In today’s episode of Victorious Faith, Cherry Campbell dissects lesson number 10 on the Kingdom of God, emphasizing the call to seek first His kingdom for ensured provision. Cherry shares critical insights from her international ministry experiences, guiding listeners away from spiritual misbeliefs and towards genuine transformation through God’s Word. Discover how aligning with God’s system and laws brings about the heavenly results you seek.
Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with international missionary and Bible teacher, Cherri Campbell.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherri Campbell. This morning we’re going to begin studying lesson number 10 in a class that I taught called The Kingdom of God. And this lesson number 10 is called Understanding the Rich Young Ruler. So join me now in our live class for the beginning of lesson number 10, Understanding the Rich Young Ruler. Let’s go back to our text scripture in Matthew chapter 6. Matthew chapter 6. And you know, we have been going line upon line, precept upon precept. We’re not trying to rush through. But we need to understand the kingdom of God more than we ever have. As I’ve said it already, that this is the time more than ever that we must learn about the kingdom of God and understand how it operates so that we can be walking in it, operating in it fully, skillfully. proficiently so that we can be receiving the benefits of it because as we looked at scripture already that the kingdom of this world is going to be destroyed it has an end and that it is already shaking and so if you want a secure life we must be operating in the kingdom of God so let’s just read here in Matthew chapter 6 verses 31 to 33 So do not worry, saying, What shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or what shall we wear? For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Now we’ll stop there for a second again and mention that When Jesus said, don’t worry about what you’re going to eat, drink, and wear, those are the basic needs that every human being has for life. And so we could actually, honestly, add to that list every need that we have. You can add to that your house, your car, your job, or your ministry. or whatever it is that you need in this life, it would go in that same list. And he’s saying, don’t worry, don’t give anxious thought about these things that you need. And he said, the pagans are running after all these things. And as we said, pagans are people that are looking to something else or someone else or some other God to meet their needs. It doesn’t have to be an idol. It could be an idol. But it doesn’t have to be. It could be the bank. It could be the church. It could be the government. It means looking to someone or something else other than the living God for your source of supply, for everything that you need. And that’s what the pagans are doing. And he said, you don’t do that. Just don’t do it. And he said, because your heavenly father knows that you need these things. And he says, but what do you seek? Now the pagans are seeking what they need. But Jesus said, you seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. And all these things will be given to you as well. So he’s saying for you and I that we need to be seeking his kingdom and that if we seek the kingdom, the things that we need will be given to us. And I’ll just remind again of what this one pastor said to me in another country where I was at. One pastor said to me, I just believe that if I serve the Lord with all my heart and And I work hard for him that he’ll give me everything I need. He’ll meet all my needs. And I ask people whenever we’re talking about this, I said, do you believe that? Do you think that’s true? And it’s not true. That is not true. But most Christians think it’s true. And it’s not. What that pastor said is not true. I asked him, then why are you poor? The proof is in the result. You are serving the Lord. You’re working hard every day. This pastor was a very busy man, liked to be busy with the work of the ministry. But he still was poor. He still had a lot of needs. And as I have been in many different countries, most pastors, especially outside of the developed nations, such as America, most pastors don’t have a car. Most pastors don’t even live in a very nice home. Many live in a very poor quality home. I’ve been in their homes. Many of them are in even bush material or homes made out of tin. Don’t even have an indoor bath. And I saw this one pastor in a place where there are many affluent or well-to-do people. even right across the street, people that are well-to-do. And yet he was living in a bush house and his bath was a little waterfall behind the house. And I’m saying, why are you living like this? You’re serving the Lord. And that’s pastors. not to mention millions of Christians around the world, including in the United States, that don’t have all their needs met, that are still having financial need, physical need, mental needs, emotional needs. They still have their needs. Now, is what Jesus said a lie? No. Matthew 6.33 is the truth. Now, what that pastor said was not the truth, but what Jesus said is the truth. And the problem is, is that what people are saying is not what Jesus is saying. Amen. Now, what Jesus said is the truth. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all, everybody say all. All. All these things. What? All what? These things. These things. You mean Jesus really wants you to have things? Are you sure? Are you really sure? Well, that’s what he says here. All these things. Things. Everybody say things. Things. Things, things, things, things, things. God wants you to have things. And things are not bad. Things are good. All these things will be given to you. When you do what? Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. So pastors, Christians in this country and around the world, are thinking they’re doing what he said. But, I challenge you, the proof is in the result. Are you getting the result? And I would say it again, if you’ve been a Christian for even a few weeks or a few months, you should quickly begin seeing results as soon as you start doing what he said to do. And if you do what he said to do, you will begin seeing these things that you need. You will begin seeing the house, the car, the food, the clothes, the job, the ministry, everything that you need. It doesn’t take long. And yet many Christians have been serving the Lord for years and still don’t have these things that they need. So… A lot of Christians want to go to church and pretend everything is okay. Oh, praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Yes, we’re serving the Lord. Everything’s good. But they’re struggling every day of their life with the things that they need, the things that they don’t have, the finances or the health or peace or anything like that. Well, I’m a person who doesn’t want to pretend everything’s okay when it’s not. I want results. And I don’t want to serve the Lord for 80 or 100 years and come to the end and still not have the things I need. I want to see results. And so we need to learn that what he’s talking about is obviously not what we’re doing. What we’re doing isn’t bringing the results. So we need to check it out and just see that something is wrong here. What’s wrong with this picture? And find out what’s wrong and change our course and our way and do it the way he said to do it. Amen? And then we would very quickly begin seeing results. It doesn’t take weeks and months and years. You can begin seeing change in minutes. and in hours, and in days. Amen. Because it works. The Word works. I’ve said this for a long time. If you work the Word, the Word will work for you. The Word works. The Word produces results. Amen. And so we’ve been finding that what we’re doing is not what he said to do. He said, seek first his kingdom. And so in any kind of a church meeting, I might ask people, what do you think that means? Well, that one pastor told me, serve the Lord with all my heart. Work hard for him. I said, then why are you poor? that’s not what it’s talking about. Serving the Lord is not what it’s talking about. Most people, most Christians think it means going to church, reading the Bible, and praying. And I’ve been in a lot of places where they do all-night prayer. And I was preaching this message one time in a church in Africa where they would have all-night prayer. And they said, yeah, now that you mention it, we’re doing all these all-night prayers? We’re still poor. And I mean, just the light came on. They thought, well, we just got to pray more. We got to pray another all night, another night, all through the night. We got to do it some more. And that’s not what it’s talking about doing. Because if that’s what it was talking about, we’d be already seeing results. So what we are finding is that the kingdom of God, kingdom coming from the word king and domain, or dominion, meaning territory. It’s a territory ruled by a king. And we’ve got three words that we’ve been studying that define the kingdom. It is the what? Of God. Power of God. The government of God and the system of God and the laws of God. Now, if we study the government of God, if we study the system of God and we study the laws of God… Then the Lord said it to me like this, if we know what he knows, what God knows, and if we do what God does, we get the results that God gets. We will get the results. So our quest, our pursuit, our search and our pursuit is to find out what does God do. And then we do the same thing that he does. And the thing is, how did God create the heavens and the earth? How did God create light? How did Jesus heal the sick? How did Jesus raise the dead? Now, if we do those things, we will get the same results. Now, God did not go to church. When he created the heavens and the earth. And God did not read the Bible. There was no Bible. He is the living word. God did not pray. He doesn’t have to pray. He’s God. Those are the things that we do. And we should be doing them. But as we also saw, millions of Christians are doing those things. And without revelation knowledge, you can go to church, read the Bible and pray and still get no result. Revelation knowledge of the ways of God. What you just heard was the beginning of lesson number 10 in a class that I taught on the kingdom of God. And this lesson number 10 is called understanding the rich young ruler. And we will continue this lesson again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
We’re glad you joined us today for Victorious Faith with Cherri Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at where you can listen to the Victorious Faith radio broadcast, find biblical study helps, contact Cherri, and make donations. You can also write to us at P.O. Box 509 East Lake, Colorado 80614. Victorious Faith is a God and Partners supported ministry. As you sow seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world.