In a heartfelt conversation, Barbara emphasizes the importance of appointing one’s days with divine purpose. Through biblical insights, including Psalm 90, she encourages listeners to set spiritual priorities and usher in success through faith-based practices. Gain inspiration from her journey of eliminating worry and embracing God’s enduring love, while preparing for a future filled with joy and fulfillment.
Jimmy Lakey (Host) :
Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. This is Jimmy Lakey, and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at Box 370367, Denver, Colorado, 80237, or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a Word Power Daily Reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address, including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number, 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let’s join Barbara in the studio.
Barbara Carmack (Host) :
Welcome to Call to Freedom. I hope I’m going to be here for the half hour because KLTT has a new computer system. And so we’re just hoping and praying it’s going to work. If you’ve ever had a new computer installed in your home or office, you understand the complications and the details. So I’m praying that it will be on the air for you. God bless you for listening to Call to Freedom. It’s been such a wonderful time, not only for me, but I hope for you to be able to listen. I get so many edifying calls and messages and emails and notes when you send in your donations, how much you appreciate that. not only the radio program, but the newsletter. And I’m kind of surprised at the newsletter. So many of you are saying, oh, there’s such good stuff in the newsletter. And it’s only four pages, folks. But I try to get as much into those four pages as I can. And of course, there’s not a whole lot of advertising. So I’m glad that you’re listening and you’re You’re enjoying and you’re reading and God is just so good to us, isn’t he? Oh, I pray that out of God’s glorious riches, he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being. Oh, I pray that for you every day. I really do. I want to tell you that I got a call from Kimberly this morning. She says, Mom, I’m out of Broken Arrow. I’m on my way. And she said, the weather is glorious. And it is. It’s just beautiful. God just made the weather for her and her traveling. So we’re going to see her tomorrow and probably the rest of the week and then into the meeting. And, of course, we have a meeting this Saturday, and that’s February the 8th. We’re going to have just a great time. It’s going to not be as warm as it is today. It’s in the 70s today. Praise God. And we’re going to just be really enjoying each other, having a wonderful time, loving God and loving each other. That’s what it’s all about. And the meeting will start at 10 o’clock. And we’ll also have lunch at home here in my home. And I’m hoping, I think I’m going to do that quiche. It’s just so good. And Shari, if you’re listening, thank you so much. Shari lives on the Western Slope, and she sent me this for a large party, and it’s just delicious. So Kimberly and I are going to be busy, I think, Friday making that quiche for you. So call me if you’d like to come on Saturday at 10 o’clock. Call me at 1-877-917-7256. And we will have chair ready for you and table ready for you. And it’s going to be a wonderful time. If you’d like to bring a side dish, I’m just going to leave it up to you. Because most of the time when I say A through M is a salad, you’re bringing a dessert. So just bring your favorite side dish. It’s okay with me. I’m cool with anything you bring. God bless you. And before I say you are blessed to dispense, I’m going to say it twice. You are blessed to dispense, for in him you live and move and have your being. Let’s do the Monday Bible slogan. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. Remember that. What the Bible says you have, you have. Don’t let your words detour you or be an obstacle for you and do what it tells me to do. This is my Bible. It has given me new life. It is the word of God. Oh, rejoice for the steps of a righteous person are ordered of God. And that’s so good for you today. Again, you are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. And I so enjoy having you listening to previous programs. You can go to, click on Radio Show, and I just got a beautiful homepage picture that my webmaster, Chris, is working on. Oh, beautiful. And I’m just looking forward. It’s going to take a little while. before it’s on there. But you have the radio shows on there, you have the newsletters on there, and also the donate button if you want to donate to Call to Freedom. God bless you for all you do. Our memory verse this week is just, it’s just a foundation, a foundational passage of scripture. And from this passage of scripture, Kenneth E. Hagin says, He made, or he didn’t make, he allowed God to work in him to bring about the Rhema Bible College. And this is a scripture that he stood on, absolutely stood on. And Jesus said to his disciples, have faith in God. It’s Mark 11. You’ve got to learn this, Mark 11, 22 through 25. Have faith in God. I tell you the truth. You can say to this mountain, may you be lifted up and thrown into the sea and it will happen. I’m going to talk about some of the mountains we have in our lives that we need to get rid of. We need to get rid of. We can’t stumble over them one more day. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. This is Jesus speaking. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve already received it, it will be yours. Receive what Jesus did on the cross for you. If you’re sick, if you have financial woes, remember that Jesus did it for you almost 2,000 years ago, folks. He’s not going to do it tomorrow. He already did it. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you’re holding a grudge against. so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too. What we’re going to really zero in on is the 24th verse. Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have already received them, and they will be granted you. If you have forgiveness in your heart, God is not going to condemn you. No, don’t feel the guilt and condemnation. I mean, just go to him and say, Father God, I do. I have some guilt in my heart and I have some unforgiveness in my heart. And that can especially happen if you have an ex-husband or an ex-wife or children that have left you and they’re rebelling. Just forgive them and love them. Love them out of the situations they’re in. It’s so wonderful to know that. So we’re going to do Mark 11, 24. I’ve got a verse of scripture. I hope all of you have a verse of scripture that God has given to you. I remember in college, oh, I was just so ignorant. As an 18, 19, 20, 21 year old during those years, I hadn’t, you know, I took my Bible to church and I opened it when the pastor was preaching. And I maybe looked and glanced at verses during prayer meeting on Wednesday night or other times. But I didn’t take the Bible as a course on my life, the depth of it. And so I’m trusting that you have a verse of Scripture like I have a verse of Scripture. And I’ve told you before that it was Psalm 62, verse 1. And it’s different maybe in your translation, but I have stuck with that verse. It’s been my guide to verse for this year because I’ve got some things I’m working on in my flesh. Yeah, I do. And I know that most of you have something that you’re working on. Now, if you’re not working on it, then maybe you should be. And my soul waits. That’s the way it starts. Psalm 62, verse 1. My soul waits. And God added these words. Holy Spirit added these words. And I’m trusting in you as long as it takes for deliverance to come. And why deliverance? Because I’ve had some issues in my life. And he’s appointed those days for us that we can begin to understand what we were meant to be by his creative power. I mean, we’re created to be powerful people, creative people, loving people. And the world has just twisted some of that to turn into some chaos. awful things. And so I’m going to talk a little bit today about especially about the inferiority. But let’s go to appointing your days. And you can find that in Psalm 90, verse 12. I went to Jonathan Cahn because he’s got this in his book of mysteries. And here is teacher again, as if you’ve got a February newsletter, you know that on the third page of the newsletter, I had a beautiful a dialogue between teacher and student from Jonathan Cahn about love. Here it is from Psalm 90. verse 9 through 12. And here’s teacher. We’ve spoken of the year before you, said the teacher. Today we will speak of the days before you. What will the days yet to come bring to your life? Well, how could I know that, I replied. I don’t really have a say in the matter. But what if you did? In the Hebrew, it says, teach us to manah, M-A-N-A-H, to number our days. And that’s in Psalm 90, verse 12. As for the days who understands your power, teach us to number our days that we may present to you a heart of wisdom. That’s what you’re seeking, friend. That’s what your goal is, to be a person full of wisdom and knowledge of God. So teacher goes on to say, and after the student says, But how could I know that? I don’t really have a say in the matter. But what if you did, said the teacher. In the Hebrew it says, teach us to manner or number our days. Manna appears in the book of Jonah where it is written that God mannas a fish, a worm, and a wind. Well, then manna must mean more than a number. It does. It means to prepare and to appoint. You must not only number your days, you must learn to prepare your days, to appoint your days. Now, when I wake up in the morning, I prepare my day in my spirit first, and then I take care of my flesh, you know, eating breakfast, having a cup of coffee, doing the laundry, that kind of thing. But I prepare and appoint my spirit first. You