Explore the truths of God’s Kingdom with Cherry Campbell, an international missionary and Bible teacher. Through dynamic teachings and practical insights, discover what the Kingdom of God is, how it operates, and how you can live victoriously by aligning with its principles. Strengthen your faith, deepen your understanding, and step into the abundant life God designed for you.
Welcome to victorious faith.
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We believe you will be blessed, encouraged and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with international missionary and Bible teacher.
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00:00:20 Cherri Campbell
Good morning.
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Praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath. Praise the Lord.
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To victorious faith.
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Cherry Campbell.
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This morning I’m going to begin sharing with you another message in the subject that we’ve been studying called the Kingdom of God.
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You could say even.
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Understanding the Kingdom of God.
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What it is and how it operates. Because most Christians, most Christians in.
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Pastors and ministers do not understand the Kingdom of God, and they don’t understand even fully, what was the Great Commission that Jesus gave to his disciples and to the church.
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So we’ve been studying that for the last few weeks and this morning I’m going to begin sharing with you Part 4 in that series.
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However, today’s message and the messages and the days to.
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Are from.
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A class that I taught some years ago on this subject, the Kingdom of God.
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So join me now in our live class session for Part 4 of this series called.
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2 Kingdoms 2 systems.
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The truth of God’s word works.
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It works and it will bring the results.
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Will get all these things added to you when you do it the way he said to do it.
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So the question comes down to what does it mean to?
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His Kingdom.
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And we need to start by understanding what is the Kingdom of God.
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So we started by looking at the word Kingdom.
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And we have a definition for the word Kingdom. It comes from 2 words, King and domain, which means territory or dominion which means authority.
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So it is a Kingdom is the territory where a king rules and has authority.
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But we’re going to go deeper than that.
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A Kingdom is also the government of the.
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It is also the system. The way things are done.
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Within that Kingdom, the methods and ways of operating and doing things and accomplishing things that is also the Kingdom. And then third, it is also the laws and the principles and the rules and the regulations that I will focus on the word laws that govern in that Kingdom.
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And we’re focused on these three.
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It is the government, it is the system and it is the laws of.
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The Kingdom of God is the Government of God. The system of God, and the laws of God.
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And so we can say it like this.
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Does God do what he does?
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How did God create?
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How did Jesus heal the sick, and how did he raise the dead? And if we know what God knows, and if we do what God does, we will get the results that God gets.
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We can get the same results.
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That God gets if we do everything the same way he does it. Amen. Amen.
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And So what we do know is that God did not go to church when he created light, when he created light, he did not read the Bible when he created light, he did not pray.
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He is the word and so we need to learn. What did he do to create the light? And what did Jesus do to raise the dead?
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And we can do that thing.
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The same.
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And so that’s what this whole subject is about and that’s what we’re going to study.
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But then we also came to see that Jesus came.
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Not to establish a.
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I want you to remember that Jesus did not come to establish a religion.
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He came to establish a government on the Earth, a Kingdom Government of God on the Earth.
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As Jesus said in Luke 443, he said I must preach the good news of the Kingdom, the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, because that is why.
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I was sent.
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He gave his very purpose, saying that’s why I was sent and we see in Isaiah Chapter 9, verse six and seven that the government shall be on his shoulders, not a religion on his shoulders, but a government.
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And as we said that Jesus was not just a prophet coming to preach in a religion like in many, like all the other religions of the world, were started by a prophet.
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Jesus was a king.
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He was born a king.
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As the wise men who came from the east and they went to King Herod and they said to King Herod, where is the one who has been born king?
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He was not born a.
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He was born a king to establish a Kingdom, and as we said, the Roman Empire at that time that ruled the known world.
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Had many religions.
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They tolerated all religions. There was no threat to having another religion.
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That would never have threatened King Herod.
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But what did threaten him was another king.
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And so when King Herod heard that there was a baby born who was a king, he felt threatened as a king.
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And he went to destroy and kill Baby Jesus, the King of kings.
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Of course, we know he did not succeed.
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But the point is that Jesus was a king.
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All other religions.
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The world are just a simple set of beliefs.
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But they do not provide deliverance or salvation or lasting freedom.
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As a matter of fact, the word religion, if you trace it back to its origin, re coming from the word to do again, it means to return into *******.
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The word religion means to return into ******* and Christianity is not a.
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It is a Kingdom and the difference with a Kingdom and a religion is that the Kingdom is a government with a set of laws that are actually functioning and.
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Operating just like and we’re going to talk about this later when we talk about laws. But like physical laws of gravity, they’re stable. They’re secure.
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They’re never changing, they’re always working the same way for everybody.
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And that’s the way the Kingdom of God is operating in a very consistent pattern.
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You can get very consistent results, and so the Kingdom of God is not a religion, it is a government. The Kingdom of God on earth. And as we said yesterday in the last class, I mean Jesus came.
