Join Cherry Campbell, international missionary and Bible teacher, as she continues exploring the Kingdom of God. Learn how to shift from the world’s systems to God’s superior Kingdom by renewing your mind, gaining knowledge, and applying God’s principles. This series dives deep into the transformative power of spiritual growth, showing how understanding and living God’s way brings prosperity, health, and lasting victory in every area of life.
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Welcome to victorious faith.
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We believe you will be blessed, encouraged and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with international missionary and Bible teacher Cherry Campbell.
00:00:22 Cherri Campbell
Good morning.
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Welcome to victorious faith.
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Cherry Campbell.
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This morning I’m going to continue sharing with you the lesson that I’ve been sharing with you all this week that I.
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Class some years ago on the subject, the Kingdom of God.
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You could also call it understanding.
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The Kingdom of God, what it is and how it operates.
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And this.
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Message for in a series of messages that I’ve been sharing with you.
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For the last.
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And if you’d like to hear these messages again, or share them with your friends and family.
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Can go to my YouTube channel which is under my name, Cherry Campbell Ch.
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Campbell CAMP.
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And they’re in the top category called Radio.
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You will see this series called the Kingdom of God.
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Now join me in our live class for the continuation of Message 4 called 2 Kingdoms 2 Systems.
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Been friends of mine.
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They have to even learn how to.
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The bus.
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Well, I know.
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I understand that because when I go to another country it would be hard for me to take the bus.
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I mean, it’s hard to figure out how to get on and off and where.
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Sometimes you just jump on as it’s flying past.
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And you jump off.
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Try not to get run over so.
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You know, I understand that.
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And so even some of these friends, you know, they need help to get the bus or get to the grocery store and buy groceries. And so the system here, they have to learn it.
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And as he looked for a job, he was having a hard time and he couldn’t get one. As a school teacher.
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He ended.
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Getting a job working in a gas station.
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A fuel station.
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And I actually made friends from another country that have come to America, and that’s where they’re working.
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They’re working in the corner store at the gas station.
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It’s the best job they can find for their qualifications.
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What does that?
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They come into the system.
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At the bottom.
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Now does that mean?
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That America is not as good as their country.
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Does that mean that it’s a less system or that it’s more poor?
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No, it just simply means that they need to learn a different system and when you transfer systems you need two things. You need education and training.
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And when these people come, if this man who was a school teacher would get education and training, he could be a school teacher here.
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What I want you to see is that.
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I’m kind of getting ahead of myself, but I want to point this out that the Kingdom of.
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Is superior.
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It is a greater Kingdom to the Kingdom of this world.
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Just like America is a greater system than the nation that this man that I was talking about.
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These refugees had come from.
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They had come from a country that had very little opportunity.
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And they were living in a refugee camp.
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Mean they were living in check houses.
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And so.
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Are opportunities and potential was very limited where they were.
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But in America, the opportunities are great.
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The possibilities are great. The potential of success and prosperity.
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Is far greater here than it was where they came from.
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But just because they come in and get a job at the gas station doesn’t mean this is.
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Bad system.
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Or not as good or not as successful.
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It just means that they’re at the bottom and they need two things. They need education and they need training.
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I know of Christians who have said to me, Jerry before I was born again, I always had money.
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I mean, I would just drink and I would party, but there was just always money at hand.
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When I got born again.
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The money disappeared.
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Well that.
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Happen sometimes, and that’s one reason why so many Christians think that the Kingdom of God is poor.
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And if you’re gonna serve God, you’re gonna be poor.
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But it’s a lie of the devil, the Kingdom of God is not a lesser system.
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Or a poorer Kingdom it is greater.
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It is greater and I’m not going to go into detail on that right now because I’m coming back to it later.
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What I want you to see is in the.
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Way when you are born again.
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You are transferred into the Kingdom of.
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You’re just a baby and you need 2.
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You need education and training to grow and prosper and be successful in the Kingdom of God.
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A totally different way of operating a totally different way of thinking.
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Now I want you to see this in Romans 12.
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Romans, chapter 12, verse 2.
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Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
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You’ll be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.
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Be transformed and that word transform.
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Actually, it comes from the same word in the Greek. You know, the New Testament was written in Greek and the Old Testament was written in Hebrew.
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And the Greek word here is the same word that we.
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Our word metamorphosis from.
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And metamorphosis is the process that a butterfly has when actually a Caterpillar, a Caterpillar goes into its little cocoon.
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And it transforms itself into a butterfly and it comes out as a butterfly or the same thing as that little tadpole in the pond does when he turns in to a little frog.
