babylonians before his time, but had also been restored through Zerubbabel, and Zachariah was contemporary with that. So Zachariah is writing at a time where Jerusalem had been destroyed by the Babylonians and now was restored. And now he's talking about it being conquered again.
Now, of course, it was conquered again in 70 AD. We have no knowledge, at least from scripture, of any future Jerusalem after 70 AD that will ever be attacked. And I don't think Zachariah knew of one.
If he did, he didn't mention it. Now, it's true that God says in verse 3, then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations as he fights in the day of battle. And in that day, his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives and it will split in two and it will make a valley going east to west and so forth.
This, I believe, I think God does fight against the nations. There's a spiritual warfare that's going on. See, I believe that after Jerusalem fell, Jerusalem continues as the new Jerusalem, the heavenly Jerusalem, the church.
That's what the writer of Hebrews called the church is the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of God, Mount Zion. This is in the prophets. Jerusalem is the people of God.
Zion is the people of God. And when the physical city of just of Jerusalem is destroyed, the remnant, which was the church, the body of Christ, is the Jews who were followers of Jesus. They were the spiritual Jerusalem.
And they continue. And I believe that after the fall of the physical Jerusalem, the prophecy is about the safety and the blessing of the continuing Jerusalem, which is the body of Christ. And in that connection, it says, for example, it says that, then living waters shall flow.
In verse, what is that? Eight. And that they live in water shall flow from Jerusalem.
Now, Jesus said in John 7 to the Jews in Jerusalem, he said, whoever thirsts, let him come unto me. And out of his belly, as the scripture has said, living waters will flow. Now, Jesus said that those who come to him, living waters will come from them and flow out from them.
Now, John tells us when he makes that quote in verse 39, John 7, 39, he says, he spoke this about the Holy Spirit. So, the living waters are the rivers of the Holy Spirit going out to bless the nations. Isaiah spoke about this too, where he talked about how everything would be a spiritual waste until the Spirit of God is poured out, and he pours out rivers in the desert and it becomes fruitful and so forth.
This is all imagery of the Spirit's work, bringing forth spiritual fruit throughout the world. And this is the same image, the river flows out from Jerusalem, but Jerusalem is God's people. And Jesus said that.
He said, as the scripture has said, living waters will flow from the believers. He said, whoever believes in me, out of his belly shall flow living waters. So the living waters flow from the believing disciple community, which is the church.
And it is the church that carries the ministry of the Holy Spirit out to the world, which it has done, and which continues to be done. So I believe this is spiritual. And my reasons for it are multiple.
But have you listened to my lecture on Zechariah 14?
OK. So I thought not. And yet I think the last time I talked about Zechariah 14, which I think you were listening to because you called about that, I said, if anyone wants to know all the reasons for this position and a verse by verse exposition comparing scripture to scripture, listen to my lecture on Zechariah 14, which is at the website.
It's free. Anyone can listen to it. Now, nobody has to listen to it.
But it would seem strange when I've invited you to do that, that instead of listening, you call me and say that my view doesn't make sense. You don't know if my view makes sense until you listen to the defense of it, which you'll find in the lecture. But I'll accept the fact that you probably won't listen to that and that you probably won't agree with me.
And of course, as I always say, the Bible doesn't require anyone to agree with me. You don't have to agree with me. I'm not the standard.
But I'm telling you what I believe the Bible teaches and means. And if you want to know why I think it, you can also listen to my lecture, because I tell in great detail why.
I got you. Just in passing, though, before I go, I've listened to you long enough to know your stand on it. And it's nice to talk to you in person to get your quick response, because in my opinion, what you just said, you're comparing similar scriptures that say similar things, yet you're not addressing the chapter itself.
I mean, anyone could compare two verses in the Bible that say similar things, but might not even be talking about the same thing. So, it seems you're just saying that's a support of you, and that's the problem.
You're saying that an apocalyptic book like Zechariah should be interpreted simply by its contents without any reference to other apocalyptic books that talk about the same subject, even though they use the same image, and it frequently occurs. I actually don't know any other way to responsibly study a prophet without cross-referencing that when he gives these images, oh, this image is used over here, oh, and it's used here, and it's used over here. It's all the same image, and there's no reason to believe that living water is going to flow multiple times at different times in history.
That's simply to assume that is not a very reasonable one in my opinion.
Well, John's not an apocalyptic book.
No, but he interprets this apocalyptic book. He said, as the scripture is said, and I believe he's referring to Zechariah, because Jesus says, as the scripture said, living waters will flow, and there's no other passage in the Old Testament that uses the term living waters. This is the only one in Zechariah.
So, if Jesus said, the scriptures have said that living waters will flow from the believers, and we look in the scriptures, and the only scripture in the whole Bible that uses, or the whole Old Testament, that he could be referring to is Zechariah 14.8, then we think, I think he must be talking about that scripture. And look, it does say that. If we understand him for what he's saying, the Jerusalem from which the living waters flow, are the spiritual Jerusalem comprised of the followers of Christ, just like he said.
Now, obviously, you can, if you want to, and many people do, just interpret the passage without reference to any other scripture anywhere else in the Bible. But since it's written in apocalyptic language, I think you'd be shooting in the dark. I think we're supposed to take the whole of scripture.
And when some subjects are repeatedly talked about by many prophets and by the New Testament writers, I think that's supposed to be helpful to us. I think that's especially when the New Testament writers will quote or allude to difficult passages in the Old Testament and tell us what they mean. I take that as an advantage.
I'll take that anytime rather than just guess. because without comparing scripture to scripture, we just have to guess what it means. And I don't know that any of us are very good at that.
Okay. Yeah, you just forgot my original question though. That's all.
Remember, my original questions were... Just now, you went off on the tangent somewhere else. My original questions were that Ezekiel is talking about God departing, yet Zechariah is talking about God coming to.
And that's contradictory to what you said.
God is coming to Jerusalem in judgment. That's the point.
No, you keep reading the chapter. It says that God will be king over all the earth in that day, and then living waters will flow from Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be safely inhabited.
He is.
That's not talking about God coming in judgment.
Well, that's the result of him destroying Jerusalem in the temple. That's the end of the Old Covenant. because that has happened, God is now king not only over the Jews and Jerusalem, God is the king over all the earth.
And that's what Jesus said when he came out of the tomb. He said, all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. He's the king over all the earth.
That if he's all authority in heaven and earth is his. This is talking about the present age. This is not talking about the end times.
This is talking about how, and by the way, this is one of about maybe 30 passages I can come up with in the prophets that talk about the destruction of Jerusalem and then of the new order in Christ, which is now, this is a very common theme in the prophets. That God takes out the old rebellious order and what remains is the faithful remnant, which is a main theme of many, many prophets. So, I mean, to me, that's not hard to see, but it's obviously not easy for you to see, so you can see it another way.
When it's talking about God preserving and saving and things, he's talking about his remnant, the faithful Jerusalem, the new Jerusalem, which is us. When he's talking about destroying the city and having the women raped and the houses rifled and so forth, the city taken, that's talking about the physical city, of course, because that will never happen to the church. I mean, the church will be persecuted, but it's not going to be destroyed ever.
So anyway, you and I really have different ways of looking at scripture, obviously, and that's true of many people. A lot of people don't agree with me, and I'm glad you called because I do invite people like you to call to balance comment. But I don't think we're going to get to an agreement on this one.
But I thank you for sharing your view because you're certainly welcome to have it and even share it. Okay, let's talk to Twila from Fresno, California. Welcome to The Narrow Path, Twila.
Hi, I'm calling in regarding a passage of scripture, Mark 14, 50, 51, and 52. We're just calling to get some clarification who the man in the linen cloth was in the garden.
Yeah. Mark tells us that when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and the disciples scattered to flee for their lives, he inserts this little bit that you mentioned, verse 50 to 52, talking about, he says, there was a young man. He doesn't give any clue to who that young man was.
We said there was a young man there who was dressed in nothing but a bedsheet. And he also fled, as everyone else did. And one of the people, probably one of the soldiers, grabbed at him to arrest him.
And they grabbed his sheet. And he ran off and left the sheet behind, naked. He went off naked into the night, leaving his bedsheet behind.
Now it's interesting that that little bit of information is given by Mark that's not mentioned in Matthew or Luke or John. And it doesn't seem to have any significance. I mean, nothing is made of it.
And this has led many commentators to believe that Mark is that young man himself, that he was the one. And he's kind of giving his backhanded testimony, but not mentioning himself by name, that he too fled. He also was there and fled.
