In this heartwarming episode of Call to Freedom, Barbara Carmack reflects on the abundant love of God and the importance of gratitude, especially during the Thanksgiving season. Drawing inspiration from scriptures like 1 John 3:1 and Ezekiel 34:26-27, Barbara reminds listeners of God’s promises, His blessings, and the joy of praising Him in all circumstances.
Barbara shares personal anecdotes, encouraging stories, and a powerful testimony of deliverance that highlights the transformative power of praise. Listeners are also invited to embrace love and forgiveness around the Thanksgiving table and to let the Holy Spirit guide their hearts.
Tune in to be uplifted,
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 802-37 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let’s join Barbara in the studio. And a big welcome to you from Call to Freedom. I’m so happy that you’re here today and so blessed that I can tell you that God loves you. Right at the top of this program, God loves you. Oh, how great is the love the Father has lavished on you that you should be called a child of God. I want you to remember that when you feel down, when you feel depressed, when the enemy is coming at you, just thwart all those arrows that he’s throwing at you. Just push him away because he doesn’t have any more victory over you. He doesn’t have any say over you as a child of the most high God. That’s first John 3-1. Oh, how great the love of the Father has lavished upon us that we should be called children of God. That’s such a wonderful assurance that we have right now in this day and age. And Christmas being just a month away, it’s just this year. Where has it gone? I know there were some tough times in this summer and early fall, but now we see a victory. We see a future that’s a golden future, a future where the best is yet to come. And I hope that you’re realizing that and at Thanksgiving this year that we will say, thank you, Father. Thank you, Father, for the victory. Praise the Lord. Oh, praise the Lord. I’ll be on the road tomorrow or I start out early. So Tuesday morning, I’ll be on the road probably by this time I will be near Salina, Kansas. Or somewhere like that. Yep, I go I 70 to I 35 down to the crossroads where you go to into Tulsa. So thank you for your prayers. I appreciate them and I’ll be with Kimberly then the Lord willing tomorrow night. And tomorrow she will take the program as well as Wednesday. And I appreciate that. I might be sitting there with her on Wednesday and just enjoying listening to my teacher daughter. God has been so so so good. When you look at your life and you see how God is blessed. Oh, he is so good. I heard from my friend Mary the other day and she just was so full of thankfulness. I saved I saved your call Mary because it’s wonderful to know that these voicemails that I get, they are full of gratitude and thanksgiving. That’s what I desire for you. Oh, to be full of thanksgiving and gratitude. Let’s do our Monday Bible slogan. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I do what it tells me to do. This is my Bible. It has given me new life. Oh, hallelujah. It is the Word of God. Praise the Lord. You are blessed. You are so blessed to dispense like some of the precious power partners I have when they write that on their checks. That they send to a call to freedom. They say, “I am blessed and I am blessed to dispense. I am so blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being.” And you can go online at You can click on the radio shows to listen to radio shows. You can also go online to donate and just hit that little donate button. And you can donate to call to freedom if call to freedom has been a blessing to you this year. And I hope we have. I hope our daily program has given you assurance, has given you a blessing to go through your days that you go through. And it hasn’t been an easy year. No, it hasn’t. Just had it take a drink. Our memory verse for this week is from Ezekiel. And it’s Ezekiel 34 verse 26 and 27. From the living, I will bless my people and their homes around my Holy Hill. God’s Holy Hill is of course Jerusalem. And in the proper season, I will send the showers they need. Excuse me. I’ve got a little frog there. And there will be showers of blessing. Praise the Lord, showers of blessing. In the Passion, Ezekiel 34, 26 says, I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of wild beasts. Sometimes we think the wild beasts are human. No, but these are animals. And then they will be able to live securely in the wilderness and sleep soundly in the forest. And I will make them and the places around my sacred hill of blessing. And I will send showers of blessing. And the showers will come down on their season and in their season. Praise the Lord. And from, I just, I want to give you one story. I got a whole myriad of stories from ACLJ. And I just want to give you one story. They are busy at work keeping the left from totally overrunning the country and parts of the world. I received numerous contacts over concerns that Walmart had implemented a new scheduling policy that appeared to no longer allow religious accommodations for its employees to attend church. And ACLJ sent a letter to Walmart’s corporate counsel asking that our clients’ religious beliefs about not working on Sundays be accommodated. Thankfully, within a week, this is one of the largest corporations in the world. Within a week, Walmart’s corporate counsel reached out to us and worked with us to ensure that its policy would, in fact, provide religious accommodations for its employees under the law. Not only were our clients told that they would be able to continue having Sundays off and keep their 40-hour work week. But we also received word from Walmart’s corporate leadership that it would accommodate our clients’ religious beliefs about not working on Sunday. Not only the 40-hour week, but it would continue even though they would get Sundays off. Oh, that’s a praise the Lord. That’s a hallelujah. That’s a wonderful thing to know that even these corporations, these big tech companies, will listen to an organization like ACLJ because they know that they have legal rights to give us freedom of speech and freedom for our religious affiliations, whatever they are. Who