00:00:00 Cherri Campbell
Good morning. Welcome to Victoria’s faith. I’m cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue sharing with you the message I began sharing with you yesterday, which is Part 1 in a new series of messages that I’m going to share with you called the Kingdom of God. And this message Part 1 is called. What is the Kingdom of God?
00:00:20 Cherri Campbell
So join me now on our live service for Part 1 of this series. What is the Kingdom of God?
00:00:27 Cherri Campbell
Tithing requires trust, especially when you’re in that paycheck to paycheck just enough to make the the pay the bills place to pay. Tithe takes faith.
00:00:40 Cherri Campbell
That God is saying.
00:00:41 Cherri Campbell
I want your faith and I want your trust in me. And then just like a lot, I mean, that was a hard thing for Elijah.
00:00:50 Cherri Campbell
To say that the widow.
00:00:52 Cherri Campbell
She says we’re going to eat this and die. And he said OK, but make a cake and give it to me first because he was representing God.
00:01:01 Cherri Campbell
And she did.
00:01:02 Cherri Campbell
It and the oil never ran dry.
00:01:04 Cherri Campbell
The flower never ran out and they had enough every day to make it till the famine ended and there was more than enough. My grandfather and grandmother back when they used coal in their furnace, they kept it in the basement in a bin, a coal bin, and it was winter time in Indiana.
00:01:25 Cherri Campbell
Was freezing. They had to keep the furnace going. The coal furnace and there wasn’t money to buy more coal. The coal bin emptied.
00:01:35 Cherri Campbell
And literally my grandfather went down to the basement and used a boom.
00:01:40 Cherri Campbell
A broom to sweep up the crumbs and the dust.
00:01:45 Cherri Campbell
And filled up a pail.
00:01:48 Cherri Campbell
Took it upstairs and put it in the furnace and kept them warm.
00:01:53 Cherri Campbell
And he swept the bin clean.
00:01:56 Cherri Campbell
He swept it clean, went downstairs. There was more dust and crumbs.
00:02:02 Cherri Campbell
And he swept up enough dust and crumbs of coal to fill the pail.
00:02:08 Cherri Campbell
Swept the bin clean again.
00:02:11 Cherri Campbell
Went upstairs, used it in the furnace. The next time the furnace ran out, went down to the basement. The bin had more crumbs. It happened. It lasted for days, maybe a week or two, until they had gotten money to buy coal in the middle of winter. Every day there was more crumbs there. It multiplied.
00:02:32 Cherri Campbell
00:02:34 Cherri Campbell
I’ve heard stories of that. I’ve heard of the soup pot.
00:02:37 Cherri Campbell
A family sitting a missionary family on the mission field, sitting down to dinner and all they had was this one pot of soup left and family of four. I think, Mama.
00:02:48 Cherri Campbell
Served up four bowls of.
00:02:50 Cherri Campbell
Soup and emptied the pot.
00:02:53 Cherri Campbell
Wiped it out, you know, and spooned it out empty completely.
00:02:57 Cherri Campbell
And that was all they had. And it was gone. And I mean when it was done, it was gone. They had nothing left. They were satisfied with that meal.
00:03:06 Cherri Campbell
00:03:06 Cherri Campbell
The pot sat on the stove. Time for the next meal. She went over to the pot, lifted the lid.
00:03:11 Cherri Campbell
And it was.
00:03:12 Cherri Campbell
Full it filled up.
00:03:15 Cherri Campbell
And there was enough soup for another meal, and they lived on that for a few days until money came to buy food. That is not a one time miracle that has happened so many times that perhaps you know your own stories. But God says if you look to him and put him first, first means first, it doesn’t mean.
00:03:37 Cherri Campbell
He’ll take care of making sure your rent and gas and electric are paid.
00:03:42 Cherri Campbell
But it takes faith to take off the top and say God, I trust you with this. Here it is. This is my and and the other thing I thought about tithing is that it’s also the Covenant Act.
00:03:55 Cherri Campbell
It is a.
00:03:56 Cherri Campbell
Covenant app that I’m giving you what I have that I receive from you.
00:04:01 Cherri Campbell
00:04:02 Cherri Campbell
That you have and he has resources unlimited. It’s a covenant exchange. So you are doing your part of keeping a covenant and you study that Abraham made that covenant with God. When Melchizedek came after Abraham fought the battle with the 5 Kings and he got all this loot. Now Abraham was a rich man.
