Cherry Campbell continues exploring the Kingdom of God, emphasizing its core message of freedom and deliverance. Discover how Jesus’ mission was to break the chains of sin, sickness, and oppression, offering the blessing of liberty through the Kingdom. Learn to identify and overcome Satan’s deception, step into the truth that sets you free, and embrace your full inheritance in the Kingdom of God—a realm of power, blessing, and eternal liberty.
Good morning. Welcome to Victoria’s Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue sharing with you the message I’ve been sharing with you all this week that I preached in a series of messages and our Victoria’s Faith Services called the Kingdom of God. And this is message three in that series called a spiritual kingdom first. If you have missed any of these messages or would like to hear them again or share them with your friends and family, you can go to my YouTube channel which is under my name, Cherry Campbell. CHE RRI Campbell CEM PBEL. And they’re in the top category called Radio broadcasts. You will see this series called the Kingdom of God. Now join me in our live service for the continuation of message three, a spiritual kingdom first. The perfect law of liberty. And I’m not reading the whole verse just James 125, the perfect law of liberty. Those five words. Satan has also deceived the world and sinners that have heard about Jesus and the cross and salvation. Some of them say, oh, I don’t want to serve Jesus because I want to be free to do what I want to do. I want to be free to sin. Go back to Roman six to study that. Roman six 16. Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey, whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death or to obedience, which leads to righteousness. And the world and even Christians who say they’re a Christian, but they still like their sin. They’re deceived because sin becomes your master and you become a slave leading to death, the curse of sin and death. It yokes you like one of those metal bands around the neck that we’ve seen in the movies that they used back in the Middle Ages and later. But I’m thinking of like a two inch tall metal band that was even in the, we see him in the pictures of slavery, American slavery, two inch metal band around the neck with a chain on it. That’s sin. It is your master and it makes you a slave to the curse of sin and death, which produces sickness, disease, lack, poverty, fear, worry, anxiety, all mental torment, grief, it breaks up relationships, strife, division, all of that stuff is linked to the curse of sin and death. And when you sin, you are linked to the curse. Let’s say the band, two inch band around the neck is sin. The chain links you to the curse of sin and death. Jesus came to break off that band that two inch band around the neck to set you free from the curse of sin and death. Now you are at liberty, but now by choice you serve to obey God, which leads to righteousness. And then down in verse 22, now that you have been set free from sin, have become slaves. So without a band or a bond, you are a voluntary slave or servant of God that benefit you reap leads to holiness. The result is eternal life. So Satan’s deception is sin. Be free. But it’s a lie sin and be chained around your neck to the curse and you can’t get away from it. I mean, I think that brings back to my mind the picture of the slaves. And they have that chain around their neck and they’d be even chained in the lower part of the ship and having to sit in their feces. And that’s what you’re chained to when you sin. That sin, that is that two inch metal band around the neck and you’re chained sitting in the feces of sin and the curse of sin and death. Jesus came to destroy that yoke, set you free, but it’s by choice you enter into the kingdom of God and by choice you obey the perfect law of liberty, which gives freedom, leading to eternal life. The more you obey him because he is life. He only tells you to do this because this is the path that leads to life. If you do it, it leads you to life. It’s not because he’s just trying to be commanding. He’s not trying to be authoritarian or totalitarian. He’s not trying to do that. He’s saying, do this because this is the path that leads to life. I mean, even in Proverbs, it says the path that the righteous is like the light of day shines brighter and brighter than in day sun. This is why we walk in the path of God and the word of God because it leads to eternal life. And it is the opposite of the curse of sin and death. It is the life and liberty, the zoe life of God, which is not just heaven. It is the fullness of God’s life in us right here on this earth. And so the great commission, I got kind of sidetracked, but let me tie it all together. Great commission of Adam. Genesis 126 and 28. Go and subdue all the earth. But at that time you was under God’s authority and was supposed to bring the whole earth under God’s authority and bring the kingdom of heaven to earth and make earth a colony. The whole earth. But the first Adam failed. So we have the second and the last Adam, Jesus Christ. He came to do the same thing and he did the battle at the cross and in death hell and in the grave, he defeated Satan. But if he had just done that and not preached for three or three and a half years people would have been free and never known they were free And they would have never know what the kingdom was They would have never known how the kingdom works and that’s why parable after parable after parable after parable after parable after parable after parable after parable after parable This is what the kingdom of God is like. This is what the kingdom of heaven is like This is what the kingdom of