In this compelling episode of Victorious Faith, Cherry Campbell provides a multi-faceted exploration of faith in turbulent times. With a focus on the theme ‘Living in Perfect Peace’, Cherry addresses the common fears regarding wars, natural disasters, and financial instability through a lens of unwavering faith and Biblical prophecy. Cherry not only highlights the ongoing spiritual and worldly conflicts but also guides listeners on how to shield themselves from the pervasive deception found in today’s media. Discover the transformative power of genuine faith and what it truly means to be a follower of Christ in these times of uncertainty.
Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with international missionary and Bible teacher, Cherry Campbell.
Good morning. Praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Welcome to Victoria’s Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning, I’m going to begin sharing with you another message that I preached in one of our Victoria’s Faith services called Living in Perfect Peace. And if you would like to download the notes to this message, you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under my name, Cherry Campbell, C-H-E-R-R-I Campbell, C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L. And there in the top category called radio broadcasts, you will find this message called Living in Perfect Peace. And when you click on the video, then look in the description below the video and they will see the link to the notes to this message living in perfect peace. So join me now in our live service for part one of living in perfect peace. This evening, the message is called Living in Perfect Peace. Living in Perfect Peace. And as this is our first service for 2024, I want to prophesy to you first. You know, so many times people, a lot of Christians like to tune in to the prophets first. To see what are they saying? What is going to happen this year? Well, I can tell you very, very accurately what’s going to happen this year. And not only this year, also next year.
2025, 2026, 2077.
Whatever is going to happen every year until Jesus comes and sets up his kingdom on earth for a thousand years. I can tell you exactly what’s going to happen. Not down to the detail. But quite literally, what will happen this year? You can follow on your notes. Number one, God will what? Still be God, right? God will still be God. And unfortunately, the devil will still be the devil. And he’ll still be doing devilish things, right? I can also prophesy very accurately. Not that there’s going to be a lot. You know, you can live in different levels of faith. And the more faith and obedience, the more protection you have. But there’s always going to be tests and trials. So there will be tests and trials for your faith this year and forever, or at least until Jesus comes. There will be tests and trials for your faith. And I can prophesy because it’s scripture. There will be wars and rumors of wars. We are even currently hearing of, and symbolically that can represent any threat of danger. You know, not just outside of our country, but in our country, we hear of different times of different acts of violence or even car accidents or There will be natural earthly disasters. There will be fires, earthquakes, and storms of various kinds, such as hurricanes and tornadoes, hail. I can prophesy that quite accurately. There will also still be threats of sickness or pain. Why? Because it’s in the earth. The curse of sin and death still is operating in the earth. But we will talk about how you can be protected and preserved from it. And there will still be threats financially. It can be the national economy. It can be the world economy. It could even just be personal finances, threats of financial challenges, and then threats to families and relationships. Why? Because the devil is still the devil. He still tries to get in wherever he can. And a lot of what I’ve just said is in Matthew 24, verses 4 through 14. Jesus answered them, watch out that no one deceives you. Now, I put this in bold because I want you to see that three times, and I thought it was maybe four, but maybe just three times in these few verses, just in one dialogue, three times Jesus mentioned being deceived. And I think that most people have overlooked that as one of the signs of the end times. They’re looking for all the other things. But deception is a very big key indicator of the end times. People deceiving. Well, we know of that even in the news media. even in the area of health, finances, politics, there are a lot of deceptions. You cannot believe everything you hear in the news, see on the news channel. Actually, much of it you can’t. You’ll only be getting part of the picture. And they only show you the part of the picture they want you to see to form your opinion the way they want you to think. But they hide a whole other side of the story that would give you a different opinion. For example, the war with Israel. The news media is blasting Israel with all of Israel’s crimes. But they are totally hiding how Israel has been the victim. How there are still Israeli, they were the ones attacked first. And hostages were taken. Many, many, many murders and still going on. What the other side, Hamas and Iran, are doing is not being told by the news media. It’s being hidden in the dark. So