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To colonize the earth.
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To set up the Kingdom of God on Earth, just like it is in heaven. And I do want us to look at that where I’m still in Matthew Chapter 6.
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If you’re there too, you can look at it Matthew 6 versus 9 and 10.
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Matthew 6 verses 9 and 10.
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This, then is how you should pray our father in heaven.
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Hallowed or that means holy.
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Is your name.
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Your Kingdom come and your will be done on Earth.
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As it is in heaven.
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So Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of God from heaven to the earth. And So what we learned was we can call that colonizing.
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And the word colonize means to extend the government or to spread the government.
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Of one nation.
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Into another new territory or region or realm to extend the authority of one nation or one Kingdom or 1 government over another new territory and over a new people.
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To bring them under the authority and the rulership of the colonizing nation.
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And to establish the same language.
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Currency and system and let me add to that.
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In the new territory now yesterday, we talked about the language of God and we mentioned the.
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But I want to go beyond.
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And I just want.
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To call it the language of the word.
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What is the language of heaven?
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It is the language of God.
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Well, what is God’s?
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It’s his word and we have it written down.
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It’s the Bible.
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The word of God. So the word of God is the language of God.
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Now the word of God is light. The word of God is life.
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It’s the language of life.
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Now we do know God is love, so it’s the language of love.
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It’s also the language of faith, because God never doubts and waivers.
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So it is.
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God, it’s the language of the word.
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The language of truth.
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There’s never a lie spoken. Hallelujah.
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There’s never a.
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Spoken, it is the language of truth, so therefore it is the language that never fails.
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Every word always comes to pass.
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Hallelujah. Praise.
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So it’s the language of God, and that is the language that is spread from heaven unto the Earth, and God gave it to us on Earth in written form in the Bible.
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And then it’s also the currency of heaven.
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We must operate with the same currency or money. We could call it, but what is the currency of?
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It is faith you can get everything through faith that in this world you would have to pay money for. You can get your new house by faith.
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With no money, you can get a car by faith with no money you can get.
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And clothes.
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You can pay for children school fees with.
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As it says in Isaiah 55 verses one and two come buy and eat without money.
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We do it with faith.
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It’s also the system of God, and it’s the culture of heaven established on the Earth.
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And then we saw also that God had originally given this assignment to Adam in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 126 to 28, when God told Adam to rule all the Earth.
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That was the same thing as saying to Adam establish my Kingdom on Earth colonize the earth.
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And make Earth just like heaven.
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And we know that Adam sinned, and so he failed to do his job. And God sent Jesus then to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.
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We saw that that was the message that Jesus came to preach everywhere he went. We saw in Mark Chapter 1 verses 14 and 15.
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And Luke 11.
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And Luke 4:40.
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And Luke 81, Jesus went proclaiming the gospel of.
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Kingdom of God.
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And we mentioned that the Gospel of the Kingdom is not just preaching.
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It is not just preaching the cross and the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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And yet, that’s not the whole Kingdom of God. Message. That’s not the whole gospel.
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Because the whole gospel means everything that is in heaven needs to be brought to the earth.
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That earth needs to become a colony of heaven, which is a reproduction of heaven, that the same things in heaven will be done on Earth, and that is the whole gospel.
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Means that the prosperity of heaven will become the same prosperity on Earth.
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The health and life that’s in heaven will be the health and life.
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We live in on Earth.
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That all the strength, all the anointing, all the power, all the victory that is in heaven can be our strength. And an anointing in our power and our victory on the Earth. We can live in the same thing here and now as is in heaven. Because Jesus came.
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Bring heaven to earth. The Kingdom of God.
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Onto the earth.
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You want to question me, but Jesus himself said it right here in Matthew 6.
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Isn’t Cherry speaking?
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This is the word of.
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It is what Jesus said, Matthew 610. What we read your Kingdom come and you will be done.
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On Earth, just like it is in heaven, just the same as it is in heaven.
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What’s in?
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Let it be done the same here.
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The earth.
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What you just heard was part four in a series of study that we’ve been on for the last few weeks called the Kingdom of God. Or you could even call it understanding the Kingdom of God, what it is and how it operates.
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However, today’s message and the messages and the days to come.
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Are from a class that I taught some years ago on this subject. The Kingdom of God, and this is part 4 in this series of study.
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Called 2 kingdoms.
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Two systems.
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Join me again tomorrow as we will continue this lesson and remember, God loves you.
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You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
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We’re glad you joined us today for victorious faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit ourwebsite@victoriousfaith.co, where you can listen to the victorious Faith radio broadcast, find Biblical study helps.
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Contact cherry and make donations.
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You can also write to us at PO Box 509, E Lake, Colorado 80614.
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Victoria’s Faith is a God and partners supported ministry. As you sow, seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need.
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Your life.
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Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith.
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And remember, Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.