God is like and back there we were in Matthew 22 and she said The secrets of the kingdom of heaven are revealed to you. So that’s what we’re saying He said I’m revealing to you the secrets of the kingdom of heaven the secrets of the kingdom of heaven as how the kingdom of heaven operates What’s in at the treasures? I mean you don’t tell your enemy all your treasures We have an inventory list of treasures over here. It’s a secret and I’m gonna tell you all about it And this is the key that unlocks it But don’t tell the enemy the enemy doesn’t know anything about our treasures in our kingdom You see that so the kingdom has treasures the kingdom has secrets It’s what’s in the kingdom and it’s how the kingdom works and operates and then he says I also give you the keys of What the kingdom and now you can see everything Jesus preached was kingdom kingdom kingdom kingdom kingdom. I’m telling you the secrets of the kingdom I’m giving you the keys of the kingdom. This is what the kingdom of heaven is like and Then he sent out his disciples you go preach the kingdom the gospel the kingdom and heal Bring freedom and deliverance to everybody you meet because the kingdom is a kingdom that brings liberty from the bondages of Satan So you go out and then the kingdom of God Suppers violence and the violent take it by force in other words, we have to be aggressive and And we tend to be many times within in such a battle we just close ourselves into our house and put up our gate in our shield and try to survive But we have to get out of that and be aggressive and be taking new territory we need to be colonizing the earth and Not just trying to survive it through this life with our shields up all around us But now we are going forward aggressively capturing ground that was under the control of Satan which is lives people that were in Satan’s bondage and setting them free Heal them and then lead them to Jesus or lead them to Jesus and heal them and Bring the deliverance if they were in bondage to grief Because I lost a loved one well minister the anointing that destroys their grief and the joy of the Lord can overtake them and fill them up like they never knew they could have Jesus said the oil of joy for the garment of heaviness and the morning Turn your morning into joy So people who are grieving in morning turn it into joy deliver deliver deliver deliver heal set free everywhere we go So the great commission is preaching the kingdom of God and then bringing deliverance and healing everywhere you go and So what then part is the great commission in Mark 16 and Matthew 28 go into all the world preach the gospel Well now we know what that gospel is It’s the kingdom of God. We’re colonizing earth and we’re taking territory which is lives We’re taking lives out of the hands of Satan and bringing them into the kingdom of God the kingdom of freedom and deliverance That’s our great commission. It was Adam’s commission and now it’s our commission And so our commission is to set people free, but then where does that? Message of the cross come in and the new birth. I told you that is the doorway How do you get in the kingdom? Through the cross through new birth through receiving Jesus and So you come to people and you say I want to tell you about a king and a kingdom that will set you free heal you the gospel to the poor deliverance for the captives It’s a great kingdom to be and to be a part of to be a citizen in How do I get in you must be born again? Receive Jesus as your Savior he died on the cross for you you enter through the cross and through repentance and forgiveness of sin Jesus comes into your heart you’re born again now you’re born in the kingdom Now do you know that probably 90% of the body of Christ get saved they go through the doorway and they’re standing on the threshold inside the door They’re waiting until they get to heaven Before they occupy the rest But you don’t have to wait till you get to heaven to occupy the rest of the kingdom all Of the kingdom of God is yours now except the place called heaven The place called heaven we have to wait until we leave this body and go there But everything else that is in the kingdom of heaven headquarters has been brought to earth through Jesus It’s here Jesus said the kingdom of God is here the kingdom of God is at hand The Lord’s prayer that kingdom come that will be done on Earth as it is in heaven and it’s part of our job to make earth as It is in heaven to make earth a colony that looks like heaven. It’s part of our job Hallelujah and so the idea I gave you think about if we were to say and this is all made up stuff I don’t know anything about reality of what I’m saying, okay? What if there’s the Bank of England and they bring an ATM machine and they put it here and you have an account in that bank of England and They gave you the key the ATM card access Do you have to go to England to get money out of your account? Why? Because they brought it here and you have the key and You have the pass to access it right here right outside the store and you can get everything that’s yours in that Bank right here. You don’t have to get on a plane and fly over to England Jesus said the kingdom of God is here your key your pass is the word of God Jesus said I give you the keys of The kingdom now what’s in it is yours take the key and unlock it. It’s yours What you just heard was a continuation of message number three in a series of messages that I preached in our Victorious faith services called the kingdom of God and this message number three is called a spiritual Kingdom first join me again tomorrow as we will continue this message and remember God loves you You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord