In the conclusion of “A Spiritual Kingdom First,” Cherry Campbell unveils how Jesus’ resurrection redefined the disciples’ understanding of the Kingdom. Learn about the Great Commission to preach the gospel of the Kingdom until His return.
Good morning. Welcome to Victoria’s Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue and conclude sharing with you a message that I preached in a series of messages in our Victoria’s Faith Services called the Kingdom of God. And this is message three in that series called a spiritual kingdom first. So join me now in our live service for the continuation and conclusion of this message, a spiritual kingdom first. Let’s go to Acts chapter one. Verse three. After his suffering, that’s his death and resurrection, he showed himself to these men, these apostles, and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of what, 40 days, and spoke about what? The Kingdom of God. So they’re completely confused and darkness. Like what is this kingdom that he talked about? You know, he died and they don’t understand and the king is gone and the kingdom is gone. And what, what, what, what? So he raised from the dead and he said, it’s not over. It’s not over. The Kingdom of God is still here. And so he preached for 40 more days about what? The Kingdom of God. Yay! He preached to them about the kingdom, the kingdom, the kingdom, the kingdom. And now the blinders are coming off and they’re beginning to understand. Now they’ve been born again because the new birth happened in John 20, 22. So they’re born again now. Well, being born again makes a huge difference in understanding. Jesus said even in John, I mean, everything you read, John 3, to Nicodemus. No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again. See what? See what? The Kingdom of God and see, meaning two things, see physically with your eyes, be there, be in it, but it also means understand. So you won’t understand the Kingdom of God unless you’re born again. So that’s why born again is part of the gospel of the Kingdom, but it’s the entrance. But it’s only the first step. It’s the entrance into the Kingdom. You can’t see the Kingdom. You can’t enter in, be a partaker and inherit the Kingdom unless you’re born again. But neither can you see or understand or conceive the Kingdom unless you’re born again. So it was a mystery while they were sinners before they were born again. It was a mystery. They couldn’t see. But now they’re born again. The veil is removed. Now they’re beginning to get revelation. They’re seeing and understanding what Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of God. So they were born again in John 20, 22 and he’s talking to them in Acts 1, verse 3, over and over for 40 days about the Kingdom of God. The scales are coming off. They’re opening their eyes. They’re beginning to see. Oh, now we see the first time you came, you had to die on the cross, save man from sin, not from King Herod and the Roman Empire. So his first coming was not to rescue them from the Roman Empire and King Herod and the Roman Emperor. The first coming was to rescue them from sin. But his second coming, which is still in our future, is when he will set up a throne in Jerusalem and he will rule the whole earth with an iron scepter, the Book of Revelation. So he is coming again the second time to rule the physical Kingdom on earth with the iron scepter and the whole earth will be subjected to him. But his first coming in other words was to bring a spiritual Kingdom not to set them free from the Roman Emperor but to set them free from Satan. Set them free from the real tyrant, the real oppressor, Satan. You are free from Satan. You are free from sin. And in the meantime, keep going and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God in the whole earth. And let me take you back to this verse. I love this verse in Matthew 24, 14, because people have misunderstood the gospel as being the message of the cross. And Jesus said, and this gospel, and I’m going to skip the next three words right now. And I’m going to read it the way the body of Christ has stopped it was read. This gospel will be preaching the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come. So people are thinking we need to preach the cross all over the world and then the end will come. Well guess what? The cross has been preached all over the world. It’s been preached in the depths of Africa. It’s been preached across China and Indonesia. And the satellites give it all over the world. The cross has been preached. But that’s not what he said. I skipped three words and I’m going to put those three words back. This gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony and then the end will come. He didn’t say the gospel of the cross. He’s saying the Kingdom. This gospel of the Kingdom will be preached. He didn’t say the cross will be preached in the whole world. He said the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world. And so we’ve been getting parts of the gospel message. We’ve learned some about love, righteousness, freedom, authority, faith. But we missed the foundation, the Kingdom of God. And it is just now in our time really in the last 10 to 15 years that it’s really becoming clear into the focus, you know, when something is out of focus and then you focus in on it, it becomes clear. It’s like, oh, that’s what it is. Now this gospel of the Kingdom, us colonizing, taking the earth by force and spreading the