00:04:24 Cherri Campbell
Anyway, but he got all the loot from the battles, and Melchizedek came as the priest of God bringing bread and wine. That’s covenant meal.
00:04:33 Cherri Campbell
What did Abraham give back the tithe? Because he received the bread and wine and he gave back the tie. That was his act of making covenant with God.
00:04:47 Cherri Campbell
And that’s what God still asks from us today. And Jacob did the same thing Jacob left home.
00:04:55 Cherri Campbell
He said I’ve left home with.
00:04:56 Cherri Campbell
Nothing but a stick.
00:04:58 Cherri Campbell
He actually looked back and he recounted and remembered that after he had deceived Esau.
00:05:08 Cherri Campbell
His mom and.
00:05:08 Cherri Campbell
Daddy said. You better get out of.
00:05:10 Cherri Campbell
Town. Your brother’s gonna hunt you down.
00:05:14 Cherri Campbell
And so he sent him out with nothing but a stick.
00:05:18 Cherri Campbell
And I guess.
00:05:18 Cherri Campbell
Maybe a little pack on his back.
00:05:21 Cherri Campbell
And he slept, and the night put.
00:05:23 Cherri Campbell
His head on a rock.
00:05:25 Cherri Campbell
The next day, called the spot Bethel, the House of God because God spoke to him in the night and he said I’m making covenant with you. Just as I was with your father Abraham and your father Isaac.
00:05:36 Cherri Campbell
I’ll be with you. I’ll be your God.
00:05:40 Cherri Campbell
And Jacob woke up.
00:05:44 Cherri Campbell
And says this is the House of God. And he said OK God, I mean, you have to see where Jacob came from. There’s a huge transformation in Jacob’s life as a young man. He was. You know, Jacob means supplanter and deceiver. He was a con man.
00:06:00 Cherri Campbell
He was good at it.
00:06:02 Cherri Campbell
He was a really good practicing con man. He wasn’t the righteous, devout holy man that we would like to think of him. He was a con man.
00:06:12 Cherri Campbell
But he had an encounter with.
00:06:13 Cherri Campbell
God and it changed him.
00:06:16 Cherri Campbell
He changed into another man.
00:06:18 Cherri Campbell
And he became later, God changed his name to Israel.
00:06:22 Cherri Campbell
Taking the name L part of the God’s name.
00:06:26 Cherri Campbell
That’s all part of the covenant lesson I just love.
00:06:28 Cherri Campbell
The exchange of the names Israel L Elohim, El Shaddai. He took part of God’s name in his name. And so that’s where Jacob came into this covenant.
00:06:41 Cherri Campbell
And said OK.
00:06:42 Cherri Campbell
You will be my God. I I would call that at Bethel. Jacob’s born again. Experience. Not that he had new birth because there was no new birth.
00:06:52 Cherri Campbell
Until Jesus. But.
00:06:53 Cherri Campbell
In a way, it was. It was his new birth. It was his born again experience it. It was his experience of coming into relationship with God.
00:07:03 Cherri Campbell
And he said, OK, you will be my God. I receive you as of now as my God. You will be my God.
00:07:14 Cherri Campbell
And then what will I do for you?
00:07:16 Cherri Campbell
I’ll give you a 10th.
00:07:18 Cherri Campbell
You see people who say that tithing was under the law, they are. So they’re just trying to make up all kinds of stupid excuses. Why not to tithe? They have no understanding of the Bible, and they have no understanding of covenant. How this was Abraham was 400 years.
00:07:33 Cherri Campbell
Years before is like came out of Egypt, and Abraham tithed and Jacob tithed hundreds of years before the law was ever given.
00:07:45 Cherri Campbell
Hundreds of years before there was a law.
00:07:50 Cherri Campbell
It was born out of Covenant. It was man’s part.
00:07:56 Cherri Campbell
Part of entering a covenant with God, you will be my God. I will look to you and I like to say this. You can change the word God in your mind. And then when you read it in the Bible to the word source SOURCE.
00:08:15 Cherri Campbell
God is the word. God is actually a Germanic word. It’s not even in the Bible.
00:08:22 Cherri Campbell
God in the Old Testament always had a name. He always went by either Elohim or El Shaddai or Jehovah, or one of those names. God was a Germanic word.