is the Lord? Who is the Lord? Psalm 148 gives a list of different kinds of people and creatures in God’s created world that are to praise the Lord. As I look into the heavens and the sky and the stars at night, oh, haven’t the moons been beautiful? Oh, I’ve enjoyed it so much. I believe nature praises him more than the special creation that God made in his image and likeness. That’s right. Sometimes we don’t praise him when we really should praise him for what he’s done for us. Psalm 148 says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” That leaves no one out. In fact, there is just one class of people who do not praise the Lord. You know who that is? The dead. That’s right. Psalm 115 verse 17 says, “The dead do not praise the Lord.” Of course, the dead, the spirit. When you die, your spirit goes to be with the Lord. So I’m sure you’re praising the Lord up in heaven, but your body is no longer praising God. Now, for some of you who have found it hard to praise God, you just have to make a little adjustment in your prayer life and you will begin to praise him in no time. You switch from a needy person to one who praises God for supplying your every need through Jesus Christ, your Savior. When you begin to look at the bright side of living and there is a bright side, my friend, you will begin to rejoice in the one who deserves all the praise. I want to read the whole Psalm 148, verse 1 through 14, in the living. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens. Praise him from the skies. Praise him all his angels. Praise him all the armies of heaven. Oh, myriads and myriads. Praise him sun and moon. Praise him all you twinkling stars. Praise him skies above. Praise him vapors high above the clouds. Verse 5 of 148 says, “Let every created thing, every created thing, give praise to the Lord. For he spoke his command and they came into being. He sent them in place forever and ever. His decree will never be revoked. He will never go back on his word. Let them all praise the name of the Lord. For his name is very great. His glory towers over the earth and heaven. And he has made his people strong, honoring his faithful ones, the people of Israel who are close to him. Now, boy, those are a special class of people. He loves them. And as we love Israel, he will bless us abundantly. And the next administration who is coming into the United States to rule and reign for a while, they love Israel. I’m so grateful and to have Mike Huckabee to be the ambassador is to Israel is just profound. That man is something else. And the people who are called by his name, praise the Lord. Sing praise to the Father. Sing praise to the Son. Sing praise to the Spirit who makes all creatures one. Sing praise for the goodness of what the Lord has done. Let all creatures praise the Lord. Kimi and Dana are saying this song in the late 70s. Large creatures, small creatures, short and tall creatures. Oh, come now and praise the Lord. Here they are. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh, amen. Let all creatures praise the Lord. That’s such a wonderful memory for me. Kimberly and Dana from the time Dana was three years old. She was on stage at churches with us. And they never used any kind of notes. No kind, they memorized everything. And especially this last song, “Little Creatures Praise the Lord.” I mean, there are three verses of very interesting, complex phrases. And they just learned it so well. I’m amazed at the gift that God has given those girls. And I praise the Lord for Kimberly now. It used to be Kimi. And Dana used to be D-A-N-A. And now it’s D-A-Y-N-A because Dana wanted it changed legally when she was a sophomore in high school and she did it. She went to the courthouse and she changed it. And it had to be in the paper for so long. And she changed the spelling of her name to D-A-Y-N-A because a lot of kids were calling her Dana. And she said, “Mom, I don’t want to be called Dana.” So we did that. And she has loved that. She’s loved that spelling, ever since. Oh, praise the Lord for them. It’s a good thing to give praise to the Lord. The greatest prazer in worshiper was King David. And when you read through the Psalms, especially the ones he wrote, although ASAP also had wonderful, wonderful verses of scripture, he learned to worship God in a place where most people wouldn’t find opportunity to praise the Lord in a sheep pasture. And there must have been a smell. Yeah. You know, when we get into a place where, you know, there’s a fragrant odor or something like that. We don’t find it real easy to praise the Lord. It’s more difficult. Anywhere is a good place to praise the Lord. I just read about a story of deliverance that Derek Prince tells in his booklet on Thanksgiving. And Derek was a wonderful English scholar. I’m so enjoyed his TV programs. And in his own words, I want to tell you what happened this one time. He writes, many years ago, when I was pastoring a small congregation in West London, and he was English, there were two Russian Jewish sisters who used to come and visit my wife and me. They had met the Lord Jesus inside Russia. There is no place on earth where God cannot get to. And especially with Rick and Denise Renner now in Russia, thousands upon thousands have come to know the Lord Jesus. And later they were delivered from the Russians by a miracle. And after their escape, they had been filled with the Holy Spirit. By denomination, they were baptists. But when they prayed with us, they were noisier than most Pentecostals in the West. Now, Derek Prince was a Pentecostal, but he was very stoic and English in his emotions, very upright. He knew how to praise the Lord. Well, the four of us were there having a wonderful time praising the Lord when there was a ring at our front door. I went to answer it and there stood a lady who was a member of our congregation, leading a man by the hand. This is my husband, she said. He just came out of prison. He has a demon. Will you pray for him? I know some of us think our relatives have demons, but this one was true. Now, in those days, Derek goes on to say, “I stayed a long way from demons. I was embarrassed by them.” And just now I had no idea what to do. So I said, “Well, come on, we’re praying. Come on in, we’re praying.” It was all I