Kingdom of heaven to earth, this gospel must be preaching the whole world and then the end will come. So the Kingdom of God, God’s heavenly kingship and rule, ruling all over the earth, setting everybody free and coming under the authority of God and King Jesus is what needs to be preached in all the world and then the end will come. Well, we’re just now getting the idea of what that means and most of the body of Christ still doesn’t. But there’s some of us who do. But this message can be preached quickly once we get it on television and radio and satellite. It will go all over the world really fast and then the end will come. So I think we’re pretty close to the end. At least we’re getting our eyes in the right direction and our message focused to the Kingdom, taking over the earth so that the end will come. But we’re waiting for this message to be preached in the whole world and then the end will come. But let me go back to show you in Acts chapter 1. Okay, he appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke about the Kingdom of God. Okay, so they’re beginning to understand. All right, we understand Lord. Your first coming was not to become King of Israel yet. But we know you will because you said that and that we would be on thrones. So isn’t this interesting what they ask in verse 6. Verse 6. Chapter 1, Acts 1, 6. So when they met together, they asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the Kingdom to Israel?” All right, we know that wasn’t what you did last month and you had to go to the cross and you had to die, but you’re alive now. And we know that your Kingdom is coming to earth. Is it time? I mean, just think of this. This is their whole mindset is consumed by Kingdom of God coming to earth when. Okay, we understand we got it. That’s not what happened 30 days ago. When you died, we kind of get it. We’re still learning, but we kind of get that now. But now what? They’re saying, “Lord, are you at this time? Is it now time for you to restore the Kingdom to Israel?” In other words, set us free from Rome. Restore the Kingdom to Israel. You be crowned King. His answer, verse 7, he said to them, “It’s not for you to know.” It’s not for you to know. The times or dates, the Father set by His own authority, verse 8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on me and you will be my witnesses and I like to put in their beside it, quote, “embassadurs of my Kingdom.” In Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth, His last words, and He was taken up into heaven out of their sight. So He said, “It’s not for you to know when I’m going to come back with my Kingdom and set it up in Jerusalem, and you’ll rule with me. But for now, your my witnesses and my ambassadors to go into all the world and preach this gospel, the Kingdom to the ends of the earth and set the captives free, liberate everybody in bondage and in darkness until I come back.” That’s your assignment for now. Bye. And He was taken out of their sight. So His last words were, their last question recorded in this gospel and this book of Acts. Their last question is, “Now time for your Kingdom to be ruling in Israel. It’s not for you to know, but for now, you go be my witnesses or my ambassadors of my Kingdom until I come. Goodbye.” That was His last message. So our assignment is to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to the whole world and then the end will come. It’s more than the cross and the new birth. The new birth is the entrance. And this is to be continued because I’ve got another 20 pages of notes to tell you all about not all, I don’t know all, but more about the Kingdom of God that we are to preach. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. Father, we ask you to show us more about the Kingdom of God. Help us to understand what you meant fully about the Kingdom of God. And now when we read the gospels, we’re going to see your message and purpose was the Kingdom of God coming to earth to colonize, take over violently the earth and set everybody free from the dominion of darkness, even as it says in collagens that we were translated out of the Kingdom of darkness and brought into the Kingdom, the Kingdom of your dear Son. We belong in your Kingdom. Hallelujah. And we are to bring others into your Kingdom, a Kingdom of freedom and liberty from the bondages of the evil tyrant Satan. And Lord, that is our great commission that we will carry it out until you come. We give you glory, we give you thanks for this understanding. We salute you, our King and our general. We salute you and we obey you, we go forth to do what you’ve commanded us to do. And we look eagerly for your coming and your appearance for us, our King Jesus and our champion. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. What you just heard was the conclusion of message three that I preached in a series of messages in our victorious faith services called the Kingdom of God. And this message number three is called a spiritual Kingdom first. And if you’d like to listen to this message again in his entirety or either the previous two messages or share them with your friends and family, you can go to my YouTube channel which is under my name Cherry Campbell, CHE RRI Campbell CAMPB ELL. And they’re in the top category called Radio Broadcasts. You will see this series called the Kingdom of God. Now join me again tomorrow for another anointed message and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.