00:08:34 Cherri Campbell
That came into our vocabulary. So God doesn’t mean anything anyway, so it doesn’t hurt anything to change it.
00:08:40 Cherri Campbell
And use a different word. But what does it represent? It represent source, so whatever is your source that is actually your God. So if you look to your job as your source for meeting your need, then you have made your job your God.
00:08:55 Cherri Campbell
Whatever you look to as your source to take care of a need when you have a need, where do you look first? Do you look to the job? Do you look to work a few extra hours to pay the bills? Let’s say work some overtime. The job is going to take care of you. You have made your job, your source, it is your.
00:09:15 Cherri Campbell
God, because your God is your source. Whatever you look to if whenever you get sick, your first response is to jump and go to the doctor. Not that doctors are wrong. They can be second, but they can’t be first. That’s all.
00:09:33 Cherri Campbell
If you first go to God and say I look to you, you are my healer. What should I do about this? He might tell you. Just get in the word, read it, speak it, take come in and and believe you receive your healing. Otherwise he might say go to the doctor, but you go. If the Lord tells you to go.
00:09:51 Cherri Campbell
Nothing against doctors, but they cannot.
00:09:53 Cherri Campbell
Be first because they can’t even do.
00:09:55 Cherri Campbell
Everything they don’t even know very much.
00:09:59 Cherri Campbell
They really don’t know. Very.
00:10:01 Cherri Campbell
Much they end up with a.
00:10:02 Cherri Campbell
Lot of idle knows and we.
00:10:03 Cherri Campbell
00:10:05 Cherri Campbell
So why do you?
00:10:06 Cherri Campbell
Want them to be your son?
00:10:07 Cherri Campbell
00:10:08 Cherri Campbell
Go to God first so your God is your source. Your source equals God, God equals source. And that’s not sacrilegious or anything, because what does God represent? That word represents your source that you look to.
00:10:22 Cherri Campbell
What source are you looking to? The God of heaven, Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah, jirah. Or if you want to practice Hebrew, something like Jehovah Jireh something of that sound.
00:10:38 Cherri Campbell
But that’s not even exactly right, cause Jehovah actually in the original Hebrew doesn’t have vowels, it’s more like.
00:10:47 Cherri Campbell
So, you know, let’s just stick with Jehovah Jireh. It’s a little easier, but he is our God. But we know him by his names and all of his names represent who he.
00:10:59 Cherri Campbell
Is and what he does?
00:11:02 Cherri Campbell
And so that is our source. That means that’s where you look first.
00:11:08 Cherri Campbell
Hallelujah, I didn’t realize I was going to spend this much time on that third word. That’s the Holy Spirit on the third word in verse 33, God is saying wake up and yet so many Christians just.
I spent the whole.
00:11:29 Cherri Campbell
And for those of us listening to the audio, it’s.
00:11:31 Cherri Campbell
Like you just don’t get it. People, Christians are not thinking God first. They’re thinking job. Take care of me, doctor. Take care of me. And they have forgot that third word of verse 33 First God, first everything else can be 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
00:11:49 Cherri Campbell
That God first and then everybody say God first God is my source. I look to him first before I look to anything in this world or anyone.
00:12:03 Cherri Campbell
What you just heard was a continuation of Part 1 of a series of messages called the Kingdom of God. And this message is called what is the Kingdom of God? And we will continue this message next week. And if these messages are blessing you and encouraging you, building your faith and giving you new revelation, then I invite you to partner with us by supporting the radio broadcast.
00:12:24 Cherri Campbell
Your time you can do that by going to ourwebsite@victoriasspace.co Victoria’s like a champion VICTORIOU.
00:12:34 Cherri Campbell
Faithfaith.co like Colorado and go to the giving page where you can give online by Zell bank Transfer PayPal credit card or debit card and if it’s your first time to give by Zell or to partner with us, please give us your e-mail address in the memo line so that we can respond to you with our thank you and partner letter. And as always, we bless your seed.
00:12:55 Cherri Campbell
We command it to be fruitful and multiply 1 hundredfold in Jesus name, and we agree with you for your victories, breakthroughs, harvests and answers to prayer in Jesus name now have a blessed weekend and join us again next week. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.00:00:00 Cherri Campbell
Good morning. Welcome to Victoria’s faith. I’m cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue sharing with you the message I began sharing with you yesterday, which is Part 1 in a new series of messages that I’m going to share with you called the Kingdom of God. And this message Part 1 is called. What is the Kingdom of God?