could think to say what to say. And so we went upstairs and just went on praying, really making a noise until the husband came to me and said, “I don’t like this. Too much noise. I’m going.” And God inspired my answer. Isn’t that wonderful when we don’t know what to say? And God just fills our mouths. God inspired my answer, says Derek Prince. Listen, I said, “It’s the devil who doesn’t like the noise because we’re praising Jesus.” And he hates that. You have two options here. If you go now, the devil will go with you. And if you stay, the devil will go without you. All stay, he said, and about 10 minutes later, he came up to me again. It’s gone. I can’t imagine. Now, he didn’t lay hands on him. He didn’t pray against any spirits. They just kept praising Jesus. It reminds me of James 4 verse 7, “Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee.” So he said, “It’s gone. I fell that leave my throat.” Now, see what the devil loves to do is take charge of your speech and your confession. And as long as you don’t say the word of God or say confessions, the devil will have a hate it with you. I have never forgotten that because it demonstrates how praise embarrasses the devil much more than he can embarrass us. In Psalm 33 verse 1, the Psalmist says that praise from the upright is beautiful. Praise glorifies God. Praise is indeed a beautiful garment of praise that you put on. You put on that garment of praise. So when you are tempted to be depressed or moody or unhappy, put on the garment of praise in place of the spirit of heaviness. It will work for you just as it worked for me and for thousands of others. Thank you so much, Derek Prince. Isaiah 61 verse 2 and 3 in the message says, “God sent me to announce the year of His grace.” Oh, this is a year of grace, folks. A celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies and to comfort all who mourn, to care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion. Give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, messages of joy instead of news of doom. I’ll tell you, some of you you’d like to really email and speak of the negative that’s going on. Try praising God for what He’s done. Get rid of the negative information and begin to give the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A praising heart instead of a language, spirit, and language is a slow spirit lacking in energy. So don’t be that. Get up awake. Rename them oaks of righteousness planted by God to display His glory. Oh, how can we say thanks? How can we say thanks for the things He’s done for us? Things so undeserved yet He gave to prove His love for us. Here’s John in me. [Music] How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me? Things so undeserved yet He gave to prove Your love for me. The voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude. All that I ever need to be. I owe it all to thee. To God be the glory to God be the glory to God be the glory to God be the glory for the命 He must have. With His glory He must save me with His glory as raised me. To God be the glory for the命 He must have. Just let me live my life, let me please Him, Lord, to be. And if we may embrace Him, let Him go to God be the glory. With His glory He must save me with His glory as raised me. To God be the glory for the命 He must have. With His glory He must save me with His glory as raised me. To God be the glory for the命 He must have. Oh praise God, there’s no way we can thank Him enough. There is no way, no human way. That’s why we need Holy Spirit here in Psalm 34 verse 1 through 9. Oh just one of my favorite Psalms as so many are. I know you’re probably listening and saying, wow there are so many Psalms I can say that for. Oh I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul will make its boast in the Lord. The humble will hear it and be glad. Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord and He heard me and answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Throw those fears on Him. Cast them on Him on Him, my friend, because He’s going to take care of them. They looked to Him and were radiant and their faces will never be ashamed. This poor person cried and the Lord heard Him and saved Him out of all His troubles. The person that you just heard singing with me, John Wells, had been in a mental hospital. He had been in a straight jacket. You may not even believe that, but He had. And He was so broken down in spirit and in body that they had Him in a straight jacket for of time. I remember praying for Him in college and then realizing that this is the man God wanted me to marry. It was really quite a thing to think about. But I realized that when His Father prayed over Him and God bless Marie Wells, who came to Him and said, “This poor man cried and the Lord heard Him and saved him out of all His troubles. The Lord delivered Him and healed Him.” Kind of like Derek Prince. He didn’t lay hands on Him. He didn’t bind the spirits and cast them out in Jesus’ name. He just said the word of God and God saved John Wells for us and for Kimberly and Dana. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, that’s the best food you can have. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. How blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him? Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints. For to those who fear Him, there is no want. There is no lack when you trust God and thank Him for all that He has done and all that He’s going to do in your life. Oh, and friend, we need to love. We’re called to love no matter what the circumstances and during this Thanksgiving season. I pray that you’ll just put aside your own grudges, your own thinking and just love whoever is around that table this Thanksgiving and let the Lord know that you need Holy Spirit to love. You can’t love without Holy Spirit. Ask Holy Spirit to help you to love all those around you in Jesus’ name. And again, I say happy Thanksgiving. God bless you. It’s just been such a joy and an honor for me to be here every day behind this mic. I love you. God bless you and take joy. [Music] Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partner support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website,, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]