In this episode, Cherri Campbell continues the captivating lesson on the spiritual law of love. Dive into the depths of Biblical teachings, reflecting on how the spirit of darkness influences our actions and how forgiveness can foster compassion. Learn about the significant role that forgiveness plays in receiving divine blessings and what steps you can take to ensure that forgiveness becomes a healing force in your life.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherri Campbell. This morning, I’m going to continue sharing with you lesson number 11 that I taught in a class called the Kingdom of God. And in this lesson number 11, we are giving a summary of the spiritual law of love. So join me now in our live class for the continuation of lesson number 11, a summary of the spiritual law of love. Luke chapter 6, verse 36. Luke 6, 36 says, Be merciful just as your Father is merciful. We are called and commanded to be merciful. Now, mercy forgives, as we already said, and God forgives us. He forgives us liberally of all of our sins and transgressions. Isaiah 43, verse 25. Isaiah 43, verse 25 says, I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions. blots out your transgressions for my own sake and remembers your sins no more. I remember your sins no more. Isaiah 44 verse 22 says, I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me for I have redeemed you. You know how the mist is on the ground in the morning and when the sun rises and the heat of the day begins to penetrate, the mist disappears. And God says, I have swept away your offenses and your sins. Psalm 103 verse 3 says, who forgives all your sins. And Psalm 103 verse 10 says, he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. And verse 12 says, as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. He has removed our sins and our transgressions. Micah chapter 7 again, verse 19 says, you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. In Hebrews chapter 8, verse 12, it says, for I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. Hebrews 10, verse 17 says, then he adds their sins and lawless acts. I will remember no more. So in the same way that God has forgiven us, we are required to To forgive everyone who sins against us. In the same way that he remembers our sins no more. We remember other people’s sins no more. And this is an act of love. 1 Corinthians 13. The chapter of love. In verse 4 and 5. Actually verse 5 says. Love endures long and is patient and kind. And it takes no account. of the evil done to it it pays no attention to a suffered wrong so love takes no account of a suffered wrong Ephesians 6.12 says for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers and against the principalities and powers so we have to understand is that when anybody has hurt us by their words or their actions Our struggle is not against the person, but it’s against spiritual rulers and principalities of darkness. We have to understand when they’ve said something or done something that it is the spirit of darkness and the prince of darkness, Satan, who is behind it, that is using them and manipulating them. And 1 Peter 4, chapter 4, verse 8 says, love covers over a multitude of sins. So when people have sinned against us, we must understand that their wrong words and actions are a result of the spirit of darkness in their life, in their soul. And that when light comes, people are changed. But when a person is in darkness, he remains the same and continues to do and say dark things or wrong and hurtful things. So when we walk in forgiveness, we can understand people’s darkness, people’s weaknesses, the battles that are warring in their soul, the fears and the hurts that are in them that stir up and cause their words and actions. And then when we see that they are reacting and speaking out of the darkness that is in their soul, then it can cause compassion to rise up in us. And we look on them with mercy and forgive them for the things that they have said and done to us. This is exampled by what Jesus said when he was on the cross. He said, Lord, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing. And Stephen said, when they were stoning him and killing him, he said, Lord, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing. Don’t hold this charge against them. It’s because Jesus and Stephen understood that people are operating in darkness. And so this can help us to have compassion for other people, looking on them with mercy and extending forgiveness to them for what they say and do. Now, if we don’t forgive, we must remember and realize that unforgiveness is the cause of our prayers not being answered. Jesus said in Mark 11, 25, you know, Mark 11, 24. He said, therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be done for you. That’s the law of faith. But verse 25 says in Mark 11, 25, when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him. so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. So you see that our prayer of faith will not work. It will not produce any results. It will be ineffective if we don’t forgive other people of their sins against us. So faith, in order for faith to work, we must forgive. Our prayers will be hindered if we have unforgiveness in our heart. And therefore, it will stop the blessings and prosperity of God from coming into our lives. You know, when we are praying and believing God for breakthroughs financially or for other blessings in our lives, these blessings can be hindered and stopped from coming by unforgiveness in our hearts. Also, unforgiveness can often be the cause of sickness and disease. It is even scientifically proven that bitterness in the heart and soul produce sickness in the body unforgiveness and bitterness in the soul or in the heart is actually a poison and a disease of the soul and it will produce sickness and disease in the body the fruit of unforgiveness will be sickness and disease in the body. So what we must understand is that unforgiveness only hurts us and stops our prayers from being answered, can bring sickness and disease. It is like drinking a poison and receiving poison into our own bodies and into our own lives. So we must release… and forgive other people. Lord, I forgive them for what they said to me. I forgive them for what they’ve done because only by doing that can I receive a personal breakthrough in my life, a breakthrough in finances or a breakthrough in blessing or a breakthrough in healing or a breakthrough of answered prayer. I must do this in order to receive the breakthroughs and the answers to my prayer. And people say, but I can’t forgive. It hurts too bad. But what we must understand is that forgiveness is not a feeling. Forgiveness is a choice. Forgiveness is not an emotion. Forgiveness is a choice. If you’re waiting for a feeling or an emotion, you can wait forever. It’s not a feeling. It’s not an emotion. It is a choice. It is a decision. It is a decision that is made by faith that we release and forgive a person who has sinned against us. It is a decision. We say, Lord, I forgive them by faith. I forgive them and I release them for what they’ve said to me or what they’ve done to me. And so we use faith to release them. And the feeling will come later. You usually will not feel even immediately. a difference in your soul or in your heart, there can still be the hurt or the pain or the anger for what they said or did. But if you continually apply your faith and the blood of Jesus, and you know, the devil will come to you and say, when you feel the hurt, or maybe you see them the next day, you see them again. And when you see them again, that hurt rises up again. And the devil will come into you and say, see, you didn’t forgive. all you have to do is say, shut up devil, I did forgive. I did forgive yesterday. You can even write down the day that you forgave a person and keep a record of it. I forgave them on this day and it doesn’t matter what I feel in my heart. It doesn’t matter the emotions that rise up in me every time I see them. It makes no difference because I have already made a choice and I have forgiven them. Amen. Amen. And if we continually operating by faith in that area, our forgiveness towards that person will produce a healing in our soul. of the wound that that person made, the wound that was caused by their words or their action. You see, words and actions do cut wounds in our heart, in our soul realm. And those are real wounds. They are painful wounds. But by continually releasing forgiveness by faith, those wounds will heal. And they will close up and be healed completely. And if you continually release faith to forgive, you say, Lord, I forgive that person. I forgive that person. Then you will find that one day you can look at them and there is no more pain there. There’s no more hurt for what they have said or done to you. It will be gone because God has healed it by his grace. Amen. Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord. Now what else does love do? Love heals. Love brings healing. And we’re talking about that even in forgiveness. It brings healing. In Exodus 15 verse 26, it says, For I am the Lord who heals you. Now remember, God is love. God is love and God heals. I am the Lord who heals you. So the Lord heals. Love heals. Psalm 103, verse 3. Psalm 103, verse 3 says, Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. Healing is an act of love. And we can see that very clearly in the ministry of Jesus. And we’ve already talked about this, actually, when we talked about the benefits of the kingdom of God. We talked about healing is a benefit of the kingdom of God. And we see it in Matthew 9, verses 35 and 36. It says Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness. And when he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. He had compassion on them and healed every disease and sickness. Matthew 14, verse 14. 14, 14 says, When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. What you just heard was a continuation of lesson number 11 that I taught in a class called the kingdom of God. And this lesson number 11 is a summary of the spiritual law of love. And we will continue and conclude this lesson tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.