This week on Victorious Faith, Cherry Campbell reveals a message of hope and empowerment, exploring the plan of heaven for a supernatural mega event set to change the earth. Listen as Cherry leads you to understand the vastness of God’s plan and the imminent outpouring of His Spirit. Unlock prophetic promises and receive encouragement to step into new dreams, regardless of age or past experiences. Let your faith be stirred for what God is about to do through His Ecclesia.
Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with international missionary and Bible teacher, Cherry Campbell.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning, I’m going to continue and conclude sharing with you the Christmas message that I’ve been sharing with you all this week that I preached in one of our Victorious Faith services called Why Did Jesus Come? And if you’d like to listen to this message again in its entirety or download the notes, you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under my name, Cherry Campbell, C-H-E-R-R-I, Campbell, C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L. And there in the top category called radio broadcasts, you will see this message called, Why Did Jesus Come? Now join me in our live service for the conclusion of this Christmas message called, Why Did Jesus Come? And so he was asking about the Christmas story. And he writes, recently I asked Holy Spirit for fresh revelation and insight concerning the Christmas season and the Christmas story, the story of the birth of Jesus. Holy Spirit very clearly responded to me saying, prophesy from Luke’s writings on the birth of Jesus Christ. Prophesy it into your times. Then he went on to look at, and he writes, in the first chapter of Luke, we read that a supernatural mega event, mega event, planned by the Godhead in heaven, had come to its appointed moment, appointed time. Woven throughout the story of the birth of Jesus, we see how the prophetic promises, and I would say that had been given for thousands of years, 4,000 years since Adam, all of these prophetic promises had to align supernaturally. And all the characters involved in the story that were to be part of this awesome event had to be born at the right time, grow into their moment. The story reveals that hell cannot stop Adam. Any purpose of God coming to the earth, hell could not stop the birth of Jesus. Hell could not stop the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Hell could not stop the resurrection of Jesus. It also shows that Lucifer, or we would say Satan and his kingdom, have no clear understanding of what the Godhead is planning. They don’t know. It’s a mystery to them. They’re confused. They’re in the dark. It proclaims that while hell’s kingdom is real, it is inferior in every way, shape, and form to the kingdom of Almighty God. Yes, hell is real. Yes, the kingdom of darkness is real. But it is inferior in every way, shape, and form to the kingdom of Almighty God. As I prayed about this, I received a prophetic download. Holy Spirit said to me, For you have come to an appointed time, says the Lord of hosts. Another supernatural mega event, like the birth of Christ, like the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Another supernatural mega event has been planned by heaven for you. It is accelerating into the earth realm. Lucifer, his kingdom and the rulers of darkness will not stop it. nor can they. I am releasing new mantles for new times. New anointings reserved for this era are now being poured from heaven as my supply river flows from my throne through all churches, ecclesias, and into all the earth. This new flow of Holy Spirit will cause the expansion of my kingdom in ways and displays never before seen. Hallelujah. Never before, not even when Jesus was on the earth, not even in the book of Acts. Never before seen. Indeed, says the Lord, the mind of man captured and bound by reason will be blown. Those reasonists in the world. For it will be seen that I cannot be confined by reason or science. I cannot be confined by man’s laws or wisdom. I cannot be confined by the language of fools. I cannot be confined by your capitals, congresses, or parliaments. Ha, ha, ha, devil. I’m adding that. I cannot be confined by your religions. None on earth or in the universe can confine me. I will break out against all confinement. The shattering of confinement has begun, says the Lord. Yes, indeed, I have a surprise for you. I have a new event. As you said before, a mega event planned for you. I have a new Pentecost planned for you. My ecclesia will see the breaking off of confinement and function in new anointings of Holy Spirit. For I have remembered my word. Through the prophet Joel, it is part of my supernatural mega event. I am pouring out my spirit on all flesh, the young and old together. I have given visions to my young men by the multiplied thousands. They will now run with me, sounding forth awakening. So we need the church and the world to wake up. I have put my prophetic words in the heart of my handmaidens. That’s why handmaidens, women, are called to preach. In the last days, God is using handmaidens to proclaim the words of God. Like Mary, they are highly favored and will prophesy. Prophecy is also preaching. Preaching is prophecy because it’s speaking the words from God’s heart to man. Prophetic declarations have been put in their heart on the handmaidens by my Holy Spirit. They will speak my words into the nations. I’m one of them. Speak into the nations. The babes, the teens, the male, the female will all participate in my outpouring. My older, this is for the older ones. The older ones don’t want to get left out either. My older seasoned generations are dreaming again, says the Lord. I am giving them new dreams. telling you, look for new dreams. God has new dreams for everybody. If you fulfilled a dream, you need more. God’s got a lot for you to do. Get a new dream. Receive his new dreams. I am giving them new dreams and I am activating their old dreams. I’m anointing their dreams to break forth from confinement. Those called barren will now produce, says the Lord of hosts. My Zacharias and Elizabeths, who are old in age, I will add, will give birth to their dreams. So even though they were old, they gave birth. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. They will sing with exuberance. Holy Spirit’s hovering, flowing, the Holy Spirit’s hovering, flowing, overshadowing presence will now birth new things. They will spring forth. I will do exactly what I promised. Through my ecclesia, my church, I will fulfill my prophetic unction. I will be God with you. I will move more and more into the earth realm, manifesting myself among my people, producing change all over the world. Change is coming. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Father, we just thank you for that prophetic word that just like Jesus first birth, first coming and birth into the world was a supernatural mega event that required the aligning of prophecies and the aligning of people in their right places at the right time. I thank you for sending Jesus and I thank you for the day of Pentecost coming in the appointed time. But Lord, I thank you that you’ve also had an appointed time on your calendar before the foundation of the world that was reserved for the end of time, the last days. before the return of the Lord, that there would be another supernatural mega event that would be greater than all previous outpourings of the Spirit, that would have demonstrations of the power of God never seen before. Your word says it, Lord. And now you have said it to us again through prophecy. Lord, we are excited for this. We believe that it is the time. We believe that it is the time for this great mega supernatural event, this last and greatest outpouring of the Spirit, in which will bring the greatest harvest of souls into the kingdom of God the world has ever seen. Satan will be the loser. There will be more in heaven than in hell. As millions of people get saved, and we even believe billions will be saved in this supernatural mega event, outpouring of the Holy Spirit in all of the earth, that you are going to do, you’ve chosen to do through your church, through your people, your church. servants and handmaidens. And we all right now volunteer ourselves to be a servant or a handmaiden to you. Say, yes, Lord, I surrender myself to you. I surrender to use me. Use me, Lord. I will do as you have called me to do. I will say what you call me to say. I will be your mouthpiece. I will be your hands. Let your power and your spirit flow through me to this world in Jesus’ name. Lord, I say it, and I believe everyone in here and everyone listening. is going to say it in their own hearts. We say, come quickly, Lord Jesus. And we know you’re coming first in the outpouring of the Spirit that you have promised. We expect it. We are looking forward to it. We eagerly and excitedly anticipate it and desire it, long for it. And we just say, come quickly, Holy Spirit. Come now, pour out your Spirit upon all flesh. Lord, let your glory be seen in all the world again and in greater measure than ever before. And use us, Lord, for we love you, we honor you, and we will give you all the glory always. You said if you would be lifted up, you would draw all men unto you. So in all that we say and all that we do, we desire to lift you up, to honor you, to worship you. And agree if you agree with that. And if you pray that, if you’re willing to say that to the Lord, say, yes, Lord, I do. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. What you just heard was the conclusion of a Christmas message that I preached in one of our victorious faith services called Why Did Jesus Come? And we will have another anointed message to share with you next week. And if these messages are blessing you and encouraging you, building your faith and giving you new revelation, then I invite you to partner with us in supporting the radio broadcast airtime. You can do that by going to our website at Victorious, like a champion, V-I-C-T-O-R-I-O-U-S, faith, F-A-I-T-H, dot C-O, C-O like Colorado. And go to the giving page where you can give online, buy Zelle Bank Transfer, PayPal, credit card or debit card. And if it’s your first time to partner with us or give by Zell, please give us your email address in the memo line so we can respond to you with a thank you and our partner letter. Also, you can write to us by postal mail at Victorious Faith P.O. Box 509 East Lake, Colorado 80614. And as always, we bless your seed and we command it to multiply and be fruitful a hundredfold in Jesus name. And we agree with you for your victories, breakthroughs, harvest and answers to prayer. In Jesus name. And we bless you in Jesus name. Now join me again next week. And remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
We’re glad you joined us today for Victorious Faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at where you can listen to the Victorious Faith radio broadcast, find biblical study helps, contact Cherry, and make donations. You can also write to us at P.O. Box 509 East Lake, Colorado 80614. Victorious Faith is a God and Partners supported ministry. As you sow seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world.