In today’s episode of Victorious Faith, Cherry Campbell discusses the intricate balance between wealth and spirituality. Through an analysis of Mark chapter 10, she explores the sincerity behind seeking eternal life and dispels common misconceptions regarding Jesus’ teachings on wealth. Tune in for insightful perspectives and practical advice on renewing your mind and walking in the wisdom of God.
Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with international missionary and Bible teacher, Cherri Campbell.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherri Campbell. This morning we are going to continue our study in lesson number 10 in a class that I taught called The Kingdom of God. And this lesson number 10 is called Understanding the Rich Young Ruler. So join me now in our live class for the continuation of lesson number 10, Understanding the Rich Young Ruler. James 4, verse 7. Submit yourselves then to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Before you can resist the devil and say, devil, get out of here, I rebuke you in Jesus’ name, the first thing you’ve got to do is submit to God. And there’s a lot of people that are trying to rebuke the devil, but they’re not submitting to God. But guess what? If you’re not submitting to God, you are submitting to the devil. disobedience to God is obedience to Satan. Disobedience to God is obedience to Satan. Not submitting to God is submitting to the devil. And so if you’re not submitting to God, you’re submitting to the devil. So how can you submit to the devil and then rebuke him and tell him to go? You can’t. The devil knows better than you do. When you’re not obeying God, sometimes. And sometimes you know very well you’re not obeying God. But he knows when you’re obeying him and when you’re acting under his promptings. So the devil prompts you to do this or do that, say this, say that. And you’re following his promptings. He knows you’re following him. And then you can’t turn around and say, get behind me, devil. Until you make a repentance. Now once you have repented, then you can resist the devil. But the point is, submission to God gives you the authority to rebuke and resist the devil. And to exercise authority in the name of Jesus over the curse, over sickness, over disease, over lack and poverty, over everything else that is against you. Everything that is against you, you have the authority in the name of Jesus once you have fully submitted to God. And then law number six is the law of the wisdom of God. The law of the wisdom of God. We read in Proverbs 3.19, “…by wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations.” So it was by wisdom that God created the heavens and the earth. And it was by wisdom that Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead. What does that mean? What is the wisdom of God? Wisdom is knowing what to do. It is knowing the will of God in every situation. It is following the Holy Spirit. In other words, how did Jesus know when he found a person who needed healing that How did he know whether to speak or to touch or to, you know, one time he said to somebody, stretch forth your hand. Another time he told somebody, pick up your mat and walk. Another time he touched people. But one time he spit in the dirt and made mud and then put the mud on the man’s eyes. How did he know to do that? You know, I even think of Smith Wigglesworth. Now he’s in heaven, but he’s known for his boldness, his boldness of faith. He spoke with a loud, booming voice, and he also did very drastic things. And one of the things he did was this woman had a tumor in her stomach, looked like she was pregnant, But she wasn’t pregnant. She carried the tumor for longer than the nine months, I guess. But anyway, she wasn’t pregnant. But he drew back his fist and then he punched her right in the belly. As hard as he could. She fell back on the floor and I’m sure everybody there gasped in surprise. Oh my goodness, what did he do? He just killed that lady. She fell back on the ground. But guess what? When she stood up, her stomach was flat. Her stomach was flat. Now that was boldness. You better be hearing from God before you punch a lady in the stomach. Don’t punch a lady in the stomach until you’ve heard from God. Amen. Amen. Praise God. But what I’m saying is how did he know to do that? That was wisdom. That was the leading of the Holy Spirit. It was the leading of the Holy Spirit for each situation. What I’m saying is that every need or every problem that you’ve got has a key to unlock it, has a trigger to release your victory, your breakthrough, your healing. There is something that you need to know and do to get your victory. And in all these situations we’ve talked about, Jesus knew what to do. He knew when to speak. He knew when to touch. He knew when to spit. And Smith Wigglesworth knew when to punch. Amen. But that is wisdom. That is wisdom. That’s hearing from God for each and every situation. And, you know, even in your own life, you need healing one time and God will say, pray this or stand on this scripture promise. But another time he may say, ask your sister to lay hands on you. I mean, it’s just because God is saying, in this situation, the trigger that will release your victory is going to come like this. Don’t assume it’s always going to be the same way. Well, last time my sister laid hands on me and I was healed, so I’m going to go back and ask her to lay hands on me again. Well, when she lays hands on you, you