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11.7.24 – The Lord Has Wonderful Plans


[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver Colorado 80237 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let’s join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. Oh God bless you for tuning in. I just enjoy having your presence here. I believe is just such a wonderful sense for me. Holy Spirit loves to have you listening to the scripture and all that we’re going to talk about today. Let us not become weary in doing well. For at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we don’t give up. Don’t give up my friend. Don’t give up. Galatians 6 verse 9. You are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. You can go to Click on the radio show. Listen to that or you can go to and you can find call to freedom in that list of teachers if you’d like to listen that way. Also you can donate online by hitting that little donate button and donate to call to freedom. If call to freedom has been a blessing to you this year and I hope it has. I hope the scripture that I’ve given to you has sustained you and built you up in the Lord. This meeting this Saturday I probably will need to cancel because it just has been snowing. It’s like a February snow here and it’s 25 degrees outside and I just thought for this time at this time in November we will just postpone the turkey and the scalp potatoes and the sweet potatoes till December and Kimberly said that she’s hoping to be here in December. I’m sad about that. Now if some of you appear at my front door on Saturday we’ll have a Bible study around the table and then we can go to brunch. All right I’ll be here. I’ll be at my home on Saturday so if some of you decide I can make it through the traffic or through the snow or if the snow lets up I know I have about 6 inches at my home. But if you would like to be brave and come yeah that’d be great. So Saturday if you want to come at 10 o’clock and just kind of dare to do something different we’ll have Bible study and then we’ll go to the restaurant. I think that would be great idea. So God bless you for all the different changes we have to make in this world in this life. Oh but generally speaking aren’t they wonderful they’re good changes. I’m so grateful. Our memory verse for this week has been Jeremiah 32 17. Oh I’ve been saying that verse so much. All Lord God thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power and by your outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for the oh nothing is too difficult for the Lord. Great and mighty God. Great and counsel and mighty indeed. Nothing is too difficult. And from the Passion Translation Jeremiah 32 verse 17 says Lord Yahweh you stretched out your mighty arm and created the heavens and the earth by your awesome power. Nothing is impossible with you. You show your loyal tender love to thousands and thousands and you are the great and mighty God your name is Yahweh. You surpass all of your wise counsel and wise planning. Your miracles reveal your mighty power in this week. I think we’ve seen a miracle. I don’t think I know that we have seen a mighty miracle in this country because you have prayed. We really got serious with the prayer thing and we said Father God your prayer might have been just very short. Father God I know you’re going to bring a great miracle on this country. And boy did we see it is Jeremiah said 32 19 goes on to say your eyes see everything people do and you repay every excuse me I’m tongue tied. You repay each one according to what their ways and actions deserve. And as we’ve prayed to God we realize Holy Spirit has gone throughout this land and just touched the hearts of millions of people praise the Lord. My confession for today by Rick renter I declare that with God’s help boy with Holy Spirit’s help that my tongue would just get untwisted. Because I do have the mind of Christ praise the Lord say with me I have the mind of Christ I have the mind of Christ wisdom you are my sister understanding your my intimate friend praise the Lord. I declare that with God’s help I am putting my house in order the way I handle my family life my children my physical home and my finances are reflection of what God has done in my life. I pray that everything I do will bring glory to God yes I am serious about my walk with him and I invite him to invade every sphere of my life and bring it under his Lordship. Jesus is Lord of my marriage my children my home and my money my money I wouldn’t say my money it’s God’s money it all belongs to him therefore I want to be a wise steward for his sake and I will keep that commitment says Rick renter and all of us together I declare this by faith in Jesus name. First Corinthians 4 1 through 5 says let a man regardless in this manner as servants of Christ and stewards of the mystery see stewards are the caretakers of their dominions of what God has given to them those are stewards so that’s what Paul is saying here let a man regardless in this manner as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God caretakers of his spiritual treasures. In this case moreover it is required of stewards that one be found reliable and trustworthy are you reliable are you trustworthy oh I pray that you are because those are wonderful attributes of a man and woman of God. Verse 3 of 1 Corinthians 4 says it matters very little to me what you think of me boy it has come to that point even less when I rank in popular opinion I don’t even rank myself comparisons in these matters are pointless I’m not aware of anything that would disqualify me from being a good guide for you but that it doesn’t mean much. But got you know what the world’s opinion of me is doesn’t matter what God’s opinion the master makes that judgment so don’t get ahead of the master and jump to conclusions with your judgments before all the evidence is in when he comes he will bring out in the open and place in evidence all kinds of things we never even dreamed of inter motives and purposes and prayers so check your heart examine yourself do I have a pure conscience do I have a conscience that seeking. God have I taken care of all the junk that I’ve carried around all these years and we’re going to talk about that with King to say oh my goodness the things that had gone on before he became king only then will any one of us get the to hear the well done from God and I pray that for you today that when you stand before the father that he will say well done that good and faithful servant that good and faithful steward. I don’t look for approval of men