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From Frozen Chickens to Moral Revival: A Call to Character


Explore the timely and provocative message by Adrian Rogers that delves into America’s spiritual and moral condition. Through an insightful examination of history, Rogers illustrates the enduring impact of righteousness on national prosperity and liberty. From the lessons of the Founding Fathers to contemporary challenges of governance and education, this sermon is a clarion call for a revival of principles rooted in divine providence. Prepare to be inspired and challenged to contribute to America’s renewal through personal holiness and collective revival.


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In this enlightening episode, we delve into the formidable power of praise, especially during life’s tumultuous storms. With heartfelt…
Sermon Overview   Scripture Passage: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30   Praise is a powerful thing, in times of joy and in times of help,…
Moving from the parable, the discussion shifts to the perils of moral relativism and the loss of religious freedom…
In today’s world, marked by moral and spiritual crises, discover the importance of maintaining integrity and steadfastness. Through Adrian…