But of course, it raises the question, why would he be dressed in only a bedsheet? Well, here's an explanation that makes sense. It may not be absolutely correct, but it could be.
The last supper of just an hour or so earlier had been held in an upper room. Most gospel scholars assumed that this was probably the upper room of Mark's mother's house. We later read in Acts Chapter 12 that Mark's mother had a house in Jerusalem where she hosted Christian meetings.
And many feel that it was in the upper room of Mark's mother's house that Jesus had the last supper. Now, the members of the household were not invited to the supper. It was just Jesus and his disciples.
But the members of the household knew he was there. They knew something was going on. And they certainly would know because it was the talk of the town that people were out to arrest Jesus.
So, Jesus was kind of there secretly under the radar. Very intriguing stuff. And the thought is that perhaps the last supper had gone quite late.
Mark was a young man. He'd gone to bed for the night. You know, he's trying to sleep.
And then when Jesus and the disciples got up to go to the garden of Gethsemane, Mark's curiosity got the best of him. And not wishing for them to get out of his sight, instead of taking time to get dressed, he just wrapped himself in his bedsheet because he was in bed, and followed them at some distance. So that by the time Jesus was arrested, maybe an hour later or so at the garden, Mark was there, but he didn't have any regular clothes on.
He had a bedsheet, and then he fled too. But now, this may not, this may be filling in too many gaps, but it at least fills in all the gaps, because first of all, who is this guy? He's apparently not one of the 12.
How did he even know to be there? Why didn't he have, why wasn't he dressed? Why did he have only a bedsheet around him?
Why does Mark even mention it? And no one else does. I think that the scenario I just gave you is very possibly the correct one, and if so, it explains why Mark would mention it, because it was his own sort of way of confessing, as it were, that he too had had the chance to stand for Christ, but failed, and like the other disciples, he fled off into the night too.
So that's what I think about it.
Well, the context is why they fled. Yeah, I think the context is, well, they fled, and that makes sense as well. That's a very interesting commentary on that.
It was actually the first time I've seen that in the scripture today.
Like, what does this mean?
It does get your attention, doesn't it? It was a strange story. Let me try to get a couple more calls in if I came before.
We're out of time here, and we almost are. We're going to talk to Jay from Las Vegas. Next, Jay, welcome to The Narrow Path.
Thanks for coming.
Hi, Craig. First comment before I ask my question, since I heard your call earlier, I just want to comment and share with you that I've come out of the dispensationalism, the pro-Zionist, probably about a year and a half ago now. My eyes completely opened up, and I've been doing my research.
I've actually traveled to Eurasian countries or Eastern countries, where they have the Orthodox Church there to find libraries with the, do you know from the patriarchs on that side, what their church writings were? Great.
We only have a few minutes, so maybe we can get to your question. I appreciate the research you've done. That's great.
Do you have a question? Yeah.
So my question is, and this is, in Revelations where we talked in 12, where we talked about the woman who bore the seed, bore the seed of the man that will rule all nations. And is that Mary? And also, what do you think of Mary being a second Eve, even though that's not doctrine, it's just a thought there, because it was just something that ran through my mind.
All right. Well, no, I don't think it's Mary, though it could be. The thing is that what is said in Revelation 12 about that woman, as you get to the later verses in the chapter, don't seem to apply to Mary.
The Roman Catholics sometimes apply it to Mary, but they also, the Roman Catholic scholars also recognize, as I do, that it's probably not primarily about Mary, but about, it's a personification of the faithful remnant of Israel. Mary was one of them. I mean, there was the faithful remnant of Israel is the means, the woman, as it were, figuratively speaking, through whom Christ came.
And Mary was one representative of that group. In the Book of Revelation, women are usually representative of something larger than individual women, like the bride and the harlot and things like that, are women who are certainly not referring to individual women in Revelation. So I think the woman probably represents the Jewish remnant through whom Christ was born into the world.
Mary, of course, was the individual in that remnant, who actually carried the baby. So Catholics, they generally speaking, see it as a reference to that faithful remnant, or they sometimes say the church, which is also the faithful remnant. But they also see it as Mary.
I don't see it as Mary, but it's not a problem if it were. Now, what about Mary being seen as the new Eve? Catholics sometimes make this point, too.
They say, well, Jesus is the second Adam. Maybe Mary is the second Eve. Well, if Eve was Adam's mother, I guess that would make some sense.
But Eve wasn't the mother of Adam. So the second Eve would not likely be the mother of the second Adam. Eve was, in fact, the wife of Adam.
And therefore, the wife of Christ would be the second Eve, if he's the second Adam. Now, the bride of Christ is us, the church. And paul makes that very clear, of course.
In fact, in talking about Adam and Eve, Genesis 2.24 says, For this cause, an aunt shall leave, this father and mother cleaved to his wife, and the two should become one flesh. That's the prototype of marriage. And paul quotes that in Ephesians 5.
And he said, this is a great mystery, but I speak of Christ and the church. That is, Christ's bride is the church, as Adam's bride was Eve. So, you know, seeing Adam as this, Christ as the second Adam would suggest that the church is the second Eve.
And Eve was not the mother of Adam, so the mother of Jesus would not be necessarily the second Eve. I appreciate your call. We're going to try to get one more call in.
Connie from Spokane, Washington. Welcome to The Narrow Path.
Thank you, Steve. I just recently heard about this doctrine of rewards where some people in heaven will gain more rewards than other people based on what they've done in this life. And the people that don't receive those rewards, they will suffer losses.
And I'm just curious about that. And I can take my answer, Othir.
Okay. Well, the Bible definitely does... Thank you for calling.
The Bible definitely does talk about people having various rewards and losses. You know, in 1 Corinthians 3, paul talks about ministers who... They build the church in their ministries, but they do not do it with the right stuff.
So when it's tested by fire, they lose it, and they lose, you know, they suffer loss, paul said. They suffer loss, but they themselves are saved. So a saved person may suffer loss in the final judgment, in the final testing.
That doesn't mean they lose their salvation. paul specifically said they'll suffer loss, but will be saved. So even people who are saved can come through the judgment having less than they otherwise would have had in terms of their reward.
They lose something. Now, as far as differences in positive rewards, that seems clear enough from parables that Jesus taught like the parable of the pounds in, I believe it's in the 19th chapter or 18th chapter of Luke. And he talked about how the ones who are faithful with little and turned it into more will be entrusted with certain responsibilities.
He said, the man who produced five towns, not towns, but pounds, that he'll be a ruler over five cities. And the one who came up with ten will be the ruler over ten cities. In other words, those who stewarded what they had and produced more for the kingdom of God than others will be entrusted with more responsibility.
That probably is what the rewards are. I don't think rewards refer to bags of gold or jewels and things like that. Who cares about those?
I don't even care about those now, much less in heaven. But the reward is being entrusted by God with more responsibility, which is referred to ruling, actually. We're going to reign with Christ.
But reigning doesn't mean we're just going to have privilege and rank. It means that we get to be carry some of the responsibility of the kingdom that He has, He's vetted us for, that we've qualified for, because we've shown ourselves faithful. And that which is least, He therefore knows that He can entrust us with more.
The music is telling us it's time to quit. Hour goes by so quickly. You've been listening to The Narrow Path Radio Broadcast.
My name is Steve Gregg, and we are listener-supported. If you'd like to write to us, the address is The Narrow Path, PO. Box 1730, Temecula, California, 92593.
Or you can go to the website, which is thenarrowpath.com. At the website, everything is free, all kinds of downloads for free, but you can donate there if you wish at thenarrowpath.com. And tune in again tomorrow.
We'll continue our discussion. God bless.
Listen as Dr. James Dobson and Mary Crowley discuss the challenges women face, such as low self-esteem and the quest for self-fulfillment in a world full of distractions. Mary emphasizes the importance of confidence and a supportive community, sharing insights on finding personal success beyond societal norms. Through personal anecdotes and scripture-based wisdom, this episode aims to inspire women to discover God's plan for them and to thrive in every area of life.
Welcome everyone to Family Talk. It's a ministry of the James Dobson Family Institute supported by listeners just like you. I'm Dr. James Dobson and I'm thrilled that you've joined us.
