This episode also explores intrinsic values in human life, contrasting it with societal tendencies to underappreciate this value. Cherri explains through scriptures how love is selfless, does not insist on its own way, and covers over wrongs, promoting forgiveness and understanding. Engage with this transformative teaching that calls believers to see every person as a precious pearl, worthy of the ultimate sacrifice.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherri Campbell. This morning, I’m going to continue sharing with you lesson number 11 that I taught in a class called the Kingdom of God. And in this lesson number 11, we are giving a summary of the spiritual law of love. So join me now in our live class for the continuation of lesson number 11, a summary of the spiritual law of love. and healing every disease and sickness. And when he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. He had compassion on them and healed every disease and sickness. Matthew chapter 14, verse 14. 14, 14 says, When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. Compassion heals the sick. Matthew chapter 20, verses 30 to 34. It’s a story of the two blind men, Bartimaeus, who came to Jesus. And they said, Lord, we want our sight. It says in verse 34, Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. And immediately they received their sight and followed him. He had compassion on them and healed them. And in Mark chapter 1, Mark 1, verses 41 and 42, the leper came to Jesus and said, If you are willing, you can make me clean. And it says, filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. I am willing, he said, be clean. And immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured. So Jesus was filled with compassion and healed the man of leprosy. So we see that healing is an act of compassion and love. And so if we are operating in the law of love, the law of love will produce healing. This shows that we are all called to a healing ministry. every person, you think, well, I don’t have the gift of healing. The gift of healing is for all who are filled with the Holy Spirit. for all who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. It is the power of God coming on us. And when we operate in love and compassion, the compassion moves us and compels us to relieve the sick of their misery, their sickness. So healing is a ministry for all believers because it is the ministry of love and compassion and mercy. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Amen. What is another characteristic of love? Love is not selfish. In 1 Corinthians 13, verse 5, it says love, this is the Amplified translation, the Amplified Bible says, love, God’s love in us, does not insist on its own rights or its own way. For it is not self-seeking. Let me read that again. Love, God’s love in us, does not insist on its own rights or its own way. For it is not self-seeking. It is not touchy or fretful or resentful. It takes no account of the evil done to it. It pays no attention to a suffered wrong. That was the Amplified Bible. The Living Bible says love does not demand its own way. And so when we are selfish, we are not operating in love. Love is not self-seeking. Love is not insisting on its own rights or its own way. Why? Because this takes us to the next point, another characteristic of love. Love sees people are valuable. People are valuable. Other people are valuable. Matthew chapter 6, and we won’t read all of this, in verses 25 to 33, Jesus said, Consider the birds, they do not sow or reap. Consider the lilies, they do not spin. And then he said, Are you not much more valuable than they? People are very valuable. In Matthew 13, verses 45 and 46, we see the parable. Jesus said, Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. These fine pearls are a pearl of great price. This is you. And this is every human being because Jesus died on the cross for every person. Hallelujah. Every person on the face of the earth, every person ever born on earth is a pearl of great price because Jesus died to buy them. Hallelujah. Salvation was not cheap. How do you know value, the value of something? Let’s say we have a necklace. If you paid $5 for the necklace, it’s not very valuable. But if you paid $5,000 for the necklace, it is very valuable. The value of something is determined by how much is paid for it. How much is paid to buy it. Well, what bought us? What bought our salvation? It was the lifeblood of the Son of God. The lifeblood of the Son of God. How do you determine value of something? It is the price that is paid. So, for example, if you paid $5,000 to buy a necklace, then the necklace is equal in value to $5,000. You can put an equal sign between them. $5,000 equals necklace. Necklace equals $5,000. Well, if God gave the life of his son, Jesus, to buy you and me and every human being, then what is the value of the life of a human being? The life of a human being equals the life of God. The value of your life equals the value of the life of Jesus, the son of God. Now, that can really astound us. So many times we would say, well, I’m not worth as much as Jesus. God thinks so because he gave Jesus to buy you. Amen. That means your life holds equal value with the life of Jesus, the son of God. Each person’s life. alone equals in value the same value as the life of the Son of God. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Our value is the life of Jesus. And then we also see that we are valuable because we are God’s workmanship or handicraft. In Ephesians 2, verse 10, it says, For we are God’s own handiwork or workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew, that we may do these good works which God predestined and planned beforehand for us. So we are God’s own handiwork. We are made by God. We are valuable. So what does love do? Love sees the value of every human being. Love sees the value of every human being. And you know what? There is a great loss in people’s understanding in the world today about this, about the value of human life. People around the world who don’t know God, and even some who do know God, have lost the understanding of the value of human life. That’s why abortion is common in so many countries, is because people don’t value human life. That’s why people can go in with a machine gun to a high school or a university and kill 15 or 30 people. Just shoot them dead. Not even knowing who they are. Just complete strangers. Total strangers who have never done them any wrong walking in to a high school or a university or a shopping center or a bus station or a subway station or a train station and just shoot and blow up 25, 30, 50 people all at one time because they don’t know the value of human life. In Psalm 49, Psalm 49 verse 8, it says, The ransom for a life is costly. No payment is ever enough. No human payment is ever enough. The only thing that could pay for us was Jesus Christ, God himself. Amen. We must get reestablished in the value of human life and human dignity. That when we look at other people, we value their life. We value who they are. We value them as a human being. We value them that they are someone that Jesus died for, that Jesus shed his blood for. This is love. Love looks at other people and sees that they are valuable. Valuable to us and to God. Amen? Amen. Praise God. Now, another characteristic is love covers. Love covers. Proverbs 10, verse 12 says, love covers over all wrongs. And let me just share an example. We think of that as offenses. Proverbs 17, verse 9 says, he who covers over an offense… promotes love and first peter 4 8 says love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins and yes we’re talking about love covering over offenses and sins that people do against us but i want us to look at another angle in proverbs 10 12 it says love covers over all wrongs All wrongs. So that means love covers over other people’s mistakes, failures, and shortcomings. It covers them. And I want to emphasize here the word cover in contrast to expose. Covering instead of exposing. What you just heard was a continuation of lesson number 11 that I taught in a class called The Kingdom of God. And this lesson, number 11, is a summary of the spiritual law of love. And we will continue this lesson next week. And if these messages are blessing you and encouraging you, building your faith and giving you new revelation, then I invite you to partner with us in supporting the radio broadcast airtime. You can do that by going to our website at, victorious like a champion, V-I-C-T-O-R-I-O-U-S, faith, F-A-I-T-H, dot C-O, C-O like Colorado. And go to the giving page where you can give online, buy Zelle Bank Transfer, PayPal, credit card, or debit card. And if it’s your first time to partner with us or give by Zelle, please give us your email address in the memo line so we can respond to you with a thank you and our partner letter. Also, you can write to us by postal mail at Victorious Faith, P.O. Box 509 East Lake, Colorado 80614. And as always, we bless your seed and we command it to multiply and be fruitful a hundredfold in Jesus name. And we agree with you for your victories, breakthroughs, harvest and answers to prayer. in Jesus’ name, and we bless you in Jesus’ name. Now, join me again next week for the continuation of this message. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.