or compliments from men but my approval comes from a merciful and loving heavenly father. I don’t know about you but this week has been like a dream. You know I want to check and see if I’ve been dreaming or if it’s I’m sitting in reality here I’ve been in a celebratory mood all week long and even with a snow coming down and covering the landscape I’m looking at the cold weather is a time of reflection and wonderment of the world. I’m sure you’re doing the same thing Lord what went on this week what is going on this week and I’m sure that he is meeting President troop troop president Trump is looking for a wonderful wise leadership in his cabinet and I’m sure he’s got wise people around him. years have been like a bad dream when it comes to what is happening in our country. It wasn’t bad enough to have Barack Obama in office for eight years, but then when Donald Trump won that election in 2016, and he took a victory lap, it didn’t take much longer before the left tried to throw the books at him in every conceivable way. Do you remember the Russian collusion and all the horrible stories of President Trump being in Moscow with prostitutes? Do you remember that? And it just got dirtier and dirtier and murky and muck. It was just awful. What they were throwing at him and these last four years. Oh my goodness. He’s been in court more than he has been outside of court. And I believe God brought this for a purpose friend that when we’re in the muck and in the mess, God is going to bring us out when I was in a pit. You lifted me up and put me on a solid rock, Christ Jesus. And you brought it, put a song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Oh, what amazing man of fortitude he is to take all of that. And I believe when he becomes president, that’s all that’s going to go away. And if he fires Jack Smith, the guy that charged him with all these things, I hope it will happen. Oh, I know. I know I shouldn’t be asking for that. But folks only God could have sustained President Trump through all these years. It seems like he’s he’s always bouncing right back up. And I I know that’s what Dana White said the head of the wrestling Federation. He says, I’ve never seen a man like Donald Trump. And this week, this week, God came through and what’s great is that President Trump sees God’s intervention. He’s mentioned it several times now. Hello, Looeya. We see God is wooing each and every one of us to a deeper walk with him. He has brought about everything that we’ve prayed for. He brought it and brought it to pass this week. So no matter what the weather, I’m celebrating what a landslide. We now have a majority in the Senate and it looks like in the house, it’s coming along really well. And President Trump is able to work his good intentions with brilliant men and women around him. I don’t know about you, but I am really excited. This is Rachel is going, yeah, yeah, yeah, this reminded me of a story in Second Chronicles 34. The country had been rocked with evil and poor leadership. I mean, what a parallel to what we’ve been through. And now a young king took the throne. I know Donald Trump is not young, but he really is in heart. So let’s just look at him as a younger man who’s so ready to govern this country and to rule over the people that he loves. He got the popular vote from every walk of life. I remember this week I was talking to a lady who works here at KLTT, precious Hispanic lady. And she says, oh, my husband voted and he was so proud to wear that sticker that said I voted and all of the children voted for Trump. And they were just so happy. Well, that’s what it was. The whole country, such a diverse people that came together and voted. I want to want a wonderful thing that’s been happening. And not so much divided anymore. I just see that coming together. I hope you’re seeing that too. I want to talk about Josiah. This is in second Chronicles 34. I’m talking from the message. This was a wonderful king of Judah as well as King J. Hew. He came into Jerusalem in a chariot that was blazing. But today I want to go into Josiah’s wonderful life as King of Judah. He was eight years old when he became king. His father, Ammon, had been cruel and wicked and so ungodly. I don’t know what happened to this precious young man, but he didn’t follow after his father’s footsteps. He ruled for 31 years in Jerusalem. He behaved well before the Lord. He was in God’s focus. He kept straight on the path blazed by his ancestor, King David, not one step to the left or the right. He was always following after God’s ways. When he had been king for eight years, he was still only a teenager. He began to seek the God of David, his ancestor. Four years later, the twelfth year of his reign, he set out to cleanse the neighborhoods of sex and religious shrines and got rid of the sacred ashrogros and God and goddess figurines, whether carved or cast. He tore down the bale shrines, tore down the alters, connected with them, and scattered the debris and ashes over the graves of those who had worshiped them. He burned the bones of the priests on the same alters they had used when alive and they were worshipping all kinds of gods. And this reminds me of Elijah. He scrubbed the place clean, Judah and Jerusalem clean inside and out. And that’s what President Trump wants to do. He wants to clean out all the garbage, all the rot. He wants to drain the swamp. That’s right. And just because he only got 6.7% from Washington DC does not mean he’s not going to attack Washington DC and all the ungodliness. The cleanup campaign ranged outward to the cities of Jerusalem, of Israel, excuse me. He demolished the alters and pulverized the God and goddess figures and burned everything as fire would. And then he returned to Jerusalem one day in the 18th year of his kingship when he was 26. Only 26 can you imagine with the cleanup of country and the temple complete King Josiah sent Shafan, Messiah, the mayor of the city, and Joah, the historian to renovate the temple of God. First they turned over to Hylchaya, the high priest, a man that they could trust, all the money collected by the Levitical security guards. He was interested in setting the finances straight in the country and not allowing any waste. And I believe that’s what’s going to happen here in the United States of America. We’re going to get rid of the pork and all of these thousands of pages that are just waste. Praise the Lord. Oh, pray for wise and understanding men around our president folks. That’s what you can do. Don’t let up on the praying because he needs to be protected specifically from anything that