Well, welcome to Family Talk, the broadcast division of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute. I'm Roger Marsh. And whether you're listening at home or on the go, you are in for something special today. We are bringing you a classic conversation featuring Mary Crowley, author of the book Women Who Win, Who We'll be right back. $400 million in business, powered by thousands of women working from their homes. The company became so successful that when they held a celebration, they filled an arena with 10,000 of their top saleswomen, and they featured Bob Hope and Billy Graham as special guests. But Mary's secret wasn't just business savvy. It was putting priorities in the right order. Mary started every company meeting by reading Scripture, often turning to the Proverbs for wisdom about leadership. And here's an interesting connection. Mary Kay Ash, who co-founded Mary Kay Cosmetics with a similar home party business model, was actually Mary Crowley's sister-in-law. Now, in her book, Women Who Win, Mary addresses a challenge many women still face today, and that is a lack of self-confidence. Her message is both simple and powerful. You are designed for fulfillment, and God has a plan for your life. Mary Crowley believed that by honoring God and serving others, women could find success both at home and in business. So let's listen now as Mary talks about those timeless principles with our own Dr. James Dobson on this special edition of Family Talk.
I would like to say this is one of the most generous women I have ever met. She supports Christian causes all across this country. And your generosity is legendary, Mary. So you have taken what God has given you and shared it with so many causes that you believe in. But where did all that start? How did you get into business?
Well, I got in business 27 years ago. Actually, I'd been in direct selling business before that, but now my kids were grown and I saw a need. There was a need for American women to decorate their homes with excitement and with care. And from a coordinated line of accessories, I found that women were not sure what to do. And I'd worked for furniture companies before. And so we started the business to give women an opportunity to work from their homes, be there when the kids got home from school, and still use their creative genius, which God gave every woman. Every woman is a genius. Some just don't know it yet or haven't developed yet. And this is the idea of the business, and we had twin goals. One was to honor God, because I knew by then that if we didn't honor Him, we would not be successful. Now, that doesn't mean that people who do not belong to the Lord, and there are lots of successful people, quote, in the world, they can be successful. But if I've made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Master, that I cannot be successful if I do not honor Him. Somehow along the line, he'll let me fall flat on my face. And I've done that a few times, too. I believe that's true. Absolutely. So it had to honor him. And then it had to bless and serve people. The whole world wants service. They can buy products. They can buy merchandise. They can buy lots of things. but we want genuine, caring, personal service. And that was our goal, to do that. And in so doing, to help the woman who was showing and selling our accessories to find fulfillment in herself and to have a fellowship of her sisters. You know, America needs places where people can go to belong, to find a support team. When our great-grandmothers came across the prairies, They had quilting bees and canning bees, and they had support teams for one another in their difficult times and in their joyous times. So we have built support teams all across America. And the fellowship is as important as the salesmanship. And so that's how we started. We started from our garage, very, very small. My son and my daughter and myself and a few friends, people that invested and believed in us. And it's grown beyond my wildest imagination, and it's pretty wild.
Let's address some comments to the woman who is at home, where you were when you started. I don't know what your circumstances were, but let's suppose that she feels somewhat unfulfilled and somewhat frustrated. She wants to do something significant with her life. Maybe the kids now are in the teen years, and she knows they're going to be gone before too long, and she's wondering what now. What do you say to her? How does she begin to put it all together and find out who she is? Does that necessarily mean she's got to be successful in business like you are in order to find yourself?
No. Again, I come back to the measure of success for each person. Success is a moving target. When you've got little kids at home, sometimes it's just getting through the day. You know, and then as they go into school and you begin to have other time, and then it may be reading good books and getting yourself, your mind activated again. Maybe it's starting an exercise program, whatever it is, that the measure of success that makes you feel fulfilled, it's different for everybody. And each person has to learn to define their own. Otherwise, they are always trying to
Why do you think that moving target is so difficult for American women to hit? Why do you think so many American women are frustrated?
Because they are trying to find their measure of fulfillment in what they're hearing, either on TV or maybe radio or reading in some magazine, instead of trying to find out what God's game plan is for them. I heard a wonderful interview with Walter Payton not long ago, and he defined something that was so great. The interviewer asked him, is your measure of success 100 yards gained in a game, as is the measure of success for a ball game for a running back? And he said, no, my measure of success is following the game plan consistently. designed for that game to the very best of my ability. And I thought that was a wonderful way to illustrate what everybody, God has a game plan for my life, for your life, for every woman out there with little kids or big kids or no kids. And if somebody tried to just copy mine, they might get very frustrated. I have a high energy level, and I can do a lot of things. Others might not. We're all made differently. Okay.
Could it be that God's game plan for a particular woman would be to stay home and take care of three little kids under six years of age for this period of her life? Society is telling her that that's nobody's game plan. Could that be God's game plan for some people?
Well, he says that in his word, and then he also says that older women should help the younger women. And I think this is where, again, I was talking about a support team. A lot of young women with little children are feeling so alienated and so unsupported because maybe her parents or his parents do not live close. Society has not built a support team around them in our today's world. that's where they need to find a support team. They have to have fellowship with other women, and maybe it's a Bible class, maybe it's a home interior show, maybe it's coming in part-time, or maybe it's simply finding other group of women who have uplifting, motivating things to do. put in their hours otherwise sometimes we do recruit mothers with young kids because she's sitting there watching the daytime dramas and living in a fantasy world and that is no good for her and so if we can enlighten her and lift her up and give her something to do part-time that will fulfill her desires and create you know we try to develop her creative talents women want to be accepted understood and developed They don't want to stay static. They want to be developed. So whatever. If you're sitting out there and you're thinking, well, I'm not being developed, then you find something that develops your mind, your spirit, your being. And don't sit there and get caught in that daytime drama trap of fantasy world. That's the worst thing.
You're talking about soap opera.
I am, I am. Well, that's terrible.
It really is.
Well, but that's what happens to a lot of women who are home with little kids, Dr. Dobson. That's what happens to them. And so then just being at home with the children does not minister to their spirit or does not even help them to be good mothers unless they must have a plan to be a successful mother and a successful wife and woman.
Mary, what do you say to the person who is very frustrated in their present job? Do you have any advice to a person who just feels they're in a dead-end trap? Change it. Absolutely. But it costs money. I'm making more money than I could make someplace else. Yeah, but it's not making you happy, so what good is it? But I've got to feed my family.
Find another way to feed them. No, it isn't really worth it if people are frustrated in their jobs unless there is a real way that they can change the frustration in that job. If it's their attitude, then they better change the attitude. But if it's the job itself and there is no hope of fulfillment, then change the job. Life's too short and too wonderful to waste it on frustration. Now, we'll have frustrations in all jobs. People need to realize that. There are days of frustration in any job, and you can't expect a frustration-free job. But at the end of the day, there must be something that you feel that you've accomplished in the lives of other people. or in going forward in your measure of success or something that you have done that is an accomplishment at the end of every day. Oh, there'll be days you think, well, what did I accomplish today? I've just not even gotten through the mail. I didn't get through the dishes. I didn't get through there too many. You know, we live in the day of distractomania. But you can find something, some life that you touched, something that you did that made the doing worthwhile.
I think you've put your finger on really the critical issue having to do with the support team. I've tried to write and talk about that because I find many women know they need that but don't know how to go and get it. I was counseling with a young mother just the other day in my office, and she said, I don't have anybody. I don't have any close friends. The one I had turned her back on me. And this is a very bright woman who's a schoolteacher and is very capable, very verbal, very able to get out and meet the world. Oh, I need to recruit her. And yet I find many women like that don't know how to take the first step. There is a lack of confidence perhaps to go outside that front door and maybe somebody will hurt me or reject me and it's just easier or seems easier to pull in and let the four walls collapse. I guess you're really addressing that problem.