00:00:20 Cherri Campbell
So join me now on our live service for Part 1 of this series. What is the Kingdom of God?
00:00:27 Cherri Campbell
Tithing requires trust, especially when you’re in that paycheck to paycheck just enough to make the the pay the bills place to pay. Tithe takes faith.
00:00:40 Cherri Campbell
That God is saying.
00:00:41 Cherri Campbell
I want your faith and I want your trust in me. And then just like a lot, I mean, that was a hard thing for Elijah.
00:00:50 Cherri Campbell
To say that the widow.
00:00:52 Cherri Campbell
She says we’re going to eat this and die. And he said OK, but make a cake and give it to me first because he was representing God.
00:01:01 Cherri Campbell
And she did.
00:01:02 Cherri Campbell
It and the oil never ran dry.
00:01:04 Cherri Campbell
The flower never ran out and they had enough every day to make it till the famine ended and there was more than enough. My grandfather and grandmother back when they used coal in their furnace, they kept it in the basement in a bin, a coal bin, and it was winter time in Indiana.
00:01:25 Cherri Campbell
Was freezing. They had to keep the furnace going. The coal furnace and there wasn’t money to buy more coal. The coal bin emptied.
00:01:35 Cherri Campbell
And literally my grandfather went down to the basement and used a boom.
00:01:40 Cherri Campbell
A broom to sweep up the crumbs and the dust.
00:01:45 Cherri Campbell
And filled up a pail.
00:01:48 Cherri Campbell
Took it upstairs and put it in the furnace and kept them warm.
00:01:53 Cherri Campbell
And he swept the bin clean.
00:01:56 Cherri Campbell
He swept it clean, went downstairs. There was more dust and crumbs.
00:02:02 Cherri Campbell
And he swept up enough dust and crumbs of coal to fill the pail.
00:02:08 Cherri Campbell
Swept the bin clean again.
00:02:11 Cherri Campbell
Went upstairs, used it in the furnace. The next time the furnace ran out, went down to the basement. The bin had more crumbs. It happened. It lasted for days, maybe a week or two, until they had gotten money to buy coal in the middle of winter. Every day there was more crumbs there. It multiplied.
00:02:32 Cherri Campbell
00:02:34 Cherri Campbell
I’ve heard stories of that. I’ve heard of the soup pot.
00:02:37 Cherri Campbell
A family sitting a missionary family on the mission field, sitting down to dinner and all they had was this one pot of soup left and family of four. I think, Mama.
00:02:48 Cherri Campbell
Served up four bowls of.
00:02:50 Cherri Campbell
Soup and emptied the pot.
00:02:53 Cherri Campbell
Wiped it out, you know, and spooned it out empty completely.
00:02:57 Cherri Campbell
And that was all they had. And it was gone. And I mean when it was done, it was gone. They had nothing left. They were satisfied with that meal.
00:03:06 Cherri Campbell
00:03:06 Cherri Campbell
The pot sat on the stove. Time for the next meal. She went over to the pot, lifted the lid.
00:03:11 Cherri Campbell
And it was.
00:03:12 Cherri Campbell
Full it filled up.
00:03:15 Cherri Campbell
And there was enough soup for another meal, and they lived on that for a few days until money came to buy food. That is not a one time miracle that has happened so many times that perhaps you know your own stories. But God says if you look to him and put him first, first means first, it doesn’t mean.
00:03:37 Cherri Campbell
He’ll take care of making sure your rent and gas and electric are paid.
00:03:42 Cherri Campbell
But it takes faith to take off the top and say God, I trust you with this. Here it is. This is my and and the other thing I thought about tithing is that it’s also the Covenant Act.
00:03:55 Cherri Campbell
It is a.
00:03:56 Cherri Campbell
Covenant app that I’m giving you what I have that I receive from you.
00:04:01 Cherri Campbell
00:04:02 Cherri Campbell
That you have and he has resources unlimited. It’s a covenant exchange. So you are doing your part of keeping a covenant and you study that Abraham made that covenant with God. When Melchizedek came after Abraham fought the battle with the 5 Kings and he got all this loot. Now Abraham was a rich man.
00:04:24 Cherri Campbell
Anyway, but he got all the loot from the battles, and Melchizedek came as the priest of God bringing bread and wine. That’s covenant meal.