must not only number your days, you must learn to prepare your days to appoint your days. Well, how can I prepare my days before they happen? And like I just said, you prepare spiritually before I even put my feet on the carpet by my bed. I say, this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. See, I’m declaring my day. by just declaring that verse of scripture from the Psalms, this is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I’m not going to look at this day with gloom or with sadness at all. And that’s what God is asking us to do. And prayer, prayer isn’t the, is not, excuse me, prayer isn’t only for what is, but for what is not yet. And see, it’s like Mark 11, 24 says, And these things that I’m saying to you is Jesus is saying this. I therefore say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have already received them. You have appointed your days to receive the manifestation of what Jesus has already done. Okay, so you are sick. So you’re saying, Father God, I thank you that you have manifested what you gave to me in Scripture, that by your stripes I’m healed, and I was healed with you on the cross. So I am thanking you for manifesting this miracle in my life, in Jesus’ name. And you can say it any way you want to. God wants you to talk to him. That’s so wonderful. That’s what’s so wonderful. So prayer isn’t only for what is. but for what is not yet, for what is to come. And the student says, but I can’t determine what will happen. And teacher says, it doesn’t matter what happens. You appoint your days in God to bring what is good. And then you use your days to accomplish those purposes. Don’t let your days determine your life. And that’s what so many of us have done. We’ve allowed our days to determine our life. And then by the end of the day, we’re so exhausted. Oh, we’re so tired. Unless you’re appointing your days with the word of God, the love, the peace, the joy, the favor, the success, you’re just going to be spinning around in circles. Let your life determine your days. Appoint your days for the purposes of the Most High. Oh, I love that. Thank you, Jonathan Cahn. And the mission for this page in appointing your days is is to prepare the days ahead, set them apart, commit them into God’s hands and appoint them for the fulfilling of his purposes. That’s why when I put people’s names for their birthdays, and I do, I write all my special friends, their birthdays on my calendar. I’ve done that for years and years. So I look at the month’s calendar and I say, oh, this is her birthday. This is his birthday. I’m going to pray special for them that they will have a wonderful birthday. and a glorious year ahead. Well, I learned this from my husband, Darren. Oh, thank you, Father God, for Darren. Every month at the end of the present month, I flip over the calendar. Yep, I’ve got a wall calendar. I flip over the calendar and I proceed to the next month. to begin to name my future days. Barbara, what does that mean? Well, Darren got this from Holy Spirit about 20, 23 years ago. And this is a revelation that Holy Spirit gave to him to keep worry and anxiety far from us and success in our life. In my flesh, I have to admit to you, and I’m being transparent right here, in my flesh, I’m a worrier. My family were worriers. I’m a worrier, and I carried it. I was. I was, I was, I was. And I carried it for years and years. And because I work with numbers a lot, I do, there is a tendency to allow the numbers to override the faith I need to believe that God is greater than the expenses and the income that I face every month. Oh, I don’t think I’m going to have enough for the end of the month. I won’t be able to pay all my bills. How many times have we said stuff like that? And we haven’t allowed God to say, oh, Father God, with you all things are possible. So we’re going to just do away with worldly thoughts and eliminate them and substitute God’s goodness in these days of the month ahead. So every month before the next month, I take a couple of hours. Yep, it does take a couple of hours. And I write, and now I put coloring in there and everything. I’m not an artist, but I enjoy doing this. And I write on each day of the month ahead a godly word to bless me and keep me from worry. And when I’ve learned to go through the next month of reading in the word power for every hour, and I do that, I’ve done that since 1975. And I learned that from Marilyn Hickey, God bless her. And sometimes my word gem, and it’s right there with my word power, I have a gem every day with my Bible guide. And that’s where I find my encouraging word that I put on the calendar for that day. For instance, as I read the scripture for the day, and that was February 2nd, Holy Spirit showed me a word that I could dwell on On that day. So on February 2nd, the reading was Mark 5. And in Mark 5, 36, my jam was do not be afraid any longer. Only believe. So what do you think I put in that day on February 