We do. We address that problem a great deal. And you hit it when you said lack of confidence. One time I took a poll all across America from thousands of women, asked them what were their three greatest problems personality-wise, society-wise, business-wise, or family-wise. And north, south, east, and west, there was no names on the papers. It was lack of self-confidence, low esteem. I was just floored. Here's the greatest nation in the earth, the highest educational level for all women, the greatest opportunities. So I set about my goal is to help every woman I meet or that hear the sound of my voice to feel better about herself, to realize you are designed for life. God has a plan for your life, but I fully believe that they cannot find it till they find that absolute, till they realize that God is their creator, he is their maker, and then they begin to understand what is the character of God. He loves, he cares, he's just, he's fair, he has great things for us. And once you find that, you see, people often say to me, well, haven't you been discriminated against as a woman? Well, maybe I just didn't have sense enough to know it. But you see, if somebody tries to put me down, it diminishes them, not me. My self-worth is tied up in the character of God himself. And once any woman finds that out, she's redeemed. She's free to be herself and then free to have the confidence to say to somebody, look, I need some help. I want to get to know some people. And how do you turn people with low self-esteem into good salespeople? Well, first of all, they have to learn what selling really is. They have an idea that selling is going out and talking and convincing people. No, it is not. True selling is serving a need in that person. And women are very good at understanding that once you find what this person needs and help them fill the need. Women are in the habit of filling needs of children, of husbands, of You know, they're nurturers by very nature. And once they realize that it's a natural for them to be able to find the need and to fill it and to help the person in a serving way, they realize that it isn't something big out there that they have to learn, but it's something that they already have, a natural opportunity. ability to do. We just need to develop that ability and help them see what it really is. It's a matter of learning what selling really is. Most people think of it as something that you talk and that you convince. No, it's finding out person to person what her needs and desires and likes are, what she needs in her life, what she needs in her home, and then I can help you find that. I can help you Express your love for your family on the wall or in the figurines or the way that you even arrange a bouquet of flowers. And women are natural nurturers and natural helpers in this area. So once she finds out that she already has the natural ability, we just help her develop it.
You know, my book, What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women, is based on this same thing we're talking about here, where I ask over 10,000 women to rank order the sources of depression in their lives. And it blew me away, too, that the number one source of depression in young, middle-class, seemingly happily married Christian women was low self-esteem, 50%. of the original test group that I based this little study on put that number one, and 80% put it in the top five. So this pervasive lack of confidence, lack of self-worth, is extremely widespread in our culture. And I think, again, it comes back to television to some degree, where every woman feels like she's got to be beautiful and young and successful and the object of somebody's great romantic love and attention in order to feel acceptable and to feel the confidence necessary to cope with life. And unfortunately, that support system just often isn't there.
Well, and not everybody is young and slim and gorgeous.
Yeah, unfortunately. What do you do, Mary, when you're looking eye to eye with a very powerful male corporate executive who has the authority to move great numbers of people and so on? You being a woman, do you look eye to eye with him?
Oh, absolutely. Oh, I thoroughly enjoy him. I'm on lots of boards where I'm the only woman. But I don't come in and try to be a pushy female. Let me be sure that I do say that. I am there to make a contribution, not to compete. And with that complete positive attitude, I never have any difficulty there. Because God made us to have special roles and special talents and special abilities. And I can greet and meet and deal with people Corporate executives are presidents. Well, that's now.
You've got 39,000 people on your staff. What about when you had one? What about when you were beginning? Did you have that kind of confidence, or did it grow through the years?
Well, part of it has grown through the years, but I always had a lot of confidence. Well, the good Lord born me on April Fool's Day. That was wonderful, because most people worry about making a fool of themselves, and they won't do things that are going to make a fool. I didn't have to worry about that. You'd already gotten the title. I'd already gotten the title, yeah. So... But part of it comes from the fact that, well, my grandparents taught me to... place the bible as one of you know our priorities not long ago i gave a speech to young people and i took a tv guide and a bible with me and i held them up i said all of you have these two books in your home which one do you refer to the most next week dr alan redpath from england recently spoke and he said in england we used to base our morality on the bible now we base it on tv And I thought, you know, that's exactly what's happening in America, really. And so in looking at the Bible, God is who he says he is in his book. I am who he says I am in his book. And since he's who he is and I'm who he says I am, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Who does he say you are, Mary?
He says that I am a child of his. If I believe in Jesus Christ, I'm joint heirs with him. Wow! Wow! What kind of a promise that is. And then, oh, you know, many, many places he says, you talk about giving. Over in Thessalonians where he says, if you will give and share that all grace will be given in all situations and all your needs will be met. Now, that is a pretty powerful promise. And I've been claiming those for years. Tithing to me is the secret of it. You see, what I can make is not for me to be hoarding. It's a channel. It's a channel. It's kind of like forgiveness. Forgiveness is not given to us in a cup. It's given to us in a pipeline. So what I receive is to be given. You can't out-give God. He just multiplies it. I am just amazed at Him.
What do you say to the people who just feel like they can't tithe? Mary, they just can't pay their bills now, and they are $75 short every week, and just isn't enough to go around, and the kids need shoes, and there's a hole in the roof, and we're trying to put our oldest boy into Christian schools. How in the world am I going to give any money to the Lord's kingdom?
Well, I go back to when I started tithing, and it was about 40 years ago. And I was in just that same situation. I had two kids. I was a single parent. I was raising two kids. The war was on. I was working for an insurance company. My income had not risen like other people's had. It was pledge time at the First Baptist Church in Dallas, and I always pledged and gave, but I didn't think I could tithe. So, particularly night, though, the kids were asleep, and I was wrestling with that, and I was telling the Lord all the reasons I could not tithe. Hmm. And I thought of that verse in Proverbs, you know, but is the Lord convinced? He speaks to us through our creative genius mind that he gives us. Well, Mary, you're not doing such a hot job of it yourself. Why don't you give me a chance? I said, okay, Lord, I check tithe. It's your problem. It's your management of my life. I'm going to bed. So then I had to explain to our housekeeper and the kids, you know, we had to take it out first because if you don't take it out first, it won't be there. And we ate oatmeal quite a bit there in the beginning, and some of them would grumble and everything. Something happens. I can't explain it. I don't understand God's mathematics. But within two months' time, I was able to get out of debt. Behind the eight ball wasn't debt per se, but just get caught up. From that day till this, we didn't suddenly have a lot of money. But something did happen. And I can guarantee that if you give God's management of your money, he has management of your life. Things change. It really is true. I cannot explain it. It really is true. I challenge people. I've challenged. I teach classes. I told you of people, 150 people single by death or divorced. A lot of them have aging parents and a lot of problems. I challenge them every year. I say, okay, you tithe for six months. And at the end of six months, if you're not better off than you are now, I'll pick up the tab for the difference.
You just said that to three million people.
That's right. And I have never yet anybody take me up on it.
Jesus spoke more about money than any other subject. So it must be extremely important to our spiritual welfare as well as to our financial welfare.
Well, it's exciting.
Mary, we have a great deal of love for you, as I've said, for the kind of person you are, what you represent, not what you give, but who you are. You love the Lord, and it shows in everything that you do. And it's been a pleasure meeting your staff. Some of your people came with you today, and they're sitting in the gallery over there watching us broadcast today. And I just hope that you'll come back, continue doing the great work that you're doing. And I just trust the Lord will be very close to you in this coming year.
Thank you. It's been a joy to be here. And I guess I would like to say to every person out there, trust Him, try Him, prove Him. He will never let you down.
You really mean that?
I really mean that.
Have you found that true of your entire lifetime?
Absolutely. See, I've learned that Christianity is not a way of doing certain things. It's a certain way of doing all things. And I can absolutely say, without any doubt at all, if you really trust Him... He has a better plan for your life than you can have for yourself. And I am amazed at what he's done with one little orphan gal.
Bless you, Mary. Our prayers and our thoughts will be with you. Thank you.
Christianity is not a way of doing certain things. It's a certain way of doing all things. What a great thought to wrap up today's classic program featuring the late Mary Crowley here on Family Talk. Now, you've been listening to Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk and a timeless conversation between Dr. Dobson and his guest, Mary Crowley, about finding purpose, building confidence, and trusting God's plan for your life. Mary's remarkable journey from a single mother to building a multi-million dollar business, all while putting God first, continues to inspire women even today. By the way, if you missed any part of this classic program, or if you'd like to share it with someone who really needs a word of encouragement today, visit drjamesdobson.org, or you can find the program easily on the Family Talk app. Here at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute, we are committed to helping you and your family grow closer to God and each other. But these daily broadcasts and resources are only made possible through the generous support of friends like you who share our vision for strong, faith-filled families. Your tax-deductible donation today will help us continue broadcasting messages of hope and practical wisdom to millions of listeners in America and all over the world. To make a secure donation online, go to drjamesdobson.org. Or if you prefer, you can send your donation through the mail. Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, P.O. Box 39000, Colorado Springs, Colorado, the zip code 80949. And for more daily inspiration and biblical guidance, I encourage you to explore our reading plans in the Bible app by YouVersion. You can choose from 48 different plans, 24 on marriage and 24 on parenting. Each one contains three lessons to encourage growth in your relationships. These brief devotionals are perfect for busy parents or couples who want to grow together in their faith. Just open the Bible app on your phone or mobile device, search for Dr. James Dobson, and start your first reading plan today. Well, I'm Roger Marsh and from all of us here at Family Talk, we are so grateful that you've joined us for today's classic program. Be sure to join us again next time for another edition of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk. This has been a presentation of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.