00:04:33 Cherri Campbell
What did Abraham give back the tithe? Because he received the bread and wine and he gave back the tie. That was his act of making covenant with God.
00:04:47 Cherri Campbell
And that’s what God still asks from us today. And Jacob did the same thing Jacob left home.
00:04:55 Cherri Campbell
He said I’ve left home with.
00:04:56 Cherri Campbell
Nothing but a stick.
00:04:58 Cherri Campbell
He actually looked back and he recounted and remembered that after he had deceived Esau.
00:05:08 Cherri Campbell
His mom and.
00:05:08 Cherri Campbell
Daddy said. You better get out of.
00:05:10 Cherri Campbell
Town. Your brother’s gonna hunt you down.
00:05:14 Cherri Campbell
And so he sent him out with nothing but a stick.
00:05:18 Cherri Campbell
And I guess.
00:05:18 Cherri Campbell
Maybe a little pack on his back.
00:05:21 Cherri Campbell
And he slept, and the night put.
00:05:23 Cherri Campbell
His head on a rock.
00:05:25 Cherri Campbell
The next day, called the spot Bethel, the House of God because God spoke to him in the night and he said I’m making covenant with you. Just as I was with your father Abraham and your father Isaac.
00:05:36 Cherri Campbell
I’ll be with you. I’ll be your God.
00:05:40 Cherri Campbell
And Jacob woke up.
00:05:44 Cherri Campbell
And says this is the House of God. And he said OK God, I mean, you have to see where Jacob came from. There’s a huge transformation in Jacob’s life as a young man. He was. You know, Jacob means supplanter and deceiver. He was a con man.
00:06:00 Cherri Campbell
He was good at it.
00:06:02 Cherri Campbell
He was a really good practicing con man. He wasn’t the righteous, devout holy man that we would like to think of him. He was a con man.
00:06:12 Cherri Campbell
But he had an encounter with.
00:06:13 Cherri Campbell
God and it changed him.
00:06:16 Cherri Campbell
He changed into another man.
00:06:18 Cherri Campbell
And he became later, God changed his name to Israel.
00:06:22 Cherri Campbell
Taking the name L part of the God’s name.
00:06:26 Cherri Campbell
That’s all part of the covenant lesson I just love.
00:06:28 Cherri Campbell
The exchange of the names Israel L Elohim, El Shaddai. He took part of God’s name in his name. And so that’s where Jacob came into this covenant.
00:06:41 Cherri Campbell
And said OK.
00:06:42 Cherri Campbell
You will be my God. I I would call that at Bethel. Jacob’s born again. Experience. Not that he had new birth because there was no new birth.
00:06:52 Cherri Campbell
Until Jesus. But.
00:06:53 Cherri Campbell
In a way, it was. It was his new birth. It was his born again experience it. It was his experience of coming into relationship with God.
00:07:03 Cherri Campbell
And he said, OK, you will be my God. I receive you as of now as my God. You will be my God.
00:07:14 Cherri Campbell
And then what will I do for you?
00:07:16 Cherri Campbell
I’ll give you a 10th.
00:07:18 Cherri Campbell
You see people who say that tithing was under the law, they are. So they’re just trying to make up all kinds of stupid excuses. Why not to tithe? They have no understanding of the Bible, and they have no understanding of covenant. How this was Abraham was 400 years.
00:07:33 Cherri Campbell
Years before is like came out of Egypt, and Abraham tithed and Jacob tithed hundreds of years before the law was ever given.
00:07:45 Cherri Campbell
Hundreds of years before there was a law.
00:07:50 Cherri Campbell
It was born out of Covenant. It was man’s part.
00:07:56 Cherri Campbell
Part of entering a covenant with God, you will be my God. I will look to you and I like to say this. You can change the word God in your mind. And then when you read it in the Bible to the word source SOURCE.
00:08:15 Cherri Campbell
God is the word. God is actually a Germanic word. It’s not even in the Bible.
00:08:22 Cherri Campbell
God in the Old Testament always had a name. He always went by either Elohim or El Shaddai or Jehovah, or one of those names. God was a Germanic word.
00:08:34 Cherri Campbell
That came into our vocabulary. So God doesn’t mean anything anyway, so it doesn’t hurt anything to change it.
00:08:40 Cherri Campbell
And use a different word. But what does it represent? It represent source, so whatever is your source that is actually your God. So if you look to your job as your source for meeting your need, then you have made your job your God.