would happen to him to keep him from being the president. Verse 10 of 2 Chronicles 34 says it was then put into the hands of the foreman, managing the work on the temple of God wise leaders over all the projects who then pasted onto the workers repairing God’s temple, carpenters, construction workers, and masons. We need those people back into our society. We need more construction. We needed that pipeline coming down from Canada. Oh, I’m so excited. So they could buy lumber and all kinds of stone for the foundation. Because the temple had fallen into disrepair because the money had been used for other projects. You know, just like here, the money is designated for COVID-19 survivors and all of that, it didn’t go to them. And so we see mismanagement going on. The workmen were honest and diligent and were in charge of the common laborers and supervised the workers as they went from job to job. The Levites also served as accountants, managers, and security guards. The Levites were men that Josiah could really lean on and trust in. The job is complete. Everything you ordered is done. And they took all the money that was collected in the temple and handed over to the managers and workers. This is going to be such a great endeavor in our country. Then they said, “We have discovered the revelation of Moses in the back of the temple and the king heard what was written in the book, God’s revelation.” And he was so saddened by what had happened. And over the years since the book of Moses had been read that he ripped his robes into his may. He ordered all who were present, go and pray to God for me and what’s left of Israel and Judah. Find out what we must do in response to what is written in this book that has just been found. God’s anger must be burning against us and our ancestors, our predecessors, who haven’t obeyed a thing written in this book of God and follow all the instructions directed to us. So they went to consult with Hilda. She is a prophetess and she lived in Jerusalem in the second quarter. And the men consulted with her. What is the Lord saying to you? And she said, “The Lord says here that I’m on my way to bring doom of judgment on this place and this people.” And every word written in the book read by the king of Judah will happen because they’ve deserted me and taken up other gods. They’ve made me thoroughly angry by setting up their god-making businesses. My anger is raging white hot against this place and nobody is going to put it out. But because the king of Judah, Josiah, had humbled himself, had torn his robe, he was repenting just like if my humble, if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, “Oh God loves to see a repentant people.” That in his humility and in his repentance, I will take care of you, Josiah. You’ll have a quiet death and be buried in peace. You won’t be around to see the doom that I’m going to bring upon this place. And that’s so wonderful to know. King Josiah made everyone in Jerusalem and Benjamin commit themselves to God and worshiping God. They committed themselves to the covenant of God and Josiah did a thorough job of cleaning up the pollution that had spread throughout the Israelite territory and got everyone started fresh again serving and worshiping their god. All through Josiah’s life, the people kept the straight on the straight and narrow, obediently following God, the God of their ancestors. “Oh Father, after your spirit we follow, Father into your presence we come, Jesus cleanses us and free us from every chain, Father into your presence we come.” Here’s Terry MacGalman. [Music] Teach you a little call to worship chorus, something that I hope can remain here and be a blessing to you. Just listen one time. It’s very easy. It goes like this. [Music] Jesus cleanses us and free us from every chain, Father into your presence we come. Now easy then, is singing with me. “Father, after your spirit we follow, Father into your presence we come.” Jesus cleanses us and free us from every chain, Father into your presence we come. All worshipings and blessings. “Father, after your spirit we follow, Father into your presence we come.” Jesus cleanses us and free us from every chain, Father into your presence we come. Come on with me now holy holy holy holy holy, it’s our King. Glory, glory, glory, now we sing. You are not over her name, above the nations’ grave. We lift you high and magnify the name. Father, after your spirit we follow, Father into your presence we come. Jesus cleanses us and free us from every chain, Father into your presence we come. Let’s lift it up again now holy holy holy, it’s our King. Glory, glory, glory, now we sing. Father, after your spirit we follow, above the nations’ grave. Hallelujah, we lift you high Lord. We magnify your name. That name that is above every name. He knew what happened after King Josiah cleaned up the country. He cleaned it up, he gave the responsibility to loyal and beautiful men. What he did, he had the Passover. He celebrated in God’s temple for the first time since the Passover had been celebrated by Samuel. We’re talking years and years and years they had not observed that beautiful ceremony of Passover. When you take communion now friend, I thank God that you’re going to know that Jesus is King. He’s ruling and reigning over everything. He’s going to bring to pass things that we had never even thought of. That’s why I said in my slate right before the program that God has such wonderful plans for his people. And so be excited and looking forward and expecting those things to come to pass, not only for this country, which I’m praising God for it, I’m excited about it. But in your own life you’re going to see some great and mighty things happen because God loves you. I want to leave that with you this week that God loves you so much. He wants you to know that he is interested in every little detail of your life, every little thing that’s happening right now, lift it up before God. Oh Father God, I lift this up and I know you’re going to answer according to your perfect will for my life. Oh God bless you and keep you and I pray that you will have a wonderful weekend of joy and peace and righteousness in Jesus name. I love you. Take joy. [Music] Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partner support call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website,, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your praise reports and heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may email us at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]

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