Join us as Rabbi Schneider delves into the trustworthiness of the New Testament, examining criteria that historians have used to judge ancient documents. Discover how the words and testimonies of those who walked alongside Jesus offer solid ground for faith and understanding. Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith or exploring these enduring works, this episode is a chance to feel the historical and personal weight of Jesus’ presence, and to consider the transformative power His words have over our lives today.
Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I'm your host, Dustin Roberts. And for the next 25 minutes, we're going to be looking at life's most important questions. Sometimes we can feel like just another face in the crowd. But what if I told you that you're not just a statistic, you're a unique individual with a purpose and your purpose goes beyond your daily routine. It's true. Today, Rabbi Schneider, he's going to explain why God's not just interested in humanity as a whole, but in you individually. This message is called The Accuracy of Scripture. And if you'd like to learn more about Rabbi or this ministry, go online to our website, discoveringthejewishjesus.com. And now here's Rabbi Schneider.
Father, we bless you today. Lord Jesus, our Messiah, we bless you today. And we pray that you will use this broadcast to bring people to salvation and to cause us to become greater soul winners for you. And all God's people spoke Hebrew and said, Amen and Amen. We began to say that the most profound questions in life are these. Who am I? Where did I come from? How did I get here? What's going to happen to me when I die? And what am I on earth for? We said that these questions can really only be answered in the light of eternity. I pointed out the fallacies in getting our identity from this world or in living for the things of this world, because all that's in this world is passing away. But Jesus said, if you build your house on me, it's like a man that built this house on a rock. and your house is going to stand, even when the waves come and the storm blows, you're going to stand because you built your house in the eternal. We talked about that. But I want to move on today, beloved, to dwelling deeper into a subject that I touched on in the earlier broadcast that answers these questions and helps answer these questions, and that is this. Do the words of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament really give us the answers to life's greatest questions? Does the Bible, the Word of God, really answer the questions, who am I? Why am I here? And what happens to me when I die? Well, we know the Bible begins with these words in the book of Genesis. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Beloved, there is no other way to answer the existence of the universe and the reality of our existence other than the fact that there was a first cause. The Big Bang does not answer the problem of first cause. It had to start somewhere. It had to start with the cause that had no cause, and that first cause is God. The second area that we need to dwell and that I want to dwell in more deeply today is, but does the Bible really accurately record for us what Jesus said? In other words, does Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, when they record for us the words of Jesus, is the Bible an accurate record of what Jesus really said? Can it really be trusted? As I said on an earlier broadcast, no one doubts The literal historical personage of Jesus of Nazareth. Everybody knows, all historians, secular, religious alike, know that there was a literal historical person that walked upon the earth, Jesus of Nazareth. The question was, who was he? And we talked about that. The greatest amount of information that we have on who this Jesus was is the New Testament. But the question is, can the New Testament be trusted? And does it accurately record for us what Jesus did and what He said? Now I alluded to the fact earlier that Ancient historical documents were judged by certain criteria that historians agreed upon. And the New Testament writings, beloved, have the highest credibility in terms of the tests that they passed for being considered a valid, authentic, historical document. Why? Because number one, the New Testament was written by people that actually lived during Jesus' lifetime. It wasn't written by people that lived hundreds of years after his death. Alexander the Great, the records that we have of him, were written by people that lived more than 100 years after his life, yet no one doubts the accuracy of them. How much better the New Testament that wasn't written by people that lived 100 years after Jesus died, but rather the New Testament was written by people that walked with Jesus, that heard what he said, that touched him. In fact, Paul documented the people that Jesus appeared to after he had risen from the dead. And Paul starts out at the grave that Jesus appeared after he had risen from the dead, first to the two women at the tomb. And then Jesus appeared to the disciples, his apostles. And then Paul said this, not only did he appear to the apostles, Not only did he appear to the two women at the grave, he's not saying this is only symbolic. He's saying this is real. He really appeared to these people. He said, not only that, Paul said, but he appeared to me. I was on the road to Damascus to arrest, Paul said, any Jew that was believing in Jesus. And while I was on the road, Jesus appeared to me and he blinded me and knocked me off my horse. And I was on the ground blind and I couldn't see. And I spoke to the one that had blinded me. And I said, who are you? And he said, I'm Jesus who you are persecuting. Now get up and it will be told what you must do for me. So Paul says, he's alive. He's real. He appeared to me and the words that I'm giving you, these aren't fairy tales. These aren't myths. We're not making these up. I met Jesus. He spoke to me. But I love what Paul said next. Paul said, not only that, But this Jesus appeared to 500 people that were gathered together in one place all at the same time. And Paul said this, and most of those of the 500 that he appeared to at the same time, he said, are still alive today. And so Paul's making this historical argument that, no, this Jesus of Nazareth, He's not a figment of somebody's imagination. He's a real historical reality. He's the God of the universe that became flesh, who entered into space and time and revealed Himself to us. And John said, and of His glory we all received and we all saw. And so, This Jesus, beloved, it's not the Jesus that we think of when we think of Easter bunnies and fairy tales. No, Jesus is God. And He's alive, He's here, He really came, and He's making a demand on your life and in my life. And He's saying, unless you repent, you shall perish. He said, unless you believe, Jesus said, that I am He. Who is He? God in the flesh that died for your sin that died for your sin and made a way for you to come into relationship with God and go to heaven. Jesus said, unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sin.
You're listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider. He's going to be right back. But first, I want to let you know that you can watch full episodes of Discovering the Jewish Jesus on Roku television. We have episodes that are filmed in the Holy Land and outreach events from Nigeria and Gulu, Uganda, all sorts of places. Every episode is available to help deepen your understanding of scripture and the Jewish roots of your faith. So search for Discovering the Jewish Jesus on Roku today. Did you know that this ministry is all about preparing the way for the inevitable return of King Jesus? Well, it's true. And we'd love for you to partner with us in this life-changing mission today. Together, we will change lives, not just locally, but all over the world. To support this team, call 800-777-7835. That's 800-777-7835. Or you can visit us online at discoveringthejewishjesus.com. And now here's Rabbi Schneider.