00:08:55 Cherri Campbell
Whatever you look to as your source to take care of a need when you have a need, where do you look first? Do you look to the job? Do you look to work a few extra hours to pay the bills? Let’s say work some overtime. The job is going to take care of you. You have made your job, your source, it is your.
00:09:15 Cherri Campbell
God, because your God is your source. Whatever you look to if whenever you get sick, your first response is to jump and go to the doctor. Not that doctors are wrong. They can be second, but they can’t be first. That’s all.
00:09:33 Cherri Campbell
If you first go to God and say I look to you, you are my healer. What should I do about this? He might tell you. Just get in the word, read it, speak it, take come in and and believe you receive your healing. Otherwise he might say go to the doctor, but you go. If the Lord tells you to go.
00:09:51 Cherri Campbell
Nothing against doctors, but they cannot.
00:09:53 Cherri Campbell
Be first because they can’t even do.
00:09:55 Cherri Campbell
Everything they don’t even know very much.
00:09:59 Cherri Campbell
They really don’t know. Very.
00:10:01 Cherri Campbell
Much they end up with a.
00:10:02 Cherri Campbell
Lot of idle knows and we.
00:10:03 Cherri Campbell
00:10:05 Cherri Campbell
So why do you?
00:10:06 Cherri Campbell
Want them to be your son?
00:10:07 Cherri Campbell
00:10:08 Cherri Campbell
Go to God first so your God is your source. Your source equals God, God equals source. And that’s not sacrilegious or anything, because what does God represent? That word represents your source that you look to.
00:10:22 Cherri Campbell
What source are you looking to? The God of heaven, Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah, jirah. Or if you want to practice Hebrew, something like Jehovah Jireh something of that sound.
00:10:38 Cherri Campbell
But that’s not even exactly right, cause Jehovah actually in the original Hebrew doesn’t have vowels, it’s more like.
00:10:47 Cherri Campbell
So, you know, let’s just stick with Jehovah Jireh. It’s a little easier, but he is our God. But we know him by his names and all of his names represent who he.
00:10:59 Cherri Campbell
Is and what he does?
00:11:02 Cherri Campbell
And so that is our source. That means that’s where you look first.
00:11:08 Cherri Campbell
Hallelujah, I didn’t realize I was going to spend this much time on that third word. That’s the Holy Spirit on the third word in verse 33, God is saying wake up and yet so many Christians just.
I spent the whole.
00:11:29 Cherri Campbell
And for those of us listening to the audio, it’s.
00:11:31 Cherri Campbell
Like you just don’t get it. People, Christians are not thinking God first. They’re thinking job. Take care of me, doctor. Take care of me. And they have forgot that third word of verse 33 First God, first everything else can be 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
00:11:49 Cherri Campbell
That God first and then everybody say God first God is my source. I look to him first before I look to anything in this world or anyone.
00:12:03 Cherri Campbell
What you just heard was a continuation of Part 1 of a series of messages called the Kingdom of God. And this message is called what is the Kingdom of God? And we will continue this message next week. And if these messages are blessing you and encouraging you, building your faith and giving you new revelation, then I invite you to partner with us by supporting the radio broadcast.
00:12:24 Cherri Campbell
Your time you can do that by going to ourwebsite@victoriasspace.co Victoria’s like a champion VICTORIOU.
00:12:34 Cherri Campbell
Faithfaith.co like Colorado and go to the giving page where you can give online by Zell bank Transfer PayPal credit card or debit card and if it’s your first time to give by Zell or to partner with us, please give us your e-mail address in the memo line so that we can respond to you with our thank you and partner letter. And as always, we bless your seed.
00:12:55 Cherri Campbell
We command it to be fruitful and multiply 1 hundredfold in Jesus name, and we agree with you for your victories, breakthroughs, harvests and answers to prayer in Jesus name now have a blessed weekend and join us again next week. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
00:00:00 Cherri Campbell
Good morning. Welcome to Victoria’s faith. I’m cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue sharing with you the message I began sharing with you yesterday, which is Part 1 in a new series of messages that I’m going to share with you called the Kingdom of God. And this message Part 1 is called. What is the Kingdom of God?
00:00:20 Cherri Campbell
So join me now on our live service for Part 1 of this series. What is the Kingdom of God?
00:00:27 Cherri Campbell
Tithing requires trust, especially when you’re in that paycheck to paycheck just enough to make the the pay the bills place to pay. Tithe takes faith.