you only see the one side, what Israel does to fight back and sometimes make a slip. but totally covering over and hiding the atrocities. I mean, it’s like World War II, Germany, Hitler. And those were crimes. That’s what’s going on, has gone on. And yet that’s all being hidden. What Hamas has and is doing, what Iran is doing. It’s not even being told. And so it’s all one sided. The only villain is Israel. And that’s not true. So that’s an example. The news media doesn’t tell you the other side of the story that would give you a totally different picture. They only tell you what they want you to know to form your opinion the way they want you to think and believe. And that’s the way it is in so many things. The news media, on the TV, in the newspaper, most of it you can’t believe. You cannot. Don’t just take their word for it. Don’t just take their word for whatever you see in the news. If you want to really know, be diligent to look for the other side of the story. So deception is a major, major thing going on in the world today. And verse 5, for many will come in my name claiming I am the Christ and will deceive many. There’s the second time the word deceive is mentioned. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. That’s why I told you there will be earthquakes. The Bible says so. And that’s the natural earthly realm working still under the curse of sin and death. And then verse 8, all these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death. And you will be hated by all nations because of me. Well, already, even in America now, Christians are hated by many. That used to not be quite so bad, you know, 40, 50 years ago. But now… A lot of America hates Christians. And so there are different degrees of persecution to something as light as losing favor to something a little stronger, false accusations to outright violent physical attacks on lives in the United States and around the world. Verse 10, at that time, many will turn away from the faith. That has happened. There are a lot fewer Christians claiming to be Christians anyway than there were 40 or 50 years ago, 30 years ago, even 20 years ago, and very likely even 10 years ago. People are turning away from the faith. And many will betray and hate each other. And Paul writes in Second Timothy, the love of many will grow cold. So that’s, you know, hate, the love growing cold, selfishness, just dominating people. Verse 11, and many false prophets will appear. And here it is again, deceive, deceive many people. Now, don’t just think of the false prophets as those in the church calling themselves prophets. And if they say something wrong that doesn’t come to pass, don’t call them a false prophet. Because that’s not what the Bible calls a false prophet. A false prophet wasn’t somebody who made a mistake and prophesied something that didn’t happen. A false prophet was somebody who turned people’s hearts from God. The false prophets in the Bible were those who stood up and offered idols, offered alternatives. Those are the people to be wary of. And there are many of those who don’t call themselves prophets. But they are offering alternatives to God, alternatives to the Bible, turning people’s hearts away from God. Those are the false prophets. They speak with authority in leadership, but they are turning hearts away from God. Those are the false prophets, not those that just make a mistake and say something that doesn’t come to pass. And besides that, how do you know, even if it’s not in your lifetime, how do you know if what somebody prophesied might come to pass after your lifetime? You won’t be able to ever prove if it was a false prophecy or not. And maybe it came to pass somewhere outside of your realm of experience and knowledge. And you didn’t know, but it did come to pass. So don’t judge God’s people who speak and say, thus saith the Lord, and then something doesn’t happen the way you think it should. Because you’re not qualified. It may happen after your lifetime. It could happen outside of your realm of exposure, experience, and knowledge somewhere else and come to pass. So you’re not qualified to judge that. What you do need to be wary of and on guard against is those who will turn your heart away from God and against his word. Don’t believe his word anymore. It’s not true. It’s not valid. There are even so-called Christians. I don’t think they can really be Christians. I’ve heard of, I didn’t hear him, but I heard of a major preacher, well-known preacher, who publicly said the Bible cannot be believed. That’s the kind of person who’s a false prophet. Turning your heart away from the Bible or away from God. What you just heard was part one of a message that I preached in one of our victorious faith services called Living in Perfect Peace. We will continue this message again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You’re blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
We’re glad you joined us today for Victorious Faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at where you can listen to the Victorious Faith radio broadcast, find biblical study helps, contact Cherry, and make donations. You can also write to us at P.O. Box 509 East Lake, Colorado 80614. Victorious Faith is a God and Partners supported ministry. As you sow seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world.