Jesus said, unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sin. Now again, how do we know that? Because the New Testament tells us this, but can the New Testament be trusted? And that's what I was making the point of, that according to the standards of historians, the New Testament passed all the tests in flying colors of that which can be trusted as an ancient historical document, because it was written by people, listen, that were alive during Jesus's own lifetime. not people that lived 100 years after he died, people that walked with him, people that talked with him while he walked on earth, people that he appeared to after he had risen from the dead. And not only that, beloved, we have a multiplicity of witnesses, not only Peter, James, Paul, and all the writers of the New Testament, but others, beloved, that Paul was speaking of the 500 people at the same time, as well as people like myself and some of you today that Jesus has supernaturally appeared to. So we do well to pay attention to the words of Jesus in the New Testament, that they could be trusted, that this is a reliable, historical, accurate document telling us what Jesus said. And what did Jesus say? He didn't teach the doctrine of political correctness today. He didn't say all roads lead to the same place. He didn't say that as long as you're a good person, you can go to heaven. He didn't say that it doesn't matter if you don't believe in me, as long as you believe in God, you're a good person. No, Jesus said, unless you believe that I am He, you'll die in your sins. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to God but by me. You see, beloved one, it's not going to be long before you and I die. And when we do, it's going to be too late. Because the Bible said it's appointed for man once to die and then comes the judgment. That when you and I die, it's over. We'll have made our decision. And some of you are listening to this broadcast and God is knocking at the door of your heart. The Bible says, if today you hear His voice, do not harden your heart. Because what happens is, when the Holy Spirit is knocking on the door of our heart, when God is beckoning us, come. When we feel the weight of the Holy Spirit on us, nudging us to humble ourselves, to ask God, forgive me, forgive me. I've sinned. I need to turn my life over to you. I want this to be a new beginning for me. When we feel God doing that, beloved, if we open our heart and invite him in, Jesus said, behold, I stand at the door of your heart and knock. If you open the door, I'm going to come into you and we're going to be in relationship together and you're going to be saved. But Jesus said, unless we open the door of our heart, if we feel him knocking and we don't respond, if we keep our heart hard, if we don't yield to the voice of the Holy Spirit, if we don't soften ourselves to the presence of God and open up and let him in and say, yes, what happens, the Bible says, is that God begins to withdraw himself from us. so that we don't have an opportunity anymore. In other words, the Bible says God will not strive with man forever. But when men refuse, listen now, to receive a love of the truth, when it's being offered to them, There comes a point where God will stop offering, He'll withdraw Himself, and He'll let that person that resisted permanently become hardened. And the result of that, according to the Word of God, if the Word of God is true, that person will spend the rest of their life, the rest of eternity in hell. Now, I know today hell is not a popular doctrine, but do you know that the Bible actually talks more about hell than about heaven? And as I said earlier, Jesus said straight and narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it. But broad and wide is the way that leads to destruction and many there be that take it. You see, there's thousands of ways to be wrong, but there's only one way to be right. You can be wrong by giving your life over to entertainment. You can be wrong by giving your life over to sex. You can be wrong by giving your life over to careers. You can be wrong by giving your life over to another person. You can be wrong by living your life trying to please other people. You can be wrong a thousand different ways, but there's only one way to be right, and that's to live your life and for me to live my life for Jesus. So right now, I want to give you an opportunity, if God's knocking at your heart, just to say, Jesus, I feel you. This is true. Forgive me of my sin. I receive you. Come into me and save me now. So if you'd like to repeat after me now, let's just do that. Lord Jesus, I sense that this is your Holy Spirit speaking to me. I turn to you now. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. Thank you for dying for me. I acknowledge you died in my place on the cross and I receive your gift of forgiveness, your gift of salvation. Please forgive me now. Wash me of my sins by your blood. Come into my life by your Holy Spirit and save me. Thank you, Lord. Amen. Now, if you just prayed that prayer, beloved one, I want to encourage you to call a pastor somewhere, look in the phone book under evangelical churches or Bible-believing churches, call some churches up, say, do you believe that the Bible is literally the Word of God? Look for a Bible-believing church. Make an appointment with the pastor. Tell that pastor what you did. Tell that pastor that you want to start living your life as a committed Christian, or if you have friends or family members that are committed Christians, call them and start following Jesus. Do something immediately to begin to put into practice the commitment that you just made to the Lord. Start attending church on a regular basis. Start giving your finances to God. Start serving God's people in the church. Start living your life as a Christian. Start reading the Bible. I want to encourage you to start reading in the Gospel of John and just read straight through. I don't know if it's a chapter a day, two chapters a day, whether you're going to be so hungry you'll read the whole book at once. But read the Bible at least a couple chapters every single day. Start moving, beloved, into this new life and old things are going to pass away for you and all things are going to become new and Jesus is going to bless you. He said, seek first the kingdom of God and everything else shall be added unto you. Oh, my goodness gracious. Father God, we that know you repent of not being greater soul winners. Father God, of letting loved ones that we know that don't know you, letting them, Father God, go to hell without ever witnessing to them. So, Father, I pray that you would put a great spirit of courage on your people that are watching this broadcast right now, that they would begin to tell their friends and neighbors and loved ones about you, Lord Jesus. Amen and amen. What do you think of Jesus? I got this concept, beloved, from a dream that God gave me that he was showing me how we need to be witnessing to people and how imperative it is. In this dream, I found myself in a room. And in the room, beloved, was a simple couch. I was sitting on the couch. There was a lady sitting next to me. I couldn't see her face. And the next to the lady on the other side of the couch was this big guy about probably 6'3", 200-something pounds. And I had my head leaning on this lady next to me. And I felt like after the dream was over, the Lord was telling me it was just a symbol of being secure in relationship. You know, David said in one of his Psalms that he had stilled his soul like a child at rest on his mama's knee. You know, God is predominantly obviously revealed in the New Testament as Father, but within God's nature are also the feminine attributes. In fact, in some of God's Hebrew titles, we have him revealing himself to us in the feminine. For example, when he revealed himself to Moses, and all God's goodness passed by, and the Lord proclaimed his name to Moses, and the Lord said, I am Yahweh God, compassionate. And that word for compassionate, which is the first word that the Lord used in describing himself to Moses, actually comes from the Hebrew word rachum, which is a feminine word. It means mercy. And so predominantly, we refer to him as our father. But within God is both the male and female natures. So in this dream, getting back to the dream, I had my head leaning on this woman. I couldn't even see her face. I think it just meant securing the relationship the way a young infant is secure in its mother's arms. And then I turned to the man that was sitting on the couch and I asked him this simple question. What do you think of Jesus. Immediately, the dream shifted. I found myself in a second room. I'm sitting on a couch, and there's a young woman in the room, about 23 years old. And I say to this woman, listen, beloved ones, the same question. I believe that God Himself, by the Holy Spirit, gave me the question. I said to her this, what do you think of Jesus. And she answered and said this, well, I know he said a lot to the church, but he never said anything to me like about being boyfriend, girlfriend. And I know that sounds strange when I say that to you. And then the dream was over. And I knew when it was over that it was too strange. The whole thing was too strange. What are you saying? And the Lord was saying to me, what was happening in that second phase of the dream is that I was showing you that there are so many people out there, they've heard that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. but they never heard, the Lord was showing me, that I love them uniquely, especially, and individually. And that's what that girl was saying in the dream. Well, I know he said he loved the church. I know that he loves the world generically, but I never heard him say anything to me about being boyfriend, girlfriend. You see, she was wanting an intimate relationship. In fact, it's a type of relationship that Jesus is calling us to. He's calling to us, beloved ones, to Revelation 19, to the marriage supper of the Lamb. So God was telling me, when you witness to people, my church, don't just witness to them generally. Don't just say that God so loved the world. But when you witness to people, witness to them in such a way that you tell them that I love them. that, for example, if their name is Bill or Mary, you say, Bill, Mary, God loves you so specifically, personally. Bill, Mary, He knows everything that's going on in your life. And Bill, He's got a special plan for you. Mary, He's got a special destiny for you. Mary, God created you for Himself. Bill, God loves you more than you could ever realize. But the only way you're going to know His love The only way you're going to fulfill his purpose for your life, Bill Murray, is when you invite him into your life and make him the center of your life. God loves you today. He loves you individually, specifically, and specially. Would you receive him right now? He's knocking at the door of your heart. Beloved, the Bible speaks of there being a famine on the earth, not for food, but for the Word of God. You know, we're living in a time where there truly is a famine on the earth for the Word of God. So much teaching and preaching today is based on just making people feel good. But the truth oftentimes is not being taught. I want to ask you, beloved, to support me and to support this ministry. We're committed to teaching the truth and supporting this ministry, beloved. It ensures that I'm going to continue to be a blessing to you and that you're going to be used of God and rewarded for building his kingdom on the earth. Beloved, just do what the Holy Spirit tells you to do. That's all I've ever asked. If you sense him leading you to financially support me in this ministry, just obey him immediately. If you don't, don't do it. Just obey him, beloved, and you're going to be blessed. There always is a blessing. Now, Dustin, can you share with our listeners how they can support us and give?
I'd be happy to, Rabbi. If you sense the Lord knocking on the door of your heart and leading you to financially support discovering the Jewish Jesus with a gift of any amount, then please reach out to us today. Call us at 800-777-7835. And if it's easier, you can give online at our website, discoveringthejewishjesus.com. And for those of you who feel called to support this ministry even further, I want you to know about a great resource and our partnership with Freewill. Freewill is an online and intuitive platform that simplifies the process of creating a will. It's free and it's user-friendly. And when you use free will, you can ensure that your earthly blessings continue to further the kingdom's work even after your days here on this earth are done. If you'd like to discover more about free will, I want to encourage you visit DiscoveringTheJewishJesus.com. Click on the resources tab and then need a will. You'll find all the details. It's free and it's easy. Once again, thanks so much for helping us extend our message and bring the hope and the healing of the Jewish Jesus to so many people all over the entire world. Once again, our address is Discovering the Jewish Jesus, P.O. Box 777 Blissfield, Michigan 49228. And many people, sometimes they don't remember that you can also text in your donation. Just type the keyword rabbi to the phone number 45777. We look forward to hearing from you soon. And now let's wrap up today's message on the accuracy of Scripture with God's sacred and special blessing. Rabbi.
What I love about the Aaronic blessing is that it did not originate with man. The words actually proceeded from the very essence of God himself. The blessing comes from the book of Numbers, chapter six. So listen to these words and receive the blessing of the Lord into your life today.
Yevarechech Yahweh, vayishmarecha. Yair Yahweh, penavelecha, vichunecha. Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, His peace. God bless you and shalom.
