This morning, I’m going to begin sharing with you message number two in a series of messages that I preached in our Victorious Faith Services, called “The Kingdom of God.” And last week, I preached message number one, a very important and foundational message in this important series.
♪ All the Him, shout your praise ♪ Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with International Missionary and Bible Teacher, Cherry Campbell. Good morning. Praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I am Cherry Campbell. This morning, I’m going to begin sharing with you message number two in a series of messages that I preached in our Victorious Faith Services, called “The Kingdom of God.” And last week, I preached message number one, a very important and foundational message in this important series. And if you miss that message, I encourage you strongly to listen to it. You don’t want to miss that message. And we will have a little bit of review of it, but there is so much in this message that we shared with you last week that you don’t want to miss it. You can listen to it again and share with your friends and family by going to my YouTube channel, which is under my name, Cherry Campbell. CHE, R-R-I, Campbell, C-E-M, PB-E-L-L. And there on the top category, called “Radio Broadcasts,” you will see this series called “The Kingdom of God.” And I encourage you to listen to that message. Now join me in our live service as we begin message two, called “The Gospel of the Kingdom.” So we’re talking about the Kingdom of God. And we started this in our last service, and we’re going to continue this, because this is an exciting study to me. It’s very exciting. And as God began to put the pieces together because where I came from, my teachers were talking about this, and I got pieces of the puzzle. And I was understanding some pieces of the puzzle. But the Lord in my understanding put all those pieces together and we’ll them all together. And I saw the whole tapestry for the first time by the way he showed it to me. I was like, “Wow, now I see it.” And the way of his gifting to me is to teach ABC. My style is an ABC style, one, two, three style, of teaching, to break things down. And so when I saw it, the whole puzzle, now I can begin explaining it as a simple ABC lesson and seeing the tapestry picture coming into clear focus. And you can see what the picture is. So just a quick review of what we talked about last week. And we started, as I’ve mentioned, our text versus where Matthew 6, versus 31 to 33. And it says, “So do not worry saying, ‘What shall we eat? What shall we drink? Or what shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But sick first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” All right, quick summary. We said, “What you’re going to eat and drink and wear.” That means, how are you going to pay your bills? How are you going to pay your house rent or your mortgage? Pay your car payment or insurance? How are you going to pay your credit cards, send your kids to school? These are the basic issues of life. It says the pagans run after all these things, what you’re going to eat, drink, wear, how to pay your bills. But the thing is, if you look around you, the church is doing the same thing. Why? Because we don’t know anything else. As we’re going to get to in this study, I’ll say it now, we were born into the world system. The world system is what we learned. That’s all we know. Until you get revelation. And so Christians are living just like the world, because they don’t know any other way. So Christians too are running after all these things. Go to work, you know, there’s the bumper sticker, I, I, oh, I, oh, so off to work, I go. Well, that’s the method of the world system. Why do people work to pay their bills? Well, we need to understand that yes we work, and I’m jumping ahead, this will be a lesson in a few weeks, a few meetings. Yes, we work. But we’re not working the world system. We have something else. So we have to learn what is he talking about? And I introduced this by asking the question, and I’ve asked this question everywhere I go to preach this message. What did God mean? What did Jesus mean? When he said seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, what people say seek his righteousness? Well, what is, well, first of all, what is righteousness? I mean, that’s an old English word. How is your righteousness today? Are you feeling righteous today? I mean, that, who uses that? That’s obsolete and archaic, right? Well, the way to understand that word is take out the four letters just slip those four letters out, put the two ends together, and you get rightness, rightness. And then to be more simple, like I like, let’s make it one more step simple. Pick off the NESS and just say, right. It means being and doing right. The amplified Bible, actually prints it that way. The amplified Bible says his righteousness, his way of doing and being right. So righteousness is actually rightness. So instead of saying, is everything righteous with you today? You say, is everything right? Is all right? God is righteous. That’s not some weird spiritual word. It means he’s right. So it’s simple, right. So rightness. And so I ask people, what does it mean to seek first his kingdom? Well, they say, well, it means read your Bible. It means pray. It means go to church. It means love him. It means do your best to serve him. And that’s the answer I get everywhere. I got those answers right here. But do you know what that is all about? Sicking the king, not the kingdom. Read the Bible and praying. You’re seeking God. Which you’re supposed to do. That’s another verse. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Seek him. But that’s not what Jesus said. He’s not talking about seeking God. Read the Bible, praying, going to church is seeking God. Looking to God. Jesus is not talking about God in this verse. He didn’t say seek the king. He said seek the kingdom. Something totally different. People have totally overlooked. Just went right over them. They’re seeking the king. Which you’re supposed to do. There’s other verses that say to do that. You’re supposed to read the Bible and pray. But that’s not what Jesus was talking about in this instance in order to get your needs met. Because you can pray, pray, pray, cry, cry, cry to God and not get your needs met. How many prayers have people prayed? Heal me, Lord, and they didn’t get healed and they died. Pay this and it didn’t get paid. People have prayed a lot of prayers to God seeking what they need to eat, drink, and wear, and their healing. And that’s not what you’re supposed to do. To get your needs met. You seek him for other things, reasons. But for your needs to be met, seek the kingdom. Not God. Not that he is not part of it because you can’t even separate the king from the kingdom. But you do. Because what we’re talking about then, I broke it down for you. What is a kingdom? We have to think about it and study it. A kingdom we can see is a compound of two words. King and dumb. Dumb is short for dominion and domain. Dominion means authority. Domain means the territory where someone has dominion in their domain. Your home will be your domain. That’s your territory where you have authority in your home. The kingdom is the domain where the king has dominion. So it’s the territory to make it simple where the king has authority to rule. But let’s make it simple by comparing it to earthly kingdoms. And I said, let’s look at the kingdom of Great Britain. Or today you could not properly call it a queen dumb. Since we have Queen Elizabeth, a queen dumb. But she’s the queen of a kingdom. But you see, if we look at it with a natural example and put the natural example next to the spiritual, we’ll understand the spiritual. That’s what Jesus did all the time. He said parables. He said the kingdom of God is like this. It’s like a man who goes out to sow his seed. He always said it’s like this. Let’s talk about the kingdom of God is like the kingdom of Great Britain. Let’s get something really clear. The kingdom of Great Britain has a king or now queen in authority. Now again, clarifying, we have some of the gospels say, kingdom of heaven, another say kingdom of God. I’ve heard a teacher or teachers try to ecclesiastically or whatever you want. Try to break that down and give some high-faluted explanation of the difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven. There is none. They are one and the same because there is one king who has one kingdom. He doesn’t have two kingdoms. They are one and the same kingdom. Kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven are the very same kingdom. That kingdom of God is identifying who is in charge. The head, God is the king of the kingdom. Kingdom of heaven is identifying headquarters, the originating point and the ruling capital of the kingdom. So the kingdom of Great Britain is the kingdom of Queen Elizabeth. If you could say the kingdom of Queen Elizabeth, you’re saying she’s the head. If you say the kingdom of Great Britain, you’re identifying the place that is the capital and headquarters of that ruling kingdom. And from there it spreads. Now we saw that the kingdom of Great Britain spread their authority and rule into United States a few hundred years ago, four hundred years ago. But then they also extended their authority in India and other places. So they were colonizing other territories, expanding their authority over other territories, bringing other territories in under their authority and their rule. A kingdom, if we say we’re going to study a kingdom, let’s say we want to study the kingdom of Great Britain. So you’re in fifth grade and you have your report assignment. I remember back in, there was fifth grade. We had to do a report on a different country. Well let’s say I give you an assignment to do a report on the kingdom of Great Britain. You write a report, tell me what is the kingdom of Great Britain. Then what are you going to have to study? You’re going to have to study the government, the laws, the system of operating. How does the kingdom of Great Britain function? How do they operate and do things? They’re rules and methods of operation. You also study the language, what language, their currency, what is their currency. If we want to learn everything about them, we also learn about their culture. Their ways. You know, high tea. I learned to like tea in India and when I was in the Pacific Islands with the Fijians, they were, had been under British rule and they still practice tea time. So you learn their culture, their customs, their ways. Very important. But if you’re going to go live there, you also need to learn their laws or you are easily a lawbreaker and getting trouble. What you just heard was message 2 in a series of messages that I preached in our victorious faith services called the kingdom of God. And this message is called the gospel of the kingdom. And we will continue this message again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you. You are blessed and had a favored by the Lord. We’re glad you joined us today for victorious faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at where you can listen to the victorious faith radio broadcast, find Biblical study helps, contact Cherry and make donations. You can also write to us at PO Box 509 East Lake, Colorado 80614. Victorius Faith is a God and partners supported ministry. As you so seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world. [Music]