2nd? Believe. Absolutely. This is the word for February 2nd. Believe. So that was the word that I needed to be encouraged. I’m going to believe the word of God and not the world around me. I do this for every day in February. I make my month spiritual instead of worldly appointments and bills taking priority. For instance, at the end of February here for me, and I’m talking personal for Barbara, my property taxes are due. Wow. And they’re huge. So I don’t concentrate on them. I just concentrate on believe, Barbara, believe. And I’ve been doing this for 20 years, and it really keeps me from the doldrums when I flip the calendar. I know some of you, you know, this may not be for you. Some of you may be saying, oh, that’s too much work. And I’ve made it a joy. I have really made it a joy. I look forward to it. I remember when Mocha was here and after about an hour of me by this island and I’m just doing all these wonderful words every day, Mocha would just go… She would be so bored and she’d just go around the island telling me she wanted to go for a walk. But now that Mocha is gone, I have that time to myself. And maybe it’s not for you. But what else do we do for the Lord during our day to help us gain ground in growing in him? I encourage you to develop your own monthly naming your future days on your calendars or in your journal. That’s so good. And see how you can overcome a habit of worry and go into an expectancy mode, expecting good things from God and looking forward to the days ahead instead of dreading the days ahead. And you can order the CD series, Charting a Course for Success, which Darren is teaching on naming your future days. It’s been an absolute blessing for me, and I know it will be for you. Charting a Course for Success. And you can mail any size contribution. You can mail a dollar, and I will send you that CD series, Charting a Course for Success by Darren Carmack. And mail it to Call to Freedom, Box 370-367. Denver, Colorado, 2307, 80237. Thank you so much. I am serious about getting rid of habits and behavioral patterns that keep me away from God. I am going through some things in my own life. Things that have been shadowing me and dogging me for years. I’m saying no more. No more. I’m not going to take that anymore. And a biggie that I’ve told you was shame. And I believe it came from my father after he was disinherited off the family farm when we moved away. And so that thing just clung to me. And some of you may be thinking the same thing. You may be full of self-pity, inferiority. I’m going to talk about that tomorrow. And shame, you can get rid of it right now. Right now, in the name of Jesus, we bind those spirits of shame and inferiority and self-pity. No more in our lives. No more in our lives in Jesus’ name. In Psalm 139, David is saying here, O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I’m going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing, see, not worry, but blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand. And where could I go from your spirit? Where could I hide from your eyes? If I go to heaven, you’re there. If I go down to the grave, you’re there. Oh, if I ride the wings of the morning. and dwell in the farthest oceans. Even there, your hand will guide me. Here’s Callie Willard.
Barbara Carmack (Host) :
Where could I go from your spirit? If I take the wings of the morning And dwell in the depths of the sea Even the darkness hides nothing from me And with your hand you will lead I was born I will confess you and praise you I will confess you and praise you. And that you are so wise If I take the wings of the morning And dwell in the depths of the sea Even the darkness hides nothing from you
Barbara Carmack (Host) :
Oh, praise God. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life is recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, oh God. They cannot be numbered. Oh, friend, our God of love loves you so deeply. so deeply. And I want you to know above everything else that you’re going through today, whatever it is, he’s a God of love. He wants you well. He’s a good God. He wants you free from all of the entanglements of the world. And know, friend, that I love you, too. Remember the meeting on Saturday. Call me at 1-877-917-7256. And Kimberly will join me tomorrow. And we’re going to have a good time. I’m looking forward to my daughter being here. And Dana’s going to be having a birthday tomorrow. Wow. Oh, my daughters are getting older. What does that mean? Oh, God bless you and keep you and take joy.
Jimmy Lakey (Host) :
Jimmy Lakey (Host) :
Call to Freedom is a listener-supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website,, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your praise reports and heart cries by mailing them to Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at barbracarmack at Until next time, remember, Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy.
Jimmy Lakey (Host) :
Thank you.