This program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And I'm Dustin Roberts. Come back next week when Rabbi Schneider gives us some deep revelation from the book of Ephesians. That's Monday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.
In this episode of Through the Bible, we delve into the powerful teachings of the book of Hosea as Dr. J. Vernon McGee guides us through the trials of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Ignoring God's word not only led to spiritual adultery but also brought about God's judgment in a dramatic and prophetic transition. As we reflect on the message shared by the evangelist D.L. Moody and stories from Dr. McGee's own ministry, we're prompted to consider the essential role of scripture in our everyday lives. Throughout Hosea chapter 4, we witness the consequences that befell Israel when they neglected their sacred texts. Dr. McGee draws parallels to modern times, illustrating how turning our backs on divine guidance can lead to moral decay and personal dissatisfaction. Whether through personal anecdotes or deep scriptural insights, this episode calls listeners to introspection and a return to God’s word. Join us as we uncover the inhibitors to spiritual fulfillment and the inevitable consequences of idolatry and sin. Whether you are a long-time believer, a part of our World Prayer Team, or someone in search of spiritual clarity, this study provides profound insights. Prepare to embark on this enlightening journey through Scripture with renewed understanding.
The foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith.
The evangelist D.L. Moody was right when he said, The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible. Listening to and obeying God's Word is a protection over our lives. And that's one reason that I'm so glad that you're here at Through the Bible, ready to get into God's Word with Dr. J. Verna McGee. And as you know, we're in the book of Hosea on our five-year journey through the whole word. And in this study, we're going to learn how the northern kingdom of Israel turned away from God because they forgot his word. Well, not only did they forget it, they wanted nothing to do with it. They completely turned their backs on God's ways. And you know, that's when God's man Hosea stepped up and said, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge of God's word. And then he relayed God's chilling consequence. Because you forgot the law of your God, I will also forget your children. I will change your glory into shame. Wow. I don't know about you, but that sobering pronouncement makes me sit up and listen. We're in Hosea chapter four. So as you open your Bible, let's listen to Dr. McGee's introduction on why God will judge his people.
Now God says that he must judge the nation. And he says that he will change their glory into shame. Now the glory of Israel was actually the temple with the Shekinah glory upon it and his visible presence with the nation and his definite leading of them. And they're witness to the world of that day of monotheism. In a world of polytheism, they worship the living and the true God. That was their glory. It brought the Queen of Sheba from the ends of the earth. Now what is happening is this. God says, I will remove my glory from you. I'll remove my blessing from you. And I will judge you. I'll let the enemy come in upon you and take you away. And of course, the enemy is going to be able to say, look, they said they were God's chosen people. And look what's happening to them. And apparently their God's not a very strong God. Friends, we're seeing today in this land of ours something very similar to that. God is judging many churches and he's closing many doors today. You can look about you in this land of ours and see that God is still judging. And we are inclined to say, isn't it a shame to see a decline in a certain church? Well, maybe God closed the door. We need to recognize that only God today can afford to judge his own people, and he does that.
Before jumping into our study, I invite you to join our World Prayer Team. Together we pray for listeners like Nora in the Philippines who writes this. I heard your message and want to know if you will really be forgiven. I have sinned in the past and I have thought that I am unforgivable. I got involved with another man and our entire village knows. I'm hurting and crying right now, but your words in my language of Locano comfort me and give me hope. For the first time, I feel as if God might accept me as I am. Please tell me what to do next. Please tell me more about Jesus and how I can be redeemed. Are you ready to join us for the journey? Well, hop aboard as we pray for millions of listeners like this one all over the world by signing up at ttb.org forward slash pray. And let's do that now. Thank you, Heavenly Father. Thank you for the privilege of hearing your word. Help us to turn what distracts us and do what pleases you. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of sharing your word with the world. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. We're off to Hosea 4 on Through the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
Now, we got down last time through the sixth verse of the fourth chapter of Hosea. And again, I'd like to say that this sixth verse here of this fourth chapter is considered one of the most familiar verses that we have. It's one that is quoted a great deal. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And that's the way it opens. I went through it last time, and I'll not go any farther than that. But it was a lack of the knowledge of the Word of God that was the background of the sin of these people. The minute that Christian friend, you get away from the Word of God, you could not live a triumphant Christian life by any means. You could not live well-pleasing to the Lord. And I do not care how many of these method conferences you go to that have all these little gimmicks that if you do this and do that and do the other thing, that things are going to work all right for you in your home and in your place of business and in your social life, and everything will work out right. My friend, the Word of God makes it very clear that That's not by these little gimmicks, these little methods. It's by a knowledge of the Word of God. Now, that is as clear as the noonday sun in this book and certainly in other places. Now, will you notice as God continues to bring against the northern kingdom his judgment upon them, that is, he hands down a decision. He's going to judge them. And he has now proven that To them, his case, they broken the Ten Commandments. He went down the list and they had broken them. Now he says, as they were, verse 7, as they were increased, so they sinned against me. In other words, as the nation increased, God had promised to bless them by multiplying them. He told Abraham that. But all it did was just bring another sinner into the world. And after all, that's what happened when I came into the world. Just another sinner came into the world. But thank God, the grace of God reached down and somebody gave me the Word of God. And I was able to trust Christ as my Savior. But these people, they have an ignorance. They have no knowledge of the word of God. As they were increased, so they sinned against me. Therefore, will I change their glory into shame. God says, I'm going to turn your glory into shame. They eat up the sin of my people. They set their heart on their iniquity. They not only sin, but they like to brag about it. As a young fellow, ran with a pretty fast crowd in the bank I worked in. And we always like, especially on Monday morning, to brag about our weekend, what we did. And you know what it was, either to get drunk or... some adultery or something like that. That's what you brag about. And they not only sinned, they bragged about it. And there, verse 9 now, chapter 4 of Hosea, and there shall be like people, like priests. The unfortunate thing is that the priesthood had sunk down to the level of the congregation. Now, I have always believed, and as you've heard me say, that I started out in the ministry. I wore a Prince Albert coat and a wing collar. I look like a mule looking over a whitewash fence. But I soon gave that up. I dress just like the man sitting out in the pew. And I'm no different than that man in the pew. But I want to say this, that I want in the pulpit to give out the word of God so that I don't sink down to the level of that which is the man of the world. And today there are many ministers. They're the good guys. one man boasted to me he says you know he says my preacher says you know he says he comes out to our golf club he plays golf and i'm for that i do that i think it's great to mix with folk like that says after the game says he goes in the bar room with us has a drink with us says you know said he's just one of the fellas says i sure do like him well I wonder what God thinks about him. Like people, like priests. And I'll punish them for their ways and reward them for their doings, for they shall eat and not have enough. In other words, famine is coming to the land. And who would ever have believed that this great land of ours, just last year, a few years ago, that there would be no scarcity. Whoever heard of it, that you couldn't buy meat at the meat market, you couldn't buy bread, that there would be a scarcity of anything. May I say to you, I'm not sure. I think God judged us in the dust bowl many years ago. That's when I entered the ministry. And nobody listened to God then. Then we had to fight World War II. God judged us. And we didn't come back to God even World War II. So we've been fighting somewhere ever since. Just can't give it up. They shall eat, not have enough. They shall commit harlotry and shall not increase. You know, there's one thing, friends, about adultery. And I know today that I'm talking to a great many people that have had this in their mind and their heart because we're living in this day. And you can take it from a fellow that one time in his life before he's saved, you can never, never enjoy in a way in which God really wants you to until you can enjoy it in marriage. And when you can put your arms around the woman that you have been loving and you can say to her, I love you. above everything else in the world. Now, I say when you can say that, my friend, then there'll be an increase. And it'll be wonderful. Oh, they were committing adultery then, and they're doing it today. But actually, there's really no satisfaction in it. It's just a sort of a temporary release. And you hate yourself after that. And I know that. And some of you know that, my friend. And God knows that because that's what he's saying here. God's spelling it out for you. They shall eat and not have enough. They shall commit harlotry, adultery, and they shall not increase because they have ceased to take heed to the Lord. Harlotry and wine and new wine take away the heart. Last time we gave you all these statistics about liquor in this country today. And nobody, and I mean nobody today, is lifting a voice against this. And I don't think I've said very much about it. But I sure have said a whole lot the past couple of days. And from