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It is the transformation. It’s the change that takes place.
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And that is the word.
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But it’s this word is here be transformed.
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It’s just like from a Caterpillar into a butterfly from something that used to have to crawl on ground to something that now can fly.
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Amen. And so how do we get this?
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It’s by the renewing of our mind, the changing of our thinking to think the way God thinks and to learn the system of God in the ways of God.
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So different in actuality, they’re almost very opposite.
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The ways of the world.
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Are almost completely opposite and in many ways they are directly opposite of the ways of God. The ways of God are are many ways directly opposite of the ways of the world.
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If we’re used to doing things in the world system, we’re going to have to go the other direction, do things opposite than what we’ve done before.
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And that’s a big change and that’s what we’re talking about in this whole course.
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Now I want you to also see three John 2.
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It’s the letter of John, the Little John 3rd letter of John.
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There’s only one chapter.
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Verse 2. It says actually in the King James version it says my beloved, I wish or I pray above all things that you may prosper and be in health.
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Even as your soul prospers now, even as.
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Even as shows equality.
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Now some people would take that and say, see your soul prospering is more important.
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Than physical prosperity and health.
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Not what it says.
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It’s not what it.
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It says even as even as means equality, so in equal proportion. But it’s as your soul prospers now, your soul is your mind, your will, your emotions.
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And so let’s especially focus on your mind.
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As your mind prospers or as your mind is renewed.
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To thinking the way God thinks and doing the way God does. That same proportion then is how much you will prosper in this life.
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And how much health that you will live in in the Kingdom of God in the direct proportion is what that means.
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You will have the financial prosperity and the physical health.
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In direct proportion equally to however much you are prospering in your soul mind renewal in the ways of God.
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Amen. And then also just turn a few pages to the left to second, Peter.
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The 2nd letter of Peter.
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Chapter one, verse 3.
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His divine power.
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Has given us.
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Has means already done.
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You know, so many Christians are waiting for someday.
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They’ll be healed and someday they’ll get their needs met has means already.
Hey Cortana.
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His power has already.
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Given to us how much?
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All things, everything we need.
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He has already given to us.
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Everything everybody say, everything, everything.
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Everything we need.
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For two things, for both life and godliness.
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Life means physical godliness is spiritual.
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So for physical life, your food, your clothes, your house, your car, your school, your career, everything you need for life physically. And then also everything you need for godliness spiritually.
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He has already given to you how.
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Through our what?
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Through our knowledge of him.
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There again, I want you to see this is a second verse through our knowledge. It is in direct proportion to our knowledge.
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Our knowledge is what will give us.
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We need our knowledge of him and then as it says in verse 4, his precious promises through our knowledge of him.
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His ways and his word.
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In that proportion that we have knowledge.
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That is how we will get everything that we need.
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For life and godliness.
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Our knowledge.
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So what does that mean?
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Well, it just boils down to what God said in Hosea Chapter 4, verse 6.
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My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge.
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Now what’s so interesting is he said. My people.
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He didn’t talk about the world in that.
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Hosea 46, he’s not talking about sinners. He’s not talking about ungodly people.
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He’s talking about my people are being destroyed now.
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Is God talking?
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So if you ever see any of God’s people that are being destroyed with sickness, disease, accidents, poverty, any problem.
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What did God say was the reason?
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Lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge is the number one reason for any person, all Christians, to be sick, poor, defeated in this life.
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It is the number one reason. Lack of knowledge. I’ll give you the number two reason. The number two reason is lack of doing what you know.
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Being a hearer only and not a doer of.
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Are some people that have heard it?
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But they’re not doing it.
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But the vast majority of people don’t even know.
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So many Christians don’t know that God has already given them the Kingdom of God and everything that they already need.
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What you just heard was the continuation of a lesson that I taught in a class some years ago on the subject. The Kingdom of God. Or you could call it understanding the Kingdom of God, what it is and how it.
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Rates and this is lesson 4 in that series called 2 Kingdoms 2 systems, and we will continue this lesson again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
00:13:36 Announcer
We’re glad you joined us today for victorious faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit, where you can listen to the victorious Faith radio broadcast, find Biblical study helps.
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Contact cherry and make donations.
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You can also write to us at PO Box 509, E Lake, Colorado 80614.
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Victoria’s Faith is a God and partners supported ministry. As you sow, seed and partner with this ministry.
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We believe God with you for the full harvest of victory. You need in your life.
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Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
00:14:26 Cherri Campbell