00:00:40 Cherri Campbell
That God is saying.
00:00:41 Cherri Campbell
I want your faith and I want your trust in me. And then just like a lot, I mean, that was a hard thing for Elijah.
00:00:50 Cherri Campbell
To say that the widow.
00:00:52 Cherri Campbell
She says we’re going to eat this and die. And he said OK, but make a cake and give it to me first because he was representing God.
00:01:01 Cherri Campbell
And she did.
00:01:02 Cherri Campbell
It and the oil never ran dry.
00:01:04 Cherri Campbell
The flower never ran out and they had enough every day to make it till the famine ended and there was more than enough. My grandfather and grandmother back when they used coal in their furnace, they kept it in the basement in a bin, a coal bin, and it was winter time in Indiana.
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Was freezing. They had to keep the furnace going. The coal furnace and there wasn’t money to buy more coal. The coal bin emptied.
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And literally my grandfather went down to the basement and used a boom.
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A broom to sweep up the crumbs and the dust.
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And filled up a pail.
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Took it upstairs and put it in the furnace and kept them warm.
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And he swept the bin clean.
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He swept it clean, went downstairs. There was more dust and crumbs.
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And he swept up enough dust and crumbs of coal to fill the pail.
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Swept the bin clean again.
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Went upstairs, used it in the furnace. The next time the furnace ran out, went down to the basement. The bin had more crumbs. It happened. It lasted for days, maybe a week or two, until they had gotten money to buy coal in the middle of winter. Every day there was more crumbs there. It multiplied.
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I’ve heard stories of that. I’ve heard of the soup pot.
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A family sitting a missionary family on the mission field, sitting down to dinner and all they had was this one pot of soup left and family of four. I think, Mama.
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Served up four bowls of.
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Soup and emptied the pot.
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Wiped it out, you know, and spooned it out empty completely.
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And that was all they had. And it was gone. And I mean when it was done, it was gone. They had nothing left. They were satisfied with that meal.
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The pot sat on the stove. Time for the next meal. She went over to the pot, lifted the lid.
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And it was.
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Full it filled up.
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And there was enough soup for another meal, and they lived on that for a few days until money came to buy food. That is not a one time miracle that has happened so many times that perhaps you know your own stories. But God says if you look to him and put him first, first means first, it doesn’t mean.
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He’ll take care of making sure your rent and gas and electric are paid.
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But it takes faith to take off the top and say God, I trust you with this. Here it is. This is my and and the other thing I thought about tithing is that it’s also the Covenant Act.
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It is a.
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Covenant app that I’m giving you what I have that I receive from you.
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That you have and he has resources unlimited. It’s a covenant exchange. So you are doing your part of keeping a covenant and you study that Abraham made that covenant with God. When Melchizedek came after Abraham fought the battle with the 5 Kings and he got all this loot. Now Abraham was a rich man.
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Anyway, but he got all the loot from the battles, and Melchizedek came as the priest of God bringing bread and wine. That’s covenant meal.
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What did Abraham give back the tithe? Because he received the bread and wine and he gave back the tie. That was his act of making covenant with God.
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And that’s what God still asks from us today. And Jacob did the same thing Jacob left home.
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He said I’ve left home with.
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Nothing but a stick.
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He actually looked back and he recounted and remembered that after he had deceived Esau.
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His mom and.
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Daddy said. You better get out of.
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Town. Your brother’s gonna hunt you down.
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And so he sent him out with nothing but a stick.
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And I guess.
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Maybe a little pack on his back.
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And he slept, and the night put.
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His head on a rock.
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The next day, called the spot Bethel, the House of God because God spoke to him in the night and he said I’m making covenant with you. Just as I was with your father Abraham and your father Isaac.
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I’ll be with you. I’ll be your God.
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And Jacob woke up.
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And says this is the House of God. And he said OK God, I mean, you have to see where Jacob came from. There’s a huge transformation in Jacob’s life as a young man. He was. You know, Jacob means supplanter and deceiver. He was a con man.
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He was good at it.
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He was a really good practicing con man. He wasn’t the righteous, devout holy man that we would like to think of him. He was a con man.
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But he had an encounter with.
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God and it changed him.
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He changed into another man.
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And he became later, God changed his name to Israel.
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Taking the name L part of the God’s name.
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That’s all part of the covenant lesson I just love.