may be healed. It’s true. But that may not be the key that you need this time. This time it may be different. This time the Lord may just tell you, continue to confess 1 Peter 2.24. Just say it over and over. By his stripes I was healed. By his stripes I was healed. By his stripes I was healed. And you just say it all day long and you’ll be healed. Now that may be the way you do it this time. So what I’m saying is that you may even have a situation look similar to one that you had before. But the key to your victory may not be the same as it was before. It may be different. It may be a different method. So the wisdom of God is getting the methods of God in every individual situation for you and for other people. And they can be different every time. And it’s just knowing what to do in each situation. Amen. So that’s the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God. Now, like I said, we’re going to have to go back over each of those laws individually and probably spend more time on them. But we’re not going to do that right now. We’re going to just go on and cover a few more things that I want us to spend time looking at today. And what I want us to look at, it’s still about renewing the mind. And I want us to go to Mark chapter 10. Mark chapter 10. Now, in Mark chapter 10, we see the story of the rich young man. And let’s just start by reading this in verse 17. Mark chapter 10, verse 17. It says, As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. Good teacher, he asked, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Why do you call me good, Jesus answered. Now, I want to stop there a second. This man asked him, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus knew his heart was right and pure and honest and sincere. And that’s why Jesus spent time with him and answered his question. But if you remember, there was another man, a Pharisee or one of the teachers of the law or something like that, who was trying to trap Jesus into saying something wrong and asked him the same question. Jesus didn’t even give him very much time. the teacher of the law said, what must I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus turned the question right around back on him and said, what do you think? What does the word say? And then the man answered, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And Jesus said, you’re right. And that was about all he said about it. He wasn’t spending time with that man because that man wasn’t sincere enough In his asking, he didn’t really want to know. He was trying to trick Jesus. And Jesus knew that, so he didn’t spend time with him. But what we see here is that Jesus really stopped to talk to this man. Jesus spent time with him. And that’s because this man had a sincere heart. This man actually fell on his knees. I mean, just think of him running up before the Lord and falling down on his knees and crying out, What must I do? He had a sincere desire to know, What do I need to do to be saved and inherit eternal life? And so that’s why Jesus spent time with him. And we actually read later that Jesus loved him. And so now we see in verse 18, Why do you call me good? Jesus answered. No one is good except God alone. Verse 19. You know the commandments. Do not murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not give false testimony. Do not defraud. Honor your father and mother. Teacher, he declared, all these I have kept since I was a boy. Jesus looked at him and loved him. One thing you lack, he said. Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad because he had great wealth. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. The what? The kingdom of God. We’re talking about entering the kingdom of God here. Now, there’s a lot of things that have been misunderstood about these verses. One thing that’s greatly misunderstood is in verse 21. Jesus said, go sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, then come follow me. Now, traditional Christianity, most Christians think Jesus wanted him to be poor, that he couldn’t be a rich man and serve God at the same time. That if you’re going to serve me, you’ve got to give everything away. and have nothing, and then come follow me. And only if you have nothing, then you can follow me. Now that’s not what he said. It’s not what’s written. It’s not what he meant. First of all, he said, go everything you have. And I like the way one man of God said it. Sell everything you have to sell. Sell the things that are sellable. In other words, as we would say in America, liquidate. What you just heard was the continuation of lesson number 10 that I taught in a class called The Kingdom of God. And this lesson number 10 is called Understanding the Rich Young Ruler. And we will continue this lesson again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
We’re glad you joined us today for Victorious Faith with Cherri Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at where you can listen to the Victorious Faith radio broadcast, find biblical study helps, contact Cherri, and make donations. You can also write to us at P.O. Box 509 East Lake, Colorado 80614. victorious faith is a god and partners supported ministry as you sow seed and partner with this ministry we believe god with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life please join us again monday through friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith and remember faith is the victory that overcomes the world