time to time, we do mention it. Arlatrin wine and new wine take away the heart, my friends. And part of our problem in Washington today are these two sins, harlotry, adultery, and liquor. They're the two problems in our government today. That's the reason that men lie. That's the reason that men will do crooked things. And that is not confined to one party or just one group. The whole crowd is guilty today. One writer said that in Washington, you don't know who to trust. May I say to you, what a sad commentary on our nation today. Don't tell me the new morality is working. It didn't work for Israel. They got away from the word of God and they said, we try something new. And they went in for it. The northern kingdom, you see, they had sin galore. They put up two golden calves. And with that worship of Baal, I was connected with it, the grossest forms of idolatry and the Verse 12, my people ask counsel of their idols, and their staff declareth unto them, for the spirit of harlotry hath caused them to err, and they have played the harlot departing from under their God. Now he's speaking here of the harlotry, spiritual adultery, which is turning from God. They went to inquire of idols. And today, we find people running after the gurus of India. Well, they haven't done much for India, by the way. But yet, we've had a crowd running after them. And someone has said that one of them that came over here, he said that very candidly, he came for the money. And that it was nothing in the world but a religious racket as far as he was concerned. Yet people went after him. People are going off into this type of thing today. And there's actually the worship of Satan today. I have here a clipping that comes from Daytona Beach, Florida. A group of Satan cultists tortured and beat a 17-year-old youth to death, believing he was an undercover narcotics agent, police said Wednesday. May I say to you that worship of Satan today is certainly not helping morality by any means. And these people going into idolatry, idolatry was leading them into gross immorality. Now, let me keep reading here. And They sacrifice, this is verse 13 now, chapter 4. They sacrifice upon the tops of the mountains and burn incense upon the hills under oaks and poplars and elms because the shadow of them is good. That's where they put their idols, was on top of a hill under a grove. And you hear a great deal in scripture. And they found out today, archaeologists, that the center of worship of idolatry was in these groves. It was cool there, nice place to go. Therefore, your daughters shall commit harlotry and your spouses shall commit adultery. You see, the worship of idols, and we today have turned to idolatry, covetousness, All of this today, the greed of this country today has caused many a family to try to get on in the world. They want to move to a better neighborhood. They want a swimming pool. They want a boat to take down. And they say we're doing this for their children. And then all of a sudden their children take off and there are thousands. Thousands of young people today that are wandering up and down this country and all over the world. I saw them in Hawaiian Islands. I talked to three young people in Constitution Square in Athens, Greece. Two young men and a young lady. And I'm sure that none of them were beyond their teens. One of them could have been 20. And there they sat, and they were then under the influence of drugs. I tried to talk with them, and I tried to find out who they were. And they said, we're nobody. We don't count. We've dropped out. What's happened today, friends? What's taking place today? Why, the problem is back there in the home. We're idolaters. We're worshiping the almighty dollar. We've forgotten God. We've turned away from the living and true God, and we no longer worship him. And we've not turned to a savior that can redeem us and help us. Now, verse 14. He says, I will not punish your daughters when they commit harlotry, nor your spouses when they commit adultery, for they themselves are separated with harlots, and they sacrifice with harlots. Therefore, the people that doth not understand shall fall. God says ignorance, so the law excuses no one. And because these people have gone on, I'm not going to judge them for the sin they're committing right now. I'm going to judge them because they've turned from the living and true God and from his way. My friend, as I said to a man, and I met him on a golf course, by the way, and he said, joined our foursome he soon left us when he found out we were three preachers and this man made a statement well he said that he guessed that he was a sinner he'd done this that and the other said yes I guess I'll go to hell and I said brother you know you're not going to hell because you commit these sins he says what do you mean I'm not going to hell because I thought that's what you preachers said I said this preacher never said that I said you're going to hell because you've rejected Jesus Christ These people were being judged not because they had become harlots. They were judged because they've turned from the living and true God. Now, will you notice he says here, though thou Israel play the harlot, yet let not Judah offend and come not ye unto Gilgal, neither go ye up to Beth-Avon or swear the Lord liveth. God says, I'm going to hold Judah back. I'll not judge Judah yet. And Judah, don't come up and worship these calves that they put up here. Now we come to something that's quite interesting. Verse 16. For Israel slideth back like a backsliding heifer. Now the Lord will feed them as a lamb in a large place. Now, friends, let's look at what really backsliding is. A great many people think backsliding means that you have become a Christian, joined the church, and then you drop back into sin, and that's backsliding. Now, may I say to you, that's not backsliding the way it's used here. And God illustrates it so you can't miss it. For Israel slideth back like a backsliding heifer. Now, I'm very happy the fact that as a boy, I had the privilege of living in the country and in a little town. And I think I've mentioned this before. There's a live next door to us in southern Oklahoma in a little town. We lived in a rancher. He had a big ranch and he had two boys and they were both about my age. And we three played together. We used to ride these heifers out in the lot and they would, you know, tie a rope around. As we said in that day, a belly band we'd put on them. We'd hold on to that. And then they'd buck us off. Now, every now and then, this rancher would load up. This was in the days before the automobile. In a wagon, he would load up these heifers to take them to market or take them out to the ranch. And he had a great big board. That is, it was a thing constructed out of boards that he put up at the back end of the wagon. It was a runway that you just try to run the heifer up back. Well, what they'd do, you'd put a rope around the heifer, and then you'd push her from the back. And as you'd get the heifer up, she'd go a part of the way, then she'd stiffen those front feet. She'd just put them out stiff. And you know what would happen? You couldn't pull her. She'd start sliding backwards. That's what backsliding is. Backsliding heifer. They were stiffening their front feet. And instead of being led of God, they were slipping backward all the time. And backsliding means when you turn your back on God and you step on that little neck of yours and that little mind of yours and you say, I'll have nothing to do with God. You're backsliding when you do that. You see, when you refuse to go the way God wants to lead you. Now he calls Israel here a backsliding heifer. There are a lot of backsliding heifers today and bulls also, by the way. Now, let me read the next verse. Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone. Now, we come to another word here. The word backsliding is mentioned three times in this book, and you'll recall it's only Jeremiah and Hosea, and they spoke to a nation ready to go into captivity, accused them of doing this, refusing to be led of God, refusing to come to God. Now, Ephraim, that name occurs 36 times. He picks out one of the tribes of the 10 tribes in the north and applies it to all 10 of the tribes. And I frankly have never been able to figure out just how God uses that term. Is he using it in a way that is the term of endearment or is it a term of ridicule? Now, this time through Hosea, I've come to the conclusion that it's a term of endearment. It's a pet name. You see, Israel in the north had really no name as a nation. Judah in the south was really the nation. And these 10 tribes had revolted, you see. And now God gives them, I think, a pet name. And you'll find all the way through, it'll occur 36 times, Ephraim. And he says this in, I would say, a longing sort of way, but with a note of finality. He says here, Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone. God says there comes a day in a man's life that if he keeps on being in a backslidden condition, refusing to listen to God, there'll come a day when God no longer can speak to that man. Now he says to them, your drink is sour. You'll become an alcoholic if you keep at it, brother. And it's not a disease. It's a sin. Their drink is sour. They have committed harlotry continually. Her rulers love shame more than glory. And the sad thing today is that we have men in government in high places instead of using a language that is clean. And chase. They love to cuss. And they love to drink. They love the shame more than glory. The wind hath bound her up in its wing. They're carried away by every wind of doctrine. And they shall be ashamed because of their sacrifices. God says, I'm going to make them ashamed before it's over with. Well, that brings us to the conclusion of chapter 4. Begin chapter 5 next time. Until then, may God richly bless you, my beloved.
Well, Dr. McGee convinced me of the joy and peace found in living a quiet, righteous life before the Lord. How about you? We're midway through our study in Hosea now, so if you'd like to share these studies with a family member or friend, they're available on our app or at ttb.org. Or to purchase our Bible bus flash drive that conveniently holds all of Dr. McGee's five-year messages and also includes all of his notes and outlines for our studies and more than 100 of his booklets, you Shop our online store at ttb.org or call us at 1-865-BIBLE. And while you're at ttb.org, check out our new softcover Bible companions for the New Testament. Again, that's ttb.org or 1-865-BIBLE. And when you call us, please tell us how you listen. Is it by app or online? Is it YouTube, your local Christian radio station? There are so many different options. And you know, by sharing this little bit of information, you help us to be good stewards of the resources that God has so graciously provided through faithful listeners like you. Now, as we break for the weekend, join me for Dr. McGee's Sunday sermon. You can listen by app, online, or look at our radio station listing at ttb.org. I'm Steve Schwetz, and I'll meet you right back here next time as we continue to make our way through the Bible.
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