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The exchange of the names Israel L Elohim, El Shaddai. He took part of God’s name in his name. And so that’s where Jacob came into this covenant.
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And said OK.
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You will be my God. I I would call that at Bethel. Jacob’s born again. Experience. Not that he had new birth because there was no new birth.
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Until Jesus. But.
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In a way, it was. It was his new birth. It was his born again experience it. It was his experience of coming into relationship with God.
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And he said, OK, you will be my God. I receive you as of now as my God. You will be my God.
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And then what will I do for you?
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I’ll give you a 10th.
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You see people who say that tithing was under the law, they are. So they’re just trying to make up all kinds of stupid excuses. Why not to tithe? They have no understanding of the Bible, and they have no understanding of covenant. How this was Abraham was 400 years.
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Years before is like came out of Egypt, and Abraham tithed and Jacob tithed hundreds of years before the law was ever given.
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Hundreds of years before there was a law.
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It was born out of Covenant. It was man’s part.
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Part of entering a covenant with God, you will be my God. I will look to you and I like to say this. You can change the word God in your mind. And then when you read it in the Bible to the word source SOURCE.
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God is the word. God is actually a Germanic word. It’s not even in the Bible.
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God in the Old Testament always had a name. He always went by either Elohim or El Shaddai or Jehovah, or one of those names. God was a Germanic word.
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That came into our vocabulary. So God doesn’t mean anything anyway, so it doesn’t hurt anything to change it.
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And use a different word. But what does it represent? It represent source, so whatever is your source that is actually your God. So if you look to your job as your source for meeting your need, then you have made your job your God.
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Whatever you look to as your source to take care of a need when you have a need, where do you look first? Do you look to the job? Do you look to work a few extra hours to pay the bills? Let’s say work some overtime. The job is going to take care of you. You have made your job, your source, it is your.
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God, because your God is your source. Whatever you look to if whenever you get sick, your first response is to jump and go to the doctor. Not that doctors are wrong. They can be second, but they can’t be first. That’s all.
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If you first go to God and say I look to you, you are my healer. What should I do about this? He might tell you. Just get in the word, read it, speak it, take come in and and believe you receive your healing. Otherwise he might say go to the doctor, but you go. If the Lord tells you to go.
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Nothing against doctors, but they cannot.
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Be first because they can’t even do.
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Everything they don’t even know very much.
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They really don’t know. Very.
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Much they end up with a.
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Lot of idle knows and we.
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So why do you?
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Want them to be your son?
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00:10:08 Cherri Campbell
Go to God first so your God is your source. Your source equals God, God equals source. And that’s not sacrilegious or anything, because what does God represent? That word represents your source that you look to.
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What source are you looking to? The God of heaven, Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah, jirah. Or if you want to practice Hebrew, something like Jehovah Jireh something of that sound.
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But that’s not even exactly right, cause Jehovah actually in the original Hebrew doesn’t have vowels, it’s more like.
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So, you know, let’s just stick with Jehovah Jireh. It’s a little easier, but he is our God. But we know him by his names and all of his names represent who he.
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Is and what he does?
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And so that is our source. That means that’s where you look first.
00:11:08 Cherri Campbell
Hallelujah, I didn’t realize I was going to spend this much time on that third word. That’s the Holy Spirit on the third word in verse 33, God is saying wake up and yet so many Christians just.
I spent the whole.
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And for those of us listening to the audio, it’s.
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Like you just don’t get it. People, Christians are not thinking God first. They’re thinking job. Take care of me, doctor. Take care of me. And they have forgot that third word of verse 33 First God, first everything else can be 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
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That God first and then everybody say God first God is my source. I look to him first before I look to anything in this world or anyone.
00:12:03 Cherri Campbell
What you just heard was a continuation of Part 1 of a series of messages called the Kingdom of God. And this message is called what is the Kingdom of God? And we will continue this message next week. And if these messages are blessing you and encouraging you, building your faith and giving you new revelation, then I invite you to partner with us by supporting the radio broadcast.
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Your time you can do that by going to ourwebsite@victoriasspace.co Victoria’s like a champion VICTORIOU.
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00:12:55 Cherri Campbell
We command it to be fruitful and multiply 1 hundredfold in Jesus name, and we agree with you for your victories, breakthroughs, harvests and answers to prayer in Jesus name now have a blessed weekend and join us again next week. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.