In this episode of Victoria’s Faith, Cherry Campbell explores the transformative power of thankfulness. Drawing from a profound testimony of a man of God and the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17, Cherry explains how gratitude not only honors God but also increases our capacity to receive His blessings. She illustrates how cultivating a lifestyle of thankfulness can lead to restoration, wholeness, and deeper spiritual growth.
Cherry also shares details about her recent guest appearance on Diane Groobus’s Epic Conversations and invites listeners to partner with her ministry. Tune in to be inspired and encouraged to embrace the
Good morning. Welcome to Victoria’s Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. Now I would like to first let you know that if you’ve missed any of these radio broadcasts or would like to listen to them again, go further into studying the subjects we’ve talked about or share them with your friends and family. You can go to my YouTube channel which is under my name, Cherry Campbell, CH-E-R-R-I-C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L. And there you will see all the broadcasts and the service messages. Also, recently I did an interview on a YouTube program hosted by Diane Groobus. Her weekly program is called Epic Conversations. And I was blessed and honored to be a guest on her program. And I encourage you to go to my YouTube channel and under the recent messages category, you will see this YouTube program Epic Conversations hosted by Diane Groobus and my privileged opportunity to be a guest on her program. I encourage you to go and watch it, you’ll be blessed and share it with your friends and family. Now yesterday I began talking to you about thankfulness and I want to continue that today. Several years ago I heard a testimony from a man of God who said that during a time of prayer God spoke to him and the Holy Spirit said to him, “Do you want to increase your capacity to receive from me?” Let me say that again. God said to him, “Do you want to increase your capacity to receive from me?” Well, before I go on with the man of God answered, let’s just look at that statement and analyze that. God asked him, “Do you want to increase and large your capacity to receive from me?” That shows me right there that we each have a capacity, a capacity that we can receive from God, from His goodness, His blessings. So we each have a capacity. Is everybody’s capacity the same? No, because we are all different. We are all in different places in our life spiritually. We have the same potential. It’s not that we don’t have the same potential. We do. We all have the same potential. We all are created in the image of God. However, we are all at different stages and different levels of obtaining and reaching or attaining to the fullness of God. Just like in the physical body, there are babies. There are five year olds, ten year olds, fifteen year olds, and thirty year olds. They all have the same potential. A baby, a newborn baby has the same potential to be full grown as a full grown man does, but he’s just not there yet. He has to grow into it. He has to develop into that stature of the fullness of His physical potential. So we all have the potential to be like God. And when we are changed in the twinkling of an eye and caught up to be with the Lord, we will all be completely changed into His image. But right now, we are in the process. This is a process day to day. And so in this process, we are all at different levels and at different stages. So therefore, just like in the physical body, a baby has a smaller capacity for eating food, a smaller capacity for understanding, a smaller capacity for strength than a full grown man does. So also spiritually, we all have different capacity to hear from God or receive from God or to do the works of God according to the level that we are at spiritually. And so God was saying, “Do you want to increase your capacity?” And so that shows that we all have a capacity that also shows that our capacity can be increased. If it was one fixed capacity for everyone, then it could not be increased. But He said, “Do you want to increase your capacity?” So that means that you and I both, we have potential to increase, increase in our capacity to what? Now He was talking about to receive from Him. “Do you want to increase your capacity to receive from me?” And so we see that we each have a capacity. We see that we can increase that capacity. Well this man of God answered the Lord. And now, like I said, He was in His prayer time. With the Lord. And He did not hear an audible voice. It was the Holy Spirit speaking in His heart. And He heard the Lord ask that and He answered the Lord. He said, “Yes, yes, yes.” This was the answer that the Holy Spirit said to Him. He said, “Then develop a lifestyle of thankfulness.” Let me say that again. “Develop a lifestyle of thankfulness.” So what God was saying was that thankfulness will increase your capacity to receive from God. Now I can see that even naturally speaking. And as I have taught in different countries and seen things in different cultures and even here in America, I was taught and I was raised in my home in my house by my parents to always say thank you. To say thank you whenever someone did something kind for me or gave something to me. From the time I was a child at birthdays and Christmas whenever I received gifts, I was taught to say thank you. Even many times to write a note of thanks after the event to those who had given, to those who had come to say thank you to them. And I’ve been raised with that in the house and the family. Say thank you when someone does something kind for you. And I have known from my own experience and also from Scripture that we see that giving thanks then will move the heart of the person who did the kind act or gave the gift to be glad to do it again if they were able to do it again. For example, what I mean is if I give someone a gift and I have spent my time, my money and my effort to find the gift to pick it out, to send it to them if I had to send it by mail. If they never said thank you afterward, then I often feel that I do not want to give another gift later. Being ungrateful, let me say like this, makes a person undeserving, undeserving. In Luke 17, we see a story about 10 lepers who came to Jesus and in Luke 17, verse 11, now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, 10 men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, Jesus, Master, have pity on us. When he saw them, he said, “Go show yourself to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back praising God in a loud voice. Verse 16, “He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” And he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “We’re not all ten cleansed. Where are the other nine?” Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner? Verse 19, then he said to him, “Rise and go, your faith has made you well.” The King James version said, “Your faith has made you whole.” Now, we’re talking about thankfulness. And when a gift is given, and there is no thanks given in return, then the person is disqualified to receive more. A person is disqualified to receive more from the giver. If I give someone a gift and I’ve spent my time and money and effort to shop and pick out something really special, and I send it to them and I’m looking forward to hear from them and hear that they appreciated it and they’re enjoying it. And I hear nothing from them at all. I’m thinking, “What? I don’t want to send them anything anymore. I don’t want to give them another gift.” And that’s what Jesus was referring to in a way here in Luke 17, the one out of ten, that’s a pretty poor percentage, one out of ten. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that was a pretty accurate percentage, maybe not even one out of ten today. One out of ten came back to thank him. In verse 16, he threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. Now, what happened when he thanked him? The nine were cleansed, but this one who thanked Jesus, in verse 19, Jesus said to him, “Your faith has made you whole.” Now, one of the characteristics of leprosy is that it eats away at the body parts. Fingers can be gone, toes can be gone, the nose, the ears can be gone, missing, eaten away. And the nine were cleansed, meaning that the leprosy left, but they still had their missing fingers, and toes missing, and everything else. Jesus said to this one, “Your faith has made you whole.” And that’s WHOLE, whole. Well, that means if he is made whole, then the missing fingers were restored. The nose, the ears, the toes were all restored. And not only was he restored in his body, but his family would be restored, his finances would be restored, his position in society would be restored, he was made whole. So notice that he received more than the others by being thankful. Now, before we close, I’d like to invite you to be a partner with us and supporting this radio broadcast airtime. If these radio broadcasts are encouraging you and blessing you and feeding your faith, you can partner with us by going to our website at Victorious like a champion, VICTORIOUS, like Colorado. And go to the giving page where you can give online by Zellbank transfer, PayPal credit card or debit card. And if it’s your first time to give by Zell or partner with us, please give us your email address in the memo line so we can respond to you with a thank you and our partner letter. Also, you can write to us by postal mail at victoriusfaith PO Box 509 East Lake Colorado 80614. And as always, we bless your seed. We command it to be fruitful and multiply 100 fold in Jesus name. And we agree with you for your victories, breakthroughs, harvest and answers to prayer in Jesus name. We bless you and your seed in Jesus name. Now join me again next week and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.