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11.4.24 – What Is The Kingdom Of God


SPEAKER 01 : 0:00

Good morning. Praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue sharing with you the message that I began sharing with you last week, which is part one of a series of messages called the Kingdom of God. And this message is called, What is the Kingdom of God? So join me now on our live service for the continuation of this message, part one, What is the Kingdom of God? Your God is your source. Your source equals God. God equals source. And that’s not sacrilegious or anything because what does God represent? That word represents your source that you look to. What source are you looking to? The God of heaven, Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh, or if you want to practice Hebrew, something like Jehovah Yireh, something of that sound. But that’s not even exactly right because Jehovah actually in the original Hebrew doesn’t have vowels. It’s more like. So, you know, let’s just stick with Jehovah Jireh. It’s a little easier. But he is our God, but we know him by his names and all of his names represent who he is and what he does. And so that is our source. That means that’s where you look first. Hallelujah. I didn’t realize I was going to spend this much time on that third word. That’s the Holy Spirit. On the third word in verse 33, God is saying, wake up. And yet so many Christians just… And for those of those that are listening to the audio, it’s like you just don’t get it. Christians are not thinking God first. They’re thinking job take care of me, doctor take care of me. And they have forgot that third word of verse 33 first. God first. Everything else can be second, third, fourth, but God first. Amen. Everybody say God first. God first. God is my source. I look to him first before I look to anything in this world or anyone. Amen. Hallelujah. That’s powerful, but that is so important. And I’ve heard that before. I mean, so many Christians are missing that third word. It’s the word first. Now let’s keep reading in verse 33, all right? Matthew 6, 33. You know, this is a verse that Christians have read and memorized and sang in Sunday school. And yet most have no revelation of it. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these what? Things. What things? What you need. you’re going to eat, what you’re going to drink, what you’re going to wear, the house mortgage, gas and electric bills, those things, those natural things will be added to you or given to you as well. Now, to be honest, the church needs to be honest with itself, take a record and look at situations and And I’ve been in 25 countries outside of the United States. And in the United States, we’re, you know this, much more prosperous than anywhere else in the world. But in other countries, especially, but even in the United States, but not so profoundly, people are poor. People are struggling to have enough food. A lot of pastors don’t have a car most that I have ever worked with. And I’ve been, like I said, in many countries. I could say most pastors, and I live with them in their home. My mission travel was I did not stay in the nice places. I lived with the pastor in what they lived in. I lived in the bush house with no electricity and no running water, a grass roof, thatch walls, bathed in the river if I had to. Most pastors do not even have a car. Now, This says, Matthew 6, 33, but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things that you need, car, house, bills paid, will be given to you and added to you as well. Can you say of all the Christians in the world that this is happening for most Christians? If you’re honest, there’s a lot of Christians who, And like I say, you kind of almost have to separate the United States out. We are the exception. The rest of the world on its own scale. Most Christians are not having all that they need. And even in the United States, people are struggling to get their bills paid at the end of the month. To get bills paid, rent, gas and electric and take care of your kids. This hasn’t been happening. Everything added up. Is Jesus a liar? We know he’s not a liar. We need to come to face with, it’s not working. It hasn’t been working. Hosea 4.6, God said, my people perish because of lack of knowledge. It’s not because God hasn’t provided knowledge. The number one reason to fail to receive anything is lack of knowledge. It has been the lack of knowledge in the church that has been the reason for not getting that verse answered. So let’s look at it. Seek first. Okay, and we spent a good amount of time on first. Let’s get that part straight. Now we’re going to put him first, right? Okay, once you get first right and you get God first in priority of where you look as your source, now you’ve gotten the first step. Then seek first what? Two things it says. His kingdom and And his righteousness. Okay. Well, let’s do the easy one first. His righteousness. Well, you know, that’s an old English word. We don’t use it today. I don’t walk up to you and say, how are you doing today? Is everything righteous with you today? How is your righteousness today? If I say righteousness, most people are thinking holiness and they are not the same. Holiness and righteousness are not the same. How is your righteousness today? Are things righteous for you today? It’s not the way we talk. It’s an old English word. It’s way gone past. I mean, that’s why people read that. They don’t even know what it’s talking about. Okay, take out the E-O-U-S in the middle, the four letters. Put the two N’s squashed together and what do you get? Rightness. Rightness. So seek God’s rightness, okay? Now that’s a long way to say the right ways of God. That’s what righteousness is. It also has to do, part of the root word of righteousness is upright. It means upright. So it means being upright. It means being right, right? And it specifically, when we think of right, you know, the world has their own idea of right. And anything is right as long as it’s right for me. It may not be right for you, but rights for me if it works for me. There is no absolute right in the world. But we have an absolute right. It’s God. He is absolute right. So there is an absolute right. Not iffy, not questionable. There is an absolute. It’s God. He is right and his ways are right. Always. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. Everything he does is right. So righteousness is the foundation of his throne. What does that mean? Rightness. Right ways. Right. So I like to simplify it and modernize it into modern English by saying the right ways of God. When it says seek first his righteousness, it means his right ways, his right ways of doing things, doing and being right his way. So that’s righteousness. That’s a simple example. Explanation, his right ways of being and doing. But then let’s back up to this part before it. I’m going slow, but we are laying a foundation. We are going to continue this in the next meeting and the next meeting and the next meeting. And you need to get this. That’s why we’re digging a deep, solid foundation. Seek first his kingdom. All right. Let’s stop there now, and this is going to be our study. What does it mean to seek first his kingdom? And I’ve asked you this before, and I’m not going to take the time, but also every time I preach this in every country I’ve preached this in, I get the same answers. So I know the answers that the church has been taught. How do you seek it for his kingdom? If you wanted to fulfill Matthew 6, 33, you wanted to do that. What do you do? Most Christians answer me like this. And this is the common understanding. It means to pray, read your Bible, go to church, seek God and serve him and love him. How many of you kind of, that’s the general idea you have. Seek God, love him, serve him with all your heart, pray, read the Bible. But let’s stop again and take an account. Pastors all over the world are doing that, even more than Christians that are not in ministry. They’re serving him with all their heart. And they pray and read their Bible and love him. And you can say most all of you, and we’ve said how many people have had a hard time paying bills, but they go to church. They love God. Ding, ding, ding. It’s not working. That that we’ve been doing is not bringing the result that he promised. I present to you that what we have been doing is not what he’s talking about. Amen. Amen. Amen. And our next service is this Saturday, November 9th at 6 o’clock p.m. You can go to our website at, victorious like a champion, V-I-C-T-O-R-I-O-U-S, faith, F-A-I-T-H dot C-O, C-O like Colorado, and go to the Victorious Faith International Ministries tab. And there you’ll find the Victorious Faith service schedule. And in that schedule, you see the details for the time and location and a map for the directions. So I invite you to come and join us this Saturday, November 9th at 6 o’clock p.m. Now join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.

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